How to make yourself a monster high. How to do makeup for Monster High characters at home

The characters of the cartoon “Monster High” and the dolls created in their images attract girls with their bright makeup. Young fashionistas are eager to do Monster High makeup and look like their favorite vampires from “Monster School” during the holidays. At home this is not a problem.

Monster High style

  • Pale complexion and absolute absence of blush.
  • Matte cosmetics.
  • Brightly lined eyes and eyebrows.
  • Juicy lipstick, sometimes in non-standard shades.

To make your makeup look like the one in the cartoon, you need to follow 2 basic rules:

  • make the face pale and completely matte;
  • clearly line your eyes.

Before starting work, the skin must be prepared and cleaned of fat. If there are unevenness or wide pores, they will be perfectly hidden by a primer, on top of which a foundation is applied. To make your makeup last longer, the primer can be applied to your eyelids.

What you need for makeup

  1. A foundation for the face that gives a matte finish.
  2. Concealer and corrector to visually remove skin imperfections.
  3. A set of matte eyeshadows in various shades without glitter.
  4. Black eyeliner.
  5. Mascara.
  6. Catchy lipstick in dark shades (burgundy, purple), sometimes with elements of blue (purple).
  7. Brushes for applying makeup.

General sequence of actions

  1. Moisten your face and apply foundation (cream or powder) to create a matte shade without shine.
  2. Conceal imperfections and unevenness with corrector or concealer.
  3. If your skin is too oily, it is recommended to apply a layer of translucent powder to achieve a matte finish.
  4. Use shadows and pencils to highlight your eyebrows.
  5. Apply pink or purple eyeshadow to your eyelids. It is preferable to take cream or matte shadows. Makeup on the eyelids should reach the tip of the eyebrows.
  6. Use a black pencil or eyeliner to outline your eyes and lightly shade the line. However, if there is apparent blur, the shape of the outline should be visible. The eyes should be slanted and well-lined.
  7. Visually enhance the lash line with a darker pencil.
  8. Apply mascara thickly to eyelashes. You can use inlays with rhinestones.
  9. Contour your lips and paint them with rich dark lipstick of burgundy or cherry color. Additionally, you can apply glitter to them.

Draculaura Makeup

  1. Apply the palest foundation to your face and add a small layer of powder on top.
  2. Paint your eyelids bright pink. Cover the top with glitter of the appropriate shade.
  3. In the corners of the eyes, apply pink shadows of a darker shade.
  4. Outline the eyes with a black pencil and branch out the “arrows” to the tips of the eyebrows.
  5. Apply mascara thickly to eyelashes.
  6. Draw a heart on your cheek with a contour pencil and fill it with pink lipstick.
  7. Tint your lips with bright pink lipstick, you can add a little shine.
  8. Use white face painting or lipstick to draw fangs on your lips.
  9. Using a black pencil, lightly outline the fangs and heart on the cheek.

You can watch the video on how to do Draculaura makeup:

Egyptian makeup

Many girls also dream of being like the heiress of the Egyptian pharaohs, Cleo de Nile. She has unusual makeup, reminiscent of the images of Egyptian queens. It doesn’t take much to feel like the ruler of the ancient pyramids.

  1. Use a black pencil to draw bold “arrows” along the upper and lower eyelids, connecting them on the outer side.
  2. Next, you should apply the shadows in layers. First - dark blue, on top of them - purple, and closer to the eyebrows - light purple.
  3. Before applying a layer of lipstick, apply light powder to your lips and outline your lips with a contour pencil. Only then can you start using lipstick.
  4. Apply a light layer of dark golden blush to your cheeks.
  5. Glue an emerald-colored rhinestone on the right cheek under the eye.

The look is completed with a black Cleopatra-style wig with blonde highlights and large earrings (

Gulia Yelps – zombie makeup

Gulia's look requires a lot of blue shades that will contrast with bright colors in the most unusual way.

  1. Blend light blue shadows all over the face, creating a base from them.
  2. For lips, use bright red lipstick.
  3. Line your eyes with black arrows.
  4. Apply a thick layer of mascara to your eyelashes.
  5. Tint the eyelids with dark blue shadows so that it does not catch the eye.
  6. Complete the look with glasses with bright pink frames.

Unusual image of Frankie Stein

Frankie's makeup will require a greenish-gray face base. Face painting or regular shadows are perfect for this purpose.

  1. Apply light green paint to your face, after mixing it with sulfur. If you use eyeshadow, apply it in layers.
  2. Line your eyes with a black pencil, making the top arrow bolder.
  3. Draw false eyelashes over the lower and upper eyelids, making the upper ones longer.
  4. Apply blue or lilac shadows, making the tone lighter closer to the eyebrows. There is no need to completely paint over the upper eyelid: leave a small distance to the eyebrows.
  5. Outline your lips and paint them with dark red or burgundy lipstick.
  6. Draw seams on the cheek with a pencil.

