Bride's bouquet of fresh or artificial flowers. Bride's bouquet and omens

Svetlana Rumyantseva

It is perhaps rare that a wedding is complete without flowers. They are presented by guests to the bride as a compliment and good wishes; with the help of a bouquet, a ceremony is performed in which they find out who will marry next, and, of course, various buds and compositions are involved in the decoration of the celebration. Most often, fresh flowers are used at weddings, but there are also those who prefer the practicality of artificial decor.

Is it possible to use artificial flowers for wedding decoration?

There is a sign according to which the bride’s bouquet should contain only living buds, and replacing them with artificial ones promises the newlyweds a substitution of sincere feelings. And some even believe that such decor belongs only at funerals. However, all these are superstitions and outdated stereotypes.

Wedding bouquet of artificial flowers

Bouquet of artificial flowers with satin ribbons

Bouquet of beaded flowers

Agree that a healthy atmosphere in a family depends on its members, what is the point of blaming the bouquet for problems? But there is actually no logical connection between artificial flowers and the cemetery, because In the Christian religion, from time immemorial, living plants have been carried to church and to the grave, and bright plastic wreaths are nothing more than a ritual business.

Well, as for creating lifeless flowers, then modern designers and manufacturers have stepped far forward.

On sale you can find individual buds and compositions made from various materials, which in appearance are practically no different from the natural original.

These are real artificial masterpieces, from the word “art” in the literal sense.

Now let’s try to sum it up, weigh all the pros and cons of choosing artificial flowers for wedding decor.

Arguments against"

Here, probably, the supporters of the eastern teachings of Feng Shui would be the most active in favor of fresh flowers. From their point of view, artificial plants should not be present at a wedding, since they take away positive energy, while real ones (even cut ones), on the contrary, give it to everyone around them.

The second disadvantage of artificial flowers lies in the lack of real natural aroma, liveliness and tenderness. Of course, you can saturate the composition with different fragrances and it will smell pleasant, but it is incomparable to what nature created.

A bouquet of artificial flowers can be very beautiful, but it will not exude fragrance.

A bouquet of artificial flowers in the hands of the bride

Arguments for"

Dead flowers at a holiday cause unpleasant associations for many. Meanwhile, if we put aside prejudices, decor made from artificial materials has many advantages.

  • Durability and durability. A bouquet or arrangement will delight you not just throughout the wedding evening, but also for many years after it. In most cases, artificial flowers are not afraid of multiple touches, falls, cold and sudden temperature changes. In addition, there is no need to fear that the bouquet will wither, unlike cut living plants.
  • Diversity. Yes, the flora on the planet is already rich in shades and shapes, but if you really want something unique, inimitable, then you should think about an alternative option made from artificial materials. This way you can create absolutely any composition, combining those varieties that cannot coexist in nature. For example, collect a bouquet of flowers from all seasons and growing on different continents, or even make some kind of seven-flowered flower or a fabulous scarlet flower.
  • Hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly. Flower pollen is considered a fairly common and strong allergen. No one is immune from an undesirable reaction to living plants on their wedding day: neither the guests nor the newlyweds themselves. To avoid unpleasant incidents, it is better to choose artificial flowers to decorate the hall.

One can, of course, include cost as an argument in favor of artificial flowers over real ones. But remember that it will remain quite controversial (if we are not talking about a plastic bouquet).

Some designer masterpieces can hardly be classified as cheap jewelry, because they are made not only beautifully and with high quality, but also from valuable, rare materials

In addition, this is an exclusive work.

So, you have made a choice in favor of decorating the banquet hall with artificial flowers. The next step is to decide on a palette of colors and types of plants. To prevent the design from being too clumsy and tasteless, it is better to take one, two or three types of flowers as a basis.

Next, carefully consider where the compositions will be located, what their size and shape will be. Most often, the podium, tables for guests, the entrance arch, and the photo zone are decorated with flowers. If you are not sure that you can create a harmonious design yourself, entrust this important task to a designer.

Artificial peonies in vases at a wedding

Large artificial flowers for a wedding

Arch with artificial flowers at a wedding

Outdoor wedding area with an arch decorated with artificial flowers


Artificial flowers at a wedding are a stylish and beautiful decoration; it is only important to choose the right composition and harmoniously place them in the hall. Bouquets made from all kinds of materials have long been no longer considered something unusual or extravagant and are in demand among many brides. Both artificial and fresh flowers have their advantages and disadvantages. What to choose for a wedding, everyone decides for themselves.

