Treatment of eyelashes after extensions at home. Vitamins for eyelash restoration

Lush, long eyelashes with a beautiful curve are the dream of every woman. It’s not at all scary if nature has not endowed a girl with such eyelashes; today in any beauty salon they can be given volume and splendor to suit every taste. However, even if you follow the technology and choose good materials, after removing artificial eyelashes, your own will have to be restored.

Eyelash extensions at home

Eyelash extensions at a salon or beauty center will be expensive, but you can save money and do it yourself at home.

Well-groomed eyelashes always look impressive

To do this, you should purchase high-quality materials and the necessary tools, and also know a few basic rules:

  • eyes must be completely healthy;
  • You should use only high-quality materials purchased in specialized stores;
  • It is necessary to maintain hygiene during the entire extension process;
  • Be sure to disinfect all instruments used in a special solution purchased at the pharmacy;
  • conduct a preliminary test for an allergic reaction.

Important! Properly selected artificial hairs will last longer and will protect your loved ones from fragility and loss.

Consequences of eyelash extensions

Since adhesives and synthetic materials are used in eyelash extensions, one of the most common consequences is an allergic reaction. It can occur both during the procedure and several hours after the extension. Allergies manifest themselves in the form of redness, peeling, itching and even pain in the eyes and skin around them.

Manifestation of allergies during eyelash extensions

Even more serious consequences can arise if hygiene requirements were not followed during the extension and an infection got into the eye. In this case, conjunctivitis may appear. In both cases, it is necessary to urgently consult an ophthalmologist to prescribe treatment. Artificial eyelashes will most likely have to be removed.

Note! If all the rules of the extension process have been followed, then the eyelashes will last from 3 to 5 weeks.

But, even having avoided the above complications, many girls, after removing eyelash extensions, are in a slight shock, because after having gorgeous and very long false eyelashes, they see in the mirror their family, which is far from ideal, and also damaged. What may be the consequences for natural eyelashes from the extension procedure:

  • eyelashes become fragile and break off;
  • under the weight of false eyelashes, your own hairs may partially fall out, and accordingly, your own hairs will look sparse and short;
  • The natural curve of your natural eyelashes may disappear.

The consequences can be visible to the naked eye, and considerable efforts will have to be made to restore your own eyelashes.

How to quickly restore eyelashes after extensions at home

It is recommended to take a break after each extension cycle. This is necessary to restore your own eyelashes. Experts assure that it will take about six months for a complete change of natural hairs. During this period of time, each eyelash will fall out and a new one will grow in its place.

Native eyelashes requiring restoration after removal of extensions

But no beauty wants to wait that long. There are methods to quickly restore eyelashes after eyelash extensions at home.

The most effective means of treating and strengthening eyelashes at home are:

  • oils,
  • herbs,
  • vitamins.

The most famous oil that allows you to quickly cure eyelashes is castor oil. It stimulates hair growth, strengthens them, and eyelashes become thick and full.

Also, a separate application or a mixture of oils such as burdock (strengthens hairs), almond (stimulates the growth of eyelashes), rose (relieves itching and redness of the skin), etc. will help to quickly grow new hairs. All these oils are sold in pharmacies or cosmetics stores.

The result of using burdock oil

To apply oil to your eyelashes, you can use an old jar and mascara brush. It must first be thoroughly washed to remove any remaining mascara and dried. Then you need to pour the oil into it, so it will be convenient to apply and store. But you can also use a regular cotton swab. It is recommended to apply oil to eyelashes daily in the morning and evening.

Note! You can enhance the effect of oils if you use them in the form of masks or compresses. It is recommended to treat eyelashes in this way regularly, 2-3 times a week, preferably before bedtime, since during the night all the beneficial substances will be completely absorbed and will give maximum effect.

To prepare a healing mask, you will need a few drops of burdock and castor oils. To make the mask even more useful and fortified, it is recommended to add a couple of drops of aloe juice and vitamin E to it (can be found in the pharmacy in the form of capsules or an oil solution). The prepared mixture is slightly heated and cotton pads are moistened in it. Disks are applied to the eyelashes for 10-15 minutes, the remaining oils are removed with warm water. If the procedure was carried out in the evening, then for a better effect you can not wash off the mask, but simply blot off any excess with a napkin and go to bed.

All ingredients for the mask can be found at home or at the pharmacy.

