Games for Easter Day in kindergarten. Easter scenario "Easter confused" in kindergarten

Easter script for older preschoolers
Easter is the bright resurrection of Christ.
A holiday of all holidays.
Goals and objectives:
1. Enrich children’s social experience, introduce children to customs and traditions
celebration of Christian Easter.
2. Develop children’s interest and emotional responsiveness to culture
Russian people through familiarization with the national holiday.
3. To promote in children respect and respect for
Russian culture and folk traditions.
4. Develop in children such qualities as kindness, a sense of pride and
Materials and equipment: Basket, spoons, willow branch, candle, eggs
painted eggs, Easter cakes, a large egg with Kinder surprises for children, a tray for
rolling eggs, wreath for Angel.
Preliminary work:
1. Decide on the tasks and goals of the work.
2. Write a script.
3. Give children knowledge and ideas about the holiday.
4. Learn songs, dances, musical games.
5. Learn poetry.
Celebration progress:
Easter is the main Christian holiday in honor of the resurrection of Jesus Christ,
who suffered on the cross and died as a man. But he conquered death
resurrected and opened the path to eternal life for people.
Easter is called the “king of days”, “feast of feasts” and “triumph of
Every spring, Christians around the world - Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant
celebrate the bright Resurrection of Christ.
1 child.
The sun smiled tenderly.
Mother earth has already woken up.
Life and miracles are everywhere!
Spring day is rich, luxurious,
Velvet is thrown onto the lawns,
The forests are covered in greenery.

2 child.
The river jokingly broke the ice
And reflected in waves
Turquoise sky.
The bells are ringing,
Shouts are heard everywhere
Happiness to everyone! Christ is risen!
All: Truly Risen!
Mozart's "Requiem" is playing. A child comes out dressed as an angel.
I am an Angel, a messenger of God,
Came to see you for the holiday too!
I want to glorify Christ
And happy Easter to everyone!
“Angel” performs a rhythmic composition to the music of D.
Lasta then gives an Easter wreath.
Bells ringing.
1st presenter.
Bells are ringing everywhere,
People are pouring out of all the churches!
The dawn is already looking from the heavens.
Christ is risen!
All. Christ is risen!
Children recite poems.
To the tune of Easter prayers
And to the sound of bells
Spring is flying to us from far away,
From the midday regions!
The dormant bell
Woke up the fields
Smiled at the sun
Sleepy land.
Bells ringing
2nd presenter.
The earth is waking up
The fields are getting dressed,
Spring is coming, full of miracles.
Quiet Valley
Dispels sleep
And beyond the blue forest
The ringing stops!

Christ is risen!
All. Christ is risen!
1st presenter. On Easter days, people dressed up, played Easter games,
they went to visit, sang, and danced in circles.
Start a round dance!
A group of children performs the round dance song “Spring Round Dance”.
Previously, before Easter, on the Annunciation, in Rus' they observed the ritual
"Releasing the birds into freedom." In the morning, the townspeople bought from bird catchers and immediately
released them into the sky, in memory of the joy that she brought to the whole world
news of the birth of the Savior of the World.
Watching religiously in a foreign land
Native custom of antiquity,
I'm releasing the bird into the wild
On the bright holiday of spring.
I became available for consolation.
Why should I grumble at God?
When at least one creation
I could give freedom.
And what markets were held before Easter on Palm Sunday! Here
they sold willow branches and paper flowers, decorations for Easter cakes,
toys, sweets.
Presenter. Since ancient times, there has been a belief that a blossoming tree,
full of strength, can give health, strength, beauty to everyone who touches him. Willow
was considered a healing tree endowed with special powers.
The willows are covered
Heated by the wind,
Tenderly nurtured
Morning light.
Easter branches
Gently - sad
They look cheerful
Whispering with the bees.
Children were playfully lashed with willow branches and said: “Like a willow
grows, so do you grow”, “Whip the willow, beat us until we cry, so that there are
The presenter playfully “whips” the children, saying.
Song "Verbochki" in Spanish. K. Orbakaite.

2nd presenter. And it used to be considered according to Russian custom: who is first
The lucky one breaks the egg! Who will try their luck?
The game is being played. "Whose testicle is stronger."
1st presenter.
And here are three more eggs,
There will be a new game:
Who will roll the egg further?
He will win!
The game “Rolling the Paints” is played.
2nd presenter.
That's how much fun we have
At this Easter hour!
Easter cakes and colorful colored eggs are brought out on a tray. Sing
to the tune of the song “Let’s go through the viburnum to the garden”:
We're all going to Easter
We're all going, we're all going,
We carry Easter cakes in our hands,
We carry, we carry!
Sweet Easter cakes,
Take it quickly
Appetizing, good
Eat more fun!

1st presenter.
Open your mouth wider
Get it one piece at a time!
2nd presenter.
Ay, tari, tari, tari,
They brought you eggs:
Yellow, red,
Eggs are all different!
You eat eggs
Remember our Easter!
Children are treated to food and Russian folk music is played.
So we got acquainted with the customs of another ancient holiday
Happy Easter. And for all the guys I want to give our Easter gift.
Gives a large egg containing Kindersurprises.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 31"

Scenario for a holiday in kindergarten:

"Easter Holiday"

Selikhova Nadezhda Ivanovna
Children's age: 4 - 7 years.