The makeup of the Monster High heroines is bright and attractive. It will certainly make you stand out among the guests at a friendly party.

You can see what the makeup of some Monster High characters looks like in this video using dolls as an example.

Whatever image you create, the main thing is to show your imagination. Then any makeup will be the height of perfection.

The "Monster High" theme has not lost popularity for several years now. Monster girls, students of the school of the same name, are winning admirers among young people and children thanks to their bright images, stunning style, and inexhaustible charm. Nowadays, many holiday agencies offer clients to celebrate a party in the company of monster animators, and many girls who do not have the opportunity to use the help of professionals organize fun monster parties on their own. To make the holiday spectacular and truly atmospheric, you need to think through all the details. Napkins, dishes, flags, posters, costumes of the participants - there are no trifles in this complex matter. The Monster High makeup deserves special attention. This is what we will talk about.

Necessary materials

Before doing the Monster High makeup, let's prepare everything you need. In holiday supply stores you can easily purchase safe paints for leather of almost any color. It’s good if they come in the form of felt-tip pens or pencils - it will be more convenient to draw. Well, if it is impossible to find the required professional products or their price is too high, you can replace them with ordinary cosmetic pencils. Bright, golden, pearlescent shadows will come in handy - after all, monster girls are such fashionistas! A set of glitter on a self-adhesive base wouldn't hurt. And finally, the main thing is a tint for the face. Here it is better to pay attention to special products, because the characters in the series “Monster School” have skin of completely different shades, and it can be difficult to find the right one among ordinary cosmetics. For example, for Claudine’s makeup you can use a regular foundation for dark skin, but to create the look of Gulia Yelps, you will need a gray one. If it’s difficult to find the right tone, you should pay attention to that monster whose skin tone is similar to natural. For example, Cleo has bronzed skin, Draculaura has soft pink, and Operetta’s blush is practically indistinguishable from a human one. Skelita can also be included in this category; her skin is a white-beige shade, which can be achieved using the coldest and lightest foundation. These are the characters we'll start with.

Makeup "Monster High": Cleo de Nile

One of the brightest students of the school is an aristocratic girl with refined taste. Her name is Cleo. She loves luxury, antiques, massive jewelry, the most fashionable brands. Primary colors: black, turquoise and lots and lots of gold. Those who decide to learn how to do Monster High makeup in the style of the southern beauty Cleo will need shadows and pencils in these exact colors.

First of all, we give the skin a shade similar to a bronze Egyptian tan. To make it more similar to the prototype, let’s pay special attention to the eyes. Cleo loves massive wings. In addition to the usual delicate lines, you can also see curls on her eyelids. Her eyelashes are lush and jet black. Lip makeup can be quite bold - from soft golden to black cherry or even turquoise.

The highlight of the image is the rhinestone on the cheekbone. Well, you should take care of your hair. Cleo is a hot brunette, so you can complement the look with a black wig with golden curls. Of course, those with thick black hair can skip this point and not use any wigs. After all, even a deliberately luxurious image suits natural beauty.

Claudine Wolfe and makeup in her style

According to the creators' idea, this girl was born into a large and friendly family of werewolves. Its species affiliation is immediately revealed by its protruding wolf ears. Claudine's favorite colors are purple, black, gray, blue. She is a hopeless experimenter; it costs her nothing to cut her hair shorter and dye it poisonous green. But she is true to her style: it is dominated by furs, predatory prints, straps with clasps, and rivets.

She is young, beautiful and self-sufficient. However, like most of the Monster High girls. Claudine's makeup is catchy, but not flashy. Those with dark skin may not need to tint their face. It is better not to overuse arrows. But Claudine prefers eye-catching shadows. Purple ones will do. Most often, this fashionista chooses lipstick in a warm terracotta shade.

An important detail - fangs! In Claudine they grow downwards (unlike, for example, Abbie Bominable). Of course, they will be easiest for those who use face painting rather than ordinary cosmetics. Or maybe someone will go even further and wear real false fangs?

Draculaura's look and make-up

In the story, Lord Dracula's daughter is still just a child. She is naive, trusting, kind, romantic. You can easily do makeup for girls in this style. "Monster High" attracts girls of all ages! And the image of Draculaura is perfect for those who are younger.

In choosing her favorite colors, clothes and accessories, Draculaura is a true conservative. Therefore, for those who love "Monster High", Draculaura's makeup will not be difficult to do. All you need is black eyeliner, pink lipstick and raspberry eyeshadow.

