What you need to decoupage Christmas balls. Ideas for decoupage of Christmas balls with your own hands

About popularity Decoupage Christmas balls This may be evidenced by the fact that not a single article about manufacturing is complete without this quick and effective method of decoration. In fact, although such a craft has become fashionable in our country relatively recently, decoupage has a glorious and long history, so you will get not only bright and fashionable Christmas tree decorations, but also ones that could have hung on the Christmas trees of our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers. So in our article today we will separately touch upon not only master classes on making such crafts, but also tips on creating a vintage style of balloons.

Decoupage of Christmas balls with your own hands

The technique itself DIY decoupage of Christmas balls, if you are hearing about it for the first time, consists of applying a thin layer of paper to the surface of the workpiece. When liquid glue impregnates a thin napkin or special paper, after drying it already forms a single whole with the surface, as if a skillful design had magically appeared on the ball. Technology gives us the opportunity to create highly artistic works even if we do not possess any painting talents.

To make it easier to understand right away, let’s look at a small implementation decoupage of New Year's balls master-class, paying attention to the photos of the main stages located above.

It must be said that you are practically unlimited in choosing a base, but you need to be extremely picky with the selection of the design or paper on which it is applied. Ideal, of course, are special motifs for decoupage, which can be bought in specialized stores and hobby centers, where they usually buy everything to complete.

But, firstly, they are not very cheap for the first tests of the pen, and secondly, you cannot always choose from their assortment the design that you like and is suitable for work. Therefore, high-quality multi-layer napkins are often used for table setting.

The desired part of the design is pulled out of them, only the thin top layer on which the image is located is carefully separated, and this fragment is applied to the workpiece.

The workpiece is subject to mandatory primary preparation. When the paper is glued to the surface, there can be no paint on top of it; you cannot sand or sand it. So first we paint and prepare the base, glue the design, and on top of it you can apply a transparent varnish for fixation or a special craquelure varnish, apply glitter, textured stripes, patterns using special stained glass contours.

It’s worth talking about the blanks in more detail, since the appearance of the toy will depend on their quality, and the task can either become more complicated or easier. Wood is considered the ideal surface for decoupage; these are the balls that are most easily painted, the glue dries quickly on them, they do not deteriorate for a long time, do not break, and can serve your children well. Glass looks very elegant, but to process it you will not need any paints, but special, stained glass ones, which makes the craft more expensive, and gluing paper can be more difficult than with wood.

Foam balls are a fairly cheap material, but if their surface is very grainy, the paper will not stick evenly. That is why the foam surface must be covered with an even layer of paint, and maybe even more than one, and only then a paper motif is applied.

Decoupage of New Year's balls master class

Let's look at a simple option decoupage of New Year's balls, master class which is located below. It should not be surprising that classes in this technique are included in almost any program of children's early development clubs; children from the age of 3-4 not only learn to make decoupage balls, but also successfully master this science.

The best choice for a children's craft would, of course, be an image of a cartoon character, funny animals, or birds. So choosing napkins with cats for this lesson is more than justified. We tear off a piece from the napkin on which there is an image of a cat and remove the upper part.

The question may arise why it is advised not to cut, but to tear - the point is simply that the torn edge has a finer structure, when the glue saturates it, the transition from paper to base will be imperceptible either to the eye or to the touch, like on real ones. painted on canvas.

Whereas, if you cut the edge of the paper, it will remain the same density and form a fairly noticeable border of the design, which will not benefit the entire product as a whole.

The wooden ball, as we said above, is covered with a layer of paint of the base color, in our case it is yellow. Place a piece of paper on a dry, flat surface and carefully paint directly on top of it with a brush well soaked in glue. Regular PVA is not suitable for the job; it is too thick and forms a dense film.

So it’s better to either take a special glue for decoupage, or dilute PVA according to proportions that are easy to find on the Internet. The most popular proportions without third-party additives are 1:1 or 2:1 (twice as much glue). The adhesive composition should be prepared at one time, not stored, since after the water has evaporated, it will lose its properties.

Once all the motifs have been glued on and the glue has dried, you can cover the ball with a clear topcoat. As with drawings, you need to understand that the protective properties of the adhesive film are not very high; if there is a mechanical impact on the surface, it will be scratched or peel off.

Therefore, it is better to protect it with a transparent varnish or a special fixative. If you want to add details such as sparkles, glitter, textured stripes, then it is better to do it all in stages and leave the varnish for last.

A few more ideas for you and your kids, what beautiful crafts you can make using technology decoupage of Christmas balls, video with classes on which you can even film yourself and post it for review.

Christmas balls in decoupage style

We have already mentioned several times about the use in working with Christmas balls in decoupage style special stained glass contour for creating relief patterns. This material differs from ordinary stained glass paint in its thicker consistency and quick drying, thanks to which you can work even on an inclined surface, and the curls and stripes do not flow down or become deformed. Plus, such a contour is usually packaged in small tubes or pencils, so it is convenient to apply and draw quite subtle patterns with it.

In the photo you can see another small master class, which shows, in addition to the main stages of decoupage, the application of relief patterns. This is an excellent solution for a retro style, since vintage toys most often have such a surface.

