Advice for parents. how to bless newlyweds for marriage


Dear children, as we bid you farewell to your new life, we wish you love, happiness, and family well-being. Live in the name of goodness and love. We bless you for a happy marriage and a strong family!


Dear children, (name of the groom) and (name of the bride)! We bless you for a strong marriage, for a friendly family. Live in peace and friendship, love and harmony, for your own happiness and for the joy of people! Let the children in your family laugh, let there be peace and prosperity in your home!


Today we wish you happiness, May the Lord protect you from storms and bad weather,
Human language, from pain and illness, From hard years, from a vicious circle.
And may the Lord give you a lot of passion, enthusiasm, ardor and love! And a lot of happiness!


Dear children! We are ready to wish you everything that you would wish for yourself:
Health, joy, happy days and many smart children!
May the sun always shine pleasantly on you, May the blessed rain pour over your head,
We wish you with all our hearts, with all our soul: Prosperity, harmony, love, peace!

Words of blessing at a wedding

Congratulations on your wedding day, we wish you happiness, health, goodness.
May misfortune not touch you, May trouble not notice you -
Congratulating you on this bright day, We wish you a long and happy life,
I wish you passionate and beautiful love, so that the shadows do not cover misfortunes.
We wish you only success in your worries, so that the house rings with songs, joyful laughter,
So that a child’s smile warms your heart, So that nothing hurts you,
And so that adversity does not touch you, It seems like minutes for many years!


We wish you health, a lot of happiness, May joy and dreams be nearby,
May good luck accompany you, and may kindness never leave your home!


We wish the young: If there is land, then more,
If the garden is rich, If the hut is good,
If the cow is fair, if the daughter is beautiful,
If the son is strong, If the grief is small,
If happiness is eternal!


Two doves, our dear children! All the best to you, all earthly happiness, prosperity and tranquility to your home, strong prosperity, strong family.
We wish you happiness young
And health and good luck -
Be a good housewife
And a beautiful young woman.
To the young groom -
Happiness, joy in the house,
So that the family does not become poor,
So that the work is in full swing,
So that the wife gives birth to seven heroes on time -
Seven handsome sons.
And the girls don’t interfere -
They run the entire farm!
Take care and respect each other, happiness and love to you!


Dear bride and groom! On this happy day you stand on the threshold of a new life. Just a little more and you will become husband and wife! Before starting your family life, please accept our parental instructions and congratulations!
Live together
Peaceful, okay!
Take care of love,
Strengthen your family
Give birth to children
Keep it good!
I wish you great happiness, great love, considerable prosperity. Prosperity and joy to your family!

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Every mother, raising a growing daughter, thinks with anxiety about her upcoming adult life. Imagining the moment of leaving home, a mother’s heart wishes her “child” only a rosy and happy family life.

And so, when the exciting moment becomes very close, the mother is faced with the task of uttering the kindest words - words of encouragement for a new life.

Blessing her daughter before the wedding, a woman utters not just good words, she turns to God to protect her child.

Therefore, it is very important to think through every word. No need to hurry. No need to say much. It is important to say what is truly significant and has the highest meaning.

The mother’s words have great miraculous power, so they are often pronounced without witnesses under images.

So, we offer you several options, and you choose the most suitable one and put your soul into it.


“My dear girl! The moment has come when you will leave your parents' home and begin to live an adult life. Know that building a family is always responsible and hard work. You have an important role - you are a wife. We tried to put into you all the qualities that you will need in your new life. We are confident that you will become a caring wife and loving mother. May all the obstacles that come your way be resolved with wisdom. Understand your husband, help him and take care of him. You are one whole family! Know that from this day on we are waiting for you only together with (husband’s name). Be happy. May God help you!”

“Daughter! Your childhood dream has come true. Remember, when you were little, you said that you wanted to be a beautiful bride in a white dress. You wanted the groom to gallop to you on a white horse. You dreamed of guests and gifts. Today everything came true, like in a fairy tale. But know, my dear, that life is not a fairy tale. Everything about it is real. There will only be what you really want and what you are working on. I wish you feminine lightness, charm, tenderness, feminine wisdom and understanding of the situation. Let your husband be an integral part of your life. Love him and take care of him. And I wish for your husband to be able to prolong this fabulous state in which you are today, and stretch it throughout your entire family life together!”

