A symbolic wedding anniversary gift for parents. What to give your parents for their wedding anniversary? What is the best gift to give to parents for their wedding anniversary?

Dad and mom are the main people in everyone's life. Naturally, you want to please your loved ones as often as possible and give them the most interesting, memorable and original gifts. Shops and websites are full of extraordinary goods for different occasions; there are even blanks for DIY crafts. What to give your parents for their wedding anniversary?

How to choose the right gift?

On the eve of an important date, first of all you need to decide on a gift. When choosing, rely on the following factors:

  • maybe the parents have some dreams and desires. For example, they have long wanted to buy a coffee maker, a robot vacuum cleaner, or a beautiful tea service, so it’s better to buy just that;
  • need to be taken into account age couples. What newlyweds like will not always appeal to older people;
  • not worth saving. If your budget is limited, then you should not buy a cheap trinket, something better do it yourself;
  • practical and versatile the gift will remind you of you for a long time. This factor is important when looking for a gift;
  • of course no need to give completely useless things. This can be perceived as a sign of disrespect and indifference. For example, your loved ones do not drink alcohol, but you decide to give expensive whiskey or cognac. Naturally, this will be inappropriate.

What can you give your parents for their wedding anniversary?

A wedding anniversary is an important and exciting event for the whole family. When choosing a gift, you can focus on the date. Usually gifts are positioned with the number of years lived together.

There are several anniversaries:

  • 10 - tin wedding;
  • 20 - porcelain;
  • 25 - silver;
  • 35 - coral;
  • 40 - ruby;
  • 50 - gold.

Traditionally, it is customary to give gifts based on the name of the date, although this is not obligatory. If you decide to comply with this, then the following options are suitable:

  1. In a day porcelain weddings can be presented with porcelain tableware service. This is a rather expensive gift, but a more budget-friendly one would be, for example, a teapot made of this material or a pair of mugs and saucers.
  2. On 25 year old anniversary, silver cutlery is perfect. In the future, such a set can become a family heirloom and be passed on from generation to generation. You can order some paired jewelry for father and mother (rings, bracelets, pendants) based on a sketch.
  3. On coral For a wedding, you can choose some kind of gift in this color. This could be a high-quality set of bed linen, covers for a sofa and armchairs, homemade bathrobes.
  4. 40 years - a considerable number. Of course, gifts with rubies are quite expensive. You can present ruby-colored: paired suits, decorative items (large vase, painting);
  5. Of course the date is half a century - this is a special event. On such a day, you want to surprise your parents and give them a memorable gift. An excellent solution is to purchase new wedding rings with engraving. A more budget-friendly gift is to order a family portrait and frame it in a beautiful frame or make a family tree.

It is not necessary to give matching gifts. It is permissible to congratulate parents with different gifts, knowing their tastes. For example, you can present your mother with a beautiful pearl necklace, and your father with a business tie or cufflinks.

Universal surprises:

  1. Certificate for the store (appliances, cosmetics, dishes).
  2. Money.
  3. Subscription to a beauty salon and gym.

General gift

It is customary to celebrate round dates solemnly and on a grand scale. That’s why I want to choose the appropriate gifts:


  • if your parents haven’t had a vacation for a long time, or maybe they have a dream to fly somewhere or visit a certain country, then you can buy tourist vouchers. Companies now offer a wide selection to suit any budget. It doesn’t have to be an expensive resort; you can have a romantic weekend in a sanatorium, rent a house in the countryside;
  • a good solution is to present tickets to the theatre, musical, ballet or performance of your favorite performer;
  • if possible, you can book a water excursion on a boat or motor ship;
  • An original idea is to make an away date at a memorable place. Probably the parents talked about where and how they met, where the father proposed, and much more. A holiday in such an environment will be remembered forever and will bring a lot of impressions and pleasant memories from the past;
  • You can have a repeat wedding, invite your loved ones and the host. Recreate the atmosphere of that holiday;
  • a memorable gift - a romantic photo shoot or with the whole family. You can make a trip to some palace, photo studio or other beautiful (memorable) place;
  • An unforgettable experience will remain from flying in a hot air balloon. This is an expensive gift, but it's worth it.

