How to sew a Dracula costume. How to make a Count Dracula costume with your own hands? A suit of ordinary clothes

Hardly a single Halloween party is complete without the presence of one or two “vampires.” This image has always been popular, because for this holiday it is customary to dress up as undead, and a vampire is a dead person who regularly rises from the grave to feed on the blood of people.

On the one hand, vampires are scary creatures, however, they cannot be denied charm and attractiveness. Unlike zombies and other risen dead, vampires should not be frightening with their appearance. Otherwise, they will not be able to lure victims into their networks.

Main features of the image

To make a vampire costume for Halloween, you need to think about what you want the character to look like. Main features of the image:

  • pale skin, because vampires can only walk on the ground at night, since sunlight is harmful to them;
  • protruding fangs on the upper jaw; it is with these fangs that the vampire pierces the skin of the victim in order to get enough blood.

What should a ghoul's clothing be like? Photos of various vampire costumes for Halloween are more reminiscent of Victorian era clothing. Let's not forget that ghouls can exist for many hundreds of years (of course, if they don't meet a hero armed with a pistol with silver bullets or an aspen stake on their way). Therefore, it is not surprising that many vampires prefer the fashion of their time.

A vampire can look quite natural in modern clothes (remember the Twilight saga), but you cannot deny his elegance.

How to make a costume?

Let's look at how you can make a vampire costume for Halloween. First of all, you need to choose classic, elegant black trousers. You can take a white shirt, if you wish, you can wear a silk shirt with a frill.

The next mandatory costume option for a guy is a vest. It can be ordinary, matching the trousers, but a vest made of red velvet with gold buttons looks more impressive.

An elegant tuxedo or cloak will complement a men's vampire costume. Today, few young people have a tuxedo in their wardrobe, and if you wear a regular jacket, the suit will not be so impressive. Therefore, you should prefer a raincoat, especially since it is quite easy to make it yourself.

To sew a raincoat you will need about two meters of fabric. If possible, you should choose fabrics such as satin, velvet or taffeta. The cloak can be made single, but it will be much more impressive if it is lined with scarlet silk. Of course, expensive types of fabric can be replaced with cheaper goods; at a party, it is unlikely that anyone will closely evaluate the quality of the material from which the raincoat is made.

The raincoat can be made long, to the ankles, or made shorter, to the knees. The pattern of the raincoat is as simple as possible - it is a regular rectangle. If you are sewing a model with a lining, then you need to cut out two identical parts from the main fabric and from the lining fabric. Then fold them right sides together and stitch on three sides, turn them inside out and iron the seams on the right side.

The upper (open side) of the workpiece must be folded twice to form a drawstring. Then you will need to thread a lace or rope into this drawstring, with the help of which the cloak is pulled together. After putting on the raincoat, you will need to tie a lace at the throat.

If the cloak is made by a person who has experience in sewing, then a more interesting option can be made. For example, make the bottom edge jagged or round the floors. You can sew a hood onto the neckline, but a high stand-up collar will look more impressive. Such a collar can be cut out of cardboard so that it holds its shape, and then covered with fabric.

To finish the cloak, you can use gold or silver paint. Using a stencil and paint, you can apply various designs to the fabric - images of spiders, bats, crosses, etc.

Accessories and parts

There shouldn't be any problems with vampire shoes; any classic shoes will do. But you will have to tinker with the headdress. The ideal option for this costume is a top hat. You can make such a hat from cardboard. You will need to cut out three parts:

  • rectangle for making the crown of a hat;
  • circle for the upper bottom;
  • round part for making fields.

All parts are cut out with an allowance, the allowance is cut into teeth and folded so that the parts can be glued together.

After the glue has dried, the hat is painted black; the lower part of the crown can be decorated with a scarlet satin ribbon.

The suit will be completed with white men's gloves and a cane. However, it will be quite possible to do without these details, since during the party you will have to constantly think about where to put them.

