My hair is very magnetic, what should I do? What to do to prevent your hair from getting electrified? How to make hair manageable

Marina Ignatieva

Reading time: 11 minutes


Static charge in hair is one of the most common problems. In summer, the sun and salt water dry out your hair. In winter there is frost and dry air. Hair accumulates static electricity, stands on end, loses shine, and becomes brittle. And they should be smooth and silky! Therefore, it is very important to pay special attention to them, and not spare any money or time on this.

Today we will talk about the most effective ways to remove static electricity from hair .

To prevent your hair from getting electrified, it needs to be moisturized.

  • As a rule, dry hair becomes electrified. For example, washing your hair every day only makes the situation worse. That's why wash your hair every other day, use a clarifying shampoo only a couple of times a month, and the rest of the time use a hydrating shampoo and conditioner.
  • Try doing restorative procedures once a week, hair masks, bought in a store, or you can use homemade remedies for masks: mayonnaise, olive oil or egg.
  • Helps quickly remove electricity from hair plain water, mineral or- the liquid must be sprayed onto the hair, or moistened with damp palms. This method is effective, but, unfortunately, has a short-term effect.

Leave-in conditioner will help remove electricity from your hair.

He Apply to wet hair and remain until the next wash. Acts on hair like moisturizer on skin.

For reference:
Leave-in conditioners are made without the use of an oil base, and their glycerin content helps detangle and lightly moisturize hair. Leave-in conditioner is good for long trips, relaxing on the beaches, and swimming in sea water. It protects colored hair well and protects against exposure to chlorinated and salty sea water. Leave-in conditioner is loved by those with unruly, curly hair. It protects hair from frizz in hot summer weather by slightly straightening the hair.

To reduce electrostatics on your hair when drying, use an ionic hair dryer.

Naturally, any electrical appliances additionally dry out your hair, making it thinner and brittle. Therefore, protect your hair when drying your hair, apply hair serum, dry your hair heaters with tourmaline coating and ionic hair dryer. This is a new product in household appliances.

For reference:
An ionic hair dryer is an antistatic hair dryer. The operating principle of this household appliance is simple: together with the hot air blown out, the hair dryer generates a stream of negative ions that neutralize the positive charges accumulated in the hair. This hair dryer dries hair quickly and gently, because ions are able to split water molecules into very small particles. Hair becomes shiny and silky. In addition, thanks to modern technology, we will also save a little electricity, since less time is spent on drying than with a conventional hair dryer.

Proper combing reduces static electricity in hair

  • Comb your hair as little as possible.
  • Apply a little to comb before combing hair styling products or hairspray. Do not use products containing alcohol to style your hair.
  • Choose your combs carefully: the best tool to give preference to is natural bristle brushes with wooden handles. In second place are metal combs and brushes. The third place is occupied by flat wooden combs, or tools made of antistatic plastic.

We humidify the air in the room so that the hair does not become electrified

Especially in winter, the air in our apartments can be very dry. Install it in your home - it can be an electric humidifier or a classic device attached to a radiator.

But you can also use free funds : Place a wet towel on a hot radiator every day, or place small containers of water throughout the apartment, and especially in the bedroom. Purchase a device that determines the humidity level in the room.

Wipes to prevent static electricity in hair

Exist special wipes for removing static electricity from clothes. You can run a napkin like this through your hair, and for a while you will remove the charge of static electricity.

To prevent your hair from getting electrified, use any cream

Remove static electricity from hair hand cream may help. Rub a little cream between your palms and run through your hair.

Grounding against static electricity on hair

When you take off problematic clothes, you can remove electricity by grounding– touch the iron objects at hand (radiator, metal door frame, etc.). When exiting the vehicle, grasp the bodywork first to avoid getting a static shock when closing the door.

Changing your shoes will help get rid of static electricity in your hair.

Rubber-soled shoes allow electrical charges to build up in the hair, shoes with leather soles promotes better grounding, and therefore eliminates excess electricity from clothes and hair. Therefore, give preference to shoes with leather soles during periods when the hair is most electrified.

To prevent your hair from getting electrified, choose the right headgear

Frequently taking off and putting on a hat helps electrify your hair. But, on the other hand, you can’t go without a hat either - your hair needs to be protected from cold and wind. Choose a hat that is not too tight and does not interfere with free blood circulation. By itself, It is best to choose a headdress from natural materials. If you have a synthetic hat, treat it with an antistatic spray before going out.

Antistatic spray to remove electricity from hair

And finally, there is antistatic hair spray. Just spray a little and your hair will be fine.

