How graduation is celebrated in different countries of the world. How graduation is celebrated in different countries of the world Graduation traditions

Graduating from school, college, lyceum, or gymnasium is a milestone of extreme importance, a transition to a new stage of life, or rather, as they say, entry into adulthood. And the festive finale of a long school stage is the graduation party. They prepare for it carefully, starting with festive clothes and ending with the organization of the second day of celebration.

In different countries of the world, of course, this day is celebrated in different ways, which greatly influence the way of celebration. traditions, bringing national flavor to this event. Let's see how graduations are held in other countries of the world, let's go...

1. In Australia Schoolchildren celebrate the end of tenth and twelfth grade. According to tradition, it is customary to arrive at the prom in unusual vehicles. We are not talking about luxury cars here. Graduates have to use a lot of imagination to surprise their classmates. Australian graduates can come to the ball in a fire truck, a tractor or even a wheelbarrow.

2. In South Africa the end of the school year falls at the end of the calendar year. The month of graduation ceremonies is November. Since in some areas schooling is still exotic for Aboriginal people, a whole family with elders and babies often comes to the graduation party, in their ethnic costumes.

3. In Sweden The prom begins with a celebratory champagne breakfast. Each graduate's outfit (for girls this is a white dress, and for boys - a suit) is given a white cap, on the lining of which everyone can sign as a souvenir. At the end of the formal part at the school, graduates go outside and throw these caps into the air. After which yesterday's schoolchildren get into cars with open bodies, decorated with birch branches, turn on loud music and drive around the city. The holiday ends at home, where the children invite many guests. At the same time, for young Swedes, graduation party is also an occasion to receive practical gifts given to them by invited guests.

4. In Norway graduates dress up in funny overalls of different colors depending on their future specialty. Thus, red overalls indicate economic specialties, blue ones for those who will go to university.

5. According to Indian Traditionally, the main event of the prom is the speech of the school principal. At the same time, each student receives a small printed booklet as a souvenir, which contains addresses, dates of birth and small comments about each of the graduates. A special “literary committee” is in charge of compiling the booklet.

6. In Poland instead of prom they celebrate a holiday stodniowka, which is held one hundred days before the end of school. The celebration begins with a compulsory polonaise dance, the first couple in which is the school principal and one of the graduates. Afterwards, the real fun begins with dancing and singing. If the holiday is celebrated at school, then graduates compete in creativity and creativity in decorating the hall. It is no less popular among Polish schoolchildren to celebrate this event in restaurants, pubs and clubs. There is a dress code: for boys there are three-piece suits or even tuxedos, and for girls there are evening dresses.

7. Graduation in America one of the most romantic. Preparations for the ball begin well in advance. At the beginning of the last school year, the graduating class selects members of the organizing committee, which will come up with a theme for the ball (for example, "Hollywood" or "Moonlit Night"), hall decoration, competitions. Graduates begin to think about dresses, hairstyles, makeup, bouquets and accessories. This event turns out to be no less troublesome for young people, because they are supposed to arrive at the prom in a limousine, and they also need to purchase a flower, which they will attach to the dress of the girl they will be accompanying. According to American tradition, the girl cannot come to the ball without a companion. He should come pick her up by car ( most often it is a limousine), give flowers, accompany you to the place of celebration and take care of you all evening. Violation of this law threatens public censure. At the same time, you can invite to the ball not only one of your classmates, but also from the lower grades or university. The main condition is that the inviter must be a graduate. If a couple could not be found, graduates come in groups of several people. The school part of the ball ends choice of King and Queen, which, as a rule, become the most popular and beautiful graduates. Afterwards, all graduates go to restaurants or hotels, where they continue to celebrate until the morning. Two days later, graduates receive certificates.

Do you remember your prom night...? Of course, not a single person will forget such a grandiose event in his life!

And for a bonus, watch the thematic video Basta - Graduation (2016), maybe you will remember your school love...

On the threshold of adulthood, school graduates sometimes do unimaginable things. decided to figure out how graduation is celebrated in different countries of the world and what graduates from, for example, the States and Norway have in common.