Making the image scary

To make a vampire look like a bloodsucker, it is necessary to attach artificial fangs. Buying special overlays for teeth is not a problem today, but you can make artificial fangs yourself. To do this, cut an arc from the cylindrical part of a plastic bottle. We process the edges well so that they are not sharp and cannot damage the gums. The fangs themselves can be cut out of white plastic (it’s convenient to use artificial nails, but you can take a white plastic bottle from household chemicals). We attach the cut out “clicks” to the cut out arc with tape or any other convenient method. We insert the plate into the mouth.

All that remains is to stain your lips with artificial blood, you can replace it with bright red liquid lipstick.

Our costume is ready, but to make the image even more impressive, it’s worth doing the appropriate makeup.

The shocking image of a vampire is a win-win option for a successful outfit for Halloween or another costume party. It has long since become a beloved “classic of the genre.” A pale face, bright makeup and the spectacular appearance of the prince of darkness will not go out of fashion for a long time.

Where can I get such a suit? One option is to order it from an online store. However, you can also make it yourself. How to do this will be discussed in this article.

We are preparing a suit, or the mission is possible

It is difficult to imagine the image of Dracula without a traditional cloak. It can be long or short. You decide.

Typically, such a robe falls from the shoulder to the ankles, so 1-2 meters of fabric are needed to sew it. You will need satin, silk, taffeta or velvet (i.e. any lightweight fabric, preferably with a glossy surface). The color of the cloak must be chosen as “vampire”: black, blue or red. To make this outfit more sophisticated, you can make its hem rounded.

A wide hood will add completeness to such a vampire cloak. It’s easy to make: a triangle of the desired size is cut out of the fabric, then its short edge is folded inward and sewn on to give it its shape. Then the hood is basted to the cloak - and voila!, the vampire robe is ready.

Ideally, a vampire cloak or cape should have a red lining. It is better to immediately sew the red satin lining to the black fabric, and then cut the cloak.

If we are talking about a costume for children, then feel free to start decorating the garment: decorate it with images of spiders, bats or the moon. They can be cut from any bright fabric, thick paper and even foil. An alternative is to use gold or silver paint in a can and a simple stencil.

Another important point is the choice of suitable clothing for the raincoat. To make this task easier for you, we offer a small list of popular options:

If you have the opportunity to get clothes similar to ancient costumes from the 18th and 19th centuries, be sure to take advantage of it. After all, with their help you can recreate the classic image of children of the night. You can use the masquerade costume rental service.

Below we have posted a video of the process of making a cape for a vampire costume with ruffles.

In the men's version, instead of a hood, you need to bend the fabric two or three times to get a high collar. For rigidity, you can line the inside with cardboard or stitch it with diamonds.

Spectacular makeup is an indispensable attribute of the vampire image

Another distinctive feature of this character is bright, catchy makeup on deathly pale skin. To achieve this effect, follow our tips.

  1. The first step is to prepare your facial skin by applying a light layer of cream or base makeup.
  2. The vampire's face should not be shiny, so you will need matte powder or baby powder. It must be applied on top of the cream.
  3. Ready? Then we can directly do vampire-style makeup. First of all, let's outline the eyes. For this you need a black cosmetic pencil or eyeliner. The main strokes should be applied to the inside of the eye, as well as lines on the upper and lower eyelids.
  4. Next we give the eyes a smoky effect. This can be done by applying gray, purple and brown eyeshadow.
  5. If you want a completely pale face, don't use blush.
  6. We pay special attention to the lips. Their shape and color should be expressive, but it is not necessary to paint them perfectly evenly. A slight carelessness in creating lip makeup for a vampire is even welcome. Classic lipstick colors are red, brown and black.
  7. Then we will start creating the effect of dried blood streams on the face. To prepare artificial blood, you need to mix any syrup and dye (red and a little blue for extra realism).

By following the link you can see how to do it, filmed by professional makeup artists and amateur makeup artists. They will help you create an elegant and exciting look. This training will take you 5-10 minutes, after which you can try to apply this makeup yourself.