Take care of your hair, the beauty given to you by nature, take care of it, and then it will obey you in the present and you will be able to avoid unpleasant surprises in the future.

Even a perfect haircut can be ruined by electrified hair. This phenomenon is familiar to many. The problem is most often encountered in the autumn-winter period. Hair becomes electrified for various reasons. They are not always in a hurry to eliminate the phenomenon. Although when hair becomes electrified, what to do to normalize the condition of the hair is useful for everyone.

Signs of a problem

Electrification is a natural process that occurs as a result of the appearance of static electricity. The phenomenon occurs when hair rubs against clothing or comes into contact with a comb. Positively charged ions are formed. Nearby hairs with the same charge repel each other. Externally, the process looks like moving the curls in different directions, lifting them up. The hairstyle looks unnatural.

Hair has excellent electrical conductivity. The ability is most clearly noticeable on thin, damaged curls. Hairs with a disturbed tightness of the cuticle scales not only conduct, but also quickly accumulate static electricity. This manifests itself as electrification for no apparent reason. The hairstyle bristles with hairs flying to the sides, “crackling” with charges. The phenomenon signals the need to take action.

The ability to electrify increases greatly in winter. The air in the room becomes dry, you have to wear hats and an abundance of clothes. It is considered completely normal if hair becomes magnetic when in contact with a synthetic hat or sweater collar. Having released the charge with their hands, those with healthy hair forget about the phenomenon. If your curls are constantly frizzy, then the electrified hairs need to be affected. There are different ways to combat regular magnetization.

Causes of electrification

Many people know why hair begins to become electrified. The reasons that cause magnetization of hair are called:

  • unfavorable external conditions (weather, indoor atmosphere);
  • internal weakening of curls (excessive dryness, surface damage);
  • excessive exposure (contact with clothing, comb).

Most often, the problem of electrification occurs in winter. Refusal of a headdress weakens the curls. Hair hidden under a hat or scarf experiences excessive friction. Being in a heated room dries out your hair. Added to this is a lack of vitamins, a passion for styling and coloring. All this creates a favorable environment for the appearance of static electricity in the hair.

People with dry hair often notice an increase in the magnetization ability of their curls after washing their hair. The reason is simple: hygiene procedures remove the fat layer and weaken the hair. The use of a hair dryer for drying enhances the unfavorable environment. Additional laying with thermal devices completes the creation of ideal conditions for electrification.

Note! Combing becomes a typical problem. The procedure provokes repeated friction. The level of charged hairs increases. The ability to electrify is fully demonstrated. The problem is exacerbated by the use of tools made of synthetic materials.

Solutions to the problem

It is necessary to exclude the development of electrification to preserve the health of the hair and maintain the aesthetics of the hairstyle. There are several ways to deal with trouble. It is important to consider each option.

Treatments in the salon

To eliminate electrification, the salon will offer a “hair discipline” service. The positive effect of the procedure lies in the impact of agents that have a beneficial effect on the structure of curls. In addition to useful components, the preparations used contain substances with antistatic effects.

As a result, the hair becomes smooth, well-groomed, and does not become electrified. If you properly organize regular care and eliminate unfavorable factors, the result can be maintained for a long time.

Procedures to eliminate the tendency to electrify are selected depending on the current state of the hair. In case of increased dryness, fragility, or the presence of damage to the curls, treatments aimed at restoring the condition will be offered.

The most commonly offered treatments are Botox, lamination, hot wrap, and complex masks. The procedures will restore health and strength to thin, lifeless locks. The hair looks well-groomed and stops shocking.

Exposure at home

You can eliminate the tendency to magnetize on your own. The main thing is to make sure the hair is healthy and organize proper hair care. Sometimes it is enough to adhere to the following principles:

  • organize a comfortable atmosphere in the room (humidify the air);
  • exclude synthetic clothes from your wardrobe or spray antistatic agents on things in advance;
  • Avoid washing your hair with hot water;
  • do not use a hair dryer or dry your hair with cool air, turn on the ionization function;
  • comb with the right tools;
  • competently approach the selection of care products and cosmetics;
  • Maintain healthy hair by regularly performing masks.

Advice. To prevent your hair from getting electrified, you must follow all the rules of care. After which complaints that the strands are electrolyzed usually disappear.

For emergency elimination of electrification at home, smoothing unruly hairs with your palms moistened with water is suitable. The best choice: use a liquid with a mineral composition to moisturize your hands or supplement the usual option with a drop of lavender or rose essential oil.

Instead of water, it is permissible to take cream. The best results will be achieved by using a special hair spray that acts as an antistatic agent. The option has a safe composition and effective action.

