How to wash white polyester. How to wash polyester in the washing machine and by hand

Polyester can be found in various things. This synthetic material is made from polyester fibers and has many positive properties. Fabric that says 100% polyester is rare. It is often added to other fabrics to give products strength, durability, and elasticity. If cotton or wool is combined with polyester fibers, the result is a material that is easily washed, does not stretch, and is no longer subject to shrinkage.

Polyester is used to make excellent sportswear, swimsuits, light scarves, raincoats and winter jackets. They are durable and do not require careful ironing. Despite all the advantages of polyester, sooner or later the question arises of how to wash such clothes in order to maintain their impeccable appearance for a long time.

Before washing polyester items, you need to carefully study the label on the clothing. It must indicate the maximum temperature regime, which must not be exceeded. Polyester does not shrink after washing, but can easily become deformed. If stains that are difficult to remove appear on synthetic clothing, do not expose it to boiling water. This will completely ruin the item.

How to wash 100% polyester to quickly get rid of dirt:

  • for light-colored items, you need to purchase high-quality powder that does not contain bleach, or special capsules;
  • for dark ones - detergent for black fabrics;
  • Powders marked “Color” are suitable for colored ones.

Unless there are other recommendations on the label on what temperature to wash polyester at, do not heat the water above 40°C. Turn items inside out before soaking. This will protect the front side from rapid wear. Be sure to use conditioner while rinsing. It will remove static electricity and make the item tender and soft.

How to remove stains efficiently

Synthetics are not prone to stains that are difficult to remove. If the stain is fresh, hold the item under running warm water, lightly soap and rinse. The material will become clean again. Old stains are also easy to remove.

  1. To remove stubborn dirt before washing polyester, you need to wet the product, take a stain remover that does not contain chlorine, and pour a little onto the stain.
  2. Wait a few minutes and rinse the fabric. Before using the product for the first time, it is advisable to test it on a small area of ​​clothing.
  3. To do this, saturate a cotton swab with stain remover and apply it to the wrong side of the item in the seam area.
  4. If the dye has not transferred to the tampon and a light mark has not appeared on the clothing, the product is permanently colored and the stain remover can be used.

Before washing, it is recommended to wet dirty cuffs, pockets, and shirt collars and carefully treat them with soapy water.

  1. If the stains are very stubborn, try getting rid of them with table salt.
  2. Apply a thick layer of salt to the wet stain and leave for half an hour.
  3. Rinse off any remaining salt under running water and start washing.

How to wash 100% colored polyester if it has a lot of bright spots? Before washing, try to remove stains using borax and lemon juice. Buy 10% borax at the pharmacy, soak a piece of cotton wool in it and treat the stain with it. Pour 200 ml of water into a bowl, dilute 1 tsp in it. citric acid and moisten the dirty marks with the liquid. Instead of acid, you can use lemon juice. After a few minutes, rinse the item with water and wash.

Washable in washing machine and by hand

Before loading things into the drum, don’t worry about whether polyester can be washed in a washing machine. The fabric can withstand automatic washing well if you follow a few tips.

  1. Sort colored items from white ones. Check pockets, fasten zippers and buttons. It is advisable to place thin fabrics in a washing bag.
  2. Washing polyester in the washing machine is easy. Place items in the drum. Add the required amount of detergent and conditioner.
  3. Select “hand wash” or “delicate wash” mode. For sports items, it is advisable to use the “sport” option. If things need to be refreshed from sweat, a “quick wash” is suitable.
  4. The spin speed should not exceed 800 rpm. When washing thin blouses and shirts made of polyester, set the mode lower - 400-600 rpm.

Take out clean items, shake gently and hang to dry in the fresh air, avoiding direct sunlight. Clothing rarely wrinkles, so once it's dry, it doesn't need to be ironed. If the need nevertheless arises, set the iron to the “silk” mode, turn the product inside out, place damp gauze on it and carefully iron it.

If you want to quickly freshen up a T-shirt or gym shorts by hand, washing polyester won't take long.

  1. Fill a bowl with warm water and dissolve the powder in it. For hand washing, use liquid detergent. It foams well and does not leave soapy streaks.
  2. Soak dirty items for 30 minutes, gently wash them with your hands, drain the water and rinse several times.

Attention! Despite the fabric's resistance to damage, you should not rub polyester too hard when washing. He may lose his attractive appearance.

How to wash a jacket correctly

How to wash a winter jacket made of nylon and polyester so that it does not lose its presentability? Washing outerwear with insulation has its own characteristics. Raincoats and jackets can be machine washed.

