How to correctly refuse communication with a guy. How to refuse a man in order to tie him down

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How to refuse a man is a question that baffles not only young girls, but also ladies experienced in amorous affairs. Not every representative of the fair sex skillfully gets rid of the encroachments of a gentleman or legal spouse if she has no desire to have sex at a certain moment. You should understand this issue, because a woman’s mental balance depends on it.

Why does a woman want to deny intimacy to a man?

Before letting the gentleman understand the futility of his attempts, you should understand the personal motivation for such a decision:

  • Fatigue. In this condition, sexual attraction to the desired partner may disappear. A few days are enough for the couple to return to a harmonious relationship. If this does not happen, then the woman should reconsider her work schedule, which can be exhausting and harmful to her health.
  • Bad feeling. Not a single person is immune from the disease, so during this period a woman tries to distance herself as much as possible from sexual claims towards her. This is especially true for diseases of the genitourinary system and the condition of PMS, when many representatives of the fair sex become aggressive towards any hints of intimacy.
  • Resentment. It occurs most often in established couples, because some women punish their partners in this way for their offense. In most cases, this leads to a break in relationships, because it is not recommended to resolve conflict situations in this way.
  • Ignorance of man. Any self-respecting woman will not allow a representative of the opposite sex to approach her if she is not sure of the safety of contact with him. The exception is sudden mutual sympathy (in most cases in adulthood), which quite often leads to the creation of a strong family.
  • Physical rejection. A man may initially be unpleasant both externally and internally. At the same time, the rejected admirer often has a rather pleasant appearance, but in this case there is no mutual exchange of fluids.
If in the first four cases it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the rules for refusing sex, then the last situation is a hopeless option. In the absence of attraction to a potential partner on a physiological level, nothing good will come of such attempts.

Rules for refusing intimacy with a man

In this case, everything depends not only on personal motivation, but also on who exactly proposed to enter into an intimate relationship. In each of the situations that experts have differentiated, you should act according to a completely different scenario.

Effectively refusing a boyfriend on the first date

It must be remembered that some men, having beautifully organized a romantic meeting, expect to then end up in bed with the lady they like. If a woman’s plans do not include such an end to the evening, then she should act as follows:
  1. Preliminary agreement. A voiced safety net will help avoid misunderstandings and turning the date into a banal farce. If the gentleman reacts with amazement but with restraint to such an assumption addressed to him, you can safely go on a date.
  2. Communication on serious topics. The less frivolous conversations, the more chances a woman will have to avoid an indecent proposal after an evening out. If it is received, then it is necessary to discreetly make it clear that such behavior towards her is unacceptable.
  3. Discreet wardrobe. It is difficult for men to resist erotic thoughts when they see a lady with a deep neckline and a miniskirt. You should not once again provoke your gentleman with your defiant appearance. A spectacular knee-length dress with a closed collar will show better than any words that the lady is not in the mood for sex on the first date.

A competent refusal to a man at the beginning of a relationship

Some young people and older representatives of the stronger sex are in a hurry to propose sex immediately after a couple has formed. For the female sex, the candy-bouquet period is especially important, when the lady favorably accepts the courtship of the gentleman.

In order not to ruin a nascent relationship, you should know how to politely refuse a man in this case:

  • Show the significance of the upcoming action. Easily accessible women can interest the stronger sex only for a short period of time. There is still a possibility that a lady with similar behavior will be left as a backup option in the absence of a permanent partner. In a nascent relationship, you don’t have to pretend to be an impregnable fortress, but it is still recommended to draw a certain line of what is permissible. A man must understand that without respect for his chosen one, she will consider this sex without obligations. Therefore, it is necessary to convey to him information about the significance of an intimate relationship with him.
  • Well-chosen phrases. Under no circumstances should you categorically refuse or show your fear if a man wants to have sexual intercourse. In the first case, the gentleman will think that he will never have a chance, and will simply break off the unpromising relationship. In the second situation, he will literally feel like a rapist of a defenseless person and will try to get rid of her. You should speak in a neutral tone, using phrases like “everything will definitely happen, but when I’m ready” or “there’s no need to rush things.”
  • Tricky answers to questions. However, a man who is interested in intimacy cannot be fooled so easily. In response to such tricks, he will ask a direct question: why is it too early and for what reason is the woman still not ready? It is easiest for virgins to take such thoughts in a different direction, who can focus on this fact. Experienced ladies will have to cheat and return to the first recommendation - showing the significance of the upcoming intimacy.
If a man continues to insist on intimacy, then it is best to break off the relationship with him. Any woman is not an automaton for satisfying the desires of an egoist.

