When to teach a child to sit. How to teach your baby to walk, crawl and sit correctly

As you can see, the approximate guideline is 4-6 months. At one time, my husband and I chose the golden mean and began teaching our child to sit at 5 months. After about 3-4 weeks, Nastya was already able to sit on her own.

Look, first of all, at your child. Children who develop faster than their peers can begin to be taught to sit a little earlier - at 4-5 months. And there is nothing wrong with the fact that at 5-6 months the baby does not know how to sit on his own. There is no need to sound the alarm and call the Ministry of Emergency Situations, because after a couple of weeks the baby will surprise you. In any case, if you work with your child, then by 7 months he will definitely learn to sit on his own. So let’s be patient, dear mothers, and begin to act.

How to teach a child to sit?

Our mothers and grandmothers, of course, will recommend their favorite pillows. For those who don't know, I'll explain. The child needs to be seated and surrounded on all sides with pillows. Ideally, it will sit and not fall anywhere.

I don’t know, maybe I did something wrong, but my child could not sit in these pillows, my daughter constantly fell over in one direction or the other. Perhaps I didn’t fully understand this fancy scheme with pillows. The story ended with me finding another way out.

Today I will tell you how my husband and I taught our child to sit on his own. And if this method turns out to be effective for you, I will be only glad.

So we started by sitting on the couch. That is, every day they sat my daughter on the sofa so that her back rested against the rubble. It turns out that the baby could only fall on her side. So every day several times, gradually increasing the time of “lessons”, we sat side by side. At first, of course, they fell from side to side like tumblers. After about a week, the number of falls decreased noticeably; it was clear that the child could already sit independently without falling for as long as 10-12 seconds.

After some more time, sitting on the sofa became boring and uninteresting. We didn’t fall, so we could safely move to the next level and teach the child to sit without support. Experts advise doing this on a hard surface - for example, on the floor. We studied on the bed, because I was an overly caring mother and once again did not let the child on the floor, citing drafts and so on. Which, by the way, I don’t regret. During the first year of her life, Nastya was sick only once.

Let's get back to the topic. Learning to sit without support was also fun - the child again tumbled from side to side. But not for long. After all, during the time we were learning to sit on the sofa, the baby’s spine was already well strengthened and was ready for heavy loads.

Class time distribution

If I started teaching my child to sit on his own right away (without a sofa, etc.), I’m sure there wouldn’t be such quick results. And it would be much more difficult for my daughter. And so, our classes turned into a game for her. Falling is fun. The most important thing is that she did not get tired of sitting. On the contrary, she was interested.

When you start teaching your child to sit, you need to calculate the load. Remember that the baby's spine is still too weak. Start with 3-5 minutes of exercise, increase the time by another 5 minutes every day. But if you see that the child is tired and does not want to sit anymore, do not force him to sit down. Better sit for an extra 2 minutes tomorrow.

And finally...

If you really want to teach your child to sit independently, practice every day. Exercising once a week will not give the effect you need. You can divide one lesson into a couple of approaches. For example, 2 times for 5 minutes. It will be much easier for the child.

You know, teaching a child to sit is not the most difficult thing. Much easier than, for example, learning to walk. I am sure that 99% of you, dear mothers, will cope with this task within a month.

Many parents are looking forward to when their beloved child will finally learn to sit. After all, this necessary skill not only allows the baby to gain new experiences and explore the world, but also makes life easier for adults. However, before trying to bring the desired moment closer, mothers and fathers need to study the question of how to teach a child to sit without causing harm to the child’s body.

When should a child sit down?

There are no clear standards for what age a baby should learn to sit. Each baby develops and grows in accordance with its own “plan” laid down by nature. The approximate age range when a baby can begin to sit up independently is from 6 to 9 months. Some children, mainly those who try to sit up early, learn to sit gradually, periodically falling onto their sides. Others can sit down later, but immediately confidently, having first fully strengthened the muscles necessary for this.

Is it necessary to stimulate the ability to sit?

If, when visiting doctors, the baby was not found to have any neurological abnormalities or problems associated with the development of the musculoskeletal system, the child will definitely sit up on his own when his muscles are ready for this. The later the vertical load on the spine occurs, the more beneficial it is for the back and correct posture.

