What is more harmless in summer, powder or foundation? Which is better: foundation or powder? Loose powder Naked Skin, Urban Decay

There has not yet been a girl who would not dream of an even skin texture, without imperfections. But, unfortunately, not all beauties can boast of an ideal face without using cosmetics. The condition of the skin is influenced by various factors - the environment, nutrition, work without rest, lack of sleep, parties until the morning, and much more. But almost all representatives of the fair sex have their own secrets of creating an ideal image and hiding all flaws. Face cream powder helps a lot in this difficult task. Today we propose to consider all the advantages of this product and learn how to choose the right cosmetic product. We will also list for the face, based on reviews from women.

Advantages of the product

Before we talk about the best products, let’s figure out what kind of cosmetics they are and what benefits they have. Cream-powder for the face is a universal product; it carries all the benefits of foundation and powder. Thanks to this, women manage to create the effect of velvety, smooth, well-groomed skin. If you use only foundation, an unsightly shine may appear, and powder dries out the skin, eventually causing all the wrinkles to appear. If you use these products together, you can miscalculate and achieve the effect of a mask, and if you also combine the tones incorrectly, you will end up with spots. It is to avoid all the problems mentioned that they use cream-powder for the face.


The substances that make up the cream powder may vary depending on the manufacturer. But there are components that must be present in a good, high-quality product. If you want to achieve an ideal result and not cause harm to the skin, then pay attention to what the manufacturer writes on the packaging. The main thing is the composition:

  • amino acids, vitamins;
  • natural oils and various extracts;
  • antiseptic;
  • sun filters;
  • silicone oils.

So, if you have all this, then you can safely go to the checkout! Now let's learn how to choose the right product based on your skin type.

Thin and dry skin

Cream-powder for the face must ideally suit your epidermis, otherwise you can achieve the opposite result, emphasizing all the imperfections.

If you have dry skin, then the makeup product should have a liquid consistency. It will create an additional layer on the skin that will protect against moisture loss and additionally moisturize. Cream powder for dry skin should contain additional components that will moisturize and prevent irritation. Another product with a liquid consistency will help give an even tone and will not highlight existing wrinkles.

Oily skin

For representatives of the fair sex with oily skin, face cream powder with a degreasing and mattifying effect is ideal. Thanks to these qualities of the product, you will be able to hide imperfections, even out the surface of the skin, and create the perfect make-up. Silicone oils, which must be present in the composition, will create an invisible and completely imperceptible film on the face, and it will protect the skin from the harmful effects of the external environment.

If the product is of good quality, then you will not need to renew your makeup during the day. Your skin will not shine until the evening.

Cosmetologists do not recommend using cream powder every day if you have severe acne. The product clogs pores, and the skin health situation can only get worse. Subcutaneous inflammation should be treated, get rid of acne, pimples and excessive sebaceous glands in general.

Normal or combination skin

For women with this skin type, professionals recommend purchasing a balancing product. This cream-powder for the face is simply a godsend; it can work wonders: it moisturizes dry areas and eliminates excess fat that can be observed in the center of the face. This way, you won't over-moisturize or dry out your skin, and you won't need to powder your nose throughout the day to hide the shine.

Mature skin

Women of more mature years need to carefully approach the choice of product. Cream-powder for the face should be oily. This will help moisturize the epidermis, apply an even layer, give the skin an ideal tone and hide unevenness in the form of wrinkles. Under no circumstances should you use liquid cream powder; the consistency should be thick. Typically, such products are sold in packaging from which the cream is extracted with a sponge or fingers.

Choosing the right shade

To begin with, I would like to say that fair-skinned girls or those with pinkish skin will suit peach and beige tones. Dark-skinned women should opt for bronze or pinkish options. So, which tone should you choose?

For proper selection of the product, daylight is necessary. Specialized stores must have samples. Take several suitable shades of different tones and apply them to small areas of the skin of the neck or the inside of the wrist, blend well. They just shouldn't mix. Whichever one is more similar to your skin color is yours! If in doubt or you cannot decide between two or three tones, take the lighter one. This product will help you look visually younger.

Applying makeup

Before applying, you must follow “safety precautions” and secure your hair with a hair clip so that it does not get dirty. Then use to cleanse the skin of dirt. Even if you have not used any products since the morning, this procedure is necessary to degrease the top layer. Now we apply a moisturizer that will protect the epidermis from harmful cosmetic components found in each product.

So, to apply cream powder you need natural light. How to apply the product is up to you to choose. This can be a sponge, brush or fingertips. It is not recommended to use a powder puff. It will absorb more product than is in the tube, and that’s a lot of wasted money! In addition, you won’t be able to create a perfectly even tone with a puff.

