The sneakers have become too small, what should I do? How to stretch sneakers at home

It often happens that in a store we try on and buy sneakers that we think fit perfectly. But then, after walking in them longer and more actively, we feel that the shoes are tight and cause discomfort. But wearing and training in tight shoes is not only uncomfortable, but also unsafe for the feet. If possible, it's worth exchanging your sneakers for a larger pair. But if you don’t have one, you can try to cope with such a task as stretching sneakers yourself. Experts say that this is possible, since most of the materials used today for the production of sneakers are stretchable. The width of the shoe stretches quite easily. A special spray may be sufficient for this. But is it possible to stretch sneakers in length? This is also possible, but not more than one size. You need to know what methods will help you do this.

Even shoes that are perfectly your size can cause discomfort and pressure. It happens that all the inconvenience is associated only with the newness of the shoes. Then it will be very easy to deal with how to break in sneakers that are too tight. Enough for walking around the apartment in shoes for several days. Before putting it on you can lubricate the back of the sneakers with soapy water or alcohol, which will help reduce the risk of calluses.

If your shoes are pinching in a certain place, for example, in the area of ​​the big toe or little finger, you can try use a regular hair dryer, because we know that when heated, an object can expand. Turn on the hot air and direct it to the problem area, hold for 2-3 minutes. This will help to widen the shoe slightly.

What means can be used?

When you bought your sneakers, you thought they were the right size for you, but after wearing them for the first time, calluses appeared? It happens. If it is not possible to exchange shoes, you can try using improvised means. They may be able to cope with the task of making sneakers a size larger.

  • Popular home method - shoe softening. For this, products such as alcohol, cologne, castor or regular sunflower oil are used. One of the products is to lubricate the sneakers outside and inside, either completely or only in problem areas. Then you need to wear the pair wearing warm socks.
  • If you have to put on your shoes immediately after purchasing them, you can use alcohol spray for tight areas. This can also be a solution to the problem of breaking in sneakers at home.

Please note that a lot depends on the material. Here are the recommendations given by experts on this matter:

  • Leather sneakers You can try treating it with boiling water. It will soften the shoes and make them easier to wear.
  • For shoes made from natural materials, fabric or rubber, you can try to use the method of lengthening and expanding shoes, familiar to our grandmothers, using newspapers. First you need to hold the sneakers over the steam, then stuff them with wet newspapers. It is important to dry the products naturally to prevent their deformation.
  • If sneakers suede, you can try to hide from their tightness using a freezer. You need to place a plastic bag or even a simple balloon inside the shoe, pour cold water and leave it in the freezer overnight. This even solves the problem of stretching sneakers to fit. But do not resort to this method for shoes made of genuine leather, as they will simply “shrink”.
  • Synthetic materials they stretch extremely poorly, and not all home methods are safe for them. But you can still slightly increase their width. To do this, you need to put on wet, bulky socks and wear your shoes in them.

Popular ways to stretch sneakers

Methods that have been known to people for a long time can help you cope with the task of stretching sneakers at home. Of course, you should initially evaluate your capabilities so as not to spoil the shoes you just bought, and only then start working with them.

Using socks

The army men know how to wear sneakers with socks, from whom this method originated. You will need socks that are as thick as possible, preferably cotton. They need to be soaked in warm water and squeezed well. Put wet socks on your feet and wear tight shoes. Wear sneakers until your socks are dry. When this happens, take off your sneakers and stuff them tightly with crumpled newspaper. This measure is necessary so that the newspaper collects all the moisture remaining inside the shoes.

Alcohol method

When trying to figure out how to stretch your sneakers, you can use alcohol or regular vodka. They need thoroughly wet the inside of the sneakers and then put them on. After this, the sneakers are wetted on top and worn for two hours. This will not only help stretch them, but also soften the parts that are too stiff.

Once again about the freezer and hair dryer

It’s worth taking a closer look at how you can stretch your shoes using the freezer. For this you will need a freezer, plain water and a plastic bag. Sneakers must first be washed and dried. After this, water is drawn into the bag and it is tied tightly. Make sure there are no holes in it, otherwise you risk hopelessly ruining your shoes. The package is placed in the problematic sneakers, after which they are put into the refrigerator. The peculiarity of this method is the ability of water to increase in volume, transforming from a liquid to a solid state. You must wait until the liquid freezes, then remove the sneakers. Do not remove the package immediately. Let the liner melt a little, then carefully remove it.

A hair dryer, as already mentioned, can be used to stretch certain pressing or pinching parts of sneakers. Under its action, the skin stretches and takes on the necessary shape. When using this method, be careful that the adhesive in the seam area does not bleed due to high temperatures.

Chemical method

The simplest and most popular method to help stretch sneakers in length or width. It will require special spray designed for stretching shoes. They are sold in shoe stores. Treat the inside of the sneakers with the product and put them on. Walk around in your shoes for a period of time until you feel that the hard areas have softened and the sneakers now fit comfortably on your feet.

This method can be used for genuine leather products. But first you should test the reaction of the material to the spray. Apply a small amount of product in an inconspicuous place on the shoe, for example, on the inside of the lacing or on the edge of the shoe tongue. Wait a couple of hours. If the skin tone has changed in the areas of application, it is better not to use the spray, otherwise you will irreversibly damage your shoes. If no changes were noticed, you can safely use the chemical method.

Radical measures

If none of the methods listed above produce results, and you cannot exchange the goods, you should not hide your sneakers in the far corner of the closet, watching them with a sad look. You can try to solve the problem mechanically, using special form holders– wooden blocks with a screw mechanism that provides force tension.

The pads are sold in specialized stores. It is worth choosing wooden options, preferably from birch, beech or cedar. There are such mold holders made of plastic, but they are completely fragile and short-lived. If you are going to buy pads, then they should be good and expensive ones. Don't skimp on them, since they can come in handy more than once, not only for stretching shoes, but also for maintaining them in good condition.

Spray your sneakers with a special shoe spray, alcohol or regular glass cleaner, insert the pads there and stretch them to the maximum. Leave the shoes on for a day. Then take out the form holders, put on your shoes and evaluate the result. If necessary, the procedure is repeated.

If no methods are effective, or you are simply afraid of ruining your new sneakers with your amateur efforts, you can play it safe and go to a shoe workshop. There, specialists can help stretch your shoes (within reasonable limits, of course), without damaging them.

These were common and effective ways to stretch your sneakers at home. You have the right to decide what to choose. Just remember that harsh methods such as freezing or stretching with pads can ruin many materials, in particular thin leather. Before trying to stretch your shoes by force, try just walking around in them for a few days. Maybe after this the material will give in on its own, and the sneakers will fall apart. Well, in the future, when buying shoes, try them on carefully.

No one is immune from trouble. We bought a wonderful pair of sneakers, brought them home, and for some reason they cause discomfort. The effectiveness of sports activities, as well as the health of your feet, depend on the comfort of sneakers.

Don’t rush to put them on the shelf and forget about their existence. Give your sneakers a chance to live and try stretching them to your size.

