Why do guys cheat on their girlfriends? Is it worth forgiving betrayal if a girl cheated on her boyfriend? If a girl cheated on her boyfriend

The article gives a general idea of ​​how to act in most cases in such an unpleasant situation, because you must always remember that this applies to everyone, since nothing is ideal in life and no one is ideal.

There are also cases when it was unintentional or was not so from the point of view of a woman, because she could simply take revenge for some kind of insult. But even here, not everything is so simple, because later it may turn out that she completely misunderstood everything and cheated on someone who did not hurt her, and thus she becomes the culprit and a hostage of circumstances. Be that as it may, this article will not be superfluous for everyone to understand what situations may occur in practice and what should be done in them.

A girl cheated on her boyfriend's friend, me with her best friend, a guy in another city

Unfortunately . After a girl cheats on her best friend, not every guy can forgive it. It’s probably better not to even look for reasons or someone to blame, it’s better to end the relationship with both.

Cheating on a guy in another city, here it’s better to figure out how and what happened. Talk to your loved one, find out the reasons.

What to do if a girl cheats and leaves for someone else, how to survive and behave

Time heals, it is impossible to simply take and let go of your loved one, throw them out of your heart. Try not to think about her, work more, relax with friends. You shouldn’t fight with a guy or humiliate a girl, this is her choice and does not mean at all that you are worse. Everyone has the right to choose what is best for them.

The girl cheated, how to take revenge, teach her a lesson, punish or forgive, forget her

Revenge is not the best thing to do in such a situation. Now you are angry and craving punishment, but over time the pain will subside. It would be better to let go and forgive.

How to determine if your girlfriend is cheating on you or not, how she behaves

If so, some signs may give it away. The first sign will be her indifference to you. If earlier there were thousands of questions and inquiries, then during betrayal there will not be a single one. Yes, and calls from SMS will also decrease. There will also be a chill in your intimate life. The phone will be constantly next to her, even when she is sleeping, she will be vigilant so that, God forbid, you do not pick it up.

If a girl cheated, how to get her back, how to apologize

Is it worth it? We need to figure it out and find the reason, if lately you have been, to put it mildly, a fool, did not notice it, ran after other people’s skirts. Then, of course, beg, return, give flowers, gifts. And if you are perfect in every way, and she cuckolded you, you don’t have to humiliate yourself, you have to say goodbye.

How to ask and find out the truth from a girl who is cheating or not

A smart girl will never talk about it, but a stupid girl will tell you without questioning and is difficult to argue with.

My girlfriend's dad is cheating on his mom how to console

Explain that the parents’ personal life is none of her business. Regardless of their relationship, the love for her will not change.

The girl cheated on a vacation at sea, graduation, wedding, work, at a distance, on shift in the north

Most likely it was flirting; we can hardly talk about any serious feelings. It is possible that she has repented and is ashamed. If you are ready to forgive, talk. This applies to everything except weddings; if a girl cheated on you at your wedding, go to the registry office as soon as possible and file for divorce.

The girl cheated, but I love her, she wants to come back, she denies everything, she’s come to her senses, is there a future for such a relationship?

There is a future when you are willing to forgive and forget. After the betrayal, the girl, having come to her senses and realizing that she doesn’t need anyone except you, will never repeat her mistake. Will cherish and value your relationship.

Why does a girl cheat, but doesn’t leave and says she loves her?

She cannot decide whether each of you is dear to her. Draw the dots yourself, either end this relationship, or set the condition that if she is with him, then there is no turning back.

If a girl cheated with her ex, but decided to stay with you

In this situation, it’s up to you to decide, and it won’t turn out that she will cheat again with her ex. For her, it can be like a game, as if each of you is not a stranger to her.

What to do if a girl cheated once, will she cheat a second time and what to do

It all depends on the situation, maybe the reason is you, your attitude towards it. One betrayal does not mean it will happen again.

What to do if a girl cheated on a guy who is in the army while he was there, how does the guy feel?

For a guy, this is a real betrayal. A frequent case of suicide. The girl should try to make sure that he doesn’t find out about it. The guy needs to pull himself together and try to calm down.