Target: introducing children to the tradition of celebrating Easter.
Tasks: Educational: familiarization with the origins of the cultural traditions of the Russian people;
Educational: introduce children to the customs of the Orthodox Church, folk games and amusements;
Educational: development of attention and observation, concentration of movements.

Speech . Enrich and activate children's vocabulary on the topic “Easter Holiday”, teach them to read poetry.Equipment and materials: painted eggs, Easter eggs, an image of Easter cake, an Easter table, a slide for rolling eggs. Cardboard egg templates, paper decorations, glue.
Preliminary work . Conversation on the topic “Easter holiday - how it was,” memorizing poems.

Celebration progress:
Children enter the hall and sit on chairs.

Presenter: Like a bright coloring,
Easter has come to our home.
She brought it in her basket,
Eggs, buns, flatbreads,
Pies, pancakes and tea.
Have a fun Easter!

Leading: Guys, do you know what Easter is? What do they bake and cook for Easter?

Leading: Do you want to know how this holiday is celebrated?
On this day, people visited each other and exchanged eggs and pastries. The eggs were painted in different colors and given to each other.
Leading: “Let’s try to give you an Easter egg.”
The presenter chooses two people who want to, gives them an egg - pysanka and invites the children to say hello according to the Easter custom. (Eggs need to be tapped with your nose).

The presenter shows the children colored eggs and Easter eggs: “Guys, how are these eggs different?”
Children's answers.
Presenter: “Well done, guys. One egg is painted one color, and on the other we see a pattern.
Eggs painted with paint are called “krashenki”, and eggs painted with fine patterns are called “pysanky”. When an artist draws, they say that he is painting a picture or a pattern.

Now let’s find out what Easter cakes are. Kulich symbolizes the red sun, and if a person tries Kulich, he absorbs the life-giving rays and becomes kind and strong.

Presenter: “Now let’s listen to the poems of the great poet Sergei Yesenin about Easter”

Child 1: The dormant bell
Woke up the fields
Smiled at the sun
Sleepy land.

Child 2: The blows came
To the blue skies
It rings loudly
Voice through the forests.

Child 3: Hidden behind the river
Pale moon
She ran loudly
Frisky wave.

Child 4: Quiet Valley
Drives away sleep
Somewhere down the road
The ringing stops.

Leading: The Easter holiday has always been accompanied by folk games and entertainment.
Game "Egg Rolling" : The presenter lays out small souvenirs and sets up a small homemade slide or board. The child picks up the egg and rolls it down the slide. Whichever souvenir the egg rolls to, the child receives that gift.
"Laying Game": For this game you will need 2 eggs and 2 spoons. Children are divided into two teams, the leader sets the flags. On command, children place an egg in a spoon and carry the egg so as not to drop it from the spoon, while avoiding the flags. Next, the egg and spoon are handed over to the team. The team that gets the egg around the flags first wins.
Leading: Now let's decorate our eggs with a pattern of geometric shapes.

Application “Testicles for the holiday.” Children decorate egg blanks with paper appliqués.

Leading: “Now let’s listen to poetry!”

Child 5: Look what a miracle
Did mom put it in the dish?
There is an egg, but not a simple one:
Golden painted,

Like a bright toy!
There are stripes, curls,
Lots of little rings
Stars, circles and hearts.

What are all these colors for?
Like in a good old fairy tale?
Mom gave everyone the answers:
- Easter is the brightest holiday!

And the egg, I know,
Symbol of life on earth!

Child 6: All the guys know Easter
They love Easter, they really look forward to it,
Easter cakes smell so delicious
And everyone is quickly called into the house.

Child 7: The sun is squinting from the sky,
Lights up the earth
This holiday is for everyone
Happiness portends.

Like a miracle of miracles,
Like in a wonderful fairy tale,
It has finally arrived
Golden Easter!
The holiday ends with tea in the group.

Scenario for the Easter holiday for the middle group.

Target : introduce pupils to the tradition of celebrating Easter; expand the understanding of folk culture; to attract the attention of modern children to the history and culture of the Russian people; cultivate a love for folk traditions.

Tasks :

Formation of artistic and aesthetic taste;

Development of the creative abilities of each child;

Activation of creative fantasy and imagination.

To enrich the experience of creative family education of parents, introducing them and their children to the folk traditions of celebrating Easter, introducing them to customs, games, songs, fairy tales, and small genres of folklore.

Introducing to the origins of the cultural traditions of the Russian people.

Preliminary work:

Conducting Russian folk games;

Learning songs, dances, ditties

Acquaintance with the traditions of Orthodoxy in music classes;

Equipment and materials:music center, phonograms for the characters to come out, handkerchiefs for each girl, a basket with dummies for Little Red Riding Hood, elements of the characters’ costumes, 10 small balls, willow branches according to the number of children, a basket for games.

Progress of the holiday.

Presenter. Hello, dear guys! Small and big! Hello, guests, you are welcome! We open Easter, the holiday begins!

The desired spring has come,

Winter has gone into gray distances.

The earth has risen from sleep,

And the blue distance is clear,

And we are not tormented by sorrows

The song “Spring has come to us” is performed

What a joy, everything comes to life!

