How to remove rough skin on heels. But getting rid of hard skin on your feet is easy...

What should your heels be like? Of course, soft and tender. And it doesn’t matter at all whether you are a man or a woman. You need to take care of your feet in both winter and summer, regardless of whether they are hidden under shoes or not. If for various reasons, perhaps due to lack of time, the condition of your heels has noticeably worsened, they have begun to resemble rough hooves, then you need to act immediately. We will tell you how to quickly correct the situation using a simple procedure.


The first rule is that the skin on the heels must be prepared. It is unacceptable to work with cold and dry heels; there will definitely be no result. In addition, there is a risk of increasing the time for subsequent restoration of the skin in this place.


Before you start getting rid of rough skin on your heels, be patient and be consistent in your actions.


To start, you need to steam your heels thoroughly. Pour tolerably hot water into a basin and soak your feet there for 10-15 minutes, or you can sit for the same amount of time in the bath. At this stage, you need to soften the rough layers of skin so that they become more pliable.

A foot bath can be combined with relaxing treatments. To do this, dilute hot water with sea salt and essential oil (a couple of drops). Grandma's folk recipes are a good way to recover from a busy day: pour an infusion of sage and chamomile flowers into water. Believe me, your legs will thank you for treating yourself this way.


After steaming the skin, you can begin the cleansing procedure. You need a minimal arsenal of tools: a special file for heels or a simple pumice stone. Dry your feet and begin peeling off the dead skin layer. From the outside it may seem that the coarsened layer is very thick, but in fact this is not the case at all. Therefore, do not overdo it so as not to touch living skin.


When removing the dead layer, you need to act very carefully so as not to tear off living tissue along with the dead layer. For this reason, a file and pumice are the safest tools. Any other means, such as a knife or blade, will only cause harm; the risk of injury is very high.

Another bath

After successful manipulations with a file and pumice, do not rush to part with the bath. Change the water in it, add a few drops of a tonic and keep your feet there. They need to relax and prepare for the next stage.


Essential oils based on citrus fruits, tea tree, and rosemary are good as a tonic.

After the bath, dry your feet and scrub your heels. The purpose of scrubbing is the final removal of dead skin cells that remain after the procedures. The scrub will also help to perfectly polish the surface of the heels.

Final skin softening

Apply nourishing cream to sanded heels. Otherwise, if this step is skipped, all the unevenness and roughness will harden, and the skin of the heels will be loose. It is very important to take care of hydration, otherwise the expected effect will not be achieved. Apply cream to your feet, put on warm socks and run to bed. Relax for a couple of hours to your heart's content. It makes sense to carry out this procedure at night.

How to take care of your feet


The skin of your feet should be carefully monitored, especially in the heel area. The hardening that occurs here brings great discomfort. Today's procedure will help fight them, doing it twice a week, your heels will always be smooth and soft. There is nothing complicated here, the main thing is to want it. Good luck to you and only healthy heels!

Perfect heels are a source of pride for any woman. Smooth, delicate leather on the heels allows you to appear barefoot on the beach and wear open shoes without embarrassment. In addition to aesthetic pleasure, the skin of the feet is a kind of indicator of health.

The appearance of calluses, corns, cracks, hyperkeratosis and, as a result, dry heels indicate disturbances in the functioning of the body.

Rough and dry skin on the heels is in most cases a cosmetic problem that develops as a result of poor foot care or wearing poor-quality tight shoes. Pathological conditions develop in the following diseases:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • dermatoses of an allergic nature;
  • psoriasis;
  • hormonal disorders in women during menopause.

To achieve successful results from foot care, it is necessary to eliminate the likelihood of painful skin conditions. By contacting a dermatologist, a histological examination of the rough skin will be performed.

If a pathology is detected, the doctor will identify the cause and prescribe treatment. While adhering to the doctor’s recommendations, you also need to take careful care of your feet. Without appropriate therapy, rough skin due to diseases will reappear.

If ugly skin on your heels is the result of a careless attitude towards yourself, cleansing procedures will quickly give a good effect. To do this, it is not necessary to go to specialized salons; careful care at home is enough.

