How not to be afraid to meet a girl. Fear of talking to girls

Fear of dating: overcoming the irrational fear of new relationships

Fear of making acquaintances, both with people of the opposite sex and with people of the same gender, is a phenomenon inherent in many contemporaries. The fear of starting a new relationship can overcome both mustacheless youths and gray-haired elders. Moreover, intense anxiety is not a picky feeling: emotional tension before contacts with unknown persons occurs in people, regardless of their social status, level of education and marital status.


Why does the prospect of dating reward a person with stiffness, anxiety, and confusion? As sociological research shows, for half of humanity, intense anxiety before new social relationships is based on three pillars. Such a foundation is the presence of one hypertrophied feeling in an individual or a combination of all three of the following factors. This:

  • an overwhelming feeling of shame;
  • illogical beliefs in one’s own guilt;
  • strong resentment.

For the second group of people, panic horror before an upcoming acquaintance is based on an irrational, uncontrollable, obsessive fear. This panicky fear of dating is a kind of social phobia. The nature of this disorder is based on a combination of various factors that, when unfavorable circumstances occur, provoke an excessive manifestation of fear reactions. The culprits behind the emergence of uncontrollable fear of dating are:

  • genetic predisposition to the development of pathologies of the psycho-emotional sphere - the presence of similar disorders in the family history;
  • congenital features of the functioning of the central nervous system, which determine the type of human temperament;
  • disruptions in neurotransmitter metabolism, deficiency or excess of certain hormones;
  • anxious personality type;
  • special characterological constitution.

Quite often, such irrational fear takes root in childhood. Chronic stress, physical or sexual abuse, and psychological trauma lay the groundwork for the formation of obsessive fears.

The basis for an abnormal fear of dating is the individual’s low self-esteem, lack of confidence in his own abilities. The subject assumes that contact with a new person will lead to a deterioration in his social status, loss of existing authority in society. An individual who experiences fear of dating is characterized by excessive suspiciousness, impressionability, vulnerability. He reacts painfully to criticism addressed to him, and in making decisions he often relies not on his own opinion, but on the point of view of the people around him.

He expects some kind of catch from relationships with an unstudied public, he is overcome by distrust and wariness. Such a person denies the existence of his individuality and is afraid that he will be criticized, humiliated and rejected in society. His behavior is controlled by internal attitudes that do not allow him to reveal his true essence to people.

The fear of starting a new relationship stems from a lack of ability to understand the psychology of people. Before an upcoming meeting with a stranger, such a person is afraid that he will not arouse interest and sympathy. The person is convinced that he will definitely receive a refusal and will not be able to cope with his emotions. He believes that he is not good enough to communicate with another subject. Has no idea how to start a dialogue with a new interlocutor and what topics can be discussed.


Fear of dating manifests itself as a “cocktail” of painful sensations. Among them:

  • increased heart rate;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • feeling that there is not enough air;
  • internal trembling, tremor of limbs;
  • chills and hot flashes;
  • feeling that your legs are giving way;
  • difficulty expressing your thoughts, stuttering.

Fear of new relationships brings difficulties to the existence of the individual and limits a person’s capabilities. With his “I’m afraid,” an individual justifies deliberate inaction, the absence of a wide circle of friends, thereby depriving himself of prospects for building a career and often dooming himself to loneliness. Years fly by, and the onset of a midlife crisis reveals the real state of affairs. A person begins to feel that his youth was wasted, and his fear threatens to maintain his bachelor status for the rest of his life. Such dissatisfaction with personal history further increases irrational anxiety.

The main symptom of an obsessive fear of dating is compulsive actions aimed at preventing and protecting oneself from new encounters. These behaviors are aimed at blocking perceived fear responses. The types of ritual actions that a person who is afraid of dating resorts to are varied and original. For example, in a circle of strangers, a kind and well-mannered person can put on the mask of an aggressive rude person, and through his indecent behavior, completely discourage the desire to make acquaintance with him.

A subject who is afraid of dating will not turn to strangers for help, even in a critical situation. Even if there is a real threat to life, he is able to reject the help of others and endure pain, so long as there is no need to interact with unknown persons.

How to get rid of fear of dating: methods of overcoming

How to overcome fear and become a happy, active and confident person? The most important step is to establish the true cause of your crazy fear. For this, psychotherapists recommend using hypnosis techniques.