Waking everything up from sleep

And the cheerful sparrow chirps,
And with spring Easter is coming to us

All nature sings
All nature sings

Spring has come to us, Spring has come to us
The sun is shining, all the children are happy.
Spring has come to us, Spring has come to us
Waking everything up from sleep

The stream, stream comes to life and rings,
And the cheerful sparrow chirps,
And with spring, Easter brings us joy
And with spring Easter is coming to us

All nature sings
All nature sings

Spring has come to us, Spring has come to us
So much light, warmed by the sun,
Spring has come to us, Spring has come to us
The whole earth sings to God.

And the stream rings and the nightingale sings!
All the people celebrate Easter joyfully
The ringing of bells can be heard everywhere.
The Easter bell can be heard everywhere.

Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong,
Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong.

Easter has come to us -

This is a sweet holiday for me!

How much joy you brought

And he took away the sorrows.

Over meadows and fields

The sun is shining above us,

The long-awaited spring

Easter brought us the day.

And the sun is shining from heaven

A ray of spring greetings,

The green forest rustles in the distance,

And the hymn sounds: “Christ is Risen!”

Children: Truly Risen!

The sun is pouring from the sky

Dancing and laughing

And rejoices and sings

Spring is calling to visit us.

The day is getting longer

A stream runs with him

The sun laughs

The song flows loudly!

The birds sang joyfully

Spring is coming again!

A week before Easter

The camel is the first to bloom!

Since ancient times, there has been a belief that a tree that blooms and is full of strength can convey health, strength, and beauty to everyone who touches it. And the willow, especially the catkins, the blossoming buds were considered healing, endowed with special powers. Therefore, there was a custom to use willow branches to drive cattle out for their first grazing in the spring. On Palm Sunday, grandmothers baked willow cones into bread and fed them to the cattle so that they would not get sick. Little children were playfully lashed with willow branches, saying: “As the willow grows, so do you grow.” And those who were older were whipped harder, but not painfully, saying: “Whip the willow, hit without tears” or “We hit to be healthy.” Let me give you guys health, strength and beauty with these branches.

Game "Willow-willow"

(Children stretch their arms forward, and the leader holdshands with willow branches.)

Round dance with willows.

Audio recording "Ringing of bells".

Presenter: Spring is coming, and with it the brightest and most beloved holiday comes to our home - Easter. On this day, all believers celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Bells can be heard from everywhere, glorifying the Savior.

Housewives bake rich Easter cakes, make Easter cottage cheese, paint eggs, and then go to church to bless them.

1. Loud laughter is heard everywhere,

Birds chirp loudly

That the holiday has arrived

For every child!

2. It smelled like a butter roll.

At our doorstep.

I’ll treat myself to cottage cheese Easter,

I'll try a little.

3. I’ll take a brush, gouache

And I will work for glory,

I'll paint the eggs different colors,

May Easter shine.

4. Drops are dripping loudly

Near our window.

The birds sang merrily.

Easter has come to visit us.

Song "If the Sun Rises"

1. If the sun has risen,

So morning has come to us

The forest woke up from sleep -

This means spring has come to us.


The spring breeze blows

Warm outside.

And fun and joyful

And my soul is light.

2. Primrose in the clearing

Sends his radiant greetings

Skylark from heaven

He sings to us: “Christ is risen.”

Chorus: the same.

3. And the domes sparkle,

And the bells are ringing

Treats on the table

A bright holiday on Earth.

Chorus: the same.

Educator: On the joyful day of Easter

For adults and children

About Little Red Riding Hood again

We'll tell you in a new way.

Little Red Riding Hood comes out with a basket to the music.

Little Red Riding Hood: What a day it is today! Grace!

And not a single cloud in sight

There is joy in the heart. The sun is playing.

And even the breeze helps me.

There are six Easter eggs in the basket.

Easter cake and cheese, of course, are also available.

Goes backstage.

The Gray Wolf comes out to the music.

Gray Wolf: Here I am! How hungry and angry I am!

And I didn’t find a poppy dewdrop

Since the evening my stomach has let me down.

I got up - it was not yet dawn,

And I don’t understand why nature is happy?

Fill your belly quickly - that's what you need

And... here comes Red Hat.

S. The wolf goes backstage. At this time Little Red Riding Hood comes out,

A wolf follows her:

Gray Wolf: Yes, there’s also a basket, what’s in it?

I wish it tasted better.

Could you give me a treat?

I'm hungry, just a wild animal!

I won't harm you, believe me!

Little Red Riding Hood shares with the wolf.

Certainly cute!

After all, giving is healthier for the soul,

What to take.

"The wolf takes the egg, thanks Little Red Riding Hood."

The chick flies out.

Little Red Riding Hood: Look, look here quickly!

Who are you? Are you a chick? Fell out of the nest?

Do you want to eat, do you open your mouth?

We'll feed you, that's what we have, and that's it.

Eat, darling, and make sure you don’t whine.

After all, you are eating Easter cake.

Chick: Thank you, I'm not crying!

A tear has dried up.

And my eyes filled with joy.

Take me on a good journey.

Celebrate Easter with you!

Educator: The basket is emptying, it has become lighter

There was little food left in it.

But so much kindness has increased,

That the first flowers bloomed.

Dance of flowers.

First flower: We saw: the bunnies are hungry.

Second flower: Starlings were still flying these days

From distant countries. They are very tired

And hunger is probably eating them away too.

Third flower: And here’s another kitten that got lost

And he appeared on this path.