When applying cream powder, make sure that there are no unshaded stripes or spots. Do not pull the skin when applying the product - this may cause wrinkles to appear, as the cream between them is absorbed. Ideal algorithm: first, apply the product to the face with light movements, blend well, and then gently pat the entire surface of the face with your fingertips.

Now let's take a look at the most popular means.

"Max Factor"

This brand is one of the most popular in the cosmetics industry market. Cream powder from "Max Factor" is presented in a wide range and will delight girls and older ladies with a truly rich palette. From the line of this manufacturer you can choose a product for any skin type and tone. The brand is loved by women for its high quality products and large assortment.

Women write that this company produces the perfect cream-powder for the face. There are reviews about “Cream Puff” - this line offers a wide range, here you can choose any tone and consistency. The price is quite reasonable and the product lasts for a long time. It applies easily, does not smear, and your face looks perfect throughout the day.

Cream-powder for the face "Avon"

This company is the most recognizable, and its products are the most purchased! Women have been trusting Avon products for decades. They write that the quality of cosmetics is excellent and the prices are reasonable.

Cream-powder for the face “Natural Beauty” from this brand has gained many fans. Girls write that it does not give the effect of a mask, it goes on easily and evenly, and creates the perfect tone!

When choosing between foundation and powder, many assume that one of these products should be more effective, more pleasant or beneficial for the skin. However, we should not say that liquid foundation is better than powder, or vice versa. Each of them has its own advantages that will be useful in certain circumstances. Based on this, you need to make a decision - taking into account, of course, the needs of your skin.

What to do if you have no idea what to use - powder or foundation? First, find out what advantages and disadvantages each of these means has.


Foundation is primarily a soft, creamy or liquid texture. Due to this, a good product literally merges with the skin and, evening out its tone, provides a natural result. The same texture allows you to enrich the formula of foundation creams with caring components and, thanks to this, add benefits to the skin in addition to the decorative effect.

  • For example, Giorgio Armani's two-phase Maestro Glow product is rich in nourishing oils - just what you need if your skin is dry and requires intensive care that will prevent dehydration.

© Giorgio Armani

  • Lancôme's Teint Idole Ultra Cushion helps protect skin from UV rays on hot summer days with SPF 50.

  • And Yves Saint Laurent Beauté combined foundation with their anti-aging serum and got Youth Liberator Sérum Fond de Teint, which not only evens out the tone, but also fights the aging process.

So using a foundation is an opportunity to give your skin even more care, while simultaneously correcting your appearance so that not a trace remains of imperfections.

At the same time, foundations are capable of a variety of “special effects”. Some of them make the skin matte, others provide freshness with a slight glow, as if “from the inside,” and others create a coating with, which was recently promoted on the catwalks as a full-fledged trend.


Powder is a completely different matter. Due to its dry texture, this product is most often completely unsuitable for dry skin - the powder falls on it in patches and flakes off, so there is no talk of masking imperfections.

  • But, of course, there are exceptions to the rules - for example, NYX Professional Makeup offers Hydra Touch moisturizing powder with extracts of chamomile, cactus, chlorella algae and wheat germ. True, it is better to use it on dry skin only as a finishing touch.

At the same time, it is advised not to powder too much on oily skin - although it will give the desired matte finish, sebum will still appear through the dense coating in the T-zone during the day.

Therefore, powders are most suitable for those with normal or combination skin without pronounced problems.

  • They can use this product to slightly correct the tone - in situations where they do not want to feel a heavy layer of cream on the skin.
  • The second option is to use powder to complete the makeup, using it to fix the coverage made by the foundation.

Based on these benefits of each product, determine what your skin needs. Based on its type: dry skin requires hydration and nutrition, so it needs a cream with oils, but normal skin without any special “whims” can be covered with powder. In one case, foundation may perform better than powder, and vice versa. Therefore, the main thing is to clearly know what suits your skin, and take this as the basis for your choice of cosmetics. In addition, consider the season: look for a list of the best foundations for summer in the material.

Do you use foundation or powder? Why? Write a comment.

Few women can boast of perfect skin. Therefore, makeup, which can be used to hide significant imperfections or simply refresh the complexion, always remains relevant. The range of cosmetics is quite large and it can be difficult to navigate it, especially when it comes to choosing between foundation and powder. What product will help you achieve a flawless appearance?

Foundation for different skin types

First of all, skin type matters. Foundation is good for dry and combination skin. The coverage it creates can be either light or dense. Manufacturers offer options to suit any need.

For example, for aging skin there are creams with a tightening effect and reflective particles. With this product, your face will look fresh and glowing from the inside. Dry skin needs additional hydration, combination skin needs matting of problem areas. In order for the foundation to fully reveal its qualities, it is important to apply it correctly.

