How to get rid of rough skin on your feet. What to do with rough skin on your heels

Rough skin on the heels is especially frustrating in the summer, when it's time to show off in sandals. But the surface of the feet needs constant care: cleansing, softening, nourishing.

Why does the skin on my heels get rough?

Basic foot skin care is quite simple: it consists of regularly exfoliating dead epithelial particles with a scrub and pumice stone, and moisturizing the skin with cream. At least once a week, your feet should be pampered with masks.

The rough skin of the heels must first be steamed in a saline or soda solution.

By following these simple rules, you will most likely never encounter the problem of rough heels. If it has already happened to you, get ready to undergo a two-month course of restorative procedures.

Why does the skin on the heels become rough? The reasons can be both internal and external:

  • wearing tight or poor-quality shoes;
  • frequent walking barefoot;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • fungal skin infection;
  • problems with the digestive tract;
  • diabetes mellitus, obesity;
  • excessive sweating of the feet;
  • endocrine and renal diseases.

Rough heels not only look unsightly, but also cause discomfort. If you do not respond promptly to thickening and dry skin, corns and cracks will form on the soles. Injured legs hurt excruciatingly when walking, and constant stress interferes with the rapid restoration of the integrity of the skin. In addition, bacteria and fungi easily penetrate into cracks, which leads to complications.

How to remove rough skin from heels?

Take hot foot baths every day before bed. You can steam the skin in a solution of baking soda and sea salt, a decoction of St. John's wort, chamomile, calendula, and sage. Take a tablespoon of dry herb or mineral per liter of water. Keep your feet in the bath for 15-20 minutes. Then thoroughly rub the softened skin of the heels with a special grater or pumice stone. To enhance the exfoliating effect, you can use a scrub based on ground seeds, coffee, or seaweed.

Heels are cleaned of rough skin with a pumice stone or grater.

Apply a mask to dry skin twice a week after peeling. You can prepare the homemade composition according to one of these recipes:

  • Mix the egg yolk with 5 ml lemon juice and 5 ml olive oil.
  • Combine olive oil and honey in equal parts.
  • Grind the pulp of any sour fruit in a blender. Add the same amount of cottage cheese to the resulting puree. Mix everything.

The mask is applied to a bandage folded several times. The soaked fabric is applied to the heel and fixed by putting on a sock. After 20 minutes, the composition is washed off with warm water.

Very dry skin on the feet is a problem for many girls. Over time, it cracks and peels. I want to be perfect in everything, but here everything is spoiled by rough heels. What to do in such cases? I would like to eliminate this drawback once and for all and preferably in the shortest possible time.

To prevent this problem from bothering you, you need to regularly perform various procedures to

Reasons for appearance

Are you worried about discomfort, dryness, loss of moisture and elasticity of the skin, as well as rough heels? What to do and how to fix this problem? Before starting therapy, you need to understand what factors provoked the roughness.

In order for the skin of the legs to be well-groomed, it is necessary that the blood circulates normally in the legs and does not lack oxygen and moisture. If you wear tight and uncomfortable shoes, and also constantly wear high-heeled shoes, you will not get rid of dry skin.

A lack of vitamins A and E will cause the condition to worsen. The skin will become dry, rough, and ultimately rough and unsightly.

If you notice that the heels have become dry, the surface of the skin has become covered with cracks, and the color of the nail plate has changed and become yellowish (or completely yellow), then you need to consult a dermatologist. Because there is a possibility that the skin of your feet is affected by a fungus. Another reason for dry and rough heels is fungal diseases and infections.

Cracked skin on the feet can be a consequence of improper care and non-compliance with hygiene standards.

Dry and rough skin can be associated with various diseases that cause disruption of the endocrine system.

The problem can be corrected if you understand the cause and find a suitable treatment. The aesthetic side of the problem is not the only reason to start properly caring for the skin of your heels. The appearance of cracks can cause inflammation, itching and detachment of skin tissue. Consultation and prescribed treatment with a competent dermatologist will allow you to understand and eliminate the problem. If you follow all the points of therapy, the result will be visible within a short period of time.

