What are facial spa treatments? Cosmetology facial procedures

Skin of any type needs proper care, and it is good if this care is carried out by professionals. Treatments in the salon, carried out by the hands of masters, give you complete confidence in yourself and your beauty. This is a special program selected depending on your skin type - oily and problematic, dry or sensitive.

Gentle cleansing with special professional products will rid the skin of impurities, harmful substances and cosmetics deposited on it. Nutrients will penetrate deeply into cleansed pores and give your skin freshness, youth, and elasticity. Proper facial skin care is a real art, which is fully mastered by the specialists of the Harmony SPA SPA club.

Among the many facial treatments we offer, we can highlight dry skin care using well-proven professional YON-KA aroma products. It is not for nothing that this procedure received the name “Intensive moisturizing of facial skin.”

A super-moisturizing mask containing freeze-dried fruits and plant collagen is a patented component of the program that gives an excellent effect, moisturizing the skin by 40-60 percent.

Care stages:

At the first stage, after the introductory aroma autograph, makeup is removed from the skin of the face, lips and eyelids. For this purpose, a special moisturizer. Special lotion exfoliates dead skin cells, and then a stimulating massage with drainage elements is performed. After this, the skin is moisturized by spraying a warm water emulsion.

Good afternoon, Margot! Ultrasonic facial cleansing and care for the area around the eyes can be done in one visit. First you need to do ultrasonic cleaning, and only then care.

Good afternoon Yes, these procedures are combined and complement each other well. Skin R gives a lifting effect, skin B actively moisturizes the skin.

Good afternoon, Irina! It is impossible to answer your question in general terms, because the approach to skin care for any person should be purely individual: someone at your age actively uses injection techniques and laser rejuvenation, others get by with good professional treatments, peelings and facial massages. Therefore, without seeing the condition of your skin, it is wrong to give any advice. The cost of care also cannot be determined without understanding what exactly you need. You can...

Venus, good afternoon! It is very difficult to make a diagnosis without seeing your face. Therefore, I recommend that you sign up for a free consultation with our cosmetologists. The consultation takes 10-15 minutes. And if you decide, then you can immediately carry out the procedure, which a specialist will decide on the spot according to the indications. Personally, I, working for professional French cosmetics YON-KA, can preliminarily recommend the “Great Classic” procedure (3,300 rubles) on our website in the “Cosmetology - Face Care” section...

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Now many beauty salons offer (SPA) spa treatments for women and men. In the list of services of such establishments you can find almost anything: spa wrap, spa pedicure, oriental spa, spa baths, weight loss treatments, spa wellness, eco spa, cosmetology, spa manicure, and more. But if many of these procedures (for example, spa pedicure) are extremely difficult to carry out at home, then it is quite possible to tidy up your facial skin without the help of specialists. A facial and body spa at home can also give good results, but under one condition: you must perform all procedures correctly, strictly following all instructions.

Important: Before you begin performing home spa treatments, you must remove all makeup from your face.

Spa at home: steaming and facial cleansing

So, you've decided to set up an impromptu home spa facial. Familiarize yourself with the types of spas and decide which treatment to start with? First of all, you need to steam your face well and then clean it with a scrub. To do this, use our simple recipes.

Steam spa bathsAat home. Pour just boiled water into a deep plate or small saucepan. Add a few drops of lavender oil (5-6 will be enough) and 2-4 rosemary leaves. Wait 10 minutes for the spa bath to infuse, then cover your head with a towel and bend low over the broth. If you feel that the steam is too hot, it is better to wait a little more time - otherwise your first spa at home may end in a burn. Steam your face for 10 minutes.

Facial scrub. To cleanse your face at home, you need to prepare a scrub. To do this, take finely ground coffee (you can also use ground peach or grape seeds instead) and mix it with a little honey. Apply the resulting mixture to your fingertips and gently massage your face in a circular motion. Do the massage for 3 minutes. At the end of the spa treatment, rinse off the scrub with warm water.

You can use these recipes no more than 1-2 times a week.

Spa at home: applying a nourishing mask and facial massage

After steaming your face with a steam spa bath and cleansing it with a scrub, you need to apply a nourishing mask and massage.

To perform these spa treatments at home, you will have to prepare your own massage product. To do this, take one ripe avocado and peel it. Grate the pulp. Apply the resulting mixture to your face and begin massaging the skin with gentle circular movements. Wait 5 minutes and then wash with warm water.

After all procedures, you should apply a regular moisturizer to your face.