Method number 1: hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is an affordable, inexpensive product that can be sold at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. It is mainly used to disinfect damaged skin. Antiseptic and exfoliating properties in combination give excellent results when cleaning the skin of the feet.

For a cosmetic procedure, it is necessary to prepare a special solution, which includes 5 tbsp. spoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide and 2 liters of hot water. For ease of use, you can choose rubbing or foot baths.

In any case, before the procedure, it is advisable to steam dry skin on the heels to achieve maximum effect. For rubbing, you can take a cotton pad or cotton cloth and, moisten it in a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide, clean the entire skin of the feet on both legs.

To do this, you need to pour the resulting mixture into a clean bowl and place your feet there for 10 minutes. At the end, the skin of the feet is cleaned with a pumice stone or a file, and then lubricated with a rich nourishing cream.

The number of procedures will depend on the condition of the feet; usually the full course can take up to one and a half months. Once every 3 days is the optimal frequency to achieve good results; more intensive use will only dry out the skin.

Having achieved smooth skin on the feet, the ideal condition must be maintained regularly. The skin of the feet is subject to constant pressure and friction while walking under the weight of its own weight, so it is more vulnerable than other areas of the body.

Hydrogen peroxide will become an indispensable assistant in the fight for healthy heels.

Method number 2: Epsom salt

Epsom salts are great for removing rough skin on your heels. Bitter salt can be purchased at a pharmacy; its other name is magnesium sulfate. A unique chemical compound of sulfur and magnesium gives the skin a radiant appearance and nails a strong structure.

Epsom salt, interacting with the skin of the feet, cleanses, softens and has an antibacterial effect.

In addition to its cosmetic benefits, magnesium sulfate relieves swelling and fatigue after a long day on your feet. Sulfur with magnesium is effectively used to combat unpleasant foot odor.

Cleansing procedures for dry heels are carried out in the form of warm evening treatments or Epsom salt crystals are used as a scrub. A handful of bitter salt is rubbed into the surface of rough heels for several minutes into previously steamed skin. After the procedure, the skin is washed with warm water and generously lubricated with nourishing cream.

Cleaning rough heels with a salt solution at home is easy and pleasant. Algorithm of actions:

  1. Add a pinch of Epsom salt to hot, clean water and stir until completely dissolved.
  2. Place your feet in the solution and steam your heels for half an hour, keeping the mixture hot.
  3. After finishing, remove the thickened skin mechanically with a pumice stone or brush.
  4. We wash our feet with fresh water and dry them with a clean towel.
  5. Lubricate the skin of the feet with cream. To enhance the nutritional effect, you can add 3 drops of an oil solution of vitamins A and E to the cream.

In just a few days, a good result will be noticeable. The course is completed when the desired result is achieved, on average it lasts from 1 to 2 months.

Method No. 3: onions

How to clean rough skin using onions? There are onions in every home. Not everyone knows that it can be used not only for cooking, but also for cosmetic procedures.

Fresh onions are a source of calcium, fluoride, zinc, magnesium, as well as essential oils. The high content of these elements makes ordinary onions a bactericidal agent that improves the condition of the skin epithelium and has a cleansing effect.

When applied topically, onion regulates the activity of sweat glands and eliminates unpleasant odor.

To remove rough and dry skin on the heels, cut a large onion in half and place it on top. Then, on top of the onion, you can wrap your feet with cling film and put on socks made from natural materials.

Another method is to use chopped onions. The mushy mass is applied to gauze folded in several layers. The bandage is applied to the heels, the time of contact with the bow should be no more than 30 minutes.

Onions, as a means to remove rough skin, are suitable for everyone. Try not to overdo it and perform manipulations no more than once every 3 days.

Daily use can lead to inflammatory processes as a result of irritation of the sweat glands. For the fastest effect, try to choose shoes made from natural materials that can allow air to pass through.

Method number 4: baking soda

Sodium bicarbonate has long been known for its unique skin cleansing properties. The softening effect will prepare rough skin to remove unwanted growths.