There are two types of contour application - these are golden curls on the main background, as well as emphasizing the lines of the drawing itself using a black outline. With this technique, the lines will become more expressive, the drawing will gain volume, and the whole toy will look elegant and quite expensive, it can successfully decorate any Christmas tree, even.

The decoupage technique is quite similar to the papier-mâché technique, the only difference is that there are more layers of paper impregnated with glue and because of this, a base is not required at all. The following ones are inspired by the theme of papier-mâché, because they are decorated with sheets of paper, be it newspapers, napkins with ornaments or notes.

The technique will be slightly different in that the surface is completely covered with paper, even with a reserve, and it is better not to immediately glue the material with a brush, but to thoroughly soak it in glue in a separate container so that it becomes softer and fits better on the ball.

Decoupage of Christmas balls in vintage style

The difference is decoupage of Christmas balls in vintage style from the usual ones lies in the choice of the main pattern, design, and in the design, which has its own canons, and in the use of decoration techniques, also characteristic of crafts 100 years ago. Such work requires an average level of skill and some investment in materials and tools. But in the end, you will get the perfect Christmas tree decorations, which will be a pleasure to give as a gift to loved ones or to keep as a family heirloom.

In the photo in this section you can clearly see how retro toys differ from modern ones. In this case, napkins will not suit you, since it is very rare to find similar motifs on them. Rather, you should go to a store or to an online store page and choose from the options presented there. Pay attention to images of old photographs, postcards, Provençal-style flowers, and so on.

Also pay attention to the design, as already mentioned - this is an important part of the image of the entire retro toy. The fastening loop must be elegantly designed; it can be a small bow made of lace, organza, silk, complemented by appliquéd beads, sparkling stones and the like.

The main surface can also be decorated - often an applique of a row of beads is placed on the side parts of the ball, leaving the design only in the center, or they are used to decorate a kind of window on the front of the craft. Also, to apply patterns, we arm ourselves with our favorite contour material, only curls and patterns are best made not in contrasting shades, but in a color close to the background shade. This will give you the desired antique, muted, pastel effect.

New Year 2015 will soon come to the house. Naturally, we all want to decorate our Christmas tree, the walls, and the chandelier so that it is beautiful, but we hang up the rain every year, lay out and cut out the tinsel on the windows. This time the Year of the Goat suggests using blue colors, but our room is already blue, so what should we do? Decoupage of old New Year's balls will help, and we will do it in three very original ways. The first two are quite similar in their execution, but in the third decoupage it will be possible to even depict icicles on a ball so that they seem alive.

Everything should turn out original, unusual, fabulous. Carefully study all three master classes and, if possible, apply the knowledge in practice. Now, let's go!

Decoupage of New Year's balls 2015: first master class

We stock up on materials we can’t do without.

  1. Two or three large plastic balls with a diameter of about 8 or 9 centimeters, preferably silver in color, and such that they do not shed.
  2. Two New Year's themed napkins, decoupage: try to find them with gnomes, Russian Santa Claus.
  3. White paint, acrylic only.
  4. PVA glue.
  5. Varnish, acrylic, for decoupage.
  6. Fan-shaped rough brush.
  7. Ceramic and glass plate.
  8. Soft foam sponge.
  9. Decorative sparkles for decorating products.
  10. Bamboo sticks, long.

The working process is already in action!

  • The work itself begins by covering the surface of the table with a plastic bag.

  • We remove the metal fastening caps from the old New Year's balls.
  • Pour white glass paint into a plate and dip the end of the sponge into the paint.
  • We decorate the ball by holding it by the protruding part.

  • We send it to dry on a bamboo stick, which is already in a tall glass.
  • We do the same work with the second ball and the third.
  • The first layer will dry for about 60 minutes.
  • Apply a second layer, leave to dry, and then a third. Everything will take 2.5 hours.
  • While everything is drying, we prepare the napkins for work, for which we put them under the iron, heated to the point of ironing the nylon.

  • In a ceramic plate, dilute water and PVA glue in a ratio of one to one, knead to obtain a homogeneous consistency.
  • We tear the napkin into fragments and immediately remove the top layer of the napkin.

  • You should have a lot of blanks.
  • We apply the first drawing to the ball, pass the adhesive mixture over the surface so that the paper does not bubble, then do the same with the remaining fragments.

  • Let dry on bamboo sticks.
  • We carry out this work with the third ball and with the second.
  • While the balls are drying on the sticks, put on metal holder caps and carefully coat the surface of the balls with varnish. 3 layers is enough to make the products shine.

  • While the varnish is still wet, sprinkle some areas of the ball with decorative glitter.

As soon as the ball has dried, immediately send it to the place where it should decorate your New Year's 2015 interior.

Decoupage of New Year's balls: master class two

Look in the pantry for a box of Christmas tree decorations that you haven’t used for a long time; it’s possible that there are balls with stripped sides that are completely unattractive. Now we will make a work of art out of them, bright and elegant, to the envy of the neighbors who buy New Year's toys every year.