Gift from son

On such an important date, a son can give:

  • for the father, items related to his hobbies (chess, telescope, rare coins or books);
  • for mom - rare fresh flowers in a pot, maybe even a fruit-bearing plant (lemon, orange);
  • a paired gift can be a collection of music discs or records.

What can a daughter give?

Girls, as a rule, are more careful when choosing a gift. A daughter can please her loved ones with the following gifts:

  • beautiful and high-quality blanket;
  • personalized pillows;
  • carpet for the bedroom or living room;
  • chic curtains;
  • for your father you can choose some accessories for your car or equipment (camera, camera, inflatable boat, etc.);
  • for the mother - a certificate to a beauty salon;
  • a gift for couples - a certificate for a massage salon, sauna.

DIY wedding anniversary gift for parents

Undoubtedly, a gift that is made independently will bring great joy and only positive emotions. Such things have a special energy; they have a soul and a secret meaning.

As a present for the anniversary of your parents living together, you can make gifts yourself:

  • collect a collage of photographs, starting with the youth of mom and dad, and then as events develop: their dates, first photos together, marriages, family photos, discharge from the maternity hospital and photographs to the present moment. Such a gift will evoke a lot of impressions and memories, and most importantly, it will remain in the house forever and will be a memorable thing;
  • using modern technologies, you can create a video about your parents, choosing your favorite musical compositions, and at the end say words of gratitude and love;
  • You can bake a themed cake and cupcakes. Nowadays there are many video lessons available on the Internet. Such a gift can be an addition to the main one;
  • an original idea is to create a family coat of arms or monogram;
  • with a little creativity you can write a song about your beloved mom and dad, most often they use ready-made compositions, but change the words;
  • Nowadays small dolls made by hand are very popular. Having acquired the materials, you can create an excellent pair of toys that will symbolize your parents;
  • Having knitting skills, knit a cape for your shoulders and bedside rugs;
  • you can make a funny newspaper with cartoons about incidents from the life of your parents;
  • record a video with congratulations from all relatives;
  • It's a great idea to plant trees in honor of the family. For example, a couple of oaks, maples or beautiful blue spruces;
  • paint a set of dishes with your own hands, make personalized glasses.

Choosing gifts is not an easy task. But, if you think carefully about the wishes of your parents and show a little imagination, you can create memorable and extraordinary gifts. Of course, what is the best gift to give to parents for their wedding anniversary should not be decided at the last moment. Consider their character, dreams and desires. Don't forget that you can make a budget surprise with your own hands.

Anniversary video gift for parents

In this video, Victoria will show what a funny and original video she came up with as a gift to her parents for a chintz wedding:

This depends on many factors, including the relationship with them, so the question of what to give parents for their wedding anniversary is always exciting for adult children.

After all, parents are often embarrassed for some reason to accept gifts from their sons and daughters, but at the same time they rejoice at them like children. A gift for your beloved parents on their wedding anniversary should be pleasant for them and dear to their hearts, so you should think many times about what they will like and what gift they will accept with joy.

Classic solution

There are classic gifts that are customary to give during the holidays. This is, first of all:

  • · expensive wine;
  • · perfumery;
  • · decorations;
  • · paintings;
  • · antiques.

These gifts are given always and everywhere, and on your parents’ wedding anniversary you can give them the same gift. But for many, it can carry a connotation of callousness and formality, especially if someone else gives them the same thing.

That is why the question of what to give mom and dad for their wedding anniversary is not so easily resolved, and a random box of chocolates or martinis bought in an expensive store can become a reason to reproach children for indifference and a callous attitude towards them.

In order to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to supplement such a slightly ordinary gift with something symbolic or made with your own hands. This could be an embroidered tablecloth, an unusual picture made of beads or objects that are in the house (just don’t overestimate your taste and experience in building such things), a creative postcard or a congratulation recorded in the studio and designed as a beautiful disc.

You can also give a surprise gift. For example, putting expensive perfume in a basket with roses or putting a beautiful homemade card in a set with bedding. There will be a great many options here.

There are also original gifts. They can be ordered online or bought in a specialty store. There are not only themed figurines for all occasions, but also various mugs, umbrellas and T-shirts on which you can make an image of your parents.

In addition to portraits of mom and dad, you can order thematic inscriptions, poems and congratulations. In such places there are many unusual souvenirs for any festive occasion. It’s quite easy to find the perfect gift here for those who just can’t find a solution, and for those whose imagination is in full swing, but it’s not very clear how to bring their ideas to life.

