Easter script for Sunday school. Easter holiday script for Sunday school children Download Easter holiday script for Sunday school

Easter party script

Children enter the hall to the recording of Easter chants.


Christ is Risen, dear children!
Christ is Risen, dear guests!

Children and adults in the hall:
Truly He is Risen!

The biggest and most joyful, most important Christian holiday has arrived: Easter, the Resurrection of Christ.
Can you answer what we celebrate and remember on this day?

On Easter Day we celebrate the Resurrection of Christ from the dead.

Presenter :
What does the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ mean for us?

The Resurrection of Christ means for us the beginning of a new holy life. Celebrating the Resurrection of Christ, we must try not to sin: not to get angry, not to quarrel, not to deceive, not to be capricious, not to demand better for ourselves, but to love each other, to do good. And believe that we too will rise together with Christ.

Child reader :
Joy from earth to heaven:
He is risen!
Truly risen!
He has risen... And this is the Resurrection

Grants us eternal salvation!


Since ancient times, Orthodox people have read to their children gospel stories about the suffering of Christ, legends and traditions about how all nature empathized with its Creator and Creator on Holy Days.

Among these legends is the legend of a small bird named Rubythroat.

The guys from the preparatory group prepared a production based on this legend for the holiday. Now they will show it to us.

(Easter performance based on the legend from Selma Lagerlöf’s book “Tales of Christ”)

Five Rubythroats chicks
Various birds (owls, rooks, starlings, titmouses)

The stage is decorated with several beautiful green trees. Behind the trees on the wall there is a white panel, onto which a slide will be projected at the right time.

A quiet, gentle melody sounds.

When the Lord created the world and all the animals and birds were named, one small gray bird was named Rubythroat.

Rubythroat: (flies around the stage)
How beautiful and amazing the world is! I’ll fly and look at my reflection in the lake.

The rubythroat flies up to the “lake”, indicated by a blue scarf spread on the stage floor. Looking into the lake.

Ah, but I'm completely gray! And my neck is the same gray as everything else... (Looks for red spots.) There is not a single red spot! All gray! Maybe God forgot to dye my feathers red. We must fly to Him and tell Him about this.

And she flew to God. How scary it was to fly up to Him, the Great and Almighty. Her heart beat strongly, and yet, when the Creator asked what she needed, Redneck dared to turn to Him.

Rubythroat: (kneeling down and looking up)
Lord, I wanted to ask You one thing. Why should I be called Rubythroat when I'm all gray from beak to tail?

How she wanted to have red feathers! But the Lord answered that she would have to continue to bear the name Redneck. And she must earn the red feathers on her neck herself.
With deep thought, Redneck flew to heaven.

How, how can I make my feathers red?

A raven flies out.

Why are you so sad, Redneck?

God called me Redneck, but you see, I'm all grey. I have to earn the red feathers on my chest myself.

Yes, this is a difficult task. Listen, settle in a rosehip bush. After all, its flowers are so red. Maybe your breast will turn red?

Everyone flies away.

It sounds like a beautiful melody.

The scenery on stage is complemented by a large nest located on the floor.

(Children sing a song about spring, the arrival of birds)

Time passed, the redthroat had chicks and she told them her family story.

Dear children, many years have passed since the creation of the world, and we are still gray.


1st chick:
Did our ancestors really not do anything good so that God would give them red feathers?

We did what we could. The very first ruby-throated one day met another bird, exactly like her, and immediately fell in love with her with such intense love that she felt a fire in her chest. She thought that this fire would turn her feathers red, but they remained gray.


1st chick:
So we shouldn't wear red?

What a pity! What a pity!

2nd chick:
And I heard that many ruby-throats bravely fought with birds of prey, protecting their chicks, and the fire of courage burned in their chests! Everyone hoped that this fire would turn the breast red. But these birds also remained gray.

It's a pity, it's a pity. But we will also try to achieve red feathers on the chest!

Dear children, this is impossible. What more can we do besides love, be brave and sing well?

A flock of birds flies in.

Misfortune! A great misfortune awaits us!

What's happened? What's happened?

1st bird:
The merciful Lord sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to us on earth, but people hated Him and are leading Him to execution!

2nd bird:
He will be crucified: they will nail him to the Cross like the last robber!

3rd chick:
Mom, do you remember you told me that man is God’s best creation? Why do people act so mercilessly?

Children, children! A person can be good and even great, but often he does evil. This happens when a person forgets about God!
The noise is coming! The crowd is coming! Let's fly!

All the birds, except the Redthroat and the chicks, fly away.

Be careful, little birds! People can trample our nest!

Mom, we are afraid...

Hug each other, close your eyes and be silent.

The rubyshank remains with the chicks in the nest, covering the chicks with its wings.

The trees on the stage move apart and a slide depicting the Crucifixion is projected onto the screen..

The redthroat lowers its wings. Both she and the chicks look at the slide icon.

4th chick:
If we were eagles, we would protect the Lord and disperse all His tormentors!

Thorn needles wounded His forehead! And His look is so kind that everyone should love Him! Let us not be eagles, but little ruby-throats! But maybe we can help the Lord too!

The rubythroat flies out of the nest and flies offstage.

Anxious, mournful music plays quietly.

She fluttered out of the nest and began to circle around the Crucified One, flew up and with her beak pulled out the thorn that had stuck into His forehead! While she was pulling out the thorn, a drop of the Savior’s blood fell on her neck and stained all the feathers on her chest.

The rubythroat flies out from behind the scenes to the nest, wearing a red scarf on its chest.

3rd chick:

Mom, your breast is red!


This is how the Lord, as a reward for his mercy, gave the little bird what she had dreamed of all her life! Her breast turned red! This was a reward for the love of God...

(Dance of the birds.)



