Toasts to the newlyweds from the witness. How to prepare a toast from a witness for a wedding

This troublesome, but still extremely pleasant and exciting burden of witnessing, which your best friend has placed on you, imposes certain obligations. Of course, you, to a greater extent than other guests, will help the newlyweds in organizing their celebration, and also take an active part in it (for example, participate in competitions). This also includes the words you will say when you raise your glass in honor of the newlyweds.

Cool bridesmaid toasts for a wedding

We offer you several options for original toasts from a witness at a wedding:

  • My beloved! Don’t think that it’s like in fairy tales - a wedding is a happy ending. Not at all! Your happy story is just beginning! And I really hope that soon a new, albeit small, main character will appear in your fairy tale!
  • Dear friends! Our government prohibits having many wives. But looking at our beautiful bride, there is no doubt that she is so radiant and beautiful that even if our groom is offered a whole harem in return, he will still refuse!
  • Girlfriend, you are incredibly beautiful today. You glow and shine brighter than the sun. You are like a diamond, you are the most exquisite jewelry in the world! (Name of the groom), you are lucky that such a jewel as (name of the bride) went to you! Be happy!
  • My darlings! When I first saw you, I realized - this is forever! Your love is so strong that it is, perhaps, enough to light a real fire of love. So let this flame warm you for many years, bringing warmth and light to you and your loved ones!
  • Dear newlyweds! We all know how important it is to wake up in the morning in a good mood, when it’s cozy and the sun is shining, and your loved one is nearby. And for this to always be the case, our beautiful bride must become the sun for her husband, warming him with her kindness and care, creating comfort in the house. And the groom, in turn, should always be there, protecting his beloved! Let's raise our glasses so that newlyweds always wake up in the morning in a good mood and next to each other!
  • My dear! You are like early morning and dew, like a cold blizzard and snow, like a beach and a warm sea. You are the two pieces that perfectly complement each other. Your union is beautiful, just like you. And I raise this glass so that it will always be like this!
  • My beloved friend! The day has come when you become a married woman! Just like you, I was waiting with trepidation for this exciting moment. After all, now you won’t be able to wear all your beautiful short dresses and skirts anymore, so you can happily give them to me so that I can also find myself a husband!
  • My beloved, dear. My very best friend. I have known you for so long that if all those days that we knew each other were turned into stars and sent to the sky, it would become so bright and light that the sun would no longer be needed. And today I am handing you over to the caring hands of your husband, and I want to wish you that there will be so many of your days spent together that the whole galaxy will not be enough to contain all these stars!

Toasts from the witness in her own words

For a witness who wants to make a toast at the wedding in her own words, simple and from the heart, you can offer the following options, some thoughts from which you will want to use in your congratulations:

  • I am very happy for you, my dears. I’m so glad that I can’t convey all the excitement that I’m feeling right now when I say these words. I sincerely congratulate you and wish you to live together for many years!
  • Today I give my best friend to be my lawful wife (name of the groom). I hope our friendship will only get stronger from this, and soon we will not only be friends as families, our children will become our best friends!
  • Guys, I'm so happy for you that I can barely hold back my tears. You are so beautiful and happy today. And I really want you to remain like this always!
  • Dear (Name of the Bride) and (Name of the Groom), I remember the day you met, I remember the first time you called yourself a couple. I remember all the important moments that you chewed during this time. You've been through a lot together. And I want to tell you only one thing: keep this love within yourself and carry it through your whole life!
  • Today is not only one of the happiest days for you, it also fills all your loved ones, friends, including me, with happiness. Take care of each other, appreciate each other. Do everything so that every day you live together is filled with love.
  • I raise this glass to my friends, (bride's name) and (groom's name)! Today they have become legal spouses and I am immensely happy for them! I want to wish you: fidelity and love, prosperity and health, happiness and mutual understanding, and of course, healthy children!

And the most important thing in congratulations is to simply convey the feeling of joy that the witness experiences (we hope that she experiences) for her friend who is getting married.

The role of a witness at a wedding is one of the most honorable. A large number of responsibilities fall on his shoulders. First of all, it is helping the bride and groom in any situation. Witnesses adjust their dress, hairstyle and makeup. The witnesses keep the wedding rings and participate in the bride price.