Our graduation
Let's start with our country, Belarus, for comparison. Our farewell to school traditionally begins with the last bell at the end of May. In the schoolyard, the graduates are greeted by teachers and the principal, and first-graders congratulate them. The girls tie white bows, put on their school uniform, the guys take their hands, and they either stay at school or go for a walk. Graduation itself is celebrated after passing the exams, and people walk noisily until the first officially adult morning. Graduates go to watch the sunrise, and the bravest ones swim in the city fountains.

American dream
Prom is taken extremely seriously in the United States. Preparations for it begin in advance. Judging by the films, the most interesting things in the lives of American teenagers happen in high school and, naturally, at graduation. Prom, or as they call it prom, can be compared to walking on the red carpet: girls follow fashion trends in order to literally blow everyone away.

It is customary to come to the ball as a couple. They choose a couple responsibly, because they will have to spend the whole evening together. You're not supposed to dance with someone else's boyfriend. The young man has serious responsibilities: he must put on a tuxedo, buy a flower bracelet to match his companion’s dress, pick her up in a luxury car in the evening and take her to the ball. Alcohol is prohibited at the festival; there are no ceremonial speeches or presentation of certificates. At the end of the evening, the principal announces the prom king and queen. They usually become the most popular and beautiful students in the school. Almost all graduates dream of becoming a prom queen or king.

Euro tour
In the UK and Ireland, graduation is celebrated in much the same way as in the USA, but in Scotland, most graduates do not even know what a prom is. The fact is that here the exam statistics are particularly disappointing, so it’s somehow not customary to celebrate finishing school, because after that very few people continue their studies at the university. The mood is not right. True, there are those who do not want to deprive themselves of the holiday and throw parties in hotels or pubs.

In France, in high school, at the lyceum, classmates change every year. Accordingly, rarely does anyone see the point in graduation. True, French graduates, following the example of their peers from Scotland, can sometimes also organize a holiday for themselves.

In Germany, they approach saying goodbye to school creatively. Students write class anthems, draw logos, print their photos as posters, and sign them. To leave a memory of themselves at their home school, they plant flowers and trees in the school garden. Having done something good and useful for the school, graduates receive the right to come to the ball. In some federal states, it is customary to organize themed parties: students dress up in a pre-selected style. For example, they dress like Hollywood stars on the red carpet or like oriental sultans and odalisques. By the way, in Germany you can officially drink alcohol at graduation, since the laws of the country allow beer and wine from the age of 16, and many graduates are already turning 18.

In Italy there is no graduation party as such; graduates themselves organize a party for themselves called I cento giorni (100 days), which actually takes place 100 days before the final exams. Why exactly 100? Italians believe that this is the amount of time it takes to review everything you have learned before exams.

Polish graduation is celebrated in January and also 100 days before graduation. There is something related between the Poles and the Italians, you will agree. The prom in Poland begins with a polonaise, which the director himself dances with one of the students. Moreover, each city has its own versions of polonaise. There is a belief: in order to pass exams well, you need to “tangle” your legs while dancing. When it comes to prom attire, guys wear three-piece suits and girls wear evening dresses. At the same time, it is believed that there must be something red in the outfit, since this color gives strength and confidence, and helps to overcome difficulties.

Graduation in Sweden begins with a gourmet breakfast and champagne. Girls wear dresses, and boys wear suits. Everyone has a small white cap, on the lining of which everyone can sign. After the ceremony, graduates run out of the school and throw their caps into the sky. Afterwards, the guys get into a convertible car and turn up the music louder. Their loved ones stand along the streets and hold posters with their photos and wishes. On this day, everyone gives each other practical gifts. They have fun until the morning.

In the last weeks before graduation, final-year college students in Norway dress up in funny, colorful overalls and have a lot of fun. Red overalls are worn by those who have decided to devote themselves to economics, blue overalls are worn by those who are going to engage in science, black overalls are worn by future techies, and white overalls are worn by athletes.

Mysterious Asia
One might think that in Asian countries they celebrate graduation in some special way, but the American prom has taken root there too. Graduation in Israel, for example, is held according to the same principle as in the States.

In Lebanon, graduation is held in the evening after a ceremony at a luxury hotel with a formal dress code, rental cars, and the selection of a prom king and queen.

In Malaysia, prom-type graduations are becoming more and more popular, but there the graduates themselves are involved in the organization, and the school administration is not involved.

In Japan, the graduation dress code is extremely strict! There will definitely be no king and queen here. Everything is strict, solemn, the Japanese are not used to showing emotions, the costume is according to the regulations.