The girl cheated on the guy behind his back for cheating and asks for forgiveness

This is meanness, it is not a fact that this will not happen again. You can forgive, but you don’t need to.

If a girl cheated before marriage and confessed

If you love and are ready to forgive, then start your marriage with a clean slate. If you are married and find out about an old betrayal, then do as your heart tells you and remember that before marriage it is still possible, but during it it is an almost impossible burden.

Adultery is an unpleasant phenomenon that humiliates honor and dignity, brings disappointment, and because of it, trust in the traitor is lost. No matter how overwhelming the fear of consequences may be, you should figure out what exactly prompted this: falling in love, boredom, attraction, desire for variety, new sensations, or something else. Does repentance come after this?

After cheating on a girl, changes in character and typical habits will begin. If a sincere confession is not planned, you need to avoid any suspicion, stick to your manners, and avoid the most common mistakes, namely:

  • spontaneous, excessive attention to needs. As a rule, it is associated with guilt, but gradually, if an affair begins on the side, such manifestations become dull;
  • multiple gifts (a kind of ransom);
  • endless quarrels are an excuse to leave home. The lady will begin to have doubts that a quarrel is not the main motive for leaving, but only an opportunity to push everything onto her;
  • The issue of relationships comes up more often. The guy intends to predict the reaction in order to avoid a severe conflict. Initiative to end the relationship as friends;
  • sudden mood swings, breakdowns;
  • life seems lonely, boring and dreary, a demonstration that you don’t want to do anything together;
  • tastes change, influence comes from a new passion: associations, memories, preferences;
  • guys tend to criticize the image of their mistress in front of their beloved. Describe certain features, appearance, behavior, assuring that he cannot stand such people. The tactics are wrong, once you manage to seem convincing, if you touch on such topics regularly, a shadow of doubt will definitely creep in;
  • something that used to please and touch begins to infuriate you;
  • attention becomes less;
  • trying to retire, avoid being looked at, close yourself off, spend less time at home;
  • lack of any compliments, praise;
  • a woman’s initiative, any attempts to get closer cause discomfort, regret, aggression;
  • there are no joint plans, desires, topics;
  • the use of new words, phrases, reluctance to have sex.

Everyone has skeletons in their closet, secrets that they would prefer to keep hidden. In some cases, this is the best solution. At critical moments, the obsessive question haunts me: what to do? Stop blaming yourself for what you have done. It is important that there are no such dilemmas in the future.

If adultery did not take place intentionally and is no longer planned, it is better to remain silent about this fact, this can not only humiliate and offend, but also contribute to the loss of the previous trust that has been built for a long time. Such things threaten breakups, scandals, and stress. The main thing is that after sexual intercourse there is repentance, this indicates indifference to the other half. For an unmarried man, it serves as a lesson, an impetus for starting a family, if he understands that he is ready to do a lot so that the girl forgives, returns, and is afraid of losing her.

Initially, you need to understand yourself, the depth of feelings, not “eat” for an incident, accept as experience the ability to regulate actions, and bear responsibility for actions. Learn to resist temptations, of which there are many, but this is really a condition for preserving real feelings, ardent love. Get out of your comfort zone, become more courageous, play sports, read books, reconsider your values.

How to earn forgiveness

After exposure, you should not pester your beloved with increased importunity. The selfishness of a quick desire to receive forgiveness manifests itself. What about the emotions of loved ones? – It takes time to come to terms with the situation; resentment cannot evaporate. Of course, in order for a girl to forgive betrayal, excuses will not help; compelling arguments are needed, for example:

  • repentance, reproaches of conscience, a third-party meeting that did not develop into permanent fornication;
  • common interests, values, children, willingness to improve, to give in;
  • awareness of stupidity, love of the only one, admission of wrongness, craving, annoying question: how to get a girl back after cheating?

Quite a disturbing topic: how to make peace with a girl after cheating? We must prepare for the fact that there will be no pardon, sometimes quite justifiably. A loving person, with whom he has experienced a lot, will not seriously risk putting the well-being of his relatives at stake. You should not always be categorical, never allow pride to be higher than love. By forgiving the pain and bitterness of a traitor, letting go of an insult, you can show not only the enormous strength of feelings, but also compassion, empathy, and unwillingness to sacrifice family ties.