Proper refusal of sex to a friend

Some close male acquaintances sometimes want not only friendship from a woman, but also sex. It is especially difficult to behave correctly in a situation when such a proposal comes from a significant person in your life. In order not to offend him with a refusal and not to lose friendship, psychologists advise behaving as follows:
  1. Straight Talk. You should explain to your friend that his thoughts are illogical. They usually say that “you are a wonderful man, but let’s remain friends, not sexual partners.” In this case, he wants something that does not correspond to such a statement. It is necessary to bring a congenial person to the conclusion that initially communication began solely on the coincidence of common interests.
  2. Tough measures. The situation is very bad if a friend of the opposite sex has been in love with a woman for a long time. Waiting for the right moment, he never thought about the fact that his old girlfriend simply wouldn’t want him sexually. He has become like a brother to her, and she is unable to overcome herself. You can refuse a childhood friend even in a harsh manner. After some offense, he will still forgive the woman, because the habit of communication will do its job.
  3. Ending friendship. The question of how to refuse intimacy to a man in the harshest terms concerns pseudo-friends of the opposite sex. They take the word “no” as a personal insult. Wanting to annoy the offender, they spread dirty rumors about her, not even disdaining to divulge her personal secrets.

Correct refusal of sex to husband

There is a category of ladies who are very surprised when their husband leaves her. Such persons do not see a serious reason for the fact that they systematically denied him intimacy. “After all, we are not animals,” is their favorite answer. As a result, they are left in splendid isolation, and their partner leaves for a wiser and more flexible woman.

To prevent this from happening, you should master the skill of how to beautifully refuse a man:

  • Divert attention. An observant wife always knows her husband's preferences. Even if she hates boxing or action movies with all her heart, then it's time to stop being capricious. If a woman feels well, then you can gently hug your loved one and offer to visit a place where he likes to spend time. The main thing is to show as much sincerity as possible, because otherwise the chosen one will feel the catch.
  • Postpone sex until tomorrow. If the wife constantly has a headache, then the husband will leave the unfortunate person alone and go to satisfy his needs with a healthy lady. If you feel unwell or are very tired, you need to honestly admit this to your partner. However, you should keep your promise, because next time the offended man will no longer believe the deceiver. By the way, sex therapists say that excellent sex perfectly relieves any headache.
  • Cheat a little. If your loved one wants to retire in the bedroom with his partner not late at night, then you can tell him that guests are coming to the family. If it is not possible to urgently come to an agreement with one of the friends and their husbands, then the cancellation of the visit is announced. By that time, the heated spouse will noticeably cool down.

Be careful! It’s one thing to use feminine tricks in relation to strangers, but if you manipulate your husband, everything can end in tears. These tips are only acceptable in emergency situations, when a woman cannot reach her husband and really feels unwell.

Ways to refuse intimacy to an obsessive gentleman

Some particularly persistent people may not accept the word “no” addressed to them for months. In this case, tact will be unnecessary, because in a different situation, a would-be boyfriend is capable of tormenting a woman for years with his claims. The tactics for repelling an attack must be built as follows:
  1. Invitation to the registry office. It should be stated that sex is possible only after registering the relationship and getting married in a church. It won’t hurt to diversify your fiery speech by deciding to get acquainted with the family of the person who doesn’t give you a pass. The control shot should be a statement that the bride’s father is eager to meet his future son-in-law. It’s worth unobtrusively ending your monologue with memories of how dad shone in the boxing ring and really doesn’t like irresponsible scoundrels.
  2. Confession of bitter experience. It is necessary to tell the Velcro man in bright colors about how unlucky the woman of his dreams was with men. It doesn’t hurt to specify your story by saying that the initiators of the breakup were exclusively former partners. They based their decision on the fact that their lady was frigid and very intrusive after breaking up. After such a story, it is worth complaining about the injustice of fate, and the annoying suitor will disappear from sight forever.
  3. Recognition of membership in an informal organization. The more scandalous information around the community voiced to the unlucky suitor, the better. At the same time, one should declare oneself not as an outside observer, but as an active participant in such a movement.
  4. Last warning. This is done in two ways. If the annoying boyfriend is married, then you can voice your desire to communicate with his wife. A single harasser should describe the merits of his partner (even if he is a mythical one). If this does not work, then you need to ask someone you know to play a caring boyfriend for a while. It is recommended to select an applicant of impressive size for this role.
If a Velcro man really fell in love with a woman, then he will not be afraid to overcome all the stated obstacles. In this case, psychologists advise taking a closer look at such a candidate. Perhaps it is this kind of devotion that is worth a lot, and not dreams of a handsome prince.

How to refuse a man - watch the video:

When asking how to refuse sex to a man, you should proceed from your personal beliefs. It all depends on the situation and the desire to build relationships with a potential or existing partner. The main thing is not to deceive the expectations of an unwanted suitor and not to lose the favor of the man who came to your heart.

Decide if you want to talk to him in person. If you are dating, then yes, you should talk to him in person. But if he invites you on a date via SMS or email, or on a dating site, then you can respond virtually. This way it won’t be so awkward for both of you, and you won’t be able to see his unhappy face; he will also be able to maintain his dignity, since you will not see how broken he is, as if you told him that you are not interested in him in person. But if it's a close friend or someone you've been seeing for more than two months, you might want to call and figure out what's the best thing to do.

  • Act like an adult and make sure you tell him everything yourself, whether you speak in person or not. If you ask one of your friends, he will be unpleasant.