You should definitely consider what material your shoes are made of. You can stretch leatherette and leather products. Keep in mind, other material may lose its original appearance or become deformed.

note that Some models have a molded sole, with a hard heel and toe. Such shoes can only be increased in width.

Important! It is impossible to increase the size range, i.e. change the length of the product by more than one centimeter!

Four affordable ways to stretch your sneakers

There are several ways to do stretching at home.

Temperature effect

High and low temperatures will help solve the problem with tight shoes.

The first method is ice stretching

You will need to prepare plastic bags. You will also need water and a freezer. Sneakers must be clean and dry.

  • Take the package and first check its integrity.
  • Pour water into it and tie it tightly.
  • Place the bags in your shoes and put the structure in the refrigerator.

Reference. Water increases in volume when it changes from a liquid to a solid state.

  • When the liquid turns into ice, take out the sneakers. Give the ice a little time to thaw so as not to damage the shoes when removing them. Carefully remove the package. The sneakers will become stretched out.

The second method is heat treatment


This method is suitable for stretching individual areas that cause discomfort. To you You will need a regular household hair dryer.

  • Take the device and point the nozzle at the pressure element in the shoe.
  • Use a stream of hot air to heat the skin in a targeted manner, this area will heat up and soften..
  • Wear a sock to avoid getting burned. Put on your shoes, walk around a little in sneakers. The material will cool and take the desired shape. Taking your sneakers in will become easier.

Just don’t be too zealous; the glue in the seams may soften and leak from prolonged heating.

Hot water

You can also use hot water.

  • Pour boiling water inside the sneakers that are too tight. Allow 10 minutes for exposure.
  • Stuff with newspaper to remove moisture. Change the paper as it swells.

Important! Hot water stretching is suitable for genuine leather products.


Another “hot” method is steam. If you are concerned about the appearance of your shoes, replace hot water with a steam bath.

  • Hold your sneakers over the spout of a boiling kettle.
  • Make sure that the steam gets strictly inside the shoes.
  • Put them on your feet and walk around in them until they cool down.

The third method is alcohol

The alcoholic method of stretching is carried out using alcohol, vodka, lotion.

  • We moisten the sneakers generously from the inside and put them on your feet. You can wet your socks first and then put on your shoes.
  • Then we moisten the outside of the shoes with alcohol.
  • After two hours you can take off your shoes. The material will not only stretch to the size you need, but will also soften.

The fourth method is using improvised means

Wool socks

The sock method is also called the army method. You will need thick woolen socks and warm water..

  • Wet your socks.
  • Put on your wet socks and put your feet in tight shoes.
  • Walk like this until things dry.
  • After this, stuff the sneakers tightly with paper so that it absorbs any remaining moisture.


Stock up on printed materials in advance to help you.

  • Hold the shoes over steam to soften the material.
  • Stuff your sneakers tightly with pre-moistened sheets of newspapers or magazines.
  • Try to do this carefully, do not deform the shape of the shoe..

Reference. In this way you can stretch the product in width.

  • Dry your sneakers naturally, do not place them near heating devices.
  • As the paper dries, remove it.
  • If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.

Other stretching agents


Rub the inside of the sneakers with 3% table vinegar. An excellent option for softening the material. Be sure to dry and ventilate after the procedure to remove the specific odor.

Castor oil/ Drying oil

Using a cloth or cotton swab, apply the product to the underside of the sole. It softens the skin well and creates a wonderful barrier against street moisture.


If they cause discomfort, moisturize the heel and toe areas from the inside out. And then rub these places well with 72% laundry soap.


Carefully process the inside of the product. Stuff it tightly with rags or put it on your feet and walk for 30 minutes. After the procedure, be sure to place the sneakers on the balcony for air.

Glass cleaning liquid

The technique is the same as when using kerosene. The thicker the socks you wear, the more the shoes wear out.

Use of special means

Devices for mechanical stretching of shoes

If you do not dare to conduct independent experiments on new sneakers, then take them to a good master.

In a shoe workshop, your shoes will be stretched professionally using lasts.

Under the influence of temperature and sliding metal spacers, specialists will bring the shoes to the desired size.

Don’t forget, the resource of leather products is not unlimited! Don't risk going up too much.

Sprays and foams

This is the easiest way to add length or width to your shoes..


All you need to do is buy stretch marks spray. For leather products, use a spray designed specifically for leather.

Important! You cannot treat leather shoes with a product adapted for leatherette.

  • To avoid trouble, conduct a test to see how the material reacts to this product. If the skin has not changed color or shrunk, then feel free to use the spray.
  • Direct the stream inside the sneakers and moisten the coating generously.
  • Put them on your feet and walk around in them.
  • When you feel that the hard places have become softer, you can take them off your feet, your sneakers have stretched.


  • Shake the foam canister thoroughly.
  • Apply the contents evenly to the inner and outer surfaces of problem areas.
  • Wear foam-treated sportswear over a thick sock.
  • Walk around the apartment in them until the stretching agent is completely dry.

Additionally, one last piece of advice. Sometimes all you need to do is change your insoles. Take out the thick ones, replace them with thin ones and forget about those sneakers ever being narrow!

Have you ever encountered a situation where sneakers that fit perfectly when you tried them on in a store later turned out to be a little too small? What to do in such a situation? The easiest way to deal with tight sneakers is to return them to the store or change them to a larger size. But what to do if the deadline for returning has expired, and there is no way to sell or exchange them? In this case, you can try stretching your sneakers at home.

Width stretch

To stretch your sneakers wider, you can use both folk remedies and those specially developed by shoe manufacturers. First, let's use what we have at hand. Soak thick wool socks in hot water. Wait until they cool down a bit. Put on your feet, then put on your sneakers. In order for the shoes to take the shape of the foot and stop pressing from the sides, you need to walk in sneakers and socks for at least an hour. If necessary, repeat the procedure several times.

Vodka is another folk remedy that helps stretch sneakers wide. Wet the inside of the shoes generously and put them on your feet. Now wet the outside of the sneakers. Walk around in them for at least two hours or until the vodka dries completely. This method works best for athletic shoes made from fabric or non-elastic materials.

Length stretch

You can stretch your sneakers to length at home using newspapers and steam. Hold the shoes over boiling water until the material softens slightly. Moisten newspapers with water and stuff them tightly into your sneakers. Don't overdo it, proceed carefully. Make sure that the sneakers do not become deformed or lose their shape. Leave the softened and newspaper-stuffed shoes to dry at room temperature. Do not speed up the drying process or place your sneakers near heating devices or in direct sunlight. After the shoes are dry, try them on. If one stretch is not enough, repeat the procedure again.

Sometimes discomfort can be caused by a hard heel or a tight sock. Try softening them with steam, and then knead the problem areas with your hands. Particularly hard material can be lightly beaten with a smooth hammer head. Do this carefully. Otherwise, the appearance and shape of the sneakers will suffer.

Leather and suede

Leather and suede products are the easiest to stretch and take the desired shape. It is enough to wet your shoes with water, put on a thick sock, put on sneakers and walk around in them for a couple of hours. 2-3 such procedures are enough to obtain optimal results.