Decoctions of medicinal herbs have the same effective properties for strengthening and restoring eyelashes. Chamomile, cornflower, calendula, sage and others are perfect. Their difference from oils is the absence of oiliness on the eyelids. The herbs are brewed and infused for about 1 hour. Moisten cotton pads with warm broth and apply to eyelashes, leave for 15-20 minutes.

To enhance the effectiveness of recovery, you need to pay attention to treatment from the inside, namely your proper nutrition. It is recommended to include the following foods in your daily diet: legumes, fermented milk, vegetables, herbs and fruits (oranges, bananas and pomegranates). These foods are rich in vitamins, especially from the B category, antioxidants and minerals. They are very useful for the beauty and health of eyelashes.

Both tasty and healthy!

A temporary refusal to use decorative eye cosmetics, in particular mascara, will also help to quickly strengthen your eyelashes. It should only be used if absolutely necessary, or better yet, avoid it completely, at least for 2 weeks.

Knowing how to restore your own eyelashes after an extension procedure at home, you can spend much less time on the treatment process. A noticeable improvement in the condition of the eyelashes can be achieved within a week.

Restoring eyelashes after extensions at home in a week

If the damage to the eyelashes is not severe, then comprehensive and regular care will allow them to recover within a week. Here is one possible scheme:

  • Strengthening the body from the inside. Eat right, reduce your intake of sweet and fatty foods. Take vitamins A, E, B separately or vitamin complexes.
  • Refusal of decorative cosmetics. Do not use eye cosmetics (mascara, eye shadow, eyeliner, etc.).
  • Moisturizing, strengthening, growing and nourishing eyelashes. Every other day or every day, apply a mask or herbal compress to the eyelashes for a quarter of an hour. Every day, morning and evening, apply natural oil (castor, peach, olive, almond) to your eyelashes.

This comprehensive approach will help eyelashes recover quickly and effectively. A positive result will be noticeable within 7-10 days.

When deciding to get eyelash extensions, you need to weigh all the pros and cons. And it is advisable to communicate not with friends who can only rely on personal experience, but also to listen to the recommendations of professional cosmetologists.

Proper eyelash care is the main condition after eyelash extensions.

  • It takes time for the glue to polymerize, so after the procedure you should not wash your face for several hours;
  • in the future, you should not use fatty creams and decorative cosmetics containing oils;
  • It is not recommended to visit a bathhouse or sauna with eyelash extensions.

Note! Any exposure to moisture and high temperatures can cause false eyelashes to come off prematurely.

Thus, if everything is done correctly and carefully, false eyelashes will last for several weeks, but you should not get carried away with extensions for a long time. It is advisable to periodically remove false eyelashes and give rest to your family. During this period, the recovery procedures described in this article should be carried out.

Eyelash loss occurs due to various external factors. One of the reasons is eyelash extensions. This can be avoided if you contact professionals who use high-quality materials. But often their loss is provoked by the unprofessionalism of the performer and cheap glue. The negative effect is noticeable to the naked eye. Here it is important to solve the problem correctly, and not run back to the salon and not resort to extension procedures. Now your task is to rehabilitate your own eyelashes at home, without spending money on expensive drugs and cosmetic products. So how to restore eyelashes after extensions?

Nuances of recovery

The most common question that girls have is whether eyelash extensions grow back? The answer is obvious: of course, yes. This update process occurs continuously. The life cycle of each hair is approximately 200 days, then it falls out, and in its place, from the hair follicle, a new one appears. This process occurs continuously, so it seems that no eyelash extensions can cause hair loss or poor appearance. But if during extensions the specialist uses low-quality materials, then the process of supplying the hair follicles is disrupted.

This means that the hairs will grow and renew themselves, but at the same time they will be thin and lifeless, which does not look very beautiful. Another problem you may encounter is brittleness.

After the artificial hairs stick to the natural ones, which are more fragile and weaker, the latter begin to break, but, nevertheless, remain in the hair follicles. As a result, it visually seems that there is no eyelash, but the fragment is still “sitting” inside, preventing the next one from growing.

How to prevent negative consequences?

You can break the chain of negative consequences by caring for your eyelashes yourself.