Therefore, it is quite possible that among the original gifts you will be able to find the answer to what to give your beloved parents for a family holiday - a wedding anniversary.

But if you decide to please your parents with something unusual and give them a gift made with your own hands, then you can do it, provided that you are confident in your skill and try your best.

Mom and dad will definitely love a beautiful blanket made or decorated with their own hands. You can embroider a beautiful congratulation on it or simply glue fashionable shiny appliqués on it.

Embroidered napkins or scrapbooking look great, which your parents will undoubtedly love. You can make them even without special skills, simply by purchasing a ready-made photo album and decorations in special craft stores. There you can choose whatever your imagination tells you.

A touching love story in photographs, collected in a glossy photo book, will touch all family members. You can order a wedding photo book from a professional photographer, which you can layout yourself or simply ask a master to do it for you. To do this, you just need to bring him on a flash drive photos of your parents and texts that will be needed in the book.

Specialists will layout and design the gift edition, which will be leafed through more than once after the holidays. Such a surprise, and even with your congratulations, will definitely not leave anyone indifferent and can be a wonderful addition to a bouquet or any other traditional gift. Perhaps this will be just what to give your parents for their wedding anniversary.

A great anniversary gift idea would be jewelry. For example, gold chains with identical pendants in the shape of hearts, as a symbol of love and loyalty to each other. Such things will be passed down from generation to generation and symbolize the unity of your family. You can purchase high-quality jewelry at reasonable prices in the Aloris online store http://www.aloris.ru/

A symbolic gift cannot be held in your hands, but it expresses your sincere love and care no worse than any other gift. This could be a trip to a sanatorium for two, a hot air balloon flight or a boat trip, or a room for two in a luxury hotel.

Of course, such a gift requires a lot of money, but sometimes it is the best thing children can do for their parents on their wedding anniversary. Sometimes such a symbolic gift can be a themed souvenir that can be bought in a store for newlyweds or jewelry. This will also make your parents happy, especially if such a gift is chosen with love and care.

A gift with a joke is suitable for parents who appreciate humor. It can be ordered from a special agency. For example, a huge cake in which you can hide and come to a party or just a game. The agent rings the doorbell for the parents and asks them to come down and approach the balloon. It is written on the ball where to go next and he goes there, and there a real surprise awaits him. For example, a beautiful carriage with horses, on which you can ride around the city with your children, or something else unexpected.

The scenario and type of gifts are discussed in advance with agents. This will be not only an interesting, but also a very memorable gift, especially if all the wishes of the parents and their secret dreams and desires are taken into account. After all, only children know what they need.

Your ancestors also think about what their children will give their parents for their wedding anniversary. Our moms and dads don't want us to spend too much time dealing with this issue. On the other hand, daughters and sons want to have an amazing holiday. Maybe on this day you need to fulfill the cherished desire of your loved ones? Only it should be something more expensive than a glass of beer or ice cream on a hot day.

Often parents dream of something, but for some reason cannot afford to fulfill their desires. And the anniversary of the parents’ marriage is a wonderful reason to let it come true. True, this step requires sensitivity and thoughtfulness of the gift, since it may not always correspond to reality.

But it will be so great to please your parents with a new wicker chair, which they secretly dreamed of, or stylish curtains for the kitchen.

So good luck with your shopping and a happy, memorable holiday!

The wedding anniversary of our parents always evokes in us the most reverent and warm emotions, because the closest people, going through life's trials together, prove over and over again that real feelings exist. Another long-awaited date is approaching, and perhaps the anniversary of marriage, which means it’s time to think about what to give your parents for their anniversary. We invite you to evaluate the most interesting gift ideas with the Svadebka.ws portal.

What to give mom and dad for their wedding anniversary

Whatever surprise you plan, always remember that from year to year your attention becomes the main and most desired gift. You can give a very expensive gift to your parents for their wedding anniversary, paying tribute, and then rush to go about your business, or you can devote time to mom and dad, even if you have a banal tea party with conversations and give a symbolic thing.