Antiseptic properties will remove pathogenic bacteria and fungi, which cause not only changes in the skin, but also an unpleasant odor. The anti-inflammatory effect will promote healing and regeneration of the skin of the feet.

How to properly clean your heels from rough skin using baking soda at home? There are several folk recipes:

  1. Dry mixture of soda and soap. A small amount of soap should be grated on a coarse grater. Add a teaspoon of soda to the crushed soap and apply to the skin in the heel area. Wrap in film, put on socks and leave the compress for 20 minutes, then clean your feet with pumice and lubricate with nourishing cream.
  2. Foot. Add a little soda to hot water and take baths for 15 minutes until the solution remains warm. After steaming, wash your feet with clean water and mechanically remove the rough skin on the heels. After softening with cream, be sure to wear warm socks.
  3. Soda with milk. An excellent effect can be achieved by using milk instead of water. The use of dairy products to nourish and soften the skin has been known since the ancient times of Egyptian beauties. with milk are carried out according to the same scheme.
  4. Olive oil and soda: mix 15 grams of soda with 5 ml of olive oil and rub into rough skin. The abrasive properties of soda in dry form act like a scrub, and the oil softens the skin and makes the cleansing process more gentle.

Method No. 5: natural honey

How to get rid of rough skin on your heels using honey. Honey is a natural antiseptic that combines an emollient and nourishing cosmetic to improve the condition of the skin of the face and body.

When cleansing the skin of the feet, to speed up the effect, use not pure honey, but a mixture of it with viburnum or prunes. When exposed to honey, rough keratinized layers noticeably peel off, releasing clean epithelium and eliminating inflammatory processes from the skin. Viburnum is a real storehouse of microelements that stimulate the growth of young layers of epithelial tissue.

How to easily and quickly remove rough skin from your heels using a compress:

  • Crush 50 g of viburnum berries, after removing the seeds, and mix with half a glass of honey;
  • Before applying, the paste should be heated in a water bath until warm;
  • the mixture is applied to a bandage or natural fabric and applied to the heels;
  • To obtain a compress effect, the legs are wrapped in cellophane and wrapped in a blanket for 30 minutes.

In a similar way, it is useful to use prunes instead of viburnum. A mixture of honey and prunes breaks down the thick dead skin layers of damaged skin, and acts as a chemical peel to remove rough skin on the heels. The skin begins to come off in large pieces, leaving the smooth surface of the feet free.

The advantage of this method is absolute safety and painlessness. Compresses with honey can be applied daily without harm to the feet. The duration of the course is extended until the desired effect is achieved.

Prevention of corns, calluses and rough skin of the feet

Having done a tremendous amount of work, you can achieve an amazing result. Smooth and healthy feet will delight and delight, but many people face the problem of rough skin appearing again and again. Having achieved the desired result, it is necessary to maintain the effect with preventive procedures.

Daily foot care allows you not to think about how to clean your heels of rough skin again. Mandatory evening dress includes:

  • with medicinal herbs and essential oils;
  • regular use of scrubs and fine-grained foot files;
  • daily use of foot creams with vitamins A and E;
  • using a personal towel to dry your feet.

Increased demands must be placed on shoes. Ideally, it will be made of natural materials and an anatomically correct last. In this case, the feet will be provided with air circulation, and the orthopedic padding will ensure proper distribution of the load on the foot when walking, eliminating the appearance of corns.

It should be added that daily work in caring for your feet will be rewarded with admiring glances from others when they see your feet.

All women strive to look perfect, as they say, from head to toe. But rough skin on the feet is one of the main causes of disorders. There are many reasons why your heels quickly become rough. They must be eliminated immediately, and then effective basic care techniques must be used. Let's look at the main nuances.

Why does the skin on the heels become rough?