The main areas of restorative procedures include the following:

  • Eyelash care. The building block for hair is keratin. When the hair structure delaminates, the keratin scales spread in different directions, resulting in weak eyelashes. In terms of care, our task is to connect them again in order to restore elasticity, firmness and a neat appearance to the hairs.
  • Eyelid skin care. It is not enough to just strengthen your eyelashes; their health is impossible without proper eyelid skin care. There are hair follicles in the skin, blood vessels pass through here, nutrition and filling of the hairs with nutrients occurs in the skin. If the eyelid skin is not healthy, the conditions for eyelash growth will be disrupted. Before caring for your hair, take care of your eyelid skin.
  • Restoring eyelashes after extensions is impossible without vitamins. A and E are responsible for the beauty of the eyes, which can be taken separately or in combination. Before starting vitamin treatment, you should consult your doctor.

After caring procedures the result is obvious

Rescue treatments for eyelashes

Quickly restoring eyelashes after extensions is a difficult task, but quite feasible. And for this it is not necessary to resort to expensive procedures and drugs; ordinary folk remedies will help. In terms of quality, they are not much different from each other, because professional eyelash products are made on the basis of the same natural ingredients that you can purchase yourself at a pharmacy at a fraction of the price.

So, your eyelashes fell out after extensions, what should you do?

  • The simplest and most affordable option is oils that can be bought in a store or pharmacy. You can use it alone or mix it with other oils and ingredients. Castor oil is recognized as the undisputed leader in restorative effects. Strengthening eyelashes at home with its help will not be difficult; it solves the problem better than other means. Experts recommend applying it to your eyelashes using a clean old mascara brush for a month. To enhance the effect of the oil, it is better to heat it. Apply the oil only to previously cleansed eyelashes, leave for an hour and rinse. After the first two weeks, a pleasant result will be noticeable.
  • A mixture of oils is an ideal option for complete care. Castor oil is responsible for restoring the structure only if used in combination with almond or peach oil. The purpose of olive oil is to moisturize, while burdock oil has a regenerating effect. By mixing oils, you can get an effective product for caring for both skin and eyelashes.
  • Vitamins A and E can be used as an independent product, or can be added to each oil composition or individual oil. The recipe for such complex vitamin “bombs” is as follows: buy vitamin capsules at the pharmacy and add a few drops to a teaspoon of the main mixture.

The most important rule is regularity. If you apply the healing mixtures daily, they will work much faster. You can’t expect instant results, but after 2 weeks the effect will be noticeable.

In a month, your look will be transformed by your own furry and healthy eyelashes.

Masks and compresses

You can supplement your basic care with oils with eyelash masks. This way the eyelashes will recover much faster; they need to be done two to three times a week, no more often. What are the most effective options?

  • An aloe leaf can work wonders. Mix castor oil with burdock oil and squeeze a little juice from an aloe leaf, add a couple of drops of vitamin E. Apply the mask for half an hour, then wipe off with a regular napkin.
  • The effect of an aloe mask can be improved by adding parsley. The recipe is extremely simple; add aloe juice and finely chopped parsley to your favorite skin care oil. The mixture is applied to clean eyelid skin, left for 15-20 minutes and removed with warm water.
  • A compress of cornflower, chamomile, and sage flowers will help you cope with hair loss. The broth is infused for an hour, then you need to soak cotton pads in the infusion and apply to the eyelids for 15-20 minutes.

Herbs have cumulative properties, therefore they are considered an auxiliary remedy, but not the main treatment. On average, eyelash restoration using traditional methods takes a month.

Masks have a delicate effect on eyelashes and skin, so the result will not be noticeable immediately

Effective restoration of eyelashes after extensions involves regular use of oils, masks, tonics, and so on. An integrated approach will also help. Don’t neglect professional cosmetics; in the pharmacy you can find products that restore the structure and supply the hairs with keratin. Review your makeup removers; it is better to use soft lotions, milks, toners, and so on. Make it a habit to take “rest” days when you give up decorative cosmetics, this is especially necessary in the first days after removing artificial hairs.

Don't neglect proper nutrition: all problems come from within. The daily diet should include B vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. For the beauty and health of not only your eyelashes, but also your body as a whole, eat legumes, dairy products, oranges, bananas and pomegranates. Minimize the consumption of baked goods, sweets, fatty, fried foods, fast food, and so on. This way you can not only tidy up your hair, but also help you get rid of extra pounds. Restoring eyelashes is easier than it seems. The main thing is not to be lazy and take care of yourself regularly.

