What holidays are celebrated on August 2? The second of August is one of the most revered holidays - Ilyin’s Day

The list of Russian holidays on August 2, 2018 will introduce state, professional, international, folk, church, and unusual holidays that are celebrated in the country on this day. You can select an event of interest and learn its history, traditions and rituals.

Holidays August 2

Airborne Forces Day (Airborne Forces Day)

Airborne Forces Day in 2018 is celebrated on August 2. The date is celebrated by airborne troops, support personnel, former paratroopers, cadets and teachers of specialized higher educational institutions.

Airborne troops (Airborne Forces) are a branch of the Armed Forces. They are designed to carry out offensive operations on land and airspace, defend areas, communications and fight the enemy, including in his rear. They are considered an elite unit and have a specialized material and technical base. A professional holiday is dedicated to them.


The memorable date dates back to August 2, 1930, when the airborne unit landed from an airplane to carry out a combat mission. This event is considered the birthday of the airborne troops, which a year later began to actively form and be introduced into the Red Army of the USSR. At first they belonged to the air force, then to the ground forces.

The holiday is celebrated in Russia, Belarus and other CIS countries. Official celebrations in the Russian Federation began with Decree of President V. Putin No. 549 of May 31, 2006 “On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.”

In Belarus, the holiday is called the Day of Paratroopers and Special Operations Forces and was established by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated March 26, 1998 No. 157 (as amended on July 30, 2010 No. 397).

Elijah's day

Prophet Elijah is one of those holy people who are revered in different religions. There are even traces of Elijah’s presence in pagan religions, Judaism, and Islam. In the article we will talk about Elijah’s Day. The history of the holiday is vague. Various myths are associated with it.

history of the holiday

The history of the holiday of Elijah's Day began a very long time ago, even before the birth of Christ. According to legend, Elijah is a great prophet from the Old Testament. He was born nine hundred years before the birth of Christ.

When Ilya was born, his father, Sovak, had a vision that men were talking to the child and feeding him with fire. From a young age, the prophet lived in the desert, in strict fasting and prayer. Afterwards he was called to serve King Ahab, who worshiped Baal. The Lord sent Elijah to the king and ordered him to say that if his people do not turn to the true God, then his kingdom will suffer famine. The king did not listen, there was famine in the country, and severe drought came.

During the famine, Elijah lived in the desert for a year. The birds brought him food. Then he came to the widow Zarephath. After three years of wandering, the prophet returned to the kingdom of Israel and again tried to convey to the king that all the troubles were due to the wrong faith. To prove that he was right, he proposed to make altars: one was intended for Baal, and the second for the true God. If fire descends on the altar of Baal, then he is the true God, but if not, then he is just an idol.

First an altar was made to Baal. People stabbed the bull, the priests began to pray, asking to send fire from heaven. Despite all the pleas, no fire was sent.

In the evening of the same day, Elijah prepared his altar, laid in the firewood, watered it with water and began to pray. The fire that came down from heaven burned both the wood and the victim. The fire burned the stones and the waters evaporated. The people saw the miracle and glorified the real God, believing in him again.

For his earthly deeds, Elijah was taken to heaven alive, in a chariot of fire. The prophet Elisha saw this miracle. Then, in the Transfiguration of the Lord, he appeared together with Moses and appeared before Christ. They had conversations on Mount Tabor. Church tradition says that the prophet Elijah is the Forerunner of the Terrible Second Coming of the Savior to earth. He will be on earth in a mortal body.

Mailbox birthday

The modern mailbox has become a familiar attribute of our lives. This is where we look every day, expecting to receive our favorite magazine or greeting card.

It will be interesting to know that he has his own story. It is believed that the first mailbox was installed in the capital of France, Paris, and this significant event took place in 1653.

Russia is somewhat behind in this innovation and can boast of the first wooden miracle for correspondence since 1848, when the first collection for letters, dark blue, made of simple boards and covered with sheet iron, was installed in Moscow.