It is not for nothing that they say that the one whose pain is stronger than his own is considered a relative.

If there is affection, then it will undoubtedly be felt by both parties. A guy has no right to demand forgiveness if: he humiliated, ridiculed, indulged in disorderly fornication, rejected, avoided, refused help when it was important and necessary for her. A selfish individual has not seen all the pain, so she has every right to be rejected. It is always easier to spoil something than to do it right. We are all sinners, but sooner or later we need understanding.

Relatives show themselves when we least expect it, they deserve it. Sometimes, a sincere conversation, clarifying the essence of the problem, can correct misunderstandings, bring clarity and adjustments to relationships, help reconcile, let go of the bitter past, which will forever remain unchanged.

Infidelity is not always a mistake, sometimes it is a step towards something new, but first of all, you need to remain human, be grateful for all the moments that happened in the past, and remain as honest as possible. If a guy has met a new love, it is not necessary to hide this fact by developing the image of a traitor or a liar. You can understand and forgive anything; it is enough to open up as much as possible, confess, and not try to seem better than you really are. Everyone strives to be as honest as possible with him; knowing the character and temperament of the other half, one can draw conclusions about what to do in a given situation.

What to do? Listen to your heart, bow to experience and appreciate everyone who is nearby not for selfish reasons.

Any betrayal is a betrayal. Questions arise: “What’s wrong with me? Why did she betray me, it was still good? And what should I do now?". The answers to these questions are worth looking for by looking at the situation through the eyes of the traitors.

Reasons for female infidelity

Any betrayal is a consequence of more serious problems in the relationship. Of course, the easiest way is to blame your wife for everything. However, this is not correct. Without getting to the bottom of the reasons for adultery, you will repeat the same mistakes over and over again. And this will lead to the same disastrous result.

Before starting the analysis, you must make sure that your wife is really cheating. The most reliable signs are collected in.

Sexual differences between the parties

“Our relationship lasted three years. During this time, I never had an orgasm, until one day I met a guy in a club. That’s when I found out about other sex and broke off the relationship.”(Ekaterina, 23 years old).

Sexual dissatisfaction- a textbook reason for cheating on husbands.

Unlike male orgasm, female orgasm is a delicate matter, which is much more difficult to achieve.

The problem is aggravated by parental education, which prevents the first person from starting a conversation about sexual preferences.

Some girls are open about their desires, but do not find understanding from the conservative partner.

Different sexual temperaments of partners are also a reason for cheating. Imagine the situation: a guy comes home tired after work or school, has dinner and watches TV or plays computer games. Lack of sex the girl compensates in someone else's arms.

All this time, the man sincerely considers the relationship normal. When this happens, he falls into a stupor and does not understand that this happened.
Unfortunately, reasons related to sex can hurt a man's self-esteem.

Total control on your part

“My boyfriend and I dated for six months. During this period I was under constant surveillance. In the end, I got tired of it and left for someone else."(Irina, 21 years old).

If your morning begins not with a cup of coffee, but with viewing her pages on social networks, you have serious problems.

The fear of losing a girl is based on lack of self-confidence. Self-confidence is the most important quality that girls value in guys. If you constantly demonstrate its absence, you risk losing the respect and love of a woman.

You can read more about the qualities of a real man that all women value in.

Lack of attention

“My ex looked after me beautifully: flowers, gifts, surprises and other pleasant little things. A year passed, I moved in with him. He stopped paying attention to me altogether and began spending all his free time with friends. He went to see them without me. Later at work I met a young man. After a couple of months I left"(Oksana, 29 years old).

Of course, the girls know that the candy-bouquet period is coming to an end. But this does not mean that you need to stop paying attention to her. A woman at any age wants to feel desired and loved. If work, friends, and computer games are preferred to her company, she fills the spiritual emptiness on the side.

I wanted some variety

“We have been living with our boyfriend for five years. I love him very much, but during this time we got stuck in a routine, I know in advance what he will say and what he thinks about. Once I met a young man, I wanted new sensations, and I cheated on my boyfriend. I still haven’t confessed to cheating, he won’t forgive.”(Alena, 27 years old).

