Denim shorts on plus size girls. Shorts for plus size people: what are they? Skirt-shorts for obese women

Hot summer days force everyone to choose open and comfortable clothes that will provide maximum comfort to their owner. Shorts are considered a universal option that suits everyone - children, slender girls, men, and curvy ladies.

Shorts for curvy women

A woman who wants to look attractive and fashionable will look this way, regardless of her size and weight. Summer looks with shorts from fashion catalogs are a prime example of how you can highlight your assets with the help of these comfortable clothes. Light or dark, loose or flattering, strict or playful - shorts for obese women can be anything, it is only important to find the most suitable option for a specific figure.

Advice. No matter how strong a curvy lady’s love for experimentation may be, you should not pay attention to ultra-short and too tight shorts. Such products can look too vulgar even on a slender figure, and curvaceous figures can completely deprive one of attractiveness.

Summer shorts for plus size girls

The most suitable material for large size shorts is denim, a dense fabric that can shape your figure. But in the summer it can be hot in such products, so cotton, like linen, will be a much more comfortable solution. It is better to avoid thin and translucent fabric so as not to emphasize the imperfection of the figure.

The ideal shorts for a full figure are plain ones, even if the tone is light. Popular powder or light yellow is quite appropriate in the wardrobe of a curvaceous woman only if the product itself fits well and emphasizes pleasant shapes. If you complement these shorts with a stylish summer jacket with ¾ sleeves and neat sandals with low heels, you can get a ready-made romantic look for a date or an evening walk.

Advice. In order for shorts to “play” correctly, it is important to combine them with a suitable top: for example, complement the look with a stylish top with a fashionable print, a romantic blouse with light lace or a hooligan sweatshirt.

However, despite all the efforts of designers and stylists to attract the attention of overweight women to light shades, dark colors still remain favorites: black, blue, wine and emerald. Of course, such colors visually slim and add harmony and proportionality to the figure, but you should not overuse them in the summer.

Choosing the ideal model

Every woman with a curvaceous figure will be able to find the ideal model of shorts for herself; you just need to try and try on at least a dozen different options. The features of a full figure are such that clothing should not only emphasize the advantages that, without a doubt, any body type has, but also hide or neutralize flaws.

Among the models of shorts for obese women are:

    Shorts with a high waist. High-waisted trousers and shorts, which have recently returned to fashion, look great not only on model figures, but also on overweight earthly women. The peculiarity of this style is that a wide belt or belt, as a mandatory attribute of this model, favorably emphasizes the waist and focuses attention on it. Such highlighting of the waist against the background of lush hips and chest visually creates harmonious proportions. Those with toned thighs without visible cellulite can wear shorts that reach mid-thigh or a little shorter.

    Shorts from the New Look brand collection

    Women whose problem area is the stomach should not give up this model. Shapewear under this style will be invisible, but the pleasant curves of the silhouette will look extremely seductive.

    Everyone knows bermuda shorts- This is an ideal option for any full figure. The key role in the attractiveness of this model is played by the length (just beyond the knee) and a loose, but not shapeless style. This product successfully hides full hips, drawing attention to the smooth lines and straightness of the legs. In addition, Bermuda shorts are a universal part of the summer wardrobe, which looks good in both romantic and business styles.

    When choosing this model of shorts for yourself, you should pay attention to the fit and color, and also avoid products with excessive pretentiousness and an abundance of decor, which is often the fault of domestic manufacturers.

    Classic shorts just above the knee are suitable for any type of full figure. Slightly loose or tapered, with a small lapel and neat pockets, such shorts are an excellent replacement for both classic and unbearable knitted leggings that have flooded the domestic market.

What should curvy beauties wear with shorts?

In order for shorts on a full figure to sparkle with the right colors, it is important to choose the right frame for them. Moreover, this applies not only to the top of the image, but also to the shoes: only a completed image will make it possible to make the impression that the woman was looking for.

Leading manufacturers

It is not enough to find the ideal model of shorts for yourself; you also need to find a manufacturer who guarantees decent quality and an adequate price for this part of the wardrobe of overweight women.