You can also achieve a pleasant shoe width if you use professional stretchers from well-known brands Salton and Salamander. These products are sprayed onto the problem area, soften it and ensure a comfortable fit for the shoes.

One of the folk remedies that allow you to increase your sneakers size is ice. Place a thick plastic bag inside your shoes and fill it with water. Tie tightly and place in the freezer overnight. After the specified time, take out the shoes and let them warm up a little. Do not remove the ice packs immediately. Wait until the water melts, otherwise the material may be damaged. Remove the containers with water and dry the shoes at room temperature.

The opposite method is no less effective - stretching natural leather sneakers with hot water. Pour boiling water over the inside of the shoes. After 10 minutes, put on your sneakers and walk for 30-40 minutes. It is advisable not just to walk, but to perform active actions (squats, jumping, etc.). In this case, the load on the softened skin will be greater, which means it will quickly take the desired shape.

You can also use a hairdryer and vegetable oil. Hold the shoes under the hot air for a few minutes. After the sneakers have softened sufficiently, grease them with sunflower oil and put them on thick socks. Walk around for an hour. Remove any remaining oil with a napkin.


Stretching textile sneakers should be done very carefully and carefully. The most effective result when stretching such shoes can be achieved using boiling water. Place the sneakers in the bath. Pour boiling water over it. While the sneakers are cooling, put on thick socks. Put on your shoes and walk until your shoes are dry. If necessary, repeat the described steps again.

Using paper and rags also helps a lot in stretching tight textile shoes. Soak them in water and stuff the sneakers tightly. Wait until completely dry and remove the padding. Don't use newspapers. They can leave streaks and ruin the appearance of the shoes.


Shoes made from leather substitutes do not withstand shape changes well. Leatherette sneakers should never be exposed to temperature changes, nor should boiling water, ice or steam be used to stretch them. Is it even possible to stretch such capricious and unreliable material at home? Yes, you can. And alcohol-containing products, such as cologne, will help with this.

If you have tried all the methods described and still cannot stretch your shoes, try taking out the insoles and walking around for a while without them.

Soak thick socks in cologne or vodka and put them on your feet. Put on your sneakers and walk around the apartment for about half an hour. Repeat the procedure at least 10 times. Only perseverance and perseverance will help you wear leatherette shoes.

Here are a few more products that can be used to treat leatherette sneakers to effectively soften them:

  • 3% vinegar solution - soak a cotton swab in it and saturate the inner surface of the products;
  • kerosene - applied to the inside of the shoe;
  • glass washing liquid - applied liberally to the inside and outside of the products.

If you have tried all the methods described and still cannot stretch your shoes, try taking out the insoles and walking around for a while without them. The legs will not be very comfortable in such conditions, but they will gain a few necessary millimeters.

New clothes bought in a store are not always as comfortable in the gym. Changing the size of the product is quite possible. Fabric sneakers stretch well, but they also change shape quickly. The best way to solve the problem is to go to a shoemaker. To change the length of shoes, a specialist uses lasts. On sale today you can find their analogue - spacers. Use special sprays and creams to expand your sneakers.

If sneakers cause a feeling of discomfort when worn, and ordinary means for stretching shoes do not help, then use proven folk advice.


If your winter shoes are too tight, use the frozen water method. Fill the bag with water and place it in the product. Leave the product in the freezer for half a day. If it's cold outside, you can leave your sneakers on the balcony. When water freezes, it will expand and stretch the product evenly. Bring your sneakers into a warm room and wait for the weather to melt. Re-wear your shoes to make sure they are not too tight.

New fabric

A fabric product needs delicate care, so take your time choosing a method:

  1. Boiling water. Place the shoes in the bath and pour boiling water over them. Then drain the water, put the product on your socks and wear it until it dries;
  2. Rags. We wet them in water and fill the sneakers with them. We wait until the shoes are completely dry. The rag should be white to prevent streaks from appearing on the product.;
  3. At home. A pair is worn at home until it stretches and takes on the desired size. This will take a lot of time, but will allow you to resolve the issue naturally.

The following methods are suitable for changing the size of fabric shoes:

  1. Newspapers. Shoes must be rinsed in warm water. After this, take sheets of newspaper, roll them up and place them in your sneakers. After 7 days the material will stretch. It is recommended to fill the product with damp newspapers. Wait until the item dries and put it on your foot. Shoes should be comfortable;
  2. Oats. Fill the sneaker with cereal. Moisten it with water in advance and leave it overnight to swell. Shake out the cereal and walk around in your shoes until it dries completely;
  3. Potato . Peel the potatoes and leave them inside the product overnight. The product will not leave any odor. In the morning, take it out and wipe your shoes with a rag.

Every person faces the problem of narrow shoes and boots in the toe, heel and shaft. Unfortunately, such custom-made products are very expensive, and choosing one that will immediately fit your leg is difficult and almost impossible.

Most people have to look for ways to stretch their shoes at home, because they don’t want to return their favorite new thing, but they also don’t want to walk around with blisters. Is it possible to stretch shoes or sneakers to size? Can. If you have such a problem, use home methods on how to break in shoes that are too tight.

Water packs

If the couple is too tight, try another interesting life hack - freezing.

As the liquid freezes, it expands in volume, allowing new shoes to break in faster.

To stretch the boots you will need clean distilled water and tightly sealed bags.

How to stretch rubber boots, shoes or sneakers:

  1. Fill 2 large or medium (check by size) zip-L lock bags with water. There should be enough liquid so that they stretch well when frozen. Squeeze all the air out of the bags and seal.
  2. Place them in boots and place them in the freezer for 4-8 hours. During this time, the liquid will have time to freeze.
  3. When the water turns to ice (check the refrigerator occasionally, it may happen much sooner), remove from the freezer, remove the bags and put on your boots.

If necessary, repeat the process to stretch them another size.

Medical alcohol

There are many special sprays available in online stores that help with stretching if your shoes are too tight. But why shell out big bucks when you can get the same results with inexpensive rubbing alcohol?

It can also be used to clean stains.

Alcohol works best on natural fabrics. If you are wondering how to stretch leather shoes at home, then know that this method is one of the best.

Test the alcohol on an inconspicuous area to see if the paint starts to peel off or not. The method is used only once; repeated use of this method is not recommended.

To widen or lengthen narrow shoes you will need rubbing alcohol, a spray bottle or cotton pads.

How to stretch new shoes:

  1. Since the product is easier to spray, transfer it to another bottle. If you don’t have a spray bottle, use a cotton pad or white cotton cloth (do not use a colored one, it may fade).
  2. Spray rubbing alcohol onto tight areas of your boots. Do not spare any money, pour it generously on those places where leather shoes are too tight. The fabric must become damp for the shoes to stretch well.
  3. Put it on your feet and try to trample it. Walk around in it until the alcohol dries. The product works while they are wet.
  4. If the shoes are small after the manipulations done, then how to break the shoes in? The issue is resolved. Soak thick socks in alcohol and put the product back on. Walk in your shoes until the alcohol completely evaporates from your socks.