All the efforts of parents to teach their child to sit too early, when the fragile body is not yet able to fully master this skill, in the future can cause serious health problems in the child, such as scoliosis and deformation of the pelvic bones. The baby should not be sat down; even on the lap of an adult child, it should be kept reclining.

Trying to sit your baby down early, for example by covering him with pillows, fatigues weak back muscles. As a result, the spine is rounded, the chest rests on the stomach to redistribute the load, which leads to stooping.

It is important to encourage the child not to try to sit up, but to actively crawl. The best option is for the little one to sit down only after he has learned to crawl well.

We train and strengthen muscles

You cannot encourage a child to sit, but you can and should help him develop and strengthen the muscles of his back, neck and abdomen through physical exercise. To encourage crawling, learning which will quickly lead to attempts to sit up, you need to place the baby on his stomach more often. By lifting up on your arms, the baby actively trains your back muscles and strengthens your arms.

Excellent methods for strengthening muscles and overall health of the body are massage and swimming. Sessions can be carried out from the very birth of the baby, but always under the supervision of a specialist.

It happens that a child does not yet know how to sit independently, but makes active attempts. It is difficult to hold such a baby in a lying position, for example, while walking. To satisfy your toddler’s craving for understanding the world around him, you can briefly raise the back of the stroller at an angle of no more than 45 degrees.

A set of exercises from 6 months

The following complex is suitable for classes with children who are already six months old:

  • Extend two fingers to the child lying on his back so that he can grab onto them. In this position, the baby will try to lift his upper body. There is no need to pull the child towards you, you just need to slightly help him get up on his own, but no more than 5 seconds.
  • Place the baby on his stomach. Taking the baby by the arms spread to the sides, raise the upper body, slightly arching the back. This exercise strengthens your back muscles well.
  • Place the child on his legs, but he should not lean on them with his weight. Hold with one hand above your knees, with the other under your chest. Slowly tilt the baby's body forward to a horizontal position and return to the starting position. Repeat 7-10 times. Bending well strengthens the lateral muscles of the abdomen and back.
  • Place the baby on his stomach and place the toy in front of him at such a distance that the baby has to stretch slightly to reach it with his hand. As soon as the child takes one toy, the adult places the next one in front of him. The exercise is useful for stretching and strengthening the spine.
  • Hang your favorite toys above the crib at such a height that the baby has to rise slightly to reach them.

Stable seat

Such activities are suitable for children who have already begun to sit down to increase body stability in a sitting position.

  • Place the child with his legs bent at the knees crossed (Turkish style) with his back to you, holding him with one hand by the shoulders or under the chest. It is easy and without pressure to run the fingers of the other hand along the baby’s spine from top to bottom, thereby stimulating the straightening of the back.
  • Holding the shoulders of the child sitting in the same starting position with both hands (see exercise No. 1), move the baby’s arms and shoulders back, thus straightening the spine and raising the head.
  • Place the child in the starting position (see exercise No. 1). The second adult takes a bright toy and, holding it at the baby’s eye level, begins to move it in different directions, slightly lowering and raising it. To follow the toy with her eyes, the baby will have to raise, tilt and turn her head. Thanks to this, the neck muscles are strengthened.
  • Place the baby with straightened legs facing you, take his hands and spread them apart. Slightly tilt the baby back and forth, in both directions and diagonally. This exercise teaches you how to maintain balance.
  • Tilt the child sitting in the same position left and right (see exercise No. 4). When the baby's body leans to the left, release the baby's left hand, which will force the baby to lean on it. Repeat the same when tilting to the right, holding your left hand and releasing your right. This exercise will teach you to lean on your hands when sitting.
  • Place the child on the edge of the sofa, holding it and hanging the baby's legs down. Place an attractive toy to his right. It should lie slightly behind so that the child has to turn his body a little to the right when he wants to take it. Repeat the exercise, placing the toy on the left side. This way the baby will learn to turn the upper body when sitting.
  • Offer toys to a sitting baby, holding them in front of him a little further than arm's length and at a different level each time. To pick up toys, the baby will have to lean forward and straighten up again.