“Kitten” comes out to the music

Kitten: It’s bad for me to be alone without my mother,

Probably no one needs me.

Little Red Riding Hood: Here, Kitten, take the cheese

Eat, satisfy your hunger!

Kitten: Thank you. Now with friends, it’s satisfying and not scary.

I'm not alone, and this is very important.

Educator: Thank you, Little Red Riding Hood, for your kindness.

You didn’t forget anyone, you took pity on everyone and treated them.

We showed you a fairy tale, the fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a good lesson for all of us.

Presenter: Everyone rejoices and has fun, glorifying Christ. Easter was also celebrated as a spring holiday. The sun was beginning to warm up like spring, the first flowers were blooming, the first grass was turning green. Work began in the fields. In order for a good harvest to grow, you had to ask the sun for it. The village children sang and muttered.

Child 1.

Sunshine, sunshine,

Look out the window

Don't bake too far

Bring us across the river.

Child 2.

How hot our rolls are across the river,

Butter porridge, sugar pancakes.

Child 3.

Bucket sun, look out the window

Where are your kids? Sitting on the stove

The cakes are lying around, waiting for you.

Child 4.

Sun, sun, shine through the window,

Give the oats growth so that they reach the sky,

Mother rye so that it becomes a complete wall.

The song “Early on the Dawn” is performed.

Presenter. Easter is celebrated, always on Sunday. And it continues for a whole week (Bright Week). There is no Easter without Easter cake and without colored eggs. I know the Easter egg game.

Quite possible for anyone. You take an egg, put it in a spoon and run with it a little.

The game “Running with an Egg” is played. (Children play in 2 teams, prepare 2 eggs, 2 spoons, 4 cubes).

Come out and play, roll red eggs.

Presenter (explains the rules of the game). With the ball you need to knock down the eggs laid out in a row along one line. The team collects the broken eggs.

Presenter. On Easter, beautiful maidens and good fellows gathered on the street to sing, dance, and lead round dances.


Ta-ra-ra, ta-ra-ra, the girls are coming from the yard

Sing songs, dance, amuse everyone around,

Girls come out with handkerchiefs.


Make way, honest people, don’t dust the path,

Good fellows, go for a little walk.

Boys come out with rattles and whistles. Girls and boys walk around the hall to the music and sit opposite each other on the benches.

Boys. White girls, where did you get your hair whitened?

Girls. Yesterday we milked the cows and washed ourselves with milk.


Listen up, girls,

I will sing awkwardly:

A pig grazes on an oak tree,

A bear is steaming in a sauna.


And I'm smart, I'm smart -

Our whole street knows about it:

Rooster and chicken

Cat and cat

My brother Ermoshka,

Yes I am a little


I'll harness the cat to the droshky,

And the kitten in the tarantass.

I'll take my girlfriend

Show off to all the neighbors.


I have roosters on my sundress.

I’m not a clubfoot myself, the grooms are clubfooters.


As the square dance begins to play -

It attracts all the dancers.

Well done everyone -

To your sample.

The “Chamomile” dance is performed.

Presenter. On Easter I sit on the mound, look at the people, always remember everything, and put it into a piggy bank. Here is my piggy bank basket. And in it the recipe is written in some riddles, guys, can you help me guess?

White in color, yolk inside.

The chickens carry it

Tell me your name. (Egg.)

If I’m not there, there will be trouble!

Every chef respects

And adds to taste. (Salt.)

Yes, little guys. (Milk.)

And pancakes and pancakes.

In cakes, pies and buns

They must put me down. (Flour.)

The fruit is beautiful and tanned.

Squirrels love to chew on it,

Hide in a hollow for the winter. (Nut.)

They put it in the sun.

She was tired from the heat,

And what did it turn into? (Raisin.)

Presenter. So what can be prepared from these products?

Presenter. And I also know a lot of games.

The game “Rainbow Basket” Puzzle is being played

Children are divided into two teams. Cut out figures are placed in front of each team. The figurines are parts of eggs. The team's task is to collect the rainbow basket as quickly as possible.

The game is being played Get into the nest"A basket is placed at a distance from the players. Children throw eggs (small balls) inside. Several attempts are made. The one who hits the most wins.

Presenter. And finally, we need to glorify spring so that it is kind, generous and friendly. Let's sing a cheerful song about spring.

Children sing the song “Oh, the water is running like a stream.”

Presenter. And what is Easter without treats! And Easter cakes, and Easter cakes, and pies, and cheesecakes, and cheese, and cottage cheese, and sausage, and colored eggs - all the best was put on the table.

Easter is the brightest holiday,

The best and biggest!

Long-awaited and desired,

The kindest and dearest!

Exchange eggs with each other, give each other health, cleanliness, like an Easter egg.

MBOU "Lokotskaya Secondary School" Obestyansky branch.

Scenario of educational event "Easter Traditions"

Teacher Gushchina Irina Nikolaevna


Description of work: this scenario was developed for students of the Children's Creativity Center, covering children of primary and secondary school age. The event involves developing children's curiosity, familiarizing themselves with traditions, and broadening their horizons.

Scenario for an extracurricular event based on Easter traditions.

Target: Introduce children to the traditions of celebrating Easter, introducing them to the origins of Russian culture.


To acquaint children with Easter traditions in different countries, with the history of Easter traditions in Russia.

