New Year wishes for colleagues. We choose Happy New Year greetings in verse to colleagues

Most people, when asked what the most important holiday in our country is, without hesitation, answer that it is New Year. Both children and adults have been looking forward to New Year's holidays and weekends since the beginning of December, and many people celebrate the coming year not once, but twice - both at a corporate party with colleagues and with their families. Therefore, it is not surprising that it is considered good form to congratulate not only your closest relatives and friends on this holiday, but also to send postcards and New Year greetings to colleagues in poetry and prose. Depending on the relationship in the team, it is customary to send official congratulations or informal pictures and congratulatory texts in your own words with humor on December 31 or January 1 to your work colleagues. And here visitors to our site will find cool, funny and official congratulations on the New Year 2019 of the Yellow Pig for colleagues and superiors.

You will find texts with wishes on the following topics:

  • Official congratulations on the New Year 2019 of the Pig to colleagues in prose
  • Cool Happy New Year 2019 greetings to work colleagues
  • Happy New Year of the Yellow Pig (Boar) to colleagues at work in prose
  • Humorous Happy New Year 2019 greetings to work colleagues
  • Happy New Year greetings to colleagues in your own words - in the Year of the Pig
  • Funny New Year greetings to colleagues in verse
  • Cool New Year greetings to colleagues at a corporate party

Beautiful official congratulations on the New Year 2019 of the Pig to colleagues in prose

New Year 2019 is the Year of the Yellow Earth Pig according to the Chinese calendar. And according to the myths and legends of China, this animal loves comfort, abundance and prosperity, and gladly helps people improve their material well-being. Therefore, in the Year of the Pig, it is customary to wish all acquaintances and friends, first of all, success in financial matters, good luck at work or in business, and material prosperity. But, of course, also for the New Year 2019 you can and should wish happiness, fulfillment of all desires and good luck in love - a kind and peaceful Pig will gladly contribute to the fulfillment of such wishes.

Before the New Year holidays, colleagues usually congratulate each other on the upcoming New Year, hold corporate parties and give symbolic gifts. And people working in large organizations also congratulate colleagues from other departments and branches, sending congratulatory texts from their entire team to employees of other offices. And according to business etiquette, in such cases, the most appropriate would be official Happy New Year of the Pig greetings to colleagues in prose, written on a beautiful postcard or sent by email.

The best official greetings for the New Year 2019 of the Yellow Earth Pig

Dear Colleagues! Happy New Year of the Yellow Pig. May this new year be fruitful and successful for you. I wish everyone new steps up the career ladder. Easy working days and hot, pleasant holidays. May all failures and adversity remain beyond the threshold of the old year, and may there be only ups and achievements in the new year!

Dear Colleagues! Congratulations on a wonderful holiday - New Year! May this year bring you only happy moments, positive mood and success! I wish that our joint work will be productive, effective and prosperous, and that our business will develop in the right direction, bringing profit to us and our clients!

Happy New Year, colleagues. I wish you great awards and merits, confident aspirations and victories, promising ideas and deeds, bold decisions and actions, successful starts and successful days. May this year be fruitful for all of you in terms of work and happy in terms of life.

Colleagues, Happy New Year of the Pig. I would like to wish you to always find a way out of any situation, to achieve success and recognition of your talent with every task. May the coming year bring a lot of opportunities, ideas and success, may every day be a day of professionalism and significant achievement.

Happy New Year, my dear and respected colleagues. I wish you to find new sources of promising ideas and find new opportunities to implement all your plans. I also wish you absolute confidence, worthy victories, true respect and high prosperity in the new year.

Cool congratulations and cards for the New Year 2019 to work colleagues

In many work teams, open and trusting relationships develop between employees, and people consider the employees of their office, if not friends, then very good acquaintances. And of course, colleagues with whom friendly relations have developed are congratulated on the New Year not officially, but with all their hearts, choosing for them the kindest and funniest New Year greetings to work colleagues and giving cute gifts.

Young employees of commercial organizations, and especially those young people who work in creative teams, also prefer to congratulate their colleagues with funny texts and postcards. Funny and funny congratulations for them are another way to get closer to colleagues and create a friendly, informal atmosphere in the team.

A selection of the best funny greetings for the New Year of the Pig

May the new year bring you unlimited happiness. Let not a single minute be wasted. Let love bring you to sweet dizziness, let there be no feeling of fatigue and exhaustion. Happy New Year! May he get rid of all the “deer” on the way and give him an eternal state of joy.

I wish you life in the New Year

Sweet like raspberries

A yacht like the president's

Mansion with fireplace.

There is beluga caviar on the table,

Straight from Iran

To all the delicacies

They were affordable.

Foreign car

Or a couple at once,

The most fashionable clothes in the world

And accessories.

So that you don't get sick at all,

All dreams came true

And the good moments

Repeated more often!

I wish you a Happy New Year

Live without grief and worries!