After such manipulations, she no longer presses.

Remember that alcohol should not be used if there are wounds on your feet. Or first cover them with a bactericidal adhesive bandage.


If your shoes are too tight, how can you stretch them? This question is really relevant. And it appears after the purchase, when the first calluses have formed on the heels and toes.

Stretching shoes lengthwise using this method is unlikely to succeed, but expanding the material will work.

This method is suitable if the fabric is not natural, but is leatherette. It is also recommended to use it if you need to break in sneakers or stretch suede or patent leather.

How to quickly break in new shoes:

  1. Take a lot of newspapers, or better yet, clean sheets of paper so that the paint does not transfer to the fabric. Wrinkle them up and moisten them with water.
  2. Wring out the sheets well and stuff them tightly into the shoes.
  3. Leave the paper inside until completely dry. It will take the shape of the shoe and stretch it evenly.

Don't overdo it with this method. Even with regular paper, new shoes can become deformed, lose their appearance, or the soles may become detached from the base.

How to increase your shoe size is not a problem, but decreasing it will be impossible.

It's time to use your chemistry lessons and learn how to stretch leather or suede shoes. The thermal method can only be used on these types of products. Another fabric may not stand up to the heat, and your favorite item will end up in the trash.

You will need to wash the products, take a hairdryer and prepare clean socks.

How to break in new shoes:

  1. Wear thick socks. If you feel they are not tight enough, use a second pair. It is necessary that the products fit snugly on the leg. You should also know that the denser the material, the thicker the socks should be.
  2. Wear tight shoes. If your leg is difficult to climb through, use a special spoon.
  3. Turn on the hairdryer to maximum airflow and direct a stream of hot air to the places where your shoes are pinching.
  4. Continue blowing hot air on the areas where your shoes are too small for a few minutes. While blowing, try to wiggle your toes. This makes the shoes stretch faster.
  5. Turn off the hair dryer and continue wearing it out.
  6. Take off your socks and try the product on your bare foot.

As a result, the foot should slide freely inside and not rub bloody calluses.

If it is necessary to stretch the shoes further, the procedure can be repeated.

How to stretch sneakers? Such products are always durable and made of good breathable material. A hairdryer is ideal for stretching sneakers, you just need to warm them up inside and out.

Soap and paraffin

How else to break in tight shoes at home?

Products are quickly enlarged using paraffin or regular soap. Only this method is not suitable if you are looking for how to break in sneakers or how to stretch rubber shoes one size larger.

This method can be used on leather, patent leather or suede items.

How to stretch tight shoes:

  1. Take a regular candle or baby soap.
  2. Rub the product from the inside, sparing no expense.
  3. Leave it overnight.
  4. In the morning, remove any remaining paraffin with a damp cloth and try on the shoes.

Paraffin does not harm natural or artificial leather. This remedy is harmless.

The next method to stretch your shoes is to use steam. The procedure cannot be performed with artificial leather or suede products.

How to break in shoes that are pinching and rubbing?

Use the method first for one shoe, if you can stretch it, you can steam the second one.

Exercise in clean shoes, free from dust and dirt. Otherwise, it will be unpleasant to walk around the house in them.

Boil water and bring the products to the steam. Let the boots sit over the steam for a few minutes.

Taking shoes in at home is not difficult. Just take some time for this process.

Do not use this method many times, otherwise the shoes will be too trampled.

Using this method, you can both quickly break in your sneakers and clean them.

How to stretch narrow shoes if none of the above methods worked, and you don’t want to give up, because you really want to show off in new shoes in the evening?

Use a stretcher. With its help, you can stretch your sneakers in length; it is perfect if your shoes are tight in the toe or if you need to make your shoes a size larger.

There are different stretchers. They are available online and are made for boots, heels, or flat for sneakers, ballet shoes, etc.

How to stretch sneakers at home:

  1. Spray a special product on them. Pay special attention to denser areas. If leatherette products are pinched in only one place, then spray the product only on it.
  2. Insert the stretchers inside and turn the handle to increase your shoe size at home or expand.
  3. Leave her alone for a while. Then remove the stretcher and put it on your legs. If the sneakers are no longer tight, then there was a point in stretching, and the manipulation was a success.

How to wear shoes if they are too tight or chafing?

The problem of uncomfortable shoes is familiar to many. Online shopping is becoming increasingly popular, and without trying on any shoes may simply turn out to be too small. Although fittings don’t always help. Even the perfect sneakers in the store can begin to feel tight over time.

There are many reasons. The most common is swelling of the legs. This is why it is recommended to try on shoes after lunch. Sneakers often feel tight if they haven't been worn for a long time. If you store them incorrectly, they simply dry out and become tight.

Real branded sneakers should be chosen so that they are slightly small. They should stretch during wear and then fit perfectly to the foot. But they can only press in width. It is impossible to stretch the sneakers in length!

When purchasing real brands, a stretch spray is required. They need to spray the inside of the shoes, then put on thick socks and wear them for about an hour. Ideally, it is during this time that the sneakers will become comfortable for the owner, and the problem of discomfort will disappear.

This spray can also be purchased separately. But at the same time, you should carefully study the information on the packaging in order to choose the one that is suitable for the material from which the sneakers are made.

If the shoes have not stretched and there is no way to exchange them for others, you can use other methods of resizing.

Soap and paraffin

How to stretch sneakers made of different materials at home

Before you start changing the size of an item at home, focus on the following factors:

  1. The manufacturing material can be expanded, but only in width.
  2. Fabric items cannot be increased by more than half a size. Only leather products are stretched to size.
  3. Synthetics do not change shape well and can be damaged when stretched.

In length

To change the size of sneakers, use proven popular recommendations:

  1. Leather shoes can be treated with hot water. The material will soften and it will be easier to stretch it. However, this method is not suitable for leatherette. This material involves the use of alcohol on problem areas;
  2. You can change the size of suede sneakers in the freezer. Place bags of water inside the product. Leave the shoes in the refrigerator for 12 hours. This method is not suitable for items made of genuine leather;
  3. To change your sneaker size, use socks. Wet and squeeze them out. Put on your socks and then your shoes. Walk until they dry. If the product does not press much, then do not wet your socks.


The following methods will help you change the width of your shoes:

  1. You can adjust the size of products using newspapers. Hold the item over steam, and then fill it with newspapers soaked in water. Dry naturally. This method is suitable for stretching items that have shrunk after washing.;
  2. Vodka. Treat the item from the inside with it. Put on thick socks and moisten with vodka. You need to walk around the house for two hours in these sneakers;
  3. Hair dryer. The most effective method for stretching shoes. Put socks on your feet and then shoes. Use a hair dryer to heat the material. It will take the shape you need. This is ideal for stretching leather sneakers.

Have you ever encountered a situation where sneakers that fit perfectly when you tried them on in a store later turned out to be a little too small? What to do in such a situation? The easiest way to deal with tight sneakers is to return them to the store or change them to a larger size. But what to do if the deadline for returning has expired, and there is no way to sell or exchange them? In this case, you can try stretching your sneakers at home.