Few people can boast of naturally long and curved eyelashes. What tricks do women go to in order to make their eyes more expressive, and their eyelashes fuller and longer - they apply mascara, curl, use lamination and extension procedures. After all the procedures, the eyelashes begin to fall out, break off and become almost invisible. How to quickly restore eyelashes? Let's try to figure it out.

Why did your eyelashes become thinner after extensions? There can be many reasons, but mostly it is either the unprofessionalism of the cosmetologist or the use of a low-quality adhesive base. If you discover that the condition of your eyelashes has worsened after extensions, you do not need to go back to the salon to mask the problem. It is necessary to begin their “reanimation”.

The life cycle of an eyelash is limited and is no more than 200 days. After this period, it falls out, and a new eyelash grows from the hair follicle. And this always happens, only the intensity of growth can be different. If low-quality glue is used for eyelash extensions, a disruption in the supply of nutrients to the hair follicle may occur. Then hair growth occurs slowly, and after regrowth, such eyelashes look lifeless.

If extensions are applied to fragile and thinning eyelashes, the natural hairs break under the weight of the artificial ones and, remaining in the bulb, prevent the appearance of new ones. Visually, it seems that eyelashes are missing in some areas of the eyelid, but in fact, their fragments remain in the bulbs and prevent new ones from growing.

To help your eyelashes recover after extensions, you need to perform a series of care procedures. Treatment does not have to be done in the salon. You can restore eyelashes at home, the main thing is that the approach to their treatment is comprehensive.

In order for a damaged eyelash to grow back, you must:

    Take vitamins. Vitamins A and E are responsible for the beauty of the eyes. They can be taken either separately or in combination with other vitamins and minerals. It is advisable to consult a doctor before using them.

    Take care of the skin of the eyelids. The hair follicles from which the eyelashes grow receive all their nutrients through the blood vessels in the skin. Therefore, in order for the eyelash to grow strong and healthy, it is necessary to nourish the skin.

    Take care of your eyelashes. The hairs themselves, consisting of keratin scales, delaminate when exposed to negative influences. It is necessary to “glue” these scales together, then the eyelashes will become elastic and strong again.

The main secret to growing eyelashes is that you need to act not only from the outside, but also from the inside. Pay attention not only to taking vitamins, but also to your diet. For eyelash health, it is not enough to have a varied diet. It is necessary that it contains all the necessary nutrients that can act to stimulate growth.

Vitamins and microelements:

  • amino acids and animal proteins;
  • folic acid;
  • vitamins - B12, B6, B2, B1, A and E.
  • iron;
  • sulfur;
  • calcium and silicon.
  • cereals;
  • nuts;
  • dairy products (curds, kefir, yoghurts, etc.);
  • liver;
  • fish and meat.


The favorites for restoring eyelashes at home are oils. They are affordable and effective. In addition, all modern products intended for eyelash growth contain the same oils. So why overpay for a brand?

Castor oil

Castor oil has been used in folk medicine for centuries to nourish and moisturize eyelashes. It contains vitamins A and E, as well as fatty acids necessary for eyelash growth. Restoring hair follicles with castor oil is easy, the main thing is to use it regularly.

Apply the oil to your eyelashes for 15 minutes, preferably in the evening. You can use a cotton pad or mascara brush for application. But be careful, as sometimes castor oil can cause an allergic reaction.

Burr oil

Burdock oil can also be considered a universal remedy for treating eyelashes. It contains many vitamins, microelements and biologically active substances that help improve blood circulation and nourish hair follicles.

The eyelashes strengthen, become thicker and begin to grow rapidly. In addition, burdock oil is antibacterial and protects the mucous membrane of the eye from various infections.

Use burdock oil daily. For the best effect, you need to warm it up a little beforehand. Using a brush, carefully apply oil to clean eyelashes from the base to the tips. After an hour, the remaining oil can be removed with a napkin.

Almond oil

This oil is perfect for both restoring eyelashes and nourishing the eyelids. Almond oil has a non-greasy consistency and is often used as a makeup remover. It is quickly absorbed and does not leave a feeling of heaviness on the eyes.

Almond oil has a beneficial effect on the microstructure of eyelashes. Can be applied to the entire eyelid. And in order to speed up the result, almond oil can be mixed with wheat or jojoba oil.