Proper care

What to do with dry, rough heels and how to prevent dry feet? This can be achieved with regular quality foot care. Intensive moisturizing with cream and other cosmetics that can always be found at the pharmacy will help. But there are other ways to return the beauty and health of women's legs.

Taking various baths to effectively soften the skin has a good effect on the condition of the nails. Treatment with pumice on very dry areas of the skin is possible after it has been thoroughly steamed to remove the stratum corneum. Upon completion of the procedure, you need to apply cream. It is important to choose one that will not only moisturize the skin, but also nourish it. It is important to use cream and not lotion.

What should a girl do if she has rough heels? How to get rid of such a problem? We will tell you further. And herbal infusions that can be added to baths have a very good effect on the skin of the feet. The decoction can be chosen depending on the condition of the skin of the legs and the desired result at the end.

Bath with decoctions

Dryness and flaking will quickly go away if you add a decoction to the bath, which can be made from chamomile, sage, calendula or string. Ten minutes of this procedure and your heels will become very soft.

Among other things, this decoction has antibacterial, antiseptic and relaxing effects. Such procedures must be done continuously over several weeks.

Sea salt bath

You can protect and get rid of excessive dryness and flaking of the skin of your heels and toes using ordinary sea or table salt. Add a few tablespoons of sea salt to warm water. You need to keep your feet in this water for about fifteen minutes. If the dryness and roughness of the skin is excessive, then instead of water you will need to pour milk.

The entire procedure takes about half an hour. After the skin has been steamed, you need to treat your feet and heels with a coarse washcloth. Then clean and steamed feet definitely need moisturizing. Therefore, moisturizer should be applied to treated skin or nourishing oils should be used.

Wine bath

How to soften very rough, rough heels? Intensive hydration and nutrition of the epidermis should be carried out once a week. To do this, you will need half a liter of red wine or natural freshly squeezed grape juice, which must be diluted with two liters of warm water. You need to take this bath for twenty minutes. After a few weeks of regularly taking this bath, dry heels will disappear and become a thing of the past.

Folk remedies are very effective in solving this problem. But only if the reasons why the skin of the feet is dry and the heels are very rough are clear. What to do to restore the natural beauty of your feet? You can use different masks and compresses. Additional nutrition and hydration of dry areas on a daily basis will help in the fight for beautiful feet.

Rough heels: what to do at home to restore softness?

There are several fairly effective methods. We'll look at them now. You can make your heels soft using the following means:

All procedures that involve softening the outer skin of the legs and then removing the stratum corneum mechanically, that is, using a file or pumice, are called physical peeling.

Chemical option

If physical peeling does not help and you still have rough heels, what should you do in such cases? A chemical peel procedure can provide greater results. It is carried out using creams, ointments and patches that dissolve the dry stratum corneum of the skin. Such preparations are good for preventing the formation of cracks.


What to do if your heels become rough? What to do if cracks form? They are very dangerous. Such cracks can cause discomfort when moving, as well as pain. They can also provoke the development of pathologies such as dermatitis. And if deep cracks appear due to dryness, then inflammation may occur due to infection through open wounds.

People who suffer from diabetes should be especially attentive to such damage, since they may lose a limb if they become infected.

Specialist help

Treatment of any, even the most minor, illness that arose as a result of a malfunction in the normal functioning of the body must be serious. Dryness can occur not only due to exposure to environmental factors, but also due to a violation of some internal functions. Therefore, it is very important to determine the reason why your heels are dry and rough. What to do? It's best to see a specialist (such as a dermatologist) to treat a more serious problem.

Prevention of roughness on the feet

Often, the problem of excessive dry feet can be observed due to the fact that the rules of heel care are not followed. Despite the fact that the skin on the legs is rougher and more susceptible to damage than on the face and body, it needs care. By taking preventative measures, you can avoid problems such as rough heels. What should you do for this?

Itching in problem areas is not a reason to scratch them. It is better to apply a cold compress so as not to injure the skin.