(slide “Descent from the Cross”)

After suffering and dying on the cross, our Lord Jesus Christ was buried in a cave. On Sunday, early in the morning, the women disciples of the Savior went to the burial place of Christ, preparing myrrh, a special fragrant oil, to anoint the Lord’s body with it according to custom.
The Church calls these women Myrrh-Bearing Women.

(slide “Myrrh-Bearers at the Tomb”)

But the myrrh-bearing women saw that the cave was empty. Two angels in shining robes appeared before them and told the myrrh-bearers that the Lord had risen!

(Song about Angels)

Having heard the news from the angels about the resurrection of Christ and seeing the empty tomb, the myrrh-bearing women hastened to Jerusalem to tell the other disciples of the Savior about what had happened.

In the evening of the same day, Christ appeared to the disciples through locked doors. And they saw with their own eyes: He has risen!

1st child reader
Words fly like bright stars,
And waiting in quiet voices,
And the warm wind blows out the candle,
And the angels sing in Heaven.

2nd child reader

Suddenly in silence they sing: “Christ is Risen!”
How light illuminated all hearts.
The whole sky is humming, ringing, singing,
And joy, joy, joy without end!


Christ is Risen! - people greet each other.
Christ is Risen! - the birds echo them.
Christ is Risen! - bells ring in temples.

(Children sing the song “A miracle is above all miracles!”)

(Children read poetry)

The birds have arrived
Joyfully shining:
Bright Week,
Festive flock!

Arrived directly
From the court of the Lord
Escort from the temple
Procession today.

And we have Easter cake -
Golden crust!
Painted eggs
There's a slide on the tray!

Milk in the jar!
The feast is like in a fairy tale!
Not a speck of dust in the house -
Cleaned up for Easter.

We're good together!
And our lunch is merry:
- Christ is Risen!
- Truly He is Risen!

(Easter games, congratulations from the priest, refreshments)

Easter holiday script for Sunday school children. 16.04.2017.

The Easter troparion sounds


1) Christ is risen! The starlings are singing.
And, awakening, the steppes rejoice.
In the snow, murmuring streams run
And with a ringing laugh they quickly tear
Chained in winter.
The dark forest is still thoughtful,
But believing the happiness of awakening,
Wake up! Sing the song of Sunday -
Christ is risen!

All: Truly risen!

Leading: Christ is risen! What heavenly, bright joy these words sound and, like the ringing of a bell, echo in every Christian soul.

The myrrh-bearers come out.


Fog and dawn over the half-asleep land,
Women walked along the slopes.
And a fragrant jug with amber oil
They carried it to the Holy Sepulcher.

First Myrrh-Bearer:

From our thoughts, from the severity of loss
Rows of wrinkles lay on the pale forehead;
And we carry aromas in vessels,
As a tribute of love, to the Teacher on the coffin...

Second Myrrh-Bearer:

Christ prayed, bloody sweat
He fled from his drooping brow,
For the human race, for the evil generation
Christ sent prayers!

Third Myrrh-Bearer:

Fire of Holy Inspiration
Sparkled in the features of His face!
Suffered mortal torment
And the pain of the crown of thorns!

Fourth Myrrh-Bearer:

Who will help us with a big stone

Move aside, closing the cave?

To pour out our grief with tears at the grave,

Strengthen your weakened faith!


Do not be afraid! Lords of Christ
Were you looking for the Crucified Body?!
The Savior has risen from the grave!

Announce this to everyone boldly!

Fear not, the heavens are now rejoicing!
Open your previously closed lips!
Proclaim the meaning of the good news to everyone!
The Savior did not die, our Lord lives!

Whether you are a warrior, a publican, a Jew or a Greek,
Any person will find salvation in Him!
I proclaim joy from heaven to everyone,
Jesus, your Savior, is risen today!

Third Myrrh-Bearer:

We will spread the news to the ends of the earth:
We will live forever! We too will rise again!
Take faith, accept it quickly!
Jesus of Nazareth invites everyone!

Myrrh-Bearers (line by line):

Christ is risen! And from dawn
The shadow of the long night is thinning!
For us it lit up above the earth
For a new life - a new day!


Listen, earth and circle of heaven:

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

****************Easter bells ************

Presenter: Since ancient times, people have painted eggs for Easter, baked Easter cakes, and prepared Easter cottage cheese.


Granddaughter, quickly call your brothers,
Yes, roll up your sleeves higher -
We will bake Easter cake!

Granddaughter: If only he would come out!

Grandson: If only he would come out!


Any kind of work: such work,
Is it a spiritual, external battle...
We, trusting in God's bounties,
What do we start with?

Grandchildren: Humble prayer!


That's right, guys! Let's ask God
Angelic help to our aid!
Our labors for the meal of love!

Together: Lord our God, bless!


Although this white flour is pure,
Still, sift it through a sieve, granddaughter!


There are a lot of impurities here, grandma,
Small lumps, hidden specks!


Confession to us from sins and temptations
Cleanses thoughts like a good sieve!

A repentant sinner is dearer to God,
Let creation fall to the Creator!
Let us liken our heart to oil,
Covering everything with deep humility...


Butter and eggs, raisins, cardamom -
We'll put it generously into the cake without fear!


But he will never rise
If there is no good leaven in it!
Our thoughts are an empty idea,
If love is not accompanied by faith!

Granddaughter: the dough is made with intelligence and dexterity!

Grandson: Let's finish it off in a hot oven!
Grandmother: Here is our Easter cake on a festive platter!

Together: Happy Easter to you, good people!

Eldest grandson:

Just yesterday I was sad that we had been fasting for so long...

But the pile of fresh Easter on the table is already turning white!

The house smells like Easter cakes, mom’s kitchen is clean!

Soon, soon we will go to meet Christ with candles!!!