Be honest about the fact that you don't want to date him. If you don't like this guy, you should be honest that you're not interested. If he asks you out, say something like, “I'm sorry, but I don't think we can work out” or “I don't feel the chemistry, but I like you as a person.” Keep it short and simple, but make it clear to him that you don't want to date so that he doesn't get confused or want to spend more time with you than you want.

  • He may start asking you for reasons, but you don't have to tell him everything. This will only make him feel worse, so do him a favor even if he thinks that wants to hear it.
  • Give him a good reason. If you don't feel the chemistry, you can tell him so. If you don't want to date anyone right now, say so. If your heart is in someone else, tell him. If you just don't like him because you don't find him attractive or interesting or whatever, don't go into too much detail. Although it’s not very pleasant to lie, no one wants to hear: “You’re not my type.” Think of a reason that won't hurt his feelings too much.

    • Decide in advance what reason you will tell him so that he does not catch you in a lie.
    • Don't say you like someone if you don't. He will understand very quickly.
    • Also, don't say you're not ready for a relationship if you like someone else. If he sees you hanging out or even starting to date a guy after you two talked, he'll feel like a fool because you lied to him.
  • Be firm. While you can act nice, you should make it clear that you don't see him in a romantic light. If you say something like, “I'm not at the point in life to date someone...”, he'll think you're telling him that he'll have a better chance in the future if he waits for a month or two. You shouldn't give him false hope, and although it will be easier for him for a while, it will only get worse for him when he realizes that there really is no chance.

    • It's true that the worst thing you can do is hold a guy back, so it's better to be too firm rather than too gentle.
  • Don't offend him. Don't tell him you think he's not smart enough, cool enough, or attractive enough for you. This way you will be considered arrogant and indifferent. If you want to politely refuse him, it means you think he's a nice guy, so don't offend him, even if you think you're telling the truth.

    • During a conversation, your full attention should be on him. If you're distracted or checking your phone, he'll feel even more offended.
  • Avoid clichés. Don't say things like, "It's not about you, it's about me," "I think you deserve better," or "I'm just not ready for a relationship." All guys have heard this before, so it's better to be honest and not offend him: you simply don't have feelings for him. It's better to tell him that you never want to date him than to give him empty hopes.

    Be laconic. Once you've said what you wanted, it's time to part ways, forever or now. He may want to continue the conversation and want to hear more and more reasons why things won’t work out for you, which will only make things worse for you. If you think this is your situation, prepare an escape strategy in advance, whether it's meeting a friend or running errands. If you have nothing to do, it will be awkward if you want to just leave.

  • If you want to remain friends, say so. If you're really good friends, it's worth telling him how much he means to you and that you don't want to ruin everything. This doesn't mean you should say you want to remain friends with someone you barely know; if you're not friends and you say, "I want to stay friends," he'll see that you're just trying to comfort him. However, if you have been friends for a while, you can console him by telling him what a good friend he has been to you.

    • If you're truly friends, it's normal if he doesn't want to hang out with you for a while. Of course, it will be unpleasant for you, but he may not be ready for friendship for some time.
  • Refuse to bind

    How to refuse a man and is it worth doing? Is it possible tell him no and even stronger tie to yourself?

    Sex is always good when it's not too fast. If you are too interested in this man, it is better to refuse his first invitation to bed. This is especially true when you:

    1. The first one showed initiative when meeting.
    2. Your man belongs to the psychotype ““.
    3. You know for certain that one of these days he is leaving on a long business trip.
    4. You know that in addition to you, he already has a wife and mistress.
    5. You know very little about him.
    6. You always give yourself to a man “with your soul.”

    In short, it makes sense to give yourself away right away only when you don’t need anything from him other than one-time pampering.

    A moral experiment for the sophisticated

    But if you still succeed in having “easy fun” with a man, you may make an unexpected discovery for yourself. It turns out that you can easily translate “sex on the first date” into a long-term relationship, but only if... you can plausibly show that you are not interested in your fleeting lover as in a permanent partner.

    Break the male stereotype that all women are spiritually weak and fall in love from the first “fuck”. If you have enough “spirit” for this, even after spending the night with you, your man will realize that he was never able to fuck you. And if he realizes this, then, having your phone number, it is likely that he will strive to bring what he started to its “logical” end. Read more about what you need to remember and how to behave after sex so that there are no fears left and you don’t do anything stupid, in the book

    The moment you are invited into bed, do a completely harmless thing: look into his head and mess with it a little. All this will happen something like this... When you refuse a man, he thinks something like this: “Yeah, she wants to break, she’s pushing her worth.” Often a man voices this with a banal phrase: “Keep it simple, dear!” To which it would be nice to answer: “Simplicity is worse than theft!”

    You don't indulge in long, meaningless explanations—you challenge him. If he accepts this challenge, then an exciting continuation of the relationship follows. If not, then you are simply losing this man one day earlier than you could have lost him by agreeing to everything “without breaking a sweat.”

    Soul and personal experience have been put into this article. The video explains how personal experience influences the value of the materials offered.