By immersing yourself in a trance state and performing hypnoanalysis, it is possible to identify the real culprits in the development of anxiety. At the same time, the statute of limitations of the traumatic event is absolutely unimportant: a hypnotic trance opens access to information that was recorded in the subconscious in early childhood. That is, thanks to it, it is possible to establish information with a negative context that a person cannot retrieve from memory in a waking state.

The next step to overcome your fear of dating: relive the unpleasant situation. Only this time, an encounter with psychotraumatic factors is not at all dangerous and does not cause moral suffering to a person. Such re-experiencing of the drama allows you to react correctly to the event - to express all your feelings in a constructive form and prevent the accumulation of negative emotions.

As a result of hypnosis, the intensity of stress emotions in the subject decreases, that is, the upcoming acquaintance ceases to be a “dangerous” and “terrible” event. This allows us to further begin to develop adequate communication skills necessary for harmonious interaction with various representatives of society.

Hypnosis techniques and psychological trainings allow a person to achieve that internal state and create such an outer shell, the presence of which gives a person self-confidence and an understanding of his exceptional individuality.

functioning of body systems and complete liberation from aerophobia.

Educational program on hypnosis

Ready to dial, stop. State your request clearly. Please first look at articles about in order to have a clear idea of ​​the phenomenon and perhaps dispel fears and myths:

Tattoo under hypnosis. Induced anesthesia. Self-hypnosis training.

Hypnosis: a review of the treatment of skin diseases (lichen ruber) with hypnosis.

You either have a fear of dating or you don't. And you know this for sure. If there is fear, then there is no easy way to overcome it. That's why he's afraid.

It’s stupid to try to overcome the fear of dating by looking up to those who have never been familiar with this fear. There are guys like that. They are happy exceptions.

Don't believe others if they say not to be afraid. They may not try to meet women, since there is no need for this, for example, fate itself brought them together with the opposite sex. However, this is not the same as putting them in reality, where they themselves need to find a girl among unfamiliar representatives on the street and fear will make itself known.

In general, I can live without women and these stressful acquaintances

In overcoming your fear, you need to turn inside yourself and take the experience of those who were able to overcome the fear of dating. True, many, having had a superficial taste of dating, begin to lie to themselves and others that they are no longer afraid. But in fact, alone with themselves, they cherish their fear. It’s better not to listen to such people, but to trust your own experience and eyes.

Why is fear of approach so strong? Fear - this is a manifestation dangers , and she is a direct satellite.

unknown On fear of approach

Other fears are layered on the girl. As a result, this fear grows to unprecedented proportions. So, to overcome fear of meeting a girl

, we need to work on other fears that reinforce the main fear that hinders us.
“Minor” fears include:
- Fear of looking ridiculous and stupid;
— Fear of awkwardness, from not knowing how to act and what to say;
— Fear of public condemnation;
— Inferiority complex: “I’m not worthy of such a girl.”
And others…

When it's scary on all sides

How to do it is not advisable

How to meet people more effectively

But when you work with your beliefs and change them, the experience gained is consolidated.

The process of changing beliefs cannot be quick. These are beliefs. This means that they are drilled into them as the foundation of “knowledge” on which all your experience is based. You cannot shift the foundation without destroying the building on which it stands. It’s the same with beliefs: it’s impossible to replace them just by thinking. This requires concentrated work with your head.

With the right beliefs, having fixed and memorized them, repeating them when you meet them, you change your philosophy of life. The foundation of your new personality is built on this. And the foundation, as mentioned above, is no longer so easy to shake.

We sort out fears

Let's briefly examine the fears listed above.

Fear - You don't want to look stupid

Beliefs that will help you change yourself:
- I allow myself to look stupid.
- Let others think of me as they want.

Fear of awkwardness

- I may feel awkward. I am a human and this is natural for a human. Let the girl see my embarrassment. It's possible she'll find it cute. Maybe she's tired of arrogant and unprincipled guys and is looking for someone like me.

Fear of public condemnation

— I act within the law. and do good things: I say kind words to the other person and lift their spirits. Everyone wants to be liked. It's okay to talk to people. It's normal when you like a girl. If a girl comes up to me and tells me that I'm cool, how can I be offended by that? So why should she? She will only be pleased. And the nice things you do to other people are only encouraged by society.

Inferiority complex - I'm not worthy of a girl

Nonsense. Why are you creating a Goddess out of a girl? Does she herself want to be the ideal that you draw for her? I doubt. She wants lightness, she wants to be anyone, including she likes it when she doesn’t have makeup on or is unwashed. I want to enjoy life and be accepted in a bad mood. She may use foul language and may like other boys. Who are you to hold another person up to your standard of how things should be? If you don't like a girl, go to another one. But don’t you dare set boundaries for a girl about who she should be.
Her outline of a figure too good to even think that she might like me.