We will walk in pitch darkness, covering the light with our hand!

And let us flow like a human river for unearthly joy!

Having pulled back the darkness of the curtain, we will hear - there is no death!

The Lord lives! "Christ is Risen!" and “Truly!” in reply!


The holiday of the Lord is Easter!

People were at the Vigil today.

The ringing of bells can be heard everywhere!

Happy holiday on our land!

Holidays celebration! Believe and glory!

Send your prayer to God in heaven!

Runs ingirlsAnd with the BIBLE IN HANDS
I know for sure - He has risen! And I know firsthand. I read about this in a wonderful book, In which there are many miracles. But this miracle, I tell you, is within the power of God alone. After all, only God Jesus Christ suffered for us and suffered death. But having shown love the teaching, Christ was resurrected! And Sunday - This is a miracle of miracles. I know for sure, He has risen!

There's a song playing "The bells are ringing, the bells are ringing"

(A boy and a girl enter with a basket of eggs)

Birds singing outside the window!
Today is a holiday - Sunday! (M)
Resurrection of the Lord! (D)
That's why we have today
There is a Easter cake on the table.
Next to him is a mountain of testicles (placed)
Red, yellow, blue,
Both with a pattern and simple ones
In a brand new basket.
My dear sister and I
They came to the temple to bless them.
We will treat you on Easter
All neighbors and friends! (points to the hall)
Come visit us soon! (bows to everyone at the waist)

Let's sing the Easter troparion:(light all the candles)
Your Resurrection, O Christ the Savior,
Angels sing in heaven
And vouchsafe us to earth
Glory to you with a pure heart!

That was a long time ago,

Great-grandmother said

Like Mary Magdalene

She gave the egg to the king.

It was all white, It was all round.

She brought it, gave it,

“Christ is Risen,” she said.

And Tiberius accepted,

Didn't reject the gift

He said: “I will believe,

If I see a miracle myself.”

He held an egg in his hands,

I thought to myself:

"Let the testicle turn red

On Sunday - I will believe."

The egg seemed to hear


In Tiberius's hands,

There was horror in his eyes.

“What a miracle!

What a miracle!

I won't argue with you.

This is a miracle of miracles!

Christ is truly risen!”

Video “Mary Magdalene and Tiberius” song by Svetlana Kopylova


Children read poetry:

1) The news flies to all ends:
The messenger angels are trumpeting,
In the heavens they sing of Christ:
He has risen from corruption!
This is not fiction, not a fairy tale,
The main holiday is our Easter!

2) Resurrection of Christ! Everyone is full of love and affection.

We have come here now to celebrate Easter.

3) A song began to sound in my heart, Red Easter has come!

A field, a river, a forest whispers: “Rejoice, Christ is risen!”

Today the miracle of miracles pleases and amuses!

Evil and grief have receded - Jesus Christ has risen!

4) Who is so great in this world,
Whose glory is higher than the stars?
Without doubting for a moment,
We are speaking: (together) Christ

Who in the world has no equal?
Who brought light to the world?
Who is the king of kings: One answer!
So who is He? (together) Christ

Who voluntarily went to the cross
And He Himself bore His own cross?
Who was crucified and then resurrected?
Of course (together) Christ

Whose Father is in heaven
Divinely exalted?
Who and today are miracles
Shows us? (together) Christ

5) People are brothers! Arrived
Great day, day of salvation!
Bright Holiday of Sunday,
God of Truth! God of Powers!

Girl: Christ is risen!
All. Truly Risen!


Sunday School Script


The long-awaited and long-awaited spring has come to us again; all nature, the whole world of God awakens from sleep. The sun melted the white clothes of winter, and the streams began to gurgle. Pale meadows and fields are already covered with fresh grass, and soon, wherever you look, you will see the first fragrant flowers. The birch groves will turn green, and behind them the dense forests will dress in their wonderful spring attire. And in the forest, a choir of birds that have returned to their native lands will sing their sonorous songs, glorifying God the Creator.

Song "Starlings"(performed by children dressed as starlings):

Wake up, mountains, valleys, rivers!

Praise the Lord from heaven!

Death is conquered by Him forever,

Wake up, you too, green forest.

Snowdrop, silver lily of the valley,

Violet, bloom again

And send up a fragrant hymn

To the One Whose commandment is love!

Child reader:

The grass is green, the sun is shining,

A swallow flies towards us with spring in the canopy.

With her the sun is more beautiful and spring is sweeter,

Shout out hello to us from the road quickly!


In Russia, the arrival of spring is especially precious. In the spring, you and I celebrate a great church holiday - the Holy Resurrection of Christ, the Easter of the Lord. And seven days before Easter we celebrated Palm Sunday, the day on which the Lord Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem along with his disciples. He was solemnly greeted with palm branches in his hands as a king and a miracle worker. But Jesus Christ knew that in Jerusalem He would suffer for the people; will die on the Cross and be resurrected... We don’t have palm trees, and that’s why we come to church with willow branches.

In Rus', as the snow melts, there is silence in nature.

The willow is the first to come to life, artless and tender.

Before Easter, on Sunday, they go to church with a pussy willow,

After the blessing of water, they bring it to be sprinkled.

And with a song of praise, with a shrine in his hands

They pray for blessings with repentance in their hearts.

Child reader 1:

"Willow, willow, our palm tree"

Willow, willow, our palm tree - you look very simple!

But with you we meet the coming Christ to us.

That’s why we give back every year, in the spring, again

To the white willow our tenderness, our affection and love.

Child reader 2:


Boys and girls took candles and willows home.

The lights glow, passers-by cross themselves, and it smells like spring.

A slight breeze, a little rain, a little rain, don’t blow out the fire!

On Palm Sunday tomorrow I will be the first to rise for the holy day!