Shorts from the Natura brand

Shorts from world-famous Western brands are becoming increasingly popular, targeting all body types and producing special collections for obese women.

  • Asos has established itself as a manufacturer of fashionable youth clothing in large sizes, and in the new collection the line of stylish denim shorts with a reference to retro style stands out.

For more than one season, shorts have been successfully appearing on fashion catwalks. Previously, it was believed that they belonged only on the beach. But now, to the delight of fashionistas, there are a great many options for this clothing. With the right choice, you can wear them for a walk, on a date, and even to the office. And you don’t have to be skinny. Some styles are quite suitable for beauties with curvaceous figures, they will help emphasize the advantages of the figure and tactfully hide flaws.

To correct the figure and present it most advantageously, it is important for appetizing girls to make the right choice.

ADVICE. Ultraminis or shorts with a low waist are not suitable for plump people. Such models will “cut” the figure and attract unnecessary attention to the tummy and upper thighs.

What types of shorts are suitable for women with full legs?


Products that reach to the knee or slightly below are ideal for plump legs.

To feel comfortable, you need to choose a loose model with a laconic cut without unnecessary details.

They will help to visually stretch the silhouette and lengthen the legs. These shorts are especially good for short girls.

With a wide yoke

Women like them because they make them look slim and help hide their belly.


Shorts just above the knee. They are suitable for plump girls with any type of figure. They can be slightly loose or slightly narrowed, with a small turn-up.

Suitable material

Worth choosing:

Advice: It is better to avoid thin knitwear that clings to every fold. Fabrics that are too transparent or shiny are also not suitable.

If the larger volume is in the hips and legs, it is better give up bright, flashy colors and patterns. No leopards, large prints, sharp contrasts or neon colors.

But this does not mean that you have to dress exclusively in black. There are many options.

Dark shorts will look nice gray, emerald, blue, brown, burgundy colors.

In the summer you don’t have to be afraid to include them in your wardrobe bright hues: white, beige, lilac or the now popular Tiffany color.

Prints should be discreet: thin longitudinal stripes or pastel-colored designs are ideal.

Decorate: possible, but carefully

Since there is no need for excessive attention to problem areas, it’s worth avoid large decorative elements. It is better to do without any decor. Ruffles, large rhinestones, rivets, voluminous pockets will create unnecessary additional volume and “simplify” the image. An option that makes an interesting accent and elongates the figure can be narrow stripes.

How to choose a winning combination

The good thing about shorts is that they come with them. you can create different images.

When choosing a top, you need to remember about the overall harmony that you need to achieve.

For example, light linen model It will look good with a blouse in pastel colors, soft pink or blue.

A denim will fit well into both a familiar sporty look and a romantic one. You just need to combine it with a flowy elongated top or a layered version of a T-shirt and the loose edge of a jacket.

Wherein shoes plays the role of “cherry on the cake”. By complementing this outfit with mirrored sneakers or white sneakers, you can go to a meeting with your girlfriends.

Wearing mid-heeled sandals, feel free to go on a date.

IMPORTANT! Do not wear very high-heeled shoes with short shorts to avoid looking vulgar. Especially if the heel is complemented by a platform.

By taking a basic item, such as Bermuda shorts, on vacation, you can create an endless number of looks.

Comfortable sandals, a loose top and a backpack - and you are ready to explore all the local attractions.

And in the evening, complementing your Bermuda shorts with an off-the-shoulder top, a hat and pumps, you can appear in a restaurant.

How to choose the right shorts for a woman with full legs

Useful tips to help you look attractive in shorts.

Each female figure has its own characteristics. Completeness is distributed differently. The shape and length of the legs are also different.

And there cannot be universal laws for choosing clothes that would suit absolutely everyone. Therefore, we read the following advice. Don't be afraid to experiment! Shorts that don't fit well on someone else may fit you. Therefore, it is important not to be shy and search. And they will definitely be found, your ideal shorts!