Fostering love for the culture of one’s people, its traditions, customs, and rituals.

Development of fantasy and imagination of students.

Visibility: multimedia presentation, exhibition of eggs painted and decorated in various ways (Fig. 40).

Equipment and materials: bells, boiled eggs, food coloring, paint containers, paper towels, adhesive tape or tape, woolen threads, scissors, spoons, egg roller, gel balloon, bird stickers.

Progress of the event.

Hello, dear guests!
Be healthy and happy,
And let our meeting be
Cheerful and joyful!
It is dedicated to the light
To the Orthodox holiday of Easter!

Easter is a holiday of hope, peace and forgiveness. On this day, the day of the Resurrection of Christ, we celebrate the victory of good over evil forces, over death. This holiday is associated with a miracle.

Christ died and rose again. He has already passed his earthly path. He left us earthly commandments, gave us hope for salvation, and atoned for past human sins with his death. Christ has risen and life triumphs.

From a distant land
Swallows are flying
They chirp merrily
"People, wake up!"
And happy spring and Easter
Brings us joy!
Joy from the grave
Our savior has risen!
It is for children and adults
Gave me deliverance.
He has risen from the dead!
The whole earth is singing
And again to the ground
He'll come soon.
Rise up people
“Our Christ has risen!
There is salvation for people
And there is hope."

Easter is the main Christian holiday in honor of the resurrection of Jesus Christ (Fig. 1).

I congratulate you on the brightest and most joyful holiday - Easter. Let the bells ring today, let the songs sound, let everyone have fun.

Not only Russians are waiting for Easter, it is expected and celebrated in big and small cities and villages of the vast planet Earth!

You might be interested to know How Easter is celebrated in different countries.

For example, in Germany, Easter is everyone’s favorite holiday, the main Easter character of which is the hare, who brings colorful and painted Easter eggs. Children also take an active part in preparing for the holiday. They make special Easter baskets in kindergarten or at school. On the eve of Easter, parents put colored eggs, “sweet” gifts, toys and the traditional Easter chocolate bunny into such a basket. A basket with gifts is usually hidden under the trees of the garden, and children early in the morning, as soon as they wake up, go in search of it. Adults in Germany give each other small gifts.

In France, celebrating Easter has a special French charm. They don’t attach much importance to traditional eggs; everything revolves around bells. The bell in France is an Easter symbol of universal joy and fun. On the holiday, the ringing of bells can be heard everywhere. Parents “build” nests in trees for their children, in which they place chocolate eggs. Children must find these nests and get the eggs. Chocolate coins are very popular in France. They are given to everyone as a sign of a comfortable life until the new Easter.

In the UK, young residents of the country have a 2-week Easter holiday on Easter. In schools and kindergartens, preparation begins long before the holiday. Children decorate Easter eggs: goose or ostrich. This is where children's imagination can run wild: after traditional coloring, the eggs are covered with various sparkles and beads using silk and wool, as well as markers and colored corrugated paper. Such labor-intensive work gives the egg a truly fabulous look; each egg is a real work of art. These are children preparing an Easter gift for their parents. For Easter, all confectionery and chocolate factories produce a wide range of all kinds of Easter eggs from chocolate with various fillings and different sizes. Easter in Great Britain is a holiday of chocolate.

In Canada, as well as in Germany, everyone’s favorite character is the Easter Bunny, he brings chocolate eggs to children. Children are given Easter competitions to see who can collect the most eggs in their basket. Competitions are usually held in a park or garden, and the eggs are hidden in advance under trees, in flowers and other places. And real eggs are painted with paints and markers, but first the contents of the egg are removed through a small hole in the shell, and this way the painted egg can be stored for quite a long time. The country's male population gifts children chocolate and toy chickens and hares.

How Easter is celebrated in Russia.

There are many rituals in Rus'
And today is God's holiday
Easter - God's Sunday
His second birthday.
Everywhere the gospel is buzzing,
People are pouring out of all the churches
Dawn looks from the sky
The snow cover has already been removed from the fields
And my hands are breaking from their shackles
And the nearby forest turns green
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
The earth is waking up
And the fields are dressed,
Spring is coming, full of miracles!
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

Russians consider this a family holiday, so they prefer to celebrate Easter in a warm family circle. The table is set in accordance with long-standing traditions, with the obligatory colored eggs and fresh baked Easter cake or Easter cottage cheese.

Since ancient times, there has been a belief that a blossoming tree can give health, strength, beauty to everyone who touches it. In Rus', the willow is considered a healing tree endowed with special powers. After all, it begins to bloom earlier than other trees. There was such a custom in the old days - using willow branches to drive out cattle for the first grazing, sweep away cobwebs in huts and barns with a willow bunch, and sweep the floor. This seemed to drive away evil spirits from the house, illness and failure.

For Easter, each family collected and painted 100-200 eggs in onion skins. They were distributed to children who came to receive Christ. On the first day of the holiday, the whole family broke their fast, i.e. allowed themselves more delicious food after Lent.