Women can also get a matching manicure in red or black. If you have short nails, you can use artificial false tips.

Selecting accessories

To complete the vampire look, take care of other details of the outfit. Their number and options are limited only by your imagination. They will help you either copy the image of vampires from famous films and TV series, or create your own interpretation of it.

We offer several of the most common accessory options:

  • Fangs. They can be purchased in special stores or made yourself. To make vampire fangs at home, you will need a clean white plastic bottle. From it you will cut out a plate in the shape of teeth with fangs. You can apply the required texture and color of blood to them using nail polish. See the video above for details on the process of making fangs yourself.
  • Wig. Usually the image of a vampire is associated with long hair. Their color can be white, black or bright red. To create an original look, you can buy a wig. Today, various carnival costume stores offer a wide selection of such products.
  • Hairstyle. Do you have short hair but don't want to wear a wig? Then you can style your hair using a gel with strong hold. You can tousle your hair chaotically in the style of vampires from the movie “Twilight” or make a small mohawk by collecting strands in the center.
  • Decorations. The Gothic look of a vampire is unimaginable without all kinds of rings, crosses, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, medallions, brooches and belts. For women, fancy necklaces with bright stones and ornaments or wide black ribbons tied in small bows around the neck and arms are perfect.
  • Hats. Sometimes the image of the prince of the night can be complemented by this accessory. For men, strict black top hats a la Bram Stoker's Dracula are suitable, and for women - small hats with lace. Also, a headdress for vampires can be made in the form of an old veil, decorating it with imitation cobwebs, drops of homemade blood or a wreath of artificial flowers in an old style.
  • Cane. Continuing the theme of classic images of vampires, we cannot help but recall the ancient wands that we so often see in the hands of Hollywood villains. You can make a cane yourself or buy it in an online store.
  • Chains. They can be used to decorate both women's and men's suits. The main thing is not to overdo it with their quantity. The ideal option is to hang a small chain with small links on the waistband of your pants or on your vest. Women can decorate a corset or dress with such an accessory.
  • Glasses. The best option is sunglasses with small round black lenses. They will go perfectly with a top hat and a black long wig.
  • Lenses. We also recommend purchasing vampire lenses for eyes with a red or vertical pupil. Today their choice is simply huge, so there should not be any special problems with their purchase.

By the way, if you don’t have the time or opportunity to make a costume yourself, you can buy or rent a ready-made version in special stores.

What your vampire look will be - ancient noble, modern elegant or simple realistic - is up to you. Depending on the type of this character, you will need to choose makeup and accessories to give the image integrity and completeness.

Have you forgotten? By following the link you can read the history of the holiday and find out how it is celebrated in different countries.
And if you have not yet decided which role to choose, then how to create the image of a delightfully bright, elegant or fairy-tale witch.

Don't be afraid to experiment, pay attention to detail and rich colors and your Halloween costume will be one of a kind!

Halloween is a holiday where you can bring your “dark half” out. Not in the literal sense, of course, but to transform it into a certain image that suits you, choosing the appropriate costume and makeup. Or just fool around, imagining yourself as a vampire or witch for one evening.

Vampire costume

If you are a bright, emotional and passionate lady, then the image of a female vampire is perfect for you.

Vampiresses, or vampiress - this image is shrouded in nighttime mystery and romance. A spectacular but cold creature with white skin, sharp teeth and long nails, feeding on blood, silently appears and also silently disappears into the darkness of the night. According to popular belief, vampires and vampiresses can transform into bats, ravens, wolves and other animals.

Traditionally, a vampire is a glamorous, gothic, pale-faced lady in a black or dark red long dress. However, nowadays, to create the image of a vampire, girls often resort to miniskirts and short dresses, leaving only sharp fangs, dark colors and ominous makeup unchanged. Therefore, if you decide to appear as a vampire for Halloween, think about what is closer to you: a gothic long outfit or a seductive red and black mini dress. By the way: if you are not going to appear at the party alone, you can make a couple costume for a vampire and a vampire. In this form, you will certainly be in the center of the holiday!