In China, they say goodbye to school by throwing notebooks, diaries, pencils, pens out of the windows... In general, the way our schoolchildren threaten, except that they don’t burn anything.

In Pakistan there is a farewell dinner at the end of the school year.

Well... Different countries around the world have their own celebration traditions. But the general thing, perhaps, is that this day remains incredibly bright, warm, cheerful and at the same time a little sad. After all, it's time to grow up.

Graduation evening is one of the most long-awaited events in the life of every student. This day ends the series of exams and symbolizes the transition to adulthood. Some have already decided on their choice of future profession, while others are still in thought. Nevertheless, the graduation party never goes unnoticed by schoolchildren. The traditions of celebrating graduation in Russia are known to everyone, but what are things like in other countries? City+ has studied this issue and offers to find out how graduations are celebrated in America, Norway, Germany, Japan and Poland.

Graduation in Russia

The series of graduation ceremonies in Russia traditionally begins in the second half of June. However, preparations for the holiday begin much earlier. The official ceremony of the evening in each school takes place according to the established canon: the presentation of medals, certificates and parting words from the leadership of the educational institution.

There are some exceptions to the rules. Thus, in some regions of Russia, the ceremonial part begins with the laying of flowers at the monuments to the participants of the Great Patriotic War.

In Moscow, graduation parties usually take place on the night of June 23-24. Recently, schoolchildren in the capital have abandoned the tradition of choosing cafes and are spending the final day of school at large city venues.

In the Northern capital, proms have received a special status. St. Petersburg schoolchildren are given the opportunity to attend the now international Scarlet Sails festival, which will be held for the eleventh time this year. The detailed program of “Scarlet Sails-2015” can be found

Of course, the subtleties and nuances of each city do not exclude a concert program, school balls and discos, after which former schoolchildren greet the dawn.

Graduation in the USA

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The so-called degree day or graduation party in the USA is also associated with the student’s transition to a new level of education. American schoolchildren manage to celebrate such an evening more than once, since similar ceremonies are held in higher educational institutions after students receive their next academic degree (bachelor's, master's). Thanks to American films, it is no secret that there is another significant tradition - throwing academic caps into the air.

The official part of the ceremony often begins with demonstration marches and speeches. Only after this are graduates awarded a diploma marking the end of school.

Graduation in Norway

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In Norway, they prepare very carefully for the graduation party, or rather for the two-week celebration. Every graduate knows for sure that it is necessary to prepare a multi-colored jumpsuit for graduation. This tradition can be compared with our tradition, preserved from Soviet times, of wearing bows and white aprons at the “last call”.

Graduates in Norway dress in jumpsuits of different colors and have fun all 14 days. On the night of May 1st, classmates write notes to each other on their suits. It is worth noting that schoolchildren choose the color of their overalls consciously - it should indicate the graduate’s future profession. Blue overalls are for those who will go to university, red ones are for those who will work in economic specialties, black ones are for future technicians, and white ones are for athletes.

Graduation in Germany

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In Germany, graduation takes place after the results of the final exams are announced. The traditional ball is held in late spring or early summer.

German schoolchildren have their own special tradition - this is the "Abifeier" or "certificate celebration" - an informal holiday. It is organized by students and the initiators can make fun of teachers in a friendly manner.

This is followed by "Abiball" - a formal prom with a dress code. At a graduation party in Germany, drinking alcohol is allowed, since the laws of the country allow drinking beer and wine from the age of 16, and many graduates are already 18 years old or older at the time of graduation.

Graduation in Japan

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Japanese graduates are among the first to celebrate their graduation ceremony - as a rule, the evening takes place in the last days of March, since the new school year is due to begin in April.

The Japanese graduation party is distinguished by the absence of festive dresses and fluffy hairstyles - schoolchildren come to this holiday in casual clothes: girls in traditional sailor uniforms, boys in black school uniforms.

The graduation ceremony, as elsewhere, is held in the large assembly hall of the school. First, the director gives the floor, then the best students are invited to the stage to say words of gratitude. After the official part and presentation of diplomas, each graduate is given an album with photographs of classmates. As a rule, at the end of the formal part, all guests go home.

Graduation in Poland

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S todniowka is the name of graduation in Poland. The traditional prom is held one hundred days before graduation. It begins with a polonaise, and the first couple in the polonaise is the headmaster of the school with a graduate or alumnae. This is followed by the official part with the presentation of diplomas and welcoming words.