    Blog Manipulation - Female Pickup - —

    In a woman’s life, situations often arise that require her to be able to say “no.” Moreover, speak firmly, in a tone that does not tolerate objections, realizing your own decision as the only correct one in the current circumstances.

    Such a step on the part of a representative of the fairer sex is especially important when the latter is subjected to the onslaught of an unsympathetic, even unpleasant, man. Today’s article offers you practical advice that can help you properly and without serious consequences refuse a gentleman further communication.

    When saying “no,” remain friendly and as tactful as possible.

    You understand that by refusing a man, you still hurt his pride one way or another. Therefore, if you don’t want to run into rejection in the form of insults and, in some cases—guys are different—assault, discard rudeness and contempt.

    Be decisive in this matter.

    There is no need to commit violence against yourself by being in the company of a person you find unpleasant, to whom you feel indifference or, even more so, disgust throughout the evening.

    Women make this mistake quite often if, for example, the acquaintance happened almost “blindly”: by phone or on the Internet. It is better, having finally seen a man, talked a little and not felt the slightest interest in him, to make it clear to the interlocutor that there will be no continuation. This is even more relevant in the case when you don’t like a person already during the period of communication preceding a possible date.

    You shouldn't give a man false hopes.

    Do not respond to a proposal for a meeting with phrases like “let’s do it later”, “I can’t do it yet, I’m not ready”, “I’ll think about it”, “we’ll see”, etc., etc. Remember: by delaying the inevitable outcome, you are creating problems for yourself. It’s better to put an end to this story in one fell swoop, without allowing it to develop further.

    Be sure to state the reason for the refusal.

    The fan will probably want to hear it, and he has the right to demand an explanation from you. Here you can use your imagination: come up with a plausible reason, for example, “I already have a boyfriend,” “I don’t have office romances as a matter of principle.” By the way, don’t be afraid to say directly that you don’t like a man. Just do it loyally, gently, or through hints, half-jokingly (“my taste is exclusively for “nerds”), so as not to offend the annoying representative of the stronger sex.

    There's no need to go on a whole tirade.

    The refusal should be extremely short, but succinct and it is advisable not to raise additional questions.

    Observe yourself from the outside if the word “no” with all the accompanying phrases does not have any effect on a man, and he continues to attack you.

    Your speech and your behavior are probably not the same. Most women flirt with members of the opposite sex unconsciously, without noticing it themselves. Flirting gestures include licking parted lips, sneaking a glance from under the eyelashes, shaking hair, winding a lock of hair around a finger while talking, a languid smile, a bright color of lipstick, etc.

    If your fan is being overly persistent and all of the above recommendations have had no effect, try the following steps:

    Having refused once according to the rules, stop paying attention to the person altogether. Look through him as if the man were not there; do not answer questions and do not carry on the conversation when he starts a conversation with you; immerse yourself in a book (or pretend to) or put on headphones. At the same time, maintain an indifferent, even cold, expression on your face. Such maneuvers are guaranteed to work, because it is not for nothing that they say: “He who kills with a word finishes off with silence.”

    Tell a big lie to the annoying gentleman about yourself so as to once and for all discourage him from pestering you. Tell him about your terrible addictions (“I drink, smoke, go to seedy places”), if a representative of the stronger sex gives the impression of an unspoiled, cultured intellectual, and, conversely, about your abstruse hobbies and interests (“I listen to Mozart, read Stendhal and Flaubert, I love opera and the avant-garde") in the case of a man belonging to the category of broken and narrow-minded subjects.

    Go on a date.

    Yes, yes, go to a meeting with your boyfriend, heed his ardent requests! But become an artist for one evening: play the role of a girl who is far from the ideal of a fan. Wear whatever you can get your hands on, skip makeup, don’t wear a chic hairstyle on your head, and at dinner start a conversation about your illnesses or the coming apocalypse, and always in a mournful voice. You won't see that annoying fan again!

    If a person is really in love with you, he will agree to this option. After all, the latter will allow a man to freely communicate with you and get to know you. You will acquire a faithful comrade who will console you in difficult times, share your joy with you, and give practical advice. Gradually, you will most likely get used to this person, see his positive sides, feel sympathy for him, and maybe something more. Psychologists say: the strongest love (not falling in love!) grows precisely from friendship. Good luck to you!

    Refuse men like a noble lady

    Hello, dear girls! We all sometimes find ourselves in situations where we have to say “no” to someone. The right words do not always come on time and most often the refusal looks rude or unreasonable. Of course, it is impossible to prepare for any situation, but today I would like to talk to you about how to refuse a man with dignity. After all, by refusing, you can not only lower his self-esteem, but also forever discourage him from approaching girls.

    First, I suggest you think about why you are refusing. Quite often, I have witnessed situations where a girl says “no” with her words, but shows “yes” with her whole appearance. Therefore, you must clearly understand why you want to reject this or that proposal from a man, be it an invitation to a date or a conversation about intimacy.

    I don’t recommend you play “inaccessibility”. Girls think that the more you refuse a man, the more he will strive. If you say no for these reasons, then be extremely careful in your expressions.