  • constantly being in a standing position (for example, due to the type of service);
  • lack of basic foot care (pedicure);
  • lack of minerals in the body;
  • dehydration;
  • difficulties in the functioning of the thyroid gland and the entire endocrine system;
  • excess weight, which puts a lot of stress on the legs;
  • walking barefoot;
  • malfunctions of the urinary system (in particular the kidneys);
  • fungal infection;
  • lack of certain vitamins, namely group B, retinol, tocopherol;
  • dry skin in the summer season;
  • Constantly wearing tight or closed shoes, high heels.

In most cases, the skin on the feet becomes dry due to walking without socks or wearing tight or non-breathable shoes. Everything can be solved by simply changing your shoe wardrobe; it also doesn’t hurt to remove dead particles on your heels with pumice once a week.

Folk ways to soften feet

There are many recipes that are presented for everyone to see. You have a great opportunity to soften your heels at home.

  1. Salt with ether. Fill a bowl with warm water (2 liters), add 2 tablespoons of salt (preferably sea). Pour in 10 drops of patchouli, rosemary, geranium or eucalyptus essential oil. Wait for the water to cool to room temperature. Lower the legs and steam them for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Lemon. Lemon powder works great on corns and similar cosmetic defects. But it is safer to use fresh lemon. Make porridge from large citrus by passing the fruit through a blender. Apply to gauze and tie to heels. Leave it overnight or at least leave the compress on for 3 hours.
  3. Vinegar. To soften the skin in the foot area and remove dead scales, use natural vinegar (preferably apple cider vinegar). Soak a cosmetic sponge in it, apply to the heels and secure. Put on your socks and go relax. Wash your feet in the morning.
  4. Soda. Baking soda based foot baths are extremely effective. In addition to noticeable softening, you will carry out comprehensive disinfection and prevent fungus. Stir 20 gr. loose powder in 1 liter. warm water, lower your feet and wait a third of an hour. Then perform a regular exfoliation to remove rough skin particles. Rinse the legs and lubricate them with targeted cream.
  5. Onion. The juice of the bulbs copes well with corns, rough areas, and calluses. Plus, onions disinfect, but after using it, an unpleasant odor often remains. Mash 2 pcs. into the porridge, apply to the heels and wrap with bandages. After a third of an hour, wash your feet and apply lemon juice to eliminate the unpleasant odor.
  6. Natural oil. Perhaps the most effective remedy to date. Take any natural oil, be it sea buckthorn, olive, corn, peach or almond. Warm it up to 35 degrees, rub it into your heels and put on cotton socks. Wash your feet in the morning.
  7. Chamomile. Take chamomile tea bags or regular dried chamomile flowers. Mix a handful of raw materials with 2 liters. boiling water, let brew for 20 minutes. Place your feet in a basin with this mixture and wait for at least a third of an hour. Additionally, you can equip this bath with garlic cloves for disinfection.
  8. Soap with soda. Take a small block of tar pulp, grind it with a grater and combine it with a spoon of food water. Add a little water or oil to make the mixture thick. Rub your heels with it, wrap it in foil or cellophane, wait a third of an hour. After this period, rinse off and use foot lotion.
  9. Milk with salt. Milk quickly softens, but you can enhance the effect with salt. Heat 0.5 l. milk, combine with 30 gr. coarse salt, dip your feet into the solution. Wait about half an hour.
  10. Cabbage with plantain. Take 5 leaves of fresh cabbage and a handful of plantain. Wash and mash with a blender. Apply to the heels or surface of the feet, wrap with bandages. Wear warm socks and wait at least 5 hours.
  11. Medicinal plants. All herbs have a good effect on the skin, so it makes sense to use them. Choose sage with calendula, St. John's wort, and yarrow. For 2 l. water, you need to measure out a tablespoon of each raw material. Brew, cool to an acceptable temperature, dip the heels in the infusion. Wait at least 20 minutes.
  12. Vitamins in ampoules. Mix 2 ampoules of vitamin E (tocopherol) and vitamin A (retinol). Apply the product to the skin of your heels, rub well until completely absorbed. Put on your socks and go to bed. There is no need to wash off this product after waking up in the morning.
  13. Starch with yolk. Mix 20 gr. starch, 25 ml. lemon juice and egg yolk. Bring the components to a homogeneous substance. Distribute the composition over the skin of the heels and wrap the feet with parchment. Wear thick socks. The procedure is carried out before bedtime. When a new day begins, wash off the product and moisturize your skin with cream.
  14. Potatoes with milk. Combine mashed potatoes with country milk. The result should be a creamy mass. Distribute the product over your feet, wrap and rinse after waking up. As an alternative, you can grate the raw root vegetable and combine it with butter and egg yolk. Next, the procedure is carried out according to the standard scheme.
  15. Retinol and calendula. Combine a vitamin A capsule with a small amount of calendula ointment. Treat problem skin with the prepared product. Wait a while for the composition to be absorbed. Put on your socks and go to bed.