If the skin of your feet is dry, then you need to take water treatments. But you should not use aromatic soap, so as not to further dry out the skin.

You need to dry your skin after water procedures carefully with a soft towel and do not use hard washcloths.

Moisturize and nourish the skin of your feet on a daily basis.

You need to choose products carefully if you may be allergic to components in cosmetics.

Shoes should be comfortable and of high quality. Your legs should not feel any discomfort.

Also, swimming pools and saunas will negatively affect the condition of the skin of the feet, and when visiting these places you need personal replacement shoes.

A little conclusion

We hope that the tips presented above will help you solve the problem. If you follow simple rules for caring for the skin of your feet, you can not only get rid of rough heels, but also prevent this condition, so that serious consequences do not arise that can affect not only the appearance, but also the health of a person in general. If there are no contraindications, then both folk remedies and cosmetics bought in the store are good.

There are many recipes for baths; they will help get rid of the stratum corneum and then your heels will look healthy at home in a short time.

  • To make a warm bath, use soda. You will need to add a tablespoon of baking soda to a liter of water. Next, immerse your feet in the basin and hold for 10 minutes until the solution cools completely. Thanks to the manipulation, the problem area of ​​the skin will soften, which will eliminate the built-up layers. To do this, use a file. Then the soles are lubricated with nourishing ointment and socks made from natural raw materials are put on. It is recommended to carry out manipulations at night.
  • For the procedure, use a brewed decoction of chamomile, sage, calendula, and St. John's wort. Take a tablespoon of any herb and boil it in a liter of water for up to 5 minutes. Afterwards the product is infused for 10 minutes. It is recommended to take a warm bath for 20 minutes. Use pumice to clean your feet. Rinse the soles with water and apply ointment.
  • Foot baths are prepared using sea salt. Carry out the manipulation until the water cools completely. Then remove the problematic layer with a brush, wash your feet, dry them and apply ointment.
  • Dilute a large spoonful of glycerin and 3 large spoons of vinegar essence in a liter of water. Place your feet in the basin and hover for 10 minutes. After manipulation, clean the soles using pumice.
  • Dissolve 3 large tablespoons of salt in 250 ml of warmed milk and place in a bowl. Keep your heels for about half an hour.

To admire your beautiful legs, you need to take care of them daily, using softening and nourishing creams. The skin in the heel area can recover in 2-3 months, sometimes it will take more time, everything will depend on the neglect of the soles.

Heel masks

When the skin of the heels has become sufficiently rough, a significant layer of growth has formed; simply cleaning the feet and lubricating them with cream will not be enough. It is recommended to make scrubs and masks.

Masks should be carried out as follows:

  1. The procedure is carried out regularly, even in autumn and winter.
  2. Before using the products, the feet are steamed and brushed.
  3. Soar your heels for about 30 minutes.
  4. Feet with masks are kept in plastic bags and put on over socks.
  5. The healing mass is washed off with water, the soles are wiped with a towel.
  6. Moisturizing ointment is applied.
  7. The manipulation takes place before bedtime.

