The skin is peeling off the soles of my feet, what should I do? Why does the skin peel off on the soles of your feet: causes, care

Many people have encountered the unpleasant phenomenon of cracked and flaky skin on their heels. Why does the skin on my heels peel off, what does she not like? After all, it is unsightly, unpleasant to the touch and uncomfortable, rough heels tear thin tights and snag the delicate fabric of clothing. Sometimes the heels crack, bleed and hurt. All this spoils the mood and kills the feeling of one’s own beauty.

Why does the skin on my feet peel?

To understand the causes of peeling on your feet, you need to think about how often you take care of your heels. Skin renewal takes 3-4 weeks, but it is important to consider how easily the dead epidermis peels off. Women often use hand cream because they see that the skin on their hands dries out and cracks. The same thing happens with the feet. In addition, the surface of the feet bears a very large load when walking. The superficial layers of old skin protect the more delicate young ones from chafing. You've probably noticed that people who walk barefoot have very hard, rough skin on their feet; in a sense, it replaces shoes. If this is not your case, lubricate the skin on your feet more often.

People who do physical work have rough skin on their hands, with hard calluses on their fingers and palms. The same story with the foot: where the greatest load is concentrated, hard layers of skin appear. They can be cleaned off after a salt bath. Please note that peeling off all the old skin is even dangerous, because the renewed coating of the epidermis cannot withstand the load, and wet calluses may eventually appear. Walking with such fluid-filled blisters on the foot is very painful and uncomfortable. Relief occurs only after the callus is punctured and all the fluid is released.

As you can see, it is important not only to nourish the skin of the feet, but also to carry out systematic (but not total) cleansing and exfoliating procedures. The pathological effects of fungi on the feet should not be overlooked. Fungal infection of the skin, and then nails, has many varieties, so it is quite difficult to recognize this disease in yourself. It is better to consult a dermatologist and undergo painless tests. Remember that by curing fungi on your feet, you will protect other parts of your body and your loved ones from infection.

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Causes of peeling heels

To quickly get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon, you need to find the cause. Here are the main ones:

  1. Dry skin due to insufficient hydration. In this case, dry skin will also be observed on the back of the foot.
  2. Fungal skin infection. Dermatophyte fungi multiply in the thickness of dead skin and lead to dryness, peeling and cracking.
  3. General vitamin deficiency is insufficient intake of vitamins (especially vitamin A, E, D and B vitamins) and some minerals (zinc).
  4. Sudden climate change (moving to another country, long vacation, etc.).
  5. Consequence of systematic exposure to cold or heat on the legs.
  6. Frequent swimming in chlorinated or too hard water (regular visits to the pool).
  7. Constant contact with synthetic materials. Wearing synthetic socks and tights leads to steaming of the skin, which in turn provokes the growth of fungi.
  8. Lack of water in the body. A person must consume at least 1.5 liters of water daily; if this does not happen, many metabolic processes are disrupted.
  9. Wearing narrow, uncomfortable and low-quality shoes.
  10. Age-related changes. As we age, the skin retains less moisture, causing it to become excessively dry and flaky.
  11. Nervous tension, stress and depression negatively affect the entire body, including the skin.
  12. Allergy or allergic reaction to cosmetic procedures (peeling, hair removal, etc.), hygiene products (cream, shower gel, soap, etc.).
  13. Peeling caused by long-term use of certain medications.

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Signs of a fungal infection on the feet

Toenail fungus is the most common cause of cracked and flaky heels. If fungi have settled on your feet, the skin on your feet and between your toes will peel, peel, or crack, especially on the heel. Itching often develops. The spread of fungi to the nails leads to clouding, delamination, discoloration and destruction. Over time, the nail peels off from the bed and falls off piece by piece. It is clear that hardly anyone will consider a foot with signs of fungal infection of the epidermis and nails to be beautiful. At an early stage, fungi multiply in the surface layer of the skin; small bubbles filled with liquid or round spots with clearing inside can be seen on it. Treating a fungal infection is not easy.

