What products make hair heavier? Hair thickening masks: homemade recipes

In the process of caring for her own appearance, every lady strives for the ideal, but how to make hair heavier if it is thin, weakened, dull and cannot be styled, which prevents the creation of a flawless image?

Hair structure is determined by genetic predisposition -
For some, they are thick and heavy from birth, while others throughout their lives use all sorts of means to give them certain properties. Undoubtedly, heavy hair looks chic, constantly attracting the gaze of others. However, negative environmental factors directly affect their condition.

To solve this problem, you can periodically resort to the services of professional hairdressers, stylists, or set aside four hours a week and take care of your hair yourself. Today there are many folk remedies that can make your hair heavier, give it shine and a healthy look. Since thin hair is a manifestation of a lack of vitamin B, the first thing you should do is drink a mineral complex or brewer’s yeast, which will replenish the lack of minerals and vitamins in the body. Along with this, it is necessary to make therapeutic masks a couple of times a week.

How to make hair heavier using folk remedies:

  • Cereals
This mask is literally a lifesaver, as it is prepared quickly and gives an instant effect. Grind the oatmeal in a coffee grinder, add a little water and mix until mushy. Apply the prepared mask to your head for 15 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly with warm water.
  • Egg yolks
Beat the yolk of one egg with a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Using a brush, apply the product to your hair and leave for half an hour. When you wash off the mask, you should add lemon juice to the water. Thanks to its acid, it will dissolve remaining oil and saturate the curls with shine.
  • Herbal infusion
Grind tansy flowers and stems. Take a tablespoon of herb, pour two glasses of boiling water, leave for about an hour and a half. Then strain and use this remedy every other day, rinsing your hair. Course - 1 month.
  • Black bread
Take half a loaf of black bread, mash with mineral water to a paste. Rub the resulting mixture into your hair and leave for 10 minutes. After this, rinse off the product, dry, and comb. This mask perfectly weighs down your hair.
  • Clay
Of all the varieties, it is better to give preference to blue clay, since it increases blood circulation in the scalp, strengthens hair, increases its mass and enhances metabolic processes. Blue clay is diluted with lukewarm water to a paste-like state, after which it is applied to damp hair. After 20 minutes, wash off with warm water.
  • Gelatin
Add dry gelatin to the shampoo at a ratio of 1:1, mix well. Apply the mask to your head and leave for 10 minutes. Before rinsing, you need to massage your curls to the very ends.
  • Colorless Henna
How to make hair heavier with henna? Take colorless henna, dilute it as described in the label and apply to your hair as you would with regular dyeing, paying special attention to the root zone. Then wrap your head with a towel and after five minutes, rinse off the dye with water. The healing properties of henna perfectly add weight to curls, making them manageable.

The problem of plumpness can also be solved with the help of any nourishing oil, for example, jojoba or ordinary wax. It is applied to clean hair, avoiding the roots if possible. You should use essential oils carefully, because on oily hair the result will be the opposite - it will become sticky and dirty in appearance.

Good afternoon, dear participants Cosmetists!
I ask you for advice on hair care, I really want to become the owner of beautiful and healthy hair!

Now I’ll tell you the story of my hair!
Hair just below the shoulders, thin, sparse, oily at the roots and dry and brittle at the ends, slightly wavy, uncolored.
Previously, I didn’t think about taking care of my hair at all, I washed it with shampoo from the mass market and it even happened that I didn’t use conditioner, I dried it with a hairdryer, straightened it with an iron (naturally without thermal protection). Now you can imagine what happened to my head after such “care”!
About six months ago I thought: “What am I doing? My hair is split almost from the roots, there is straw on my head instead of beautiful curls!” And then I discovered the Beautician!
God, I wanted to buy all the hair products! As a result, I purchased Kerastase Nutritive Bain Satin No. 2 shampoo, Loreal Professionnel Absolut Repair Cellular hair conditioner, Londa Visible Repair and Macadamia Natural Oil Deep Repair Masque, MoroccanOil and Chi Silk Infusion leave-in, and coconut oil for the ends.
The hair acquired shine, the ends were brought into decent shape, using scissors before, of course, but the roots are a nightmare! They become greasy by the afternoon. I started sinning with Kerastase Nutritive Bain Satin No. 2, bought regular baby shampoo - the effect is the same. I started using cleansing shampoos once every two weeks - nothing. By evening there is no volume and the hair hangs in “icicles”. And I understand that this is the result of the wrong selection of hair products.

For example, a photo from one day:

Photo taken during the daytime - it is clear that the volume seems to be present, but the roots have already “settled down”

By evening, “icicles” are already visible to the naked eye.

I can’t do it without you, dear Beauticians! I ask for your advice!