When your life together turns into a series stable and dull days, any of you can get tired and switch to any bright spot that can add new colors to life.

There are also situations when a girl simply changes partners frequently. If you are on this list, you don’t even have to worry about it – the problem is definitely not you.

Environmental influence

“I lived with my boyfriend for about two years. My parents and friends didn’t like him right away; they considered him unworthy of me. He felt this and began to avoid meetings. Because of this, we often quarreled. After another quarrel, I went to a club, where I met a guy and cheated on my beloved.”(Svetlana, 25 years old).

Unfortunately, many married girls depend on the opinions of their social environment. To avoid unpleasant consequences, you will have to make a choice - either to gain the favor of people close to her, or to limit influence and convince her of the right choice of partner.

Do not avoid meeting with her friends or parents, so as not to give a reason to discuss you again.

In revenge

“Tired of my ex's numerous infidelities, I decided to repay him in kind so that he could feel what it was like. I didn’t prove anything, he continued to cheat, and we broke up.”(Alexandra, 27 years old).

Such a relationship right away doomed to fail. If you suffered the same fate, after breaking up, think about the reasons for your betrayal.

You can't forgive - where to put a comma?

Men experience betrayal more difficult, some even become depressed. What to do if a girl cheated on you? How to survive the betrayal of your loved one?

First you have to pull yourself together, calm down and force yourself to accept the situation. What happened, happened. There is no way to fix this.

Don't drown the problem in alcohol - it won't help.

Switch to other activities: Plunge into work, communicate with friends, take up a hobby. If this does not help, seek help from a psychologist.

Does it make sense to restore the relationship?

After you calm down, try soberly evaluate the situation.

If the girl repents and wants to return. Ask yourself whether you can forgive your unfaithful lover. Some men succeed.

However, to forgive does not mean to forget:

  • Will you be able to have sex with her like before?
  • Will you constantly suspect her if she stays late at work?
  • Will you be able to refrain from bringing up memories and not mentioning them during every quarrel?
  • Are you able to trust the traitor as before?

If you are not sure that you can forget about a girl’s infidelity, it is better to forget about the relationship. Otherwise, your life together will turn into hell.

The best cure for female infidelity is prevention

To avoid cheating in the future, you need to constantly work on your relationship. remember, that their main enemy is routine. It is enough to follow simple recommendations to create variety.

Regular varied sex

In bed you can't think only about yourself. Find out what your partner likes. There is no need to be shy: a serious relationship requires mutual trust. To liberate her, start with your fantasies.

Try new positions, arrange a sex excursion around the summer city, go with her to a sex shop, try it out, arrange sex via SMS or Skype. There are many options, it all depends on your imagination. You yourself will discover a new quality of sexual life.

Signs of attention

  • Compliments. To make a girl feel desired, do not forget to regularly remind her of this. Write her compliments via SMS, notes.

    A list of the most original compliments to a girl’s beauty can be found.

    Options for the most original places for a date -.

  • Present. Give gifts and flowers not only on holidays.

    Go on a trip to the sea together, fly to Murmansk in winter and look at the northern lights. Spending time together brings both partners closer.

    For a few more, see this article.

Do not rush to become despondent if your girlfriend cheated on you. Look at it from the other side: You gained experience, albeit unpleasant, and realized your mistakes.

Try turning the page and start enjoying freedom or finding a new darling. And forget your defeats, there are still many victories ahead. Good luck to you!

The male sex is considered more prone to cheating. And this is actually proven by the number of betrayals. Of course, women cheat too. However, men are more susceptible to adultery than the weaker sex, who first thinks for a long time about what they are committing to. A man can succumb to emotions, desire, sexual tension and alcohol intoxication. If a guy cheated on a girl, then over time he may begin to repent, wanting to make peace and get her back..

Cheating is an act that refutes the entire existence of love feelings. Since the girl would cheat if she didn't love the guy, she believes that the stronger sex cheats for the same reasons. However, not everything is so simple. Girls are partly right that the lack of love allows guys to cheat, but the reasons are sexual dissatisfaction, intimate prohibitions, constant scandals with a loved one, etc. Factors trigger what a guy is ready for.