It is better to trust the doctor, otherwise you have a high chance of not being fully treated and developing a chronic form.

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Methods to deal with the problem

If you do not have fungi on your feet, and this has been confirmed by your doctor, you should pay attention to other causes of dry skin. To begin, systematically care for the skin on your feet:

  1. Once a week, take warm baths with the addition of sea salt (or regular salt) and aromatic oils. After 20-30 minutes, remove your feet from the water, wipe dry and clean the softened skin with a pumice stone or a special abrasive file. You can remove dead stratum corneum from thinner skin using a scrub.
  2. Try to do contrasting foot washes daily.
  3. Before going to bed, lubricate your feet with a nourishing foot cream with added vitamins, minerals or moisturizing oils.
  4. If there are cracks and wounds on your heels, treat them in a timely manner. Treat with hydrogen peroxide solution and wound healing ointments.
  5. After water procedures, always wipe your feet dry.
  6. Drink complex vitamin and mineral preparations several times a year for a month.
  7. Don't forget about the benefits of fresh vegetables and fruits.
  8. Improve blood circulation in your legs - take long walks, play sports or dance. As a last resort, lie down for 15-20 minutes every day so that your legs are higher than your head.
  9. Try not wearing high heels for a few weeks. Flat or low-heeled shoes distribute pressure on the foot more evenly and correctly, without causing overload in some areas.

Sometimes skin problems are found on the toes: it cracks, peels, and blisters may appear. Why this happens and how to deal with such a nuisance - we will tell you below!

Reasons why skin peels

The first reason why fingers begin to peel off is dermatitis caused by chlorine and surfactants contained in washing powder.

If you have excessive sweating of your feet, you should not turn a blind eye to it, since sweat makes the skin loose, which makes it easy for fungi and bacteria to penetrate it. To get rid of sweaty feet, you need to constantly do foot baths with decoctions of oak bark and chamomile.

If the skin on the toes peels off in the spring, then the body does not have enough vitamins A, C and E. Also, if there is not enough vitamin A, then nails can break, hair falls out and dandruff appears.

Another reason why the skin peels off the legs may be a fungus, it is very difficult to get rid of it, so it is useless to self-medicate, it is better to consult a doctor in time.


Good prevention of fungal diseases is hygiene, as well as a number of preventive measures:

  • you cannot wear the same shoes every day, they must stand for 28 hours after they were worn;
  • be sure to wear socks; when your feet sweat, you need to change your socks twice a day;
  • wear loose and comfortable shoes, the skin of your feet should breathe;
  • To get rid of sweaty feet, you need to use antiperspirant deodorants.

If the skin between your toes peels off, this may be a symptom of the following diseases:

  • psoriasis;
  • increased sweating;
  • sunburn;
  • Kawasaki disease;
  • the presence of calluses;
  • excess vitamin A;
  • fungal infections;
  • eczema.

Why does the skin peel off from my heels and feet?

The skin peels off the heels and soles most often due to eczema, which occurs when the weather changes during warm times, then the skin dries out and becomes dehydrated very quickly. To prevent peeling of the skin on the feet, you need to follow a special diet, take care of the skin and moisturize it.

In order to avoid problems with heels, you need to drink a lot of water and moisturize them with creams. But if the peeling does not stop and is accompanied by itching, pain, bleeding, then you should urgently consult a dermatologist.

Another reason why the skin on your legs peels off is a change in weather. When the temperature is high and there is not enough moisture, the skin on the legs becomes dehydrated and dry.

For some reason, staying in shoes for a long time causes the skin between your toes to peel off. This occurs due to the fact that heat exchange and air aeration are disrupted. Soap, chemicals, and excess moisture can also be a problem.

How to care for feet with peeling skin?