After removing eyelash extensions, swelling of the eyelids and redness are observed. The cause of inflammation is an allergic reaction. Swelling, itching, burning, peeling of the skin and other unpleasant manifestations of allergies occur due to the toxicity of the resins and dyes that make up the glue. But even if your eyelid skin looks healthy, it still needs proper care and nutrition.

    Instead of the usual washing, use a cotton pad, previously soaked in a warm herbal decoction, to wipe the skin of the eyelids. This will help avoid injury to the skin, soothe it and start the process of restoring hair follicles.

    In summer, be sure to wear sunglasses or use sunscreen. Since thinned and injured skin of the eyelids can get serious burns.

    Wash your face with tonic. Rubbing the skin should be gentle. Don't rub your eyelids. During the period of skin restoration, do not use scrubs.

    After each wash, use moisturizer and apply nourishing masks.

    Avoid using soap when washing your face, as it contains aggressive components that can lead to even greater irritation of the eyelids.

Herbal infusions can enhance the effectiveness of therapy. Many herbs have anti-inflammatory and tonic effects. Calendula, chamomile flowers, thyme, cornflower, green tea and sage can not only restore eyelashes after extensions, but also improve the condition of the skin around the eyes. But you should not expect colossal results from the first use of the compress; recovery will require at least a month of intensive procedures.

Unlike oils, the use of compresses does not lead to oily skin. It is recommended to apply compresses from herbal decoctions for 15-20 minutes daily. They perfectly relieve signs of eye fatigue and puffiness.


You can take care of your eyelashes and eyelid skin at home using masks. Make masks 2-3 times a week - this will help restore eyelashes after extensions, relieve eye fatigue and moisturize the skin of the eyelids.

There are many recipes for restoring eyelashes at home, here are some of the most effective:

  1. Mix a teaspoon each - aloe juice, castor and burdock oils. Apply the mask every other day for 2 months.
  1. Take a teaspoon of oil - olive, burdock and a handful of dried rose hips. Mix and place in a cool, dark place for a week. Store the finished mask in the refrigerator. Apply for 15-20 minutes before bedtime.
  1. Mix fish oil with vitamin E (in oil), add castor and burdock oil. All ingredients are in a 1:1 consistency. Apply for a couple of hours before bed.

How to quickly restore eyelashes after extensions? Intensive care of the skin of the eyelids and area around the eyes, taking care of hair nutrition and hydration, as well as protection from sun rays and avoidance of cheap cosmetics will help restore their former thickness and length.

Brittle and sparse eyelashes are urgently restored, turning into long and thick ones, not only with the help of external means, but also with a nutritious healthy diet, good sleep and walks in the fresh air. You need to pay attention to your daily diet, which should be balanced and rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Can my eyelashes grow back after eyelash extensions? Thanks to the continuous life cycle of the hairs that border the eyes from below and above, each lost eyelash is replaced by a new hair. But it does not grow very quickly - in a month its length increases by only 0.5-0.7 mm.

The number of cilia on the upper movable eyelid does not exceed 180-200 pieces, the length of each of which reaches 10-12 mm. Only 60-150 hairs with a length of 3-6 mm grow on the lower eyelid. The life cycle of an eyelash lasts from 70 to 180 or even 200 days.

The condition of eyelashes after extensions depends on the quality of the components that were used to glue the artificial hairs onto the natural ones. Even with good glue and the weight of additional volume, your own eyelashes often break off along the eyelid line. At the same time, the internal process of those that have fallen out remains inside the bulb, preventing a new hair from growing.

But if the adhesive composition was of poor quality, then blood microcirculation is disrupted and nutrition and oxygen cease to flow to the hair follicles. In this case, lifeless eyelashes fall out much more often and it seems that they are missing.

If you intensively care for your eyelashes after extensions at home, the situation can be changed for the better. To do this, you need to regularly:

  • complete eyelash care after extensions;
  • skin care of the upper and lower eyelids;
  • taking vitamin and mineral complexes.

Fragile and brittle eyelashes will help strengthen proper sleep, but not with your face “in the pillow”, but on your back or side, walking in the fresh air and giving up any bad habits.

You need to make sure that you don’t have the desire to rub your already thinning hairs, the mechanical impact on which will accelerate their loss.

To quickly restore eyelashes after extensions, it is better to avoid using mascara for two to three weeks. But if there is an urgent need, it can be used, carefully removing the residue in the evening with micellar water, makeup remover milk or toner, otherwise the eyelashes will deteriorate and fall out. You cannot remove mascara with soap.