The high point in the development of delivery of newspapers, magazines and letters can be called the rapid 20th century. Currently, postal services are still in demand, and August 2, the birthday of the mailbox, is celebrated by the public with undisguised pleasure.

Objectively, it should be said that the modern type of device that stores our personal mail has recently changed significantly - there is even a whole movement of creative enthusiasts who have turned an ordinary street mailbox into a unique art object.

This is what the resourceful residents of a small Californian town did, who seriously compete with each other for the honorary title of “whose mail drive is more original.” Against the backdrop of bright lawns near private houses, sometimes the most unexpected structures are installed, for example, bright fire engines, sharp-nosed sharks, copies of ancient cathedrals, figures of turtles, cute kittens, penguins and dogs, and you can also see a whole family of fur seals on the lawn. There are probably very kind people living in this city who love to write and receive letters, of course, only with good news.

Airborne Forces Day (VDV Day)

People who live by the principle “Nobody but us!” - this is what the Blue Berets say about themselves. Airborne troops appeared back in the distant 30s of the last century. It was on this day in 1930 that the first exercises began, during which a detachment of 12 people was parachuted. The theoretical foundations were supported by practice, and it became possible for the troops to gain a huge advantage - to cover the enemy from the air. By the very beginning of the Great Patriotic War, five airborne corps were formed. And today they carry out their peacekeeping mission, always being at the forefront.

Azerbaijan National Cinema Day

The President of the Republic issued a Decree on organizing Cinema Day in 2000. The date was timed to coincide with the appearance of the first Azerbaijani film “In the Power of Oil and Millions” in 1916 (Azerbaijanis shot the first moving pictures at the end of the 19th century, just three years after the invention of the Lumiere brothers). On August 2, at the first public screening, one could see films from the life of the native capital of Azerbaijan.

Day of the Angelic Virgin

In the city of Cartago there is a figurine of the Angelic Virgin - the miraculous patroness of Costa Rica. On this day, people try to come here on foot, even if they have to walk for three or four days. Some travel for several days on bicycles or roller skates. True believers walk the last meters on their knees. This is truly mystical - a column of people walks at night, joining it from other roads. Along the route there are many vendors offering food, snacks, water, and toilets.

Red Cross points are located at regular intervals, where they give massages to those who feel ill, measure blood pressure and give medications if necessary. This walk is fun, people are happy, they go with jokes and jokes, many take their children with them, even babies in strollers. They spend the night in tents, and in the morning the service begins, near the sacred stone and figurine that the poor Indian girl Juana found. The Virgin bestows her grace on those who pray - she cures illness and helps with many problems. On the wall you can see the results of this help - golden miniature figures, as a memory of the miracles of healing.

Edinburgh Fringe Arts Festival

In 2013, August 2 marks the start of the largest world art festival, the Fringe, in Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland. For a nominal fee, over the course of two to three weeks, spectators can see 32,000 performances at more than 250 venues located throughout the city. The festival is very popular all over the world, at this time a flow of tourists and artists flocks here - both famous performers and student and amateur groups; in one of the translations, fringe means small and experimental theaters.

August 2 in the folk calendar

Elijah's day

On Ilya, Russian people stopped swimming; in addition, they honored Ilya the prophet, who lived in the 9th century BC. He vehemently denounced idolatry and other wickedness. The shrines of Judea were trampled upon, for example, the wife of ruler Ahab established the cult of a pagan deity. The Prophet Elijah had a special gift; he sent a famine on the wicked that lasted three years, and executed several priests who dared to carry out sacrifices on Mount Carmel.
Elijah was taken to heaven by fiery chariots, and Elijah also received the nickname Elijah the Thunderer.

It is believed that it is he who shoots fiery arrows across the sky when his chariot rumbles across the sky. Rainwater collected on Elijah relieves the evil eye and eye diseases. Autumn begins with Elijah’s day: “From Elijah’s day the night is long and the water is cold,” “Peter and Paul lowered the hour, and Elijah the Prophet dragged away two.” The first bread from the new harvest was baked, and a cup of rice was placed outside the gate. On this day, they watched the cattle and did not let them out of the gate, so that the roaming reptiles (snakes, predators) would not harm them.