Women with curvy figures often do not wear shorts in the summer. But in vain. After all, if you choose the right model and style, shorts for obese women will highlight a beautiful silhouette. Many companies offer illustrations in catalogs where you can purchase suitable material. However, before purchasing, it is recommended to study the features of the choice and photos of shorts for overweight girls.

How to choose the right shorts for overweight women

Fashionistas with curvy figures find it difficult to choose the right model for summer or spring. However, if you follow the advice of stylists, you can buy a product that will visually hide imperfections and slim your figure.

  • Loose-fitting shorts are good for curvy girls.
  • Women's Bermuda shorts are the perfect addition to your wardrobe.
  • It is recommended to choose materials such as cotton, jersey, linen.
  • Long-cut denim shorts are acceptable.

Some fashionistas often wonder whether plump girls can wear shorts. Stylists clearly answer this question with a unanimous “yes”. It’s no wonder that famous designers Ralph Lauren, Svesta, Stella McCartney and other famous couturiers produce special clothes for plus-size ladies. After all, in summer you need to wear comfortable, convenient and beautiful clothes. Fashionable shorts for obese women, photo of materials shown, do an excellent job with the above tasks.

When choosing a style, it is not recommended to try on excessively short shorts. These models can worsen the external image.

Medium length is the optimal solution for overweight girls.

You should also avoid voluminous decorative designs in the form of patch pockets, rhinestones and patterns. Plain styles with a minimal amount of detail are ideal for full ladies.

What to wear with shorts for overweight girls - photo images

In order for clothes to emphasize the advantages of a curvaceous figure, it is necessary to combine outfits correctly. Some girls avoid wearing shorts because they don’t know how or what to wear them with. Fashion tips will help you create the right and beautiful look. An excellent option for girls who have complexes about their figure is a combination of shorts and a tunic. The elongated style will visually hide the area of ​​the abdomen, buttocks and hips. In this look, fashionistas will feel confident and comfortable. For this combination, you can choose a long tank top or an elegantly cut T-shirt.

Long shorts can be used as an office option.

In this case, they can be combined with a shirt or blouse. This ensemble is ideal for hot weather. Stylists recommend choosing shorts for business style in brown, gray, black, white or sand.
Designers recommend not to be afraid to create interesting outfits using shorts. T-shirts or tops can be tucked inside the bottom. This combination is ideal for women with a flat tummy. Shorts for overweight girls, photos, can decorate any ensemble.

Most representatives of the fair sex believe that shorts for overweight girls are strictly contraindicated. Meanwhile, some varieties of this wardrobe item look even better on curvy fashionistas than a skirt or trousers.

What shorts are suitable for plus size girls?

Famous fashion houses and manufacturers of women's clothing in each of their collections present shorts for overweight girls, which emphasize the roundness and femininity of appetizing shapes. Depending on what features a girl’s figure has, she can choose models of different lengths and from different materials. At the same time, it is recommended that chubby women avoid certain products.

What shorts are suitable for full legs?

The question of which shorts to choose for full legs is often asked by girls to fashion stylists. In fact, choosing the right model for a silhouette with such a feature is incredibly difficult, since fashionistas want to hide overly full legs, and not show them off in all their glory. In order not to draw attention to their shortcomings, it is best for young ladies with this type of figure to choose ones that are just below the kneecap or 8-10 centimeters short of it.

Bermuda shorts for full legs should have a simple straight cut, a low degree of fit and a minimum number of decorative elements. It is especially not recommended to wear such wardrobe items with ruffles and flounces - these stylistic features visually add volume, which is strictly contraindicated if you have massive legs. In addition, you should not give preference to models with a high waistline and a belt that contrasts in color with the main material.

What shorts are suitable for full hips?

Shorts for overweight women with excessively wide hips and slender ankles are much easier to choose. In this case, Bermuda shorts that slightly cover the knees would also be an ideal choice, however, there are other obviously advantageous options. So, beauties with rounded feminine hips are well suited for linen models, items made of thick knitwear and practical denim items. All shorts for full hips should be combined with a voluminous top, decorated with ruffles, frills or pleats. This ensemble will help balance the silhouette and make it more proportional.