Don't go to the pharmacy all year,

Pay off the entire mortgage

Travel to the Bahamas more often,

Don't make drama out of problems

And don’t accumulate grudges,

Life will immediately become easier!

The New Year is knocking on the door, which means it’s time to kick all your problems away, stock up on armfuls of groceries, and gain positivity with a wide, contented smile. Smile and have fun, drive away all bad thoughts! Like champagne, bubble with joy and dream of great prospects!

May the New Year bring

A whole snow dance

Amazing pleasures

Incredible impressions.

So that feelings burn in the hearts,

Cabbage grew in the wallets.

So that the tank is always full,

Mansion abroad.

To Santa Claus

I brought gifts all year long!

Funny Happy New Year 2019 greeting cards

Short New Year greetings to work colleagues in prose

In the postcards that organizations traditionally send to all employees on the eve of the New Year holidays, as a rule, they write short congratulations on the New Year 2019 to work colleagues in prose. You can also send short congratulations to your colleagues via SMS and messengers, accompanying them with cool congratulatory pictures with Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and the symbol of the upcoming New Year 2019 - Pig or Boar.

Collection of short beautiful New Year greetings for colleagues

Happy New Year! I wish you to be in a cycle of happiness, love, success and joy for the whole year. May miracles happen and dreams always come true!

Happy New Year! May this year give you a lot of opportunities and beautiful ideas, happy occasions and good moments.

Happy New Year of the Yellow Earth Pig! With new joy and happiness! May this year be better than the previous one and bring only good and positive events.

May everything work out in the new year, come true, warm, be realized, shine, make you happy and bring every day a reason to smile. With coming!

Happy New Year and wish you with all my heart a great miracle and a magical mood, incredible happiness and great luck for the whole year.

Happy New Year 2019 greetings to work colleagues and organizations with humor

In many commercial organizations and companies operating in a variety of business areas, in recent years management has pursued a policy aimed at establishing an informal and fun atmosphere in the work team. Many psychologists and HR managers are confident that it is informal and friendly relationships between employees that contribute to labor productivity and the success of the company in the market.

In companies pursuing such a policy, it is customary on the eve of January 1, 2019 to organize fun corporate events and send Happy New Year greetings to work colleagues with humor. Cool and funny Happy New Year greetings can also be sent to organizations and business partners with whom close cooperation has been established.

Funny and kind New Year greetings for colleagues and business partners

On the New Year's Eve, let it be on the table

There will be a lot of Olivier,

Let the Christmas tree shine

Santa Claus is in a hurry to see everyone!

He will not come lightly,

Let him bring it in a bag

Lots of happiness and good luck,

And goodness to us all in addition.

Will fulfill all our dreams,

Fill your souls with joy!

Let Santa Claus remember to fulfill all wishes, the president promises something original at midnight, and the neighbors collect the most colorful firecrackers for the holiday fireworks. Give the outgoing year a bag with all your debts, troubles and adversities, do not indicate the return address. Happy New Year!

New Year is coming soon

Have fun until the end!

Let the wine flow like a river,

Everyone at the table laughs.

May this year be successful

And live without worries.

Don't suffer for no reason

Don't complicate your life.

May the New Year be on a joyful wave

It will come and you will forget about the old things,

May the Olivier basin be with you

And everyone’s favorite film “Enjoy Your Bath!”

Let the house be full and the table full,

More guests - well, where to go?

And so that this holiday goes like this,

To remember the whole year and smile!

Happy New Year of the Pig! Let him be the kindest and most successful. I wish you never fall on your face in Olivier, to be an expressive and sparkling person in life, like champagne, I wish you a thick wallet in your pocket and that Santa Claus brings the most desired gift under the tree.

Happy New Year of the Boar greetings to colleagues in your own words

On the last day before the New Year holidays, employees make sure to congratulate each other on the upcoming New Year and wish them to have a good and fun time in the coming year. Of course, for such cases, no one searches for long congratulatory texts on the Internet, because it is enough to say kind and sincere Happy New Year congratulations to colleagues in your own words. And since the coming 2019 will be the year of the Pig (Boar), congratulating colleagues, along with the usual wishes of happiness, prosperity and health, you can also wish the favor of this patron animal of 2019.

Examples of New Year's greetings to colleagues in your own words

Dear Colleagues! From the bottom of my heart I want to congratulate you on the upcoming New Year! I would really like to wish all of us dizzying career growth and success in our work. I wish that the coming New Year brings a lot of energy and enthusiasm, so that we will readily conquer new heights. Happy New Year to you, dear colleagues!

Happy New Year, colleagues! I wish you productive work, easy deals, high salaries and simply great success in whatever you undertake. May the new year give you many creative ideas and open up a lot of new horizons!