Every person has their own hair type. For some they are heavy and even, for others, on the contrary, the curls are light and fluffy, flying in all directions at the slightest breath of wind. And while the former are looking for ways to lighten their strands to make them easier to style, owners of light hair are interested in weighting agents.

Our article is for them. In it we will talk about how to care for such curls and offer several folk recipes for making them thicker.

What will help to “tame” fluffy hair?

Light curls flying in all directions often irritate their owners. Before you have time to do your hair, your curls are already scattered unruly all over your head. If you look at one such hair under a microscope, it will resemble a dish brush: individual tips will stick out in all directions.

To “tame” such hair, you need to choose the right products to care for it and spare no time on various cosmetic procedures.

To remove store products you will need:

  • Shampoos;
  • Air conditioner;
  • Mask;
  • Iron.

You will have to forget about the hair dryer during hair restoration.

The most common reason for this behavior of hair on the head is improper care and selection of hair washing products. Therefore, the main attention should be paid to the choice of shampoos.

Buy tubes marked “for the naughty” or “decomposing”. They will help smooth out curls, smooth ends, add shine and make combing easier. Which shampoo will make your hair heavier? “Horsepower” and “Gliss chickens”, “Satinik” from Amway have proven themselves well.

You should not buy 2-in-1 shampoos. The conditioner should come separately and preferably be from the same series as the main hair detergent. It may contain nourishing oils and is designed for your curl type. If your hair is severely damaged, you should give preference to leave-in conditioners.

Learn how to properly care for your hair

How do hair ends become heavier? First, you need to learn how to wash your hair correctly. The hair is moistened with warm water and then a small amount of detergent is applied. Apply with massage movements over the entire length, massage the scalp well and rinse gently.

Secondly, a balm must be applied, left for several minutes and washed off. After this, excess water is removed from the hair with gentle squeezing movements; under no circumstances should you rub your hair with a towel! Thirdly, already dry curls are combed.

Once a week you can pamper your curls with a nourishing mask based on flaxseed, burdock, almond or apricot oil. You can use store-bought or folk remedies. A straightening iron will help straighten unruly curls, but it is not advisable to use it often.

If it is not possible to use products from well-known companies, then folk recipes will do. They will probably cope even better with the task of weighing them down, since they are already time-tested and made from natural ingredients. These can be masks, rinses and decoctions.

Traditional recipes for making hair heavier

How to make hair heavier using folk remedies? It’s enough to spend about 4 hours a week on this and in a month you won’t recognize your curls. They will be smooth, obedient and shiny. To prepare decoctions and masks, it is better to purchase herbs at the pharmacy.

They cost pennies, but there is a guarantee that they were not collected near a neighboring highway or factory:

  • The simplest and most effective mask is based on vegetable oils. It will help strengthen the hair structure. Take a small amount of peach or burdock oil and begin to rub it into your head with massaging movements, then carefully distribute it along the entire length of the strands. After this, put a plastic bag on your head and wrap a towel over it. You can keep it for 2-3 hours. After this, wash off the mask with warm water with the addition of shampoo, and rinse with a solution of citric acid;
  • A gelatin mask will also help tighten the curls. It's easy to prepare. Take regular shampoo (1 tbsp) and dry gelatin (1 tbsp) and mix thoroughly. Apply the resulting mass to the roots and curls and leave for 10 minutes. Before rinsing, massage the scalp and slightly foam the shampoo along the entire length of the curls, to the very ends. Rinse and dry;
  • A weighting hair mask made from oatmeal will help you get an instant effect. Grind the oatmeal using a blender or coffee grinder, or from an extra packet. Add water to the resulting powder until a homogeneous slurry is formed, the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply this mixture to your head and leave for 15 minutes. At the end of this time, rinse the mask thoroughly with cold water;
  • Black bread also weighs down your hair and makes it manageable. To prepare a nourishing mask, you will need half of black bread. Soften the crumb in mineral water until a thick paste forms. Apply the resulting mixture to your head and begin to slowly rub in. After massaging a little, leave the mask for another 10 minutes, then wash off;
  • It would be nice to replace shampoo with a folk remedy in addition to masks. You can cleanse your hair and make it manageable using sour milk. Apply the sour product to your head and simply massage, then rinse thoroughly to remove any remaining sour product and get rid of the odor;
  • Adding starch to shampoo will help increase volume and make unruly curls heavier. Just pour the substance into the tube and shake vigorously before washing. For 200 ml of liquid you will need 2 tbsp. l. starch;
  • A good hair thickener is a decoction of tansy. To prepare it you will need a dry collection of the stems and flowers of this plant. 1 tbsp. l. pour 400 ml of boiling water over the herbs and leave for an hour and a half. After this, strain the infusion and rinse your head with it. Use tansy every other day for a month, and the results will not be long in coming.