We will be working using decoupage technique, so we will have to be patient. And step-by-step instructions will help you do everything so that your heart rejoices.

  • Remove the metal clip from your old ball, then the loop.
  • Sand all surface irregularities with a wire brush or fine sandpaper.

  • Now it won’t hurt to prime the entire surface of the ball well.

  • Take a narrow vessel and insert a wooden sushi stick or bamboo peak into it.
  • We put a ball on them so that later we don’t get our hands dirty with varnish and paint.

  • Apply 2 acrylic layers of paint onto the dried primer so that one layer is sure to dry.
  • We tear out an angel from a napkin (preferably the kind Raphael drew).

  • We glue the angel to the surface of the ball with decoupage glue, smearing the pattern on its front surface. We do not allow any folds in the paper.

  • Let it dry: if small wrinkles form, simply clean them with the back of a kitchen sponge.
  • We select paint for painting, for example, light gold.

  • We mix gold and silver acrylic to create a glow and carefully press this paint into the design with a piece of washcloth.
  • Leave to dry overnight.
  • We paint the angel's hair with a golden outline.

  • We take a 3D contour to give the strands volume.

  • Use gold glitter to outline the Merry Christmas inscription.

  • Add glitter and draw dots and patterns with glitter.
  • Cover with acrylic varnish and wait until completely dry.

  • We put the clip with the loop in place, thread the cord through the last one - and call the neighbors!

Decoupage of New Year's balls: third master class

And this master class is in pictures, and very easy to understand. Learn, don't be lazy. New Year 2015 needs to be celebrated in such a way that everyone remembers it not only with fun, but also with work. A goat is a careful creature, so you can create a fairy tale for yourself using balloons using the decoupage technique.

After you succeed, try to teach your friends to create a New Year’s miracle in the same way, because it’s not difficult to organize a bachelorette party, where everyone doesn’t just gather to have a pillow fight, but imagine themselves as hawthorns, to whom no work is alien.

This is the kind of beauty you should get!

In this article we will talk about how to decorate ordinary New Year's balls in an unusual and beautiful way, turning them into something unique.

Nothing sets the New Year's mood better than decoupage of Christmas balls! Of course, it is much easier to go to the nearest store and buy finished products. But we are convinced that you will get much more positive energy from handicrafts than from going to the store.

How to make decoupage of foam New Year's and old Christmas tree balls: a master class for beginners

Foam – extremely comfortable pliable material for beginners. It cannot be broken like glass. And decorative elements such as fabric or beads can simply be attached with pins.

For example, even a beginner can handle this decor. Sequins are attached close to each other using decorative pins or regular pins decorated with beads.

If you have more free time, you can try decorating a foam ball as follows. First you should stock up:

  • Foam blank
  • Ground
  • Special varnish for decoupage
  • Brush
  • By water
  • Needles, pin
  • Sponge
  • Sequins, sequins, beads, ribbon, thread

IMPORTANT: The presence of soil should not be ignored - it will give the workpieces the smoothness they need. This is especially necessary if an old toy that has already lived its life is being processed.

The procedure is as follows:

  • The ball is covered primer. A dense layer is needed. You should not ignore any areas of the craft.

  • The preparation must certainly dry out. If you can't wait to continue working as quickly as possible, you can use a hairdryer.
  • Now it's your turn decoupage varnish. It will allow the glitter that will be applied later to stick to the ball better.
  • Once the varnish is dry, you can finally apply glitter. To do this, dip a sponge or sponge into them, and then use blotting movements to treat the ball. You can use one color of glitter, or you can combine different options.

  • Next is the ball pierced with a pin, to which you can attach a ribbon- for her the toy will be hung on the Christmas tree.
  • Now on pins and needles beads and sequins are attached. The beads are stuck into the foam. You can create different patterns in this way.

IMPORTANT: The bead should serve as the “cap” of the needle, like a decorative pin. The sequin is placed under the bead.

Decoupage of New Year's balls with your own hands with a photo: instructions, description, photo

Such a ball will be a stunning surprise for loved ones, becoming a cozy addition to the New Year's interior. To implement such an idea needed:

Transparent Christmas balls

  • Photos
  • Tinsel
  • Tweezers
  • Ribbons

The procedure is simple:

  • From the ball you need remove the fastening. If you are afraid of cutting yourself, you should stock up on thick gloves in advance.

  • Now you need to take the previously printed photo And, roll them up into a tube and place them inside ball. Straighten paper can be used with tweezers.

IMPORTANT: Images must be printed on medium-weight paper. Paper that is too thick or thin will not work - in the first case it is difficult to push the workpiece inside the ball, and in the second it may tear or not straighten.

  • Tinsel needs to be cut not small pieces
  • Pour it inside The ball can be filled using a funnel made of paper. Filling should be done carefully - it is undesirable for the decor to get into the area in front of the photograph.
  • Just as neat the fastener is inserted back. To make the ball more elegant, it is recommended attach a ribbon to it, which will hold the toy on the Christmas tree.