Hydrogen peroxide to soften heels

  1. This composition can be purchased without problems at any pharmacy. The product has a good disinfecting effect. Hydrogen peroxide is used for many cosmetic purposes. The composition perfectly softens rough skin.
  2. Peroxide copes with the task perfectly even in the most advanced cases. The composition also eliminates fungal infections. To prepare an effective remedy, you should combine it in a 30 ml container. peroxide and 160 ml. warm water.
  3. Soak a cotton sponge in the prepared solution and begin wiping problem areas for several minutes. You can also resort to baths. Pour into 2 liters. hot water 150 ml. peroxide. Keep your feet in the solution for about 10-12 minutes.
  4. As an alternative, a more potent solution should be prepared. Also take 2 l. hot water and add 30 g to the liquid. medium ground sea salt and 60 ml. peroxide. Stir the ingredients and take the bath for 6-8 minutes.

The skin on your heels can become rough for various reasons. Before you begin to troubleshoot problems, it is worth understanding the cause. After this, you should use effective recipes. As soon as you get rid of this kind of trouble, do not forget to systematically carry out preventive procedures.

Video: how to soften rough skin on the heels of your feet

Nadezhda Sergeeva |

08/21/2015 | 90698

Nadezhda Sergeeva 08/21/2015 90698

Rough, dry heels do not make our legs look good. How to make your heels soft at home?

Due to constant friction and stress, the skin on the heels quickly loses its smoothness, especially during the season of open shoes. And rough, rough heels are far from an aesthetic sight. In addition, a cosmetic problem can develop into a medical one: calluses and calluses quickly form on damaged skin.

Make it a rule to spend a little time on your heels every evening. There is no need to do anything complicated:

Don't overuse rough pumice and under no circumstances cut off dry skin on your heels with a blade! If you clean your heels like this, there is a high risk of infection and serious problems.

Do not rub steamed, wet heels with a pumice stone or an abrasive grater. You can damage the healthy layer of skin and further increase dryness.

Pamper your heels with warm baths a couple of times a week. A heel bath with soap shavings and sea salt is especially good (dissolve 0.5 cups in a small amount of hot water).

After the bath, enhance the effect with a heel scrub from ground coffee and vegetable oil, mixed to a thick paste. The skin will become smooth and moisturized.

Get a massage every day, rubbing any heel product into the skin - a regular moisturizer or oil.

To keep your heels smooth and soft, wear comfortable shoes, and in the warm season, often walk barefoot on textured surfaces.

There are many ways to make your heels soft at home. We have chosen the three most effective and simple ones.

Make your heels soft in 10 minutes

This recipe has been tested by our readers and received a lot of rave reviews. So:

1. Spread clean and dry (not steamed!) heels with cream (any emollient, maybe baby cream).

2. Wait until the cream is completely absorbed into the skin.

3. Now arm yourself with a file or a rough grater for the heels, lightly wet it with water.

4. Rub your heels with gentle and quick movements. Within a minute, you will see the dead, dry skin peeling off and falling away.

5. Continue cleaning the heels; when the file dries out, moisten it with water again.

6. When you polish the skin completely, wash your feet and again apply cream to the cleaned areas.

7. Put on cotton socks and let your feet rest for a while.

If you do this procedure at night and go to bed in socks, the next morning you won’t recognize your heels! They will become pink, smooth and soft, like a baby's.