Among other things, the witnesses also need to make a congratulatory speech. Their words are among the first to be heard. Friends don’t just say beautiful words, they support the couple and try to wish the maximum number of positive moments.

Congratulations to the newlyweds from a witness

The role of witness is often played by one of the closest people on the groom’s side. This could be a relative or friend. If you are chosen as a witness, it means you are trusted and respected.

Original wishes

If you want to distinguish yourself at a celebration, you need to think over a speech that will not be repeated.

Will surprise guests at the event.

  1. The state of falling in love is a happy time, it is replaced by love and mutual respect.
    Love is an interesting thing, it should always be supported. This is a fire that, if not properly cared for, can simply go out. The task of the young is to find common interests, start a common business, a child, a family, so that love always burns with a bright fire.
  2. Cupid is a symbol of love, born from a mixture of passion, tenderness and chaos.
    I would like to wish the spouses to find their Cupid and keep him as long as possible.
  3. Let's raise our glasses to the man who became the main hero of this day.
    Of course, this is our groom. I would like to tell him one important piece of wisdom. Every evening and morning you need to kiss your wife. Thanks to this, men live longer by as much as 15 years.

Cool toasts

The most popular and widespread version of the congratulatory speech are. They are the easiest to compile.

In addition, thanks to them you can best express your wishes.

  1. Man began to ask nature to make warm nights all year round.
    Then he will not have to light a fire and burn candles. But nature refused. The man got angry and stopped lighting the fire. In the end he became cold and mad. I would like to wish the young married couple not to forget that they are the masters of their lives. And let them remember to light the fire of their love every evening and night.
  2. The flower and the wind once fell in love with each other.
    The wind blew on a beautiful rose, and she gave him a fragrant scent for it. The wind blew stronger and stronger each time. One day he blew so hard that the rose broke. The wind decided that the flower simply did not like him. Newlyweds, love each other tenderly and reverently. Only such an attitude can be reciprocated with sincerity and respect.
  3. Doctors say that love heals many diseases.
    I would like to wish the young couple that warm feelings will be with them throughout their lives, then they will be able to get rid of all ailments.

Touching wishes from a boyfriend or girlfriend

At the wedding not only funny words sound, but also often those that can sink straight into the soul.

In most cases they are all present.

  1. Today, on this significant day, a large number of relatives, friends and loved ones have gathered around the table.
    Let us remember the words of the philosopher who claims that the more friends you have, the further you are from each of them. Wait, but that’s how many friends are at the table today. Let's try to continue to gather as often as possible and for no reason.
  2. Guys, I'm sorry to report this news, but as a witness, I have to.
    Our friend was kidnapped and it was done by an angel. Now look, this angel is sitting next to the groom. And we, the groom’s friends, can only be happy for our loved one. Let him be kidnapped, in love and mad with love for as long as possible.
  3. Life is a zebra.
    Along its length there are different stripes. Sometimes they are white and light, sometimes black and dark. I would like to wish you to always stand firmly holding hands during difficulties. Instead, overcome problems and enjoy the bright spots in life. Save your love and increase it.

Useful video

The best wedding congratulations.

Song of the witness at the wedding.

Toast of the witness.


The witness and the witness can say two different toasts at a gala event, or they can come up with one interesting option together. Guests often expect the greatest creativity and flight of fancy from them. Therefore, you should think carefully before writing original wedding toasts.

Most often, best friends are taken as witnesses to a wedding. Therefore, congratulations from the groom will be as pleasant and long-awaited for the bride as words from the closest person. How to prepare a toast for a wedding from a witness, what words to choose and in what form to present it - you will learn in our article.

Throughout the holiday, my friend actively helps in organizing the wedding. Monitors the bride’s appearance, holds the crown at the wedding, purchases towels for the registry office and much more. At the feast, the witness takes part in competitions, helps the host entertain the guests, and congratulates the newlyweds.

If you are afraid of public speaking, don't worry. The toast from the witness comes last when friends congratulate the newlyweds. By that time, the guests will already be pretty warmed up and will accept any performances. To make your toast effective and sincere enough, prepare in advance words that you can easily pronounce and repeat.

