How to make a different handwriting. How to learn to write beautifully? Rules and techniques for mastering beautiful writing for children and adults

Good afternoon everyone! My name is Sergey and I want to tell you about what handwriting is considered calligraphic and what you need to learn to write beautifully, in the same handwriting as professional calligraphers. I'll start with the basics. What is calligraphy? Calligraphy is the art of beautiful handwriting, widely practiced in Japan. People learn to write using an ordinary brush and ink on thin rice paper so that the writing remains beautiful and even, understandable to other people and to you.

Why write in beautiful handwriting?

The 21st century is the century of technology and innovation. More and more often we type while sitting at a laptop or computer, tapping keys or typing text on the screen of tablets and phones. It seems like there’s no need to write beautifully, right? After all, no one will read personal notebooks and diaries, and why write on paper now? Smooth, beautiful and understandable handwriting is necessary for a person not only for the sake of self-esteem or the respect of those who read this, but also for a number of many other reasons:

  • elegant and clear handwriting disciplines the mind, preventing thoughts from wandering and getting confused
  • beautiful handwriting will look great in cards to loved ones, and also as an elegant personal signature that will not soon be forgotten.
  • calligraphic handwriting does not cause a negative reaction in the person reading; on the contrary, it evokes admiration and sympathy for the person who wrote the lines. People subconsciously respect those who are neat in everything, including writing.

Did you know that your handwriting can tell a lot about you? Every curl, every letter, its inclination and size, the pressure of the pen when writing and the color of the ink - all this can tell a knowledgeable person almost everything that can be known about you - character, preferences, tastes, features. It is worth paying attention and time to your handwriting, since it is an integral part of yourself.

Who has the most beautiful handwriting?

We all know that there is simply nothing worse than a doctor’s handwriting - these squiggles and hieroglyphs can make us shake just by their appearance, and prescriptions are impossible to read without the help of a pharmacist at the pharmacy. But doctors are not required to have clean writing, and there are also professions for which clean and accurate writing is a mandatory requirement. As a rule, these are teachers, librarians, and calligraphists.

Don’t think that beautiful handwriting can only be learned in childhood or at school. A little desire - and everything will work out at any age!

Now there are more than fifteen areas of calligraphy, and each of them depends on the alphabet of the country in which it is used - and this is not only Japan. You can easily find examples of different alphabets written in calligraphic handwriting on the Internet, on thematic forums. In Russia, calligraphy is expressed in its simplest form - in cursive, which is taught to children - preschoolers and schoolchildren from first to fifth grade. If you wish, you can take children's notebooks and try your hand at copywriting using an example.

Training the hand

The road to beautiful calligraphic handwriting begins with the correct placement of the hand. I’ll tell you how to develop the skill of clear and beautiful writing. For good motor skills, you should do a little gymnastics before writing - twirl your hands, clench and unclench your fists several times, crack your fingers. Only then begin the process itself - you can practice in special children’s notebooks, or you can do it on a regular A4 sheet.

Try to fully control your every movement, right down to the trembling of your hand, and write each letter until you achieve automaticity. The mandatory conditions are silence and good lighting - you should not train at night or on an empty stomach, or in conditions that interfere with concentration. For good and quick results, 20 minutes a day is enough; you can take breaks if circumstances interfere with work.

Like any training, calligraphy requires constant practice and strong commitment. You will often have to rewrite the entire alphabet, as well as some texts. Don't rush, don't overexert your arm - sore muscles won't thank you. Be sure to pay attention to the little things - size, uniformity, spaces, slope - all this should be strictly the same. With constant training and diligence, doing exercises, you can learn calligraphic handwriting and develop this useful skill.

Have you ever been mistaken for a doctor when someone saw your handwriting? Even elementary school kids have more legible handwriting than you? Poor handwriting can often cause embarrassment, and it can significantly reduce your chances of success in academic and professional life. Is your handwriting getting worse and worse? We suggest you make an effort to make your handwriting more beautiful.


Part 1

Analyze your handwriting

    Write a paragraph. Pick a topic (something from real life) and write at least five sentences about it. If you're not feeling creative, just rewrite a passage from a book or newspaper. The goal of all this is to understand what your handwriting typically looks like. The more you write, the more accurate your analysis will be.