Thus, to get back the girl he cheated on, a guy needs:

  1. Prove to her your love, which is refuted by your betrayal.
  2. Prove to her that you will never cheat on her again.

This cannot be proven in one day. Therefore, psychologists warn every guy who cheated and is now trying to make peace with his beloved: if you decide to renew the relationship, then a lot of time will pass, after which the girl will begin to trust you and love you again.

Trust is easy to lose. If , then the girl will never trust him again. The relationship may exist, but it will not be possible to restore trust unless the guy works long and hard to renew the trusting relationship.

Actions that will betray infidelity

In order not to ask for forgiveness, not to lose trust in yourself and not to put up with the girl, you need to make sure that she does not find out about your betrayal at all. If you changed it once, then you can hide the event very easily. It is much more difficult to hide a secret if betrayals occur systematically. Here you need to avoid taking actions that will betray infidelity.

It should be understood that any betrayal leads to a change in the behavior of the person who cheated. If the betrayal happened once and by accident, then the man may change in behavior because he will internally reproach himself for the offense and will not know how to tell his beloved about everything and ask for forgiveness. If betrayal occurs constantly, then the man will, in principle, behave strangely, from the point of view of his beloved: he will deceive, disappear somewhere, periodically not pay attention to her, be cold, etc.

Surprisingly, girls feel betrayal very strongly. Therefore, you just need to not give yourself away:

  1. There is no need to spontaneously become kind, sweet and pliable if you were not like that before. There is no need to atone for sins with your actions.
  2. You should not give gifts that are not typical for you. If you haven’t given a girl numerous gifts for no reason before, then you don’t need to do this after cheating.
  3. Do not communicate with the girl about the topic of betrayal and her possible reaction to it. You can only casually ask about the girl’s reaction to what she would do if you cheated. But close the topic immediately, because you were just asking. If you periodically raise this topic, it will arouse suspicion.
  4. There is no need to quarrel with a girl in order to spend less time with her because you feel guilty.
  5. Stay positive. Try not to change your emotions towards the girl.
  6. Spend time with your girlfriend. You need to give her the same amount of attention as you gave her before the betrayal began.
  7. Maintain your habits, views, etc. If you cannot rationally explain the change in your interests, since they are beginning to be influenced by a new passion, then it is better to try to remain the same.
  8. Continue to love what made you happy before. If you suddenly suddenly change your “love” preferences, suspicions will arise.
  9. There is no need to discuss with your beloved her shortcomings or the shortcomings of other girls (that is, your mistress). You can touch on this topic once. But if you periodically try to point out someone's shortcomings to a girl, she will begin to wonder why you care so much.
  10. Continue to give the girl as much attention as you did before.
  11. Don’t run away from the girl, from home, so that she doesn’t think that you are hiding something from her.
  12. Continue to admire the girl, give her gifts and compliments in the same amount.
  13. Agree to intimacy, especially if the girl wants it. If you start refusing, it will create doubtful thoughts.
  14. Keep building your future. Nothing should change in your plans after.
  15. Do not change your vocabulary, especially under the influence of the appearance of a mistress.

Guys are prone to cheating. What to do after this? Much depends on the desires of the guys themselves who cheat on their girlfriends. First you need to understand what happened and why you committed treason. Perhaps you were unsure of yourself about something, or the girl somehow pushed you to cheat. The advice would be to understand the reason why the betrayal occurred in order to understand what needs to be done next.

If the betrayal happened once, then it is better not to tell the girl about it at all. Act as if nothing happened. Meanwhile, realize what prompted you to cheat. If you do not want the situation to repeat, you should eliminate the cause of the betrayal. Often the factors here are:

  • Alcohol intoxication – you need to stop drinking or not leave the house when you drink.
  • Sexual dissatisfaction in bed with your girlfriend - you need to discuss with your girlfriend what you don’t like and invite her to diversify your sex life.
  • Internal beliefs that a man can cheat, a man is polygamous, or a man should sleep with a lot of women - here you need to realize that a man can sleep with as many women as he wants.