Which format to choose

Congratulations can be prepared in poetry, prose, or with humor. You can prepare a surprise gift and add short, laconic wishes to it. The format may be completely unexpected. For example, an interview with newlyweds recorded on camera. A book with recipes for family happiness. You can team up with other bridesmaids and make a general congratulations in the form of a dance or song. If you like to improvise, think over the idea of ​​congratulations in advance, and figure it out on the spot. But just in case, prepare a cheat sheet in the form of a beautiful greeting card.

Video with a speech in his own words from a friend:

Congratulations from a witness in verse

Poems do not have to rhyme. The main thing is rhythm and deep meaning. For example, an interesting idea is a wish poem in the style of “bad advice” by Grigory Oster.

If couples get angry,

And swear in vain.

Then the country's birth rate

It will fall very sharply.

If a storm suddenly starts

Don't yell at each other.

Kiss, hug,

Remember the wedding right away.

I wish you wealth

Children's laughter, love.

I'm glad to be your friend.

Thank you all for coming.

This congratulation sounds simple, but it lifts your spirits for a long time.

Lyric poems are also suitable. To do this, you can remake famous works by Pushkin or Akhmatova. Perhaps you have a talent for rhyming and will write your own poem. Remember, the verse should not be too long. Otherwise, guests will get bored, there will be awkward hesitations, and the effect of pleasant excitement will be completely lost.

A beautiful verse that you can take note of.

I want to put in a word for you

I wish you unearthly happiness.

Get through problems smiling

Falling in love with each other every day.

With one heartbeat

Holding hands until the end.

I believe that love is the crown

It will preserve you throughout all ages.

Congratulations in prose

Congratulations in prose can be prepared in the form of sincere wishes and conveyed in your own words. Show openness and tender emotion in every word.

“Dear, dear lovers! I am incredibly grateful to you for inviting me to be your witness. Together with you, I experienced every minute of your holiday. I am sincerely glad that you found each other and united your hearts. Let your family be illuminated by the bright sun and protected from bad weather and storms. May the fate that brought you together give you expensive gifts and pleasant surprises. Love you!"

Video congratulations from a friend

To make your table a winner, use your imagination and technique. Prepare a surprise for the newlyweds. Agree in advance with the video operator about filming your toast, and with the presenter about the time of your speech. Write questions to the bride and groom about their dreams and plans together. Let the spouses themselves say what they would like to receive and achieve. And you will only join their dreams, wishing them to come true.

Joint congratulations with the boyar

Record funny wishes for your friend and her chosen one together with the boyar on video. A well-edited video will be both a toast and a gift at the same time. Include your video congratulations into the wedding script.

Musical congratulations from girlfriends

A joint performance by the bridesmaids will be a creative congratulation. Practice a colorful dance or sing a love song. It will turn out very impressive.

A solo song from a witness will not only be an excellent gift, but also a good reason for dancing. If you have good vocal abilities, sing to the young people:

Book of recipes for happiness

Create unusual recipes for family happiness. It should look something like this:

Drink “Pleasure for two”:

Full glass of love (with a slide);

1 dessert spoon of tenderness;

3 teaspoons of passion;

A couple of pinches of exotica;

Add sweet kisses - to taste.

Mix all ingredients with a blender until smooth. Serve in the evening after a delicious candlelit dinner.

Print your book in a printing house, preferably with a bright design on thick paper. Design is at your discretion.

When speaking at a wedding, you don’t have to worry about how beautifully you delivered your speech. And the cost of your gifts or the grandiloquence of your words is not important. The bride and groom will appreciate your help in organizing it much more than long poems taken from the Internet. Remember, everything at a wedding should be done with joy. Take this as the basis for your congratulations. Good luck!

Previously, witnesses had to be present at a wedding. They also put their signatures and were literally official witnesses to the marriage. Now this is already a thing of the past. The bride and groom, if desired, ask their best friends to be formal witnesses. However, many responsibilities fall on the shoulders of the people performing this role both before and during the celebration.

Duties of a witness at a wedding

If your best friend has told you that you will become a bridesmaid, but you have little idea what a bridesmaid should do at a wedding, do not be fooled into thinking that you will only sit at the same table with the newlyweds and wear a ribbon. This status obliges her to be the bride's first assistant.