  1. Before loading, check the pockets, turn the item inside out, and place it in the drum.
  2. Washing a polyester jacket should be carried out at a temperature not exceeding 40°C. Choose "delicate mode".
  3. If the jacket insulation is filled with synthetic padding polyester, use “Vorsinka” or “Weasel” detergents.
  4. To maintain the volume of the product, pour a cap of conditioner into the tray.
  5. Press at minimum speed. This way, creases will not appear on your raincoat or jacket.
  6. Dry on the balcony by hanging clothes on a hanger.

If a polyester jacket is washed in the correct cycle, it does not need to be ironed. The item retains its shape perfectly and does not wrinkle.

When natural feathers act as insulation for a winter item, the question arises of how to wash a polyester down jacket in an automatic washing machine.

  1. To prevent the item from spoiling, select the “hand wash” mode, pour liquid powder into the compartment and set the rinse without twisting.
  2. When the wash cycle is finished, run the second rinse with conditioner at minimum speed.
  3. Take out the down jacket, hang it on hangers and dry it in the fresh air.
  4. Shake the fluff every few hours to prevent it from clumping.
  5. When the jacket is dry, hang it with the hem up. This way the product will retain its volume and shape.

If outerwear must be washed by hand, the polyester jacket should be immersed in a bath of warm water. First you need to pour liquid powder into it for gentle washing. The item does not need to be soaked. Scrub the dirt with a soft brush, lightly wring out the clothes and rinse 3 times. Carefully remove excess water and hang the jacket on a hanger to dry.

How to wash a blanket

Modern blankets often use polyester for filling. Manufacturers of such products recommend dry cleaning them, because the blanket may lose its shape when washed. But what if professional cleaning is not possible? How to wash a polyester blanket?

  1. When the capacity of the machine is more than 5 kg, the blanket can be loaded into the drum, pour in liquid detergent and conditioner, set the “delicate wash” program with minimal spin and turn on an additional rinse.
  2. Take out the wet item and lay it on a smooth surface. Remember to turn the product over so that it dries equally on all sides.

Wash the king size polyester duvet by hand in the bathtub. Soak it for 10 - 15 minutes in the powder, rub with a sponge and rinse thoroughly with clean water. You need to wring out and dry, as when washing in a washing machine.

Washing the backpack

Backpacks are often made from nylon and other synthetic materials. Since the fabric is durable, you don’t need to look long for a way to wash a polyester backpack.

  • If the sports bag does not have leather inserts and large rivets, place it in a washing machine, wash it in the “hand wash” mode, excluding the spin cycle, and dry it on the balcony.

It often happens that the handles and straps of a backpack are dirty, but the rest of the product is clean. To avoid washing the entire bag, dissolve a cap of shampoo in a glass of water, lather and scrub dirty hands with a toothbrush. Rinse off the foam with water and dry the backpack straps in the fresh air.

Many housewives wonder whether it is possible to wash polyester in an automatic washing machine or whether it is better to do it manually. First you need to understand what this fabric is.

Polyester is one of the most popular materials used in the production of fabrics for outerwear, underwear, various textiles and more. It is synthesized by oil refining using modern technologies. Therefore, polyester must be washed under certain conditions.

Basic properties of polyester fabrics

Polyester is made from polyester fibers. This explains its main characteristics. Among positive qualities The following stand out in particular:

  • wear resistance and strength;
  • lightness of fabrics and low cost of their production;
  • preservation of structure and shape after a large number of washes and long-term wear (polyester is often used as a filler for pillows and jackets);
  • water-repellent properties;
  • resistance to fading and absorption of odors.

Like any material, polyester has some negative qualities:

  • does not allow air to pass through well, steams the skin and creates discomfort in hot weather;
  • electrified (as a result of the characteristics of the fibers).

The presence of such shortcomings has led to the production of mixed fabrics, which mostly include natural materials - cotton, wool and viscose. With this synthesis, polyester exhibits only its positive qualities.

Washing polyester products in different ways

Many synthetic and mixed fabric items are best washed by hand. But housewives still ask themselves whether it is possible to wash polyester in a washing machine and at what temperature to wash it. It is important to understand that, for example, a coat made of wool with the addition of polyester needs to be washed completely differently than curtains made from 100% synthetics.

To understand how best to wash, pay attention to the tag that is on each product.

From the video, readers will learn what the symbols on clothing tags mean:

There are situations when a tag on a garment comes off or has worn off over time. There is nothing wrong with this, just follow the recommendations below.