Child Reader 3:

I woke up and heard spring knocking on the window!

Droplets are rushing from the roof, it’s light and light everywhere!

And it seems - not birds, but angels are flying,

They will tell us that Easter is coming.


The news is that people began to torment God,

Rooks brought us to the north...

The coniferous thickets have darkened,

Quiet streams began to cry...

And other news, worse than the first,

The starlings brought them into the wilderness:

Crucified on the Cross, forgiving everyone,

God, the Savior of our souls, has died.

Why "Savior of our souls"?

Because the Son of God gave his life for all of us. When Jesus Christ was crucified, His disciples took the Savior's body from the Cross and performed the burial ceremony, wrapped His body in a shroud and placed it in a cave. This was on Friday, and on Sunday, the third day after death, Jesus Christ rose from the dead. He defeated death and gave us a new life that will never end.

The Sunday school choir sings.


Christ is risen! Christ is risen! The darkness of the night has disappeared.

The ringing of heaven shines with light, the bells sing.

They sing about the holiday of love, about a miracle of miracles:

The Lord has risen from the bowels of the earth!

Christ, Christ is risen!

Song "Easter Ring"


Holy Easter is a celebration of the victory of love over evil, life over death, it is a celebration of our hope for the general resurrection.

The joy of Sunday flowed like a stream,

Salvation for those near and far in Christ!

The golden sun lit up the distance.

A new song is sung without sadness.

Easter composition "Who built this house?" E. Korolev.

Children read one by one, standing around the globe:

1st child:

What a wonderful house!

There are many neighbors in it.

But who built it?

Who put order in it?

2nd child:

Who sowed moss and flowers?

Who gave the trees leaves?

3rd child:

Who poured water into the rivers?

Who put the fish in them?

4th child:

Did he send summer to us for spring?

Who, who came up with this?

Who could arrange everything like this? All:

Well, of course it's God.

5th child:

It is impossible to see God.

You can only see things

The ones that do for us

Every day He, every hour.

6th child:

This is why and for what we are grateful to Him.

7th child:

So as not to upset Him,

The soul must be sanctified

Do no harm to anyone

And be obedient to Him.

Child reader:

From the land of distant swallows fly,

They chirp merrily and tell people:

"People, wake up! Spring is coming to you,

And with spring, Easter brings you joy.

Joy that our Savior has risen from the grave!

He gave deliverance to children and adults!"

“He has risen from the dead! - the whole earth sings. -

And soon He will come to earth again.”

Sing, people: “Our Christ has risen!”

There is salvation for people, and there is hope!”

"Song about Spring" music by G. Fried.

Child reader 1:

S. Yesenin

"Easter Good News"

The dormant bell woke up the fields,

The sleepy earth smiled at the sun.

The blows flew towards the blue skies,

The white moon disappeared behind the river,

A frisky wave ran loudly.

The quiet valley drives away sleep,

Somewhere along the road the ringing fades away.

Child reader 2:

V. Shamonin


It's good to ring the bells in the bell tower,

So that the holiday is more free, so that the soul can sing.

Like angelic singing, this wondrous chime

The bright hymn of Sunday sounded from all sides.

"Easter Bouquet" (dramatization):

Flower child:

We are flowers from the Garden of Eden. We are all equal - a whole bunch!

And we hasten to bow to Christ and bring our fragrant greetings.

The rainbow has painted us with color; not sparing all the colors on us,

She has endowed her with such beauty that you cannot take your eyes off us.

We will share beauty, we will decorate people's lives.

We are going to congratulate the Risen God with a bouquet of flowers.

Lily of the valley:

The dark forests glow in the verdant garb,

The sky shines like the sea, the sea like the sky.

And in our garden today I noticed how secretly

A lily of the valley with a snow-white moth shared Christ.


And every stem believes: cold follows salvation.

Spring is coming! Spring is coming! Nature praises Sunday!


Hearing the bell ringing and the bell shaking its head,

He tuned in to the big bell and began to swing deftly.

Song "Ding-dong".


White snowdrop, wonderful primrose,

That pearls are scattered throughout the forests,

As a symbol of Sunday and victories,

He warmed up in the sun and calmed down.


And in the fields, wherever you look, there are golden drops of coltsfoot.

First they released the flowers, and hid the leaves until summer.

Bird cherry:

The birches dance in a circle, and the nightingale sings in the forest.

Spring distributes catkins to all poplars, birches, willows,

Yes, and honor to the bird cherry: it’s already dressed up - everyone is amazed. Chamomile:

The naughty sister's eyelashes opened,

Laughing daisies, cheerful girlfriends,

They glorify the miracle of miracles - Jesus Christ has risen!

Poppies are like drops of blood that flowed from the Cross.

Looking among the green grass at the Risen Christ

And they nod their heads and pave the way

To all who follow Christ,

And their heads are decorated with a fire-breathing crown.


Blue forget-me-nots are droplets of heaven.

They also rejoice at the miracle and sing: “Christ is risen!”


The cornflowers are running, hurrying to marvel at Sunday,

And worship the risen Christ right at the feet.


There are many, many daisies, the whole road is strewn,

Everyone nods their heads and glorifies Sunday.


I am a flower, I don’t know what kind. I bloom in spring.

I heard that Christ had risen and brought Him gifts:

Faith, love and patience, obedience and reverence.

Song "Christ is risen!"


Holy Easter is the greatest and brightest holiday for Orthodox Christians. Easter night is as silent and quiet as any other night of the year. Everyone lights candles and waits for the clergy in red vestments, with a cross, icons and church banners to leave the church in order to walk around the temple in a procession of the cross, as if to come to the sealed tomb of the Savior.


Holy night... The temple is filled with lights.

Everyone's prayer ascends to heaven.


The Royal Doors are open before us.