Often, infidelity indicates that the official relationship does not suit the man in some way. This applies to those situations when a man begins to have a mistress for regular meetings. If a man dates another woman for a long time, this indicates a loss of feelings for his official partner. Moreover, something does not suit him in his relationship with her. Moreover, this is such a serious reason that he is not ready to give up his mistress, even if there is a threat of losing the relationship.

Perhaps the man wants to break off the relationship? This also happens when a man does not have the fortitude to say goodbye to a girl on his own initiative, so he creates situations when she herself wants to break up with him.


  1. Don't talk about cheating.
  2. Try your best to hide what happened.
  3. Understand the reasons for your cheating. Perhaps this will solve many problems.
  4. If the betrayal is discovered, and you do not want to break off the relationship, then make peace by any means necessary.

How to earn forgiveness?

If the girl found out about the betrayal, you have a desire to maintain the relationship, then you will have to earn forgiveness. Most likely, the girl is offended by you, so you are trying to atone for all sins. It is clear that you want to immediately receive forgiveness. However, don't become pushy. Your desire will do you a disservice. Understand that a girl cannot forgive you so quickly. At first she will be offended by you and angry. She will reject you and not want to see you.

Give the girl time to come to terms with your betrayal, get angry at you, and be with her thoughts. If you want to get your girl back, you will have to be patient and earn forgiveness for a long time:

  • The remorse and remorse that you show.
  • Having common interests, desires and goals.
  • Having children together.
  • The desire to be together and give in to each other.
  • Awareness of your action and the desire to prove your love.

A guy simply does not have the right to demand forgiveness and, even more so, to be offended by a girl because she does not forgive and does not return. A girl is not obliged to forgive someone who betrayed their love. If a girl sees that a guy is showing aggression, indignation and anger because she doesn’t follow his lead, then she will definitely break up with him.

Some guys just don't deserve to be forgiven. This applies to situations where the guy cheated constantly and systematically; the girl could even know about the cheating, but tolerate it. And when her patience could not stand it, she left, and then he remembered his love. A girl in such a situation is right if she does not forgive a selfish gentleman who thinks only of himself, even in a situation where he asks for forgiveness.

Sometimes the only way to make peace is to have a frank and sincere conversation directly. Such a conversation can happen if the girl has already cooled down in her anger towards the guy. Then you can meet and chat.

No one needs to be humiliated during such a conversation. The guy needs to remain calm and be on an equal footing with the girl.

  1. Admit the betrayal, apologize for it, tell them that you realized your mistake.
  2. Talk about the feelings that led you to cheat, then move on to the feelings you had when the cheating happened and when the girl left you, which made you realize that you love her.
  3. Say that you want to save the relationship and correct all the reasons that prompted you to cheat.

Also give the floor to your girlfriend, who should also express her opinion and talk about her feelings. Don't just pretend to listen to her, but actually hear what she is telling you. Perhaps you will be able to agree on something and renew the relationship.

Bottom line

A guy can cheat, but this is not an act that is worthy of forgiveness. Only the girl will decide whether to forgive the guy or not. And her decision will be the right one in any case.

Hello man, since you ended up here on my blog for this reason, then I sincerely sympathize with you. This, of course, is a definitely sad topic. But, I’ll start, perhaps, not with the most pleasant thing - The fact is that if a girl cheated on you, then only you are to blame for this! If after this phrase you want to leave my site or even crash your computer, then this is your right, but this is a fact - even if you were the most tender and affectionate with her, wanted her for something every day, then it’s still only you to blame.

And I say this not at all because I have such a position in life that a man is always responsible for everything that happens in his life, but I am guided by my many years of experience in relationships and.

What to do, if the girl cheated. Well, perhaps, first of all, do not panic and recognize this fact itself. Then, there is no need to make a scandal and yell at her. If she wants to talk to you about it, then talk to her, if not, then don't. There is no need to pretend to be an offended victim of circumstances.

In general, I recommend that you do not tear your hair out, but think about what you did wrong, and what you should correct in yours in general, and not just with this one in particular. For the future, so as not to make such mistakes again and never get into such a situation.