    Identify the main forms. Is your handwriting full of loops and curves? Or are you the type whose handwriting consists of straight, hard lines? Are there hard corners in your handwriting? Do the letters blend together?

    Pay attention to the slope. The angle at which you write letters can make or break your handwriting. Are the letters in your handwriting perpendicular to the line below them? Is there a significant deviation to the right or left? A slight tilt is often not a problem, but too much tilt makes reading difficult.

    Pay attention to the alignment. Do the written lines go up or down? Do they overlap the lines of the notebook or each other? Does each word have its own angle of inclination, or does the entire line of text deviate equally from the line?

    Look carefully at the intervals. The spacing between words and letters will also help you determine the quality of your handwriting. The distance between words should be sufficient to fit the letter “O” into it. If the spacing between words is larger or smaller, it may be a sign of poor handwriting. Pay attention also to the distance between individual letters. Handwriting that is too tight and too spread out is also difficult to read.

    Pay attention to the size. It turns out that size matters (at least when it comes to handwriting). Does your handwriting fill all the space between the lines? Can you fit all the words without taking up half the line height? You should avoid both extremes: the distance between words and dividing lines should be neither large nor small.

    Analyze the quality of the lines. Look at the lines that make up the letters you write. Are they distorted by too much pressure on the pen/pencil, or are they too pale and difficult to read? Are the letter lines clear and even, or wavy and unclear?

    Identify any flaws in your handwriting. Consider all the above-mentioned points and determine what part of your handwriting needs improvement? Possible changes may include letter shape, letter spacing, word spacing, alignment, letter size, line quality, and word slant. By improving one or more of these parameters, you will improve the overall readability of your handwriting.

    Check out other handwriting designs for inspiration. So now you know your letters are too big and their shape is too round, but what next? Go to calligraphy websites and see what kind of handwriting you like. Copy every style that you can replicate. Don't be afraid to try out examples of handwriting that are significantly different from yours, because in the future you will choose individual aspects you like rather than trying to use a completely new handwriting.

Part 2

Change your handwriting

Write in the air. More often than not, people with poor or illegible handwriting simply have not had proper exercise in the corresponding muscles of the arms, hands, and shoulders. Don't try to "paint" the letters with a brush - instead, write with your whole arm up to your shoulder. To get a feel for what you're talking about, try writing sentences in the air with your finger. This way you will use all the muscles in your arm and shoulder, which will improve your handwriting and stop it looking untidy and confused.

Adjust the grip with which you hold the pen/pencil. The pen or pencil should be held between the thumb, index and (optionally) middle fingers. The end of the pen/pencil should rest on the edge of your palm or on the knuckle of your index finger. If you hold your writing instrument too tightly or too loosely (with this grip or any other), your handwriting will be poor. You will achieve better results if you hold the pen/pencil 1/3 of the way back from the writing edge.

Practice the basics. Behind the constant failures in handwriting is the inconstancy and unevenness of letters, shapes and spacing. Each letter is made up of straight lines, circles or semicircles, so take the time to practice these elements. Cover the entire sheet with parallel vertical and diagonal lines. Similarly, cover the entire sheet with circles, ovals and their derivatives. Once you've learned how to draw the same lines over and over again, you'll be ready to move on to whole letters.

Look at how each letter is written (in copybooks or on the Internet). Although every person writes differently, there is a very specific way to write each letter of the alphabet. By following the correct instructions for writing each letter, you will greatly improve your overall handwriting. For example, instead of starting to write the letter "b" from the top tail, start it from the inside loop. Practice writing each letter correctly, just like you did in kindergarten or school.

Try using different writing instruments. Although this may seem too meticulous, the fact remains that different people can improve/deteriorate their handwriting by using different writing tools. In addition to traditional mechanical pencils, try a variety of pens, including ballpoint, capillary, and fountain pens. When you find a tool that you enjoy writing with, your handwriting may improve on its own.

Practice writing all the letters of the alphabet. That's right: as if you were back in first grade, you need to fill out line by line with all the letters of the alphabet (in lowercase and uppercase). Use the inspiration you've gained from visiting calligraphy websites, as well as the analysis you've done while researching your handwriting, to help you focus on what needs to change. If the problem is tilt, set yourself the task of writing letters strictly vertically. If you are trying to change the shape of the letters, focus on repeating the shapes you chose when visiting calligraphy sites.