Holy fire shines from the candle...

The circle was again placed in the temple

Colored eggs, Easter cakes.

Everyone is having fun, and the sun is playing,

And we joyfully repeat to each other:

Christ is risen!


"Expensive egg for Christ's Day!" - says the Orthodox Russian people. It is impossible to imagine a Happy Holiday without a red egg. Why do we paint eggs and give them to each other? Maybe it started because a simple egg reminds us of the resurrection from the dead. A chicken lays an egg, and it looks like a pebble, as if lifeless. And there is life in it - a living chicken that is about to hatch from an egg.

But it’s true that a better gift in memory of the risen Savior cannot be imagined. How simple this gift is and how dear!

Easter! Christ is Risen! You listen and cannot stop listening, because neither on earth nor in heaven itself there are brighter and more joyful words!

Musical and literary composition

Children enter the hall one by one, holding Easter eggs-souvenirs and bouquets in their hands.

1st child:

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

The dark forest has already turned green.

Christ is truly risen! (Gives an egg).

2nd child:

Spring has come - the time for miracles.

The spring gurgles: “Christ is risen!” (Gives an egg).

3rd child:

There are no brighter words in the world:

Truly Christ has risen! (Gives an egg).

4th child:

Everywhere the gospel is buzzing,

People are pouring out of all the churches.

The dawn is already looking from the heavens.

Christ is risen! Christ is risen! (Gives an egg).

5th child:

To the tune of Easter prayers and to the ringing of bells

Spring is flying towards us from the farthest of midday lands. (Gives a beketik).


Christ is Risen!


Truly risen!


God has risen and death has been defeated!

I sent this victorious news

God-resurrected spring.


Death has been conquered for everyone - for everyone? And we won't die?


We will die in body, but the soul will not die. But the day will come when not only the soul will be alive, but the body will also be resurrected.

Children sit around an adult.


And the first people will be resurrected?


And the first people. They were the first to sin, but the Lord, in His mercy, promised them and all people salvation.


What is salvation from?


From sin and death. Love each other, forgive insults, obey your elders - and all this will be a wonderful gift for the great holiday of Easter.

Christ is Risen! He has risen for all who love Him, who believe and know Him! And for those who came to Him in the first hour, and for those who came in the last hour of the day.

Christ is Risen!

1st child:

I've been waiting for Easter all year!

2nd child:

We've been waiting for Easter all year!


On this Feast Day, I want to invite everyone, young and old, to experience the joy that every believing soul feels at the thought of the resurrection of Christ, and to unite our awakened hearts for the single joyful news of the risen Savior.

Song "Blagovest"

Child reader 1:

Tonight the darkness is conquered

A single ray, a breath of light.

The soul is kindled with love for God,

And the Most Pure Mother of God is glorified.

Child reader 2:

Christ is risen! Merry chime

Christ is risen! - Sounds like good news

And the people in the churches glow with hope.

Child Reader 3:

A wonderful moment, events have resurrected,

Nature comes to life before our eyes.

Christ is risen! - Sounds like an immortal song

A story that lives in the hearts.

Child Reader 4:

There is only one beauty in the world -

Not the beauty of the gods of Hellas

And not a dream in love,

Not heavy mountains

And not seas, not waterfalls,

Purity is not the gaze of women.

There is only one Beauty in the world -

Love, sadness, renunciation

And voluntary torment

Christ crucified for us.

Song "God's Temple"

Child reader:

Day of the Orthodox East,

Shine, shine, great day!

Spread your gospel widely

And dress the whole of Russia with them!

But Holy Rus' is the limit

Do not hesitate to call him.

Let it be heard in the world at large,

Let it overflow!

The ringing of bells (recording).


Easter! Golden angels blow trumpets from heaven.

Easter competitions and games for children

Easter is one of the most important Orthodox holidays and one of the most beloved. I want to spend this day joyfully, lightly, but without fuss, simply, sincerely and at home. Especially when it comes to celebrating Easter in Sunday school. Our script will help create the desired atmosphere and make this day memorable for a long time.

Children come to Sunday school, say hello, and congratulate each other on the bright Easter holiday.
The beginning of the holiday, like the beginning of each lesson, should be in the traditions of a particular school. In honor of Christ’s Resurrection, you can perform the troparion “Christ has risen from the dead.”
The first word to the priest - the rector of the church. He congratulates the children and instructs them with a short speech.
The head of the Sunday school greets the children and reads A. Maykov’s poem “Christ is Risen.”

Leader: The guys prepared an Easter scene. Let's see it!


Masha - older sister
From the author (girl or boy)
There is a table on the stage and three chairs around it. Masha, Nastya and Egor are sitting at the table. Children are preparing for Easter - they are painting eggs, there is Easter cake on the table.

Reader: On the outskirts of the village there is a low house.
There are carved shutters on it, and there is a light in the window.
Who's in the house? Interesting! Masha, Nastya and Egor.
On the pre-Easter bright evening
Quiet family conversation.

Nastya: Mashenka, why do they paint eggs for Easter?

Masha: When Christ was resurrected, Mary Magdalene came to the ruler Tiberius to tell this news. He did not believe it and said: “just as this white egg cannot turn red, so a person cannot be resurrected.” And immediately the ordinary egg turned red. This is the miracle the Lord showed. Since then, eggs have always been painted for Easter.

Egor: And Tiberius believed then?

Masha: Of course!

Nastya: This is how it turns out: people need miracles in order to believe... And why then do we paint them not only red?

Masha: Traditions change over the years, nothing can be done. But this is even better: multi-colored, with cheerful pictures and painted patterns, our painted eggs and Easter eggs seem to also rejoice in spring, renewal, and the rebirth of a new life. Because Easter is a time of joy and rejoicing.
Masha cuts off half of the Easter cake, wraps it in a bundle, and puts several eggs in it.