    First of all, not all guys take hints. Secondly, you may be considered frivolous or too flighty, because today no, but tomorrow yes. Moreover, do not get carried away with such tactics if you are in a long-term relationship.

    One of my friends tried to refuse a married man’s offer to date, but she was always looking for an opportunity to see him and make eye contact with him. She just wanted to play a game of flirting with him. But the man didn’t understand why she was refusing him, while she was constantly sending nonverbal signals.

    If you decide to reject a man’s proposal, then do it clearly, intelligibly and accessible. Don't hesitate, don't fawn, and don't try to justify your refusal. But now we’ll find out how to do this competently and beautifully, so as not to offend a man.

    What do girls usually do? They just send you to hell, sometimes even rudely and uncivilized. If you don’t want to seem tactless, then your refusal must include a compliment to the man, not just his appearance, but his masculine qualities.

    If you don't know how to compliment guys, that's okay. Read the article “How to Compliment a Man” and you will always be able to find the right words in any situation.

    So, your refusal should consist of a compliment, a short explanation of your negative answer, and a supportive phrase. Let's look at it with an example.

    For example, a guy approached you on the street and offers to meet you.

    1. The first option: simply ignore him or say “I don’t see the point in communicating, goodbye.”
    2. Second option: “You must be very brave if you are not afraid to approach girls on the street. Sorry, but I already have a boyfriend, but I’m sure that such a brave and confident man will definitely be able to find a worthy girl.”

    Agree, the second option looks much more polite, tactful and correct. The guy realized that you are not ready to communicate with him, but he did not have self-doubt, he will not think that there is something wrong with him.

    So in sex, you also need to be able to refuse correctly so that no further problems arise. If this is a stranger in front of you, then the answer will be approximately in the same form as above: you are so straightforward and frank, but I only do this with my loved one, I have no doubt that such a confident man will be able to find what he is looking for.

    Common Mistakes

    Coarseness. This is the most common mistake girls make. It is forbidden to be rude, call names or get personal under any circumstances. No matter how difficult it may be for you to communicate with a person, even if he does not understand your refusals at all and continues to pester you with his attention, never allow yourself to resort to insults.

    Most likely, this is your first and last meeting, why make a scandal out of it? Try to remain polite and cultured in any situation. Remember that you can always resort to humor. This is especially important when communicating with a loved one.

    Blurred phrase. Sometimes it’s difficult for girls to immediately and directly refuse a handsome guy, for example. Therefore, the girl does not directly say “no”, but beats around the bush. You need to speak directly, specifically and to the point. What do you want to tell a man: let's remain friends; I need a break now; we need to break up.

    Try to speak directly. So, one of my friends could not directly refuse money to a guy. She couldn’t say a clear “no,” so she kept coming up with some phrases.

    Discrepancy between behavior and words. I talked about this above. When a girl says “no”, but with all her appearance continues to show interest in a man. Read the article “Break ties with your lover.” Of course, it’s more about married women who decided to get distracted on the side, but you’ll probably find a lot of useful thoughts for yourself.

    What does your refusal phrase usually look like? Have you ever heard a refusal addressed to you?

    I wish you patience and self-control in any situation.

    5 reasons to refuse a married man

    What to do if the chosen one is married? Go as far as possible. And the point here is not in morality and human rumor, but in common sense and the notorious instinct of self-preservation.

    Of course, we girls have the right to make a mistake and to make our own choice, and we all remember very well that you can’t order your heart... However, the position of a healthy nervous system suggests the most correct decision regarding married men - to refuse. And that's why:

    He only thinks about himself.“We stole a few hours from life to spend them together. Just you and me,” may sound romantic, but in practice it turns out to be quite traumatic, predictable and hopeless. “Don’t use such strong perfume—your wife might smell it.” “It’s better to go to your place, and not to a restaurant, so that no one, God forbid, sees.” “I’ll bring you a gift for March 8th in a couple of days, okay?” “Don’t be upset, baby, you understand everything yourself.” Almost every married man repeats this “mantra” with various variations.

    Further more. Over time, your romantic evenings turn into listening to endless complaints about your wife and children, mother-in-law and unresolved housing issue. What kind of fireworks and magical sex is there when he, the unfortunate man, has a hard and easy life? You have to listen and understand, so as not to once again traumatize the gentle male soul, which is already pretty battered by a bitch wife and a cruel life. Is there something that excites, interests and worries you too? “Be patient a little, baby, everything will be decided,” we hear in response. But it is most often decided in favor of legal marriage.

    Always second. No matter how much your chosen one says that you are the first in his soul, he goes to bed with her, spends the weekends with her, and her children bear his last name and call him dad. The facts are inexorable. And you get all sorts of nicknames a la “homewrecker”, “destroyer”, “bitch”, and, of course, “a decent woman would not do that”, “she would be ashamed”, “what kind of upbringing” and “no conscience”.