Simple but effective

So the answers to the question " how to make hair heavier"There may be several. Everything will depend on your desire and financial capabilities. If funds allow, do lamination or take a course of cosmetic procedures from specialists in the salon. Those who value it can use the simple grandmother’s recipes given above.

Each owner of attractive hair is different. Moreover, some ladies are lucky - they have thick, strong hair from birth. Others have been rewarded with light, fluffy curls that are difficult to style and secure. And if the former are concerned about finding products for convenient and easy styling, then the latter are interested in how to make their hair heavier. We will tell you more about such cosmetics and options for caring for problem curls below.

What means will help solve the problem?

Those that are too tousled in all directions by the wind can be made heavier using the following cosmetics:

  • shampoo;
  • air conditioner;
  • masks.

An electric iron will also help you. However, if you decide to take your curls seriously and are ready to use hair weighting products, you should first give up the hair dryer. According to many cosmetologists, hot air dries out curls, which after such treatment become electrified and begin to stick out in different directions.

What is the reason for excessive fluffiness and lightness?

One of the reasons for such unruly and overly light hair is, of course, considered to be congenital characteristics. The second reason is improper care and poorly selected cosmetics, in particular shampoos, conditioners and masks.

And finally, the third reason lies in the abuse of styling products, such as foams, varnishes and gels. So what hair-weighting shampoos are suitable for those with light and fluffy curls?

Which shampoos are suitable for light hair?

When choosing a shampoo for yourself, you need to carefully study its packaging. For example, they may be written “with a smoothing effect” or “for unruly hair.” Such products, on the one hand, will help untangle your thin curls, and on the other hand, they will tidy up the ends. They will also allow you to easily comb even the fluffiest curls.

What to look for when choosing shampoo?

If you are really thinking about how to make your hair heavier with shampoo, remember three basic rules:

  • do not buy products from the “2 in 1” or “3 in 1” series (shampoo, conditioner and balm should be in separate packages);
  • the selected products must be of the same brand and series;
  • For hair that is too damaged, brittle and split ends, a leave-in conditioner is best.

As you can see, the choice of cosmetic product plays a huge role in your fight against fine and unruly curls. Remember this before you (you can make your hair heavier at home) purchase a package of the next miracle product.

How important is it to wash your hair properly?

Who would have thought that hair care should start with proper hair washing. For example, first you need to lightly wet your hair with warm water. Then you need to apply a little shampoo, lightly rub it in your palms and only then rub it into your head with massage movements. In this case, the product should be evenly distributed along the entire length of the curls, taking into account the roots and ends. Afterwards, the shampoo is washed off with plenty of water.

At the second stage, it is recommended to use a special one which is first applied to your curls and then washed off after 5-10 minutes. At the end of this procedure, wet hair should be dried with a towel. It is noteworthy that this must be done with careful and blotting movements. And, of course, it only makes sense to comb dry curls. Otherwise, you risk damaging the strands and losing such an object of female pride as hair. You can make them heavier with the right approach to washing your hair. Remember this!

Are there any benefits from vitamin and mineral masks?

To make your curls more manageable and shiny, experts recommend using hair masks. However, they should not be used more than once a week. In this case, products containing apricot, flaxseed, almond or burdock oils are suitable for this purpose.

Should you use essential oils?

Essential oils are another lifesaver for those with unruly hair. Yes Yes. Even in ancient times, many beauties used them to emphasize the beauty of their amazing hairstyle. But the main thing is that these products can be added to any shampoos and masks, or simply applied to the hair roots after washing your hair. You just need to know which hair-weighting oil you can use. In particular, shea butter or castor oil are suitable for this purpose. This is due to the fact that both products have a higher molecular weight, which helps to visually make your curls heavier. We will tell you how to make a mask based on oils below.

How to improve hair condition at home?

If for some reason professional products from the line of modern cosmetics are not suitable for you, proven “grandmother’s recipes” will come to the rescue. It is noteworthy that in this case you can use both homemade shampoos from herbal decoctions, as well as masks and conditioners prepared by yourself.

One of these proven recipes is preparing a mask based on vegetable oil. To do this, take a little peach, castor or burdock oil, apply it to the entire length of your hair, including the roots, cover with cellophane and wrap with a towel. This mask should be left on for 1-2 hours. After this time, all you have to do is wash your hair thoroughly. Now you know how to thicken your hair at home using essential oils.

How to make a gelatin mask?

As an option for homemade hair weighting, you can choose a mask with edible gelatin. In order to prepare this product, you need to mix one tablespoon of shampoo and gelatin. Then all this must be mixed, applied to the curls and, after holding for exactly 10 minutes, rinsed with running water.