Improve your newly acquired skills and bring them to automaticity. Once you are confident that each letter is now perfect, practice writing whole words and sentences. To do this, you can use one of the pangrams (sentences in which all the letters of the alphabet are present), for example: “The South Ethiopian rook took the mouse by the trunk to the lizard convention.” Rewrite this sentence over and over again. This activity may seem monotonous to you, but here it is worth remembering the saying: “Repetition is the mother of learning.”

Always write by hand. Give up the opportunity to submit essays in printed form; correspond with friends in handwritten format. In general, write by hand whenever possible. Writing down information by hand whenever possible will greatly benefit you and help you improve your handwriting as much as possible. The improvement process will take time - the muscles needed for easy and smooth writing will develop gradually.

  • The letters must be the same size. This will make your handwriting neat and tidy.
  • Do not hurry! Your handwriting will improve faster and more noticeably if you study carefully and without haste.
  • To make the process more interesting, try writing a sentence: “The South Ethiopian rook took a mouse by its trunk to a lizard convention.” Write it in lowercase and uppercase letters. This phrase (like other pangrams) contains all the letters of the alphabet.
  • To keep your handwriting straight, write on lined paper.
  • Try to write at least one paragraph a day. This will help you improve your handwriting.
  • Using a good pencil or pen will bring you closer to beautiful handwriting.
  • For inspiration, keep before your eyes a few pages written in beautiful handwriting. This will be a model for you.
  • Use a pencil or pen that you like.
  • Use high-quality writing instruments (what to write with and what to write on) - this affects the comfort of writing.
  • Here is another pangram: “Nonsense: the guide was driving a cab of axles, the young miser ate the cartilage.”


  • While writing, do not press too hard on the tip of the pen, otherwise you may experience “writer’s cramp” (writer’s cramp - overexertion of the hand muscles).
  • To avoid writing cramp, use your wrist and arm, not just your fingers. In addition, do not squeeze the pen too hard, which will significantly improve the quality of your writing.
  • When practicing handwriting, don't waste paper. Use the piece of paper several times, remembering to write on both sides.
  • Don't throw away samples and drafts. You may need them as a reminder of what your letters should look like and what not to do.

What is required first: beauty or readability? Even calligraphic text printed on a computer or in a book is not always easy to understand. The squiggles are just confusing.

If so, so that you can then understand the written text yourself, and others... It makes sense to look at many examples of letters. Select something for yourself. Try to imagine what might suit you directly - after all, handwriting, one way or another, reflects our individuality. Try to discard any stereotypes. Yes, the technique of writing letters should be as convenient as possible.

At one time, during my first years at university, I wrote such scribbles that they said about me that I was probably encrypting on purpose. One day I got tired of it. It seems that a book about the history of Peter the Great played an important role. I saw several samples of letters from that time, and thought: “Why the hell do these letters really need to be connected?!” I borrowed some things from there almost unchanged; but of course, in general I tried to bring it to a modern look. And so that it is comfortable in accordance with one’s own impetuosity of movements, angularity; and also record when you are sitting, for example, not at the table, but on the sofa. I won’t say that since then I have very beautiful handwriting, but it fully corresponds to my sense of beauty, and basically it can be read. True, when I need to write very quickly, I regularly break into negligence, and the text becomes just as incomprehensible. But most likely, this is because, in principle, I haven’t been writing much by hand lately, but typing more. Regular training is needed as mentioned in the first answer.

At first, by the way, some of the relatives were indignant about this. And I heard talk about how educated people connect letters, and semi-printed text is a sign of illiterate people. Here I will continue my seditious thought and say: to hell with this system of Russian handwriting! She is not perfect. And generally not suitable for languages ​​with Cyrillic alphabet. At the same time, as always, it is copied as much as possible from Western models.

In the Cyrillic alphabet, in principle, the letters are much more uniform and geometric than in the Latin alphabet. But when written by hand, then “... when writing quickly, the lowercase forms of the letters i/p/n/l/k, u/ts, w/t/m, s/e, g/h sometimes become indistinguishable. Such examples create ambiguity and make it difficult to understand what is written" (Wiki). Moreover, this can be true even if the handwriting is very beautiful in appearance. On the contrary, Latin letters are much more, let’s say, individual in form, and easily stand out in a line; and even the technique of writing them is more suitable for connections.