Machine washable

Before you start washing, learn a few important rules:

  1. Attentively study the labels(if available). Perhaps the item can only be cleaned by hand.
  2. For washing items containing 100% polyester fibers, as well as jackets with filling, use liquid detergent and conditioner rather than powder. Then things will remain soft and pleasant to the touch. The air conditioner also prevents the build-up of static electricity.
  3. Before loading into drum sort things by color, fabric type and turn them inside out. It is better to place especially delicate linens and clothes in a special washing case.
  4. If the clothing contains stains, remove first them manually. To do this, you can use a soap solution, a cloth or a soft brush. You can also remove small stains using the “Pre-wash” mode.
  5. Select only programs "Delicate wash", "Handwash" or "Sport"(for sportswear). For jackets, use a cycle with an extra rinse to completely remove the detergent.
  6. The optimal water temperature should be within the limits from +30 to +40. Drum rotation speed during spin cycle – from 600 to 800.


To wash polyester by hand, you need to use water at the same temperature as when washing it by machine. Liquid that is too hot will ruin the structure of the fabric., so when filling the wash container, use a thermometer and monitor the temperature.

The detergent should be mild, intended for synthetic items, with a color protection function. First, soak the clothes, let them sit in the soapy water for a while, then rub them gently with your hands. Rinse your outerwear several times, changing the water at the same time, so that the filling is completely cleared of detergent.

There is no need to wring out your outerwear by hand, just gently remove excess liquid with your hands, placing the jacket or coat on the bottom of the bath. Then hang your outerwear on hangers and place it over the bathtub to drain the remaining water.

Remember: polyester cannot be washed in hot water or bleached. High temperatures and bleaches damage the structure of fabric fibers.

From this video, readers will learn how to properly wash things by hand:

Removing stains

Stains of any origin are removed from the surface of polyester manually. If they are not old and the degree of contamination is small, use a soap solution - it is safest for fibers.

When removing grease stains, use a cotton swab soaked in alcohol or vodka. If the stain does not disappear within 30-40 seconds, try using acetone. Liquid stain removers and mild pre-wash products, such as Ace Oxi Magic, Vanish Oxi Action, Dr., work well on stains. Beckmann, HG textiles, Flat and others. The main condition is that the stain remover should not contain chlorine.

Drying and glazing

You can dry synthetic clothing in a ventilated area, avoiding direct sunlight. It is not recommended to place things on or near batteries. Light items are dried as usual: on dryers or on clotheslines. To avoid ironing blouses or trousers, hang them on hangers, just like jackets or coats.

Products made from 100% polyester do not need to be ironed. As a last resort, this can be done through a thin damp cotton cloth. The iron temperature should be moderate, within +110 ℃.

Polyester is a universal and practical material, a leader in the world of synthetic fibers. The fabric does not wrinkle, is replete with colors and is considered a long-liver in the closet. But when it comes to care, it shows itself capriciously and requires a delicate attitude. Let's figure out how to properly wash polyester in a washing machine and outline the basic rules of care.

Fabric properties

Polyester is not only used to make scarves, skirts and trousers, but is also used to sew coats, jackets and even umbrellas. To achieve an antistatic effect and increased strength, this material is taken as a base and various synthetic and natural fibers are added.

Before you start cleaning, check the composition of the product. Items made from mixed fibers (with the addition of wool, cotton or viscose) and 100% polyester should be washed using different temperature conditions. Check the label and manufacturer's recommendations in advance.

The main danger is that synthetics cannot withstand high temperatures and exposure to aggressive cleaning agents and bleaches. Soft powder and temperature not higher than 40 ºC- your guidelines.

Please note that blankets and jackets with polyester filling must be dry cleaned, as the filling is easily deformed by machine or rough hand washing.

We wash polyester in the washing machine

To avoid spoiling your item, follow these tips:

  • Sort items by color and fabric type. Fasten all buttons and zippers, check pockets. Delicate clothes should be placed in a washing case.
  • If there are stains on the surface, remove the dirt before placing it in the drum. If necessary, set the “soak” or “pre-wash” option.
  • Optimal cleaning products – soft gel or shampoo, gentle powder. For colored products, choose products marked “for color” or “Color”.
  • Choose delicate or hand wash mode. For sportswear, the “Sport” program is suitable. The maximum number of revolutions is 800. If you load the machine to the maximum, it is advisable to enable the “extra rinse” option.
  • To maintain volume and add softness, add conditioner or softener.