“Expensive egg for Christ’s Day!” - says the Orthodox Russian people. The egg is a symbol of new life, pure, bright, a symbol of hope. According to legend, Saint Mary Magdalene presented the first Easter egg to the Roman emperor; the egg turned bright red, confirming the good news. Red is the color of the blood of Christ. Many traditions of celebrating Easter have been preserved in our time. On Clean Thursday, people clean up their apartments, paint eggs, and on Good Friday, houses are filled with the smell of baking Easter cakes and cottage cheese. The holiday itself begins with a solemn service. But the tradition of painting eggs for Easter in Rus' has long roots. There are several ways of coloring (show example):
Dyes - in the old days, natural dyes were used: onion peels, juices of plants, vegetables. Today food coloring is used.
Krapanki - first a boiled egg is painted, and then drops of hot wax are applied. After which, the egg is placed in paint of a different color. Once the paint has dried, the egg is dipped in hot water. The wax melts in it and an original pattern is formed.
Easter eggs are a whole work of folk art. Their painting uses images of plants and animals, geometric shapes.
2nd Presenter: Would you like me to tell you a small but very important secret?
From the egg, from the bottom
Mother Earth came out damp.
From the egg, from the top.
The high vault of heaven rose,
From the yolk, from the top,
The bright sun appeared
From the protein, from the top.
A clear month has appeared.
From the egg, from the motley part,
The stars appeared in the sky!
1st Presenter: What an interesting legend! But why is the egg red? And we will find out about this now. Our guys have prepared an Easter gift for you - a fairy tale.

Re-enactment "Gift"

Chick, chick, chick. Chick, chick, chick.
Come on, get ready
And settle around.
I'll tell you now
Wonderful story.
(The chickens run out and stand in a semicircle.)
We carry eggs
We give them to everyone as a gift:
Round and whole.
That was a long time ago,
Great-grandmother said
Like Mary Magdalene
She gave the egg to the king.
It was all white
It was all round.
She brought it, gave it,
“Christ is Risen,” she said.
And Tiberius accepted,
Didn't reject the gift
I said that I would believe
If I see a miracle myself.
He held an egg in his hands,
I thought to myself:
"Let the testicle turn red -
On Sunday I will believe."
The egg seemed to hear
In Tiberius's hands, -
There was horror in his eyes.
What a miracle! What a miracle!
I won't argue with you.
This is a miracle of miracles!
Christ is truly risen!
Rejoice! Christ is risen!

The traditions of different peoples are similar in many ways, but have different forms.

In Iceland (Fig. 31,32) they treat traditions very carefully and reverently. The most traditional gift for Easter is Easter colored eggs, the top of which is decorated with a funny yellow chicken (Fig. 33, 34). The chicken is a symbol of renewed new life. The gift eggs are accompanied by a small card with a catchphrase written on it.

In Slovenia (Fig. 35, 36) at Easter the main “hero” is the chicken, so they prefer to give gifts with the constant presence of the chicken (Fig. 37, 38). A variety of colorful chick cards, plush chicks, chick-shaped souvenir candles, and kids love chocolate chicks.

One of the most ancient and kind traditions is to release birds into the wild in honor of the Great Day (Fig. 39). “Look at the sky as the bird sings as it flies away. Let it go!” - the uncle taught little Pushkin. Already an adult Pushkin writes:

In a foreign land I observe sacredly

Native custom of antiquity:

I'm releasing the bird into the wild

On the bright holiday of spring.

I became available for consolation,

Why should I grumble at God?

When at least one creation

I could give freedom!

And you and I will also support this tradition. Now each of you will take a bird and stick it on this balloon, and we will release them into the sky!

It is customary for people to christen themselves on Easter: exchange a colored egg, kiss three times and say: “Christ is risen!”

- “Truly he is risen!” This custom has been around for many years. Christ gave us life, and the egg is a symbol of new life, bright, pure, a symbol of hope. Magical properties were attributed to the egg consecrated in the church: saving a house from fires, helping livestock from diseases.

Our ancestors rolled colored eggs on the ground. This was believed to promote fertility. Let us play with colored eggs.

The game “Who can roll the eggs the fastest” is played.

The egg is also mentioned in Russian proverbs:
“Dear egg for Christ’s day” - about the service.
“Give me a flaky egg” - fat, lazy.
“Even though a black hen sits on little white eggs” - about stern-looking people with a kind heart.
“He’ll walk right through eggs and won’t crush even one,” they slander the overly cautious.
“Give a fool an egg; if it rolls, it breaks,” they say about an awkward dismissal.

In addition to colored eggs, the main dish on the table was Easter cakes. Easter cakes were baked in the shape of a cylinder. It looked like the dome of a church. We think that you already have an idea of ​​how Easter was celebrated today.



1. 1st presenter

2. 2nd presenter

5. Kolobok

8. Bear

10. Father

1st presenter Once upon a time there lived a poor grandfather and woman.

2nd presenter Very poor.

1st presenter They didn’t have a pockmarked chicken.

2nd presenter Oh, no!

1st presenter She didn’t lay eggs for them.

2nd presenter And they couldn’t bake an Easter cake!

1st presenter Grandfather and Baba says...

Grandfather, dear, how should we break our fast for Easter?

Baba Oh, I don’t know, honey. After all, we ran out of flour long ago.

Grandfather Come on, woman, let's not be discouraged, but let's pray to God, let's sweep the barn and scrape the bottom of the tree; maybe he can at least scrape together enough of a bun.

1st presenter So they did: they swept the barn, scraped the bottom of the tree, kneaded flour in water, and salted it with a teardrop.

2nd presenter They thanked God.