Colleagues, I wish you a Happy New Year. I wish you good health in the new year, and there will be health, there will be strength for work, and there will be work, there will be aspirations, and there will be aspirations, there will be successes, and there will be successes, there will be prosperity. Well, let Santa Claus give everyone happiness and love.

Dear colleagues, I cordially congratulate everyone on the New Year. I would like to wish everyone true prosperity and stable activity, successful achievements and significant victories, family well-being and harmony in the home, great respect and incredibly good health.

May the New Year bring us a salary increase, vacations to the ocean, and may the boss only call us about a bonus. Interesting projects, excellent results and a warm, friendly atmosphere in the new year.

Funny and funny congratulations to colleagues on the New Year 2019 in verse

Cool New Year greetings to colleagues in verse can be sent via social networks or in SMS messages, or you can write them on cute and funny cards and present them as a present to all employees. Often, these are the types of congratulations that Russians send on the morning of January 1, 2019 to colleagues with whom they have developed warm and trusting relationships.

Cool congratulatory poems for the New Year for colleagues

New Year is the time to clean up.

Don't be lazy in December -

Evil thoughts, omissions

Give it to the broom.

Quarrels, stress, illness

Let it swallow the vacuum cleaner

And adversity and suffering

Destroy Dichlorvos.

Then they will arrive to a clean house

Joy, happiness and love.

Money won't be forgotten either

Visit your warm shelter.

May you this New Year,

Santa Claus will bring a helicopter.

Full bags of black caviar,

And there are huge rollercoasters of happiness.

So that winter seems like summer due to good luck,

In the south of France there is a castle to boot.

Plus a luxurious dacha on Rublyovka,

And a couple of bucks in change.

Happy New Year,

I sincerely wish:

Wake up in your home

And not by the barn!

This day is cheerful, loud,

Gain strength

And celebrate so capaciously,

Lest we forget!

And I also wish you

Always be in style

And when everyone is sad,

Be positive!

May the New Year come to you

And he will bring gifts:

So that the salary is in gold,

So that the rent does not rise,

So that champagne with caviar

Carry tons home

So that relatives don’t bother you,

But only with happiness to shine.

So that this New Year

You don't know the troubles

And more fun

Have interesting adventures!

Congratulations to everyone on the New Year,

We want to get around the crisis:

Let there be vodka on the tables

And under the fur coat there is a herring,

Let the cognac flow like a river.

Well, let the girls come in droves

They stand in line behind us,

Just super boys.

Green bucks let them grow

And it floats into our pockets.

Original funny congratulations for the New Year 2019 to colleagues at a corporate party

Corporate parties in honor of the upcoming New Year 2019 are fun and interesting events that are held according to original scenarios and allow all employees to have a good time and establish closer relationships with the team. Funny New Year greetings to colleagues at a corporate party will always be appropriate, and it is best to come up with a congratulation text taking into account the theme of the corporate party.

Below are examples of original congratulations for New Year's corporate parties that will harmoniously fit into the scenario of any festive event. These congratulations can also be said at the festive table at a corporate party as toasts.

A selection of original congratulations to colleagues at a corporate party

We plowed like horses

At work for a whole year.

They deserve it! And today

Let's have a blast people!

From my heart I wish you

Relax like never before.

Happy New Year!

Be happy, friends!

My funniest, most successful, most wonderful colleagues, I congratulate everyone on the New Year, let’s hold a corporate event today that we will all remember with bright moments and positive emotions. May everyone have great joy in the new year, may everyone’s work allow them to realize all their interesting ideas and achieve new successes, may everyone’s life be happy and amazing. Happy New Year, comrades! Believe in your dream and it will certainly come true.

Happy New Year, dear colleagues,

I want to congratulate you now.

May your successes multiply

May your dreams come true immediately.

Let work bring prosperity -

Let the shower of bonuses pour down on you!

And who will ask for a vacation in July,

Will not receive an offensive refusal.

Let inspiration follow you

And great luck all year long,

Luck doesn't go far

Let success lead by the hand!

Each member of our team

Cheerful, smart, hardworking!

May it be cheerful and cool

There will be our corporate party!

I wish everyone a Happy New Year

Strength, energy in work,

To achieve goals

In a series of difficult everyday life.

Let it be great in families,

Let the salary rise

Good luck and health to everyone

I wish you a Happy New Year!

We gathered as a team,

To show off your corporate party,

A holiday to celebrate

Celebrate the New Year for everyone.

Let the money flow into our cash register,

So that there is always a possibility

We need to update our outfits.

So that the boss is only kind,

He forgave us for being late,

Million dollar contracts

He certainly concluded.

Dear colleagues, I sincerely congratulate everyone on the New Year. I want to wish you a happy and kind, successful and bright year. May everyone in it be healthy and loved, may great victories and brave achievements await us.

My dear and respected colleagues, I wish you all a Happy New Year. May good luck and happiness knock on everyone's door this New Year. May each of you realize your cherished dream and achieve your goals. Let your soul be joyful and cheerful. Let your family and friends always be nearby. Hooray!