How to apply foundation

One of the simplest and most common methods is applying with your fingers. Even a fairly liquid substance is not very easy to distribute evenly. At your fingertips, the foundation warms up a little and becomes more flexible. Hygiene should be kept in mind: hands should be washed thoroughly, so it is best to limit the use of this method at home.

You can also do makeup using a brush. It is best to take a synthetic one, it is not so susceptible to microorganisms and the consumption of the product with it is more economical compared to natural ones. Inconvenient areas are also accessible to the brush - the wings of the nose, the corners of the eyes, the hairline, so the result is neat and solid.

Another option for applying foundation is with a sponge. With minimal skill, it’s easy to get a weightless natural coverage. Caring for the sponge must be very careful, as germs accumulate on it.

Advantages and disadvantages

pros foundation:

  1. Smoothes the skin surface and improves its tone. The product masks redness, acne marks, age spots, which benefits the appearance.
  2. Persistence. A good, properly selected foundation lasts for many hours without changing its properties. Even in hot weather, the face remains matte.
  3. Protection. Protects the skin from exposure to frost, wind, and sun, so it stays young longer.


  1. Due to its rather dense texture, the product can clog pores, which leads to inflammation and blackheads, this is the main disadvantage. But modern foundation allows the skin to breathe, cares for it and moisturizes it. It is important to thoroughly cleanse your face in the evening using special makeup removers. It is advisable to sometimes take rest days for your skin, using a minimum of cosmetics.
  2. The second disadvantage of the product is the need for an absolute match with skin tone, which is not always easy to do. An unsuccessfully chosen cream looks like a mask, and this looks unnatural and tasteless. In addition, it will not replace concealer for the eye area, as it is not intended for such delicate skin.

Powder is a time-tested makeup product

Powder is a classic that has occupied its rightful place in women's cosmetic bags for decades. It is best suited for normal to oily skin. Delicate application gives a healthy look and velvety feel. With loose powder it is easy to even out the surface of the skin, while the coverage will remain light and unnoticeable, since excess particles simply fall off. A thin layer allows the skin to breathe. But too much foundation is very noticeable on the face and looks rough.

Types of powder

Loose powder is good for home use, but it is inconvenient to carry with you due to the bulk of the compact and the risk of spillage. You need to apply it with a brush, picking up a larger or smaller amount depending on the desired effect: dense coverage to mask imperfections or light to give a matte finish. In hiking conditions, it is better to use a compact pood. It's not as versatile as powder, but it's perfect for touching up your makeup. It takes up little space in your purse, and it also comes with a mirror and sponge.

Matching the color of the powder to your skin tone is very important. There is a transparent powder, it does not have masking properties, but it absorbs oil and mattifies. With a strong tan, it looks unnatural. Powder in balls allows you to achieve almost any shade depending on the ratio of dark and light. In addition, you can use it to place accents. Mosaic powder is well suited for masking defects. It also consists of balls, but multi-colored.

The predominance of one shade or another allows you to correct various shortcomings. For example, green hides redness, yellow hides birthmarks. The disadvantage of such powder is that it is difficult to use, but practice will help you hone your skills. Mineral powder is becoming increasingly popular, which adheres well to oily skin, mattifying and evening it out.

Foundation and powder can be combined

A huge number of foundations makes it possible to choose the most comfortable one in application and feel on the face. However, it is not necessary to abandon one in favor of the other; they can be combined. Powder is often used to set makeup and applied to foundation. The skin takes on a well-groomed appearance, and the durability of cosmetics improves. If necessary, you can easily touch up your appearance during the day using compact powder.

You can also choose a cream powder that adapts to your skin tone and has good camouflage properties. The plastic cross-shaped texture turns into powder once applied to the face, forming a breathable coating.

There is no clear answer to the question of what to choose - foundation or powder. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Only by knowing the individual needs of your skin can you choose the ideal product for flawless, most natural makeup.

The variety and abundance of decorative cosmetics increases every year. The choice of one product or another often confuses women. In addition to choosing a brand, it is sometimes difficult to decide which type to choose. For example, what is better: lip gloss or matte lipstick, voluminous mascara or eyelash lengthening, liquid foundation or face cream powder.

Criterias of choice

According to statistics, the majority of women replenish their cosmetics bags by trial and error, purchasing cosmetics as follows:

  1. On the advice of friends or colleagues.
  2. Following promises in promotions.
  3. Guided by discounts at your favorite shopping center.
  4. Spontaneously.

Although, of course, an individual and careful approach to choosing any product is considered correct. It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the skin, age and chemical composition of cosmetics.