Width stretch

To stretch your sneakers wider, you can use both folk remedies and those specially developed by shoe manufacturers. First, let's use what we have at hand. Soak thick wool socks in hot water.

Wait until they cool down a bit. Put on your feet, then put on your sneakers. In order for the shoes to take the shape of the foot and stop pressing from the sides, you need to walk in sneakers and socks for at least an hour. If necessary, repeat the procedure several times.

Vodka is another folk remedy that helps stretch sneakers wider. Wet the inside of the shoes generously and put them on your feet. Now wet the outside of the sneakers. Walk around in them for at least two hours or until the vodka dries completely. This method works best for athletic shoes made from fabric or non-elastic materials.

Length stretch

You can stretch your sneakers to length at home using newspapers and steam. Hold the shoes over boiling water until the material softens slightly. Moisten newspapers with water and stuff them tightly into your sneakers. Don't overdo it, proceed carefully.

Make sure that the sneakers do not become deformed or lose their shape. Leave the softened and newspaper-stuffed shoes to dry at room temperature. Do not speed up the drying process or place your sneakers near heating devices or in direct sunlight. After the shoes are dry, try them on.

If one stretch is not enough, repeat the procedure again.

Sometimes discomfort can be caused by a hard heel or a tight sock. Try softening them with steam, and then knead the problem areas with your hands. Particularly hard material can be lightly beaten with a smooth hammer head. Do this carefully. Otherwise, the appearance and shape of the sneakers will suffer.

Leather and suede

Leather and suede products are the easiest to stretch and take the desired shape. It is enough to wet your shoes with water, put on a thick sock, put on sneakers and walk around in them for a couple of hours. 2-3 such procedures are enough to obtain optimal results.

You can also achieve a pleasant shoe width if you use professional stretchers from well-known brands Salton and Salamander. These products are sprayed onto the problem area, soften it and ensure a comfortable fit for the shoes.

One of the folk remedies that allow you to increase your sneakers size is ice. Place a thick plastic bag inside your shoes and fill it with water. Tie tightly and place in the freezer overnight.

Remove the containers with water and dry the shoes at room temperature.

The opposite method is no less effective - stretching natural leather sneakers with hot water. Pour boiling water over the inside of the shoes. After 10 minutes, put on your sneakers and walk for 30-40 minutes. It is advisable not just to walk, but to perform active actions (squats, jumping, etc.). In this case, the load on the softened skin will be greater, which means it will quickly take the desired shape.

You can also use a hairdryer and vegetable oil. Hold the shoes under the hot air for a few minutes. After the sneakers have softened sufficiently, grease them with sunflower oil and put them on thick socks. Walk around for an hour. Remove any remaining oil with a napkin.


Stretching textile sports shoes should be done very carefully and carefully. The most effective result when stretching such shoes can be achieved using boiling water. Place the sneakers in the bath. Pour boiling water over it. While the sneakers are cooling, put on thick socks. Put on your shoes and walk until your shoes are dry. If necessary, repeat the described steps again.

Using paper and rags also helps a lot in stretching tight textile shoes. Soak them in water and stuff the sneakers tightly. Wait until completely dry and remove the padding. Don't use newspapers. They can leave streaks and ruin the appearance of the shoes.


Shoes made from leather substitutes do not withstand shape changes well. Leatherette sneakers should never be exposed to temperature changes, nor should boiling water, ice or steam be used to stretch them. Is it even possible to stretch such capricious and unreliable material at home? Yes, you can. And alcohol-containing products, such as cologne, will help with this.

If you have tried all the methods described and still cannot stretch your shoes, try taking out the insoles and walking around for a while without them.

Here are a few more products that can be used to treat leatherette sneakers to effectively soften them:

  • 3% vinegar solution - soak a cotton swab in it and saturate the inner surface of the products;
  • kerosene - applied to the inside of the shoe;
  • glass washing liquid - applied liberally to the inside and outside of the products.

If you have tried all the methods described and still cannot stretch your shoes, try taking out the insoles and walking around for a while without them. The legs will not be very comfortable in such conditions, but they will gain a few necessary millimeters.

Using the methods described above allows you to increase the length and width of shoes by half a size or even a size. Sneakers made of leather, suede and textiles can be stretched under the influence of steam and boiling water.

It is better to soften leatherette and leatherette with chemicals: kerosene, vinegar, cologne and glass washing liquid.

How to stretch sneakers or sneakers at home

Many of us have encountered the problem of tight shoes. It is distracting, painful and harmful to health. If we are talking about sports shoes, then the problem only gets worse. After all, the main purpose of sneakers and trainers is to be comfortable and not restrict movement. Is it possible to cope with the problem and stretch sports shoes at home?

  • 1 Is it possible to stretch sneakers or sneakers that are too small?
  • 2 Professional means to increase shoe size
  • 3 How to increase the length and width of shoes at home
  • 4 Correct ways to stretch children's shoes

Before you start changing the size of sports shoes yourself, consider the factors that influence the result.

  • The materials from which sports shoes are made can be stretched, but mainly in width.
  • You should not expect to lengthen textile shoes by more than half a size. Only leather products can be stretched one size.
  • The fastening seams on the shoes do not stretch.
  • Synthetic rigid materials are difficult to deform and are easily damaged when stretched.
  • If after purchasing you realize that the shoes are too small and too tight for you, the best solution to the problem is to contact the store and request an exchange or return.

    If for some reason you cannot return tight sneakers or sneakers to the store, use professional stretching products. Shoe repair shops use:

    • surface treatment liquid;
    • lasts on which shoes that require stretching are pulled.

    Manufacturers offer special sprays and stretching foams as a liquid that helps increase the length of shoes. When purchasing them, pay attention to the purpose. If the spray is labeled “for all types of natural leather,” then it will be ineffective for textile sneakers.

    Before using stretching agents, test on an inconspicuous area of ​​the shoe.

    Mode of application.

  • Shake the expansion foam canister.
  • Apply the contents evenly to problem areas from the inside and outside.
  • Wear wet shoes with thick wool or terry socks.
  • Walk around in it until the spray dries completely.
  • Repeat the procedure several times to completely eliminate discomfort.
  • What tools can be used

    “Stretching” sprays have appeared on the market relatively recently, but the methods proposed below have been used for many years. Some may seem a little strange, but they actually work. Just don't try everything at once. If one does not help, let at least a week pass before the next attempt.

    Ice "therapy"

    This method works in 90 cases out of 100. The explanation is that water expands when it freezes. You need to take thick bags, insert them into your sneakers and fill them with water. Tie tightly and put the shoes in the freezer for a day.

    After this time, take it out, let it “warm up” for about 20 minutes, remove the bags from the sneakers, put them on and wear them for several hours.

    The bags must be very strong so that water does not spill.

    This way to stretch shoes involves using boiling water. If the shoes are made of genuine leather, you can safely pour it inside and leave for 10-15 minutes. You can use steam rather than water. It is enough to hold tight sneakers over it for a few minutes, and then wear them for a couple of hours so that they “sit” on your feet.