Decoupage of New Year's balls with bows: instructions, description, photo

For such decoupage you will need:

  • Styrofoam or plastic ball
  • Jute thread
  • Satin ribbon
  • Beads
  • Glue gun
  • Scissors

Decoupage order:

  • First of all, to the ball you need glue the jute loop. The photo shows a base made of ordinary tightly compressed paper, but any base that is a New Year's ball will work perfectly.

gluing a jute loop onto the base for a New Year's ball
  • Now around the ball need to be glued jute thread.

IMPORTANT: This should be done carefully, avoiding any gaps.

  • Next, a hot gun is used to fastening of beads.

  • Now it's time to make the bow. For him it is necessary cut three strips of tape.

  • One of the tapes is needed fold in half, gluing connection point.

  • The same must be repeated with the second piece of tape. These two pieces need to be attached to each other cross to cross.

  • They can fasten glue, or you can simply tie it with a piece of ribbon of a different shade.

  • Now all that's left is glue the bow to the jute loop of the ball. You can mask the gluing mark with another tape.

How to make bows for Christmas balls with your own hands?

To create simple bows you will need:

  • Satin ribbon. It is advisable to choose two types of tapes
  • Beads, rhinestones
  • Ruler, scissors

Operating procedure:

  • Required from each type of tape cut off one piece at a time. Their sizes should be different.

IMPORTANT: The ends of satin ribbons must be scorched with fire or treated with glue - this will prevent them from unraveling.

  • Now you need take a larger size tape by folding it it in half.

  • Holding the tape in the middle, you need to bend it as in the photo.

  • By analogy it is necessary fold the second part of the tape.

  • Then the workpiece must be turned over upside down.

  • Part of the workpiece is lowered, and to where she was, glue is applied.

  • Next is the ribbon glued together in the form of a bow.

  • Similarly, it is created second bow from a tape of smaller diameter.
  • Both bows stick together between themselves. You can also decorate beads.

Decoupage of New Year's balls with lace: instructions, description, photo

You can make a bow from lace according to the diagram for ribbons, which is attached above.

You can also decorate the ball completely with lace:

  • To do this, first of all you need, as described earlier, apply primer to the ball.

IMPORTANT: The lace should be chosen so that it is easy to cut into segments.

  • Next lace sticks on the ball. Regular PVA will come in handy.

  • Needed for lace Apply acrylic paint or primer.

  • If you want to give the lace a different shade, you need to start dilute acrylic paint of this shade with water.

  • Then paint is applied to the ball. You can right away smear it with a napkin- this is how the effect of antiquity is created.

  • It remains to cover the ball on top after the paint has hardened. acrylic varnish.

Decoupage of New Year's balls with fabric: instructions, description, photo

For fabric decoupage you need:

  • Styrofoam ball
  • Fabric in two colors. One will be the background, and the second will be the pattern.
  • Tapes - both thick and thin
  • A knitting needle or toothpick, a stationery knife, scissors from a manicure set

Ball making process:

  • Ball to start is divided into sections. The larger the ball, the correspondingly more sections. You can do this “by eye”, or you can use a pen, thread, rubber bands - whatever is more convenient for you.
  • Along the lines cuts are made with a stationery knife. Since the foam is easy to cut, there will be no problems.

IMPORTANT: Deep cuts can only be made if the ball is large. In this case, the small one risks simply falling apart.

  • Textile on the reverse side should be iron.
  • Need to cut out shreds, previously by measuring the parameters of the sections marked on the ball. Definitely worth it leave about a centimeter for seam allowance. It is advisable to cut the fabric in the form of regular rectangles, since during the decoupage process it may “move to the side” a little, leaving gaps on the ball.
  • Next, using toothpicks or knitting needles, the fabric needs to be tucked into the slits of the ball. It's worth starting from the middle gradually moving towards the edges.

IMPORTANT: Of course, you can simply glue the fabric, but there is a high risk that it will become deformed during the gluing process. In this case, it will be impossible to correct the craft.

  • Excess threads are cut off and the joints are masked with tapes.

Decoupage of New Year's balls with a napkin: instructions, description, photo

This version of decoupage seems difficult to some, because it is not easy to paste over a spherical surface without wrinkles. But probably in the following way:

  • The first thing to do is process the balls themselves, sanding them and covering them with at least two layers of primer. Each subsequent layer is applied only after the previous one has dried.

  • Now they are taking decoupage napkins. Naturally, the plots must be selected interconnectedly. The pictures you like are worth Carefully tear off the edges. You can cut it out, but negligence looks even better.

IMPORTANT: There is no need to separate the napkins at this stage - this will need to be done immediately before applying them to the ball.

  • But after the pieces have been selected, you can Layer the napkin and glue it onto the ball. You need to apply glue on top.

  • Thus the remaining plots are pasted on. They are recommended glue overlapping - uh This method is the most successful.

  • Now the balls need to be left dry out.
  • Then they are desirable sand- this will remove the wrinkles.
  • Next are applied three layers of water-based acrylic varnish.
  • Follows again drying.
  • Now it's time alkyd varnish, which is sold in cans. Required two layers.
  • Another one drying.

IMPORTANT: Drying cannot be neglected.