Eyelash care

The structure of each hair consists of keratin. After eyelash extensions, the scales separate, and the hair shaft begins to deteriorate and break. Masks for restoring keratin fibers glue the scales together, restoring the hair membrane, and care for eyelashes after removing extensions. Thanks to this treatment, hair becomes strong and elastic.

Eyelid skin care

To restore eyelashes, it is necessary to treat the hair follicles located in the skin of the eyelids. Inside the dermis there is also a network of blood microvessels that nourish the hair follicles, which provide optimal conditions for the emergence and active growth of the keratin rod.

Taking vitamins

Vitamins A and E, taken orally as part of complex preparations, help strengthen eyelashes after extensions. These “beauty vitamins” have a beneficial effect on the structure of skin and hair, accelerating growth and restoring their health. It is necessary to take vitamin-mineral complexes after they have been approved by a doctor.

Recovery Tools

How to quickly restore eyelashes after extensions? To achieve this goal will help: daily care and treatment of eyelashes using:

  • traditional medicine - oils, masks, healing herbal infusions;
  • effective cosmetic products intended for home care.


If after removing artificial eyelashes there is practically nothing left of the natural hairs, then they will require long-term intensive care and care. To quickly grow eyelashes after extensions, to give them elasticity, shine and thickness, you need to use strengthening hair masks with components of castor, burdock, peach, almond, coconut, sea buckthorn, flaxseed, grape seed oil and wheat germ, avocado and jojoba.

They can be applied each separately, carefully covering them with a thin layer using a pre-treated mascara brush, or they can be mixed into mixes or enriched with fat-soluble vitamins - tocopherol, retinol, glycerin and others. Using these oils, you can prepare extracts of medicinal plants, infuse them in a dark, cool place, and then mix them with each other according to the recipe.

It must be remembered that oil masks and plant extracts are applied in the evening in a thin layer on the eyelashes an hour before bedtime, excess residues are removed so that they do not get on the mucous membrane of the eyes and do not cause irritation and inflammation. Excess oils on your eyelashes can also cause morning puffiness.

The best in terms of therapeutic effects on eyelashes and skin is. This effective product is sold in every pharmacy for mere pennies, but it has a heavy, viscous consistency, so burdock oil with a lighter composition is often added to it.

Hair follicles that receive such beneficial nutrition begin to actively grow and regenerate. Often, within a few weeks you can see noticeable results without spending extra money or significant time on care.

For a complex effect, the following is often added to castor oil:

  • – to stimulate blood supply that nourishes the skin of the eyelids and hairs;
  • olive – for moisturizing;
  • peach or almond oil – to activate eyelash growth.

Castor oil tonic with retinol, or vitamin A, stimulates the growth of eyelashes, moisturizes and nourishes them, turning short fragments into elastic, strong hairs:

  1. Take 3 tablespoons of castor oil and pour a glass of warm water into them.
  2. Add 5 drops of retinol - vitamin A, or the drug "Aevit" with vitamin E, which also has a beneficial effect on the skin and hair, to the lotion.

This solution can not only moisten eyelashes, but also remove mascara. If after 5 days the homemade tonic does not run out, you will have to throw it away, since the eyelashes will need a fresh solution.

Along with castor oil, cosmetologists advise caring for eyelashes using burdock oil, which is sometimes called burdock oil:

  1. Take 3 drops of this and olive oil and mix.
  2. Add 0.5 ampoule of cyanocobalamin, that is, vitamin B12.
  3. Mix thoroughly and apply a thin layer to hair.
  4. Leave for 40-60 minutes.

If the body does not respond with a negative reaction, then such masks can be done daily in the evening, before going to bed.

Cosmetical tools

Global cosmetics manufacturers offer concentrated preparations for busy women in an easy-to-use format: a tube with an applicator similar to mascara. For effective therapy with such means, it is enough to apply a thin strip on the eyelids along the border of the eyelashes, so that after 3-4 weeks their growth will please the owners:

  • restoring healing serum Lipocils gel Talika from a French manufacturer is a highly nourishing product that strengthens eyelashes 2 times faster, making them thicker and longer. It contains natural extracts of apples, nettles, hazels, chestnuts and St. John's wort. It is suitable even for overly sensitive skin;
  • Perfect Lash conditioner for weak and fragile eyelashes. Used daily, full course – 1 month;
  • eyelash growth activator Rapid Lash from an American company. Enriched with vitamin and mineral complex. Accelerates eyelash growth, restores natural shine, elasticity and volume.