Apple cider vinegar and glycerin for heels

Vinegar for heels is a very useful remedy. It not only removes dryness and softens the skin, but also kills fungus. And in combination with glycerin, the effect is enhanced several times.

To get rid of rough heels, make a compress of apple cider vinegar and glycerin at night.

1. Prepare a mixture of 3 teaspoons of glycerin and 1 teaspoon of vinegar.

2. Soak pieces of gauze in the mixture and apply to the heels.

3. Wrap your feet in plastic and put on soft socks.

4. Leave the compress overnight, and in the morning wash your feet and apply cream to your heels.

You need 3-4 such procedures, but the result will be visible after the first application. This method helps even with shallow cracks in the heels.

Hydrogen peroxide for soft heels

A bath with hydrogen peroxide for your heels will help, even if your feet are completely neglected and the soles are very rough.

1. Take a small basin or bowl and pour 1.5 liters of hot water into it. The temperature should be such that you can tolerate it.

2. Add 4 tablespoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide and stir.

3. Submerge your feet in water and steam them for about 10 minutes, depending on the condition of your heels.

4. Use a soft pedicure brush to remove any white, dry skin from your heels.

5. Apply cream to your heels and massage thoroughly.

Hydrogen peroxide is a potent substance, so you should do this heel bath no more than once a week.

These methods will help you quickly get your feet in order. If you know other effective measures to clean your heels and make them soft at home, please share them with us.

You can learn everything about how to get rid of rough skin on your heels at home here. Women's legs are a poet's dream! Oh, if only they knew how much “falls” on them in a day - the heel is uncomfortable, and it’s hard to flit around all day... That’s why their heels become rough, and beautiful ladies wonder how they can contrive and clean their heels of rough skin at home, so that both quickly and effectively?

Why does the skin on my heels become rough?

Since the feet are out of sight almost all year round, many people put off caring for their heels “until later,” until summer, before vacation, until “until the cancer hangs on the mountain.” Believe me, when it “hangs down”, it won’t seem too small. Slightly roughened skin may develop cracks and calluses over time. Would you like to dance on a hot roof? But this is approximately how people with cracked heels and neglected calluses feel!

Well, it will be, stop being scared of the prospects. It is logical that since the skin on the heels is not as thin as, for example, on the face and hands, it becomes rougher much faster.

The main causes of rough skin on the heels

  • Uncomfortable shoes. Do you wear shoes that are narrow, not breathable, and have an uncomfortable instep? You are ready to endure suffering for the sake of beauty, but there is no heel! They have already built up unaesthetic armor.
  • "Standing" work. When you're on your feet all day, a hard, calloused layer forms on your heels to help you stand firm. When standing in one place for a long time, especially on a hard surface, the feet experience a lot of stress, as they are forced to continuously “take” the weight of the entire body.
  • Excess weight. The load on the legs increases, and the feet become rough. The more body weight “rests” on our feet when standing (walking, running), the more the skin of the feet suffers.
  • Problems with the kidneys and endocrine system.
  • Lack of vitamins. You need to eat so many microelements and minerals per day, it’s impossible to calculate! And their deficiency is reflected on the skin, including the heels.
  • Lack of moisture. The skin of our feet is naturally dry. There are no sebaceous glands on it at all, and the only way the skin of the feet is able to moisturize itself is by using the sweat glands. Moreover, we constantly force our feet to lose moisture when we are in rooms with dry air, walk barefoot or in open shoes in the summer, and drink little water.
  • Washing your feet with too hot water. If you like to take a very hot bath or stand under a scalding shower, or simply steam your feet in hot water, keep in mind that too hot water dries out the skin and, accordingly, contributes to the roughening of the skin of the feet.
  • Various diseases. Skin diseases such as atopic dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis, as well as some systemic diseases such as diabetes and hypothyroidism (low thyroid function), contribute to dry skin on the feet.

A cosmetic defect only sometimes requires the intervention of specialists if it is accompanied by additional problems. And for the vast majority, a little home therapy is enough.