  • The final stage remains - decor ball with beads, ribbons.

Decoupage of New Year's balls with wool: instructions, description, photo

For similar decoupage needed:

  • Styrofoam ball
  • Wool of various colors
  • Needles for felting
  • fishing line
  • High temperature silicone adhesive
  • Satin ribbons
  • Beads

Decoupage is done like this:

  • With a needle the wool falls onto the ball in small pieces. The material will fit perfectly on a flat foam plastic surface, so even a novice master can handle it.
  • Further more pieces are added. You need to felt until the wool surface becomes smooth.

IMPORTANT: Finish felting should be done with a thin needle.

  • Next you need felt the ornament.
  • Carefully beads are sewn on and ribbons are tied– it all depends on the idea.

Decoupage of New Year's papier-mâché balls: instructions, description, photos

For such a craft you need:

  • Plain A4 paper
  • Wooden chopstick (you can use chopsticks from Japanese restaurants)
  • Some kind of board with holes where you can place the sticks while drying them
  • Acrylic primer, water-based acrylic varnish and acrylic paints
  • Glizal – 50 ml
  • Liquid used to remove nail polish
  • Brush No. 10
  • Bowl
  • A cloth that absorbs well
  • Thread, needle, lighter
  • Ribbons

The ball is made like this:

  • First thing, the ball is being tidied up– the top is removed, glitter and other old decor are removed with sandpaper.

IMPORTANT: It is advisable to do this under running hot water.

  • Nail polish remover early paint is removed.
  • Need to use it again sandpaper.
  • Next is the coating acrylic primer.
  • Now the ball put on a stick and dry. You can also use a hair dryer, but in this case it must be kept at a distance of at least 30 cm from the ball. After this, you will have to wait until the ball cools down.
  • Pours into a bowl glue.
  • Sheets need to be torn into several parts crumple up them, and then straighten out a little.
  • Further paper need it quickly dip it in glue and press it to the ball.
  • With your fingers folds form on a craft.

IMPORTANT: You need to work quickly, as the paper gets wet and tears soon after glue gets on it.

After all the pieces have covered the ball, you need to leave it again dry. Only this time approximately for 12 o'clock.

  • Acrylic paint The already dried workpiece is covered.
  • And again drying. This time on 3-4 hours.
  • Now Glisal is mixed with paint. You need to coat the ball with this composition, and quickly!
  • Further with a cloth need light movements walk on the ball.

IMPORTANT: You just need to remove the excess, not remove the paint.

  • Preparation again dries in 3-4 hours.
  • Now it's time acrylic varnish. They even need to coat cracks. After hour break more applied two layers to dry between them.
  • Left decorate ball.

How to make a New Year's artichoke ball toy in decoupage style: step-by-step instructions

To bring such a beautiful and meditative technique to life needed:

  • Actually, foam balls
  • Scraps of fabric or ready-made ribbons
  • A large number of tailor's needles

The process is:

  • If in stock shreds, they need to be good iron. Ribbons are cut into pieces approximately 3-4 cm each.
  • The first ribbon need to be attached as follows.
  • Need the next piece fold into a triangle.
  • Next you need create several triangles, and then attach their vertices to each other. In the end it turns out square.

Then you need attach the ribbons according to this pattern:

IMPORTANT: The space can be decorated, for example, with a ribbon.

Decoupage of Christmas balls in vintage style: description, photo


  • The diameter of the balls is not too small, otherwise the pictures will be inconvenient to glue
  • Acrylic white primer
  • Glue varnish, which is used in decoupage, as well as acrylic glossy varnish
  • Decoupage napkins with vintage images
  • Scraps of old newspapers, sheet music
  • Acrylic paint in some vintage tones. It’s worth considering purchasing paint in an antique gold tone.
  • Glitter
  • Wet wipes
  • All sorts of things for decoration like beads, sequins, lace, ribbons, texture paste. Since we are talking about vintage, ink, archival stamps for text, various dried flowers, sprays, etc. will also come in handy.

Now about the process itself:

  • First thing, the ball is being prepared– primed with a sponge. For convenience, it is recommended to first remove the caps from the balls and place the balls on a stick. By the way, the lids should also be treated with a primer.

  • The balls must be given dry.

  • Meanwhile the images on the napkins are cut off.
  • Once the primer is dry, you can use glue attach pictures. You need to coat the napkin with glue over the image.

IMPORTANT: You need to smooth the napkin from the middle to the edges.

  • Now we need to produce coating with decoupage varnish.

  • Next you can glue pieces of newspapers, sheet music. The principle is the same as with napkins - gluing it onto glue and spreading it on top.
  • Now you can stick, For example, waxed cord or apply texture paste through a stencil. They will also create a vintage effect. And how can you resist crackle pastes, creating a cracking effect?

Crackle paste is what you need for a vintage ball!
  • Then you can walk on top of all this splendor white acrylic, trying to powder and hide all the clear boundaries. The waxed cord must be completely hidden under paint.

  • Now it's time colored paints. Apply them with your fingers, then lightly smear them with a napkin. The result should be a worn effect.