    Not all good men were taken before us. The truth is that married and unmarried men are practically no different in strengths and weaknesses, except that the former have a wife, and therefore additional responsibilities and worries. So, before you rush into the abyss of empty promises and your own disappointments, take a closer look, perhaps among your circle there is a young man without a ring on his finger who is just as good at giving compliments, bringing coffee in bed, giving gifts and having intimate conversations. Moreover, in such a relationship there is a much greater chance of becoming the only woman for the man you love. A significant plus.

    Relationships with a “married man” do not improve your health. In order to feel, look and achieve great results in life, a woman needs to sleep well, have quality rest, and feel protected and confident. A married man cannot give this. A priori. Of course, constant adrenaline rushes from the tormenting questions “What if someone finds out?”, “What’s next?”, “When will this end?”, “Why doesn’t he call?” for a while they add sparkle to the eyes and increase activity. But not for long. This is followed by apathy, depression, insomnia and other unpleasant symptoms, which clearly do not contribute to feeling complete and happy.

    Doubtful happiness. Although psychologists and life experience show that men get divorced extremely rarely, it does happen. And this is where the fun can begin. It turns out that the man had problems with his wife not only because she was a bitch and hysterical, she didn’t give life and she got married to herself. It becomes obvious that our prince is a rather down-to-earth creature who loves TV, beer, men's gatherings in bars and saunas, does not earn very much, and from this he pays a little alimony and a car loan. Only now is the whole truth revealed: he has arthritis, an allergy to the sun and problems with erection. And the worst thing is that now you must endure, understand and forgive all this. Why? Yes, because you led him astray from the true path, took him away from his family, and now you owe him. In truth, one can doubt the necessity of such a “gift of fate.”

    So let men live with those they married and get out of the crisis of family life through their own efforts, and not at the expense of the love and devotion of another woman. We will choose those who are ready to take full responsibility for their lives and actions, and not rush between two fires, making both themselves and everyone around them unhappy.

    How to correctly and gracefully refuse a man

    Women are accustomed to believing that men are the stronger sex. Partly so. But sometimes they are more vulnerable and touchy. They are only blocks of stone in appearance, but at heart they are little boys who are afraid to hear “no”. But they will have to hear this “no”. And your task is to make sure that they swallow this pill without unnecessary bitterness.

    This technique gives great results if you have met an aggressive and assertive man. For them, all veiled words will mean that their actions should be even more assertive. “No” should sound briefly, not in a loud voice, but with metal in the voice. Naturally, without insults, sarcasm or attacks towards the fan. A cold “no” and perhaps in a circle.

    A frontal attack sounds clear, convincing and peremptory. You can simply say no without adding anything to it. Maybe with a little explanation.

    For example: “No, I can’t come,” “No, I have other plans,” “I don’t have time.” And don’t forget to completely remove flirting, coquetry and affectation. Do not react to provocations and do not be fooled by delaying the conversation. You can listen to complaints and suggestions, but don’t object, don’t ask clarifying questions, just say “no” again.

    This is the softest technique for refusing a fan. Your “no” should be followed by “I’m sorry.” For example, “I’m very sorry for giving false hope,” “I’m very sorry, but I already have a boyfriend,” “I’m very sorry, but I’m not that girl.”

    The essence of the technique is that the woman must listen carefully to the man, showing her empathy and awkwardness, but in the end she must say “no.”

    This technique will help you refuse a man you have known for a long time. Suppose this is a childhood friend who looked after you at school, and now, 10 years later, the same fire of feelings has flared up in him. Tell him about yourself. Everything we experienced during this time: about my husband, about my parents, about friends and work.

    Tell him in such a way that he himself understands that there is no place for him in your life.

    Once is an accident. Two is a coincidence. Three or more is a pattern. This is exactly how this tactic works. You need to derive a pattern that your union is classified as “no”. For example, you are married, live in another city, and your mother will not accept him. It is difficult for a man to fight on three fronts at once. A pattern in the unreality of a relationship with you will become stronger in his subconscious.

    And even if he moves to your city, wins your mother’s favor, and your husband moves, because it’s not a wall, then his subconscious will tell him that the other three reasons will immediately arise.

    This technique is especially suitable for refusing: a man who is older than you, superior and wealthy.

    “Call me in an hour, oh, better tomorrow. No, I can't tomorrow. Let's call next week? Sorry, the whole week will be busy. How about in a month? Again, I can't. You know what, call me “never.” Yes, never. Would you mind calling me “never”?” – something like this should sound like a dialogue. And a man must hear and understand him. Reschedule meetings, pull the cat by the tail as much as you can. The man himself will get tired of this uncertainty. And an intelligent man is well aware that this temporary delay is nothing more than a veiled refusal.

    This technique is suitable for communicating with assertive fans who do not tolerate objections. But over time, they may simply dry out on their own.

    You can't knock on a closed door forever. In addition, they will not receive a straightforward refusal and will not feel knocked out.

    You can give your fan one slow dance, but during it, explain to the man that your future life will be without him. Give him something you can afford to take away the feeling of emptiness and failure from his heart.

    If he says: “I either have everything or nothing,” great. This way you will be freed from the dance, but he made the decision. Moreover, he refused you the dance.