    This method is not suitable for other materials. If the sneakers are made of leatherette, they will simply “creep”.

    Sneakers are stretched using regular newspapers. It is enough to slightly moisten them and stuff them tightly inside. When drying under natural conditions, the shoes should stretch. However, it is strictly forbidden to place it on or near the battery. This method is physical, but there are several chemical options:

    • Wipe the inside of the sneakers with a cotton pad or gauze, after moistening them in a 3% solution of ordinary vinegar. This softens the material and helps stretch it;
    • treat the sole with castor oil or drying oil. It also improves the elasticity of the shoe;
    • Wipe the inside with medical alcohol and the outside with laundry soap. The chemical reaction will allow the shoes to stretch;
    • lubricate the inside of the sneakers with kerosene, then wear for a couple of hours;
    • Spray the inside and outside of the shoes with glass cleaner and wear for two hours, wearing warm socks.

    Using socks

    The easiest way to break in sneakers is with socks. To do this, you need to wet them in warm water, put on tight shoes and wear them until completely dry. You should wear thick socks. It is advisable to use cotton ones.

    When the socks are dry, the sneakers should be tightly stuffed with newspaper. They will absorb any remaining moisture.

    Alcohol method

    To stretch shoes, you can use vodka, moonshine or regular medical alcohol diluted in half with water. You should wet the inside of the sneakers well with alcohol, then put them on with a thick sock, spray them on the outside and wear them for at least two hours.

    This method helps increase the size and soften the hard parts that rub the foot.

    Table vinegar can stretch shoes by 1-2 mm in just an hour. It is enough to moisten the cotton pads, place them from the inside in the part that presses the most, and then put on your shoes and walk around in them.


    This method is called radical, but there is nothing criminal in it. It consists in purchasing special spacers. With their help, a mechanical effect is exerted on the sneakers. The lasts are equipped with a screw, when turned, they move apart and thereby stretch the shoes one size larger.

    It is better to buy wooden blocks. The most reliable are those made of cedar, birch or beech. They are more expensive than their plastic counterparts, but they will last several times longer.

    Usage is simple. Shoes should be wetted with alcohol, window cleaner or special stretching sprays, inserted inside the lasts and pulled apart. The result can be assessed in about a day.

    • An effective folk way to stretch sports shoes, including fabric sneakers or leather sneakers, is to use potatoes. To do this, peel the potatoes, place one tuber at a time in the nose parts of the products and leave overnight. Potato juice softens the material, making it elastic, flexible and pliable. As a result, the shoes will stretch;
    • Take table vinegar 3% and treat the inside of the products with a cotton pad. Vinegar will soften the material, which will make it easier and faster to break in shoes;
    • The insides of the soles, toes and rear areas can be treated with hot drying oil or castor oil. This will not only stretch the material, but also protect the products from moisture penetrating inside and getting your sneakers or sneakers wet;
    • Wipe the inside of the pair with medical alcohol, and then rub with laundry soap with a fat content of over 72%. Treat especially carefully the areas that cause the greatest discomfort during use;
    • The inside of the sneakers can be moistened with kerosene, then put on a warm and thick woolen or terry sock and worn for 30-60 minutes;
      The surface of the sneaker, outside and inside, can be sprayed with glass or window cleaner. Then also put on thick-toed shoes and walk like this for one to two hours;
    • Leather sneakers should be dried with a hot hairdryer for one to two minutes, then lubricated with vegetable oil, put on thick socks and walk for 30-40 minutes. The remaining oil should be blotted with a paper towel or napkins.

    When you bought your sneakers, you thought they were the right size for you, but after wearing them for the first time, calluses appeared? It happens. If it is not possible to exchange shoes, you can try using improvised means. They may be able to cope with the task of making sneakers a size larger.

    • Popular home method - shoe softening. For this, products such as alcohol, cologne, castor or regular sunflower oil are used. One of the products is to lubricate the sneakers outside and inside, either completely or only in problem areas. Then you need to wear the pair wearing warm socks.
    • If you have to put on your shoes immediately after purchasing them, you can use alcohol spray for tight areas. This can also be a solution to the problem of breaking in sneakers at home.

    Please note that a lot depends on the material. Here are the recommendations given by experts on this matter:

    • Leather sneakers You can try treating it with boiling water. It will soften the shoes and make them easier to wear.
    • For shoes made from natural materials, fabric or rubber, you can try to use the method of lengthening and expanding shoes, familiar to our grandmothers, using newspapers. First you need to hold the sneakers over the steam, then stuff them with wet newspapers. It is important to dry the products naturally to prevent their deformation.
    • If the sneakers are suede, you can try to hide their tightness using the freezer. You need to place a plastic bag or even a simple balloon inside the shoe, pour cold water and leave it in the freezer overnight. This even solves the problem of stretching sneakers to fit. But do not resort to this method for shoes made of genuine leather, as they will simply “shrink”.
    • Synthetic materials they stretch extremely poorly, and not all home methods are safe for them. But you can still slightly increase their width. To do this, you need to put on wet, bulky socks and wear your shoes in them.

    How to stretch your sneakers in length and width yourself - ways

    Use professional products to stretch your sneakers.

    Cosmetics are applied to problem areas or over the entire surface, then shoes are put on and walked in them for an hour.

    The procedure is repeated until the desired result is achieved.

    Pads and spacers for stretching products are available on sale today. Focus on those products that change both the length and width of the product. Spray a special aerosol inside and wet the surface with water. Insert the design and leave it for one day. If the shoes are tight in the heel area, use stickers on the heels, which can be found in the shoe department.

    Having returned from the shoe store with new clothes, we often find that the shoes do not fit as well as we would like. In the store it seemed that everything was chosen perfectly, but at home it turns out that either the width is tight, or the fingers are too resting in front. There can be many reasons for this. Therefore, it is important to be able to stretch your sneakers or shoes yourself.

    Difficulties in choosing

    It often happens that a person may have various deformities and bone growths on his foot.

    For example, a valgus deformity of the first toe can be so severe that the second toe bends under the first, and the first metatarsophalangeal joint is sharply hypertrophied and dislocated, protruding strongly in the medial direction.

    There may also be heel spurs, and simply features of the bone structure that do not fit into the average characteristics.

    A very common problem is flat feet, which can be longitudinal or transverse.

    With flat feet, it is necessary to be very careful when choosing a last, which should reproduce the physiological curves of a normal foot in order to compensate for the lack of shock absorption associated with the physiological defect.

    It is especially bad for choosing shoes to have transverse flat feet, since in this case the transverse ligament of the foot is very loose and the metatarsal bones spread to the side, significantly expanding the foot.

    There are companies that fundamentally produce ultra-comfortable shoes (Rieker), however, even they are not able to take into account all possible variations in pathological foot deformation and physiological characteristics.

    Sports shoes are often bought by people who have nothing to do with professional sports, but who want to go jogging in the morning or take out a subscription to a fitness center. It also happens that a person simply loves sneakers as an option for very comfortable shoes. There is a huge selection of sneakers made from a wide variety of materials:

    • genuine leather;
    • leatherette;
    • textiles;
    • suede;
    • nubuck, etc.