IMPORTANT: It is preferable to work with several colors of similar tones. For example, red, brown. Applying antique gold paint to the ball

  • Then, since the imitation of antique gold has gone, you can apply a little gold leaf. It is applied to the glue using a brush.

  • Spray with pearlescent red tint It might come in handy here too. You just need to apply it a little.
  • Now it won’t hurt to powder the workpiece a little white acrylic. There shouldn’t be a lot of it – you just need to create a dusty effect.

  • If you wish, you can using ink and text stamp embellish the craft.

  • It won't hurt either glitter– it is applied with a brush.

  • Now you need glue the balloon cap back on, and decorate the craft itself with some decor like flowers, ribbons.

IMPORTANT: The balloon cap should also be decorated.

  • Finally, it is recommended to use acrylic varnish. Moreover, it is advisable, in order not to smear previous works with a brush, to use a spray varnish.

Decoupage of a snowman on a New Year's ball: ideas, photos

Lacy New Year's ball Decoupage of balls with napkins and craquelure paint

A New Year's ball decorated with your own hands is a great gift idea! Anyone will undoubtedly be proud of such a unique and beautiful ball in their collection.

Video: Master class on how to decoupage a ball and a box for it:

The New Year is rushing towards us! Vintage - decoupage balloons!

Mk "Christmas tree toy".

We will need:

1. Plastic blank

2. Rice paper with a suitable theme

4. Acrylic paints

5. Structural paste

6. Antique medium

7. Medium for flowing effects

8. Water-based liquid bitumen

9. Matte varnish

10. Alcohol for degreasing

The tools we need are:

palette knife,
masking tape and
wet wipes.

Completing of the work:

We divide our medallion in half and degrease the sides we will be working with. Since I am going to do reverse decoupage on one of the halves, I degreased it from the inside.

I tear out the plot I like from the rice paper. I take a half with a fat-free inner side and on this side I MUST glue my motif face down using decoupage glue.

While this half is drying, I take the other half - with the outer side degreased. Using white acrylic paint, prime the surface (up to 2 times with intermediate drying).

After everything has dried well, take the stencil and attach it to the half with masking tape. We take acrylic paste (I have a universal one from Goya) and use a palette knife to apply it to the stencil.

We try to do it evenly, but if suddenly it doesn’t work out perfectly, don’t be upset - it can be fixed later. Remove the stencil and let our pattern dry well.

I take the half with the motif glued on and apply white acrylic paint over the design.

This is done in order to make our picture brighter and reveal it. Try to leave the borders of the motif intact; we will later compare them with the general background. Let's dry it.

After that, I take an antique medium (plaid 17) and a medium for flowing effects (also plaid), mix it and lightly apply it around the picture with a foam sponge (remember, all this time we are working with the inside of the medallion).

Now let's create a general background. To create a suitable tone, I needed white, green and ocher acrylic paints + a medium for flowing effects.

I also apply them with a sponge, trying to align the borders of the picture with the background so that the transition is not noticeable. Let's dry it.

I take half with a well-dried pattern. The pattern was not very neat, so I worked a little with sandpaper.

Now I paint the half in a suitable color (I mixed ocher with white). Let's dry it.

After that I coat it with varnish (I use matte acrylic varnish from Maimeri). We dry it again.

Now we take liquid water-based bitumen (Ferrario). I apply it with a brush over the entire surface, trying to get through the pattern better (get into all the cracks).

I let it dry for just a couple of minutes. Then I take a damp cloth and slowly remove the excess bitumen.

She wiped - looked - again - wiped, etc. In general, you decide for yourself when enough is enough. If you suddenly overdid it and wiped off the excess, don’t worry - repeat the “procedure” again (we have varnish under the bitumen - it will retain our main color).

After you are satisfied with the result, let the bitumen dry and then coat it with varnish (personally, I cover the bitumen with spray varnish. It does not deform the bitumen itself and does not form streaks).

Now we connect our halves. We take cotton lace (you can use ribbon) and glue it at the junction of the two halves in a circle.

We make a decorative bow from satin ribbons on top and thread a lace through it. That's all.

Author Olga Koretskaya.

Decoupage inside a ball (or rather a hemisphere). Using elements of the Arte-Française technique.

I will conduct a master class using the example of such a ball.

1. Take a plastic ball of the diameter you need.

2. We cut it along the factory gluing line, preferably exactly along the contour.

4. Use sandpaper to smooth out all the irregularities at the cut site.

5. Paint the background inside the ball. You can also use aerosol paints, or you can tamp with a sponge. As you please. Use colors according to your motive. To speed things up, I painted it with an aerosol, but the background, of course, will be more beautiful with a sponge or brush, because you can create more shadows and color transitions, because... The area of ​​the ball in this case is small.

6. I take cotton pads and separate the cotton from the middle of the disc. I place suitable pieces on the bottom of the ball, having previously coated the gluing area with PVA glue. I apply it in small layers and spray each layer with varnish (you can use hairspray) or apply liquid PVA (the principle of papier-mâché made from cotton wool).