Recipes for effective masks

  • Take 1 egg yolk and a spoonful of lemon juice and olive oil. The ingredients are mixed into a single mass. Then the mass is applied to the heels and fixed with a bandage. After half an hour, the mask is washed off. The feet are treated with moisturizing cream.
  • Combine a finely chopped clove of garlic, a teaspoon of lemon juice and chamomile infusion. The composition stays on the feet for about an hour.
  • Honey and olive oil, combined 1 to 1, are applied to the washed skin of the feet. The treatment procedure takes up to 20 minutes. Then you should rinse the soles and lubricate them with nourishing ointment. This mask helps soften and nourish the skin of the feet.
  • You can also combine baking soda with soap. Crushed soap is added to a small spoon of soda. The mass should be applied to clean skin, then the legs are wrapped in a bag. 20 minutes are allotted for heel treatment. The problematic skin is then removed using a file, rinsed with water, dried and olive oil is applied.
  • Lubricate your heels with castor oil, wrap your feet in cellophane and put on socks. This softening mask is good if the skin on your heels is dry.
  • Grind cabbage leaves into a paste and apply to feet for an hour.
  • Vinegar is also used to treat the heels of the feet. You need to buy purified natural glycerin in a bottle and fill it to the top with vinegar essence. The product must be shaken well. The product is applied to the heel area every day throughout the night after the bath. With systematic treatment, you can get rid of roughness, roughness and cracks on the feet.
  • A bottle of vitamin A and a tube of calendula ointment are mixed into a single mass. At night you need to treat your soles and put on socks.
  • Grate the young zucchini, add a spoonful of sour cream to it, stir and apply to problem areas. Thanks to the pulp, the skin will be moisturized and softened, and sour cream will have a smoothing effect and saturate the skin with calcium.
  • Bake 2 onions in the oven and fix on the affected areas.
  • Heat 4 large spoons of honey and add to oatmeal. Honey promotes smoothness and softening, fills the skin with vitamins. Oatmeal will help cleanse and make it matte.
  • Celandine with tea tree oil acts as a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory agent. You will need to grind a handful of celandine and add 6 drops of oil.
  • Heat corn and sunflower oil. Soak cotton pads in the product and apply to the heels and secure. Thanks to the oils, the soles will be moisturized and softer.
  • Boil 500 ml of milk and add 200 grams of corn flour to it. Boil the mixture for about 5 minutes, then add honey - 2 large spoons. Apply the warm pulp to your feet, put on bags and woolen socks. The treatment process lasts half an hour. At the end, the feet are washed with warm water and lubricated with nourishing ointment.
  • To heal wounds, you will need to take 20 grams of plantain, 15 grams of burdock and 10 grams of green onions. Grind all ingredients and apply to the heel area. Wear bags and warm socks. In order for the feet to heal quickly, it is recommended to walk during the procedure, so the juice will penetrate deeper into the wounds.


Application of Compresses

You can get your heels in order if you apply compresses:

  • Any fabric is soaked in vodka and applied to the skin of the feet. Next, the compress is fixed with a bag, and socks are put on. The compress is left until the morning. Then you need to remove the keratinized skin from the heels with pumice and lubricate the soles with cream. Carry out the procedure until the result is visible.
  • In the fight against rough areas of skin on the heels, onion lotions are used. You should chop the onion, grease your feet well with the pulp, cover with gauze, put on bags and socks. In the morning, the swollen layer of skin is cleaned, the feet are rinsed and lubricated with ointment.
  • To soften the stratum corneum, apply compresses using apple cider vinegar. Thanks to the product, rough skin is removed and the acid-base balance of the epidermis is restored. You need to soak a cotton pad in vinegar, apply it to the sore area, wrap your feet in film and put on socks. This compress should be kept for about 4 hours. Then the bandage is removed, the feet are treated with a file, rinsed, and baby cream is applied.
  • Combine warm boiled mashed potatoes with milk and wrap the legs in the mixture. Keep the compress until the morning. You can take raw potatoes and mix them with butter and egg yolk.
  • Take 100 grams of honey and 50 grams of viburnum, mix the ingredients to obtain a homogeneous red mixture. To get rid of the strong thickness of honey, you can keep it in a water bath. The prepared composition retains its medicinal properties for 3 months. The heels are lubricated with a mixture of viburnum and honey, then the leg is wrapped in film and secured with an elastic bandage. In the morning the bandage is removed.

If the traditional method is used, as a rule, you should try not to harm the heels. For yourself, you can individually choose the best means that will help get rid of hardening. It is important to check whether there is an allergic reaction to the components of the selected mask or compress.

Rough heels and cracks are not only an aesthetic problem, but also serious discomfort - pain when walking, as well as the inability to choose beautiful open shoes. To prevent the problem from developing into serious consequences, the rough layer must be removed, and in addition to pedicure, there are several simple but very effective folk remedies for getting rid of rough skin on the heels, which can be used at home.

Why does the skin on the heels become rough?