You should not rush your child to sit down if he himself has not yet made such attempts. It is necessary to give a healthy baby with sufficiently strengthened muscles the opportunity to decide for himself when he is ready to sit. The task of parents is to create conditions for the proper physical development of the baby, as well as timely consultation with specialists.

Six months is the period when the baby tries to sit up on his own. Until then, you should not sit the child down, covering him with pillows on the advice of grandmothers - this can cause harm to the still fragile spine.

In order for the baby to learn to sit down on his own, he needs help. The tips in our article are about just that.

How to help your child learn to sit independently

  1. Perform daily exercises: while pulling the child by the hands, help him sit up from a position lying on his back. Repeating the exercise 3 times will be enough so as not to tire the child. If you feel that the child is tired while doing this difficult work for him, stop training.
  2. Show your baby how to pull himself up and sit in the playpen by holding onto the net with his hands.
  3. Raise the backrest in the stroller and sit your baby down for a short time. Modern strollers have several levels of lift and a hard back, which is very comfortable. Let your baby sit like this only for a short time, then lower the backrest to a lying or reclining position, giving his spine and muscles a rest.
  4. Do not allow your baby to sit for more than 10 minutes at the beginning of training, then gradually increase the time. It is convenient to use a children's chair with an adjustable backrest, as well as a stroller with a position regulator.
  5. Train your child's muscles so that he can sit up on his own. Place it on your tummy while teaching it to crawl. Placing your palm under his legs, let him push off from it and move towards the toy lying a short distance in front of him.
  6. A child of 5-6 months can be taught to sit up independently by placing him reclining on your lap and giving him the opportunity to grab his fingers; lift him up, holding his hands.
As soon as the muscle corset gets stronger and is ready, the baby will sit down on his own. Starting to sit down early means harming a fragile spine. Delays can be caused by muscle weakness, hypotension or hypertonicity. If you have the slightest concern that your baby is behind in development, consult a neurologist.

A child masters the ability to sit in the following stages: sits with support, sits with support (leaning on his own arms, leaning forward), sits without any help.

Before starting exercises that develop the skill of sitting, you should massage your back, tummy, legs and arms with stroking movements. Bend and straighten his arms and legs, rub and stroke them, increasing blood circulation and warming up the muscles. You need to start training an hour after eating.
Then we place the baby with his back on a hard, flat surface. Holding your baby's hands, gently pull him towards you, helping him sit up. After a few seconds, slowly and carefully return it to its original position, holding the head. After a short rest, you can repeat the action a couple more times. This method will help strengthen the abdominal muscles, which are responsible for sitting independently later.

During the exercise, you can say rhymes, jokes or sing songs. This promotes the child’s mental development and brings him pleasure from activities.

After six months, you can show your child how to sit down on his own, focusing on one hand, and pull himself up with the other, holding onto a support.
Many children sit up on their own by eight months; this period fluctuates in one direction or another for each individual child. After mastering sitting, the baby will try to stand up using his hands, holding onto the bars of the bed or the mesh of the playpen. And there it’s already not far from the first steps!

Does your baby need help trying to sit up?

At six months, a baby can play with toys for a long time, gradually crawling towards those that interest him. The ability to crawl stimulates general activity of movements, develops the muscular corset, enhances ventilation of the lungs, helps good blood supply, and also broadens the horizons, promoting mental development.

Attempts to sit down or stand up independently, holding onto a support, indicate that the baby’s muscles are strong enough and he is ready to sit down without harm to the spine.

U Strengthening exercises for the abs and spine can be done in a playful way, which is much more fun:

  • Pull the baby, holding tightly onto your fingers, from a lying position on his back, facing his face, saying “boom” and lightly pressing their foreheads together. In this case, it is necessary to control the baby’s grip, holding him by the hands, and when laying him on his back, do this carefully so as not to hit his head.
  • Sit your baby with his back to you in your arms, and place a large bright toy like a bear in front of him. When your baby grabs the toy, lift it and move it sideways with him. This way you can strengthen your muscle corset.
  • Playing with a large inflatable ball or fitball will also help teach your baby to sit. This way, in addition to training your muscles, you strengthen the vestibular apparatus.
You can lay the child on his tummy and, holding his legs, allow him to grab toys with his hands or reach the floor. We roll back and forth and left and right while lying on your back or stomach.