By the way, at first I tried to change the Latin handwriting. Here it turned out ugly, and really, like a collective farmer. Then I looked at the old notes, and SUDDENLY, I discovered that the texts in English were quite readable, even when written in a hurry. And in any case they look better than those written with the letters section. So here the “reform failed.” No searches helped, such as writing “s” in the manner of runes. Rectangular lines are not for most letters of the Latin alphabet. On the contrary, having looked through some old English textbooks, I slightly corrected some letters (which I had previously written as printed letters (capital “L”, “z”)), and was quite pleased with the result.

Darina Kataeva

Each person's handwriting, like their fingerprints, is unique. The inclination, span, width of letters, lines - all these are the distinctive characteristics and individual characteristics of each person. However, not everyone is happy with their handwriting; some even try to change it and make it more beautiful. What effective ways will help develop and improve handwriting?

Types of handwriting

Today there are different types of writing. For example, the most common: tilting to the right or left, monotony, strong or weak pressure, straight handwriting, etc. If you don't know how to write a card in fancy handwriting, use your school handwriting or the dancing method. In this case, you can alternate the rhythm, for example, write one letter enlarged, the second - reduced.

Each person's handwriting, like their fingerprints, is unique

It is difficult to change a person’s handwriting, especially if you make efforts in adulthood

How do muscles work?

To change your handwriting to a beautiful and smooth one, first of all, pay close attention to how the writing process is carried out and what muscles you use. If you are very tense in the process of writing, then this will be clearly expressed in letters. Learn to write in a relaxed state, this will allow you not to get tired, but, on the contrary, to have fun.

Beautiful handwriting uses the muscles of the entire arm and even the shoulder, so don’t stiffen yourself, relax, and you will notice how your handwriting will change!

Choose convenient accessories

Here your own preferences are already important, some people like to write with a pencil, others with a pen. When choosing, rely not on the design, but on the comfort and convenience that you will experience while writing. The ink of the pen should be bright, but not smeared when writing, otherwise no matter how hard you try, you won’t have beautiful handwriting!

The paper on which you will write must be of high quality; it is best if it is a separate notebook. Choose the accessories that make you want to improve first and foremost. The notebook should be selected in a square or ruler so that you can see straight lines and strive to fit into the space allocated for one letter.

If you manage to create comfortable conditions, you will enjoy both the learning process and the work on handwriting. Therefore, do not rush to start writing right away, evaluate yourself, purchase quality supplies and proceed to the next stage!

Find handy writing supplies

How can an adult make his handwriting beautiful, fast and consistent?

  1. Sit up straight, relax and start your first classes. Try not to rush anywhere while studying, write as if on water: measuredly and relaxed. If you have a red mark on your hand after writing for a long time, it means you were too tense and held the pen tightly. Maintain consistent lines, clear strokes, pay attention to each letter, and remember that it is not the quantity of writing that matters, but the quality! In your first lessons, don’t try to write; you first need to learn how to hold a pen correctly. Letter by air is the best option! This will allow you to train the muscles in your arm, shoulder and hand, making it much easier to change your handwriting in the future.
  2. How do you hold a pen? When writing, three fingers play a key role: the thumb, index and middle. The end of the handle should rest against the side of the palm or the base of the working finger. Choose a comfortable position for yourself, the main thing is that you are relaxed and comfortable! After placing the pen in your hand, practice again not on paper, but in the air.
  3. Try to practice the basic parts of letters. While reading and writing, we may not even think that each letter consists of similar symbols: lines, ovals, a circle or a semicircle. To start writing quality writing, practice writing these elements first. You can spend several sheets of paper drawing geometric shapes or writing vertical lines. When the lines and ovals are the same, proceed to the next step in improving your handwriting.

Train! This is the main secret that allows you to quickly change your handwriting to good!

  1. Let's go back to childhood and learn the alphabet. At this stage, your task is not just to write down the letters of the alphabet. Pay attention to what elements each letter consists of, compare your samples, how you write and how it is indicated in the handwriting textbooks, look at a sample of the letters of the alphabet of the most beautiful handwriting in the world. Buy a notebook to teach your children how to write. Draw each letter in turn using dashes. If something doesn’t work out, remember your problems and strive to eliminate them. Even if one letter turns out beautiful, this does not mean that you have learned calligraphy. Repeat this letter again so that its writing becomes automatic. This stage is considered difficult and lengthy in terms of duration and effort.
  2. How to make the most beautiful cursive handwriting? Connecting lines are something that takes a lot of time. The spaces between letters should be beautifully filled. Write short words at first, divide them into syllables and watch for connections. Running writing plays a key role in writing long sentences and texts. Pay attention to the movements of your hand; if it becomes tense, return to the previous stage. Be sure to refer to the analysis that you did initially, once again study examples of what beautiful handwriting looks like in order to pay close attention to the main shortcomings.