    Often, having bought sneakers, people are faced with the problem that they are not entirely comfortable during prolonged wear. And then they wonder: how to break in sneakers? To break in sneakers that are too tight, you must first determine the material from which they are made.

    You can take your sneakers to a workshop where a master will work on them. Here their fate is approximately the following: the leather from which the sneakers are made is treated with foam, liquid or a special composition intended for this purpose.

    Then special pads are inserted into the sneakers and left alone for a day, during which they stretch. The pads come in different widths and lengths.

    The client first discusses with the master the problem that worries him.

    If the client has protruding bones on the foot, then the master can use special pads that will take this feature into account: in this case, the selected area is generously moistened with spray and locally stretched so that there is no feeling of pressure in the area of ​​the hypertrophied bone. The whole procedure takes a day, after which the client comes for a fitting: if necessary, the process is repeated.

    Methods of breaking in

    You can do approximately the same thing at home by purchasing a special stretching product: spray, liquid, foam, pads. However, we must remember that in the case of patent leather shoes, foam is not used to avoid cracking.

    How to stretch shoes using improvised means at home, without the help of a professional. Folk wisdom has invented a lot of ways. However, it should be noted that you most likely won’t be able to increase the length of your sneakers by a size larger on your own, especially when it comes to artificial leather: it can all end in unraveling or cracking.

    Some craftsmen have adapted to using oats and other grains that swell strongly in water to make shoes bigger. To do this, cereal is poured inside to the top, then water is poured on top until it is equal to the top layer of cereal. The shoes are left overnight, during which the grass swells greatly, absorbing water. This causes the shoe to expand.

    This method is quite gentle and is also suitable for shoes made of textiles and artificial leather.

    Another radical method suggests pouring boiling water into new shoes for 2-3 seconds, then pouring it out, putting it on and breaking it in. You should not perform this trick with artificial materials. They might just burst.

    When dealing with faux leather, you should say goodbye to the idea of ​​stretching your sneakers to fit. Most likely this won't happen. In the case of artificial skin, one can only hope for a slight increase in width and adaptation to the bony features of the foot.

    Shoes made from artificial materials should initially be comfortable.

    Castor oil is a good help in breaking in. To do this, you need to lubricate your shoes with oil, both inside and outside. Then wear it in thick socks. The oil helps stretch the skin.

    Textile sneakers should be worn in more carefully. Large temperature changes are unacceptable. The easiest way is to walk in sneakers in the rain, and when you return home, continue to break them in. You can steam them with an iron, and then put them on and walk around in them for a few days at home.

    It is also appropriate to stuff your sneakers with wet newspaper and leave them that way. As the newspaper dries, it stretches. All manipulations should be carried out very carefully to avoid unsticking. Textile shoes are perhaps the most sensitive to stretching and it is important not to damage them.

    To avoid this, it is best to entrust your shoes to professionals and take them to a workshop.

    The easiest home method is to lubricate the inside of the sneakers with 50% ethyl alcohol or vodka (you can use vinegar), then put on very thick socks and sneakers treated with alcohol on top. You should walk with shoes on for 1-2 hours.

    Don't try to walk outside as it will be very uncomfortable. You can repeat this action several times until the sneakers begin to feel right to you.

    If you used vinegar, you can remove the smell with soapy water or lemon peel.

    If you have problems with the back of your shoe (your heel rubs), you can tap the heel with a hammer: it will become flatter and will not injure the skin as much. Alternatively, you can wet the backdrop with a thick soap solution or alcohol and wear it at home.

    If you urgently need to put on new shoes and there is no time to stretch them, then you should cover with adhesive tape those areas of the foot that rub most often. As a rule, everyone knows their weak points.

    A more exotic way to stretch your sneakers in width and length is to use raw potatoes as an alternative to lasts. And this method has some advantages.

    The stretch can be done at any time, sometimes changing the potatoes to suit the new sensations.

    There are very extreme methods of stretching: take two sealed bags, fill them with water, leaving some air on top.

    The bags are placed inside the sneakers and placed in the refrigerator for a day. During this time, the water freezes, expanding along the way (that’s why we need an air supply) and gradually stretches the sneakers.

    However, remember that this number will only work with leather products. Leatherette is likely to burst.

    The easiest way: put on your shoes, wet them with water, and heat them with a hairdryer for 30 seconds. Under the influence of heat, the shoes will become more stretchable and pliable. Subsequent wearing for 1-2 hours in the apartment will lead to some increase in volume. This method can be repeated many times.

    You can wear very thick socks and warm up your sneakers a little with a hairdryer. Continued stay in them should help. You should be careful about excessive temperature exposure, as this can lead to unsticking along the adhesive seam and cracking.

    When buying another pair of shoes, you should consider how problematic (or problem-free) your feet are. If you have arthrosis, flat feet and other pathological conditions, then you should tune in to high-comfort shoes and choose the appropriate models. Maybe in your case it’s even worth having your shoes made to order.

    Any shoes should be purchased in the afternoon. Many people experience swelling in their lower extremities at this time, even if they do not visually notice it. In this case, the width of the foot can vary. It is also worth considering the material from which the sneakers or shoes are made. The leather stretches more easily and fits well to the leg, adapting to the shape of the foot.

    Stretching faux leather sneakers to length is an impossible task. Therefore, immediately buy comfortable shoes made of artificial leather, without the expectation that you will then adjust them to suit you.

    How to stretch genuine leather shoes

    Genuine leather becomes elastic when heated and exposed to alcohol. High-quality leather sneakers will stretch the first time. There is just a risk of discoloration, so before using any method with chemicals, you need to do a small test on an inconspicuous area of ​​the sneakers.

    For dermantine, it is dangerous to use any stretching methods other than wet socks and newspapers. Heating, freezing, and chemicals can immediately render such sneakers unusable.

    Sneakers should be comfortable! If your shoes feel a little tight and you can’t break them in, use the suggested methods. We are sure that these recommendations will be useful to you, and you will be able to stretch your sneakers to size at home.

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    Shoes that pinch are a nuisance, but tight sports shoes that require active movement are a real punishment. But you won’t have to suffer if you use one of the life hacks on how to stretch sneakers or sneakers to fit the size and fullness of your feet. You just need to choose a method that matches the material from which the pair is made, and be patient. And then after a couple of days you will be able to wear shoes with pleasure, and not hide your tears because of the pain because your feet seemed to be in a vice.

    Is it really possible to improve the situation?

    Everyone has encountered the situation when, when trying on sneakers or sneakers, it seemed that this was the ideal pair of shoes for you. Just like with the fact that when you come home or put on new clothes for training, you feel that your legs are shackled in pads that squeeze everywhere.

    That’s when you have to look for ways to “plant” the couple on their feet. This can be done, but!

    • lengthening a sneaker or sneaker by one size is unrealistic, maximum by half a size;
    • fabric shoes stretch faster, but are also deformed more easily, so you should not experiment with methods of expanding or lengthening shoes for leather, setting out to adjust the size of suede sneakers.