  • Before the wedding, the bride may ask you to help choose a wedding dress, organize the ransom and bachelorette party (often this is entirely the task of the witness), help with decorating the hall, car, room, choosing a photographer, etc. Even if your friend is busy, works, has children, you will have to choose a time to help the young couple as much as possible.
  • During the celebration, the responsibilities only increase. If the toastmaster suddenly turns out to be not very proactive, the witnesses should be ready to cheer up the holiday with their fun and enthusiasm.
  • To avoid unpleasant moments, the bride can give several recommendations on how to behave as a wedding witness. Usually best friends are already aware of each other's preferences, but in some cases it is worth clarifying this point. There is nothing reprehensible in asking a friend (relative or good friend) not to overdo it with indecent jokes, not to drink too much, and to dress appropriately.
  • The witness should be not only cheerful, but also wise. If the bride starts to cry or panic, a friend should calm her down.
  • Sometimes it is also the responsibility of the bridesmaid to arrange the seating of the guests.
  • If the young people want to go home early, the witnesses take care of the remaining issues: money, payment for the toastmaster, issues related to food.

How to choose a witness for a wedding

Most often, the bride asks her best friend or sister for this to show how close they are, and at the same time not to offend. However, first it is better to explain to your friend all the duties of a witness. Perhaps she herself will evaluate her capabilities and desire to participate in the celebration and refuse this role.

It is necessary to approach the choice of a bridesmaid very responsibly. There are even special criteria that should be taken into account when choosing.

    • Family ties. Making a sister or relative from among the younger and closest people a witness is a wise decision. Sisters usually try the hardest to make the occasion unforgettable for the bride. A relative from the groom's side as a witness will help strengthen family ties. However, it won’t hurt to get to know her in advance to understand how well she can cope with her responsibilities.
  • Matching appearance. Of course, this is not the main selection criterion, but you should consider how the bride will look next to her bridesmaid. Not only the outfit, but also the complexion is taken into account. It is desirable that the height and physique be approximately the same. The contrast in this case will add comedy.
  • Witness. The bridesmaid must also get along with the groom's friend. They must look harmonious together in order to look beautiful in pictures and dance. It's good if they already knew each other before. One bridesmaid cannot handle all the responsibilities, so the witness must be an assistant.
  • Character. If the bride's best friend is rather complex and does not like competitions and dancing, she herself can refuse this honorary position. The witness must be moderately active, quick-witted, and able to have fun herself and make others laugh. It is worth considering carefully who from the bride’s circle is suitable for this role.
  • Feelings of the bride. You shouldn’t make a relative your friend just out of politeness. It is very important that the newlyweds feel comfortable in the company of witnesses and can rely on them.

Witness at a wedding: signs

There are many signs and superstitions regarding bridesmaids. It has long been believed that a witness must be unmarried to the witness. They say that a married couple will give their happiness to the young and will soon get divorced. But during weddings in Rus', it was the happy married couple who were invited.

If the girlfriend is not married to the witness, you can choose her, but not a widow or divorced woman. Ideally, the bridesmaid should still be unmarried and younger than the newlywed. There is a sign that a girl who has been a witness at three weddings will never marry again.

The color of the bridesmaid's dress should be blue, pink or gold, preferably with some green element. This will bring happiness to both the young and the witness herself.

It is a good omen if the bridesmaid pins pins on the newlyweds for good luck, but does not prick herself. If a girl herself makes some attribute of a young woman’s outfit and during the ceremony gently pulls her dress from the back, she will soon get married herself.

They say that a fork stolen from a wedding table will bring happiness to a friend. But they prefer to refuse this sign for obvious reasons.

Congratulations on the wedding from the witness

The most touching and beautiful toast is expected from the bridesmaid, so we highly recommend preparing in advance. It is not necessary to search for words on the Internet and memorize them. It is much nicer when the congratulation contains a personal moment when the bride understands that these words are addressed specifically to her and written for her.

Distant relatives and work colleagues can read poems from postcards, but a wedding toast from a witness should come from the heart and be pronounced without prompting.