Historical events of August 2

August 2, 1931- the White Sea-Baltic Canal named after Stalin was opened, running from the White Sea to Lake Onega.

More than 280 thousand prisoners worked with wheelbarrows, sledgehammers, and axes. The most modern mechanism was considered to be a wooden crane. The secret construction progressed at a tremendous pace under the leadership of the NKVD, and the canal was laid in record time. Similar canals took decades to build, but the White Sea-Baltic Canal was built in 1 year and 9 months, while it was at least a third longer. The country received the opportunity to exploit the forest and mineral resources of the Northern Soviet Territory.

October 2, 1945— the meeting of Churchill, Truman, Stalin, known as the “Big Three” conference, ended.

It was there that the most important decisions were made on the division and arrangement of defeated Germany. In the East, the country's borders were moved towards the West, the territory decreased by 25%. In the east, the territories were predominantly agricultural, and Upper Silesia turned out to be the center of German heavy industry. A third of East Prussia became part of the USSR, with its capital in what is now Kaliningrad. It was also decided and confirmed that after the surrender of Germany, Russia would declare war on Japan no later than three months.

More events:

August 2, 1930 At exactly 9 o'clock the first parachute landing of 12 people was dropped from the sky.

On August 2, 1946, the International Non-Governmental Organization (WFAUN) was founded, which unites UN non-governmental organizations. The World Federation of United Nations Associations brought together 22 world organizations at a conference in Luxembourg.

August 2, 1865 The first edition of Lewis Carroll's book "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" was published.

Born on August 2

Georgy Movsesyan(1945-2011) - famous Soviet composer who wrote many songs, People's Artist of the USSR.

Georgy Viktorovich Movsesyan wrote many songs (among them “My years are my wealth”, “Farewell to love”, “Birch”, etc.), which became beloved and popular among the people. Most often, the poets Robert Rozhdestvensky, Evgeny Yevtushenko, and Igor Shaferan performed together with him.

Samuel van Hoogstraten(1627 -1678), follower and student of Rembrandt, Dutch artist.

Van Hoogstraten became famous for his paintings of biblical subjects, portraits and still lifes. At this time, optical instruments were actively being invented, and the artist was interested in the telescope, complex spatial structures, and painted interiors. He also made “Magic Boxes”, which inside a cardboard box made it possible to see colonnades, scenes of domestic life, windows, and a garden. There is such a box in the London National Gallery.

Myrna Loy(1905 -1993), American actress, Queen of Hollywood of her time.

Myrna Loy has participated in theater productions since childhood and made her film debut in the film “What is the Price of Beauty.” Her role is the role of fatal oriental beauties, exotic women, and only after “Manhattan Melodrama” with Clark Gable did she become really popular. Together with Clark Gable, they became the King and Queen of Hollywood.

Also born on this day:

Anne Dvorak(1912 -1979), American film actress, silent film star of the early 20th century.
Leonid Linnik(1930 -2008) - Soviet ophthalmologist, outstanding scientist, creator and developer of a new generation of intraocular lenses.

Name day August 2

Alexander, Peter, Savva, Sergey, Tikhon, Alexey, Afanasy, Georgy, Efim, Ivan, Ilya, Konstantin, Kuzma, Alexander, Alexey, Georgy, Efim, Ivan, Leonty, Nikolay, Peter, Savva, Sergey, Tikhon, Fedor.

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National Cinema Day in Azerbaijan

Every year on August 2, Azerbaijan celebrates National Cinema Day, a professional holiday for Azerbaijani cinema workers.

Day of the Angelic Virgin in Costa Rica

The Day of the Virgin of the Angels or Our Lady of the Angels is an important religious holiday celebrated annually on August 2 in Costa Rica.