Gifts that will be remembered for a lifetime

It is unlikely that we will talk about any things, even the most necessary ones. And let's try to do without templates, when a gift for a silver wedding must be silver, but for a cast iron wedding they usually give a frying pan. You will find a full range of symbolic and themed wedding anniversary gifts on our website. Let parents experience something they have never had before. Or maybe it’s time to fulfill a cherished dream that they constantly put off, sacrificing their desires for your sake? Of course, you shouldn’t go too far and force mom and dad to leave their comfort zone. Extreme riding lessons, rope jumping or flying in a wind tunnel would probably appeal to you, but it is unlikely that your parents would. Of all the possible gifts and impressions, Svadebka.ws recommends the most suitable and original gifts for parents for their anniversary:

  • will allow you to experience the most unforgettable and exciting emotions. Information about the benefits of dolphin therapy increases from year to year.

  • Bathhouse with spa treatments also involves a joint hike. For example, by visiting a hammam (Turkish bath), you can have a wonderful rest with health benefits, in particular, joints, respiratory and nervous systems, and also improve blood circulation. Spa treatments will help relieve fatigue, irritability and overwork.

  • A trip to the sanatorium, as an anniversary gift, it will give parents the opportunity to spend time with health benefits.

  • Romantic dinner in a chic restaurant, after all, a very small percentage of humanity regularly allows themselves such trips, and you allow your parents to feel like the cream of society on their wedding anniversary.

  • Romantic weekend outside the city, for example, in winter, a cozy house in the mountains and the opportunity to go skiing or just breathe fresh air are more preferable. In the summer, go fishing to a pond or relax at the base.

  • Romantic boat trip will allow you to have a picnic on board, as well as enjoy the beauty of the water area.

  • Chef at home will surprise stay-at-home parents. Mom and Dad won’t have to cook or wash dishes at all. All that remains is to relax and savor freshly prepared delicacies.

  • will be remembered by parents who love peace. It is not at all necessary to purchase cinema tickets; now the leading surprise experience companies will provide the opportunity to privately watch your favorite film. And this is not at home - on the couch, that’s what’s most important.

  • Master classes, which will unite interests, for example, creating a painting or preparing a delicious dish, or maybe parents will be delighted with pottery lessons? All in your hands.

  • Tasting evening will definitely appeal to wine, cheese or coffee connoisseurs. Parents will enjoy gastronomic pleasure and also learn a lot of interesting things about their favorite products.

  • Tickets to the theater or concert of your favorite band, depending on the preferences of mom and dad, will give genuine joyful emotions.

Necessary, useful and desired gifts

There is nothing wrong with giving just such gifts for a wedding anniversary, especially if mom and dad have long dreamed of a new TV or a high-quality set of bed linen. An important rule that we start from is that a present is definitely needed in the family and is expected. You shouldn’t “check the box” by giving your mom another frying pan for your next wedding anniversary, or a razor for your dad. But if the father cannot see his life without fishing, and the mother loves to cook, fishing gear and kitchen gadgets will be a good gift, even if not one common one, but so desired.

DIY gifts: crafts and practical things for your wedding anniversary

Are you familiar with the phrase: “The best gift is the one made with your own hands”? And who else, if not your parents, is able to appreciate your own work? In addition, there are different situations in life, for example, financial difficulties. Don't leave mom and dad unattended. We also have original ideas for this case.

Crafts and hand-made souvenir gifts for a wedding anniversary:

  • Postcard, As a memorable token of affection with anniversary wishes, it will remind your parents of your love. Create your own masterpiece for your loved ones.
  • Topiary or the tree of happiness will become a symbolic and very beautiful thing in the parents’ house. To create it, you can use various available tools.
  • Bouquet of sweets will replace the traditional flower arrangement.
  • Painted gingerbread cookies, which is not difficult to bake with your own hands.
  • Homemade cake with original design will be an excellent occasion for organizing a family tea party.
what to give for a golden wedding, because at this age parents value attention and care for themselves more.

What else can you give your parents for their wedding anniversary? Don’t forget about all kinds of portraits, family trees, edited videos, and the like. Memories from the past will help parents experience those unforgettable emotions again. Only you know exactly how to congratulate your closest people on their wedding anniversary. Whether it will be a family tea party, a practical gift or a surprise-impression is up to you. Give with pleasure, and we would like to wish you the most sincere emotions from your closest people.


