World Kissing Day: a healthy holiday. When is Kissing Day? Let's find out Kiss on the eyes with very light pressure on them

There are many interesting and specific holidays in the world. But the most important of them, in my not very humble opinion, are the dates that you can spend with your loved one, children and parents. One of the coolest summer holidays you could think of is World Kissing Day. Let me remind you that we included him in, so I couldn’t help but present his story on my website. So, how and when did Kissing Day become global?

Dossier of the World Kissing Day holiday

Country where the holiday took place: World Kissing Day was invented in Great Britain.

Date of first celebration: The exact date is unknown. The first celebrations took place at the end of the 19th century. The UN approved the official status of the holiday on July 6 more than 20 years ago.

Official name of the holiday: World Kiss Day or International Kissing Day

What do they do when they celebrate Kissing Day?

The kiss was invented in ancient times. Our ancestors believed that through breathing it was possible to transmit a piece of the soul - even then the process of kissing became something very personal, they didn’t kiss everyone!

Important information for men! Scientists have proven that husbands who kiss their wives in the morning before going out do better in business. So don’t be rednecks – don’t skimp on kisses for your loved ones!

On July 6, one of the main events in many cities are massive flash mobs. Basically, their essence comes down to the fact that a large number of loving couples get together and kiss at the same time. So, in Mexico, more than 40 thousand people kissed at the same time!

Other interesting kissing records:

  • In 1980, a record was set for the duration of an underwater kiss - 2 minutes 18 seconds.
  • The longest kiss in human history is 17 days 9 hours (!!!).
  • The fastest kisser in the world is Alfred Wolfram. In 8 hours he managed to kiss 8001 women!

Interesting fact:

Kissing has a beneficial effect on the skin of a woman's face, preventing the appearance of wrinkles. This is due to the fact that many facial muscles are used during a kiss.

By the way, if you are concerned about the issue of getting rid of wrinkles, you should read about.

Remember - it's never too late to add a little joy and positivity to your life. Try jokingly “smacking” the most boring office worker during your lunch break, and then explain that today is Kissing Day. You won’t notice how by the end of the working day everyone will have lipstick on their cheeks and a good mood. Just don't overdo it! =)

A kiss is perhaps one of the strangest things you can celebrate. However, there is a popular holiday known in all corners of the Earth - World Kiss Day, celebrated on the 6th of every year.

history of the holiday

The birthplace of the holiday is . It is known that it appeared thanks to a dentist who decided that if people kissed more often, they would begin to pay much more attention to the condition of their teeth and, therefore, would also begin to visit such doctors more often. This happened at the end of the 19th century, and the holiday has survived to this day, gaining more and more scope over time.

There is an opinion that World Kiss Day, celebrated on July 6 (or, as it is also called, international kissing day) is an official holiday approved by the UN. This is not so, and anyone can check this on the appropriate website. So Kiss Day is celebrated unofficially. But this does not mean that the celebrations are not carried out on a grand scale.

Interesting Facts

Of course, various events and competitions are organized, where, for example, couples try to kiss longer than others. A Thai couple once kissed for 58 hours! There are also records for the mass of such competitions, for the frequency of kisses, and so on. Different countries have their own days of celebration. So, in Japan it is May 23rd - in honor of the day on which the kissing scene was first shown. It was the film "Twentysomethings".

By the way, the Japanese have a different attitude towards kisses than we do: it even happens that when people see a kiss on TV, they immediately turn it off. But over time, they also share our traditions more and more.

And in 1990, an American kissed more than 8,000 people in 8 hours. Imagine what it was like to kiss so much, almost continuously!

The first kiss on the screen was shown in a short film by William Hayes, filmed at the end of the 19th century. Performed by May Irwin and John S. Rice.

In addition to the above-mentioned couple from Thailand, Regis Toomey and Jane Wyman also set a record - only in the history of cinema. Yes, in the old film “You’reinthearmynow” we can see the longest “cinema” kiss. It lasted 185 seconds.