Qi Xi - Valentine's Day in China

Qi Xi is a famous romantic and traditional lovers' festival in China, which is popular among young people. This holiday is celebrated according to the traditional Lunar calendar on the evening of the 7th day of the 7th month. This year the holiday fell on August 2. Another popular name for this holiday is the Double Seven Festival.

Unusual holidays

Day of sitting on windowsills
Day of the Taming of the Shrew
Mailbox birthday

Brake Festival

This holiday was probably invented for those who do not have brakes, so that they would not forget that they still have brakes. In fact, brakes are everywhere in our lives, but you can celebrate the Brake Festival on August 2 with reliable friends and “without brakes.” 🙂

Church holiday according to the folk calendar

Elijah's day

On this day, August 2, Orthodox Christians honor the memory of Elijah, who lived in the 9th century BC in the Kingdom of Israel. According to popular tradition, he was a zealous champion of Judaism and denounced all wickedness and idolatry.

Name day August 2 from: Alexander, Alexey, Afanasy, Georgy, Efim, Ivan, Ilya, Konstantin, Kuzma, Leonty, Nikolay, Peter, Savva, Sergey, Tikhon, Fedor.

Every year on August 2 our country celebrates a glorious date - Airborne Forces Day (VDV Day), established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 549 of May 31, 2006 “On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” as a memorial day designed to contribute to the revival and development of domestic military traditions, increasing the prestige of military service and established in recognition of the merits of the military specialists in solving problems of ensuring the defense and security of the state.

The airborne troops - “winged infantry”, “blue berets” - whatever epithets were awarded to the guards-paratroopers, but always, at all times and under any circumstances, the strength, courage and reliability of people living by the principle: “No one, except us!". And today, more than a million Russians who once wore blue berets, as well as those currently serving in the Airborne Forces, will celebrate their holiday - Airborne Forces Day.

The history of the Airborne Forces (Airborne Forces) dates back to August 2, 1930 - then, during the exercises of the Air Force of the Moscow Military District near Voronezh, a paratrooper unit consisting of 12 people was parachuted for the first time to perform a tactical mission. This experiment allowed military theorists to see the prospect of the advantages of parachute units, their enormous capabilities associated with the rapid coverage of the enemy by air.

The formation of airborne units, which marked the beginning of the massive deployment of this type of troops, began in 1932. Already at the beginning of 1933, special-purpose aviation battalions were formed in the Belarusian, Ukrainian, Moscow and Volga military districts. By the summer of 1941, the manning of five airborne corps, each numbering 10 thousand people, had ended. Paratroopers were always at the forefront in the battles of the Great Patriotic War and more than once showed mass heroism.

Since February 1988, Russian paratroopers have taken part in operations in “hot spots” both in the country and abroad. One of the heaviest losses in the history of modern airborne forces was the death of the 6th company of the 104th regiment of the 76th Pskov Airborne Division in March 2000, when the unit prevented the breakthrough of 2.5 thousand militants, destroying over 700 bandits.

Today, the Airborne Forces (Airborne Forces) are a branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which is a means of the Supreme High Command of the Armed Forces and is intended to cover the enemy by air and carry out tasks in his rear to disrupt troop control, capture and destroy ground elements of high-precision weapons, disrupt advances and deployments reserves, disrupting the work of the rear and communications, as well as covering (defense) certain directions, areas, open flanks, blocking and destroying landed airborne troops, broken through enemy groups and performing other tasks.

They wrote many bright pages in the history of the Russian army. From the first day of its existence, the Airborne Forces became the “front line” troops, capable of completing any task, no matter how impossible it was considered. Their valor and courage, selfless devotion to the Motherland are forever covered with unfading glory.