Time-tested and cutting-edge ways to clean your heels of rough skin

You will be surprised, but to treat your heels you don’t have to dance with tambourines and soak them in the tears of virtuous men. Care is even a little banal, but at the same time it will make you get a lot of pleasure.

Three pillars of proper care:

  1. In the mornings and evenings, pamper your feet with moisturizing creams.
  2. Under no circumstances, even at gunpoint, should you cut off the rough skin. After all, she has powerful regeneration. You cut a couple of millimeters, so it will grow more! Use brushes, pumice stones and files; they carefully clean all excess without causing harm.
  3. Procedures must be systematic. If the skin is very rough, then it is almost impossible to get heels like a baby’s in one go.

Home methods to help you clean your heels yourself

What to do if you have already started the situation, and the skin on your heels has become rough and cracked? There are many effective procedures to soften and remove rough skin, which are usually performed in the evening, before bed.


A mega product that doesn’t put a dent in your wallet and actually works.

For everything, you will need a bowl of hot water and ingredients that any housewife, even the most careless one, can find in their home.

Bath with baking soda, salt and hydrogen peroxide:

  • Sea salt.
  • Medicinal herbs (boil a couple of tablespoons of chamomile, calendula or lemon balm in a liter of water, strain and pour into a bowl).
  • Baking soda (1 tablespoon per liter).
  • Milk (add half a liter of hot milk to a bowl of hot water).
  • Hydrogen peroxide (4 tablespoons per bowl).
  1. Having prepared a bath with any of these components, lower your feet into it and read a book, watch your favorite TV series until the water begins to cool.
  2. Then clean your heels with a pumice stone or a brush for three minutes; by that time, the rough skin will turn white and come off easily. Don’t be too zealous with your saws: the quieter you go, the further you will go!
  3. Rinse your feet again and rub in moisturizer.

Make a foot bath with vinegar:

  1. Pour warm (not hot!) water into a small basin so that the water level reaches your ankles.
  2. Add ¼ cup of white 6% vinegar to the water.
  3. Keep your feet in water for 10-15 minutes (no more, so as not to dry the skin), and then treat problem areas with a pumice stone or a special metal file. Under the influence of acetic acid, the rough skin of the feet will soften and come off easily.

Simple salt bath:

  1. Dissolve a tablespoon of salt in a bowl of warm water and soak your feet there for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Treat your heels with a pumice stone or file.
  3. Dry your feet with a towel and apply a pre-prepared mixture of one part glycerin, three parts rose water and the juice of half a lemon.

Once your heels look healthy again, continue to use these extremely effective heel cleansers every night after your shower to maintain the effect.


It’s so nice to massage your skin with them... But not more than once a week.

It is necessary to scrub your heels only after a foot bath; on dry heels the effect will be zero. Gently massage problem areas, and then walk with a pumice stone. Don't forget to treat yourself to cream at the end!

Special foot scrubs, as a rule, differ from others in having a coarser abrasive. If you wish, you can make a scrub yourself by combining sugar, salt, ground shells or nuts with vegetable oil. But, I think, it’s easier to buy a ready-made cosmetic product than to prepare a dense mixture in the kitchen.

Oil wraps

From time immemorial it has been known that oils soften the skin best.

For heels, anything you can find at home will do, even a plant-based one. But the top three are castor, olive and burdock oils. They are inexpensive, but they work like a charm!

Rub the oils onto damp, clean heels, and then put on cotton socks. Next, the feet are wrapped in polyethylene (with cling film or placed in banal plastic bags) and ordinary socks are put on. In such multi-layered shoes you can go to bed or enjoy doing nothing for several hours.

Oil wrap with vinegar and lemon juice:

  1. Pour a couple of tablespoons of olive oil into a small container.
  2. Add half a teaspoon of white vinegar or lemon juice to it. You can also add a little honey.
  3. Mix the ingredients well and massage the resulting mixture into the skin of your feet, concentrating on the heels.
  4. Wear cotton socks.
  5. In the morning, wash your feet and rub the softened skin with a pumice stone or file.
  6. Dry your feet and apply moisturizer.