How to make a quick oatmeal mask?

Another lifesaver for light and airy curls is a mask based on oatmeal. To prepare it, first grind the oatmeal in a blender, then add a little water and apply the resulting mixture to your hair. Cover your head with cellophane and wait 10-15 minutes. And then rinse with water.

Attention! All homemade masks should not be used more than twice a week. Otherwise, you risk overdoing it and achieving a completely unexpected effect, for example, your curls will become very electrified after combing.

Beautiful, healthy curls have long been an asset of the fair sex. Women tried to make them attractive. Factors associated with stress, poor nutrition, and harmful environmental conditions have led to the fact that today most girls want to have beautiful hair, but they do not always succeed. Each person has his own type of strands. Some are thin, others are thick, curly, fluffy. Women strive to have the perfect hairstyle. Thin, flying, fluffy hairs spoil the appearance. There are hair weighting products that can achieve excellent results.


The first step is to decide on a care system. Thin hair has a layered structure. They consist of open scales. They look dull, lifeless, brittle. These types of strands are difficult to dye in a single color, style, or give them a healthy shine. Porous curls require special care. How to choose the right hair care system?

The main rule is to avoid blow-drying. Use shampoo, conditioner, masks, straightening, weighting cosmetics. When choosing a shampoo, it is recommended to use products marked for unruly curls; they have a smoothing effect and allow you to even out the scales. Do not use two-in-one shampoos. Conditioner and balm are selected separately. They should have oils for your curl type. If the hairs are severely damaged, hairdressers advise using leave-in conditioners.

The video shows hair like fluff. For this type, it is recommended to use weighting compounds to obtain ideal styling. How to make hair smooth and manageable?

  1. Clean your hair properly. Apply a small amount of shampoo to curls pre-moistened with warm water. Massaging, rinse the skin. Actively foam the shampoo, distribute along the length, and rinse. The water should not be cold or very hot.
  2. The mask, balm, and conditioner are applied to cleansed hair and left for the specified time. Typically the duration is from 3 to 7 minutes.
  3. Use gentle movements with a towel to remove any remaining moisture. Do not rub with a towel. Comb dried curls. Use an oil-based mask once a week.

You can also straighten the curls with an iron. Frequent use can be harmful and dry out the hair structure. When leveling, use temperatures up to 160 degrees. When choosing an iron, pay attention to the plates; it is recommended to use ceramic ones with an ionization effect. The pricing of weighting agents for curls depends on the manufacturer and composition. The more famous the brand, the higher the price. An analogue of cosmetic products is folk remedies.

Folk recipes for making curls heavier

How can you make your hair heavier if you can’t buy cosmetic products? The pantry of useful substances is contained in plants and animal products found in every housewife’s kitchen. It is recommended to purchase herbs for decoctions and infusions in pharmacies.

The following recipes will tell you how to make your hair heavier at home:

  • Recipe No. 1. The simplest method to make thin curls heavier is the use of oils. We take tea tree oil, ylang-ylang, burdock, mix in equal proportions, apply to the entire length of the curls, using massage movements on the scalp. Wrap it in cellophane film and top it with a towel. Let stand for 2-3 hours. After time has passed, wash off with warm water. It is recommended to use once a week. Restores damaged structure. Gives shine and strength. After a month they take on a thicker appearance.
  • Recipe No. 2. Products containing gelatin weigh down your hair. Mix shampoo and gelatin in equal proportions. Apply to damp hair. Distribute over the entire length, partially rub into the roots. After 15 minutes, rinse well with water and dry.
  • Recipe No. 3. Cereals. How to make hair manageable quickly? Grind using a blender. Add water until you get a paste. Apply to curls along the entire length for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water, dry, and level. The recipe is called an express mask. Convenient to use if you need to do styling quickly.
  • Recipe No. 4. Mask based on black bread. Take the crumb and soak it in mineral water. Let it sit for 10 minutes. Apply to hair, leave for half an hour, rinse with water.
  • Recipe No. 5. What products have a weightening effect? Starch. Very easy and simple to use. Take shampoo, mix with starch, wash your hair as with regular shampoo. It is recommended to shake before use. Use 3 tbsp per 300 ml of product. starch. Allows you to produce a weighting effect on curls.
  • Recipe No. 6. Tansy decoction. Pour boiling water over the collection of leaves and stems. A tablespoon per half liter of boiling water. Let cool, leave for 30 minutes. Rinse your hair after washing your hair. Rub the broth into the roots.

It should be remembered that you will notice the weighting effect of folk recipes with regular use. Hairdressers recommend using care complexes for several months.

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