    “I can’t, but my friend will accept your offer with pleasure.” A little pimping, replacing the lead singer, and it's done. Perhaps you can truly arrange the personal life of a lonely friend with an excellent male specimen.

    When refusing a man, no matter how you decide, remove all feminine things from your arsenal. Don't provoke him. Men tend to hunt and conquer. Don't lure him into your traps if you really want him to get away from you. Any of your coquetry will keep him on a leash. If you use all the feminine charisma, it means that you need this admirer and the topic of refusal is not on your mind.

    Friendship with those around him

    An excellent tactic, for example, is to ask a married man about his wife. And not just ask, but praise her, say that she is beautiful and smart. Invite a man to visit your wife and tell him that the husband has long wanted to meet them.

    Compliment - refusal - compliment

    If you met a man on social networks, and when you met him in person he turned out to be completely different, then give him a portion of compliments with a mandatory refusal. For example: “You are a wonderful person, but, unfortunately, nothing will work out with you, but I am sure that you will find a worthy match.” Without unnecessary sweetness, but with the obligatory stroking of the “fur”.

    If the above points did not produce results and the boyfriend turned out to be persistent beyond measures, then you can try:

    • Ignore. Look through it as if there is no fan, as if looking through glass onto the street. Turn on complete indifference, you are not just deaf and dumb, but men are not. And remember the phrase “those who kill with a word finish with silence.” If a man didn’t understand anything the first time, then you will have to finish him off.
    • Deceive. Don't have a boyfriend? Then “borrow” it from a friend for a while and show it to a fan. It’s better if the “loan” is a boxer. No children? Say that there are four people sitting at home asking for food.
    • Spend an evening with him. Do you want an evening? Give it to him. Just be the opposite of his beloved girl. Let a friend come with you, because she is lonely. Let your mother, grandmother and neighbor call all the time. Let your school friends meet - they are all drug addicts and alcoholics. Swear, spit on the floor, wear ugly clothes and don’t wash your hair. This is all exaggerated. But you need to arrange a “chic evening” somewhere in this vein.
    • Offer friendship. "I will always be your friend." If he's happy with it, well, give it to him. Maybe he'll fall in love?
    • How to properly refuse a man in a relationship

      If you are a woman, you have already faced the following problem many times: how to politely refuse a man when he asks to visit, invites you on a date or asks for your phone number.

      You don’t always want to go on a date, you don’t always want to give an extra reason for a relationship if you are sure that you don’t like this man and you don’t want to have any serious relationship with him. At the same time, you do not want to seem rude or offend the person, especially if he is your old acquaintance.

      There are several ways in which you can politely and tactfully let a man know that you do not want to be in a further serious relationship with him. You can check out some of them.

      Speak directly and openly, but kindly

      It is better to immediately say that you do not want the development of further relations. Here you can refer to anything - you have a fiancé, you are not ready for a relationship, the man is not your type, etc. It’s better to immediately tell the whole truth (or almost the whole truth) than to give a man hope for the future.

      Come up with some fable

      Often, completely ridiculous fables help, making it clear to a man that you are not interested in him. Describe a situation in which you would have to be directly involved. It may seem strange to your admirer, but he himself may refuse the idea of ​​inviting you on a date. Some girls even resort to the following trick: they tell something terrible about themselves, like they drink a lot, smoke, go out, etc. This discourages any normal man from pursuing you.

      Polite refusal without hesitation or doubt

      Use your best efforts to refuse politely and in an acceptable manner. At the same time, your words should sound confident, without any signs of indecision, otherwise the man will regard this as an attempt to play with him. Don't be rude or harsh in your refusal, but be firm in your intentions.

      The shortest possible refusal

      In some cases, a very short refusal helps. You shouldn’t even tell any stories or make up fables. Just say that you can’t meet the man right now or give him your phone number. Sometimes the interlocutor may be offended, but this will not last long, since you have not done anything bad to him.

      Last phrase rule

      Remember that the last phrase spoken in a conversation is always remembered best. Therefore, with the last sentence you should let the man know that you are really confident in your refusal. Your phrase should not end with similar expressions: “Well, I’ll think about it” or “Everything is possible, but not now,” etc. If you really do not want attention from a particular suitor, let him know this as politely as possible. The same applies to those cases when you do not want to offend your long-time friend who is in love with you. You shouldn't give him hope with such phrases if you don't want to date him. It may hurt at first, but then he will definitely establish friendly relations with you.

      How to refuse a man without ruining your relationship with him?

      The correct solution to the question of how to refuse a man and not spoil the relationship with him lies in the reasons for the “delicate situation.” So you have to look for the optimal solution when you like a man and don’t want to ruin your relationship with him. But the time for intimacy has not yet come (due to moral principles or other circumstances). Refusal is also inevitable if a man does not reciprocate your feelings, but respect for a person or social status requires special tact and prudence in actions.

      In addition, you should not “throw yourself into the pool” when:

    • the man already has another lover or wife;
    • he is a collector of love affairs;
    • does not share your views and values;
    • is a slave to bad habits.

    It is quite natural that a woman does not want to humiliate herself with unworthy relationships. But a man who sincerely loves and respects her will make an effort to rise to the desired level, but will not demand “lowering the bar.”