Dear colleagues, Happy New Year! We wish you a lot of joy and laughter, smiles, sincerity and kindness! Let your homes be filled with happiness and prosperity. Be healthy, always in a great mood, and may all your deepest dreams come true in the New Year! Happy holiday, friends!

Colleagues, on this wonderful holiday I wish everyone only good things: success and good luck, peace and love, happiness and prosperity, prosperity and health. Let every deed be crowned with victory, and every day a joyful event. Happy New Year, comrades!

Dear and dear colleagues, I congratulate you on the New Year! May the new year fill you with new strength and new ideas, new plans and new luck! I wish you good health, significant achievements and career advancements, high goals and undoubted success, deep respect and a happy life!

Dear colleagues, may the new year be no less successful than the previous one! I sincerely hope that it will bring even more significant successes, many achievements and a sea of ​​excellent results to each of us! I wish everyone a lot of happiness, love and kindness! May all your dreams come true on this magical holiday!

Well, my dear colleagues, the New Year is coming. I want to congratulate each of you individually and all together on this holiday and wish that the next year will be at least as good as the old one. And we spent the old year shoulder to shoulder, in confidence and complete mutual understanding, for which we thank everyone very much. May your finances, successes, and opportunities increase in the new year. Happiness to every home!

Dear colleagues, I wish you all a Happy New Year! I wish you all to enjoy what you do, because it’s not for nothing that they say that the one who loves his job will never work again in his life. Let happiness and luck follow you, and the road to success be smooth and even. I wish you love and understanding in your personal life. Have a nice everyday life and happy holidays!

Dear Colleagues! Great luck to be in the same friendly team with you and, every day, together and amicably solve new, even complex, tasks! In the New Year, I want to wish you and those who are dear to you health, success in everything planned, and your most secret dreams come true in an incredibly magical, unimaginable way!

My dear colleagues, dear colleagues! I wish you a happy New Year, happy holidays, good rest and a pleasant weekend. I wish everyone a successful start to the new working year, getting what they want, achieving what they set out to do and defining new goals. May the year be successful, fruitful and meaningful. Happy holiday, friends!

If you have excellent relationships with your work colleagues and it is customary for your team to congratulate each other on the New Year, then the coming 2015 will be a very fertile year for this! After all, this is the year of the Goat (Sheep). And if some are afraid of the coming year, then for real professionals this is a year of new opportunities, new rapid breakthroughs. Therefore, congratulate your colleagues on the upcoming 2015 sincerely and from the heart!

And you can do this both in poetry and in prose. At your service is a whole selection of New Year's greetings for colleagues. You can choose something universal, or you can use cool and funny congratulations. And even use the service for sending New Year’s greetings to your phone.

The choice of congratulations is limited only by your imagination. For example, audio greetings for the New Year 2018 to colleagues can be made memorable if they come from celebrities. The advantage of an audio congratulation from a regular call is that the recorded congratulation can be listened to repeatedly by yourself or given to a friend to listen to.

New Year greetings for colleagues

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues, Happy New Year 2018 greetings for colleagues, New Year greetings for work colleagues, including New Year greetings for fellow teachers, New Year greetings for medical colleagues.

New Year's greetings for colleagues in verse

I want to wish you a Happy New Year!
And wish you happiness
To make your work go smoothly
So that you are happy
So that the family does not know worries
Didn't know sorrows and evil
To a beautiful bride
I went down the aisle with you

I would like to congratulate my colleagues!
On a joyful holiday - New Year!
May luck follow you
The time has come! Twelve strikes!
What a joyful time
When gifts are from the heart,
When you don't need to rush
And we are in no hurry.

What a holiday New Year is!
He will gather all his colleagues!
Santa Claus will bring gifts
And he will pour champagne.

We congratulate each other
We wish you happiness and joy
When the champagne is opened -
All the bad things are instantly forgotten.

Colleagues, I wish you good luck in life,
Let any task be possible,
There is enough money to flow around,
In the office, so that you work honestly!

The pay is worthy, the fate is excellent,
Health - Siberian, life - decent!
I wish you another career...
In general, all the best to you without measure!

New Year's greetings for colleagues in prose

Dear employees, colleagues! I sincerely congratulate you on the wonderful New Year holiday. I wish each of you good luck in business, fun in your family and happiness in your soul. May you be surrounded by only sincere smiles all year long, and may your number of friends only increase. Let all the shortcomings at work and in your own life remain in the outgoing year, and the coming New Year will bring only positive things.

On the eve of the New Year, everyone wants to finish the work they started so that they can greet the next year with ease in their souls. I wish you a bright pre-holiday mood, like Christmas tree lights, pure, sparkling ideas, like December snow, and in the same spirit, magical transformations that will change your life for the better!