By the way, I have several excellent training videos on this topic on my YouTube channel, which you can watch right now by clicking right here. In these videos I cover this topic in more detail. I don’t really like to write on a blog, I’m still a lazy person, it’s easier for me to talk on camera ;). So, it’s better not to read me.

Why did the girl cheat? Let me explain to you how the process of attachment and falling in love with you occurs on the part of a girl. Because the main reason for betrayal (Unless, of course, it is revenge on you for your betrayal) is precisely the fact that you have never made her fall in love with you. And a girl can simply pretend that she loves you in order to support you or not to offend you. Or it just seems to you that everything is fine.

If a girl cheated on you, it means that something didn’t suit her about you, and not because she’s a whore, because girls are, after all, mostly monogamous beings.

A girl needs three types of emotions from you in a relationship, you must be in contact with three of her components, otherwise she will want to leave or cheat:

  • Female female;
  • Woman child;
  • Woman mother.

A woman is a female - she should feel like a female next to you, and you like an uncontrollable strong male. That is, you must. When you want and where you want. For example, you are walking in a shopping center, and then you want something. You drag her to the toilet, despite all her resistance, and fuck your woman there. Believe me, she will really like it.

Also, a female woman needs a strong, dominant and responsible man. A man is the master who is in charge in a relationship. Read it and you will understand everything.

And I bet you laid yourself out in front of her and started letting her boss you around. She no longer feels like a strong male in you. And what’s even worse is that many men behave this way from the very beginning of courtship, from the first date. We continue to consider why it could happen that the girl we love cheated on her husband.

Woman - child - A girl should feel next to you like a weak little and defenseless girl whom you protect. Whom you look after, help her morally, help solve her problems. You cooze with her, protect her, take responsibility for her. You will probably say now - “But I behaved like that with her, that this... wasn’t enough?” This means you only pumped up this emotion, but not the others. And she needs everything!!! She should feel like a full-fledged woman, and not just a third.

Woman - mother - The girl wants to take care of you, support you, feel sorry for you (in the good Slavic sense of the word). For example, you have some problems, you come home, she wants to hug and support you, pat you on the head, and some, for example, say, “Leave me alone, I’ll figure it out myself.”

Imagine that your girlfriend met (he most likely met her himself) a man who, for example, allows her to take care of him, or, on the contrary, shows a tender attitude towards her, at first she will simply feed on this, and then everything will develop into sexual attraction, and here's your betrayal.

One of the main reasons for betrayal may be that some emotion from the above was not received from you, and the girl begins to unconsciously (I emphasize) look for this emotion on the side. Only because this is her normal natural female need. If you were too soft with her and caved in under her (And this is the most common reason), then she will look for a male on the side.

Moreover, a very important point that I want to note is that being a male with her does not mean that you should limit her freedom or bore her with your jealousy and sense of ownership. Excessive jealousy can also cause her to cool off towards you. Because he’s not jealous. In general, a girl should never stop seeing you as a male.

Here's a video on this topic:

My students often tell me or write in contact - my girlfriend cheated with a friend. Well, what to answer to this? It's probably that it's your fault again. As for your friend, listen, well, this is probably not exactly your real friend. Because I personally have this principle - do not sleep with friends’ girls under any circumstances. Therefore, after this you are definitely not on the same path with a girl, and with a friend, in most cases, too, perhaps.

To forgive betrayal or not. I’ll tell you what - in my opinion, even if you forgive her, then it will still hang as a black shadow in your relationship all your life, and nothing good will come of it. You will say, “But I love her.” I understand you, but it will pass.

A woman cheats with her heart, and not with her body, like us men, therefore, if this happened, it means she has already doubted her feelings for you, and it is unlikely that they can be returned...

Therefore, the best thing I can offer you to quickly recover from betrayal and make sure that no girl ever cheats on you again is to come to a class on building relationships with women. Firstly, many other girls will immediately appear in your life, and secondly, you will understand what women need and will never make the same mistakes again and not think about what to do if a girl cheated on you.

Come and our team will be happy to help you.

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