The Airborne Forces are the reserve of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the RF Armed Forces (Photo: mil.ru)

They are where it is most dangerous, where high combat skills and excellent physical fitness, self-sacrifice and courage are needed. Blue Berets are always at the forefront - be it a peacekeeping mission or participation in an anti-terrorist operation. In peacetime, the Airborne Forces perform the main tasks of maintaining combat and mobilization readiness at a level that ensures their successful use for their intended purpose. And today, paratroopers command respect and admiration from both veterans and young people preparing for military service.

Traditionally, on this day, commemorative and festive events are held everywhere, demonstration performances by paratroopers and paratroopers, demonstrations of military equipment that are in service with the Airborne Forces, meetings with Airborne Forces veterans, charity events and festivities.

Elijah's day

Old style date: July 20

Elijah's Day in Rus' was considered one of the most important holidays of the year. On this day, the prophet Elijah, who lived in the Kingdom of Israel in the 9th century BC, was honored. According to legend, he was a zealous champion of Judaism, denouncing idolatry and all wickedness.

During the time of Elijah, Israel was ruled by the weak-willed ruler Ahab, whose wife Jezebel decided to establish the cult of the pagan deity Baal. The Prophet Elijah stood up for the trampled shrines of the Jews. Endowed with a special gift, he performed many miracles to enlighten the king and his wife. One of the punishments that Elijah sent down on the country of wicked rulers was a three-year famine. In addition, he personally executed the pagan priests who organized the sacrifice on Mount Carmel.

The prophet's actions angered Jezebel, and she vowed to destroy him. However, Elijah disappeared into the desert. Later, returning to the kingdom of Israel, he still humbled the ruler Ahab. It is believed that Elijah was taken to Heaven alive: “suddenly a chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared,” which took the prophet away. Thanks to this image, the saint received the nickname Ilya the Thunderer among the people: they said that it was he who, rushing across the sky in a fiery chariot and trying to defeat the unclean serpent, let loose thunder and lightning.

In the old days in Rus', on Elijah’s day, religious processions were held and they prayed to the prophet for rain or, conversely, for clear weather - depending on what was more necessary. In addition, according to beliefs, rainwater collected at this time relieved both the evil eye and eye diseases.

Autumn began on Ilyin's day, despite the fact that according to the calendar it was still far away. The nights became cold, morning frosts occurred, and the daytime heat waned. From that day on, people stopped swimming (by the way, this custom is still alive). Our ancestors said: “Elijah the Prophet threw an ice cube into the water”; “From Ilya’s day the night is long and the water is cold”; “Before Ilya, the man bathes, and from Ilya he says goodbye to the river”; “For Ilya, it’s summer before lunch, and autumn after lunch”. The air became humid, and housewives, hanging out their washed clothes, noticed: “Before Ilya’s Day it dries under the bush, but after Ilya’s Day it doesn’t even dry on the bush.”. There were also frequent rains: “Before Ilya, the priest will not pray for rain, after Ilya, even a woman will catch up with an apron.”.

The days became noticeably shorter. “Peter and Paul reduced the hour, and Elijah the Prophet dragged away two”, our ancestors noted. “The night has been long since Ilya’s day: the worker gets enough sleep, the horses get enough to eat”, - people added, trying to see the good in everything.

On Elias Day, it was customary to bake the first loaves of the new harvest, which the whole village enjoyed. Our ancestors saw the prophet as a benefactor who was able to give a good harvest. In some provinces on this day they placed a cup with grains of rye and oats at the gate and asked the priest to “magnify Elijah for the fertility of bread.”

At the same time, it was not customary to work on Elijah’s Day, especially in the field. They said that for such a “misdemeanor” the prophet could punish: “They don’t throw haystacks at Ilya - Ilya will burn it with a thunderstorm”. However, this custom was also associated with the belief that only until this time does the grass become full of flavor and strength: “Before Ilya’s day, throw hay - put a pound of honey into it”. And they stuffed the beds with the hay collected that day, saying: “Ilyinskaya straw - village feather duster”.