3 May 2018, 17:22

Planning a wedding is a complex process, consisting of an innumerable number of details. This element of the ceremony is the bride's bouquet. There are many customs associated with it. Who traditionally buys a bridal bouquet? The groom must purchase and solemnly present such a gift to the bride after the ransom. This detail should be in perfect harmony with the bride, decorate her, and complement the image as a whole. In modern times, a bouquet is a real work of floristry art.

Wedding bouquet - signs and superstitions

The wedding bouquet is the main attribute of the bride’s image. The flowers in it must be fresh and ideally complement the outfit. According to traditions, this element should not be bright; it is preferable to choose pink, which personifies youth, or white, symbolizing innocence and purity. But today, bright flowers are popular, which look impressive in photographs against the background of the bride’s light-colored attire.

According to traditions, the bride should not let go of the bouquet during the entire wedding. Only a young spouse or mother, not a guest or a friend, is allowed to entrust flowers. During the banquet, the color composition is placed on the table in front of the newlyweds, and then transferred to the bedroom. According to legend, if you release flowers, then happiness will fly away like a bird. However, the tradition of throwing them to girlfriends, like a garter to men who are still single, directly contradicts the above. What should I do? It is necessary to order a similar bouquet, which one of the girlfriends should catch.

Who should buy a bridal bouquet for a wedding?

In the old days, when brides got married, they wove wedding bouquets themselves from specially selected flowers and herbs. Each plant had its own meaning, and the bouquet played the role of a talisman for the young couple, which protected them from damage and misfortune. In this regard, the flowers are carefully stored throughout the ceremony, and then dried and placed at home. So who should buy a bridal bouquet for a wedding? According to customs, the groom does this and gives it before the wedding ceremony. The bride must accept what it means to agree to this marriage.

We have sorted out the question of who buys a bridal bouquet for a wedding. Let's touch on the nuances of choosing this holiday detail. First of all, decide on a company that provides floristry services. Order the bride's bouquet in advance, three weeks before the celebration. Florists in some cases accept orders the day before the wedding, but such a composition is assembled from what is available at the moment. In addition, the freshness of the flowers will not be up to par.

It would be wiser to order from a florist rather than an intermediary. The latter provide a very wide range of wedding services. When working with them, you may come across inaccuracies in the order details. In addition, it will be unclear who should be held responsible for a poor-quality product. The price from intermediaries will also be higher. In addition, choose a company that offers a service such as morning flower delivery. In this case, they will be the freshest and your storage problem will disappear.

Let's move on to the questions that you should discuss directly with the florist:

  • When creating a color composition, listen to the recommendations of a professional or use your imagination by defining your own design. In the latter case, you need to explain to the florist how you see the composition, what shape, size. It is not forbidden to order a repetition from a photograph.
  • Such a wedding detail should emphasize and complement the dress, but not merge with it. Therefore, it is important to describe the model and color of the dress to the florist. The bouquet itself may contain fabric elements in the decor, which must match the fabric of the bride's outfit. In addition, it is worth considering the bride's hair color and other external data. If the girl is fragile and graceful, a spherical bouquet will not be suitable; for a newlywed with curvy figures, it is better to choose a composition with flowing buds.
  • Discuss with the florist such moments as who, when, and how will pick up the flowers. If you plan to pick up in the evening, ask for recommendations regarding storage conditions.
  • Do not choose flowers with a strong smell, otherwise the bride may have a headache.
  • The boutonniere and bouquet should be in the same style.

Don't forget about the color scheme. If the wedding dress is bright and unusual, then the flowers should be in rich colors. But remember that bright colors look harmonious with a young bride, but in the hands of a mature lady they look ridiculous. In the latter case, choose calm and gentle tones. Flowers can be decorated with eucalyptus, ivy, fern leaves, threads of beads, beads, pearls, ribbons and other accessories.

What flowers to choose for the composition?

The rose is considered the most verbose. The traditional color is dark burgundy, symbolizing eternal beauty, red is the color of passion, cream is a sign of happy love, white is deification. The combination of red and white roses speaks of unanimity, agreement, yellow ones - of congratulations. If the thorns on a rose are cut off, this indicates that the future spouse will protect his chosen one.