Now you know how to set up a spa at home, and you can effectively care for your facial skin without going to specialized salons. The main thing is to carefully follow all instructions and perform the procedures correctly. And then soon your facial skin will become clean, smooth and elastic. The doctor promises!

A facial spa is a set of cosmetic procedures that are aimed at eliminating the harmful effects of the external environment (negative ecology) and bad habits (tobacco smoking, alcohol, fatty foods, poor lifestyle). As a result of the above factors, the skin becomes sluggish, dull, thin and dry.

To eliminate the impact of these factors, beauty salons have developed many cosmetic programs. These procedures are aimed at restoring youth and elasticity to the skin of the face, combating signs of skin aging, removing swelling, as well as a number of other cosmetic defects.

Indications and contraindications.


    Combined and

    Decreased skin elasticity

    Prevention of skin aging processes

    Contamination and slagging of tissue pores


    The presence of chronic dermatoses in the acute stage

    Presence of rosacea

    The presence of acute inflammatory processes on the skin.

IMPORTANT: Some spa procedures can be performed at home, but some complex sessions that require the use of electrical devices or the use of high-molecular complex compounds are recommended by experts to be trusted only by experienced cosmetologists and dermatologists.

Types of facial spas.

For sensitive facial skin, experts recommend various procedures from the usual care complexes to complex sessions using modern cosmetology devices. Basic SPA procedures for caring for the facial area are presented in the following options:

    Oxygen cosmetics. This includes various wraps, masks and compresses using oxygen preparations. Preparations for SPA sessions based on oxygen help eliminate harmful bacterial background, they perfectly soften rough skin and contribute to a noticeable improvement in the complexion of the skin;

    Clay masks. They are designed to cleanse and exfoliate the skin, tighten pores and saturate the skin with beneficial minerals and trace elements;

    Scrubs. Typically, the scrubbing procedure is performed with preparations based on vegetable oils and sea salt to deeply cleanse and smooth the skin, to increase blood flow, which ensures radiance and an even tone without pigmentation;

    Skin vitaminization. Any spa treatments using vitamin-based products are suitable for this. Vitamin C is used for beautiful skin - it perfectly tightens the skin and evens out its tone;

    Aromatherapy. It involves the use of a variety of essential oils. Oils can be used in their pure form, in addition, they can be added to various nourishing creams and masks. The meaning of aromatherapy is to saturate the skin with healing substances, soften rough areas and relax;

    Application of gold particles. For example, in the form of injections of serums with gold, application of creams with gold threads and massage with gold spoons. Such procedures are high cost and quickly effective;

    Use of galvanic current. The essence of this method is to increase skin sensitivity to the applied medicinal compositions, after which the skin smoothness and elasticity begins to increase, skin tone is evened out and minor defects disappear;

    Various massages. They help tone the skin, smooth out wrinkles and generally give the face a more youthful appearance, as well as have a relaxing effect.

Mask for the face

IMPORTANT: Periodically performing spa treatments to care for facial skin benefits the appearance of the skin and its internal condition.

In addition to the basic procedures, restorative and tightening procedures are used:

    Dermabrasion and collagen-based masks. In this case, formulations with collagen are used; such procedures are aimed at producing natural collagen and elastin to even out the complexion, eliminate minor skin defects and improve blood supply to the skin;

    Biolifting. It involves tightening using a galvanic current apparatus. Does not require surgical intervention and has virtually no indications;

    Photo restoration. The procedure is carried out using a special light emitter that delivers filtered flashes of light to the facial area. Such exposure to ultraviolet rays helps get rid of age spots, tightens pores, clears acne from the skin and helps eliminate scars and scars;

Stages of spa treatments.

Depending on the choice of such procedures, experts identify the main stages of their correct implementation:

    Cleansing the skin surface. It involves removing impurities and cosmetic residues from the skin surface, as well as scrubbing, and is an introductory step before starting any spa procedure. For this purpose, professional cosmetic products are used that have a foamy consistency to prevent all kinds of damage to the thin skin on the face, but to ensure high-quality removal of dead skin cells and complete cleansing of pores from impurities and fat;

    Massage of facial areas, requiring processing. It is carried out after cleansing the skin, in order to enhance the effect, cosmetic lotions and creams with seaweed are used;

    Carrying out a spa treatment. This may be the injection of special compounds, ultrasound or the use of active drugs;

    Application of restorative balms and masks. It is the final stage after a SPA procedure. Involves relieving irritation and fully moisturizing the skin.