Care products

Maximum attention should be paid to the selection of skincare products. The products should be beneficial without drying out the curls. Hairdressers recommend purchasing options containing panthenol, ceramides, and silicone. The components tidy the surface of the hairs, which reduces the likelihood of static electricity. You should try to avoid harmful ingredients. Parabens, formaldehydes, aggressive sls reduce the quality of hair.

You can choose cosmetics with the desired effect in any price category. Analogues of professional drugs exist in budget brands. Popular options with an antistatic effect are:

  • Sesderma Sebovalis. Shampoo with deep cleaning effect. This option helps get rid of dandruff and relieves static. A 200 ml container sells for 2.3 thousand rubles.

  • Frais Monde. Nourishing strengthening shampoo for normal, dry hair with oils and arginine. A 200 ml bottle sells for 800 rubles.

  • Estel. Curex Winter series mask ideal for use in winter. The composition nourishes curls and eliminates electrification.

  • Alterna. Anti-Static Finishing Spray used to remove accumulated static. A 170 ml bottle sells for 2.3 thousand rubles.

Care products are chosen according to hair type. For dry curls, it is necessary to use a non-aggressive shampoo, conditioner, and nourishing mask. For damaged hair, it is recommended to limit the number of hygiene procedures. Additional cosmetics (spray, fluid, thermal protection, antistatic) are used as necessary.

Proper combing

Choosing a comb is an important step in the fight against electrification of hair. You need to choose an instrument made from natural materials. Ideal choice: ebonite. The material is used to produce professional brushes with an antistatic effect. A wooden tool will also work. A wood comb does a good job and is gentle on your curls, but requires frequent replacement. You can opt for combs with natural bristles.

Dry hair should be combed. You can additionally run wet hands through hair with accumulated static electricity to remove the charge. For problematic curls, an aromatic combing option is suitable. A drop of lavender or rose essential oil is applied to the instrument and the procedure is performed in a standard manner. It is better to avoid using plastic combs.

1. Change your shampoo and conditioner

If your hair is very electrified, it is important to change your care during this period and switch to moisturizing and nourishing products with oils designed for dry and damaged hair: they will protect your hair from drying out and reduce static hair tension. Choose a balm or hair conditioner with silicone, which effectively neutralizes the electrical charge in the hair. Don't forget to use extra leave-in. It is better to avoid products for oily hair types: they wash away the sebum necessary to protect the hair, causing the hair to dry out faster and become highly electrified. Therefore, when you choose a product, be careful.

2. Dry your hair properly and don’t forget about thermal protection

Frequent use of a hair dryer (especially at high temperatures) greatly dries out the hair from the inside. Therefore, we recommend drying your hair with cold air and be sure to use a leave-in thermal protection spray, which should be applied to damp hair before drying.

3. Rinse your hair with cool water

To prevent your hair from getting electrified, you need to rinse it with cool (not cold) water after each wash. Thanks to this manipulation, the hair will become smooth and silky.

4. Use oils

Few people know that oils have an antistatic effect. To prevent your hair from getting electrified, pour water into a spray bottle and add a few drops of rose or lavender oil. Use the mixture on dry or damp hair: it will not only eliminate static tension. You can put this spray in your purse and use it every time you notice that your hair is starting to become electrified. Also, do not forget about various vitamin hair masks. You can use various folk and home remedies.

5. Use the right comb

Forget about plastic combs, which electrify your hair 5 times more! Create a pleasant and safe environment for your hair to grow and live. Invest in a comb with natural boar bristles: it will evenly distribute sebum over the entire surface of the hair, the moisture will be better retained in each hair and the hair will not become electrified. We also recommend using a wooden comb: due to the large distance between the teeth, it reduces the amount of friction, so the hair will not become electrified after using it and will not rise.

6. Use a humidifier

Low humidity leads to dry hair and provokes increased electrification of the hair. To eliminate this problem, use humidifiers. Place it near your work place or in the house where you are most often. If you don’t have a humidifier, then just pour water into bottles and place them near the radiator.

7. Wear the right hat

Hats made from non-natural materials create static tension. Give preference to hats made of natural wool, cotton or fur. Remember, even the most should protect your hair from hypothermia, but not harm it in any way. To choose a hat that will prevent your hair from getting electrified, read reviews on store websites, for example, and ask for more photos from a large number of people. Don't be lazy!

Now you know what to do if your hair gets electrified. Use our advice and be the best!

My hair becomes electrified, what should I do? Many people have asked themselves this question. We have all noticed, especially in winter, that our hair tends to become electrified. This is a very unpleasant phenomenon, both from a psychological and aesthetic point of view.