How to make the most beautiful cursive handwriting? Practice calligraphy!

  1. Be creative. If you have already achieved some results, try something new for yourself to choose your handwriting! To do this, learn new writing styles, practice, because in this case you can even learn beautiful handwriting with curls. If you later need to make a beautiful note, you will amaze other people with your ability to master calligraphy perfectly. Study ancient writing. If you started working on improving your handwriting, now start studying the science of calligraphy. Also, study the alphabet of beautiful English handwriting in detail: this could be for you! A lot depends on your attitude, and even if something doesn’t work out, don’t be upset, find something positive in learning. After all, while working on your writing, you develop the following qualities: patience, endurance,...

Constantly improve! Even if you managed to achieve some results, don't stop! It is important to bring the acquired skills to automaticity

If you can’t achieve something the first time! Self-improvement is a complex process that requires practice and willpower. To learn how to write beautifully, you should understand why you are doing it! When you see the future clearly, you will reach your goal faster!

30 March 2014, 18:54

Improving handwriting means making it more expressive, calligraphic, easier to read and more enjoyable to perceive. If your handwriting is far from perfect, then you need to start studying to improve it by analyzing the initial data, namely: answering the question of why the handwriting you have is bad.

Having sufficiently developed self-criticism, you can handle the analysis yourself. To do this, take a page with text written in your own hand and give an objective assessment of what is before your eyes.

  1. Letters are too small, too large, or of different heights;
  2. The slope is excessively skewed forward, backward, or completely absent;
  3. The pressure is too strong or too weak;
  4. The connection of letters is absent or heterogeneous;
  5. Some letters are simply written inexpressively, while others are completely unreadable, written in a way that deviates from calligraphy standards.

As for point 5, it is better to analyze it with outside help, because a person gets used to his handwriting and often does not understand why it is not readable for other people.

So, the analysis of the initial data is done. This will be the minimum program that needs to be completed through classes to improve handwriting.

  • If the letters are too small, too large or of different sizes, then you need to relearn how to write in even letters, using a regular student copybook, so as not to go beyond the horizontal lines.
  • If the slant is too slanted forward, backward, or completely absent, then you need to get a stack of notebooks with an oblique ruler and methodically work on writing words and letters at the correct slant. By the way, graphologists claim that the style of writing with a forward bend is a sign of cordiality and emotionality; and handwriting slanted back is a sign of coldness and restraint. So, in addition to improving your handwriting, you will also learn something about yourself from a graphological point of view.
  • If the pressure is too strong, then you need to learn to control how you hold the pen. Don't push it, learn to keep it relaxed. Make sure that while writing, your neck, shoulders, and arms are relaxed and your posture is correct.
  • If there is no connection of letters, or it is heterogeneous, it is recommended to practice writing letters using the “continuous” writing method. It involves connecting letters without lifting the pen from the paper. In addition, you will again need copybooks to practice writing connecting elements.

The most difficult thing, of course, is to deal with individual letters. You need to learn to write them again according to all the rules of calligraphy, displaying all the elements from beginning to end. This needs to be done systematically, but without coercion. In order to use mechanical memory in writing letters, you will have to write individual letters and individual words for several pages until the winning result.

Some more practical tips:

  • Exercises that develop fine motor skills of the fingers help to form beautiful handwriting. These are any actions with small objects: weaving, knitting, modeling, etc.
  • Determine the goal you are striving for: what you would like your handwriting to look like. Choose from a selection of handwritten or computer font samples. Create a sample on a piece of paper, and then carefully imitate the chosen writing style.
  • Choose prose or classic poetry for training - this way you will not only improve your handwriting, but also increase your cultural level.
  • If you are proficient in meditation techniques, use them to work on improving your handwriting. Imagine yourself writing smoothly and beautifully. Come up with an appropriate affirmation to speed up the desired result.
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