Dear Colleagues! The most wonderful holiday is approaching, which brings with it hope for the best. Let it be justified 100% - from success in our common work to comfort and family happiness! I wish each of you to gain harmony in your soul and in life! Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to you, colleagues, on the most cheerful, clear and joyful holiday! I wish you happiness, goodness, great success, victories, achievement of goals and fulfillment of desires. My most sincere comrades, faith in a clear future, a bright, rosy, promising life and a calm destiny, without worries and interference! May this year be sweet and flattering in every way!

They say that if you make a wish for the New Year, it will definitely come true! So let all your dreams and hopes come true with a wave of a magic wand! I wish you confidence in your own abilities, great success and achievements in business, home prosperity and happiness. Let your souls bloom like a spring garden even in inhuman frost!

New Year SMS greetings for colleagues

Short New Year greetings for colleagues

May good luck await you this year
And what you dream about will come true
May you be lucky in life
Master what you don't know

Happy New Year, dear colleague
Happy new winter holiday
I want to wish you success
So that dreams can come true

Happy New Year! Always remain a valuable employee of our beloved company, a ringleader at festive events and just a good person in life!

Favorite employee! Throw away your worries
Let winter sparkle with a bright day!
Let your troubles go away
Let there be only spring in your soul!

Let all the dreams come true
On holiday - New Year.
Everything in life works out
All the best will happen.

What are you dreaming about now?
My colleague dear?
Believe me - wishes come true,
You and only open the way!

New Year greetings for colleagues 2018

Happy New Year 2018!
Let it begin with a new takeoff
To better heights in life
And a good bank account.
Let him bring harmony in affairs,
There is a lot of happiness in my personal life,
And in love there is great return
(This is also luck!).
May he give you the joy of meeting
On a frosty New Year's evening
And may it last for many years
The light lit in our souls...
Happy new year to you!
And with a new twist in life!

Dear colleagues, friends, 2017 is ending, New Year 2018 is on the threshold! Let it not cause you grief and trouble, let it be successful! Let all grievances, worries, quarrels, omissions be forgotten! Let the New Year begin with joyful meetings and pleasant feasts! Let songs, jokes, and the happy laughter of children ring in your homes! Let married couples not lose their ardent passion and love for each other! Let your health allow you to lead an active lifestyle! May your wallets be constantly filled with banknotes! In general, may the New Year's Dog give each of you happiness!

New Year of the Dog 2018
It will envelop us in frost, the chimes will ring
On New Year's Eve over the city,
Vanity and fireworks from all sides.

Let the magic continue longer,
Let the holiday circle above the earth.
Whatever is planned, let it happen.
He will help, he is our good companion.

The New Year will bring us good luck,
There is magic waiting in it.
And unbridled fun
Let it envelop each of our homes.

The 2017 working year has ended, and on the threshold of the New Year 2018, I wish you only positive changes, confidence and support from colleagues and employees, your family and friends! Trust, reliability in all respects! May your dreams come true, may your wishes be fulfilled, and may harmony in your hearts be a guarantee of family happiness! Happy New Year to you!

Cool New Year greetings for colleagues

Funny and comic New Year greetings for colleagues

Colleague! Today I dreamed that you won a lot of money in the lottery, you were promoted at work, and the most gorgeous woman on the planet fell in love with you! I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year and wish that my dream turns out to be prophetic!

I love waking up every morning, I go to work like it’s a holiday, and I hate weekends because on those days I don’t meet the kindest, smartest and most wonderful colleagues in the world! With all my heart I wish you happiness, success and more sincere friends in the New Year.

Happy New Year from Father Frost, Snow Maiden and of course the President. But if you want to personally congratulate your colleagues on the New Year, then you will need our copyrighted and original New Year greetings to colleagues. Beautiful and funny congratulations in poetry and prose for you and your colleagues. We hope that each of you will find the congratulation that suits your colleague.


No matter how old you and I are, no matter what physical or mental work we do, no matter what social group we belong to, the poetic spirit of New Year’s greetings will always be close and understandable to us.

Before the New Year, each of us asks ourselves the most important question: how to congratulate our family, close friends, colleagues in order to surprise, bring joy and pleasure to everyone. This especially becomes a priority for us in drawing up New Year’s greetings to our colleagues at the “machine”.

After all, it was “for the sake of agreement with the European peoples in contracts” that Peter the Great, more than two centuries ago, changed the Russian chronology and the most fervent, most cheerful holiday appeared.

And if the sovereign of all Rus' himself cared about the pleasure and convenience of his colleagues, then it would not behoove us to break traditions. Let us show the deepest professional respect and in the best possible way, from the bottom of our hearts, please our colleagues with our congratulations in verse.

In contact with

Beautiful New Year's greetings in verse for colleagues

Perhaps any congratulation will bring pleasant moments to the recipient. But for its perfection and melodic sound, we need poetry filled with bright colors and kind words. They are the most popular.