Delicate and expensive items are usually marked with a “hand wash only” symbol. In this case, you should avoid machine washing or turn on the gentle cycle without spinning.

Be careful when handling outerwear, as machine washing will cause them to lose their shape and can ruin your clothes. It is advisable to wash polyester coats by hand, as the resulting wrinkles are difficult to remove. Raincoats and jackets without filling are less finicky and can withstand machine washing without significant deformation.

Prepare your work area: a basin is suitable for small items, put your outerwear straight into the bath. Take warm water (up to 40 ºC) and dissolve the powder. For hand washing, a soft liquid composition is suitable, since granular powder dissolves more easily in water, and after a weak rinse streaks may appear on the fabric. Dip the clothes in the soapy solution, soak for a maximum of half an hour if necessary. Arm yourself with a soft brush and treat the dirty areas.

Important! Although the fabric is considered resistant to abrasion and mechanical damage, it is not worth rubbing and applying force.

Unfold the item at the bottom of the bathtub and rinse it out of the shower with warm water. Rinse thoroughly several times until the soapy water disappears. Gently squeeze and allow excess moisture to drain. Outerwear is not wrung out, but hung on hangers.

Drying and ironing polyester clothes

To speed up the drying process, use a terry towel. Unfold it on a flat horizontal surface, lay it down and blot your clothes. Then place the item on a clothes dryer or leave it on a hanger. Don't hang things out in bright sun, as they will quickly lose color and shape.

The material practically does not wrinkle, but if necessary, the following method will help smooth out wrinkles. Preheat the iron to medium temperature, set the steam mode (using steam) and iron the fabric through gauze or light cotton.

If you doubt your own abilities, the composition of the fabric or the washing conditions, take the product to the dry cleaner. Modern equipment and professional chemistry can cope with contaminants of any complexity.

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Polyester can be found in various things. This synthetic material is made from polyester fibers and has many positive properties. Fabric that says 100% polyester is rare. It is often added to other fabrics to give products strength, durability, and elasticity. If cotton or wool is combined with polyester fibers, the result is a material that is easily washed, does not stretch, and is no longer subject to shrinkage.

Polyester is used to make excellent sportswear, swimsuits, light scarves, raincoats and winter jackets. They are durable and do not require careful ironing. Despite all the advantages of polyester, sooner or later the question arises of how to wash such clothes in order to maintain their impeccable appearance for a long time.

Before washing polyester items, you need to carefully study the label on the clothing. It must indicate the maximum temperature regime, which must not be exceeded. Polyester does not shrink after washing, but can easily become deformed. If stains that are difficult to remove appear on synthetic clothing, do not expose it to boiling water. This will completely ruin the item.

How to wash 100% polyester to quickly get rid of dirt:

  • for light-colored items, you need to purchase high-quality powder that does not contain bleach, or special capsules;
  • for dark ones - detergent for black fabrics;
  • Powders marked “Color” are suitable for colored ones.

Unless there are other recommendations on the label on what temperature to wash polyester at, do not heat the water above 40°C. Turn items inside out before soaking. This will protect the front side from rapid wear. Be sure to use conditioner while rinsing. It will remove static electricity and make the item tender and soft.

How to remove stains efficiently

Synthetics are not prone to stains that are difficult to remove. If the stain is fresh, hold the item under running warm water, lightly soap and rinse. The material will become clean again. Old stains are also easy to remove.

  1. To remove stubborn dirt before washing polyester, you need to wet the product, take a stain remover that does not contain chlorine, and pour a little onto the stain.
  2. Wait a few minutes and rinse the fabric. Before using the product for the first time, it is advisable to test it on a small area of ​​clothing.
  3. To do this, saturate a cotton swab with stain remover and apply it to the wrong side of the item in the seam area.
  4. If the dye has not transferred to the tampon and a light mark has not appeared on the clothing, the product is permanently colored and the stain remover can be used.

Before washing, it is recommended to wet dirty cuffs, pockets, and shirt collars and carefully treat them with soapy water.

  1. If the stains are very stubborn, try getting rid of them with table salt.
  2. Apply a thick layer of salt to the wet stain and leave for half an hour.
  3. Rinse off any remaining salt under running water and start washing.

How to wash 100% colored polyester if it has a lot of bright spots? Before washing, try to remove stains using borax and lemon juice. Buy 10% borax at the pharmacy, soak a piece of cotton wool in it and treat the stain with it. Pour 200 ml of water into a bowl, dilute 1 tsp in it. citric acid and moisten the dirty marks with the liquid. Instead of acid, you can use lemon juice. After a few minutes, rinse the item with water and wash.