    A gift intended for parents must meet several criteria at once. It should be unusual, as practical and bright as possible. After all, it was created in order to convey at least part of the warmth and tender feelings that the presenters strive to put into it.

    Choosing a gift according to the date

    The main criterion for choosing gifts for parents may be tradition. It is believed that each year lived together in marriage symbolizes a certain thing. This factor can be an excellent opportunity to present a valuable and memorable gift. So, to celebrate a porcelain wedding, which is celebrated in 20 years, you can buy excellent tea sets.

    In addition, today you can order beautiful and original prints for tableware depicting all family members.

    Gold and ruby ​​dates are much more difficult to select thematic gifts for. However, parents often do not demand this from their even older children. Therefore, purchasing a voucher for the heroes of the occasion can be an excellent analogue of expensive jewelry. It is not at all necessary to buy tours to Goa or the Dominican Republic. Older parents will enjoy it much more in a medical sanatorium, where, surrounded by people close in age and mentality, they can have a wonderful rest.

    Practical and useful gifts

    Another popular category of gifts for family anniversaries are things from the category of useful and practical. These could be variations on the theme of household appliances, installations for fresh water consumption, or pleasant devices for maintaining good health. However, before presenting such a gift, it is advisable to first understand what exactly parents would like to receive on their unique holiday. It is also important to take into account that with age, needs and interests change. Often what they need is not some kind of trendy body massager that children would like to give as a gift, but a convenient and practical cell phone or a multifunctional radio for the home, equipped with a stand-alone handset.

    In addition, a multicooker, a new camera, a coffee machine and other pleasant and useful little household appliances may well fit into this series of gifts.

    However, the main thing is to realize that what is important for parents is not the fact of the present itself, but the attention, care and feeling of significance for their own children and grandchildren, who remember such an important event.

    Despite the fact that parents are the closest and dearest to most people, whose tastes and interests are well known, choosing a suitable gift for their anniversary is difficult. What gift will mom and dad be happy with?

    How to choose a gift for your parents for their wedding anniversary

    You should not give two separate gifts to your father and mother, since this holiday requires one common gift for two. This is the main difficulty: a woman and a man can have completely different preferences, hobbies and tastes. However, no matter the differences in the characters and hobbies of the spouses, you can choose a gift that they both will like.

    To surprise a family celebrating a marriage anniversary, you need to choose a gift that will stand out from the others received over the previous years. It is better to give something that parents could not afford, and it is not so much a matter of price as it is the purpose of the gift. Originality and uniqueness are the two main criteria that are relevant when choosing an anniversary gift. Gifts to parents for a wedding anniversary must meet a number of requirements:

    • correspond to the priorities of mom and dad (to be beautiful, practical, symbolic, etc.);
    • equally meet the tastes of both parents;
    • express your attention and care for them.

    Original present

    Creative people who are open to new things should be given extraordinary, original products - they will be appreciated. For example, you can present them with a record player and vinyl records with recordings of your favorite artists. Such a congratulation will allow the couple to plunge into memories of their youth. Other options for what to give parents for the anniversary of the original:

    • a banquet in an establishment where parents once celebrated their own wedding;
    • souvenir samovar;
    • a trip to a sanatorium or ski resort;
    • a tea set with printed photos of the couple together;
    • their portrait, made in a modern style (an alternative for people with a sense of humor is a colorful caricature).

    A useful, necessary and beautiful gift for parents on their wedding day

    For practical people, such gifts are the most preferable, and they are always easier to choose, due to the wealth of options. What to give your parents for their wedding anniversary? It is appropriate to give a practical couple a household appliance or a beautiful table set. Other items for home use that can be given to spouses:

    • massage chairs;
    • pieces of furniture (new large dining table, soft sofa, wardrobe, etc.);
    • plasma TV;
    • bathroom with hydromassage;
    • beautiful, soft carpet;
    • Wall Clock;
    • bedding set;
    • a pair of bathrobes and slippers;
    • a warm large blanket for two;
    • elegant new chandelier;
    • a set of pots or pans.

