Henna for coloring lips. How to do lip biotattoo at home? detailed instructions

Permanent lip makeup is a modern cosmetic procedure that involves the introduction of a special dye. Many women want to get a tattoo like this because it eliminates the need for daily use of decorative cosmetics and does not wash off with water.

Today, specialists use the following basic techniques:

  1. Contour stroke is necessary to eliminate blurred contours, the effect is exactly the same as when using a pencil, but the result lasts much longer.
  2. The shaded contour represents an improved previous version: the contour is made brighter, gradually turning into a natural shade.
  3. 3D technology usually involves the use of several different shades at once, which allows for relief and volume.
  4. A light lip is used to provide volume by injecting a light coloring substance into the upper or lower lip.
  5. Biotattooing is the simplest technique that you can do yourself at home.

Indications and contraindications

Any woman can improve her appearance through permanent lip makeup, but first of all it is necessary if the following factors are present:

  1. Insufficient lip volume.
  2. Visual defects associated with the individual characteristics of the shape of the lips.
  3. The absence of clear contours, which makes the boundaries invisible.
  4. Lack of time to use lipstick daily.
  5. Drooping corners that need to be raised.
  6. Insufficient brightness.

However, before undergoing the procedure, you will need to make sure that the following contraindications are completely absent:

  1. Forms of diabetes mellitus in which there is dependence on insulin.
  2. Diseases that impair blood clotting.
  3. Acute inflammatory processes leading to an increase in body temperature and the occurrence of a febrile state.
  4. Keloid scars or an increased tendency to form them.
  5. Benign or malignant neoplasms.
  6. Epilepsy.
  7. Severe mental disorders.
  8. Impaired functioning of internal organs.
  9. Pregnancy, lactation period.
  10. Tendency to have a convulsive reaction.
  11. Psoriasis in a progressive form.
  12. Any disorders associated with the activity of the immune system.
  13. Alcohol addiction.
  14. Autoimmune diseases that can lead to rejection of the injected dye.
  15. Taking potent medications: in this case, additional consultation and permission from the attending physician will be required.
  16. Herpes.
  17. Allergy.
  18. Age under 18 years.
  19. Planned plastic surgeries or the recovery period after them.


At home

Lip biotattooing is usually performed at home; before performing the procedure, you must prepare the following tools and materials:

  1. Powder henna.
  2. A container with pre-boiled and cooled water.
  3. Container with a wide hole for mixing the composition.
  4. Cotton buds.
  5. Thin brush.
  6. Vaseline or the most fatty cream with a neutral composition.
  7. Tonic.
  8. Cotton towel or clean paper napkins.
  9. Special lip liner.
  10. Scrub without irritating components.

The procedure itself must be carried out in full accordance with the following algorithm of actions:

  1. The skin of the lips is first peeled; without these measures, the dye will not be able to penetrate the upper layers of the epidermis. For these purposes, you can purchase a scrub with exfoliating elements of reduced hardness, but it is much better to prepare the product at home to be sure of its composition. The main ingredients are usually candied honey or crushed oatmeal.
  2. Henna must be diluted and prepared in accordance with the instructions that came with it upon purchase. If the paint turns out to be too bright or dark, it can be further lightened by adding 3-5 grams of turmeric to the composition and diluting with chamomile mixture. You can also use Egyptian henna, which is diluted in a vinegar solution and mixed with beetroot juice, which allows you to get a reddish tint. Adding black tea or coffee will help achieve the darkest tones.
  3. After preparing the composition, you can proceed to the procedure of degreasing the skin of the lips; for this, they are treated with a tonic or any alcohol-containing product.
  4. Using a pencil, draw the boundaries of the desired contour; they should be inconspicuous.
  5. The skin outside the contour is treated with Vaseline, which protects it from unwanted staining.
  6. The coloring composition is applied to the designated contour using the selected tool. If paint accidentally gets outside its boundaries, it must be immediately removed with a towel or napkin.
  7. When carrying out a trial procedure, keep the coloring agent on your lips for 15 minutes. It will take about half an hour for a dull color, and to obtain the brightest and most noticeable shades, rinsing is carried out only after 40–50 minutes.
  8. After the selected period, the remaining paint is carefully removed with a napkin or towel; the lips must be rinsed with boiled water.
  9. After completing all the described actions, you need to use a balm with a soothing effect, which will avoid side effects such as peeling of the skin.