Washable in washing machine and by hand

Before loading things into the drum, don’t worry about whether polyester can be washed in a washing machine. The fabric can withstand automatic washing well if you follow a few tips.

  1. Sort colored items from white ones. Check pockets, fasten zippers and buttons. It is advisable to place thin fabrics in a washing bag.
  2. Washing polyester in the washing machine is easy. Place items in the drum. Add the required amount of detergent and conditioner.
  3. Select “hand wash” or “delicate wash” mode. For sports items, it is advisable to use the “sport” option. If things need to be refreshed from sweat, a “quick wash” is suitable.
  4. The spin speed should not exceed 800 rpm. When washing thin blouses and shirts made of polyester, set the mode lower - 400-600 rpm.

Take out clean items, shake gently and hang to dry in the fresh air, avoiding direct sunlight. Clothing rarely wrinkles, so once it's dry, it doesn't need to be ironed. If the need nevertheless arises, set the iron to the “silk” mode, turn the product inside out, place damp gauze on it and carefully iron it.

If you want to quickly freshen up a T-shirt or gym shorts by hand, washing polyester won't take long.

  1. Fill a bowl with warm water and dissolve the powder in it. For hand washing, use liquid detergent. It foams well and does not leave soapy streaks.
  2. Soak dirty items for 30 minutes, gently wash them with your hands, drain the water and rinse several times.

Attention! Despite the fabric's resistance to damage, you should not rub polyester too hard when washing. He may lose his attractive appearance.

How to wash a jacket correctly

How about nylon and polyester so that it does not lose its presentability? Washing outerwear with insulation has its own characteristics. Raincoats and jackets can be machine washed.

  1. Before loading, check the pockets, turn the item inside out, and place it in the drum.
  2. Washing a polyester jacket should be carried out at a temperature not exceeding 40°C. Choose "delicate mode".
  3. If the jacket insulation is filled with synthetic padding polyester, use “Vorsinka” or “Weasel” detergents.
  4. To maintain the volume of the product, pour a cap of conditioner into the tray.
  5. Press at minimum speed. This way, creases will not appear on your raincoat or jacket.
  6. Dry on the balcony by hanging clothes on a hanger.

If a polyester jacket is washed in the correct cycle, it does not need to be ironed. The item retains its shape perfectly and does not wrinkle.

When natural feathers act as insulation for a winter item, the question arises of how to wash a polyester down jacket in an automatic washing machine.

  1. To prevent the item from spoiling, select the “hand wash” mode, pour liquid powder into the compartment and set the rinse without twisting.
  2. When the wash cycle is finished, run the second rinse with conditioner at minimum speed.
  3. Take out the down jacket, hang it on hangers and dry it in the fresh air.
  4. Shake the fluff every few hours to prevent it from clumping.
  5. When the jacket is dry, hang it with the hem up. This way the product will retain its volume and shape.

If outerwear must be washed by hand, the polyester jacket should be immersed in a bath of warm water. First you need to pour liquid powder into it for gentle washing. The item does not need to be soaked. Scrub the dirt with a soft brush, lightly wring out the clothes and rinse 3 times. Carefully remove excess water and hang the jacket on a hanger to dry.

How to wash a blanket

Modern blankets often use polyester for filling. Manufacturers of such products recommend dry cleaning them, because the blanket may lose its shape when washed. But what if professional cleaning is not possible? How to wash a polyester blanket?

  1. When the capacity of the machine is more than 5 kg, the blanket can be loaded into the drum, pour in liquid detergent and conditioner, set the “delicate wash” program with minimal spin and turn on an additional rinse.
  2. Take out the wet item and lay it on a smooth surface. Remember to turn the product over so that it dries equally on all sides.

Wash the oversized polyester double comforter in the bathtub by hand. Soak it for 10 - 15 minutes in the powder, rub with a sponge and rinse thoroughly with clean water. You need to wring out and dry, as when washing in a washing machine.

Washing the backpack

Backpacks are often made from nylon and other synthetic materials. Since the fabric is durable, you don’t need to look for a long time to find a method like polyester.

  • If the sports bag does not have leather inserts and large rivets, place it in a washing machine, wash it in the “hand wash” mode, excluding the spin cycle, and dry it on the balcony.