Abroad, bridesmaids start preparing toast long before the wedding. It lasts a long time and must necessarily have touching and funny moments. You can tell the story of meeting the bride or a couple of funny incidents with her participation, but only those that will not offend the young woman.

If you have poetic talent, you can write a congratulation in verse, remake famous works by Pushkin, or come up with a poem with humor.

Humor can be present in the toast, but it should not only be funny, but also pleasant. The more sincerity and tenderness in the words of the witness, the more interesting and memorable the congratulation will be.

If the wedding is non-standard, and the bride is a lover of originality, the bridesmaid will have to work on her congratulations. You can accompany your words with some spectacular action, for example, release beautiful butterflies, balloons, or give a kitten or puppy along with the toast, if the young people wanted one. You can also do a pre-wedding interview with the newlyweds, record it on a voice recorder, listen to it at the wedding and accompany each of their answers with some kind of congratulations.

The wish can be presented in the form of a beautiful fairy tale, where the main characters will be the bride and groom. Fantasy, as well as a skillful combination of good preparation and improvisation will make the toast unforgettable.

Hairstyles for a wedding witness

Unlike the West, it is not customary for us to select outfits and hairstyles for bridesmaids. The witness chooses everything herself. However, she should still take care to look harmonious next to the newlywed. Therefore, you should find out in advance what kind of dress and hairstyle the bride will have.

The first rule is that the bridesmaid’s hairstyle should not overshadow the bride’s. If the young woman has simple and elegant curls, the witness should not do tall, complex hairstyles with a lot of hairpins and hairpins. Pile on the head is only appropriate for a themed wedding. Simple and elegant styling will be just right without a lot of rhinestones, voluminous extensions, large combs and hats.

The second rule is that the hairstyle must hold well so that it does not fall apart during competitions, dances and other activities. If something happens, the girlfriend should be able to correct the hairstyle herself.

Medium and short hair is usually styled in a standard way, according to the haircut, secured with hairspray and one or two hair accessories are added.

Long hair can be used to create a wide variety of hairstyles. The most popular: curled curls, ponytail, braid, bun, shell. For a classic and romantic look, the now popular one-sided hairstyle is perfect. The curls are curled and combed on one side, the other side is secured with a bobby pin.

Ponytails and elegant buns go well with any outfit. They are easy to make and last a long time. The absence of strands hanging over the face ensures that the hair does not get dirty.

Various beads and beads in the hair look very beautiful, if you don’t overdo it.

Bridesmaid dresses for weddings

The witness should not spoil the bride's mood and go against her wishes. For example, many newlyweds do not want their guests or bridesmaid to wear white. Sometimes this is caused not only by the wishes of the bride, but also by completely objective reasons. Near the registry office, the witness may be mistaken for the bride, and in the photographs two white dresses will merge into one white spot. If your girlfriend absolutely wants to wear white, then you should choose a dress with some colored pattern or trim of a different color.

It is worth thinking several times before making the final choice - to look luxurious at a wedding or simply, but comfortably and without sacrifice. The black color of the dress will look too gloomy. Otherwise, a little black dress will look elegant, but not against the backdrop of a bride in white. It is better if only the groom is wearing black in the photographs, although recently grooms are also abandoning black. The attitude towards red dresses is also ambiguous. A bright scarlet dress that is too revealing will distract attention from the bride.

If you wish, you can do this: dress the bride and witness in white, the groom and witness in black. But at the same time, you should definitely dilute the black color with bright ones.

Most often, cocktail dresses with a simple cut and knee length are chosen. Lush, long ball gowns are not welcome. They will distract attention from the bride and prevent the witness from moving. The dress should not be too narrow so as not to restrict movement.

It should be remembered that a dress that is too open is bad manners. If a friend chooses an open top, then there must be sufficient length. If the dress is short, then the top should be closed. Long evening dresses are not suitable for daytime ceremonies, they are intended for events after 6 pm. You should not wear a formal business suit. This is inappropriate attire for a witness. Shorts, dresses with trains, feathers and boas will also look out of place.