    How to tactfully refuse a man without “burning your bridges”?

    It is much easier to achieve understanding if you talk to a person in a language he understands, or more precisely, if you are guided by a value system that he understands. Thus, a man interested in a career can explain his refusal by being busy at work, while a man who values ​​family values ​​will understand arguments in the form of related matters more clearly. In this case, there will be no nasty “aftertaste”, and there will be a chance for new attempts.

    An indirect refusal, presented through a story or an anecdote, dotting all the “Is” in a positive form, full of humor and a cheerful mood, will not offend a man either. If this person evokes sincere respect and has done a lot of good things for you, you should use the form of a compliment when your partner is told how wonderful, attentive he is, etc., but a relationship with him is only possible in a brotherly or friendly way.

    Often a woman herself does not know what is best for her to do. In this situation, it is worth hinting that you need to think, or turning the situation into a joke (but certainly in a friendly tone). Cheerful and funny speeches will help the guy relax and tune in to a peaceful note, which will help delay the decision and carefully weigh all the arguments and his own feelings.

    How to refuse a man, but sweeten the pill?

    When looking for the best way to refuse a man and not ruin your relationship with him, first of all you should not allow him to feel rejected, unnecessary and completely expelled from the world of the woman you love.

    But since any living soul deserves love and respect, the main thing is to try to cause as little pain as possible, sincerely empathizing with the one who has to refuse. You can dispel the gloomy colors with the help of a compromise, when a person is offered some kind of alternative in the form of help in a particular matter, teamwork, friendly communication, or organizing a new acquaintance.

    In order for a guy who was refused to be able to save face, he should not have the feeling of a banal “excuse” because of your indistinct muttering and fear of looking him in the eyes. Also, arguments will not be heard, and the guy will consider himself deceived by a large number of hastily spoken words. However, the girl should not feel guilty and apologize profusely, giving false hope. It is better not to aggravate the situation by limiting yourself to a laconic, short answer.

    If a girl plans to refuse a man so that he will show even greater interest, and thereby “tie” the guy to her more tightly, it is worth raising not only her own “value”, but also her partner’s self-esteem. In this case, inaccessibility only strengthens the desire. Here it is worth hinting at mutual sympathy and expressing confidence that the man will have enough tact and patience not to rush things. The delay can be explained by the desire to be convinced of the depth of feelings and to get to know the young man better.

    How to refuse a man: A simple and effective way

    From time to time we all find ourselves in a situation where we need to refuse a person. Definitely tell him no.

    But this refusal is not always easy. Sometimes, surprising ourselves, we say “yes” instead of “no.” Most often, such situations happen when communicating with men. Especially when the relationship is just beginning or when it is going through a crisis.

    Women don't know how to refuse a man correctly. Not because they are reliable and ready to make any concessions. But because no one taught them this. There is a misconception that once you refuse a man, you can lose him forever. How many women have this misconception ruined their lives! How many were forced to do something that they later regretted...

    Women, more than men, are prone to concessions and are sensitive to what may be thought of them. With their refusal, they are often afraid of offending a man, hurting his pride. As a result, such good intentions bring problems to their heads. A woman says “no” too often, guiltily and insecurely. He tries to make excuses, offers to agree on a compromise and remain friends. As a result, the man does not take her refusal seriously. And he tries with all his might to convince the woman, sometimes even to intimidate or insult her. How to refuse a man correctly? There is one simple and effective way. Let's find out which one.

    Often women tend to think for a long time about “how to refuse a man.” They are tormented by questions: “How can I tell him this? What will he think of me? How will he react to my words?” And this is one of the most important mistakes women make - they worry more about him than about themselves.

    Believe me, you shouldn’t get hung up on the question of what will happen after your “no”.

    Think about yourself – your desires, your opinions and your expectations. You have the right to decide whether you want to date this man, whether you are ready to negotiate with him and on what terms, whether you need him. And no one can force themselves on you.

    If you value and love yourself, then the question of how to refuse a man will be solved very easily for you. You just answer “no.”

    If everything is not in order with self-love yet, do so. Calmly say no. There is no need to make excuses. Or, on the contrary, accuse: “How dare you offer me this?!” If you don’t want to offend a man with a refusal, simply say “no.”

    If you doubt your resolve or are afraid to start making excuses, try saying “no” and walking away. Especially if you understand that you can be persuaded to change your mind and forced to comply. Say that simple little word “no” and walk away.

    Then you will not provoke a man with your guilty look to turn your “no” into a “yes”. After all, your confused face gives a man hope and excitement. And he thinks: “Nothing, nothing, I’ll persuade her now.” So, in order not to tempt a man once again, say the word “no”. Pronounce it confidently and easily. And with this, the problem of how to refuse a man will disappear by itself.

    By the way, if you are asked for an explanation, remember that you have every right not to give one. “No” is the magic word; it can protect you from problems. No wonder they say - no, no trial. Learn to value yourself and your desires. Don't let anyone talk you into doing something you don't want to do.

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