Lilies are often used to symbolize happiness and hope. Myrtle is considered the flower of royal young girls. Orchids convey admiration for beauty, tulips protect against unrequited feelings, phlox indicate passion, and asters indicate overwhelming joy. Gladioli, daffodils, and camellias are used least often in bridal bouquets, since they symbolize both triumph and sadness.

Flower size and bouquet shape

When choosing a bouquet, remember that the lady will have to wear it all day: at the registry office, on a walk, at a photo shoot, so leave the heavy armful of flowers for a more suitable occasion. When choosing a size, take into account the bride’s build and height. The bouquet should be discreet, but expressive. Also keep in mind that the bouquet can have different shapes:

  • Cascade - the shape of an inverted drop, waterfall, arc. Created by arranging flowers with a long stem.

  • Biedermeier - a small dense bouquet. Flowers are arranged in rings located inside each other.

  • Glamelia - flowers are separated into petals and collected into one large bud with glue. It looks very original.

  • A ball bouquet is the shape of an ideal ball, the flowers are fixed in a spherical base.

  • Round – looks like a hemisphere.

  • Formo-linear - elements arranged randomly, different in color and shape, with a violation of proportions and the introduction of asymmetry.

For many, catching a bride's bouquet at a wedding is a very, very important sign, but it is the only one associated with this item. A wedding bouquet has much more meaning than some people unknowingly give it.

In the article:

Almost every girl knows that if she manages to catch the flowers of her friend who is getting married, it means that she will soon have her own wedding. This belief is very popular among girls who want to get married quickly, but the future husband still does not appear on the horizon or is somehow in no hurry to propose marriage.

This is a relatively new sign that comes from Europe. Our great-grandmothers did not have such a tradition; they took care of their wedding flowers and followed ancient signs that do not recommend doing this. However, there are no more cases of divorce among women who gave their bouquet to one of their girlfriends than among those who kept their wedding flowers.

Many people prefer to have two sets of colors; now this is a fairly common practice for those who want to observe both new traditions and ancient beliefs.

At the same time, one is usually kept, as it was done hundreds of years ago, and the second is thrown into a crowd of girlfriends. If he flew away or was even caught by a guy, you should look at which of the unmarried girls he was closest to. It is sometimes said that flowers falling on the floor foreshadow another wedding in the bride's family.

What should the bride's bouquet be like?

The most favorable colors for a future wife are white and pink. There is even a sign about a wedding bouquet that prohibits giving the bride red flowers. But now there are more and more bright options that contrast favorably with white dresses. And our ancestors, if their financial situation did not allow them to buy a bouquet, made it from wildflowers of different colors. But for this you need to know the meaning of the plants from which it will consist.

Wedding bouquet - signs

According to tradition, the groom must buy and give a wedding bouquet, to whom the signs give many recommendations on how to do it correctly. Nowadays, some brides try to choose flowers themselves, but this should not be done; it is better to come to a decision together on how it should look, but still entrust the purchase to the man.

If a girl accidentally drops her bouquet, it means she may lose the happiness she has just gained. This serves as a warning of impending troubles in family life.

It’s better to throw a duplicate to your girlfriends, and put the original of your bouquet in the marital bedroom. After it dries, you can stuff it into an aromatic pillow and store it in your bed. You can add dried flowers to a regular pillow. Some create compositions from dried wedding bouquets, take them apart and put them in a photo album. From the point of view of signs, this is more correct than leaving him to his girlfriends.

Another option is to create a breathable bag that is stored among the spouses' bedding. The same is done with rose petals if the bed was decorated with them on the first wedding night.

Some people believe that the bouquet should be burned on the first wedding anniversary. Some people make a ceremony out of it, throwing him off a bridge and opening a bottle of champagne to celebrate their first year together. Parents sometimes shower their children with the remains of the bouquet when it is their turn to start a family.

Overall, knowing this information will help you not only be much better prepared for one of the most important events in life, but also improve your life in marriage, and simply spend your time in a more interesting and educational way.