Remembering the peculiarities of the development of each of the first months of the child and the fact that everything necessary is laid down by nature before us, and we only accompany the child and help if necessary, we suggest that we competently examine the topic “How to teach a child to sit.” Dr. Komarovsky will help us, as well as exercises that have been effective for many years.

Children begin to show their first attempts and interest in sitting up on their own after 5 months. But remembering that the sitting position directly affects the formation of the pelvic organs, girls, unlike boys, are recommended to be given this opportunity no earlier than 6 months. There is such a thing when a child first begins to crawl and only after some time sits down. At this point, we are only talking about the initial stage, about the first hesitant attempts to sit up.

How to teach a child to sit

Exercises to strengthen muscles

Please note that all serious activities with children, and especially small ones, always begin to be carried out in a comic, playful form. Let your baby play carefree on the floor, completely relaxed and feel his mother’s love and confidence in success, but not fear, doubt, tension and “it’s the right way.”

He will still have a chance to become familiar with these concepts on his own. So, if your baby is already 5-6 months old, we offer a simple but effective set of exercises.

  • Option 1: the child is in a supine position, and the mother tries to reach her child’s nose with her feet. In this game you can use the saying “where is our nose? And here it is, the nose!” Try not to bend your knees.
  • You can add an option to this exercise when you almost reach the target and lock in the position for a few seconds. This will help strengthen the muscles of the legs, because when the child sits down and begins to crawl, the function of supporting the body weight falls on the legs. Therefore, we will train them and prepare them ahead of time.
  • Option 2: starting position on the stomach. By attracting with various sounds, bright toys, etc., we encourage him to roll over onto his back. This position involves the muscles of the back, abs, chest, shoulders and arms. According to reviews from mothers at pediatrician appointments, this is one of those exercises on which emphasis was placed, and the result was evident, it happened even in 10 days and the child sat down, but remember - everything is individual.
  • Option 3: train your ability to do mini push-ups. The exercise is performed on a hard surface, possibly on the floor, but always on a thick blanket. The child lies on his stomach, and his favorite toys are 20-30 cm away from him in different corners. Before reaching them, he will have to lift himself up slightly on his arms, as if doing a push-up, and while he stretches and tries to crawl, the back muscles are actively involved in the work.

The examples of the exercises described above will not take you more than 7-10 minutes at a time. But how much experience your baby will get and an excellent basis for strengthening muscles that are ready for the first serious loads in the form of a new angle of viewing the world - in a sitting position.

What is the reason if the baby refuses to sit down?

Has it ever happened that your child sees something attractive or unknown on the floor and reaches out, or begins to try to crawl on his own, but you fix him in a sitting position and cover him with pillows? If you have had this situation at least once, it is possible that the reasons for your refusal to sit down are the child’s subconscious fears.

And every time there is an attempt to force him to sit, even in a high chair, the child’s subconscious forces him to get rid of any obstacles. What if he hears or sees something new right now, and his movement is constrained.

If the baby was born premature, there is a possibility that it is simply not time for him, he is not strong enough and is not ready to fit into the ranks of the “average”. In this case, consult your pediatrician. Another option, perhaps your baby is very well fed and his extra grams are putting pressure on him? Again, we advise you to correctly adjust your actions by consulting with your pediatrician, perhaps looking at the recommendations of Dr. Komarovsky.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

Dr. Komarovsky himself, when asked “at what months should boys or girls be able to sit up, crawl, etc. correctly,” answers this way: if your baby is healthy, he already has all the necessary skills and everything will definitely happen in due time. There are examples when children began to sit up at 8-9 months. And that was normal for them.

Comments from other parents about how many months their child was able to run across the floor independently are not lawful for you. It is the responsibility of parents to ensure a healthy atmosphere in the family and home as a whole where the baby is growing up and to be there when you need to give a hand or work out.

Gymnastics and massage

Even the smallest loads for children begin with a relaxing massage. These can be simply measured movements, light stroking from top to bottom.
So, here are some exercises that continue as each previous task is mastered. Please note that classes are best carried out on a hard surface, for example, on the floor, but always warm.