Shorts for obese women with a belly

For girls with a protruding belly, women's shorts for plus-size women with a high waistline are suitable. At the same time, you cannot choose models with an elastic band - it is correct to give preference to options with a belt or yoke. When choosing a belt for such a model, you need to be very careful - an overly wide accessory or item that contrasts in color with the main material will focus on the stomach and draw attention to the main flaw of the figure.

Shorts for plus size 2017

In 2017, demonstrating femininity and roundness became one of the main trends. The collections of many brands and manufacturers of women's clothing feature plus-size models who are not shy about their figure. For this reason, shorts for overweight girls 2017 can be different - it is not necessary to wear overly loose models that drape all the protruding parts of the body.

Meanwhile, some models remain taboo. Thus, shorts for overweight representatives of the fair sex in the coming season cannot have the following styles:

  • ending at the level of the buttocks;
  • any models that end exactly in the middle of the kneecap. This option visually shortens the silhouette, so it is contraindicated for all women who cannot boast of ideal slimness;
  • “bicycle shorts”, emphasizing all the imperfections of the figure;
  • excessively tight products made from synthetic materials with a high elastane content;
  • any styles with horizontal stripes or other patterns in a similar direction.

Women's summer shorts for plus size

Stylish and attractive summer shorts for plus-size women will allow their owner to feel unique comfort even in the hottest weather. To feel good, chubby women need to choose products made from natural materials that flow freely over the body and are not tight. Although the collections of clothing manufacturers for beautiful ladies present many models with a slimming and corrective effect, it is recommended to avoid them in the summer, since the skin simply does not breathe in them.

Skirt-shorts for obese women

Among the options presented, the most versatile and optimal model is considered to be a short skirt for overweight girls, which very successfully drapes problem areas and distracts attention from figure flaws. Such a skirt can have different lengths - if a woman, despite her fullness, has beautiful and relatively slender legs, she can even afford a mini-piece that does not reach her knees.

If shorts-skirts for overweight ladies are to be worn at work, they must cover the kneecap and have a discreet, monochromatic design. However, not all colors are allowed - the optimal choice for the office are black, gray, brown, blue and burgundy. In addition, in the warm season, this palette can be diluted with soft blue, mint, beige and lilac.

Denim shorts for plus size girls

Practical denim shorts for obese women will never lose their relevance. Thanks to the features and structure of natural denim, this fabric softly models shapes, but does not cling to them, thereby hiding certain figure imperfections. Denim shorts on overweight girls look best if they have a straight cut and are not overloaded with additional trim and decoration, with the exception of abrasions, fringes and lapels. In addition, such a model should not have any pockets - too large ones will add volume, and small ones will visually enlarge the buttocks.

High-waisted shorts for plus-size women

Fat girls look great in high-waisted shorts. This style helps them acquire a beautiful and well-defined proportional silhouette, reminiscent of an hourglass. At the same time, the emphasis is placed simultaneously on the chubby chick’s luxurious breasts and her feminine hips, so the image turns out to be unusually seductive for representatives of the opposite sex. Plus-size fashionistas can choose any plus size shorts that have a high waist, but they are advised to avoid.

Short shorts for plus size girls

Only the most daring and confident girls who are not shy about their figure can wear short shorts on full legs. As a general rule, women with appetizing shapes are contraindicated from wearing products that do not reach the middle of the kneecap by 10 centimeters or more. This is especially true for options that have a tapered cut. However, at home or in the gym, plus-size girls can turn to ultra-short models that do not restrict movement and provide maximum freedom.

In order not to experience discomfort in such things, it is recommended to choose loose-fitting wardrobe items made from natural materials or synthetic fabrics, designed specifically for the correction of curvy figures. In addition, to improve the appearance of the product, such models are often decorated with vertical stripes located on the sides. This technique visually elongates the silhouette and reduces the circumference of the hips.

Women's summer overalls with shorts for plus size

In the summer, fashionable overalls become especially popular, which can be worn together with simple and laconic T-shirts, blouses, tops or. In addition, some variations can be used as an independent product. These wardrobe items are incredibly comfortable and practical; in addition, they look attractive and shape the silhouette, bringing it closer to the recognized ideal.