In contact with

The main decoration of a wedding dress is the bride’s bouquet, correctly selected in color and size, so large and bright flowers will look awkward against the background of a dress of a simple cut, or yellow chrysanthemums, if the bride is wearing a dress of the same shade, will merge into a single whole. But besides this, when choosing it, you need to remember about wedding customs.
From time immemorial, great importance was attached to what kind of bride's bouquet it was from the point of view of magic: signs and superstitions were varied and numerous. So, let’s find out what wedding signs exist about the bride’s bouquet.

When to buy a bridal bouquet

Everyone knows that the groom gives flowers to the bride when he picks her up from her father’s house, but few people know when it is better to purchase a flower arrangement so that it brings happiness and good luck. In no case should you trust this purchase to the groom's mother or sister; it should only be made by a man - the groom himself, his father or another blood relative, and only before lunch, even if the wedding is scheduled for the evening.

Also, wedding signs about the bride’s bouquet say that you need to go out to get the bouquet on the right foot, it is advisable not to talk to anyone on the way, it is very important to give so much money so that there is change, so the bouquet will be a symbol of not only love, but also prosperity.
You need to return home along a different road in order to enter from the wrong direction from which you came to pick up the flowers. You can talk, but you need to cross the threshold of the house with your left foot. It is advisable for the future mother-in-law to say the following words on the flowers: “My son’s wife is my daughter, be sensitive to him” - such a blessing will benefit the relationship of the young.

Wedding signs: color of the bride's bouquet

Of course, the best color is snow-white, but those flowers whose color matches are also acceptable. So, today it is fashionable to wear a white dress and decorate it with red or blue ribbons, choosing a bouquet to match them. Beautiful and stylish. However, if you adhere to traditions, then the bouquet should consist of as many flowers as the bride’s age; if she currently has an even number, then plus one. Flowers are only white or pink and natural, even to decorate the bouquet you should not use artificial decor - a bad omen about a wedding bouquet - the husband will cheat.

Throwing the bride's bouquet

There is not a single wedding where the bride does not throw her bouquet at her unmarried friends. This custom came to us from Western Europe and goes back to the Middle Ages, when they believed that a wedding dress could bring good luck and everyone tried to cut off a piece of it for themselves. As a result, the girl turned into a scarecrow in tattered clothes. To stop this disgrace, we modernized the custom of throwing a bouquet.

But even here there are some nuances that are not known to everyone, but bring good luck to those who catch the bouquet. Firstly, the bride must spin around her axis three times, and secondly, she must silently say the following words: “Bouquet, fly, bring happiness to my friend!” Then throw it while closing your eyes. Then you need to pick up the bouquet, and give only the flower from it to the girl who caught it. And everyone is familiar with the sign of catching a bride’s bouquet, which promises a lucky friend an early marriage.

Another wedding sign about the bride’s bouquet: the bride should under no circumstances give her bouquet to anyone after the wedding, but take it for herself. Dry, then put the flowers in a bag made of breathable fabric and hide among the bedding used for the wedding bed. By the way, if on your wedding night your room and bed were decorated with rose petals, they also need to be collected, dried and placed in the same bag.

There are many different signs and traditions associated with the bride’s wedding bouquet. From this article you will learn who should give it and when. We will also tell you whether it is possible to throw flowers to your girlfriends, when this should be done, how to organize everything beautifully, what awaits the one who catches them. We will answer the questions: is it possible to store a bouquet after the wedding, where can it be placed and how to make sure it does not spoil. You can dry it yourself using our instructions.

The main bouquet of the bride should be chosen together with the groom. He gives it to the girl on the wedding day in the morning. It is believed that this accessory protects her from the evil eye, so during the celebration it should not be let go of her hands for a minute. As a last resort, you can give the composition to your mother or fiance to hold.

It’s very bad if the bunch falls to the floor, it can promise a series of troubles and misfortune.

It is also extremely undesirable to throw it into the hall for your girlfriends at the end of the event; for these purposes it is better to choose a backup bouquet.

A good omen for the superstitious is to see flowers in a dream on the eve of a wedding. They say it brings fun, joy and good luck.

It should also be said about what the different colors symbolize. Here are the main values:

  • red – passion, flame, love, energy;
  • orange – good mood and warmth;
  • green – purity, calm, harmony;
  • pink – carefree, lightness, fun;
  • blue – devotion;
  • yellow – joy, brightness, warmth;
  • white – simplicity, innocence, goodness.