Why is it important to get acquainted with the correct settings?

When you hold such thoughts and approach to meet a girl, then you will have the desired professional growth. You will gradually say goodbye to previously purchased clamps. Is yours . Your personality will be stronger.

When you first approach girls to meet them, it’s very stressful. You won’t remember everything that you wrote down or thought about before. Therefore, these psychological attitudes must be thought out and memorized in advance! And key ideas need to be formulated in small sentences, according to the principle of one line - one sentence. These sentences, each of them, should convey the main ideas. Be sure to memorize them. And come get acquainted with these memorized phrases. Before turning to a girl, repeat the postulates to yourself.

Then you will approach with the right attitudes. You will be right and...

And gradually your fear of communicating with women, if it does not disappear, will definitely drop to a level where you can approach the girl you like.
Many girls are also interested in letting new people into their world

Is it possible to get rid of the fear of dating forever?

Fear will not disappear anywhere, but it can be greatly reduced and it will not cause problems. Even after 1000 approaches, each new person will remain unknown. Fear may stop showing itself altogether if you make dating your life. If you meet new women every day. But this is absurd. In the long term, there will be neither time nor energy nor desire for this.

Dating is like a sport, in the sense that as soon as you take a break, your muscles lose tone. If you have been involved in sports for 10 years, then of course you will be able to stay in good shape for a very long time. And if you worked out for one month and gave up, consider that in a couple of months you will reach the same level as at the beginning. If at all you have this month.

It is just as important how exactly you played sports. If you went to the gym once every two weeks, it’s unlikely that even in 10 years you will get any tangible changes. However, you will still have experience. It's the same in dating.

You can improve yourself greatly in communicating with women in one year. And it will stay with you for the rest of your life, if you then keep in shape. Fear, if it manifests itself, is often at the level of mild excitement, which is easy to redistribute - towards anticipation of potentially good communication.

I remember the first time I met a girl. My palms were sweating, my knees were shaking, and a lump appeared in my chest, making it difficult to breathe. Her refusal flashes through my head. Before approaching her, I even thought about leaving there and pretending that I had never seen her.

I know that this is familiar, because everyone who is just entering into sexual activity or at least thinking about it goes through this.

But understand, fear is your biggest enemy! It amazingly fetters you and prevents you not only from meeting girls, but also from developing as a person!

Everything that you could show is hidden in the depths of your personality. And the girl cannot understand what kind of person you are. In front of her stands another guy who is afraid of her, who does not show himself in any way, and she doesn’t even know that you are a great lover and a good person. The result: another unsuccessful acquaintance.

Tell me is it worth it? Should we be afraid of the first and continue to hide our natural desires?

If you still have this problem, we will solve it today!

I'll show you, how to overcome fear of dating, using the example of a technique from NLP, only slightly transformed into a human (and therefore easy to use) version.

Take a few minutes of your time and make sure that nothing interferes with your ability to absorb the information from the article.

Let's go from fear to confidence!

Getting rid of fear always goes through certain stages, and before you move on to applying the technique in practice, you need to know where fear comes from. Because understanding the processes of its occurrence is part of the method.

  • 1st stage – the beginnings of incorrect beliefs and/or fears.

You might have gotten the beginnings of fear a little earlier. Moreover, this was not necessarily experience specifically in dating girls.

The reason may also be something that is only partially related to the acquaintance itself. For example, at school a girl might talk to you rudely. It was so?

But understand, the reason could have been far from you, but you took it personally and began to think that you were somehow “different.” Fear is still in its infancy.

And it’s good if this is followed by a series of positive experiences that force our main character to quickly raise his self-esteem. Fear, as such, does not arise in this case. But usually things happen differently.

  • 2nd stage – First experience.

At this stage, the guy is trying to get his first experience of seducing girls. The girls turn out to be not very friendly. As you know, they feel the inner state of guys on a subconscious level... and refuse them if the latter are afraid.

“Thanks to” an unsuccessful first experience, fear is consolidated and begins to be catastrophic.

  • 3rd – awareness of the cause of fear.

At this moment, our main character begins to realize what exactly he is afraid of (up until this point there were simply negative emotions, but with a lack of understanding).

As soon as awareness occurs, the process of internal work begins. All that remains is to give this process the correct vector of thinking.