About the importance of kisses

The prevalence and importance of kisses in modern life cannot be overestimated. Nowadays you won’t see a couple who doesn’t kiss, and the kiss itself has been instilled in culture for many centuries. And today, when in many European countries puritanical customs have faded away, kissing is completely familiar to us.

And not only in romantic relationships. Kissing is an integral part of the relationship between children and parents. Again, you can’t find a mother who doesn’t kiss her child from time to time. And what can we say about friendly kisses, which are becoming more and more common?

But the attitude towards kissing is different among representatives of different genders or different countries. Thus, studies show that for women kissing is important and even necessary, while most men do not have such an urgent need.

Different countries often mean different cultures. Thus, somewhere kissing is not such a large-scale and widespread phenomenon, and, for example, in the religions of some African peoples, kissing is generally prohibited.

Whatever this holiday is called - Kissing Day, World Kissing Day, International Kissing Day - something amazing happens on July 6th. Just like the kiss itself. People have been kissing for a long time and will continue to kiss for many centuries to come, because it is embedded in our culture, so why not enjoy this pleasant thing by celebrating a holiday in its honor?

This is what many people decide. That’s why so many interesting events dedicated to this lovely holiday are held every year in Russia and other countries.

Shakespeare called it “the seal of love,” and Coleridge called it “the nectar of breath.” In most cultures existing on Earth, it is glorified as an invariable attribute of love relationships. What are we talking about? Of course, about the kiss!

There is even an official Kissing Day, which is celebrated on July 6th. At first it was celebrated only in Great Britain, however, thanks to the UN, which approved this holiday, World Kissing Day began to be celebrated in many countries around the world. Recently, World Kissing Day has been celebrated in our country.

On this day, it is customary to organize various events and competitions related to kissing. For example, competitions for the longest kiss underwater or on land. By the way, the kissing achievements were even included in the Guinness Book of Records: young people from Japan were able to kiss the longest underwater - their kisses lasted 2 minutes 18 seconds. It was a long time ago - in 1980. Since then, many couples have been trying to break the record for extreme underwater kissing.

A few more “kissing” records:

According to the same Guinness book, the longest kiss on land lasted almost 18 days. What a kiss! There are other records related to kissing. For example, one man named Wolfram was able to kiss more than 8 thousand people in just 8 hours. A real master of kissing!

Americans named the kiss of Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler in the film the most impressive cinematic kisses “Gone with the Wind” - Rhett kissed the capricious beauty so skillfully that her resistance was invariably broken.

The list of kissing records can go on for a long time - many different competitions, studies and marathons have been held.

Such a stir around a kiss once again proves its necessity for a person. Only one question remains without an exact answer - how and why did the kiss appear?

How did the kiss come about? Why do people kiss?

T. Edison invented the incandescent lamp, A. Popov - the radio, A. Bell - the telephone. Who invented the kiss? Unfortunately, this discoverer remains unknown. Kisses have existed for a long time - alas, in those days patents for inventions were not issued. And was the kiss invented artificially, or is it natural for humans? Pundits have put forward several theories regarding the appearance of a kiss in our lives.

According to one hypothesis, people began to kiss (for real - what is called “passionately”) in order to “refuel” with sebum, which a person simply needs. Allegedly, during kissing you can charge yourself with a large amount of this fat. This theory is rather weak, because it is known that a person can live without kisses for years and can easily do without “oral recharging with sebum.” A similar theory states that people began to kiss (lick) their fellow humans in order to obtain a certain amount of salt, which is known to be produced by sweating.

More likely to be true is the opinion that the lovers began to kiss for real in order to exchange breath. The ancients believed that the breath contained the human soul. Kissing passionately, the man and woman allegedly gifted each other with their souls. Another plausible theory compares human kissing to the animal act of sniffing. It’s not for nothing that the saying “can’t stand it” appeared. The scent of their partners is very important to people. It happens that for some reason a person who is attractive in appearance is not sexually attractive. The reason, according to scientists, lies in the smell.

A kiss helps you get to know your partner in spirit. Newly-made lovers resort to kissing in order to make sure that they are ideally suited to each other in taste and smell. However, this theory also has drawbacks: after all, not only lovers, but also experienced couples kiss. Do they really need this verification?