It is necessary to follow some rules for caring for your feet, namely:

  • Every day it is necessary to treat the skin on your feet with pumice to remove dead cells and make room for the formation of new ones;
  • Do contrasting foot baths every day;
  • After each wash, dry your feet well with a terry towel;
  • Apply rich creams with minerals and vitamins to the feet and heels every day;
  • Do not apply any products to the feet when there are wounds and cracks, but first you need to treat them with peroxide;
  • Consistently take multivitamins;
  • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables daily;
  • To improve blood circulation, you need to lie down for a couple of minutes a day so that your legs are higher than your head;
  • If the skin on your feet is peeling, then don’t wear heels for a couple of days;
  • Do not take baths with very hot water;
  • Lemon juice, vinegar and soda must be added to the baths;
  • After any procedures, feet should be lubricated with cream;
  • Do not stay in a room where the air is very dry;
  • Play sports - it improves metabolic processes and blood circulation.

Folk remedies to combat peeling skin

You can use simple recipes to get rid of dry, rough and cracked heels. Here are some of them.

Using laundry soap. It is necessary to lather laundry soap on wet feet in the evenings and leave it there until the morning, and then wash it off, repeating the procedure once every three days until complete recovery.

Salt baths. Dissolve table salt in warm water and soak your feet for 20 minutes. Repeat once every three days.

Herbal baths. Make a decoction of herbs such as nettle, calendula and chamomile. Pour it into warm water and steam your feet for 30 minutes. Repeat every day.

The skin between your toes can peel off for a number of possible reasons. Most often this is due to infection, especially if there is a foul odor, but not always.

People with dry skin are at greatest risk for flaking. In most cases, the problem is accompanied by other symptoms, such as severe itching, foul foot odor, and painful, fluid-filled blisters. There are various diseases and conditions that can cause peeling, the right solution is to consult a dermatologist as soon as possible.

Treating the underlying cause is the best way to get rid of the problem. Some of the causes, such as athlete's foot (fungus), are highly contagious, in such cases early treatment can help prevent the infection from spreading. For mild cases, there are simple, effective home remedies to relieve symptoms and speed up the healing process.

How serious is this?

Peeling skin between the toes can affect both adults and children, and can cause pain, itching, and a variety of other problems. When accompanied by an unpleasant odor, it is embarrassing and can be detrimental to self-esteem, especially when you are out in public.

In babies, peeling skin between the toes can cause itching and pain, which can lead to a lot of discomfort and even lack of sleep, especially at night. The problem can also cause a lot of damage to the skin, feet or palms.

This could be a sign of an allergic reaction or a fungal or bacterial infection. For children, immediate medical attention is recommended as soon as possible; for adults, there are some simple remedies that can be used to treat mild cases. But if the problem does not go away or spreads, then specialized treatment is necessary.


A common cause of peeling or peeling skin between the toes is a fungal or yeast infection caused by poor personal hygiene and excessive sweating.

In some cases, this may be a sign of a systemic disease in the body that requires diagnosis as soon as possible. In other cases, peeling may be seasonal, decreasing or increasing depending on environmental conditions.

No matter what the root cause is, the appearance of the legs becomes unpleasant. When diagnosing a condition, to determine the underlying cause, a dermatologist will look at the area of ​​distribution, the severity of the condition, and associated symptoms such as itching, dry skin, pain, swelling, painful blisters, and odor.


Athlete's foot athlete's foot) is a concept that came from the West, meaning a fungal infection of the feet. It indicates that this problem most often affects people whose feet constantly sweat due to their activity.

In medicine, the disease is called mycosis of the foot. With this infection, the feet become itchy, flaky, have a burning sensation, an unpleasant odor, and in some cases, painful blisters filled with fluid.

The fungus that causes this infection grows best in a warm, moist environment, making the feet a prime target for it. Mycosis is highly contagious, mainly occurring in people who wear closed shoes and those who visit public baths, showers and swimming pools.

Symptoms vary from person to person. However, for most people they will include:

  • Cracking, flaking and flaking of the skin on the legs
  • Redness
  • Painful blisters filled with fluid
  • Severe itching and burning sensation.