4th stage – rethinking;

5th – practice;

6th – positive experience = lack of fear.

Stages 3 to 6 need more detailed consideration with examples.

Detailed analysis of fear

In order to get to the bottom of the cause of your fear, you need to have developed internal sensitivity. But guys with little experience have almost no such sensitivity. Therefore, to find the cause of fear, you can use a small algorithm.

First of all, remember and very detailed Scroll in your imagination the moment of your communication with the girl in which you. Or that moment when you saw a girl, but were never able to approach her.

Do you remember?

Now start tracking where negative sensations appeared that made themselves felt (at this moment it may deteriorate slightly or a lump may appear in your chest). Ask yourself: “What is the reason for the negativity? What could happen (worst case scenario)?”

Until you figure out what exactly you were afraid of, you don’t move on to the next step..


Now your task is change your perception of the situation.

For example, you realized that you didn’t approach the girl because there were a lot of people around, and you were afraid that in their presence she would refuse to introduce you to you, and they would somehow think differently about you.

The difficulty is that for a positive rethink you need to find the right perspective for yourself. For example, you start THINK in the following way:

“If I approached her, why would she refuse me? Do I have problems with my appearance? Everything seems to be fine. I am a bad man? No! Why am I having difficulty with this process then? Are there any reasons why she might be interested in me?

And so you continue to think until you feel lightness and confidence in your abilities.

If you don’t shy away from negative emotions (and believe me, they will accompany you while doing this exercise), you will quickly be able to overcome the fear of communication, dating etc. To make it easier for you to control yourself, remember to breathe evenly and be lenient towards your mistakes.

Working with Perceptual Filters

So that you are not afraid of such a scary name, which is borrowed from NLP, I will try to describe this process in simpler language.

Imagine in your place a person who thinks completely normal meet a girl surrounded by a large number of people. To make it easier for you to feel his emotions and view of the situation, try to find those actions that for you are absolutely normal and natural.

This brave guy you pictured in your imagination thinks it’s absolutely normal to meet a girl in a public place. And in the same way as you consider normal, for example, brushing your teeth in the morning.

And now take a mental step into his state. Feel how you began to think and feel exactly the same as him. Having entered the role, it is necessary to consolidate the result in practice.

I think a good example would be a case from my experience that allowed me to make a significant leap in the development of my skills. Moreover, it is possible to perform the technique and at the same time meet a girl.

At the dawn of my practice...

When I was just starting to actively gain experience, I wondered: “ How to overcome your fear of dating?. And I came to the method that I described just above by accident. In general, my experience of overcoming fear became the idea for this article.

Before approaching the one I met, I decided to ask myself a few questions. At that time I didn’t yet know that I was working with perception filters, but intuitively I was already starting to do this.

The meaning of my work on the internal state was acceptance what I'm afraid of and changing the filters of perception. Moreover, I did it at the same time.

I realized that it was I who was afraid (in this case it was the fear that the girl would “send me away” in the presence of others) and mentally said to myself: “Yes, I’m afraid. But that doesn’t stop me from meeting a girl.” After I mentally said this to myself, I got rid of half of my fear. Simultaneously with the dialogue with the girl, I forced myself to believe that I was not at all afraid of meeting people “in public.” It was something akin to acting, only it was more aimed at internal work.

That time the girl refused to meet me, but despite this, I realized that I had found a good way to get rid of fear.

At that moment when I received a refusal and noticed the joyful glances of envious people around me (at that moment it seemed to me that this was exactly how it was), I did not leave there. On the contrary, I stayed in the same place, forced myself to calm down, breathe evenly and sincerely believed that everything was fine with me. Frankly, at that time it was very difficult.

You probably understand me, right?

But most of my subsequent acquaintances, thanks to this method, were successful. After about 2-3 months, my beliefs adjusted to external manifestations (which I controlled using this technique), and I finally got rid of fear. Although the main signs of fear began to disappear after a week of daily practice of this method.

Why is mental stimulation unnecessary?

In one of my articles, I already wrote about what does not bring the desired result.

Why do I stick to the conscious, calm release of fear? This is because overclocking takes you out of the normal state in which you find yourself every day.

Yes, this state allows you to get to know each other. But no development is happening! It is much more correct to be aware of your barriers and consciously change your attitude towards the process.

Yes, it's not that easy! But if you previously drank alcohol or used mental stimulation, then thanks to conscious work on fears, you will be able to meet girls without “doping.”