Bouquet for a wedding witness

Traditionally, the bridesmaid has her own bouquet, which she holds at the ceremony and then at the reception. It is more modest than the bride's bouquet. When the time comes to throw the bouquet to the bridesmaids, the bride leaves hers aside and throws the bridesmaid's bouquet.

Sometimes they buy three bouquets at once so that the witness can also go home with flowers.

The bridesmaid's bouquet is paid for by the newlyweds, as it is considered a wedding decoration.

You can make two identical bouquets for the newlywed and her bridesmaid, but not all brides will do this. Usually the second bouquet is more modest and smaller, but harmonizes in color with the bride’s bouquet.

You can replace the bouquet with a floral bracelet. This is very fashionable lately, especially if there are several girlfriends and their outfits are similar. But this option is also suitable for a single witness. He will free up his hands and allow him to help the bride, hold her bouquet, straighten her hair, etc.

There is also an option with a brooch. The witness is wearing a boutonniere, and the witness is wearing a beautiful flower brooch.

The opinion of the bridesmaid herself should also be taken into account. Some are happy to carry bouquets and choose them, while others do not like to occupy their hands and agree to a small brooch.

Wedding gift from the witness

Most often now they give money. Most young people already have loans or simply want to travel somewhere using gift money. The only difference between the bride's gift is that the amount will be slightly larger and it will be interestingly packaged. However, you can give another gift. For example, a trip to hot countries with an open date, if funds allow.

If young people require household appliances, witnesses should give something substantial. For this purpose, you can even combine investments. A good gift would be a slow cooker, a refrigerator and everything else that young people lack.

There are options for less expensive, but no less pleasant gifts. These include dishes, tablecloths, bed linen, and a portrait of the newlyweds, made by the artist’s hand. Even if the choice fell on a cash gift, it can be beautifully packaged, for example, in a glass jar with the inscription “cabbage”, in a chest, piggy bank, or as a gift with banknotes from different countries.

If young people like active recreation, you can give a subscription to the gym, swimming pool, dance or skating lessons. In pursuit of originality, it is important not to forget that a gift should not only be bright, but also necessary, pleasant and memorable. You should not give something that young people will not use.

Preparation of moonshine and alcohol for personal use
absolutely legal!

After the collapse of the USSR, the new government stopped the fight against moonshine. Criminal liability and fines were abolished, and the article banning the production of alcohol-containing products at home was removed from the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. To this day, there is not a single law that prohibits you and me from engaging in our favorite hobby - preparing alcohol at home. This is evidenced by the Federal Law of July 8, 1999 No. 143-FZ “On the administrative liability of legal entities (organizations) and individual entrepreneurs for offenses in the field of production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, No. 28 , Art. 3476).

Extract from the Federal Law of the Russian Federation:

“The effect of this Federal Law does not apply to the activities of citizens (individuals) producing products containing ethyl alcohol for purposes other than sale.”

Moonshine in other countries:

In Kazakhstan in accordance with the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Administrative Offenses dated January 30, 2001 N 155, the following liability is provided. Thus, according to Article 335 “Manufacture and sale of home-made alcoholic beverages”, illegal production of moonshine, chacha, mulberry vodka, mash and other alcoholic beverages for the purpose of sale, as well as the sale of these alcoholic beverages, entails a fine in the amount of thirty monthly calculation indices with confiscation of alcoholic beverages , apparatus, raw materials and equipment for their manufacture, as well as money and other valuables received from their sale. However, the law does not prohibit the preparation of alcohol for personal use.

In Ukraine and Belarus things are different. Articles No. 176 and No. 177 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses provide for the imposition of fines in the amount of three to ten tax-free minimum wages for the production and storage of moonshine without the purpose of sale, for the storage of devices* for its production without the purpose of sale.

Article 12.43 repeats this information almost word for word. “Production or acquisition of strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine), semi-finished products for their production (mash), storage of apparatus for their production” in the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses. Clause No. 1 states: “The production by individuals of strong alcoholic drinks (moonshine), semi-finished products for their production (mash), as well as the storage of devices* used for their production, will entail a warning or a fine of up to five basic units with confiscation of the specified drinks, semi-finished products and devices."

*You can still purchase moonshine stills for home use, since their second purpose is to distill water and obtain components for natural cosmetics and perfumes.

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