Special restoration products are enriched with all medicinal oils and vitamin complexes for eyelash care.

Herbal compresses

The most necessary plants that restore the growth and volume of eyelashes are herbs that have a calming effect: chamomile and cornflower, sage and calendula, thyme and green tea without additives, rose hips and aloe vera. They have a beneficial effect not only on eyelashes, but also eliminate puffiness of the eyelids, remove dark circles, and remove other signs of fatigue.

Making herbal compresses is not difficult:

  • Brew any of the mentioned herbs for 40-60 minutes or mix the raw materials in equal proportions;
  • soak cotton pads in the infusion;
  • apply to eyelids for 20 minutes.

Experts call the best combination of calendula with cornflower, sage and chamomile.

Recovery time

How long will it take before lush eyelashes are restored? The duration of their treatment depends on the degree of damage to the hairs. The way in which the eyelash extensions are attached plays a significant role in this. If the master violated the technology by gluing a bunch of native hairs together, then such a gap will have to be treated for more than one month.

If the condition of the eyelashes has deteriorated slightly, then they will become visually thicker and stronger within 2-3 weeks with regular and high-quality care. Performing daily procedures, taking the necessary vitamins and saturating the skin with nutrients will most likely restore the hairs and give them a luxurious look.

To quickly increase hair growth, you need natural oils and specially produced cosmetic products. How long will it take for eyelashes to recover after extensions? Depends on their initial condition and intensity of treatment.

Useful video on how to restore eyelashes after extensions

Hi all!

Just recently I got eyelash extensions, everything was great and perfect, they lasted 3 weeks, and so I followed the first time with a second one. After which the eyelash extensions did not last even 2 weeks, there were some terrible residues sticking out at random that irritated me and I decided to definitely remove them with oil, which I read about on the Internet. The oil removes and peels them off really well. But that’s not about that now. When I completely removed my eyelashes, I was simply in complete shock. Mine didn’t fall out, they remained, but in what condition. This is probably the second part of my previous length, if not the third, while they were almost transparent and stuck out like sticks in different directions. The first question was “how to walk now.” I wanted to cry, but, as you know, tears cannot help grief.

Despite all this, I did not regret that I had them extended; if I had not done this, I would still want to, and would not have begun to appreciate my natural eyelashes as much as I do now. Many people say that they have been building up for years and theirs do not spoil. Perhaps I ended up with a not very good master. But it’s too late to talk about this, it’s done. Now all that remains is to restore.

Meanwhile, there was just over a month left until the New Year. And I decided to actively restore them. Unfortunately, I didn’t capture what happened immediately after removal to show you, but it was many times worse than here, 3 weeks later.

What did I do?

To begin with, I simply stopped painting them, because... these fragments attracted even more attention. It was hard for me to give up makeup, but I had to. I am the kind of person who puts on makeup even if he goes to the store in the yard. After a few days, I got used to my bare face, and, I’ll even say more, I started to like it. Sometimes I used eyeliner and brown eye shadow, but I did it barely noticeably so as not to seem creepy at all. In the meantime, to restore my eyelashes, I already had oils: burdock, bonfire and peach.

The first was burdock, I used it for the first week, it is very convenient to use, it doesn’t sting my eyes like bromegrass. And it gives a very noticeable effect. Eyelashes were restored before the eyes, literally and figuratively. I applied the oil as soon as I got home and at night, sometimes in the morning.

During the New Year holidays, I gave up caring for my eyelashes and wearing mascara almost every day. This lasted for 2-3 weeks, I didn’t notice any special changes, and my eyelashes were still shorter than before the extensions.

Peach: it turned out to be even nicer. It removes makeup just perfectly and, at the same time, nourishes the eyelashes. I didn’t use it that often, mainly when I made hair masks with peach oil, and at the same time applied it to my face and eyelashes. I liked the effect and the smell is pleasant.

Castor oil: Many people know that this is the main oil for eyelash care. It makes them thicker and stimulates growth. I used it very rarely, because after using it my eyes stung, and in the morning they even became swollen.

After a month and a half, my eyelashes returned to their previous state.

At this point, 2 months have passed. But I don’t stop there, I want it to be better than before, so I will continue to use oils.

Long eyelashes to everyone!!!

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