1st presenter We baked a Lenten bun and put it on the window, waiting until the morning to catch a cold.

2nd presenter And in the morning Kolobok woke up before everyone else.

Kolobok Something is not heard from grandparents. They're asleep, I guess. They worked hard with me yesterday, they even slept through the service. I’ll go to church while they’re sleeping, sprinkle holy water at the priest’s, at least I’ll console the old people with this.

1st presenter The bun jumped off the windowsill onto the ground and - let's go to church! Yes, not along the road, but straight through the forest. A wolf meets him.

Wolf Hello, Kolobok. Where are you going?

Kolobok I'm rolling into the temple of God to sprinkle myself with holy water. What is this?

(The wolf takes off his headphones and lets Kolobok listen.)

Wolf Can't you see - I'm having fun, listening to music. It's a holiday after all, Easter! You can have some fun too.

Kolobok What are you talking about! Is this how Easter is celebrated?

Wolf How do they celebrate?

Kolobok Come with me, you'll see.

Wolf Well, let's go, I persuaded.

2nd presenter And they walked through the forest together. And a fox meets them.

Fox How far have you gone, my sweeties?

Kolobok We, Little Fox, are hurrying to church, I’m going to sprinkle myself with holy water, and the Wolf is going to listen to Easter music.

Fox I’ve become somewhat deaf, come closer to me, my little one!

Kolobok (louder) We are going to church for a festive service.

Fox How, how, I know - Easter today. I also bought myself a new outfit in honor of the holiday - I’ll be showing off in the forest. Let everyone be jealous!

Kolobok What are you talking about, Foxy, is this how they celebrate Easter?

Fox How do they celebrate?

Kolobok Come with us, you'll see.

Fox Well, I'll take a walk.

1st presenter The three of them walked through the forest and soon met Mishka the clubfooted bear.

Bear (yawning, holding a pillow) Why are you making noise here, disturbing your sleep?

Fox Oh, you clubfoot! You slept through Christmas, do you want to spend Easter in a den too? It's spring already!

Easter Bear - I know that, I heard that. So, on a holiday, we have an extra day off to sleep (yawns). What is it for, a holiday?

Kolobok What are you saying, Misha, is this how they celebrate Easter?

Bear How do they celebrate?

Kolobok Come with us, you'll see - we're going to church, to the Easter service.

2nd presenter The four of them walk and talk. Suddenly a bunny comes towards them.

Kolobok Hello, Zainka. Why are you so scared?

bunny I don’t understand - what’s going on around here? Why is everyone in a hurry to get somewhere? Why do the bells ring so loud?

Wolf Don't you know that Easter is today?

Bunny I don’t know anything yet, I was just born yesterday.

Fox Well, we'll explain it to you now.

Everyone (singing)

Why did the sun shine so brightly from heaven today?

Bright Easter has come, We sing: Christ is risen!

There are festive faces in the temple, and the bells are ringing.

Let's share our joy - a bright Easter has come!

bunny Thank you, now I understand everything. Where are you going?

Kolobok Let's go to church for the Easter service.

Bunny And I'm with you!

1st presenter So they all came to the service together. The forest animals stood motionless - they liked it so much in the church - what beauty, what singing!

2nd presenter A Kolobok immediately rolled towards the priest. (The priest is sitting in the first row in the hall) The priest sprinkled him with holy water and asked...

Father, Where is your red egg, Kolobok?

Kolobok, Father, I don’t have a red testicle - my grandparents are poor.

Father Na, take Kolobok, take the testicles to your grandfather and grandmother.

1st presenter And then the parishioners heard the conversation and gave Kolobok a whole basket of testicles.

2nd presenter As the service ended, all our heroes came out of the temple together, the animals and said to Kolobok...

Wolf Well, Kolobok, we will break our fast with you!

Fox Oh, let's enjoy ourselves!

Kolobok What foolish animals you are! After all, I’m fasting: I swept the barn, scraped the bottom of the barrel, mixed it with water, salted it with a tear. How can you break your fast with me?

Bunny What should we do then?

Kolobok Take a red egg. Christ is Risen!

(Kolobok hands out testicles to the animals).

The animals are truly risen! (Kolobok leaves)

1st presenter Kolobok rolled home, and the animals began to consult.

Bear It somehow turned out awkward - Kolobok gave us Easter eggs, but his grandparents are poor!

Bunny Maybe they have nothing to eat at all?

Fox Maybe they don’t have anything to dress up in?

Wolf I’ll go home and look for some kind of gift for them.

The rest of us too!

2nd presenter A Kolobok rolled home at this time.

Grandfather Where have you been, Kolobok?

Baba We were very worried about you!

Kolobok I was in church, sprinkled myself with holy water and brought you red eggs!

(Knock on the door).

Grandfather Who could it be?

Baba I don't know! (loudly) Come in, dear guests!

(Animals enter).

Animals Christ is Risen!

Grandfather and Baba are truly risen!

Kolobok These are my new friends.

Bear I brought you some honey for the holiday!

Bunny And I'll give you a carrot.

Wolf Here, wood for the stove - summer is not coming soon.

Fox And here is a colorful, festive scarf for grandma!

Grandfather and Baba Well, thank you, dear guests!

(Music. Everyone comes forward).

Bunny Today I realized how to celebrate Easter!

Wolf Don't amuse yourself with music...