Black and red on the eve of Halloween are certainly not associated with Stendhal's novel. On October 31, these colors symbolize primarily night and blood. This combination is most suitable for a vampire costume. Outfits in purple, blue, pink and orange-black colors will also look great.

The basis of the suit should be an elegant dress - it doesn’t matter whether it’s long or short. Dresses with a tight corset, or a skirt with a corset and long gloves look very impressive.

An optional but traditional element is a cape, which is very easy to make yourself.

A rectangular piece of fabric is gathered in the neck area (you can either gather it or lay it in beautiful folds, stepping back from the top to the distance desired for the collar). The collar can be standing up, if the fabric is stiff, or turn-down, lying like a beautiful frill. It all depends on what fabric you choose for the cloak - it could be heavy velvet, silk or lace. Lace fabric does not require additional processing of the edge, but silk will have to be processed, or a cloak made with a lining. As for velvet, it all depends on the quality of the base.

To sew a lined raincoat, cut a similar rectangle from another fabric, place both pieces right sides together and stitch on all four sides, leaving a small hole at the bottom. Turn the workpiece inside out through this hole, and then carefully sew up the hole by hand. Iron the fabric along the edge so that the seam becomes flat (you can topstitch). A rigid collar can also be obtained by sealing the top with non-woven material.

Another simple version of the raincoat is made from a semicircular cloth. Such a raincoat will look and fit on you much more beautifully.

For fastening, ties are sewn in the neck area. To hide the gathering place, you can use a long ribbon, sewing it along the line of the fabric with two seams. The ribbon will separate the collar, and its ends will become ties. You can also decorate the top in the area of ​​the ties with decorative elements or a brooch.

Traditionally, the vampire cloak is made with a scarlet lining. But if you use other colors in your outfit, then the lining can be made accordingly.

A gothic collar, a belt (preferably lacquer) to match, satin or guipure gloves, a small hat with a veil or a dark flower are perfect accessories for the look.

Don’t forget that a vampire should look feminine, so wear fishnet tights or black fishnet stockings. Shoes or boots are definitely elegant, with high heels. The dress or corset should be tight-fitting, emphasizing your figure. It is better to highlight the part of the body that you consider most attractive with bright details.

No matter how rich the vampire’s outfit is, without suitable makeup it will look unfinished.

So, lips. Of course, the pink color a la Barbie does not harmonize with this look. Passionate bright red bitten lips are exactly what is needed in this situation. After all, you feed on blood, so you have to fit in, even if red lipstick isn't your thing. Halloween is perhaps the only day when girls are not only allowed, but strongly encouraged to outline their lips with a black pencil.

Finally, insert a jaw with protruding fangs, which can be purchased in specialized stores, or you can make it yourself from a white plastic fork. To do this, take the bottom of a fork, remove the middle tines, leaving only the outer ones, carefully sand the cuts so as not to injure your mouth - and you can go bite people!

The eyes should be very bright and expressive. Keep in mind that there will be a lot of vampires and vampiresses at the party, and if getting lost among them is not in your plans, pay enough attention to your makeup.

To create such a dark look, you will definitely need black eyeliner, dark shadows, and several layers of mascara. But if for the image of a witch you can absurdly and chaotically apply dark spots and bruises under the eyes to your face, then a vampire should look elegant and feminine. Makeup in the style of smokey eyes will look very beautiful.

The face should be white and pale. Very. It is better to avoid blush and use the lightest possible powder.

Nails, of course, are red or black. And better - sharp and long. Invoices are quite suitable for one day.

You will also have to work hard on your hair. During the day, vampiresses sleep like bats, head down, which means their hair has a careless, disheveled appearance.

If you like this hairstyle, backcomb it lightly, fix your hair with hairspray, and highlight individual strands with wax, creating a carefree effect. Or, on the contrary, make a neat tight ponytail, combed with gel.

Makeup, hairstyle, accessories and costume elements may vary depending on your taste, preferences and body type.