Foot masks

Pamper your feet with a softening fruit foot mask - because fruits contain many enzymes and a lot of other useful substances.

Grind the pulp of one banana, half an avocado and half a coconut. Apply the resulting mixture to your feet for 15 minutes, then rinse and pat your feet dry with a towel. If such a mask seems expensive and difficult to prepare, you can use one of the fruits (for example, banana). However, the greatest effect will be obtained by mixing all three components.

Socks for pedicure

Japanese and Chinese socks for softening feet are polyethylene cases, the inner surface of which is treated with an exfoliating and softening composition. There are acids, oils and much more. In contact with the skin, the active ingredients soften and remove the stratum corneum of the epidermis.

Socks for pedicure are considered the primary remedy for corns and calluses; they also help when you simply need to soften very rough skin on the heels.

Put on the sock masks carefully so as not to spill their contents, fasten with Velcro and insulate the top with wool socks.

You will have to walk like this “cabbage” for about 40 minutes to an hour, then rinse with warm water. If left longer, the nuclear mixture can harm the epidermis.

Within about a week, the top layers of the skin will peel off.

The advantage of the know-how is that the effect will last for at least three months. Pedicure socks can be found in the brands SOSU, Tony Moly, The Face Shop, Holika Holika.

Express product for softening heels - depilatory cream

If you urgently need to run to the ball, but your heels are peeling and generally don’t look like a princess’s, there is a way to quickly get rid of dead skin. A depilatory cream will do for this.

  1. Soak your feet in a soapy bath.
  2. Apply a thick layer of this cream to your heels.
  3. Wear cotton socks. Time a quarter of an hour.
  4. Rub the skin with a pumice stone and rinse.
  5. A moisturizer will complete the process.

The heels will be like those of a true lady. But remember, at exactly 12... No, just kidding, everything will be fine, just don’t use the express method often.

Roller file

There was a time when the entire Internet trumpeted about the miracle file, and advertisements flashed from television screens. So you've probably at least heard about electric roller saws.

This beauty gadget is used only on dry skin of the feet. It runs on batteries or connects to the network. There are combined gadgets. The use is incredibly simple: press “ON” and move the file over your heels. Manufacturers promise almost instant results, painlessness and an effect indistinguishable from a salon one.

Is it worth spending money on a new product, since the original files cost 10 thousand rubles? It’s up to you to decide.

What to do to prevent the skin on your heels from becoming rough

Of course, take care of it regularly! This is quite achievable at home. Every evening after a shower, dry your feet and moisturize the skin of your feet with special creams or lotions containing exfoliating ingredients:

  • salicylic acid;
  • alpha hydroxy acids.

As well as components that can effectively retain moisture in the skin:

  • urea;
  • saccharide isomerate.

“Inspect” your heels every day for the appearance of rough skin and, before applying a moisturizer, gently rub the hard skin with a pumice stone or a special nail file. You should not use a razor to get rid of rough skin on your heels - this way you risk injuring your heels, and the skin in problem areas will begin to grow with a vengeance. However, if you pay attention to your heels every day, the need for such drastic measures will not arise.

Pedicurists know exactly what your feet need and vying with each other to offer their services. But how can you find time to relax under the experienced hands of a professional master? And a high-quality salon pedicure doesn’t cost a penny...

If no measures are taken, cracks will begin to form on the heels - first superficial, and then deep. Deep cracks can bleed, become inflamed, and even fester, turning from a cosmetic defect into a serious health problem.

What if the cracks in the heels are so deep that they cannot be treated at home?
In this case, you will have to see a doctor. It is better if it is a podiatrist - a doctor specializing specifically in foot pathologies. A podiatrist has an arsenal of tools to combat deep cracks and related problems.

Spend a couple of minutes on the skin of your feet every evening, try to avoid factors that aggravate the roughening of the skin on your feet, and let your heels always be “like a baby’s”!

Set up a salon at home, because now you know all the ways to clean your heels of rough skin and also relax during the process. Love yourself from the ends of your hair to the delicate skin of your heels and walk through life with ease and ease!

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