Fox And don’t show off in colorful outfits...

Bear And don’t sleep, rest longer...

All together And you need to pray to God and give your joy to others!

Presenters And then it will become huge, huge - such that it will be enough for the whole world!

With this our holiday has come to an end. Congratulations on the bright holiday of Easter. We wish you good health, happiness and prosperity. Until next time.

Together we celebrate Easter,

And with a bow we invite

Everyone who loves to have fun

And laugh and frolic!

1 child:

All the snowstorms have flown away,

The cold has fled

The sun is shining stronger

No snow, no ice,

The birds sing loudly,

Everyone welcomes the Red Spring!

2nd child:

Drops are dripping loudly,

The distance outside the windows is bright.

The birds sang merrily,

Easter has come to visit us!

Children listen to an Easter song.

Ved: Easter is a holy church holiday, and it is always celebrated on Sunday. On Easter, people always visit: they exchange colored eggs, greet each other with the words: “Christ is risen!” and answer: “He is truly risen!” On this day, bells ring solemnly and festively in churches. This ringing is called the Easter bell.

The Easter chime sounds (phonogram)

Bells are ringing everywhere,

People are pouring out of all the churches,

The dawn is already looking from the sky,

- Christ is risen!

All: Christ is risen.

3rd child:

To the tune of Easter prayers

And to the sound of bells

Spring is flying to us from far away,

From the midday regions.

4th child:

The dormant bell

Woke up the fields

Smiled at the sun

Sleepy land.

The game "Lark" is being played

(Counting: We begin to count: “One-two-three-four-five!” We counted to five! Come on, lark, fly! Children walk in a circle, Lark flies with a tambourine in the opposite direction. “In the sky, the Lark sang, the bell rang " He frolicked in silence, hid the song in the grass. The one who finds the song will be happy for a whole year! " The children crouch down on the floor between the two children. The chosen children run in a circle in different directions. .)

People are having fun -

Easter is at the gates!

Hold hands together

Get into the circle quickly

Let everyone sing merrily

And the round dance will begin!

Children sing the song “We want the birds to sing”

Ved (holding a willow in his hands):

Willow, willow is beautiful!

She has flowers - fluffy lumps,

In spring it blooms,

The Easter holiday is calling to us!

5th child:

It's getting darker every day

Stitches and paths,

And on the willows with silver

The earrings glow.

6th child:

The willow is all fluffy

Spread around

It's fragrant spring again

She blew her wings.

Ved: Willow is one of the first trees to bloom beautifully in spring. It was considered medicinal. People chewed and swallowed willow buds to avoid getting sick. Or they could whip each other - so that there would be more health!

- Wave the twig a little,

Yes, beat someone!

Willow from beyond the sea,

Give me health, willow!

The child takes the willow and touches all the children, and the leader says:

The willow is holy! The willow is holy!

Willow - whip -

Brings me to tears.

I don’t hit, the willow hits.

Be as healthy as water

Be rich as the earth!

Children, be healthy for the whole year! Be as cheerful as spring! Be as rich as the earth! And grow like a willow!

Easter is a bright, good holiday,

A holiday of happiness, beauty,

He brings us all hope

So that we become kinder.

Children read the poem “Easter Morning”, V. Kuzmenkova

7th child:

The sun rose over the forest,

The forest lit up brightly,

All the leaves rustled:

8th child:

The birds are chirping merrily,

They soared to the skies in a flock.

The breeze carried their song:

"Christ is risen! Christ is risen!"

9th child:

Red cat on a blanket

He quietly climbed up to me

And purrs in my ear:

"Christ is risen! Christ is risen!"

Ved: Guys, let's call Sunny to us!

- Sunshine, sunshine, come out from behind the river, (open your palms)

Let's count the rays: one, two, three... (bend fingers)

The bright rays will not cover the clouds. (Cross your arms in front of you)

Sunshine, sunshine, come out from behind the river, (open your palms)

Sunny, darling, let's sit on the porch, (fold your hands like a shelf)

We have all been waiting for you for a long time, shine your light! (claps hands)

Sunshine, get up and throw some rays. (gradually raise and lower your arms down)

A child comes out - the sun.

Hello, Bell Sun!

Tell me where have you been?

Tell me what you saw?

10th child – Sunny:

I jumped through the Christmas trees,

It walked across the sky for a long time.

Illuminated the forest and meadow,

Everything around was warm.

It fell from the heights of heaven,

It came to you on Easter.

I love your songs

Sing about Red Spring!

Children perform the round dance “Freckles - Spring”

How much light and warmth

Spring gives us red:

The grass in the field rustles,

A bird flies across the sky,

And in the ravine the stream spills,

It fills itself with its sonorous song.

Game "Stream"

(Children stand in columns along streams, clasp each other by the waist, sing the “Stream” chant. When they hear the word “uh,” they jump over the stream. Whoever touches the “water” is eliminated from the game.)

Vedas: On Easter, people bake Easter cakes in their homes, prepare Easter cottage cheese, paint eggs...

And now you will go to the group and try to decorate the white testicles.

Symbolism of painting Easter eggs:

Pine: longevity

Star: moral purity, philanthropy.

Cockscomb: protection from evil spirits.

Oak leaf: harmony.

Sun: symbol of the harvest.

Magpie feet: symbol of the forty saints.

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