The problem of rough and rough skin on the heels is acute for many people, there are many reasons: excess weight, uncomfortable and poor-quality shoes, frequent wearing of heels, huge loads on the feet, including from standing work, etc., these may be the consequences of a lack of vitamins and microelements. In addition, cracks and stratum corneum can be symptoms of serious diseases of the kidneys, endocrine system, fungus, as well as a consequence of infections and hormonal changes in the body.

In fact, the stratum corneum appears on the heels as a result of the loss of lipids and water through the skin; the body, for various reasons, is not able to compensate for the loss of these substances. Combined with constant stress on the feet, the skin on the heels becomes rough, bursts, and cracks appear. Therefore, it is important to systematically remove rough skin, and moisturize and soften the skin with nourishing cream. But before you start treating your heels at home, you need to contact a specialist who will help identify the cause.

To get rid of the problem of rough heels, you should take care of your feet every day.

How to take care of your heels yourself

You don’t always have the money or time to go to a specialized salon for treatments, but you need to take care of your feet every day. There are several time-tested folk methods that will help get rid of rough skin and cure rough, cracked heels.

How to clean the rough layer

To remove rough skin from the heels, first of all, the legs should be thoroughly steamed. The procedure should be done at least once a week, and in advanced cases, after 1-2 days. Baths prepared according to the following recipes will help to thoroughly soften the skin:

  • For 3 liters of hot water, a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, the effect is noticeable almost immediately; if you rub your heels against each other, the skin begins to roll off.
  • Epsom salts or magnesia, a product that can be purchased in pharmacies, helps soften and exfoliate the stratum corneum of the skin. The substance is added to a basin of hot water, stirred until the crystals are completely dissolved, and the heels are soaked for 15-20 minutes.
  • Baths made from herbal infusions can help soften rough heels well; it is recommended to use nettle, burdock, chamomile, and calendula; they not only help to steam the skin, but also have an antiseptic effect and promote the healing of cracks.
  • Hot baths with the addition of soda also effectively soften the stratum corneum on the heels; add 1 tbsp to 1 liter of hot water. with a heap of baking soda.

It is better to take baths in the evening, 2-3 hours before bedtime. After steaming the dead skin, rub it with a pumice stone; you can repeat the procedure several times to remove as much of the rough layer as possible. Then rinse your feet thoroughly with lukewarm water and wipe dry.

A compress will help clear the very thick keratinized layer on the heels:

  • Mix in equal parts natural, purified to 99.5% pharmaceutical glycerin and table (apple vinegar) 9%. Fold gauze napkins or bandages in several layers, moisten well in the prepared mixture, apply to the feet, wrap the feet with film or put on a plastic bag, and warm socks on top.
  • After 3-4 hours, unwind the bandage, clean your feet with pumice, you can additionally make a steam bath and remove the remaining rough layer.
  • Rinse your feet, dry them, apply rich cream.

Under no circumstances should you rub dry skin with a pumice stone when doing a pedicure at home; this can further aggravate the problem of rough heels and lead to deep, painful cracks.

Steam baths soften rough skin, making it easy to clean your heels

Masks and compresses

But, if the skin is very rough, and the layer has already grown significantly and even cracks have appeared, it is not enough to clean the heels and lubricate them with cream, it is necessary to make nourishing masks and compresses.

For soft heels

To keep the skin of your feet soft, you can make a mask at home:

  • Grind 1 yolk with 1 tbsp. lemon juice and add 1 tbsp. any oil, preferably castor, olive, tea tree, mix everything well until smooth and rub into the feet.
  • After 30-40 minutes, rinse off the mask with warm water and apply cream to your feet.

If the rough layer is very thick, in addition to constant procedures for softening and cleansing the skin, it is recommended to lubricate the feet with the following composition at night:

  • Buy a bottle of purified, natural glycerin at the pharmacy, it is not completely filled, add vinegar essence to the full capacity, shake well. Apply the mixture to your heels every day at night after baths; if the treatment is carried out systematically, this will help get rid of not only rough, rough skin, but also cracks.

To soften rough skin at home, you can tie fresh lemon slices to your heels at night and put bags and socks on top. In the morning, remove the bandage and clean your feet with pumice stone, rinse with warm water and lubricate generously with cream.