The main thing is that the image of the vampire looks gothic, feminine, elegant and, of course, terrifying - and then you will certainly become the queen of Halloween.

Do not forget also about your style of behavior, manners and speech if you want your image to be harmonious and complete. A horse's neighing or a pig's squeal can ruin all your hard work. Watch several episodes from different films about vampires - how they move, how they speak - try to imagine that you are an actress being watched by the director and the audience.

Crone Witch Costume

Witch - what could be easier and simpler? You don’t have to do careful makeup while sitting in front of the mirror for several hours, there is no need to think through your wardrobe - after all, you are not going to charm anyone! All you need to do is not comb your hair in the morning, do not wash your face, and do not wash off your makeup the night before. Before the party, put on your oldest clothes - rags and ancient worn-out shoes - and the witch costume is ready!

It is possible, of course, so. But... First, it’s worth determining: what kind of witch do you actually want to be? An old flabby hag with a wart on her nose or a witch from the pages of Playboy? Based on this we will make a costume.

For a scary witch costume, you'll need all the long, dark clothes you have, and the worse they look, the better. You can put torn tights, stockings or socks on your legs (or one on top of the other, and the stockings or socks can be from different pairs).

Shoes can be either regular slippers (but dark ones!) or old ballet shoes. All things need to be pulled on yourself - the more, the better. The main thing is to create the impression of a robe. By the way, it’s quite possible to borrow a couple of things from your mother or grandmother - and the size is probably larger and their age... well, you know.

If there are no such things nearby, a simple piece of dark fabric can help: you wrap one piece around the waist - this will be a skirt, and from the second you make a shirt-jacket.

Now let's talk more about the skirt. You need to take a long piece of fabric (width approximately 120 to 80 cm) - the longer the fabric, the fuller the skirt will be. We wrap the fabric along the top edge so that the width of the fold is approximately 2 cm, and stitch it - this is the drawstring - the place where we will thread the elastic of your skirt.

Next we sew the sides of the skirt. To enhance the effect, you can tear the bottom of the skirt you just sewn or add fringe along the bottom.

Second option: lay the fabric across. That is, the width of the fabric will be equal to the length of your skirt. If the fabric is wider, then the excess can be cut off. Or you can fold the fabric so that the skirt turns out to be two layers. An old (or not so old) curtain will go perfectly with such a skirt. If you don't cut anything, after the party you just need to undo the seams and your skirt will magically turn into a curtain again. This option is convenient because you will have to sew less.

Making a jacket from a piece of fabric is no more difficult. We cut out holes for the arms and tie the remaining length of fabric around it like a wraparound sweater. Or do it as shown in the picture.

To sew or not to sew a shirt is up to you. Surely some old jacket or sweater should be found. They can be slightly frayed and cut, especially the bottom of the sleeves. And on top you can put on a piece of fabric with a hole for the head and tuck it all into the skirt. Or throw it over your shoulders in the form of a shawl (or just a large shawl). All this can be decorated on the figure in different ways, using belts, scarves, pins and whatever else you have.

Sloppy hair or a wig will complete the look. You can even make small curls (if your hairstyle allows) and comb them so that the hair sticks out in all directions (small paper curling irons or braided small braids are great for this. Braid damp hair, then dry it well with a hairdryer. After unbraiding, your head will look like “ crow's nest").

If you have a short haircut, then apply foam or styling product to damp hair and dry your hair with a hairdryer “upside down” - again, so that everything sticks out!

With makeup it will be more difficult to choose: you can outline your eyes with a black pencil and shade it, you can use green (swamp) shadows over the entire eyelid, while making your eyebrows thicker and lining your lips with a dark pencil.

Regarding warts: it’s better not to draw them - it won’t look the way you intended. It is better to buy them, if possible, or glue a piece of something suitable.

A large wide-brimmed cap hat will complete the image of an old witch. It can be done at home too. To do this you will need black paper or black fabric, glue, scissors and thin cardboard or thick Whatman paper. A diagram with approximate dimensions is shown in the figure.