A more plausible theory is that a kiss is nothing more than an echo of infancy. The child receives maternal love and food through sucking. When a person becomes an adult, he uses the lips and the act of sucking to express his love. This is exactly the explanation of the kiss given by Adrienne Blue, author of the book “The Kiss, or Why We Can’t Keep Ourselves Off Each Other?” She talks about how during infancy we use our lips to receive love. As adults, we begin not only to receive, but also to give love with our lips. This is such a beautiful theory, in which, you see, there is a reasonable grain.

He who kisses a lot lives long! The benefits of kissing

In any case, this is exactly the conclusion that can be drawn from the results of scientific research on the benefits of kissing. Nine reasons why kissing is a must:

Benefits of kissing 1. Kissing develops the lungs: if we usually take about 20 breaths per minute, then during a kiss this number can triple;

The benefits of kissing 2. Passionate kisses increase the heartbeat - this leads to improved blood circulation and metabolism. In addition, these pleasant activities train the heart muscle;

The benefits of kissing 3. People who kiss frequently are less likely to suffer from tooth decay. The fact is that kissing stimulates increased production of saliva, which in turn cleans teeth no worse than Orbit without sugar;

The benefits of kissing 4. During a real kiss, a large number of facial muscles work - this is a wonderful gymnastics for preventing wrinkles;

The benefits of kissing 5. One minute-long kiss can cost you 12 kcal. Scientists have calculated that if you kiss for 3 minutes every day, you can lose as much as three kilograms in a year - without diets or grueling workouts;

The benefits of kissing 6. Since blood circulation and metabolism improve during a kiss, brain cells are saturated with oxygen, and this has a positive effect on mental work, memory and the ability to concentrate;

Field of kisses 7. During a kiss, adrenaline is released into the blood - the body is charged with energy and becomes toned;

Benefits of kissing 8. Enzymes released during kissing prevent the production of the stress hormone glucocorticoid. That is why a kiss is an excellent cure for stress and depression;

The benefits of kissing 9. During a kiss, the hormone endorphin is released into the blood, which is also called the hormone of happiness. Kissed - and life was painted with bright colors!

Kisses are pleasant and useful - a wonderful combination! Slogan “Kiss for good health!” you need to take it literally and try to follow it. You shouldn’t deprive yourself of such a healthy pleasure, because a passionate kiss means good health and a strong relationship!

How to celebrate World Kiss Day?

First of all, you can kiss all your family and friends on the cheek on this day. Plus, July 6th is a great time to have a party, and World Kissing Day - an excellent reason. What to do at a World Kissing Day party? Well, of course, kissing! You can also organize various interesting games and competitions.

For example, you can play a famous game with a doll - let's call it “Kiss me here” . The players sit in a circle, the leader gives one of them a doll (Barbie, for example) and offers to kiss it somewhere, voicing the action (for example: “I kiss the top of her head”). Next, the player passes the doll to the next participant. He must also decide where he will kiss the doll, but he cannot repeat himself (that is, he will no longer be able to kiss the top of the head). When all participants kiss the doll, the presenter will announce: “And now you must kiss your neighbor on the left (or on the right, or through one, etc.) exactly in the place where you kissed the doll.” This game is only interesting once. If the company has already played it, there will be no surprise.

If couples participate in the event, you can arrange a “Kiss Lottery” for them . Make cards in the shape of juicy sponges, and write the original name of the kiss on the back of each card. The lottery prizes are selected in accordance with the name:

  • Hot kiss - lighter
  • Loud Kiss – Squeaky Toy
  • Mother's kiss - pacifier
  • Friendly Kiss - Beer Bottle Opener
  • Erotic kiss – erotic figurine
  • French kiss - Eiffel Tower figurine
  • Sweet kiss – box of chocolates
  • Greedy kiss – figurine of a toad
  • A delicious kiss - a jar of caviar
  • Long Kiss – table clock
  • Chaste Kiss - Kama Sutra book
  • Showy kiss – photo frame
  • Beautiful kiss - mirror
  • Aggressive kiss – tiger toy
  • Secret kiss - a box with a secret