According to WebMD, athlete's foot can be of different types:

  • fungal infection of the toe tissue;
  • “Moccasin type”, which often begins with minor irritation, itching and dryness, and leads to thickening of the foot;
  • vesicular type - begins with a sudden outbreak of painful blisters with fluid.

To avoid misdiagnosis of the condition, you should consult a dermatologist. If the cause of itching and peeling is mycosis, then antifungal ointments can be used for treatment. In severe cases, oral antifungal medications may be used. It is necessary to keep your feet clean and dry to prevent this condition.

Dermatitis due to non-breathable socks in shoes

This is a serious bacterial skin infection characterized by a swollen, red area that feels hot and tender. This condition is not contagious (cannot be passed from one person to another), but it can quickly spread to other parts of the body.


Psoriasis is a common condition that appears as red patches and flaky skin. The actual cause of this condition is unknown, but doctors believe that emotional stress, exposure to illnesses such as streptococcal throat infections, and certain medications can cause psoriasis symptoms.

Trench foot is also a possible cause of the skin peeling off between the toes. This is a form of frostbite caused by prolonged exposure of the foot to a cold, wet environment. In most cases, it is marked by blackening, peeling and death of the surface tissues.

Trench foot causes damage to the skin, blood vessels, and nerves. This is a common problem for soldiers in the trenches, fishermen and rice farmers.

Extreme environmental conditions


Exposure to extreme environmental conditions, such as extremely dry cold weather, strips the skin of its natural moisture, leaving it dry and susceptible to flaking, cracking and bleeding.

To prevent this, it is necessary to apply sunscreen and moisturizer and keep your feet clean and dry, which will prevent fungal infections from developing.


Erythrasma is a skin condition that causes brown, scaly patches. This is a bacterial infection common in people with diabetes, obesity and in warm climates.

Associated symptoms:

  • Pink spots that progress to brown
  • Webbed spaces between fingers.

The lesions are most often not bothersome, but may be itchy.

scalded skin syndrome

This is a rare inherited skin condition characterized by ongoing flaking. The condition not only causes skin to peel off between the toes, but also on other areas of the body.

It is divided into non-inflammatory (without itching) or inflammatory (accompanied by itching and irritation) types.


  • Painless exfoliation of skin not only between the toes, but also on the arms and legs
  • Fluid-filled blisters on the hands and feet
  • Reminds me of a severe burn


Diabetes can affect any organ in the body. According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), about 1/3 of people with diabetes have skin problems, including infections (fungal or bacterial), dryness that causes the skin to peel and crack, and in some cases, painful fluid-filled blisters.

If a person suffers from diabetes, all that is necessary to prevent flaking is to control the course of the disease. This includes timely detection and compliance with doctor's orders.

Frequent and aggressive washing

Washing your feet with harsh soaps strips your skin of its natural oils, causing it to become dry and eventually cause the skin between your toes to peel off.

The skin peels off without itching or it is mild

The location and environment make the area between the toes susceptible to fungal and bacterial infections. These reasons are the main ones, although they are usually accompanied by severe itching, but it may not appear constantly or may occur later.

Often peeling can go unnoticed for a long time without causing additional symptoms. The fact that the skin between your toes peels off without itching or is very mild can be a sign of almost any of the conditions described above, including dryness, allergies or irritation, dehydration, cellulitis, psoriasis.


Moisturizer and lotion

Dry skin is a common cause of this problem. Applying moisturizers to your feet can help retain moisture, thereby preventing flaking.

After a bath, you should always apply moisturizers to your feet, not avoiding the area between your toes.


When skin problems are a sign of allergies, antihistamines are used. Depending on other symptoms and the severity of the condition, an antihistamine may be used orally or topically.

An allergic reaction should be treated as soon as possible to prevent life-threatening complications. Once an allergen is identified, it must be avoided to prevent symptoms from occurring.

Antifungal drugs

Antifungal medications are used for flaking, cracking, and itching that are caused by yeast and fungal infections. They can be used orally or topically in the form of creams and gels.