Night compresses with onion are also very effective in combating rough skin on the heels. Grind the onions in a meat grinder, generously spread the gruel on your heels, cover with a gauze bandage on top, put on bags and socks. In the morning, clean off the swollen skin, rinse your feet and lubricate them with cream.

To soften the stratum corneum, you can make lotions with apple cider vinegar; the product helps not only remove the rough layer, but also restore the acid and alkaline balance of the skin. Soak a cotton swab generously in vinegar, apply to your heels, wrap with cling film, and put on socks. Keep the lotions on for 3-4 hours, then remove the bandages and treat your feet with pumice, rinse them with water and lubricate them with baby cream.

When using folk remedies to treat heels at home, try to follow the rule “Do no harm!” If you are going to make baths or masks, be sure to check if you are allergic to the components. And, of course, if you constantly take care of your heels, but the problem of rough skin has not been solved, be sure to consult a doctor, because the cause may not be external influences, but internal diseases.

To keep the skin on your heels soft, wear comfortable shoes, try to eat right, pamper your feet with a massage and avoid heavy loads on your feet.

On the eve of the summer season, women begin to look at their legs and try to get them in order. What could be cuter and sexier than smooth soft heels and delicate well-groomed feet? But often instead we see in front of us rough heels with calluses, growths and spurs. First, let's figure out why the skin of the heels becomes rough?

Causes of rough skin on heels

  1. Quite often, the skin becomes rough due to prolonged wearing of open shoes. If you constantly wear flip-flops or open-toed sandals, the skin on your feet becomes chapped, absorbs road dust and dirt, and cracks. The same goes for those who like to walk barefoot. The skin, as it were, adapts to external conditions and becomes rougher in order to protect itself from thorns and cuts. If this is the reason for the hardness of the skin on your heels, perhaps you should choose more closed shoe models or wear shoes with heels?
  2. Very often the skin becomes rough and cracks because it lacks elasticity. This occurs due to a lack of vitamins in the body, especially A and E.
  3. The heels become rough in people who, due to their profession, are forced to stand on their feet for a long time. Shop assistants, hairdressers and chefs know firsthand about cracked heels. If this is the cause of hard heels, try to wear soft shoes at work and take regular breaks from work.
  4. If you are overweight, then you shouldn't be surprised why your heels are so rough and hard. The fact is that the body adapts to the weight that it is forced to carry. Therefore, the skin loses its softness and elasticity.
  5. Incorrectly selected or low-quality shoes can cause your problems. A narrow and uncomfortable last, too high a heel position the foot in such a way that the body weight is distributed disproportionately. This can cause cracks and calluses. And if the shoes are made of low-quality leather, the foot sweats, which is an ideal environment for the growth of bacteria. This can lead to skin infections.
  6. If your heels often crack or even “pop”, you may have foot fungus. Consult a dermatologist to solve this problem.

Knowing the reason why your feet become rough, you can significantly improve their condition. However, if the problem already exists, you need to urgently deal with it.

The process of caring for the foot area occurs in several stages. First, the feet need to be steamed in a hot bath, then the stratum corneum of dead skin should be cleaned, and then a softening mask should be applied to the heels or simply treated with a rich cream. Let's talk about each stage in more detail.

This is the first and one of the main stages in the transformation of heels. Its purpose is to soften the top hard layer of skin, which will subsequently have to be removed. You can steam the legs in plain hot water, but for greater effect you need to use special softening solutions. You can add sea salt, laundry soap shavings, or baking soda to a bowl of water.

A decoction of medicinal herbs does an excellent job of softening rough skin. For this purpose, you can use chamomile, nettle, sage, coltsfoot, plantain and calendula. Chamomile softens the skin, calendula disinfects the surface of the foot, which is important for fungal infections. Other herbs perfectly relieve fatigue and tension in the legs.