Makeup base

First of all, when applying cosmetics, every woman or girl tones her facial skin. There are different reasons for this:

  • Surface irregularities or scars.
  • Acne and blackheads.
  • Red or age spots.
  • Excessive shine for oily skin.
  • I don't like the complexion.

Depending on the reason, you should decide which is better - powder or foundation. If the skin on your face has an even tone, without acne and other obvious imperfections, then it is enough to use light powder for a mattifying effect. In other cases, you need to know which foundation covers imperfections well, choose one for your skin type and learn how to use this product correctly.

For example, in the hot season or if you just need to give your face a fresh look, toning products with a light texture in the form of mousses a tone lighter than your own are suitable. To cover stains, you should choose creams with a medium density. For dry skin on the face, a foundation that does not contain alcohol is suitable. And for oily people, it is better to purchase cream powder or cream that does not contain oils.

Wide pores, visible blackheads and pimples can only be disguised with thick creams containing a coloring pigment. But it is necessary to take into account that foundation does not save acne; instead, it simply hides them. To get rid of acne, you should definitely consult a doctor and have an examination. Since any tinting product, even if it is a product from the most expensive and high-quality brand, clogs pores and aggravates skin problems.

Price and quality

When choosing a foundation, which one is better, you cannot answer in monosyllables. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the skin and the effect that the consumer wants to get. If we take into account the cost of the cosmetic product, then, of course, the high price guarantees uniform application, durability without shedding or pilling, and a matte, velvety appearance of the skin without an oily sheen.

Also among the luxury cosmetics segment, foundations with additional functions are offered: independently recognizing skin color, with a lifting effect, protecting from ultraviolet radiation or with pearl inclusions that make the skin pearlescent, etc. Such creams can cost from two thousand rubles and more.

Mineral cosmetics without added chemicals have become especially popular lately. Mineral-based foundation and powder have healing properties, helps in the fight against eczema and acne, can be used for dry, oily and combination skin. Some brands offer such products at a price of about a thousand rubles.

Main brands, representing tinting products on the Russian consumer market are:

  • Rimmel;
  • Vivienne Sabo;
  • Revlon;
  • Max Factor;
  • L'Oreal;
  • Christian Dior;
  • Guerlain.

But judging by the reviews of fashionistas who love to experiment, among the inexpensive foundations and powders there are worthy products. For example, the long-known “Ballet” with an average cost of 100 rubles offers cream in three shades for any skin type, enriched with vitamin E, without the addition of alcohol and oils.

Some representatives of the fair sex use homemade foundation for daily use. To obtain a masking mass, you need to mix in equal proportions a powder that matches the color and your own, already proven, day cream.

Every woman dreams of looking attractive without making much effort. But every day we all, without exception, are exposed to stress. Polluted ecology has a detrimental effect on the delicate skin of a woman’s face, which requires additional protection. This is why powder and foundation were created. Modern developments in the beauty industry have made these products as useful as possible. But, due to certain skin characteristics, women sometimes face a choice: what is best for them, powder or foundation?

More recently, dermatologists urged women to be careful when using foundation. The dense structure of the cream clogged the pores and prevented normal skin breathing. As a result, redness and rashes appeared. But all this is already behind us. Modern foundation creams contain many components that nourish and restore the skin. Antioxidants contained in the cream prevent aging, and sunscreen filters protect against the negative effects of ultraviolet rays.

What are the benefits of powder?

On the other hand, powder, which for a long time held the palm. A delicate product that evens out the complexion and gives the skin a velvety feel. Nowadays there are a lot of types of powder and they differ not only in color, but also in consistency. Regular loose powder fits perfectly on the skin. The only inconvenience is its structure, so it is usually used at home. A compact powder has been created for permanent use. It allows you to touch up your makeup in any conditions. Thanks to its composition, it is an ideal option for women with dry skin.

Cream powder combines the advantages of foundation and powder, which is a kind of symbiosis of them. However, women with oily and combination skin types should avoid using it.

Pros and cons of foundations

It is possible to appreciate all the benefits of foundation or powder only by choosing them correctly. The main criterion when choosing a cosmetic product is the type of female skin. It’s easiest for those with a normal type. Both products are perfect for them. They can be used alternately to even out skin color and make it velvety. For women with dry skin, cream powder is more suitable. If you choose regular powder, then before applying it it is advisable to use a light moisturizer. If you have oily skin, then powder is the best option for you. It will remove excess shine and give the skin a matte finish.

As for foundation, it is advisable to use it very sparingly. Choose the tone that best suits yours. Apply with light movements, rather than rubbing it into the skin. If you choose the right product and apply it, you won’t have any problems, be it powder or foundation.

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