We cut out a blank from cardboard and glue the cone. While the cone dries, cut out the brim of the hat. The diameter of the inner circle is the diameter of your head plus 1-2 cm for the hat to fit properly. We cut out the fields clearly according to the diagram, leaving special “pyramids” in the inner circle for gluing the cone and fields.

After everything is cut out, we cover the cone of the hat with black paper or fabric on the outside. We glue the brim of the hat on both sides. Let it dry. Next, we glue the cone and fields using “pyramids”. And that's it - the hat is ready! It can be decorated with fringe around the edge, pieces of dark organza, dark flowers or feathers.

Or you can plant a toy frog or spider in the fields for a more frightening effect.

However, if you don’t want to bother with making a hat, then try to “modernize” some old headdress - a hat, a beret, a scarf. Witches are different. And you can remember our good old Baba Yaga - why not a character for a night of horror?

And yes, even though you are a witch, you will probably want to bring various feminine things to the party. Where should I put it? You can, of course, sew a large pocket to a skirt, or you can make a kind of bag from an old bag, a piece of leather or thick fabric and hang it from your belt. Remember, witches often carry a bag with all sorts of herbs, roots, frog legs and dried spiders.

Temptress Witch Costume

If you want a temptress witch costume, there are plenty of options here! The skirt can be either short or long; both lush and tight-fitting, with a piquant cut. The jacket can also be anything. - with or without sleeves, with a deep neckline, with frills, fringe, or you can even wear a corset.

A long or cocktail dress would also be suitable. The main thing is that the color is monochromatic (black, blue, red, purple, green) and rich. Additionally, the dress can be decorated with frills made of black organza or lace, add bows and flowers, which will give the dress some flirtatiousness.

A wide belt or corset that emphasizes the waist will decorate the outfit. Shoes should have heels and preferably with large buckles, stockings or tights should be mesh, patterned or striped (as they are used to seeing in American films).

Makeup and hairstyle are at your discretion. In this image there is no need for protruding hair and frogs, everything should seduce and beckon.

A tall broom, a cap hat and a bright manicure will complement the look.

The hat can be made according to the scheme described above, or you can buy a lightweight version made of lace fabric with hoops. The hat should be decorated more luxuriously than that of the old witch.

Manicure: Long nails in bright red or black. You can use other bright colors: blue, green, purple, if they are present in your outfit.

Broom: take a long mop handle or any long stick (about 120 cm), collect thin twigs from any tree (without leaves) the day before (two days before) and let them dry. And then we simply tie the branches to the stick with thick rope or wire. The main thing is that your structure does not fall apart at the most inopportune moment. The broom can be decorated with a bow.

Master classes

And more ideas

Rarely is a Halloween party complete without the presence of one or more vampires. This image is equally suitable for men, women, adults and children. The elegance and mask of mystery made this character the most popular on All Hallows' Eve.

It’s not difficult to create with your own hands: you need to choose the appropriate clothes, accessories, and apply terrifying makeup.

Creating a vampire costume

The colors of this mystical character are primarily black and red. In addition to the main ones, white, gold, and purple are used. The clothing items are reminiscent of Victorian era attire.

Men will need dark trousers, a crisp white shirt and a red or purple vest. A lace frill will be an organic addition. You can sew it yourself. To do this, gather a lace ribbon of sufficient length onto a fabric base and secure it to the stand-up collar.

For the female version, you will need a black dress of any style - long, short, straight, tight - it doesn’t matter.

It's good if you have a velvet dress. This outfit most closely resembles the style of the Victorian era.

The dark satin cloak on a scarlet backing is perhaps the most important part of the attire. It makes the mystical hero recognizable.

It’s not difficult to sew a raincoat yourself: you need to take 2 rectangular pieces of satin fabric in black and scarlet colors, connect them with a seam along the perimeter and loosely gather them along the neckline with a braid. A large cloak collar and cape (if desired) can be sewn using this pattern. The gate will have to be glued with a special fabric, it must have a rigid shape and stand.