American promenade

In the USA and Canada, graduations are called prom(short for promenade), that is, a ball in honor of the end of the school year. By the way, not only school graduates can become participants. A special committee organizes such balls.

Guys usually prepare for the prom in advance: long before it takes place, they look for a date. Moreover, this could be either one of the students or a person “from the outside.” However, some schools have an age limit: you cannot invite guests over 21 years old. And if a graduate does not have a partner, this does not prevent him from coming to the ball in splendid isolation or with a group of friends.

The ball usually has a formal dress code: boys
come in black or white tuxedos, and girls in evening dresses (sometimes cocktail dresses are allowed). The young man must find out what kind of dress the girl is wearing and buy a flower bracelet or boutonniere for it, which is attached to the dress of his chosen one, and the girl buys her companion a flower for the buttonhole of her suit. According to tradition, a young man must pick up the girl he will accompany in a limousine.

The venue for the ball can be a school or a specially rented hall. Traditional at this holiday are a buffet table and dancing. Moreover, it is customary to dance at graduation with the person with whom the graduate came to the ball. You are not supposed to dance with someone else's boyfriend or girlfriend at such events.

Alcohol is generally prohibited at such events. Moreover, the school director himself often ensures that all participants in the ball are sober.

The final chord of the prom in America is the solemn announcement of the king and queen of the ball, who are elected by school-wide voting.

Graduation in European style

The traditions of holding proms in America are similar to the traditions of celebrating graduations in Great Britain and Ireland, only they have different names: in Great Britain - school formal, and in Ireland - grad(short for graduation - finishing school) or debs(short for “debutante ball”). Unlike traditional graduation balls, which in Russia take place at the beginning of summer, in Austrian and Czech gymnasiums they are usually held in January or February, before the start of exams. Graduates can invite their parents and other relatives to these balls. Sometimes several schools hold a joint prom.

Australia: respect for originality

If in America a limousine is considered a mandatory attribute of a prom, then in Australia it is a sign
you just. The main feature of Australian school graduates is originality. The more unusual the vehicle in which the graduate decides to go to the ball, the better. That's why they choose for this purpose anything that moves - a rare convertible, an ambulance, a fire truck, or even a tractor or an ordinary construction wheelbarrow.

Japanese strictness

Graduation ceremonies in Japan are held very seriously and strictly: the general assembly, the solemn speech of the director, and the presentation of diplomas. There is no talk of any ball gowns or evening suits, or of any discos. All graduates must wear school uniform. But at the end of the school event, already at home. you can have fun until you drop.

Germany: informal graduation

In Germany, graduation is celebrated twice. Informal the celebration is called Abifeier(Abi is short for the German name for a certificate, Abitur, and feier is a celebration). Usually, students organize events where they make friendly jokes with teachers. And the official graduation ceremony is followed by Abiball– prom with a formal dress code.

Italian party

There is no official prom in Italy. Graduates usually organize an informal party called i cento giorni(one hundred days). It takes place 100 days before the final exams in a place that they themselves choose for this. Usually each class celebrates graduation separately.

Polish inventors

In Poland, instead of graduation, there is a stodniowka - a ball that is held one hundred days before the end of school (around the end of January). It certainly begins with a polonaise, and the first couple in the polonaise is the school principal with one of the graduates (or female graduates). This is followed by speeches and toasts with champagne, dancing, a skit party and other fun. Proms are usually held in a restaurant. Boys come to the holiday in three-piece suits or even tuxedos, and girls come in evening dresses, usually in dark colors. Such parties usually end in the morning... in a pub or club.

French carnival

But in France, celebrating graduations is much more difficult. The point is that all levels
education - from kindergarten to high school - can be located not only in different buildings, but also in different cities. Therefore, proms in France are almost never held anywhere. But this does not stop graduates from having a lot of fun by organizing a costume party. Usually such a carnival is held in schools one hundred days before the final exam. These days, students have every right not to go to school, but to have fun with all their might. They dress up in carnival costumes, pour water on the rest of the schoolchildren, and throw flour and eggs at them. Therefore, on this day the school gates are locked from morning to evening. And everyone who wants (or doesn’t want) to get caught can stay home and not study.

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