This is how one simple experiment led to the creation of a whole technique that helps overcome your fear of a girl. At its core, it is not new. But the fact that I described it in the most accessible language is guaranteed to bring you the desired result.

What helps you overcome your fear of meeting a girl? Write your answer in the comments.

If you liked this method of getting rid of fear, then click on the social networks button so that it will benefit not only you, but also your friends!

I know that you came to this blog for knowledge and experience. The fact that you are developing is worthy of respect. But information from one article is often not enough, don’t you agree?

Now I am ready to reveal to you those secrets that were previously available only to my clients. I will tell you, what should you do BEFORE you meet?, how exactly you should behave so that she wants to leave her number and so on. If you want to receive my personal dating secrets, then enter your e-mail in the form below. I'll send these materials straight to your inbox!

Some more information on the topic:

4 secret ways to meet a girl on the street The best words and first phrases for meeting a girl

The biggest enemies of any person are internal doubts. Fear of women is familiar to the vast majority of men, and in fact, few have managed to overcome it, gaining the ability to remain calm and calm when meeting a girl.

When a young man is thinking about whether he should approach a girl for acquaintance, many possible pessimistic scenarios are scrolling through his head, which could become the real result of an unsuccessful attempt, and such thoughts make him sad and despondent.

Guys are afraid that the girl will refuse them, laugh at them, and send them away.

It seems terrible to them to get into an absurd situation and look like a moron: what will people think or the culprit herself - the girl.

But in fact, this is only a manifestation of an internal attitude towards the event, because in reality, others don’t care whether they get to know you or not, and the girl herself will forget about it the next day.

No one will think that you are some kind of loser. On the contrary, you are really cool if you can start dating, and it doesn’t really matter what the result is.

Remember yourself when you did not yet know how to drive a car, and it seemed to you that this was something unrealistically difficult. Now look at your current self, when you manage to be behind the wheel while talking on a cell phone (this is not a recommendation for action).

The only difference between the current you and who you were before is the experience you gained and bringing the acquired skill to automatism.

And with girls the situation is similar. You will always be afraid of something until you start doing it, and then, having gained experience, you will begin to remember with a smile the self that once felt fear.

It should be noted that developing approach skills through constant training will help you stop being afraid of female refusals, but will not save you from the fear of dating as such.

You can approach girls 10,000 times, but an unpleasant feeling will still bother you every day when you decide to approach a girl again.

Psychological liberation

In psychology, there is an opinion that the fear of dating is based on the fear of every woman who is significant to us, which, as a rule, is a beautiful girl. And the first woman who became the unwitting culprit of a man’s painful feelings towards girls was his mother.

The process of education by a mother and the tools used to prohibit various kinds of children's pranks, in addition to a positive effect, also have a negative side.

From early childhood, the most important woman in our lives shackled us, forbidding us to express ourselves in one way or another. And now, as adults, we are afraid to freely express our natural interest in the opposite sex when we meet a young, beautiful woman.

This fear has been honed throughout our lives, so simply repeating approaches to girls will not get rid of it.

Psychological reception

Sit down, relax and imagine a situation where you saw a very beautiful girl. There she is, standing not far from you, and you are looking straight at her.

At the same time, a very important detail: you don’t need to get to know the girl, you don’t need to approach her and start talking.

You just look at a beautiful girl and enjoy it. A slight smile appeared on your face, you felt very good and comfortable.

Feel the taste and smell of this moment (perhaps it will be the smell of flowers or women's perfume), focus on the pleasant sensation in the abdomen or possible tingling in the body.

Repeat this exercise several times a day (for example, in the morning and evening, but not all day) for one month and evaluate the effect. For better consolidation, it is recommended to perform this exercise for 3 months.

If you meet a beautiful girl somewhere, look at her and enjoy her, but for a month you should not approach her and start communicating. Dating is allowed only if the girl herself talks to you or someone introduces you to each other.


Dear friend, there is only one life, and it passes, becoming shorter every day. Every new day brings you closer to death, and this is a fact.

Today you are twenty years old, but before you know it, you will be forty, and what next? And then there is only regret on the topic “What if...”

Therefore, either you work through your fear, after which you start meeting girls, or you are simply wasting your mediocre life. The choice is yours.

And yet, if at the moment you are sure that you will not be able to approach a girl to meet her, go to the page dedicated to online dating, and you will find out how painless it is for yourself to learn how to easily meet girls.

Fear of dating a girl- This is one of the most common fears among young guys. In life, it manifests itself as a complete inability to approach an unfamiliar girl and start communicating in a relaxed manner. This leads to the fact that the young man is generally unable to have a normal relationship with a girl.