Applying a mask

Some spa procedures can be performed at home, but some complex sessions that require the use of electrical devices or the use of high-molecular complex compounds are recommended by experts to be trusted only by experienced cosmetologists and dermatologists. It is worth remembering that cosmetics, in addition to being beneficial, can cause harm to your skin if used incorrectly.

The benefits of spa treatments for facial skin.

Periodic spa treatments for facial skin care benefit the appearance of the skin and its internal condition. Spa treatments give you pleasure, during which your skin is filled with strength, cleansed, strengthened and tightened.

SPA techniques for facial skin are useful, and their healing effects can:

    Normalize metabolic processes in the body;

    Remove toxins and harmful substances;

    Improve blood supply to ensure the skin receives enough oxygen;

    Cleanse pores thoroughly from dirt and grease;

    Reduce skin puffiness and eliminate circles under the eyes and dark spots;

    Increase skin smoothness and elasticity;

    Tighten the facial oval;

    Effectively fight bruises and wrinkles;

    Even out facial tone;

    Reduce pigmentation of certain areas of the skin.

Spa water research.

Scientists from the Kharkov National Pharmaceutical University of the Department of Aromology and Cosmetology were able to study the influence SPA waters on the skin. The study involved 6 men and 16 women aged from 22 to 57 years. For 25 days, they drank at least 1.5 liters of spa water of resort origin, and all caring and cleansing procedures studied were carried out on the basis of this water.

Based on the SPA water “Truskavetska Aqua-Eko” and “Truskavetska Krishtalev”, various cosmetic procedures were performed, in particular, specialists used it to create photo peelings and alginate face masks.

At the end of a 1.5 week study on the use of spa water, the level of skin hydration according to corneometric indicators was increased by approximately third. At the same time, the subjects and experts noted greater smoothness and silkiness of the skin, its improved shade, less puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. Among other things, according to experts, the skin fat content of the subjects studied was brought back to normal.

The effectiveness of facial spa

The effectiveness of facial spas has been confirmed by many women. They note that the skin after spa treatments smoothes out, brightens, becomes softer and softer, as if after a long vacation. Of course, the spa does not provide a pronounced rejuvenating effect, but your face will definitely look better.

The most important thing in a SPA is regular procedures. They are advised to do them at least every month so that the effect is really “on the face”. Many speak well of Thai procedures, but regularity is also important here.

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Facial spa treatments are a cosmetic complex aimed at protecting the skin from the harmful effects of the external environment and eliminating the influence on the epidermis of unfavorable factors associated with bad habits (poor diet, alcohol, smoking, etc.). Being exposed to negative influences, the skin gradually becomes thinner, becomes dry and dull. Spa facials help eliminate cosmetic defects, restore skin elasticity, and restore good color.

Spa facial treatments at home

Typically, cosmetology services are provided in salons, but some facial spa treatments can be done at home. In this case, a certain sequence of actions must be followed. An approximate procedure algorithm is as follows:

  1. Deep cleansing.
  2. Massage.
  3. Moisturizing and nourishing the skin.

Spa facial cleansing

Before any facial procedures, the skin must be cleansed. First, remove all cosmetics using appropriate products and water. Next is a deep cleansing. Water vapor helps open the pores, but for greater effect, you can drop a few drops of essential oil into the water (cosmetologists recommend lavender or rosemary). A scrub is applied to the steamed skin to help remove dead epidermal cells. In addition to peeling creams, you can use homemade cleansers. Ground coffee, table salt and crushed grape seeds mixed with honey, sour cream or heavy cream have a mild exfoliating effect. Masks based on .


Before performing the massage part of the procedure, experts recommend applying avocado pulp or a mixture of vegetable and essential oils to the skin. The facial should be done carefully, in a circular motion. It's great if you massage your décolleté area.

After the massage, you need to rest a little so that the applied composition is absorbed into the relaxed skin. After 7 – 10 minutes, wash your face with warm water.

Hydration and nutrition

The last step is to apply a nourishing or moisturizing facial spa mask appropriate to your skin type. You can “feed” the epidermis by applying a paste of fresh cucumber, strawberries or fruit. The mask should be kept for 15 - 20 minutes, rinsed off, alternating warm and cold water, and completed the procedure by applying moisturizer to the face and décolleté.

After the first procedure performed according to all the rules, your face will gain the desired freshness, and after several procedures, the skin will noticeably smooth out, and your beauty will be brighter and more expressive.

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