For serious causes such as athlete's foot, a combination of both oral and topical medications is recommended to effectively treat the infection.


When the cause of the problem is a bacterial infection, there is a wide range of antibiotics that can be used. In mild cases, antibiotic ointments and gels can be used. For severe cases, tablets are prescribed.

  • It is necessary to keep your feet dry and clean. Choose the right socks and shoes. If you are one of those who sweat a lot, you should wear ventilated shoes and socks made of cotton rather than nylon or synthetic material.

Recently, an increasing number of people have complained that the condition of the epidermis in the foot area is deteriorating. In this case, the skin on the feet often peels off in whole pieces. What causes this and how to deal with it?

Main reasons for the phenomenon

There are a number of different factors that can cause dry, peeling skin on your feet. The main causes of peeling feet:

  • Insufficient hydration of the epidermis, leading to its drying out. Most often it peels off on the feet during the hot season, when the human body is constantly experiencing a lack of water. Also, the epidermis often dries out in winter, when skin moisture is greatly reduced due to exposure to heating devices.
  • Wearing uncomfortable closed shoes made from artificial materials provokes impaired skin respiration, which often leads to dry skin and flaking.
  • The skin will also peel off when wearing tights and socks made of synthetics. They not only disrupt the breathing process of the skin, but also negatively affect the functioning of the tissues of the foot. The negative impact of synthetic materials also often provokes peeling of the epidermis.
  • Fungal infection of the skin is one of the most common causes of peeling. In this case, a person experiences severe itching in the area of ​​the feet and an unpleasant odor of the feet. Such microorganisms most often affect people visiting public institutions, such as swimming pools, baths and saunas, therefore, while staying in them, you should use personal rubber shoes (slippers, flip-flops).
  • Skin peels due to lack of vitamins and minerals. This process is especially active in the presence of chronic diseases and weakened immunity. In this case, peeling of the epidermis is often observed not only in the feet, but also in other parts of the body. Vitamin deficiency and hypovitaminosis also cause hair loss and brittle nails. Most often, peeling skin occurs due to a lack of vitamins A and E, which are involved in the process of skin regeneration.
  • Prolonged exposure to hard and chlorinated water and some cosmetic detergents also leads to peeling of the epidermis.
  • Ultraviolet radiation also has a negative effect on the skin of the feet, which often leads to burns of the epidermis.
  • Peeling of the epidermis of the feet is also often observed in cases of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and poor nutrition.
  • Peeling of the epidermis of the legs is observed with constant stress, overwork and nervous tension.

Regular foot baths help remove dead skin

Why does the skin on my heels peel off?

Why does the skin on my heels peel off? This phenomenon is observed in almost a third of the adult population of the Earth. Most often, women are concerned about this problem, and men pay little attention to it.

At the same time, neglected conditions often lead to the appearance of painful and intractable cracks in the heels.

Why does peeling of the epidermis occur in this area? Its complete update is carried out in 3-4 weeks. During this process, cells located in the lower layers of the epidermis constantly divide and rise to its upper layers. Over time, they die and disappear. During the normal process of skin regeneration, no special peeling is observed. The epidermis on the heels is rougher than on other parts of the body, so it requires constant care. The process of cell renewal of the epidermis of the heels without it often ends with the appearance of a stratum corneum, which quickly becomes thick, flakes and cracks.

With regular foot care using foot baths and exfoliating the epidermis using pumice or special graters, as well as with the constant application of special creams, the heels will always remain smooth.


Only a dermatologist can accurately determine the cause of peeling and peeling skin on the feet. He will conduct a visual inspection and prescribe the necessary tests. Only after establishing the cause of this phenomenon can the necessary therapy begin.

Moisturizing your feet every day at night helps keep them healthy.