7. We print out the motifs in advance, in the size you need, several copies. I have six in the photo, but I printed more. There is a possibility that there will not be enough in the process of work, for one reason or another. Therefore, it is better to make larger quantities of the same size. (although the size can be slightly changed, here you can also show your imagination).

8. Cut out the first level, the furthest one, from one motif. For example, a horizon with trees. You can repeat this level twice, but in such a small space it seems to me that it would be unnecessary. Then the second level, we cut out a motif with trees, then a strip with houses. And glue everything layer by layer into a ball. I glue it with Moment rubber glue, sometimes I use a hot gun, and all kinds of pads to separate the layers. I sometimes use insulation for linoleums or this gasket for leveling floors under parquet boards, but I only use this when the surfaces are large. You can use double-sided tape.

9. After you have glued all the layers, add more cotton wool until the lower borders of the glued motifs are covered with cotton wool and merge together. The cotton wool is glued in the same way as described above. I glued the motifs with a slight downward shift, so my drawing seemed to be refracted. All these roughnesses can be tinted and retouched with matching paint.

10. From other printouts I cut out a central motif with a bird feeder and birds. There are fewer of them in the photo, I needed more birds. I glued this feeder separately and then glued the whole piece into a ball. Again I glued the joints and gluing areas with cotton wool and sprayed them with varnish.

11. Then I cut out fir branches from the following printouts.

12. I glued them along the edge of the ball using Moment glue, which I applied carefully along the edge of the ball. The motifs were glued overlapping, one on top of the other, to cover the cutting areas, align the composition and just for beauty.

13. After the glue had dried, I cut all the protruding parts with a stationery knife into the edge of the ball, carefully, accurately and evenly.

14. I applied snow on the spruce branches with contour paint and glitter, drew a stripe in the background like snowdrifts, and refreshed the color with snow on the trees and roofs.

15. Once dry, you can spray it with glitter varnish (suitable for hair) and cover the whole thing with acrylic aerosol varnish.

16. You can draw a circle around the edge of the ball with glitter and sparkles for beauty, etc. here you do it exactly as you want.

17. Glue the eyelet for hanging the ball onto the hot gun, tie a bow and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Mandatory conditions for work! Printouts are best done on thick paper. I did it on watercolor paper. And it’s better to make several copies at once. I made 7-8 copies.

Vintage Christmas tree toy using decoupage technique.

Take a big ball
an ordinary plastic blank of pale pink color.

The first stage is sanding.

Now you need to degrease the surface

And prime the surface for better bonding with subsequent layers

The ball needs to be covered with two layers of soil, so that there are no gaps on the toy... and besides, the layers should lie evenly, and then the toy will go to rest - to dry...

So, the work with color begins. You should choose light colors - they are easier to darken or repaint.

We use a suitable decoupage card or napkins.

Let's move on to the artistic stage.

We take a semi-finished ball with a picture in one hand, a special sponge swab in the other and apply the first tint layer with tapping movements, then we begin playing with the color palette, adding strokes of different tones here and there... the effect is magical... as if from under one layer another one appears... very similar to laminated glass.

Then comes varnishing in 3 layers with an interval of one hour and subsequent drying for 4 hours. – “The main thing is to rotate it very quickly and evenly, otherwise the varnish will not completely cover the toy.” It is better to rotate it by the wooden leg, like a centrifuge.

Before the “diving” stage, we sand the balls, and then we bathe the toys in varnish and place them in rows to dry in special holes.

Next is a magical and very important stage - Creating cracks with a two-component craquelure varnish.

The pattern is neatly covered with a grid of many cracks.

The next three stages are applying several layers of varnish, then sanding, again varnish and sanding, once again several layers of varnish, and leave until completely dry.

The final stage was decorating with lace, which by the way was also aged. After all, the lace is taken completely new, but after a couple of hours of witchcraft and really simple manipulations it becomes ancient.

It's simple:

We brew strong and tasty coffee.. no, no.. and don’t drink it.. but dip white cotton lace in it.. then dry it, then wash it somewhere and - voila!! The old lace is ready! The process seemed pleasant, tasty, aromatic and no less creative to me. At the very end, the old bow is placed on the ball; gold braid and colored ribbons add zest. I must say, the toys look solemn.

Author Khristenko Svetlana

New Year's balls.

We will decorate a plastic ball using decoupage technique. You don't need any special skills for this. So let's get started!

We will need:

Plastic balls, diameter 8 cm,
- acrylic paints: white, yellow, blue,
- acrylic lacquer,
- three-layer napkins with a pattern,
- PVA,
- sparkles,
- a little semolina,
- contours on glass and ceramics,
- flat synthetic brushes,
- a piece of sponge,
- polytra (I have a plastic modeling board).

If there are no special ball blanks, then you can use ordinary balls without a pattern.

Take a ball and a piece of sponge for washing dishes, put a little white paint on the palette, dab the sponge into the paint and hit the ball. There should always be paint on the sponge, then it looks like snow on a ball.

We do this with all the balls and hang them to dry (1 hour). Here's what happened

While the balls are drying, prepare the napkins.

Separate the top paint layer from the white ones.