Starch is another effective remedy for softening rough skin. You can pour a few tablespoons of prepared starch into a bowl or use potatoes. Boil the potatoes in their skins and mash them directly into the broth. When the liquid with the potatoes has cooled a little, pour it into a basin and place your feet there. Natural starch penetrates into small and large cracks and perfectly softens the skin of the feet.

Another effective recipe is to steam your feet with milk. Add a liter of milk and a spoon of salt to the soap solution. After this procedure, your heels will become like a child's.

Steam your feet for at least 10-15 minutes. It’s better to keep your feet in the healing solution for half an hour or an hour so that the heels are completely softened. Therefore, it is better to steam your feet in front of the TV or at the computer - you will not notice how time passes. And don’t forget to add hot water to the basin as it cools.

This is the next step, for which you will need a pumice stone, a pedicure brush and a file. Gently clean the softened skin of your feet using a pumice stone. It will remove the hard stratum corneum. For greater effect, apply a scrub to the pumice stone. Use a brush to remove all remaining epithelium and go through the folds near the fingers.

Never use sharp objects, especially a razor, to clean your skin. It may be dangerous. Wounds on the heels and feet take an extremely long and painful time to heal.

After you have cleaned your heels, you need to moisturize them thoroughly. To do this, you need to lubricate them with rich baby cream, Vaseline or a special foot cream. Each of these cosmetics contains glycerin, which perfectly softens the skin and makes it softer and more sensitive. Here are some more recipes to help you soften your heels.

  1. Before going to bed, spread rich sour cream on your heels, pull the bag over your foot and put on a sock. This is a very effective remedy. In the morning, your feet will be perfectly smooth and soft. You can use mayonnaise instead of sour cream.
  2. If you suffer from cracked heels, tie a cabbage leaf to your foot. You need to first walk over the leaf with a rolling pin so that it begins to release juice. The healing juice will quickly heal the cracks and prevent their reappearance.
  3. Prepare the following composition, which softens the skin and gets rid of calluses and corns. Beat the yolk of a chicken egg with the juice of half a lemon and a tablespoon of starch. You should get a paste that needs to be spread on your heels. Fix the mask on your heels and leave for several hours.
  4. Bake the tomato in the oven or microwave. Mash the pulp and add to it a teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil and the same amount of honey. Rub your feet with this mixture, wrap them in wax paper and put on organic cotton socks. In the morning, your feet should be washed and lubricated with a rich cream. This is a very effective recipe. Tomato softens the skin, oil heals wounds, and honey has antiseptic properties.
  5. If there are painful cracks on the heels, then to relieve inflammation you need to tie a bow to them. Take an onion, cut it in half and remove the top few layers. We need the inner layer of the onion, which is full of juice. When you take this layer in your hand, you will see a thin transparent film on the inside that needs to be removed. Apply the bow to the heel with the side from which the film was removed. Tie an onion compress to your heel before going to bed. This is a great tool. Onion will relieve inflammation, redness and pain from a crack, and speed up wound healing.
  6. You can soften rough heels with pork fat. After a softening bath and cleansing of the skin, you need to lubricate your heels with fat. Apply the fat to small cotton pads and apply them to your heels. Secure the cotton wool with cling film and put on socks at night. The skin becomes much softer after each such procedure.
  7. You can use any cosmetic oils to care for the skin of your feet. Peach, castor, burdock, almond, and coconut oils have excellent moisturizing and nourishing properties. Train yourself to lubricate the skin of your feet with cream or oil every day, and then problems with rough skin and cracked heels will bypass you.
  8. If your skin becomes rough due to foot fungus, then the following recipe will help you. Prepare a rich decoction of calendula and mix it with aloe juice in a ratio of 5:1. Soak cotton pads in the prepared mixture and apply to the heels and other fungus-affected areas. Leave it overnight. If you do these procedures every day for two weeks, your skin will noticeably improve its appearance. The fungus will recede, and the skin will become soft and tender.

Delicate and silky skin on the feet is a sign of an elegant and well-groomed woman. Take care of your heels - get pedicures regularly and observe basic hygiene standards. And then you can wear open sandals with pride and pleasure.

Video: how to soften rough skin on the heels of your feet

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