“My dear daughter! Remember: “There are many who seek in life, but only a few who find!” Today you have found your happiness. It is important now to preserve it. You and (name of the groom) are the happiest in the world. You are the chosen ones who have found each other. So let your family hearth, which you lit today, always burn with that bright, unquenchable flame. May your home be a full cup of love, understanding, prosperity, and devotion. Let healthy children appear in your family, who will bring you many new pleasant sensations. For this, you, daughter, must be a faithful friend, and you (name of the groom) must become a breadwinner and protector for your family. And may everything work out for you!”


“Daughter! At this exciting moment, I want to wish you only happiness. Today you are the most beautiful bride. Your eyes glow with the fire of love, the smile does not leave your face. Let it always be like this. May your love always be mutual until the end of your days!”

"Lovely girl! You have become very grown up. You already know a lot and have already achieved some heights. Your dad and I “put all our strength” into your upbringing: we taught you beauty, kindness, and care. We worked on your education. The way you became, your husband saw and loved you. From today he is responsible for your future. We want him to strive with care and tenderness to further develop the qualities of your character that we have laid down. Don't let yourself be lazy for too long, continue to develop together. Look in the same direction, solve problems together and rejoice together in a moment of joy. Be one and be responsible for each other. Love you!"

Congratulations in verse

“I congratulate my daughter today
My little one has become an adult.
Like a mother before God I bless
I give cherished words for you.

Let there be many bright colors in life
With room for all great things to happen
And let the plot of great Russian fairy tales
Goodness and happiness will be your lot.

Let your husband love, care and believe
Let the children appear in love.
Let your friends never change
Always live with a smile on your face!”

“I bless my daughter
May my daughter be happy and healthy.
As a mother, I wish her from my heart
So that the soul does not worry in vain.

Let the sun shine kindly and softly,
And if it rains, then so as not to catch a cold.
Let luck hold your hand carefully
And so that there are enough words and strength for everything serious.
Let your family please and attract
You are the mistress of it - do everything wisely!
Let family life “tighten” to the ends
May a big, comfortable home always await you.

And with your husband, be a great force.
If “who can’t”, let someone else “can”,
Well, let love help you survive
Without all the obstacles before the wedding, golden!”

“My daughter! Today you are the bride!
And tomorrow you will be a legal wife.
I wish you an interesting life
Be desirable and faithful to your husband!

The path ahead of you is thorny, long...
Feel free to take this path.
May luck always be there,
Not letting anyone turn away.

May love always lurk in your heart
Let tenderness also always live.
Be with each other only together
After all, they “unite” closer than any other year.

Let the children be born in your home
Let laughter and joy sparkle in him.
Happiness and health will be with you
Early morning, evening and afternoon!

Marriage is the union of two loving hearts. Traditionally, it so happens that the newlyweds are blessed for a happy and long life together. In ancient times, if a couple did not receive blessings from their parents, they refused to marry the newlyweds. The ritual of blessing is considered sacred and revered in the modern world. Let's talk about how to properly bless children for marriage, who should do it, and what icons should be used.

The main thing in the article

Who should bless the newlyweds before the wedding?

A wedding is a significant event for both the groom and the bride. After all, after this day they will forever be bound by marital ties. This day is also trembling and exciting for parents, since they are giving their “little blood” into “strange” hands and it is unknown how the relationship in the family will develop further. Therefore, at every wedding, parents say parting words for a new life to the young. This parting word is called parental blessing.

Parents are the most precious people who gave life. They simply cannot wish anything bad for their child, and no matter how difficult it is, they choose the warmest, deepest and most tender words that come from the heart. Therefore, this rite is considered sacred, and during the blessing, icons with the faces of saints are used. From time immemorial there has been a tradition of blessing the bride and groom before the wedding by the latter's parents. But the couple receives a blessing from the groom’s parents after the painting or wedding.

When should we bless the young?