    Creative souvenir

    Congratulations on the occasion of an anniversary are highly anticipated by parents, so children need to take care of finding a creative, unusual souvenir for them. This family event should be celebrated with family and close friends, and the gift should be chosen taking into account the wishes of the couple. In addition, you need to focus on the date (duration/age of marriage). What to give for your parents' wedding anniversary:

    • for a porcelain wedding (20 years of marriage) it is customary to give porcelain figurines, sets, and vases;
    • in honor of the silver anniversary (25 years), you can give your family jewelry made of this noble metal or interior items (candlesticks, ashtray, box);
    • for the pearl date (30 years), you should prepare beautiful cufflinks decorated with mother-of-pearl stones for your father, and give your mother a beautiful pendant or earrings;
    • for a ruby ​​wedding (40 years), items inlaid with this beautiful stone, which symbolizes eternal love, are suitable as gifts;
    • in honor of the golden anniversary of marriage (50 years), they give gold jewelry or a couple of teaspoons with engraving: the wedding date, the names of the spouses, and symbolic inscriptions.

    If the upcoming family holiday is not an anniversary, you can give less expensive gifts to mom and dad. What can you give to your parents for their anniversary in this case:

    • an aromatic set consisting of a lamp and various essential oils;
    • hand-painted wine glasses;
    • crystal figurines in the shape of swans, symbolizing fidelity and devotion;
    • a beautiful box;
    • stylish floor vase.

    Wedding anniversary gift price for parents

    For parents, love, attention and care from their children are more important than the cost of the gift. When choosing the right thing, you don’t need to chase a high price - dad and mom would rather appreciate an original, inexpensive gift presented from the heart than an expensive, but completely unnecessary, uninteresting trinket. Suitable products can be purchased in the online store, ordering, if desired, targeted delivery, or found in specialized stores. Anniversary gifts for parents come in a huge price range. Examples of the cost of different gifts:

    • the price of a certificate for a couple’s visit to a spa or massage room is from 3,000 rubles;
    • a set of bathrobes and towels costs approximately 11,000 rubles;
    • price of souvenir gilded spoons – 2000 rubles;
    • a porcelain vase costs from 3,500 rubles;
    • two massage chairs will cost 22,000-25,000 rubles.

    How to congratulate your parents on their wedding anniversary

    Before choosing the right gift for mom and dad, consider how long they have been together. On an ordinary date, you can give a bottle of champagne and flowers, but an anniversary requires a more serious, expensive gift. Congratulations on the anniversary should be special, and the gift should be chosen taking into account traditions. On this special day, try to create a warm, joyful atmosphere for your parents, and let the main gift be the positive emotions that will fill the holiday.

    Romantic surprise for parents

    What can you give your parents for their wedding anniversary? The most romantic gift for a married couple would be a trip. Mature spouses don’t often get the chance to relax together, without grandchildren and children, so they definitely won’t refuse this opportunity. A trip to warmer climates will help them restore their health and strength, improve relationships and enjoy the beauty of exotic places.

    Depending on your material reserves and the tastes of the couple, you can organize a holiday for the celebrants in a sanatorium, a hotel on the coast, or an excursion to historically rich cities. In this case, it is better to purchase a ticket with an open date so that the parents themselves can choose the right time and have time to sort out all the current affairs. What romantic gift to give to parents for their wedding anniversary if the proposed option is not suitable? Organizing a date would be an excellent gift. To do this, you can purchase tickets to the performance and reserve a table in a cozy restaurant, where the couple will have dinner after the theater.

    Sweet gift for parents on their wedding anniversary

    It is not necessary to give an expensive gift in honor of a family anniversary. Mom and dad will really like it if you prepare for them a real wedding cake with several tiers and figures of the newlyweds. In addition, you can make dessert in a symbolic form for the couple. For example, if they met in a movie, the cake can be made in the form of a coil, and if the meeting took place in the library, the gift should be made in the form of a book. If you don’t have the necessary skills, you should order a gift dessert from a pastry shop in your city.

    Gift of impression for two

    A wonderful gift for two is the opportunity to spend interesting time together - it refreshes feelings and makes them deeper. A relevant gift for a married couple who have been together for a long time is a certificate for an impression. This service is very popular and is ideal for congratulations. What can you give to parents from this category of gifts:

    • spending time together at the spa;
    • a relaxing aroma or Thai massage session;
    • pottery master class;
    • dog sledding;
    • tea ceremony for two;
    • romantic hot air balloon flight;
    • a trip for two on a river bus.

    Video: what to give to parents on their wedding day

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