1. Pull-up
We lay our little patient on his back. We grab the children's wrists and very smoothly pull them towards us until the back becomes vertically level. Hold for 2-3 seconds in this position and return to the starting position. Repeat no more than 3-5 times per dose.

2. Pull-up with an obstacle
After mastering the first exercise, you can slightly complicate it by extending only 1 hand to the child as a support, or, alternatively, using foreign objects between your palms, for example, rubber rings.

3. Swing to the sides
When pulling up becomes easy for you, you can add sideways swinging to this activity. Light rocking. This will promote the functioning of the vestibular apparatus and strengthen the muscles of the buttocks. By allocating time specifically for training games with your child, you teach him a certain discipline, which will be needed more than once in the future, including when the time comes to learn to crawl, and then sit independently on a potty or high chair.

How to encourage a baby to crawl

It is not surprising, but there are times when, looking at our smaller brothers, including cats, a child sees movements through the work of all four limbs and begins to crawl, repeating, because this is one of the methods of movement.

Mom herself can show how it looks correctly and in a playful way make it clear that in this position you can quickly get to the toy and cover a short distance on your own. However, if your child stubbornly sits down and is not interested in any other stages, do not insist. Everything has its time.

Do you need to rush to sit your baby down?

To summarize the above, and also based on the statements of Dr. Komarovsky, no. Everything will happen in due time, for a healthy child. He will definitely go through all the stages, even if he jumps over some, for example, first he walks, and then he starts crawling, sitting on the floor, etc.

Using a fitball

We suggest using a fitball as a working surface. A dense rubber ball, 70-75 cm in diameter with a flat surface. The ball can be covered with a diaper and placed on the baby's tummy. It is important to simultaneously hold the body with one hand and lightly stroke the back with the other.

And we begin light amplitude movements back and forth. We monitor the reaction of the ward. As a few days pass from the day of the first lesson, you can increase the amplitude so much that the baby can independently reach some bright cubes on the floor or simply reach out with his hands to the floor and be able to push off.

A similar exercise, but now we swing it to the sides. We always start with slight angles of inclination, gradually increasing the degree. Also, both lying on your tummy and lying on your back, you can practice the “spring” exercise. This is great for grouping muscles and strengthening their tone.

Work with your child, love him, and the question “How to teach a child to sit” will not cause you any difficulties, and you will not notice how your boy or girl is already sitting on a chair on his own.

Gymnastics for a child using fitball

The first year of a child’s life is a crucial period: the baby, with the support of its parents, learns many new skills and abilities. For example, he learns to sit, crawl and walk. And because Right Whether a child does this depends on his future health.

Therefore, arm yourself with patience and knowledge to:

* avoid common mistakes, which parents often make in an effort to help their child;

* understand when the baby is ready to start sitting, crawling, walking;

* prepare the child to acquire new skills and abilities, stimulate his interest in them by doing the necessary exercises and encouragement.

What are the typical mistakes of parents?

The first and most common

Many parents are interested in when a baby should start sitting, crawling and walking. In fact, the word "should" Not completely applicable to a baby up to one year old.

This you must learn: The baby will begin to learn new skills and abilities when he is ready for them. Understand and not miss these moments - your duty!

After all, each child is individual: he can be born either full-term or premature, have diseases or congenital pathologies, etc. For these reasons, his physical development is sometimes somewhat delayed, and the musculoskeletal system

Hence, start off seat the child teaching him to crawl and walk ahead of time is a futile idea and harmful. Because it can lead to sad consequences: improper development of the skeleton in the form of curvatures of the spine, chest, etc.

Of course, you can’t delay too much either. It will be better if the calendar for the development of a healthy child becomes a guide for you. However, if there are obvious deviations from it, contact your pediatrician.

Second mistake

Many parents believe that in order to master sitting skills, it is necessary to help the baby: put support under the backrest. For example, a pillow. But this common approach is flawed because the back does not need support, and the child will sit down when he is ready for it.

Third mistake

Some mothers and fathers believe that if the baby misses the crawling period, nothing bad will happen.