Carefully cut out or tear out the motifs.

We dilute the PVA half with water and glue the motifs onto the balls. We start gluing from the middle of the motif and gradually move towards the edge.

And we do this with all motives.

For balloons with bunnies, apply light yellow paint and pat on the white background around the motif.

When the paint dries, coat the ball with varnish.

The result was such beautiful balls.

Now we will make them New Year's!
We take a little white paint and pour semolina into it so that we get a thick porridge and apply it with a thin brush to the ball in those places where we will have snow.

The ball is ready!

Author Slastina Elena.

For inspiration:

Long before the New Year, you can feel the approach of a magical holiday if you get everyone in the household involved in preparing for it, and as a manifestation of your creative imagination, we suggest mastering the New Year’s decoupage of Christmas tree balls with your own hands. We sell a wide range of ready-made Christmas balls in a wide variety of styles. But it’s always more pleasant to hear praise and admiration from friends and acquaintances for the exclusive outfit of a forest beauty. Decoupage- a popular type of decoration, which prompted many lovers of originality to make a New Year's outfit for spruce using this technique with their own hands.

Step-by-step instructions for decoupaging a ball

Decor for beginners consists of gluing a picture from napkins or thin paper onto the surface of the ball. During further processing with paints or other auxiliary means toy looks like hand painting. The starting material is Christmas decorations: wooden, plastic and foam.

Preparing the ball for decoupage. At the beginning of work, you should remove the wire fastening from the ball and secure it tightly to the rod for convenience. Then use fine sandpaper to remove the glitter from the toys and wash off the paint by moistening a cotton pad with nail polish remover. Rinse with water and sand again. After this treatment, the adhesion of the pattern and the surface of the ball will be better, since it is more difficult to make decoupage on a perfectly smooth base. Next you need to degrease the prepared material.

The next stage is the primer, which is the basis for the pictures. To do this, add PVA glue, approximately 5 ml, to 20-30 ml of white acrylic paint. Apply this composition to the workpiece using a sponge and leave to dry, after which the application of primer is repeated.

Next comes the decoration of the Christmas balls using the decoupage technique. Having selected a New Year's motif in accordance with the size of the Christmas ball, cut it out and glue it to the surface. The best material in this case is napkins, in which you need to tear off the selected pattern from the top layer of paint.

Advice! It is recommended to make cuts on the torn or cut out picture, which will allow the picture to take on the shape of a toy and avoid the formation of folds that must be carefully smoothed out.

For gluing, you can use PVA glue diluted with water in equal proportions. The design is glued in one of two ways: you can attach the image and brush it on top with a soft bristle brush, or apply glue to the surface of the ball and glue a festive motif to it. In both cases, care is required not to tear the picture.

After complete drying, the ball must be opened again with acrylic paint to even out the edge between the background and the glued image. Everyone chooses the main color according to their wishes and depending on the color scheme of the picture.

After drying, the glue may leave rough marks that need to be slightly corrected with sandpaper. The decor at the final stage depends on your imagination. There are enough options: add sparkles, highlight the contours of the image itself with a thin brush and paint, etc. The final touch is to apply a glossy varnish in several layers, allowing each to dry completely. For greater clarity, we offer color step-by-step instructions for decoupaging Christmas tree balls with your own hands with attached photos and videos.

Master Class

To work in decoupage style you will need:

  • Christmas balls;
  • napkins with New Year's motifs (preferably three-layer);
  • acrylic paints;
  • PVA glue;
  • glossy varnish;
  • brushes;
  • sponge;
  • contours;
  • semolina.

An unusual decoration for the New Year's tree will be decoupage of Christmas tree balls with your own hands using photographs of your loved ones. The process is the same, only instead of napkins - a photo, which must first be soaked in warm water, and then pry up the edge with a needle and separate the unnecessary paper. All that remains is a thin image, and stick it on. You can make a frame around it from rolled napkins. Next, a little fine art and, as a final step, varnish the surface.

Children will enjoy colorful toys. Decoupage of Christmas balls using polystyrene foam is carried out according to the usual scheme, and if you add a few strokes of glitter and apply 3D varnish to the drawings to give them a three-dimensional image, then such foam balls will replace the expected gift from Santa Claus. A training master class with corresponding photos can be viewed on the Internet.

Using contour painting will make even the simplest decoupage an original decoration. Or, as an option, reverse decoupage with your own hands. In this case, do all the manipulations only on the inside of the ball, dividing it into two halves, if the material of the toy allows. Process each of them step by step, as described above. The picture is glued to the inside of the hemisphere, and the overall decor can be decorated in accordance with the photo of crafts using the decoupage technique.

Maybe not quite a New Year's theme, but balloons with roses are very attractive. Choose napkins with pink motifs, and ivory paint is ideal for the main background. Finally, decorate the toy with ribbons and bows. This decoration will add summer colors to the decor of the winter spruce.

All of the above options for decoupaging Christmas tree balls with your own hands are the basic information, and having mastered this technique and reinforced it with the video you watched, you can show your individuality in each craft and make not only a decoration for the Christmas tree, but also a gift souvenir.

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