The peasants believed that on Elijah’s Day, animals and reptiles come out and crawl out of their holes and wander through meadows and forests, so cattle should not be released into the meadow, so as not to be torn to pieces by predators and bitten by snakes. It was believed that wild animals were possessed by evil spirits, and only the thunder of Elijah the Prophet could drive them away. Also on this day they tried not to let dogs and cats into the house - they said that this could attract lightning to the hut.

Name day on this day

Alexander, Alexey, Afanasy, Georgy, Efim, Ivan, Ilya, Konstantin, Kuzma, Leonty, Nikolay, Peter, Savva, Sergey, Tikhon, Fedor

Professional holiday of all workers of the republican cinema - Azerbaijan National Cinema Day, celebrated annually on August 2, was established by the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev dated December 18, 2000.

This date was not chosen by chance. The fact is that the history of Azerbaijani cinema does not begin in 1916, when the film “In the Power of Oil and Millions” appeared on the screen, but much earlier. Although many are accustomed to consider this event as the beginning of the era of cinema in Azerbaijan, the first “moving pictures” appeared on the country’s screens already in 1898.

Then, just three years after the invention of this art form by the Lumière brothers, their “improved cinema” appeared in Baku.

The first public film screening took place on August 2. It was organized by photographer A.M. Michonne. He shot films from the life of his native Baku, among which are “Fire on Bibi-Heybat”, “Oil gusher at the Balakhani-Sabunchu field”, “Caucasian dance” and others.

In Soviet times, the ruling Communist Party viewed cinema as an important element in the ideological education of the country's citizens. And in 1922, the leadership of the Azerbaijan SSR decided to create the first film factory in the Republic, which became the predecessor of today's Azerbaijanfilm film studio. A year later, the Azerbaijan Photo and Film Administration (AFCU) was established. Under him, in subsequent years, cinemas were opened, and a studio was organized to train national actors and directors.

Today, the national cinema and film industry in Azerbaijan are actively developing. Films of both artistic and documentary nature are produced. In total, over the years of the existence of Azerbaijani cinema, more than 300 feature films, over 1,200 documentaries and hundreds of animated films have been produced.

Perunov day

Perun's thoughts are quick,
Whatever he wants, so now.
Throws sparks, throws sparks
From the pupils of sparkling eyes.
K. Balmont

On this day, it was accepted that all men present at the ceremony were required to have a weapon with them (a knife, an ax, and if there is permission, then something more suitable). During the ceremony, the warriors make a solemn procession with song. After praising Perun, the warriors begin to consecrate weapons: they place swords, axes, spears, knives, maces and other bladed weapons on shields placed in front of the temple.

A bull is sacrificed, and in the absence of one, a rooster (must be the same color, not motley, red is best). The weapon is enchanted with the sacrificial blood, the priest smears the blood on the forehead of each warrior, after which they put red bandages on their heads. Military amulets are consecrated over the sacrificial fire.

After the beginning, the ritual battle between “Perun” and “Veles” begins, dedicated to Perun’s victory over Veles (Perun defeats Veles and returns the herd of heavenly cows). At the end of the battle, the warriors carry the boat with gifts and place it on the steal. The elder, having undressed, sets fire to the theft. After the fire burns out, the warriors pour a grave over the ashes and begin the funeral feast (ritual fights at the grave).

Then a celebration is held, where all the fallen Slavic warriors are remembered. Ritual food: beef, game, chicken, porridge. Drinks: honey, red wine, beer, kvass. The games begin with the capture of the “town”.

On this day, they give preference to military pleasures, but do not forget about love affairs. The Magi advise spending the night after the holiday with a woman. A bad warrior is one who only wins victories over the enemy.

The ritual of making rain was also associated with Perun. It consisted of making a sacrifice - pouring water on a specially selected woman.

With the advent of Christianity, the functions of Perun were transferred to the Christian saint Elijah the Prophet, in whose image the features of Perun clearly appeared - the god of thunder, who rode across the sky on a thundering chariot, and who, in fact, simply changed his name, remaining the same revered deity.

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