The couple approaches a table or chair in the center of the room, on which cards are laid out with their lips facing up, and draws one out. Turning it over, they read aloud which kiss they have to demonstrate (the prizes are not written on the cards - only the names of the kisses). After that, they kiss, trying to do it, as they say, on topic. The presenter asks the others: “Do you think they coped with the task?” If the majority answers “yes,” then the host gives the pair a prize and lets them go. If the majority is dissatisfied with the kiss, the couple kisses again - and so on until they finally receive their prize. After this, another pair comes out, etc. Of course, before the party you will need to put together some money to buy prizes, but the party organizer does not have to say which specific game the prizes will be for.

Competition for girls “Lip painting”. To play the game, you must notify the party participants in advance so that they took with them several tubes of lipstick of different colors. Give each participant a sheet of blank paper (landscape sheet or even whatman paper). The task is to draw, for example, a person’s face as quickly and accurately as possible. You can only use painted lips for drawing (you can only use your hands to apply lipstick to your lips). It is desirable that the drawing be “colored”, that is, the lipstick on the lips needs to be changed while working on the drawing (for example, draw eyes with purple lips, red lips for the mouth, pale pink for the face, chocolate for hair, etc.). Accordingly, you will also need wet wipes to remove makeup. The choice of the best drawing can be left to young people.

Dishes for a World Kissing Day party can be anything, but they need to be given original names: for example, spicy meat is “Dragon’s Kiss”, a light salad is “Butterfly’s Kiss”, stuffed tomatoes are “Vampire’s Kiss”, Olivier salad is “French Kiss”, a cocktail with vodka is “Kiss of Judas”, just vodka - “Kiss of the Secretary General”, etc.

We remind you: World Kiss Day celebrated on July 6th. Don't forget to congratulate all your family, friends and friends on this holiday. Start and end the day with kisses, or even better - devote the whole day to them!

Perhaps the most unusual holiday that humanity has come up with to celebrate is Kissing Day. How did the custom of kissing originate? According to one of the legends, during a kiss the souls of those kissing are united, which is why at a wedding the ceremony is completed with a kiss. According to another version, people resort to kissing to get to know each other in spirit, to check whether they are suitable for each other. The custom of celebrating Kissing Day was invented in Great Britain, and then the UN established it as an international holiday with the date of celebration on July 6 of each year. Russia joined the celebration of Kissing Day relatively recently. This day is celebrated by holding fun competitions and setting new records in the duration of kisses.

Today is kiss day
Don't spare your lips and cheeks.
Will definitely be heard
A resounding “smack” from everywhere.

I wish you pleasure
Receive from the process,
Never know sorrow
And kiss your loved ones.

world kiss day
The whole planet celebrates
Kisses, hugs
Let them scatter throughout the world.

Let them kiss you
Hearts open
May love and tenderness
It wakes up in the souls.

Reasons for kissing
You don't need anything special
I wish that loved ones
We were always there.

Congratulations on World Kiss Day and wish you passionate and hot, dear and sweet, tender and sincere, cheerful and unexpected, strong and real, magical and pleasant, kind and unique kisses.

Today is the sweetest day
After all, everyone loves to kiss so much,
I wish the sadness to go away
Let's smile soon!

I still wish you love,
To inspire you completely,
So that your whole life is filled with kisses,
May your soul shine!

Everyone who loves kisses
Congratulations on this day.
The sunniest in July
Let him be cheerful.

Let them kiss today
People are even visible.
Passionately, tenderly and freely
On the avenue and in the garden.

I wish everyone to smile,
Give your kiss,
To plunge into joy,
And be happy all day!

What could be more tender than a kiss?
And sweeter than the lips of a loved one?
When, caressing and exciting you,
They concern the warmth and happiness of the river.

And on this holiday I wish you -
Kiss more often and longer,
In love, you know neither shore nor edge,
And enjoy life with gusto!

It all starts with a kiss:
Relationships, friendship, love.
The kiss is remembered every time
Like the most delicate airy cupcake.
He is sweet, languid, and passionate,
Incredible, marvelous, beautiful.
It is healing and healing,
It is magical and breathtaking.
So kiss always and everywhere
Both in the sun and in the star.