    A few words about consumer rights

    The best option to stop tormenting yourself with uncomfortable shoes is to return them under warranty. In our country, there is a “Right of 14 days” - this is the period during which you can return the purchased pair by presenting a cash receipt (or a copy thereof), a warranty card and your passport.

    In this case, the item returned must

    • have no signs of being worn outdoors or indoors;
    • be free from scuffs or creases;
    • be in the original configuration (with insoles, inlays, etc.).

    Trust a professional

    This is the best way to adjust sports shoes to your feet if you can’t return a pair. The master, firstly, will choose the most appropriate option for widening the sneakers or sneakers, and secondly, he will be able to vouch for the result. If the problem is increasing the length of a pair, then a special design is usually used - something like a last with screws, which can move apart and stretch the material from which the shoes are made.

    The same method is also suitable for expanding models - only the nozzle changes. In addition, craftsmen use professional sprays, creams or powders, which, by acting on the fibers of the material, can solve the problem of tight and uncomfortable shoes.

    What does success depend on?

    When choosing a way to adjust shoes to size, you should rely on the material from which the pair is made - we have already mentioned this. In addition, an important role is played

    • what raw material the sole is made of (for example, you should not pour boiling water on shoes with rubber soles or toes);
    • shape (for example, if the sneakers are high and cover the ankles, then when working with a pair it is important not to break the heel).

    Thus, only after carefully weighing all the subtleties of the issue can one begin to make corrections.

    How to properly stretch in length at home?

    Of course, it is impossible even for higher powers to guarantee that your fingers bent in half after using one or another option for increasing the pair’s length will be able to fully straighten and feel comfortable. But it’s quite possible to make sure your nails don’t catch on the top of the sock. Next, we will look at options for how to fit shoes to your feet if discomfort occurs in the toe area.


    Please note that only leather sneakers can be lengthened with a predictable result. Suede needs to be worn for some time so that it “lengthens”, but it is better to give leatherette sneakers to someone who will fit them in size, since you can do anything with such material, but it is impossible to foresee how it will end.

    Steam and paper

    This is the most successful and least expensive option for stretching leather sneakers.


    1. We hold the sneakers above the steam.
    2. We stuff it with crumpled newspapers without deforming the model.
    3. Dry at room temperature until the paper is dry.

    This is interesting. Drying near heating devices, a hairdryer or in the sun is strictly prohibited: the sports pair will become deformed and lose its presentation.


    If you moisten a cotton pad with vinegar, apply it to the inside of the sneakers, put on a pair and walk for 1-2 hours, then the shoes can be lengthened by 1-2 millimeters.


    Shoe stores sell lasts to widen or lengthen a pair. Before using them, the inner surface of the shoe must be moistened with alcohol or stretching spray. Then you can set the desired length with a screw and place the last inside the sneaker.

    This is interesting. This method is not suitable for textile shoes.

    Video. How to increase the size of sneakers using ice?

    Ways to expand small sneakers



    1. We put wet sneakers on our socks.
    2. We lace tightly.
    3. We actively move (run, jump) until the pair dries completely.

    This is interesting. As the foot dries, it may become hot. In this case, you can carefully pour cold water over the rubber sole.

    If your butt presses

    It's time to talk about what to do if unpleasant sensations arise in the heel area, that is, pinching in the heel.

    For sneakers and sneakers, the methods for solving the problem will be the same.

    Hammer to the rescue

    An old, but no less effective option, it will require you to have minimal experience with a hammer.


    1. Wet a soft cloth with water.
    2. We apply it to the backdrop from the inside.
    3. We position the sneaker so that the heel area is on a hard surface.
    4. Tap it lightly with the flat side of the hammer.

    Dexterity of hands, or rather fingers

    If the backdrop is made of rubber or hard leather, then you can soften it using... your own fingers. You need to gently knead the problem area until it becomes softer.

    This is interesting. To save time in both cases, the backdrop can be held over steam for a couple of minutes - this will make the material more pliable for further manipulation.

    How to make narrow sports shoes wider?

    There are much more ways to increase the width of sneakers than there are options to lengthen them.

    The most important thing is the use of special sprays, creams, and impregnations to expand the skin, which are produced by leading brands associated with the production of shoe care products. You can purchase these products at household chemical stores or retail outlets that sell slippers.

    This is interesting. Before you begin to expand leather shoes, the pair must be lubricated with a special composition for natural material, for example, castor oil (or any other leather protectant).


    Resourceful lovers of sports shoes have come up with a very effective option for increasing the free space for your feet: you just need to pull out the insole.

    If you really can’t live without it, then you can replace the standard “sneaker” (thick) one with a regular thin one.

    Alcohol and laundry soap

    For a leather pair, a combination of alcohol and fat will be effective.


    1. Pour alcohol into sneakers.
    2. Rub the inside with slightly melted laundry soap.
    3. Let it dry.

    This is interesting. If the lining fabric is made of poor quality material, then the sneakers may develop an odor that will be difficult to get rid of.


    An alternative to alcohol and fat can be kerosene.

    We wet the shoes from the inside and walk around the house for about 40 minutes.

    This is interesting. As in the previous option, a smell may appear.

    Glass cleaner

    You can widen your sneakers without any consequences by using an alcohol-containing glass cleaner.


    1. Spray the steam generously outside and inside.
    2. We put on thick woolen socks and walk in treated shoes for 2 hours.

    This is interesting. This unusual method has been tested by not a single sports shoe lover. Moreover, it is suitable for both a leather pair and leatherette sneakers.


    This is interesting. This method can only be used for leather shoes.

    You can expand the sports pair by holding it over a pan of boiling water. After steaming, we put sneakers on our feet and walk around the house for 2-3 hours.

    Boiling water

    This is interesting. Genuine leather can withstand exposure to boiling water up to 300 degrees.

    This option will require some courage from you, because you need to pour boiling water into the sneakers, leave for 10 minutes, and then patiently wait until they dry completely at room temperature.



    Converses are quite easy to expand. And in a completely simple way: wet a pair, put on thick socks and walk around the house. If the sneakers are made of thin textiles, then it is enough to wear wet socks, and do not expose the shoes themselves to water.



    1. We fill bags made of dense polyethylene with water.
    2. We put them in sneakers.
    3. Place the pair in the freezer.
    4. After the water freezes, we take out a prototype and wait for the ice to thaw.
    5. We remove the bags and dry the insole.

    This is interesting. You can stretch suede sports shoes in the same way.

    Video. How to stretch sneakers using a hair dryer, cardboard box, tape and wool socks?

    How can you stretch or expand children's shoes?

    There are no special rules for children's sports shoes. There are only a number of important recommendations.

    Since the skin of a child is more sensitive than that of an adult, you should not use steam to treat

    • kerosene;
    • cologne;
    • alcohol, etc.

    It is better to focus on methods based on the use of water (in different states of aggregation) and mechanical options (special pads or a hammer to soften the backdrop).

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