The couple receives an official blessing in How does this happen? The young man comes to pick up the bride and the first thing he does is buy her from his girlfriends and relatives. After the ransom is completed, when the groom has “proved” that he is ready to give everything for his beloved, the young woman is released to the groom and preparations begin for the Wedding Palace or church for the wedding. Before leaving, the future father-in-law and mother-in-law bless the newlyweds with the icon, wishing them happy and long years of married life.

Concerning blessings from the groom's parents, they receive it after the painting or wedding, upon arrival home (in modern interpretation, this is a restaurant where a banquet is held). They meet the newlyweds with icons and give parting words not only to their son, but also to their “acquired” daughter. Since the bride is part of this family, the groom's parents, with their blessing, recognize her as part of their family and commit to her as their child.

As the ancient belief says: “only after parental blessing can a strong, real and happy family be created.” After all, it is believed that the parent’s word is endowed with mysterious power and how it is pronounced will affect the future of the new family.

Where are the young blessed?

It was already noted above that the bride and groom receive two blessings on their wedding day:

  • the first from the bride's parents before the trip to the registry office (church);
  • the second from the groom's parents after the ceremony.

Accordingly, the answer to the question of where the blessing ceremony should take place is simple. The young people receive their first parting words in the bride's parental home, and the newlyweds who have already taken place receive the second blessing at the house of the groom's parents. Since in the modern world they practically no longer “walk with the whole village” in a hut in the parental home, parting words from the father-in-law and mother-in-law are often received in a restaurant where a banquet has been ordered for the guests.

What icon do the bride's parents bless the newlyweds with?

It is customary for the parents of a young person to give their parting words while holding in their hands Icon of the Kazan Mother of God. In the Orthodox Church we especially honor this image, since the Mother of God was, and is still considered, the intercessor of the Slavic people. Such an icon is considered female, because they pray that it will protect the house from evil forces and misfortunes.

Interesting fact: At the instigation of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow, the holy image of the Kazan Mother of God was sent into space in 2011.

What icon do the groom's parents bless the newlyweds with?

As for the meeting of the newlyweds by the groom's parents, this happens with icon of the Savior in hand. In Orthodoxy, such an image is called the Savior Almighty; the icon depicts the Son of God, who holds the open Gospel in one hand, and with the other gives a blessing to everyone looking at him. They turn to this icon both in difficult times and in moments of joy, and also pray for the well-being of the family.

Traditionally in Rus', this icon was the first to be brought into the newlyweds’ house.

Today, it is allowed for the newlyweds to meet the parents of both the groom and the bride after the wedding ceremony. At such a meeting, two icons are held in their hands (the icon of the Kazan Mother of God is brought to the restaurant by the bride’s parents), but the ceremony of blessing is carried out by the groom’s parents in the face of the Savior.

How to properly bless the groom's young parents?

There can be two scenarios for blessing already existing newlyweds.

  • In the first version, only the parents of the young man greet the couple with the icon of the Savior.
  • In the second, the parents of both the bride and groom greet the newlyweds with two icons.

The images must be wearing towels, since it is not recommended to take them with bare hands. Traditionally The image of the Savior is held by the groom's father. He speaks parting words first, then gives his blessing to the mother. The newlyweds cross themselves with the icon three times, and the groom is allowed to kiss the image first, then the bride.

If both sets of parents are meeting, then the father of the groom and the mother of the bride can be placed in the center with icons. And on the sides, for example, are the father of the bride with champagne and the mother of the groom with a loaf of bread. In this case, both pairs of parents can give a blessing to the new family in turn and bless them with two icons, baptizing the young three times and letting them kiss the icons in turn, starting with the groom. After the blessing ceremony, the newlyweds are served a loaf and salt, as well as glasses and champagne.

How should the bride's young parents be blessed?

The first blessing, held before going to the registry office or church, is held at the bride's home, after the groom has passed all the tests. It can be carried out in different ways.

  • If you follow all the rules and traditions, then only the bride and groom, parents and godparents are present at the blessing.
  • Modern rules are not so “strict”, so everyone participating in the ransom and guests are invited to the blessing ceremony.