Colleagues, you are priceless friends,
In the field to the heart of a nearby field.
I congratulate you on the New Year!
May he make everyone happier.

May he give you wings to fly upward.
Let him teach you wisdom and patience.
Without exception, he will send success to everyone,
In deeds, works of all plans of embodiment!

I wish you a Happy New Year,
Beloved fellow colleagues.
And I believe that the New Year is in store for you
Achievements are mountains, achievements are rivers.

A stream of endless, good deeds.
And the mood is to go ahead and sing!
After all, your dreams, in general, are not the limit.
Let life become incredibly interesting!

The snowstorm has long covered the houses,
Benches, entrances, everything is covered in fluffy snow.
And I want to congratulate you in the morning:
Colleagues, Happy New Year! Bright, clean!

May he bring each of you
Everything you have dreamed about for so long.
And he will bestow goodness on you hundreds of times.
And let the old year take away your sorrows.

Let everything be as good as in childhood.
And a carnival and a Christmas tree in a noisy hall.
And my soul is magical and light.
And a sip of tart wine in a glass!

Happy New Year colleagues, friends!
In the new year, I believe, surprises await you.
We cannot live without surprises.
Each of you will not be offended.

In New Year's circling carnivals,
May the beauty of the year be winter,
Under the crystal clinking of glasses
You will be blessed with complete luck!

The New Year is already knocking on the door,
To congratulate you, friends.
My good colleagues,
I will congratulate you on it too!

And let the blizzard fluff up the needles
And he dances with the blizzard.
I wish you near the Christmas tree,
Celebrate the New Year gloriously.

Colleagues, Happy New Year to you!
May the Lord give you all gifts.
May this year be the best for you.
And he will smile with happiness with you.

Let everything be beautiful and easy.
Sorrows, like snowflakes, will all melt away.
And your loved ones will feel good,
Warm, cozy and calm with you!

Let love come to every home,
Happy New Year, dear colleagues!
May you have the best gift in it
Waiting at the Christmas tree. And let your family wait for you.

Under the chimes in the winter sky
Good luck and love, the star will rise.
Happy New Year to everyone!
It's a wonderful life. And you will be lucky in it!

Short poems for SMS congratulations

How can we not congratulate our wonderful colleagues on New Year’s Day! After all, during our work, they often become good comrades to us.
Of course, it is not at all necessary to write long praises or send postcards with long... It is enough to send a short quatrain via SMS. Moreover, this can be done right on New Year's Eve.

A wonderful fairy tale, joy, love,
Happiness and luck! Happy New Year!
Let everything you dreamed about
There is a round dance in your life!

What a beauty outside the window -
Winter is in full swing. Happy New Year!
Colleagues, joy to your home
And winter, sunny weather!

Colleagues, Happy New Year everyone!
Let peace reign in nature.
And a wondrous fairy tale moment of miracles
Will come to you on New Year's holiday!

Happy New, very New Year to you,
Valiant, glorious colleagues!
On New Year's good wonderful hour,
More surprises and more snow for you!

Let happiness break at your door,
May you have a glorious New Year.
And on your holiday, my colleagues,
A sea of ​​happiness and light awaits you!

A noisy ball at our Christmas tree.
We congratulate our colleagues.
Christmas trees with lush needles,
The most important amulet!

We'll raise our glasses to you,
My good colleagues!
Happy New Year's carnival,
The magic of winter will come to you!

May the whole year be wonderful
You, my good colleagues.
Snowflake New Year's round dance,
It will remind you that there is a miracle in the world!

Colleagues, at New Year's hour,
The chimes are striking, the glasses are full.
Let's drink to you,
For peace, for happiness, for power!

Happiness to everyone! Peace and love to everyone!
Happy New Year to you, and new happiness!
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Live, dream, love always with passion!

Happy New Year! Much love to everyone!
I wish you success, joy, colleagues.
We must live without unnecessary fuss.
And luck will give its shoots!

Colleagues, Happy New Year to you!
Let there be peace on the entire planet.
Every hour will be happy.
And the sun shines brighter in the sky!

Cool wishes for colleagues for the New Year

We all love to joke. Without humor, our life would be dull and boring. Imagine that you are constantly surrounded by serious people with measured feelings and smiles. Communication with them would be a burden.

There is nothing better than getting a dose of good, sparkling humor every day. And if you’re going to wish your colleagues a Happy New Year, you can’t do without a fun, funny joke.

Colleagues, Happy New Year! Don't mope
And don’t get sick if they didn’t give you a bonus.
I wish you to love deeply in my soul,
Your boss and his morals.

Try to achieve everything with hard work
And “hold your tail with a pistol”!
Don't build a strong house out of sand
And to be at least a little poet at heart.

Colleagues, this is a great New Year!
Already standing at your doorstep.
And our corporate round dance
He poured a little champagne into the glass.