Egor: Who is this for?

Masha: Grandma Lizaveta, who lives on the edge of the village. She is old, she can’t bake Easter cakes or paint eggs. She needs help preparing for the Bright Holiday. Egor, you can take it to her today.

There is a knock on the window. Children look out the window, look at the door

Reader: Suddenly there was a knock on the window
Who came to us at a late hour?
That is a belated pilgrim.
Pilgrim, appearing on the threshold: God bless you all!

A gray-haired old man enters the house.

Pilgrim: Peace to your home! I’m tired, I have no strength, and I still have a long way to go. Please give me some water to drink.

Masha: Of course, grandfather! (Pours water into a mug.) Where are you going?

Pilgrim: To the monastery for the Easter service. Well, I'll go - it's time! Thank you, good children!

Masha: Oh, there’s still a long way to go. Take it! (cuts off half of the remaining Easter cake and gives a few colored eggs)
The pilgrim thanks and leaves.

Egor: Well... I gave him the most beautiful paint! And now only a quarter of the Easter cake remains.

Masha: Are you really sorry? A man comes from afar, is tired, hungry, and we please him in any way we can.

A little boy Nikitka comes into the room and says hello.

Masha: Hello, Nikita! Something happened? Why are you so sad?

Nikita: And our mother fell ill. I came to ask you for dried raspberries and honey - my mother is coughing a lot.

Nastya: Have you already baked the cake?

Nikita: Yes, whatever! Mom lies there all day, saying that she will get up and bake.

Nastya: Mom can’t get up now! So you won't have a holiday? How is this possible?

(exchanging glances with his older sister, he wraps the remains of the Easter cake in a bundle, Egor puts the remaining colored eggs there, Masha brings jars of honey and raspberries)

Masha: May mom get better soon! We bow to her!

Egor and Nastya: Happy Holidays to your family!

Nikita thanks and leaves.

Masha (looking at the empty table and smiling): Well, now we have nothing to break our fast with!

Nastya: So what? For some reason I don’t feel sorry at all, on the contrary, I’m happy.

Egor: Me too!

Masha (hugs the guys): Well, great then! Doing good to people is the greatest joy.

Reader: The house is quiet and cozy,
And light streams from heaven
Signifying the good news
We are glad:
All together: Christ is Risen!

Supervisor: And now Easter competitions and games await us!

Round dance

Children stand in a circle, hold hands, and choose a leader. To the music, the leader leads a round dance along an arbitrary trajectory: in a circle, diagonally, in a spiral. The more bizarre the path, the more interesting it is. When the leader claps, the leader moves to the end of the round dance, and the next participant begins to lead.


Children stand in a circle. The presenter gives two wooden Easter eggs to two children standing opposite each other. While the music is playing, children pass the eggs around in a circle in different directions - one clockwise, the other counterclockwise. When the music stops, those guys who have eggs in their hands go out into a circle and dance a Russian dance with each other to general applause. The game is repeated several times.

Egg rolling

For this game you will need a rag ball. Painted eggs are laid out on the floor. Children take turns throwing or rolling the ball from a distance of 10-15 steps. If the ball hits the egg, the player takes it for himself.

Egg twisting

Each child holds one Easter egg. Children spin them on the table. Whose egg spins the longest is the winner. The game requires dexterity, ingenuity and dexterity.

Hiding eggs

An Easter egg is placed on the table. The child is blindfolded and taken away from the table, trying to confuse him. The player's task is to find the way to the egg while blindfolded. No one stops or directs him (unless his movement poses a danger). When the child believes that he has already reached the table, he removes the blindfold. Now you need to try to get the egg (after all, it’s not a fact that the child will be next to it), sometimes you need to be inventive.

Happy Holidays!

Children stand in two lines opposite each other. They roll colored eggs towards each other in pairs. If the eggs collide, the couple hugs and congratulates each other on Happy Easter.

Leader: Now it’s time to go to the table! How many beautiful Easter cakes and elegant eggs we have! Please share how you dyed the eggs? (Children talk about the methods adopted in their families, the leader offers other options: with young leaves, woolen threads, using rice and onion peels, using the decoupage technique, etc. Many beautiful and simple methods can be found on the Internet)

Leader: Well, it's time to set the Easter table!

Relay race "Easter table"

Children are divided into several teams. Everyone’s task is to quickly and beautifully set their part of the table. This is done in the form of a relay race. The first participant lays out the tablecloth, the second breaks and cleans the egg, the third collects the shells in a paper box, the fourth decorates the table with a vase with birch branches. The tasks can be varied, kids need to be given simpler tasks, older children need to be given more difficult ones.

Leader: The sky is now bottomless...
The bells are ringing.
They call: “Wake up! Wake up!
The good news has arrived!”
And music pours from heaven:
"Christ is risen!"
“Truly risen!” - the heavens rejoice.
Great miracles are coming...

Sunday school students drink tea with Easter cake, and then, together with the leader, go to the church bell tower to see how the belfry works and try to ring the bells.

Friends, good morning! Irina Ivaskiv is with you. I'm counting the days until spring. I think you do too. Easter this year fell on April 16th. It seems that there is still enough time before this date. But these days are the right time for Sunday school teachers to think about preparing for this holiday. After all, you won’t have the opportunity to rehearse with your children so often – once a week (subject to 100% children’s attendance). That is, you will have 5-6 rehearsals in stock in order to prepare the program for Easter without haste and with high quality. And if you take into account that the props will need to be made (scenery, costumes, visuals), then it doesn’t seem like so much time.