In fact “skipping” this stage will not lead to anything good. After all, the muscles of the arms, spine and shoulder girdle are not ready for physical activity, which increases significantly with an upright position of the body. In addition, the child at this stage does not have confident coordination of movements.

Fourth mistake

There is a stereotype: parents believe that before standing on their feet, the child must train his arms to pull himself up and support himself.

In fact, he much prepared hips, strong muscles of the shoulder girdle and back are more needed, since he must stand up relying on the muscles of the legs, and Not pulling yourself up on your hands.

The surest sign that it is too early to walk is if the baby, standing on his feet with support, steps on his tiptoes.

Therefore, if your child begins to stand on his feet, but you see that he is still Not ready to walk, do not rush nature: do not hold his hands and do not try to help him walk when making his first walks around the room.

This would be a mistake, because by doing this you harm the baby: disrupt the normal development of the musculoskeletal system and create conditions for the occurrence of injuries, due to the fact that the body will fall back or forward when walking.

Remember! You should always focus on what your baby can do on his own!

When a child is ready for new skills and abilities

To understand this, you must A few points to keep in mind:

Is it time to sit down?

If your child begins to confidently and actively roll over from back to tummy and back, he is able to feel balance and it's coming soon time for independent sitting. This usually occurs at 6-7 months.

A baby is ready to start crawling if he:

* sitting on the side, leans on one arm, and the other reaches for the toy, but at the same time holds himself and Not falls back;

* standing on all fours:

– leans forward, pulls one hand, knocks it on the floor or tries to grab an interesting toy in front;

– rocks back and forth, keeping the back parallel to the floor and Not bending it;

– moves backwards: this happens because at first it is difficult for him to lift the handle and move it forward, but he really wants to move and explore new territories;

* lying on stomach, bends the leg under the tummy on its own, or you bend it yourself (it should remain bent), and at the same time the baby tries to crawl.

These points mean that The baby develops correctly and slowly, can bear his own weight, his side muscles and shoulder girdle muscles have become stronger and he will soon begin to crawl. As a rule, this occurs at 7-8 months.

Go already?

When your baby is sitting and crawling so steadily that you have trouble keeping up with him around the room, he is ready for the next stage - walking. Children begin to walk confidently at 11-15 months of age.

However, it is not enough to know when a child is ready to learn new skills and abilities. Your task is to help the baby acquire them Right, so that Not harm your health.

How to teach your baby to sit, crawl and walk

It's actually quite simple. It is enough that you:

* followed the instincts of the child, which are inherent in nature;

* instilled in him new skills and abilities in accordance with physical readiness for the next stage of development by performing a set of exercises.

It's not difficult, the main thing is Not get ahead of events.

Sitting exercises

Their goal is to strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle and back.

1. Teach your child to focus on his elbows.

Place him on the floor, press one arm to the floor with your full elbow, and with the other help him act: reach for the toy. During the exercise, make sure that the baby’s legs do not strain, and that one of them (opposite to the active arm) is bent - this will provide stability. Then change the handles.

2. Teach your baby to lean on his free palms.

Sit on the floor, stretch your legs and place your baby on your thighs with her tummy. After this, place his palms on the floor, after placing a bright object in front of him so that the baby reaches for it.

During the exercise, hold the toddler by the sacrum and lower back so that he Not fell forward.

3. Strengthen your muscles using various aids:

* Exercise on a small oval ball.

Place the child on the ball with his tummy, and in front of him a bright toy. Then place your baby's hands on the floor. In this position, make rocking movements forward, while the child will reach for the toy. During the exercise, hold the baby's sacrum and lower back with your hand.

* Exercise on a large round ball.

Place the child on the ball with his tummy, hold him by the sacrum and lower back with one hand, and bend one leg with the other. Then start swinging the ball from side to side, periodically bending one leg then the other. It’s good if the baby begins to alternately take one hand off the ball and reach for the object that interests him.

* Build an obstacle course.

Take an ordinary sofa cushion and place it on the floor, then place your baby on it with his tummy, and in front of him - an interesting toy. Then place the baby’s palms on the floor and alternately bend one leg and then the other, helping him crawl forward towards the goal.

During the exercise, if necessary, hold the baby by the lower back and sacrum with your hand.