So that we can all wet our throats,
For happiness, vacation, bonus in the quarter.
To the south, to the sun in snowy December.
Or for not giving anything!

May this dear Grandfather Frost,
Congratulations to you, my fellow colleagues.
He generously brought a bag of gifts
On New Year's Eve, come to our office on a cart.

For some, sun, joy and warmth,
To whom - love and mischievous happiness.
So that your soul is always light,
He will now celebrate the New Year with us.

Colleagues, this New Year,
I congratulate you in earnest.
Let this year send to everyone,
A goose under the tree, and a duck in the sky.

All this is better than dreaming
How to catch a crane with a tit.
I wish everyone not to lose heart,
Drink, dance and have fun at the Christmas tree!

If life is in dreams and sweet bliss,
You will all be extremely lucky.
Wait, dear colleagues,
New jokes for the New Year,

Miracles under the Christmas tree, good luck.
Love of superiors and goodness.
And balance to boot,
In nature and in the soul in the morning!

Let them not drink to the bottom yet,
Here's to the New Year, dear colleagues.
They didn't say all the words to each other,
All wishes, good and bad.

All this awaits our friends ahead.
Let's quickly fill our glasses.
Corporate party! And that means everyone should
Be happy all year long, in big and small ways!

If you're ready to celebrate everything,
Our corporate New Year,
Congratulations on this, colleagues!
I feel that luck will come your way.

And for starters, take with you:
Songs, dances, games until the morning.
If colleagues are not enough for you,
That's what the head will add in the morning!

Let's celebrate the groovy holiday,
The coolest party ever.
To love the whole earthly world,
Celebrate the New Year under a mask.

New Year's carnival
Let him spin you around the Christmas tree.
Ladies, gentlemen, there is a chance,
Dress everyone up to the nines.

Shine with your intelligence among your colleagues.
Glass up, toast after toast.
At one big table,
Be the host and the guest!

Official congratulations

We do not have very close friendly relations with all of our colleagues. There are simply colleagues whom we meet only at work. But this is not a reason to deprive these people of New Year’s greetings.

When congratulating them, you should resort to an official, maybe even a little prim note. Where is the address “You” - with a capital letter and the complete absence of slang and familiarity. Such congratulation poems should be more laconic and restrained, without unnecessary enthusiasm and emotion.

Colleagues, I respect and appreciate you
For your work, for your zeal in the service.
And on the New Year I send you congratulations.
I wish you peace, devotion, friendship.

So that after the service, your evenings,
Filled you with divine peace.
Good luck in the family, joy of warmth,
Love and faith in unearthly happiness!

Happy New Year to you,
Colleagues! May the world around you
It will become kinder. Quietly,
Weeks, months go by.

And happiness, as in your dreams.
And in the dreams that dreams bring to you.
May your home be a full cup,
And in it - warmth, kindness, comfort!

Happy New Year, colleague!
And with all my heart, with all my soul, completely,
I wish you to live under a peaceful sky.
Among love, trust and kindness.

Celebrate the New Year under a lush spruce tree.
Among loved ones, relatives and friends.
So that the blizzard swirls like a gimp.
And she created a miracle for people!

I wish you this New Year
To you, my faithful colleagues,
So that the New Year's round dance
He shook you out of your sleepy bliss.

Among the wishes of kind, ringing,
May you walk until the morning.
At the lush New Year tree.
And nearby are relatives and friends!

Happy New Year to you, colleagues!
I wish you to live and not worry.
And I wish you success in your work,
May the year itself bring you good luck.

To argue any matter,
May you be lucky in all matters.
So that you always hold on to life boldly.
And so that your soul is light!

Colleagues, congratulate you on the New Year
I dreamed so much to wish you happiness.
Let life spin you around for a long time,
You shouldn't be discouraged in this life.

You have to believe that joy is somewhere nearby!
She will bring good luck with her.
And you will all be rewarded for your efforts
Recognition, respect and honor!

New Year is coming. Hurry up to congratulate everyone who is dear and close to you in spirit. Everyone who inspires respect in you. Hurry to please them with your gifts and surprises.

But when you go New Year's shopping, choose a suitable poetic greeting for each of your colleagues. And only then, make one choice or another.
Remember, it must be in tune with the mood of the poem you have chosen and fully correspond to the inner world of your colleagues.

Also, never give expected gifts.
Firstly, it’s boring and not at all romantic.
Secondly, you lose the opportunity to surprise, delight and delight your colleagues with an unexpected, incredible surprise. But it is he, along with your congratulations, who is the highlight of the New Year holidays.
Good luck to you. And happy New Year!

1. Dear colleagues!
New Year has arrived!
May the holidays be dashing
They'll join you in a round dance!
Let's raise our glasses high,
During the winter, ice...
And with a pure heart we will accept
Lots of benefits from the boss!
Magical party
Let it enter every home!
And this is a state of affairs,
Let eternity not pass!