It often happens that the handles and straps of a backpack are dirty, but the rest of the product is clean. To avoid washing the entire bag, dissolve a cap of shampoo in a glass of water, lather and scrub dirty hands with a toothbrush. Rinse off the foam with water and dry the backpack straps in the fresh air.

Many people prefer clothes made from natural fabrics - cotton, silk, wool, but they are not as practical as things with the addition of synthetic fiber. The range of synthetics today is quite diverse, and they are much cheaper, so everyone needs to know how to wash polyester.

What is polyester?

Polyester is a modern synthetic material that is characterized by very high strength, elasticity, and wear resistance. In addition, if you add such fibers to natural fabric, they significantly increase the water-repellent properties of clothing, reduce wrinkleability and improve thermal insulation.

Despite the fact that such clothes are more practical, do not shrink and do not require special care, you still need to know how to wash synthetics. If you clean these clothes properly, their service life will be very long.

How to wash 100% polyester?

The following products are suitable for washing polyester items:

  • powder or detergent for dark clothes;
  • - this is a completely universal option, since undissolved grains will definitely not damage the structure of the fabric, and the residue will be washed out well during rinsing.

Important! As for the temperature regime, warm water in the range of 20-40 degrees is generally recommended. Some items can also be washed at 60 degrees - in this case there will be a corresponding icon on the tag. If you have little understanding of notation, use ours.

And you should never boil synthetic things - they will lose their shape and cannot be restored.

How to properly wash polyester in a machine?

Before washing any synthetic item, do the following:

  1. Check all the contents of your pockets - take out receipts, pieces of paper and other items and shake out any small debris.
  2. Fasten the zippers and buttons.
  3. Turn bulky items, such as outerwear, inside out.
  4. Sort your clothes by color—light and dark should not be washed together.
  1. Select the optimal mode. Suitable for quick wash, cycle for delicate items.
  2. Pour in your chosen detergent and conditioner. The second will reduce static electricity and when drying the item will not attract dust.
  3. Do not use the spin mode or set it to no higher than 800 rpm.
  4. Take out the wet clothes, straighten them and carefully hang them on hangers to dry.

Important! Items made from polyester do not need to be ironed, but if you decide to do so, select the mode for delicate fabrics or silk. To prevent the iron from sticking and burning, iron with a damp cloth.

How to wash polyester items by hand?

If synthetic clothing is thin, still wash it by hand. In this case, proceed like this:

  1. Fill a basin with warm water at a temperature of up to 40 degrees.
  2. Dissolve the washing powder well or mix the detergent thoroughly.
  3. Gently hold the item in the solution, but do not rub very vigorously.
  4. Rinse at least 5 times in cool water.
  5. Make sure that all remaining detergent is washed away - otherwise there will be white streaks on the dried clothes.
  6. Lightly wring out the item.
  7. Hang it on your hanger and straighten it out.
  8. Leave to dry in the bathroom or on the balcony, but in a place where there is no direct sunlight.

How to remove stains on polyester clothes?

Synthetics practically do not get dirty like natural fabrics. To remove any stains immediately after they appear, simply rinse the stained area well under cool water.

If the stains appeared a long time ago, choose one of the methods suggested below for cleaning polyester and proceed.

Method 1

  1. Take any - always without chlorine, liquid soap or detergent.
  2. Lay the item on a hard surface and apply a small amount directly to the stain.
  3. Leave for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Take a tablespoon and use the convex side to rub the stained area. Do not rub with your hands, otherwise you may damage the fibers.
  5. Wash according to the instructions above.

Method 2

  1. Lightly dampen the stained area.
  2. Cover it with salt and leave the item for 30 minutes.
  3. Rinse off the salt and any remaining dirt under cool water.
  4. Wash the item as usual.

Method 3

If the stain is persistent and the fabric is colored, proceed as follows:

  1. Take a 10% borax solution.
  2. Soak a cotton pad or soft sponge in it.
  3. Treat the stain.
  4. Dilute citric acid with water in a ratio of 1 tsp. for 1 glass.
  5. Treat the stain with this solution.
  6. Rinse well under running cold water.
  7. Wash the item further by hand or in a washing machine with a suitable mode.

Important! If you need to put light-colored things in order, then you will find even more tips on this topic in our separate article.

How to wash a polyester pillow?

Today, polyester is often used as a filler to make pillows and blankets. Manufacturers do not recommend washing such products at home, since the pillow can become deformed and returning its shape will be very problematic, and sometimes even impossible. It is only allowed to knock it out on the street to remove accumulated dust. For more thorough cleaning, you should take it to the dry cleaner.

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