Meanwhile, not all models of overalls are suitable for women with appetizing shapes. Thus, shorts for full legs and hips in such products should not be too short or tapered, and special attention should be paid to the choice of material. Fabrics that hug the body or lie very loosely on it are completely unsuitable here. The ideal choice would be natural cotton, linen or denim - materials that mask figure imperfections and allow the skin to breathe.

What should fat girls wear with shorts?

There are many options for how to wear shorts for overweight girls. This item of women's wardrobe is best combined with shirts, blouses and T-shirts, which should not be tucked into the bottom of the look. It is better not to use crop tops if you are overweight - they expose a strip of body and make the overall appearance unattractive. The upper part of a fashionable look should contrast stylistically with the lower part - in addition to plain dark shorts, which in most cases are chosen by “chubby” ones, you should choose bright and catchy products, and vice versa.

As a rule, girls with appetizing shapes have luxurious breasts and are proud of them. To highlight the beauty and attractiveness of your bust, you can wear a blouse with a V-neck and a deep neckline. This way, a fashionista can shift the emphasis to the upper part and divert the attention of others from her full legs and hips. In addition, do not forget that it visually elongates the silhouette - if possible, you should definitely wear elegant shoes or sandals.

Bullseye body type

If you're a plus-size woman, these loose-fitting denim shorts with frayed hems are just what you need. They'll define your shape where it's needed and accentuate your legs, while the loose fit will make you feel more comfortable.

Thumbelina body type

If you're a petite, petite girl, tiny white denim roll-up shorts are a great choice to flatter your curves and instantly make your legs look longer. Remember, shorts should be tight enough to accentuate your body lines. Plus, white shorts can freshen up any look.

Elongated body and not too long legs

Your main goal here is to make your legs appear longer. To pull this off, balance out the look with straight-fit, mid-thigh-length denim shorts—a rolled hem and a few rips will focus the attention on your legs. To maintain balance between your upper body and lower body, wear these shorts with eye-catching shoes - tie sandals are ideal for this task.

Tall and slender figure

We can't hide the truth any longer - Bermuda shorts were created specifically for girls with long and slender legs. You must have these in your wardrobe to make this summer unforgettable.

Athletic body type

If you have an athletic build, you will undoubtedly want to show off your toned legs to others. Short shorts will help draw attention to the slenderness of your legs and emphasize your hips - this summer you will not be able to hide from admiring glances!

If you have a tummy

Short and loose, high-waisted beach-style shorts will help hide your baby bump and balance out your waist. Bring out your inner boho goddess and add a casual touch to your look - flaps and rips on the shorts, plus a loose top, will come in handy.

Long legs and short torso

Do you have long legs? You are just lucky! Experiment with stripes, whether vertical or horizontal, and don't worry about them making your legs look shorter. In fact, this technique elongates the overall look by highlighting the legs and drawing attention away from the midsection.

Body type "long-legged beauty"

Long legs are made to show off, causing the envy of others. The bleach effect shorts will draw everyone's attention to your divine legs, so walk proudly and boldly. For those who prefer a classic style of clothing, combine these shorts with a blazer for a more stylish look.

Juicy pear body type

Girls with luscious thighs look amazing in short shorts with pockets on the outside. The high hem makes the legs look longer, and the inverted pockets create the illusion of a game of hide-and-seek, subtly covering the upper thighs. Tuck your blouse into your shorts to accentuate your waist.

Boyish body type

Girls with a boyish body structure can endlessly experiment with prints and colors without being afraid to go beyond what is permitted. Be bold and daring and combine different patterns and colors into one look! The pattern on the shorts will draw attention to your hips, visually adding femininity to your curves.

Hourglass figure type

If you have an hourglass figure, loose-fitting shorts that accentuate your waist are what you need this summer. To define your waistline, wear a colorful belt, crop top, or tuck your blouse into your shorts. Shorts with rips will add a carefree look to your look, while at the same time showing off your figure's assets - slender legs and a small waist.

Shopping ideas from the portal “I Buy”:

Translation from English.

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