After identifying the cause of the peeling skin on the feet, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment. Most often, therapy for such a pathological condition is complex. The following measures are taken:

  • The skin of the feet is cleansed daily by using baths with table or sea salt or baking soda (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water). After this, the keratinized epidermis is removed with a pumice stone or a special grater. After this procedure, a special moisturizing foot cream is applied to the feet.
  • Rubbing your feet with laundry soap every night gives good results (72%). After this, cotton socks are put on your feet and left until the morning. In the morning, feet are washed with warm water and moisturized with cream.
  • They take complex preparations that contain vitamins A, B, E, D and microelements (zinc, selenium, magnesium).
  • They switch to a proper diet, which is rich in fresh vegetables and fruits, includes fatty sea fish, dairy products, and cereals.
  • If a fungal infection is detected on the foot, the following external medications are used: Kanison, Lamisil, Mycospor, Batrafen, Exoderil, Lotseril. They are used only on the recommendation of a doctor.


To prevent feet from peeling, they should always be kept in well-groomed condition. To do this, you must perform the following activities:

  • Wash your feet daily and lubricate them with moisturizer at night.
  • Regularly (every other day) make softening warm foot baths using decoctions of medicinal herbs (nettle, calendula, chamomile). Baths with lemon juice or baking soda (1 tbsp per 1 liter of water) also help well. Their duration is at least 20 minutes. After this, the steamed feet are treated with pumice or a special grater.
  • It is not recommended to wear uncomfortable, narrow and tight shoes.
  • Wear only socks that are made from natural materials (cotton, wool).
  • Maintain a drinking balance, for which you need to drink up to 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day. In hot weather, this volume can be increased.
  • Follow the correct diet, which should contain sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals.
  • When the first signs of gastrointestinal diseases appear, it is necessary to undergo an examination and begin treatment in a timely manner.

If a person has peeling skin on his feet, he should immediately contact a specialist who will determine the exact cause of this phenomenon and prescribe appropriate treatment. If therapeutic measures are not applied in a timely manner, complications such as cracked heels and secondary infection may occur.

Perfect feet is not only aesthetic beauty, but also an indicator of health. Good good health is necessary for every person to live a full life. Therefore, if you have problems and for some reason the skin on your feet is peeling off, you need to think about the causes of this ailment and ways to eliminate it.

In fact, many modern people often wonder why does the skin on my feet peel off? , because It is the skin that is the first to react to deteriorating human health and the decline of immunity.

What diseases or infections may this process indicate? What treatment will be effective and who will suggest treatment options? Knowing the possible cause of such problems, you can always eliminate it in time.

The main reasons identified by dermatologists

Why the skin on the feet peels off - possible reasons

Dermatologists all over the world study this problem in detail, conduct numerous studies, and in their medical reference books and articles give the answer, Why does the skin on my feet peel off?

One of the reasons for peeling skin on the feet is vitamin deficiency.

Considering that there are many reasons why the skin on the soles of the feet is susceptible to sagging and peeling, the best thing , Certainly, seek advice from a specialist.

Each patient will be treated individually. Only eliminating the root cause will help get rid of symptomatic manifestations.

What does a violation of the skin between the toes indicate?

Unfortunately, problematic skin on the feet can peel off and thereby warn of the presence of a complex disease in the human body. Doctors note that such manifestations may indicate:

  • psoriasis. This is a disease requires timely and professional treatment, as it can become chronic and affect large areas of the body;
  • Kwasaki disease . This is a disease has a viral etymology, in this case, not only the skin of the foot is affected, but also the blood vessels or other organs;
  • hypovitaminosis . Excess vitamin A It manifests itself precisely as peeling of the skin on the legs between the toes;
  • eczema. This is an inflammatory skin disease that is manifested not only by cracking and peeling of the skin, but also by a burning sensation. The danger is that the disease requires treatment at the initial stage of manifestation, since it easily becomes chronic and has frequent relapses.

Psoriasis, one of the manifestations of which is peeling skin on the feet, requires timely treatment

Any manifestations on the skin of the feet should alert a person. Do not self-medicate or self-diagnose , wondering why the skin on my feet is peeling off. One consultation with a doctor and several tests will help prevent the development of serious diseases and quickly cope with unpleasant symptoms.

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