You've probably found yourself in this situation: you see a beautiful girl, you want to talk to her, take her phone number and invite her for a walk. And it seems that everything is simple! Come and speak. But something inside doesn't let you do it. You follow her and still can’t make up your mind. As a result, she leaves, and you begin to scold yourself for weakness and for missing out on such a doll. After all, there was such a great chance...

Fear of acquaintance manifests itself not only as fear of approach. It also appears as:

  • slurred muttering when talking to a stranger
  • increased sweating when communicating
  • slight trembling throughout the body
  • weakness in legs
  • and so on.

How is it that attractive guys who are healthy, well dressed, smart and have money have problems meeting and communicating with girls? Where does this very fear of a girl come from?

The root of the problem

It's no secret that modern society is clearly matriarchal. Boys are raised by women from childhood, and male education is virtually absent. The mother looks after the child, the kindergarten teacher is a woman, the school teacher is also a woman, and so on. All this leads to men growing up unmasculine.

Initially, the behavior of a little boy is significantly different from the behavior of a little girl. Boys are more confrontational and aggressive. This behavior is provided for by nature, because this is a future man who will have to extract resources and fight against others. But since women are the ones who do the upbringing, they usually suppress aggressiveness, competitiveness, and the ability to fight and resist.

Of course, this comes from good intentions. The mother is worried about the child, afraid that he will get injured. And there is much less hassle with such children, because parents are not called to school, the child’s clothes are clean. In general, such a good boy is growing up. The mother looks at such a son and is touched...

But it doesn’t even occur to her that she is introducing a female model of behavior into the boy’s brain. Such a good boy will turn out to be, at best, a loser pick-up artist who has no success with girls and in life, and at worst, a gay guy whose masculinity will be completely blocked.

Here are the consequences of matriarchal upbringing:

  • 1 Fear of a woman. In the process of education, all rewards or punishments come from the woman. Accordingly, the child develops dependence and fear towards his mother, sister, teacher, and so on. After the boy grows up, such fear is projected onto other women. Why? Yes, because the child associates the mother with all women. Through fear of the mother, fear of girls in general is formed.
  • 2 Fear of meeting girls- follows from the first problem. On the one hand, the guy’s masculine instincts push him to take active actions, but on the other hand, he is simply afraid of the girl. It jams my psyche. The moment of dating turns into a very stressful situation.
  • 3 Fear of relationships. Even if a man has somehow overcome the fear of meeting people and has already decided to approach, the thought comes to mind: “Here I’ll come up, say the prepared phrase, take the phone number. But then you will need to call, invite her on a date, talk to her, try to get closer, and so on. But I don’t know any of this and I can’t…”

As a result, the guy is afraid to approach the girl, and if he does approach, he freezes and stands dumbly, making incomprehensible sounds. At this moment, various fears are spinning in his head, he is shaking, his lips are trembling, he turns red and simply panics. There is no normal communication.

It’s good if you come across a girl who understands and doesn’t immediately send such a guy far away and for a long time. But more often than not, girls also have their own fears! And it is the guy’s confident behavior when communicating that should relieve the girl’s fears. But if the guy himself is afraid, then his fears run into the girl’s fears and no communication comes out at all. And the loop of negative experience keeps growing. A big problem arises. And the guy is trying to solve this problem by attending various trainings on pickup trucks...

But the pickup doesn't help

If you have a fear of meeting people or being approached, then under no circumstances go to the pickup truck! Never! The techniques that pick-up artists use are still very raw and undeveloped. If you're interested in learning more, check out "Why Isn't My Pickup Working? "A pickup truck cannot remove the fear of a woman as such! But it can definitely make the problem worse.

The whole problem is that the guy who attends such trainings seriously thinks that he will be given a 100% working methodology, using which he will simply erase the old behavior model and replace it with a new one. In principle, everything sounds logical. But you need to understand one very tricky thing: the human psyche works holistically. She remembers a complete tackle. That is, the more you approach girls, overcoming fear, the more firmly the “approach = overcoming fear” model becomes established. That is, what is happening is not one model being overwritten by another, but an even greater twisting. And the more you approach through force, the more your old model of overcoming will become stronger in your psyche.

This happens because during the approach itself there is no psychological work to reduce the fear itself!

The psyche uses the pattern: I’m afraid - I overcome fear - I come up to meet people. And this pattern becomes stronger and stronger each time. Pick-up courses do not remove a girl’s fear itself!

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