A kiss warms us with warmth,
It brings happiness and a joyful moment!
So, this prolongs our life,
Happiness is shared by two!
The rhythm of our hearts has accelerated sharply,
And suddenly we merged in a kiss.
That's why we make peace, quarrel...
Just hug me, touch me!
How I want to snuggle up to you again,
Sharing all the joy with you!
Smiling, give warmth!

A kiss gives us happiness
And a stormy surge of emotions,
After strong kisses
A sparkle appears in the eyes,
To everyone who loves kisses,
On this day we wish
In years to come
You're not too lazy to kiss!

Kissing loved ones, family and friends,
We ourselves blossom in our souls,
Giving a kiss, we love
We protect you from any harm.

Children and grandparents kiss,
This is how lovers celebrate separation.
And ardent passion and love without limit
Touching lips means.

Indians kiss each other's noses
Air helmet kisses to friends,
We are celebrating kiss day with all our might,
Giving love to the whole world today.

A kiss like a butterfly touch.
It can be as hot as fire.
Overshadowing the bitterness of parting,
Gives a million special feelings.
Please, give it to your loved ones -
And your loved ones can have five at once -
Investing tenderness, making it passionate.
When you give, don’t forget to receive them in return.
Every kiss will be wonderful!

Romantic, bright, mischievous!
You will be in a great mood!

Ever wondered how many “types” of kisses you have? Are you able to give your loved one a kiss that lasts 58 hours?! And in general, what do you know about such an ancient and wonderful way of manifesting human feelings, which, by the way, is studied by the special science of philematology?! Having trouble answering? We will help you, tell you a little about the origin of a kiss and holiday stories- World Kiss Day, which is celebrated on July 6th.

Kiss Day is a fairly “old” holiday, because it was born at the end of the 19th century, that is, more than a hundred years ago, and not just anywhere, but on the shores of prim Great Britain. There, at the end of the 19th century, people decided that a kiss and those the feelings he is able to convey are worthy of their own date on the calendar. Why the choice fell on July 6 - no one knows, just as no one now can say why and who first felt the need to bring his lips closer to the lips of a being dear to him. But there is a version: the kiss is of divine origin! Remember how in legends the Creator “breathes” life into his creation? How else to produce this action, if not through word of mouth? Therefore, kissing - the merging of two breaths - brings one person closer to another, and the main and only desire of two lovers is to exchange kisses.

However, there are a huge number of types of kisses, and it is not at all necessary that they be of an erotic nature: friendly, paternal, airy, sisterly, respectful and official (when they kiss to congratulate on a particular event). They even single out the kiss of Judas, meaning, of course, insincerity and duplicity. And we are so accustomed to expressing our love and tenderness with kisses that we turn them to animals and even inanimate objects. And what! Don't you feel the urge to smack a framed photo in the morning if behind its glass there is a photo of a loved one who has been absent for a long time?

Kissing Day is an international holiday.

Twenty years ago, the United Nations Association decided to officially introduce the British Kissing Day into the world calendar of special dates. Since then, on July 6, it has been celebrated with special pleasure by all those who are not shy in expressing their feelings and are not afraid to set all sorts of records in this area. Take, for example, the 58-hour kiss that was mentioned at the beginning of our story. This record was broken by a loving couple from Thailand in 2013. And to be precise, they did not leave each other for 58 hours, 35 minutes and 54 seconds. But others take it not by quality, but by quantity, like one comrade from America. He managed to kiss 10,504 people in a row. Such an opportunity happened to him in 1998, although this was not his first attempt: eight years earlier, the loving American managed to “spud” 8,001 people. He kissed everyone and spent about 4 seconds on each kiss. Well done, of course, but in our opinion, less is more! Like in Hollywood, where the heroines of love films get 30% of the screen time for kisses alone. And they (kisses!) are so passionate and exciting, just like a whole adventure! This is probably why the main events of World Kiss Day - in different parts of the planet - are all sorts of competitions for duration, quantity and even ingenuity.

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