These days, thousands of Sunday School teachers are starting to look in libraries and on the Internet for new scripts for Easter or sit down to write their own. And this is where difficulties often occur: sometimes the script is already hackneyed, sometimes it’s too complex, sometimes it’s too long, and not everyone can write a good script themselves. In a word, friends, I offer my script for Easter. There is no grand production in it. After all, it is not so easy to implement such a statement. But there are many different other varieties that will help you make the Easter holiday unforgettable for both children and adults. Christ is risen!

Scenario for Easter “Christ is Risen!”

This scenario will be easy to distribute to different numbers of children in your Sunday School. It will be possible to involve children of different ages, as well as adults. Here you can get by with a minimal amount of props.

I advise young children to set aside time at the very beginning of the program.

Start of the holiday:

1st Presenter (comes on stage with the preschooler): Hello, dear people! Small and big!

2nd Presenter (comes on stage with the preschooler): Hello, guests, you are welcome! We open Easter, the holiday begins!

Congratulations from the little ones:

1st child:

God is everywhere. He is everywhere:
In the sky, air, water.
He sees everything, He knows everything,
He understands everyone in the world,
He is my Savior and yours,
He is everywhere. He is alive.

2nd child:

Joy from earth to heaven:
He is risen! Truly risen!
He has risen... And this is Sunday
Gives people eternal salvation.
(E. Sanin)


Presenters and children together: Christ is risen!

All the spectators in the hall answer: He is truly risen!

Presenters and children together: Christ is risen!

All the spectators in the hall answer: He is truly risen!

Easter Song No. 1:

1st Presenter (preface to the song): I recently learned that in Orthodoxy there is such an interesting concept as “moving or moving holidays.” This is the name for holidays that do not have any specific constant date, which change their date every year, and because of this, their celebration falls on different days and even months every year. Such moving holidays include both Easter itself and the holidays associated with Easter calendar: Palm Sunday, Ascension, Trinity. I thought: what is the exact name - “movable holiday”. A holiday that sets everything in motion! If Christmas revives hope in the heart, then Easter sets that hope in motion!

Choose an Easter song. It can be sung by children, or teenagers, or adults. This can be a solo or ensemble song. You can also not sing it, but listen to the plus of this song in the recording. You can use not the entire song, but only part of it. If you find a suitable clip, you can show it on the screen. As such a clip, you can use this clip, which was performed by the guys from our choir:

Easter game “Droplets and Streams”:

This game can be played by both children and adults mixed together. The presenter says that in the spring the snow begins to melt, and invites each participant to be a drop of water, which, when combined, will form small streams.

Music starts playing. Droplets scattered across the meadow and bask in the sun. The music stops, this is a signal for the droplets to unite into streams of 2 droplets each. The music sounds again, and the streams need to move across the meadow without touching each other. The music stops again, this is a signal for the droplets to unite into streams of 3 droplets each. The music resumes and the game continues. During the game, the streams increase: 4, 5, 6... At the end of the game, all the streams are connected into one big river.

Easter game “Slide and streams”:

The stream from the previous game is divided into two parts. One part of the players forms a circle with their hands raised - a mountain. The second part of the players continue to stick together like a trickle. The stream flows into the mountain from either side and flows out from under the mountain on the other side, then flows into the mountain again and flows out of it. Warn participants not to push, do it slowly, move in small steps - swam . This is a very beautiful sight. Music accompanying the game should not be fast.

In the middle of the game, invite the participants who make up the slide to begin to move slowly in a circle, and the participants who make up the stream split into several streams and flow in and out at the same time, without touching each other.

The Legend of the Easter Egg:

Speaker 1: At Easter, many people traditionally paint eggs. How do you think why?

2nd Presenter: I think because the egg has always been a symbol of new life.

1st Leader: One day, Mary Magdalene found an opportunity to meet with Emperor Tiberius to preach the gospel to him. She gave him an egg with the words: Christ is risen! The choice of such a modest gift (according to St. Demetrius) was caused by the poverty of Mary, who considered it impossible to come to the emperor with nothing. Tiberius responded skeptically: Just as an egg cannot turn from white to red, so the dead do not rise again. I would believe in the resurrection of Christ if... if this egg turned red. The egg, donated by Mary Magdalene, immediately turned red in front of his eyes, right in the hands of the emperor. It was a real miracle! Since then, it has been customary to color eggs red.

2nd Presenter: And in memory of that legend, we will play games in which the main props will be these wooden painted eggs.

Game “Egg Rolling”:

Prepare 2 benches, 2 chairs and 2 eggs. Place the ends of both benches on a chair to create slides. Divide the participants into 2 teams. At the signal, the first players in the teams run up to the slide, roll the egg down the slide, pick it up at the end of the slide and pass it to the next player in their team, etc. Only children, or children mixed with adults, can play. You'll need some fun music.

Game “Egg Run”:

For this game, it is better to divide the participants into 2 small teams. You will need: 2 spoons (preferably tea spoons), 2 eggs, 2 chairs for “running around” and cheerful music.

Easter Song No. 2:

The recommendations are almost the same as for the first Easter song. But here it is better to perform the song live. This is where an adult choir or worship team can help. It can also be a solo song performed by an adult soloist. It would be better if it was a very famous Easter song that all the people in the room could easily follow. The song in this part of the program will set people up after the games to perceive important truths.

1st Presenter “Spring”:

Despite the fact that Easter changes its date every year, it is always celebrated no earlier than March and no later than May, within the framework of spring, the arrival of which we all so much await. And for me this is very symbolic and prophetic. I will talk about spring, and if you can, at the same time think about Easter:

  • spring displaces winter cold,
  • spring breaks multi-ton ice floes,
  • spring makes them melt,
  • spring expands the boundaries of the rivers,
  • spring saturates the earth with moisture and warms it with long-awaited warmth,
  • spring awakens nature,
  • spring brings us out of hibernation,
  • spring gives strength to every sprout to break through to the sun through the thickness of last year’s foliage,
  • spring brings the prodigal birds home,
  • spring increases hunger,
  • spring calls you to work and simply makes you live.