4. Teach your baby to rock on all fours.

Place the child on all fours and rock him back and forth, holding him by the buttocks and thighs so that the legs are slightly bent under the body.

Doing all the exercises every day, you probably ask yourself the question: When will your child sit down? It’s simple: if he, sitting on his side and leaning on one hand, lifts the other off the floor, a “drum roll” is quite appropriate, because The child has already acquired the skill of sitting.

Now you can safely move on to the next stage - learning to crawl.

Crawling exercises

The goal is to strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle and deep back muscles, as well as the lateral muscles.

All exercises that help master the skill of sitting also prepare the baby for crawling. However, this is not enough, so this complex needs to be supplemented.

1. Pat your tummy.

A baby who is preparing to crawl, as a rule, has not yet strengthened his muscles. Therefore, standing on all fours, his back bends. To correct this, lightly pat the tummy - then the baby will tense up and try to keep his back straight.

2. Overcome obstacles.

Place a bag filled with plastic balls or pillows on the floor and help your little one overcome this obstacle on all fours.

3. Play "tunnel".

Lay a long tablecloth or blanket on the table so that the edges hang down to the floor. Thus, you will get a homemade tunnel, at the end of which there is a favorite toy or a mother calling the baby to her.

3. Crawl with your baby.

At the age of 7-8 months the child becomes a little repeater so it will be great if you “move” on the floor with him for a few days.

A baby who wants to explore the world will quickly learn a new skill by repeating various exercises, such as crawling behind a moving toy, walking through a tunnel, and others.

4. Strengthen deep muscles.

A toddler is happy to learn new skills if he has a goal to which he strives - a favorite toy. However, it is wrong to place it straight ahead, since it is difficult for him to move forward. Therefore, it is much better if the toy is located on the side of him. Then your child, leaning on the handle, reaches his goal easily.

So, one more stage has been passed: the child has learned to crawl. Now you need to consolidate the achieved results and prepare for confident walking. After all, you have to stand on tiny legs and stay on them.

Walking exercises

Their goal is to strengthen the thigh muscles and stimulate interest in new discoveries.

1. Teach your child to stand up, crawl and get down on all fours independently.

At first, the baby rises and, holding onto the support, swings, but in this position he quickly gets tired. As a rule, this lasts several days.

During this period, the parents’ task is to put the child, holding him by the armpits and butt, on all fours or sit him in the middle of the room, since he can’t do this on his own yet Not Maybe.

The goal is to encourage the child to crawl back to the object of interest and stand up.

A week after such active training, the little one’s legs will become stronger and he will learn to get down on all fours.

2. Take nice breaks.

The first lessons are difficult, so the baby sometimes gets tired. You will understand this if you see that he is standing on tiptoes at the support. Then take him off the “track” and give him a little rest: repeat the crawling exercises, allow him to sit and play on the floor.

Also, help your little one relax: place his tummy on a large ball and make circles. During this simple exercise, massage his butt by patting it.

3. Teach to walk correctly along the support.

After a month of active training, the baby should already confidently walk along the support with an extended step (to the side). But Not He always does it correctly, so help him learn: move the child’s legs with your hands.

4. Teach to fetch toys that can be moved.

Cars or bicycles with high handrails are suitable for this. The baby, holding on to them, will move around the room more confidently.

And now the goal has been achieved - the baby is gone! Hooray!

Finally, we will give two contradictory facts about how a child learns to walk:

* Necessity of shoes.

When a toddler is just starting to get on his feet, definitely he needs shoes because he often wants to put his foot down wrong, because it’s more convenient for him. In this case, the shoe will fix the ankle.

* Need for a walker.

Most pediatricians have come to the conclusion that walker- not such a good assistant in the physical development of a child. Since the baby is forced to stand in them, Not can get down on all fours, rest and crawl. Moreover, such training is not entirely beneficial for the spine.

Perhaps you have already received all the necessary information on how to properly teach a child to sit, crawl and walk. As you can see, it's not difficult at all.

The main thing is to take your time and don’t stimulate your child ahead of time!

It’s better to wait patiently until the little discoverer of the world is ready for the next stage of development, help him explore new territories and do exercises, and constantly encourage him with praise.

And you will succeed!

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