The blessing itself goes as follows. The girl’s father gives the mother an icon of the Mother of God, the mother takes it with a towel and gives a parting speech to her daughter and son-in-law, after which the father speaks. At the end of the speech, the girl’s mother baptizes her daughter with the icon three times, then her son-in-law three times. In conclusion, the two young people are baptized with the icon three times, thereby the mother-in-law recognizes that they are a couple. Next, he gives the icon a kiss, first to his daughter, then to his son-in-law. Young people must cross themselves before leaning against the image.

What should you say when blessing the newlyweds for a happy marriage in front of the registry office?

There are no specific words for blessing. Parents say from the bottom of their hearts everything they want to wish the newlyweds. They also give instructions for future life together and wish you long, happy years of married life. When blessing, speech is limited only by the imagination of parents who wish only good things for their children. For example, you can look at the texts of parents’ blessings to their children.

Words of blessing from mother to daughter before wedding: text

Words of blessing from mother to son before wedding: text

Words of blessing from the mother of the groom to the newlyweds at the wedding: text

Words of blessing from the mother of the bride to the newlyweds at the wedding: text

Video: How to bless the young?

Well, to summarize, we note that after the wedding, the icons remain in the family of the newlyweds. They become a family heirloom, which is designed to protect and protect this family from adversity, disease and sadness. Believers place images in the corner or above the bed. Those who are not so devout keep the icons in a certain place without displaying them. According to tradition, these icons are inherited by children at their wedding.

Here is a short excursion into the traditions and rituals of blessing young parents; perhaps you will be interested in reading about this too.

about tradition, the groom’s mother meets the newlyweds on the threshold of the restaurant with a loaf on a towel, the rest of the parents are nearby, the bride’s mother or father can hold glasses with a drink (champagne or just clean water) on a tray.

Words from the groom's mother when the newlyweds meet

(Several variants):
  • My dear children! I sincerely congratulate you on the beginning of a new path in your life.
  • And on the threshold of this happy beginning, I present you with the main symbol of prosperity and well-being in all things earthly - a wedding loaf. I want your hearts to retain the warmth that this loaf has preserved for you. Let your house always be full of guests and let everyone get at least a small piece of food. Advice and love to you!
  • Our dear children! Today is your wedding day.
  • We would like to sincerely congratulate you on this event. We had a son, and now we are doubly happy to have such a beautiful daughter. Your union is simply a great happiness for us. First of all, we, of course, are happy for our son, who has found such a lifelong friend. But his girlfriend has become our daughter today, and her happiness is just as important to us. We ask you to keep your hearts as warm until the end. Advice and love to you!
  • Warmest congratulations
  • Take it in the shower now.
    Advice and guidance
    Listen to us.
    May your home always sparkle
    Comfort and warmth.
    Let joy warm you
    With your holy soul!
    Have a good trip!
    Advice and love to you!

For mother of the bride

(the mother of the bride is not obliged to say welcoming words to the newlyweds, but if there is a desire, then, of course, you can):
  • Our dear children!
  • At this exciting hour, we sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful holiday! As we guide you into family life, we wish you to always love each other, keep love, and strengthen love. Our dear daughter, protect your family hearth like the apple of your eye, let there be comfort and order in your home, let the pies smell delicious in your kitchen, be a true friend and life partner to your spouse! Our dear son-in-law (son), be a real master in your home, take care of the well-being of your family, be a good father to your children, respect and honor your wife! Happiness and love to you, dear children!
  • I want to congratulate you on your marriage.
  • Keep the warmth you have acquired.
    And do your best,
    So as not to waste everything you found.
    Live peacefully, amicably, fairly,
    So that trouble can’t sneak up on you.
    May life be fun and beautiful.
    Never part, children.
  • I want to throw flowers at your feet,
  • So that the road is paved with them.
    So that your secret dreams come true,
    You ask God for blessings.
    I'll shower the family with congratulations,
    Which is a little over an hour old.
    I'll sprinkle you with holy water,
    I will bless you, so that with a reserve.
    I hasten to congratulate you with all my heart,
    After all, the marriage took place.
    All congratulations in the world are good,
    I give them to you with all my efforts.