Spring for me is the instrument with which Easter sets everything in motion.

2nd Presenter “Sunday”:

What’s also surprising is that no matter how Easter changes the date of its celebration, it still falls on Sunday every year. And this day is not just the first day of the week for some, but the last day of the week for others. This day is a direct reminder that Christ has risen. Only after this one day, 52 times every year, God reminds us that His beloved Son is alive.

1st Presenter “Names of Easter”:

Easter has several names, each of which gives us all more understanding of what kind of holiday it is. Great day, Bright day, Bright Resurrection, Feast of holidays and Solemnity of triumphs. The greatest and brightest Christian holiday, the day when your greeting “Christ is risen!” any person, believer or non-believer, will definitely answer you: “Truly risen!”

2nd Presenter of “Preparations for Easter”:

We all look forward to Easter every year. People are not just waiting for Easter, they, as best they can, prepare both their soul (through prayers of repentance) and their body (through strict abstinence during Lent) in order to adequately meet such a great event. I don’t always have enough words of my own to talk about this event. Therefore, I propose to look into our literature, the best part of which has always been both high and Christian, and find the necessary words in it.

Verse (adult reader):

The heavy stone was rolled away from the coffin.
The white angel rolled away the stone.
Where is the despair and anger now?
Dark and insanely gloomy forces?!

Where the Body of the Lord lay,
The slab shines with pure marble,
The whole earth itself could not hold
By death the death of the trampled Christ.

Because it happened in the world,
Both you and I are melted down,
Lightning forever illuminated
The secret origins of existence.
Unknown author

The Legend of the Easter Birds:

This legend can be voiced by a group of teenagers (from 3 to 9 people). You may need the sounds of nature: the sound of the wind, forest, sea. You can use the piece “Grieg and the Sounds of the Ocean” or similar.

In the center is a green tree on which bright red birds (crossbills) are hung. The sounds of forest noise and birdsong are heard (recorded). Nine children come out and stand on both sides of the green tree.

1st child: What are those sounds? Tsik, tsik, tsek, tsek, tsok, tsok... On the coniferous branches there are bright red birds: some are upside down, some are upside down, some are clinging to a fir cone with one paw from the side...

2nd child: This bird is called the “bird of Christ”, or crossbill. A distinctive feature of its appearance is its cross-shaped beak.

3rd child: One ancient legend tells that during the Savior’s suffering on the cross, several crossbills flocked to the cross, which began to pull out the thorns of His crown from the bloody brow of Christ and just as hard tried to pull out the nails with which the Divine Sufferer was nailed; they tried until the ends of their beaks were bent from excessive effort and became cross-shaped.

4th child: Christ said to them: “For your compassion to the Crucified, from now on and forever, as an eternal memory, for posterity, your beak will remain cruciform for edification.”

A few more real features of crossbills:

5th child: Thanks to its cross-shaped beak, the crossbill can perfectly remove seeds from the cones of coniferous trees, which constitute its main food, and since pine and spruce seeds contain a lot of resinous substance, after the death of the bird its body becomes as if embalmed. There are cases where such bodies of crossbills were preserved for 15-20 years without any signs of decomposition.

6th child: Christ said: “Destruction will not touch you, the forest will always give you your daily food in abundance, and the severe frosts of the northern winter will be harmless to you.”

7th child: The most amazing feature of the crossbill, which we do not find in any of our birds, is the ability to nest and hatch chicks at any time of the year.

8th child: Christ said: “At any time of the year to love and sing songs, in the middle of winter or in the summer, in the spring or in the fall, raise children, it will be the same for you...”

9th child: Crossbills are found throughout northern and central Europe, wherever there are coniferous forests. The crossbill has an extremely attractive character: its distinctive features are good nature, trustfulness and sociability not only with each other, but also with other birds.

Spring song “Wind of Change” (from the film “Merry Poppins, Goodbye!”) performed solo or recorded:

Perhaps someone will say: But this is a “worldly” song!”))) Yes, worldly. But it does not contradict the Bible. There is nothing in it that goes against the Bible. In a word, friends, if it is acceptable, use it, if not, then look for another one.

Game “Easter round dance”:

Prepare Easter baskets with symbolic gifts near stage 2 in advance. These could be Easter cards (both purchased and made by children in Sunday School), beautifully packaged goodies, etc. All participants of the Easter program go on stage, forming 2 circles one in one. One circle begins to slowly, in small steps, move (swim) clockwise, the other circle - in the opposite direction. After 3-4 laps, the participants stream into the hall (if possible), grabbing 2 gifts from the baskets to distribute to people in the hall. Rehearse this part of the program so that the round dance movement is not visually disturbed and everything looks natural.

After this, the participants of the program return to the stage in streams, lining up in one horizontal row. As they return to the stage, in the background of music, someone emphatically recites a quatrain:

The sun is already smiling at everyone,

Warm love from heaven.

From the sacred we flow from the hearts of all:

Christ is risen! Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

(Irina Ivaskiv)

Final part “Proclamation”:

In this part of the program, all participants go on stage and voice one line at a time. The words “Christ is risen!” I advise you to proclaim it to everyone together.

Christ has risen, and hell has been defeated by Him.
Christ has risen, and the world has been redeemed by Him.
Christ has risen and the angels rejoice.
Christ has risen and people are celebrating.
Christ has risen and heaven is open to us.
Christ has risen and the power of hell has fallen.
Christ has risen, and the sting of death has been erased.
Christ has risen and saved the world from torment.
(O. Osipov)


Friends, I wish you a bright and pure Easter celebration! If you found this article helpful, please leave your comments below. Blessings!

© Irina Ivaskiv

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