2. What do they wish for the New Year?
Life is pleasant, without hassle,
Enjoy every day
And be successful in everything.
I won't repeat myself
But I won’t forget my colleagues
Wish you growth in your career,
And in income there is only an increase.
Many fun days
Faithful, sincere friends.
Well, so that Santa Claus
He took us to the Canary Islands!

3. May the New Year bring you
Prosperity and income.
May success follow you

May your health be good,

Raise everyone's salaries.

A lot of strength and optimism,
Travel and tourism,
In the souls - sunny weather.

4. May the New Year bring good luck,
Stability and income are immeasurable.
May this year be generous with gifts,
Let the main peaks be conquered.

I wish everyone happiness and love,
And the fulfillment of all kinds of wishes.
May your days be very bright.
And various impressions for you!

5. I wish you a Happy New Year,
Beloved fellow colleagues.
And I believe that the New Year is in store for you
Achievements are mountains, achievements are rivers.
A stream of endless, good deeds.
And the mood - to go ahead and sing!
After all, your dreams, in general, are not the limit.
Let life become incredibly interesting!

6. Happy New Year!
Much love to everyone!
I wish you success, joy, colleagues.
We must live without unnecessary fuss.
And luck will give its shoots!

7. Colleagues, Happy New Year to you!
Let there be peace on the entire planet.
Every hour will be happy.
And the sun shines brighter in the sky!

8. Let the blizzard last for a whole year,
He will give you health,
The wind will blow away all the ailments
To the cold courtyard.
Let the snow swirl with sparks,
So that your faces brighten,
And the wicked moon
On the night of love, it will deprive you of sleep.
May one of the brightest stars
Will give your career growth
Your thought will rise up!
Let friends brighten your life!

Wishes for colleagues for the New Year

9. Let the problems all go away,
With them comes pain and hopelessness!
Together with happiness at the gate,
New Year is knocking on our door!
New plans, ideas,
We are reaching a new goal!
Many different achievements
Only smart decisions!
And big income for you,
Have a good day at work!
At home - joy, warmth,
Lots of good stuff!

10. Our team is small,
But with a huge soul,
Let's celebrate the New Year together,
What's knocking at the gate -
Let Santa Claus not be stingy
For gifts. And strives
Give everyone a bonus for the year,
So that the people are happy.
So that the team works
In summer and winter,
And so that everyone has enough strength
Be yourself!

11. Happy New Year's weekend
I won't survive
I'll miss you without mine
Colleagues. I love them very much!

With whom will I drink cold tea?
Whose deadline has long passed?
With whom will I share the gingerbread?
What did you find under the table?

Who's on my payday?
Will you borrow five hundred rubles?
Who will tell the boss that I
Didn't complete the work?

Whose ficus will I cut,
Whose chocolate to steal?
Who do I want to kill?
What if the bonus is deprived?

Who will always turn off
My air conditioner?
Who will I send
In the smoking room, for example?

Friends, I will miss you so much
After all, ten whole days
I'll have to cook at home
Without loved ones, without friends.

Colleagues, Happy New Year to you!
You are my stronghold, my rear!
Will you feel sad without harsh phrases,
What did I say?

Best wishes for colleagues for the New Year

12. We worked for a whole year,
But the time comes
Give us all a big report,
Drop this burden.

We'll forget about business
We can do it today!
New Year's time -
The holiday is immutable.

We have no more work,
We relax in bliss.
Happy New Year, gentlemen!
Happy holiday, colleagues!

13. Friends, dear colleagues,
I want to wish you a New Year
You have many successful strategies,
And less free hassle.

We work together together.
Let our efforts be appreciated!
A big salary is all we need
And we will not know trouble.

14. Colleagues, I wish you a happy new year
A series of wonderful events and meetings,
Good luck in work, in household chores,
An open smile and sparkle in your eyes!

May our efforts always be appreciated
Salaries are growing day by day!
Luck comes to visit more often!
And the New Year brings new happiness!

15. My employees, friends!
I want to congratulate you all!
May the coming year help us
Become closer to each other, dearer!

Let us not be pressured by taxes,
So that I can add your salary.
Let the checks pass us by,
So that I too could lower the measurements.

Let our business prosper
Let our clients besiege us,
And may our friendly team
He will achieve great prospects!

16. May the New Year bring you
Prosperity and income.
May success follow you
So that there is no interference in anything.

May your health be good,
The mind is enlightened, tenacious,
There is peace in the world, and harmony in families.
Raise everyone's salaries.

A lot of strength and optimism,
Travel and tourism,
In the souls - sunny weather.
Everyone, colleagues, Happy New Year!

17. At work - success, and at home - comfort,
May everything in your life be very cool.
Career growth, wealth in your pocket,
An apartment, a car, an Armani suit!

And let there be as much money as winter snow,
I wish you from the bottom of my heart, colleague!
Let him bring everything that is listed
New Year 2018!

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