The young people break off a piece, dip this piece in salt, feed each other, wash it down with a drink and break glasses for good luck, throwing them at the same time with their right hand over their left shoulder. The guests form a living corridor through which the newlyweds pass to their places of honor.

If you choose poems, try to memorize them. Reading from a sheet when nervous means stuttering and stuttering, fixing your gaze on the piece of paper, and at this moment it is important to look at the young people, and the speech should be gentle and friendly.

The tradition of greeting newlyweds with bread and salt came to us from ancient times, when salt was still a sign of wealth, and bread was baked differently in each house: some from sieve, some from zhizn. The mother-in-law, meeting her daughter-in-law on the threshold of the house, offered her to try THAT BREAD that she would now have to eat all her life in her husband’s family. And if she presented the most precious things - bread and salt, which used to be worth its weight in gold, then she gave the go-ahead for the marriage!


Another controversial point that I would like to mention: Should the loaf be distributed to guests or can only young people eat it?

The answer must also be sought in the roots of tradition. The fact is that before, and even now, Ukrainian holiday loaves were baked three-tiered, decorated with sugar icing and dough flowers. Isn't it true that the analogy with a wedding cake immediately comes to mind?

So, the young people left the upper tier for themselves and their parents. Moreover, part of it was supposed to be wrapped in a clean rag and kept forever. Close relatives were treated to the middle tier. And the bottom one, the largest one, was distributed to the guests. To leave a wedding without a piece of loaf is to offend the newlyweds.
Now decide for yourself what to do with the loaf.

A parent's blessing means a lot, especially on such an important day in the life of their children as. I want the young to live happily and in harmony with each other. A parent's blessing at a wedding means a lot. It is usually pronounced immediately after the ransom ceremony. With these parting words, you agree with the choice of your son or daughter and wish them love and goodness. At the same time, it is very important to observe the ancient ritual.

What icons are needed for blessing?
They are blessed with icons of the “Kazan Mother of God” and “Jesus Christ” - these icons are the guardians of the new family and are placed in a holy corner in the newlyweds’ home. To hold the icons, you will need small towels, because... It is not customary to hold icons with bare hands. Nowadays, icon shops even sell special sets of icons for blessing children during a wedding.

How to bless the bride correctly

This question often worries the parents of their daughter. But the bride’s parents bless not only her, but also the groom. Holding the icon of the “Kazan Mother of God,” parents pronounce parting words to the young.

Tell your daughter that you wish her love, happiness, many children, prosperity in the house, which she will maintain together with her chosen one. You release her with God to a new home.

The image of icons should be aimed at young people. After the parting speech, the parents place the banner of the cross three times, and then allow the bride, then the groom, to kiss the icon. After this, the young people’s hands are tied with a towel. It is believed that how many nodes there are, how many children there will be in a young family.

How to properly bless the groom

The groom is blessed after arriving from the registry office with the icon of “Jesus Christ”. By doing this, parents emphasize that they are accepting their son’s wife into their family. In general, the procedure is similar to blessing the bride, only first the groom's parents bless their son. After the parents’ speech, the young are served bread and salt and given a bite to eat. They say whoever bites off the largest piece will be the master of the house.

Then the icons are placed on the festive table next to the wedding loaf, and after the celebration they are taken to their home. From now on, these icons will become a talisman for a young family, the guardians of their home. Many years later, their own children will appear before these icons.

It is not necessary to read special prayers during the blessing. Bless the young with simple words coming from the soul, from the heart.

Important things about blessing

If one of the parents is no longer alive, then the remaining parent blesses.
If the parents are dead, the godmother blesses.
During the blessing, the bride and groom kneel in front of their parents on a common towel or rug spread out.
Icons can be either ancient or recently purchased.
You need to baptize with the icon from top to bottom and from left to right, so that for young people it turns out from right to left.

Parental blessing is like a tribute to tradition. If we remember how strong the families of our grandparents used to be, it becomes obvious that blessing for marriage is not a simple tribute to fashion, but following traditions that did not develop out of nowhere. The most important thing is that the parent’s parting words sound from the bottom of their hearts. Happy journey to your family life, with God!

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