First of all, to combat this phenomenon, you need to know its cause. Lack of vitamins, dry air, cold wind, rain, snow, wearing hats make our hair weak, dry and brittle. In addition, hair under a hat or scarf rubs against each other and thereby generates static electricity.

You need to know and follow a few simple rules.

Let’s answer the question in more detail “ My hair is electrified, what should I do?

What to do with already electrified hair?

1. The most famous and simple means, to prevent hair from getting electrified– antistatic. If you don't have it, you can spray your comb with hairspray and comb your hair.

2. If you have beer or mineral water on hand, then they are your helpers in the fight against unruly hair. Spray your hair with these liquids and the problem is solved.

3. To tame stubborn hair, face or hand cream is suitable. You need to take a little cream, spread it on your hands and smooth your hair. There should not be too much cream, otherwise the hair will become greasy.

4. Use lavender or rose essential oils. To do this, dissolve a few drops in a spray bottle with water and spray your hair.

5. You can do the following. Fold your palms into a boat, bring them to your lips and exhale deeply into them. Quickly smooth your hair with dampened hands. This is very good when there is nothing more suitable at hand.

6. Choosing a hair dryer is also an important issue. It is better not to use it at all, so as not to dry out your hair and expose it to unnecessary stress. But, if you have to use a hair dryer, then choose one that has an air ionization function.

7. Always use the right shampoo and conditioner that's right for you. For dry hair, it is necessary to use moisturizing and nourishing masks.

8. The choice of comb is also important. A wooden one made from birch is best. The best option would be an ebonite comb, which can easily cope with electrified hair. It’s better to forget about plastic combs forever; this is the first source of electrification in your hair.

9. Don’t walk around in winter without a hat, don’t overcool your scalp, and don’t let snowflakes or rain get on your hair.

10. Always take care of the condition of your hair, especially in summer. During the period of exposure to ultraviolet rays, hair weakens and becomes thinner. Don't be surprised that you look like a dandelion in winter if you didn't pay enough attention to your hair in summer.

11. Use foam or wax to style your hair; these products contain special antistatic components.

Folk remedies against electrification of hair

1. Prepare and use this mask. Take half a mango, a spoonful of high-fat kefir, 1 chicken egg yolk. Grind the mango, add kefir and mashed yolk to it. Mix everything and apply to washed and slightly dried hair. Leave to act for 30 minutes, after wrapping your hair with a bag or film. Rinse off the mask with plain water. It's very effective means to prevent hair from getting electrified.

2. It will help get rid of electrification and prevent it with a mask based on egg yolk and honey. Take a tablespoon of honey, a teaspoon of olive oil, and an yolk. Mix everything. You can also add wheat germ. Use the same as in the previous recipe.

3. You can rinse them with beer or diluted lemon juice after the main wash.

4. Spray your hair with mineral water throughout the day or rinse your hair with it after each wash.

5. Add beaten egg yolk and a little gelatin to your shampoo, this will help weigh down your hair and provide protection.

6. Rinse your hair with cold water after washing.

I'm sure everyone has encountered the problem of electrified hair. But what if it caught you at the most inopportune moment? Hair is magnetized. What to do? How to get rid of magnetic hair? So, stop being nervous and calmly read this article, I’m sure you’ll cope with it in the end!

So, let's get started.

How to get rid of magnetic hair? You will need regular hand/face/nail cream. Rub a little (so that your hair doesn't feel greasy) of the cream in your palms and apply to your hair. In general, I advise you to always carry cream with you in your purse, especially if the problem of electrified hair often accompanies you. And it won’t hurt to moisturize your skin once again.

If you happen to have hairspray on hand, spray a little onto a comb and comb your hair with it. But! Do not use a metal or plastic comb! You can only make it worse.

You can mix (in principle, any will do for an emergency) with plain water and sprinkle it on your hair; if there are no oils, then mineral water or beer may work.

If you have hair foam or wax, apply it to your palms, rub and smooth your hair.

What, the panic just got worse? Do you think that I am mocking you, and that you are unlikely to carry with you all the things that I described above? Yes, hush, hush, I promised that you would get rid of the problem. If suddenly you have nothing with you, well, nothing at all, then this is not a reason to be upset. So, listen.

Take your hands and fold them into a boat, a cup, a trough, whatever you like. Now get ready, bring your folded palms to your mouth, draw your chest full of air and exhale the air into your palms with your mouth. Now quickly, quickly start smoothing your hair. And do this a few more times. Do you think I'm mocking you, taking advantage of my position? Not at all. This way, you will moisturize your hands and then moisturize your hair with them. Try it!

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