Face painting of Skelita Calaveras in the style of Día de los Muertos

Those who want to create an image in the style of this Latin American beauty will need a more impressive arsenal: pencils in black, white and blue, blue eye shadow, red lipstick.

Skelita is not just made up, her skull-face is painted with flowers, curls, and hearts. There is room to let your imagination run wild!

Operetta Makeup

Perhaps one of the easiest images to implement. Operetta is a sophisticated opera singer. Excesses, lack of taste, vulgarity - this is not about her! Her make-up is rather restrained, only her eyelids are shaded golden-orange.

But to achieve maximum resemblance to the character, you cannot do without a red wig with black curls and curls.

Now the shelves of toy stores are overflowing with various dolls for every taste. Even the most sophisticated buyers can find the right toy to their liking. But, despite the fact that the assortment continues to expand, the number of craftsmen who turn purchased beauties of Monster High, Barbie and the like into OOAK does not decrease.

OOAK is an abbreviation for the English expression “One Of A Kind”, that is, “one of a kind”. In other words, this is the transformation of the same type of stamped Barbies into dolls with their own unique image and style.

Why is this necessary?

Masters of puppet transformations do not have a single answer to this question. Some people don’t like too bright makeup on toys - girls, in their opinion, should see an example of natural beauty with a minimum of makeup. For others, it's just a hobby, like painting or cross-stitching. As a rule, in the homes of such people you can see a whole collection of different modified dolls.

Still others make dolls to order based on a real prototype. These can be both celebrities and ordinary people for whom this product is intended.

The fourth decided, as they say, to combine business with pleasure and began to make money from their hobby by selling their skillful crafts. After all, it’s one thing to buy one of a million identical dolls in a store, and quite another to buy a handmade toy, being sure that no one will have a second one.

Removing old makeup

Before applying new makeup, you need to remove the old factory one. To do this, in addition to the doll itself, you will need:

  • solvent. Suitable product for removing artificial nails;
  • degreaser. Both store-bought and regular diluted alcohol will do;
  • watercolor pencils, pastels, acrylic paints;
  • eraser. It will be better if one of its ends is narrow - for more jewelry work;
  • brushes, palette;
  • clear acrylic varnish;
  • matte acrylic spray coating;
  • cotton swabs or disks. Regular cotton wool will also work;
  • cling film.

It makes sense to wear medical gloves on your hands that are suitable in size (if there are only larger ones, then it is better to do without them altogether, since large gloves will fall off during such precise work and can ruin the work). Lighting should be moderately bright and uniform; shadows from your hands should not disturb you.

Many materials are very easily soiled, so you should prepare your work area in advance. It is better to cover the table with newspaper. Now that the preparations are complete, you can start working directly.

Renewing your makeup

Now that the doll’s face has acquired its original appearance, in which it was last seen only on the factory assembly line, and has lost its bright coloring, you can begin to embody your own vision of the doll’s makeup.

The sequence of actions in making an OOAC doll is as follows:

How to do a doll's hairstyle

Monster High or Ever After High hairstyles are beautiful in themselves, but they do not always suit the doll’s new look. The choice of a new hairstyle is limited only by your imagination, but there are general recommendations:

Flashing: features of operation

If you don't like the doll's original hair or it's all fallen out, you can easily make new ones with your own hands. This will not only revive old toys, but also transform new ones.

For homemade hair you will need:

  • satin ribbon;
  • glue "Moment";
  • sewing needle.

The new hairstyle will be as long as you want (as long as the length of the ribbon is enough), and in a color that will suit the image, that is, it is not necessary to use natural colors. So, the process of creating hair:

  1. If previously the doll’s hair “grew” only around the perimeter of the head, not allowing anything other than a ponytail, then now is the time to correct this misunderstanding. To do this, use a needle to make holes in rows across the entire surface of the head. Just don't get too carried away - the holes shouldn't be too close to each other.
  2. Now you need to unravel the ribbon into threads. One thread will turn out to be very long, and to prevent it from getting tangled, it is better to immediately wind it into a ball. Now cut the threads so that each cut is 2 times the expected length of the hair.
  3. Using a needle, thread the threads through the holes of the head so that one thread comes out of two adjacent holes to the same length.
  4. If the head is removable, then through the hole into which the neck goes, drop glue into the holes with the hair. If there is no such hole, you can drip glue from the outside, at the “roots” of the hair.

New doll - new clothes

Clothes are perhaps the simplest thing that can be changed in a doll's appearance. Of course, for more complex outfits you will have to take measurements and create patterns, but, as a rule, this is not required.