There is an article on the site dedicated to. You can find out who it is suitable for, what features it has, what it can be made of and how it can be decorated.

The names of the flowers are also of great importance, each of which symbolizes something:

  • tulips - passion;
  • lilac – tenderness and tremulous feelings;
  • lily - beauty;
  • lily of the valley - good luck and happiness;
  • carnation – perseverance and determination;
  • delphinium – carelessness and lightness;
  • rose - mysteries and secrets.

If you stop at the latter, then we have already written about. You will learn about their features, what they mean, who they are suitable for, how to make a bouquet of these flowers, etc. You are here if you like more. What do these flowers mean, who are they suitable for, why are they interesting, how to use them wisely - the answers to these questions can be found in our other article.

There are also many interesting things connected with composition design. Decorative elements made of satin signify the durability and strength of family ties, white lace speaks of the trust of partners and harmony in relationships.

Another interesting sign prohibits throwing flowers away or giving/selling them to anyone. If you are familiar with superstitions, you want prosperity in life and to be happy with your soul mate, keep them as a keepsake.

Ancient traditions

Initially, instead of wedding bouquets, bunches of various plants were used. They were worn around the neck and head, and woven into the hair. This made it possible to protect the bride from all evil spirits.

In the Middle Ages in Europe, compositions made from onions and garlic were used. In Spain, their place was taken by branches of an orange tree, which promised the newlyweds a long life without problems. In Rus', ears of wheat, reeds and daisies were held in high esteem.

The wedding bouquet in its modern form appeared only in the 19th century thanks to Queen Victoria. It was this owner of blue blood who first walked under the altar with pansies, forget-me-nots and a myrtle sprig in her hands. If you like this option, choose. You will learn about what this color means, what such a composition can be made from and how to do it beautifully from another article.

Dumping girlfriends

This funny ritual contradicts what the signs dictate, but not a single wedding can do without it. Unmarried female guests take part in this entertainment; those who have a boyfriend or live in a civil marriage are also allowed.

They throw the bouquet closer to the end of the holiday, the best option is after the groom’s friends receive it. Here we talk about why it is needed, how to put it on and take it off correctly. This article also includes a video of the garter being thrown to the groomsmen. It is advisable that by this time the newlyweds have already performed the wedding dance.

The girl who catches the flowers according to signs, she should get married or meet her betrothed in the coming year.

Throwing scenario may look like this: the girls line up in a row, the bride stands with her back to them at a distance of about 3-5 meters. Next, she throws the bouquet up and points it back.

There is another, more original way, it looks like this: the newlywed’s girlfriends dance in a circle, the hero of the occasion, with her eyes closed, hands flowers to the chosen girl. By the way, this particular option is originally Russian.

Watch how the bride throws the bouquet to her bridesmaids:

The girl who caught the bouquet is recommended to dry it and sew it into a pillow. They say that in this way unmarried people can strengthen the feelings of their boyfriend and receive a marriage proposal. According to superstitions, the bride can also dry flowers, supposedly this strengthens the marriage bond.

Where to put the bride's bouquet after the wedding

A bouquet of fresh flowers can be safely stored at home for both the bride and her bridesmaids. It will serve as a talisman, protecting against evil spirits. In the USA, England and other Western countries, the newlywed keeps a bouquet at home only for the first year after the wedding, after which she burns it.

Volume drying

Here are the instructions for action:

  1. Remove all decorative elements from the bundle.
  2. Clear the composition of wilted buds and leaves.
  3. Attach the flowers to a wire about 1 meter long.
  4. Tie the bundle to the wall in a dry and dark room.
  5. If you see mold on the bouquet, wipe it with a damp sponge.
  6. The flowers will take approximately 3-7 days to dry.
  7. The finished composition can be placed in a vase and stored in the newlyweds’ room.

You can watch how to dry roses in this video:

How to dry flowers using varnish

You can also preserve a bouquet in the following way:

  1. Wipe leaves and stems.
  2. Separate the wilted particles from the bouquet.
  3. Spray the flowers with medium hold hairspray.
  4. Place the branches in a cardboard box and dry it for a week or two, remembering to open it from time to time.

It should be borne in mind that the method of drying flowers using varnish is not very practical, since the petals coated with it tend to break.

Signs about a wedding bouquet should in no case dictate what you do with it, this is your personal choice!

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