Traces of blood on the fabric will add a creepy flavor.

We complement the suit with accessories

A bloodsucker cannot exist without long fangs. You can, there are enough suggestions on this matter on the Internet.

Or you can make them yourself from food-grade plastic or false nails.
In the first case, disposable utensils are taken (plate, plastic bottle, etc.), from which the desired shape is cut out.

In the second case, false plastic nails are used; they should be shaped like fangs.

The main task is to attach them securely. Use nail glue.

We complete the image of a vampire - apply makeup

When starting makeup, first, you must change the tone of your face and remove shine. Bloodsuckers cannot tolerate sunlight, their skin is pale, devoid of blush, and bloodless.
Use the lightest powder to whiten your face, neck, and décolleté, after applying a cream base. Use talcum powder. If you want your skin tone to be almost white, you can use appropriate face painting.

When creating makeup for a vampire costume, emphasize your cheekbones, this will make your face more expressive. A large round brush and dark gray shadows are suitable for this.

Use a contour pencil to highlight your eyes. Apply dark brown or gray shadows, blending widely. The eyes should stand out, look expressive and somewhat sunken.

The lips need to be highlighted. Bright red lipstick is perfect. Draw a clear outline with a pencil of a darker tone. Well, if you achieve the effect of wet lips with the help of transparent gloss, they will look like they are stained with blood.

Draw bloody streaks or just a stream flowing from the mouth. To do this, use a contour pencil and liquid lipstick.

You can also buy artificial blood at the store.

Using a bright outline, draw the vascular network on the cheek.

To create a more frightening look, you can draw not a trickle, but bloody spots, as if the character had recently taken a terrible meal.

As for men, it is performed similarly.

When designing a men's vampire costume for Halloween, pay attention to the hairstyle. Hair can be styled back using hair gel.

As you can see, creating this popular look is not difficult at all. By following our tips, you can perfectly prepare for All Hallows' Eve and make your own vampire costume for yourself and your family members.

The vampire and the witch are perhaps the most favorite costumes for Halloween, and, in turn, is the most popular holiday among modern youth.

Making a vampire outfit is not at all difficult. A classic vampire costume requires a cloak, preferably with a standing collar and a red lining. Also, when playing a vampire, makeup and fangs are required.

How to make a vampire costume?

Vampire teeth can be made from a simple disposable fork. You just need to break off the unnecessary parts and polish the broken places so as not to get hurt. All that remains is to securely attach the “teeth” to the gum.

The main attribute of Halloween is a vampire costume, which we will learn how to make with our own hands. For a vampire cloak you will need 2 meters of “vampire” fabric: preferably velvet, taffeta or silk in red, blue or black.

Lay the fabric on a flat surface, measure the required length of the raincoat and cut out a piece. Keep in mind that the coat starts from the shoulder and ends at the ankles. You can measure the length with a measuring tape, or you can simply lie on the fabric and mark the length, taking into account the allowances for hemming.

The edges of the cloak can be rounded. After that, we proceed to cutting out the hood. To do this, draw a rectangle of approximately 70x30 cm on the fabric. Cut it out, fold the short edge 1 cm inward and iron it. Then we sew this piece. If you want a loose hood, cut out a 90x50 cm triangle from the fabric.

We baste the collar of the cloak - make a basting seam, tighten it until its neck becomes the same width as the hood. Leave enough thread at one end.

Sew the hood onto the gathered edge of the cloak using a regular straight stitch. You can decorate your cloak using different Halloween attributes - bats, spiders, mice, the moon, etc.

Under the raincoat you need to dress appropriately - a snow-white shirt with a starched collar, a scarlet scarf, black trousers, leather gloves. As an accessory you can find a heavy cane, an old glass with “blood”.

Vampire makeup

A vampire carnival costume is only half the battle. You also need to take care of your makeup. First of all, you need pale skin, which can be achieved with the help of powder, talcum powder, and special makeup.

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