The easiest way is to make a doll outfit based on an existing one, for example, the one in which the doll was sold. To do this, you need to lay the clothes evenly on a sheet of paper and use pins or a pencil to mark the outlines of the parts, then add seam allowances, and the simplest pattern is ready.

With doll shoes, things are more complicated, but this problem can be solved with improvised materials. For example, to create sneakers, you need to wrap a doll’s foot in cling film and sculpt the desired shape from papier-mâché or polymer clay so that after the mixture dries, the shoes can be easily removed from the foot and then put on again without any problems.

Modifications Monster High

If you are already thinking about how to make a Monster High doll with your own hands, but are not yet confident in your abilities, then it is better to start with body modifications of ready-made dolls. Today's dolls are all incredibly thin and terribly alike. Sometimes you just want to give each person individuality, but different eye and hair colors are not enough, and then you have to come up with something new.

OOAK includes not only changes in makeup, it can also be piercings, tattoos, and various body modifications such as subcutaneous implants. Some even increase the width of the doll's body in the right places so that it does not look too emaciated.

Tattoos are made with ordinary paints, and, if the design must be durable, they are covered with varnish. Piercing is done with pieces of ordinary wire of the desired shape. But what then to do with changing the shape of the body?

To do this, you need to mold an object of the desired shape from polymer clay (for example, horns, long nails, or prominent muscles) and fix them in the right place. Clay is suitable for this, which does not need to be baked to give the parts hardness.

Attention, TODAY only!

All girls have in their imagination an ideal of beauty to which they strive. For some, this is a sister, for some, a movie actress, and for others, a participant in “Monster School.” Those who regularly watch this cartoon know what events usually happen with Monsters High and how they behave, look and even smile. Viewers could also notice that the characters of this cartoon are very beautiful and stylish. How do they remain so irresistible at any time of the day? What is the secret of their flawless faces? If you want to know the answer to these questions, then what are you waiting for, because you can personally ask each of the Monsters High what worries you most about their appearance and style. Especially for Internet users, we have grouped the games in this series into one section called “Makeup” Monsters High. Here, each player will find the cartoon heroine he likes most, including Draculaura, Aquilina, Cleo, Frankie Stein and others. To learn absolutely all the tricks, we advise you to run each game in this section and see with your own eyes how and what to do. If you are ready to travel to the mystical world of Monster High and unravel this mystery, then go to the “School of Monsters” and learn directly from the masters of their craft.

If you once watch the colorful cartoon Monster High, you will be fascinated by its heroines. Vampires have a lot of charm! They're not scary. Girls all over the world give their hearts to these monsters. Many little fans want to look like the heroines and wonder how to do such makeup


To apply this Monster High style makeup, you will need:

  • the foundation is thick and quite light;
  • corrector so that skin imperfections can be eliminated;
  • concealer, which successfully disguises circles under the eyes;
  • bright shadows that do not contain mother-of-pearl or shimmer;
  • black pencil for shading, preferably soft;
  • black mascara, for volume of eyelashes;
  • pencil or shadow to tint eyebrows;
  • varnish lipstick. Need a bright one. Choose a dark or unusual color: black-purple, purple, bluish tone, violet;
  • Take your brushes to create a Monster High look.

To make the makeup of the rest of the monsters look similar, follow these tips:

  • make your lips bright. You can outline the outlines with purple or blue colors;
  • decorate your eyes with long, sweeping arrows - this is to give them a predatory look;
  • Paint eyelashes and eyebrows in dark colors. Let them stand out on your face.

Now let's move on to creating Monster High images.

Cleo de Nile

Cleo's makeup is done in Egyptian style. The lips are bright and expressive, as are the eyeliner.

  1. Use a liner (preferably black) to draw arrows onto your eyes. For the upper eyelid, go bold. Let them go far beyond the eyes on the outer sides and merge there with the lower ones. There should be a rectangle between them.
  2. Decorate your eyelids with dark blue shadows and gently blend them. Take purple (darker) and color the upper eyelid with creases. Then blend it out. Apply a light shade of purple at the eyebrows.
  3. Apply powder to your lips as a base. Take a dark beige pencil and trace the outlines. And on top is coral lipstick.
  4. For the cheeks you need a bronze-colored blush.
  5. Take a large emerald-colored rhinestone sticker and place it under your right eye.
  6. Wear earrings similar to Cleo’s in your ears, and on your head a wig with a black main color and bleached strands.


In Monster High, she is Dracula's daughter. If you like vampires, do holiday makeup in her style. By the way, if you wear this look at a party, do not drink Bloody Mary, because Draculaura is a vegetarian.

Now all you have to do is select your favorite makeup from Monster High and start creating it. Good luck!

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