Procedure in the salon

When visiting a salon, permanent lip makeup is carried out according to a different scheme, which should include the following steps:

  1. Preliminary consultation with the master, selection of the appropriate color and shape. Most salons today have special software that allows you to clearly demonstrate the various possible options.
  2. Carrying out local anesthesia: a special anesthetic ointment is applied to the lips. It is covered with a protective film on top, which is removed only after 30 minutes. Such products can provoke an allergic reaction, so at this stage you should be vigilant and careful, and also inform the specialist about any unpleasant sensations that arise.
  3. The master makes punctures using special equipment, introducing a dye into the upper layers of the epidermis. Periodically, the lips are moistened with a tampon treated with an anesthetic. Given the increased sensitivity of this area, such measures do not always help, but it is necessary to exclude any head movements so as not to accidentally get a puncture in the wrong place.
  4. After completing the procedure, the lips are treated with a special ointment, the specialist answers all questions that arise and gives instructions regarding further care.

The final result will appear after 2–4 weeks, when side effects such as swelling and local inflammation disappear.


Permanent lip makeup done at home will not cost much, since a set of henna, including 10 different colors, costs on average about 300-400 rubles. You can purchase it in many stores specializing in the sale of decorative cosmetics and personal care products; It is also possible to place an order via the Internet.

If only one color is intended to be used, then the cost of the procedure will be even lower. Today, many stores have special markers for applying coloring agents; these devices are universal, they can be used for biotattooing of lips, eyelids or eyebrows. However, it is not recommended to use them due to the high cost and rather short shelf life of the expert.

Carrying out the procedure in a salon is much more expensive, the price depends on the characteristics of the chosen makeup. In general, it costs from 7,000 to 10,000 rubles.

Lip care after the procedure

To minimize the risk of side effects, achieve the desired result and its long-term preservation, after the procedure, the lips will need the following care:

  1. As the pierced skin of the lips becomes wet, it should be gently blotted with a clean cloth treated with 0.05% chlorhexidine, but rubbing or strong pressure should be avoided.
  2. After some time, a crust forms on the lips, which is forbidden to touch with your hands or try to remove, since this can ruin all the makeup. The crust should come off on its own naturally.
  3. In case of increased dryness or severe flaking, the skin can be treated with Bepanten cream.
  4. Lips should be protected from excessive exposure to moisture. For 2 weeks, it is better to avoid drinking too hot drinks, and cold liquids can only be drunk with a straw.
  5. Until the crust has completely disappeared, the application of any type of decorative cosmetics is strictly prohibited.
  6. When carrying out the procedure in the summer, for 3 weeks you should use a special lipstick with protection from exposure to sunlight every time you go outside.
  7. For 2-3 weeks, visiting baths and saunas, swimming in public bodies of water, as well as taking a hot shower or spending a long time in the bathroom is absolutely contraindicated.


Oksana:“I got my lips tattooed for the first time in a specialized salon, the result was lasting and lasted a little more than 2 years, although the color gradually faded. It was time to undergo a second procedure, but I decided to do it at home, since it did not seem too difficult to me. In the end, I managed to do it, but it turned out to be not so easy, and the result was of less quality. I decided for myself that I would not save money and would continue to do permanent makeup only from a trusted artist.”

Anastasia:“For a long time I wanted to get permanent lip makeup, but I was scared off by the photos of unsuccessful procedures that I looked at on the Internet. At some point, I was still tempted to do this, because I found out that such makeup could be done by the artist who gave me tattoos. As a result, everything turned out just fine, nothing to do with the horror that I saw on the Internet.”

Julia:“All my life I was not satisfied with the appearance of my lips, or rather, their shape and uneven borders, which I always tried to disguise with lipstick. One day I was offered permanent makeup and agreed to undergo this procedure, which I never regretted. Now I don’t need to use decorative cosmetics every day.”

Marina:“After watching videos with various master classes, I decided to do permanent lip makeup at home. Only at first glance it seems very difficult, but in reality you just have to get used to it and the procedure is very easy. I never thought that such minor adjustments could radically change one’s appearance for the better.”

Ksenia:“I tried to do permanent lip makeup at home, but as a result I abandoned the idea, deciding not to risk my appearance. Maximum precision of all actions is required, and even when standing in front of a mirror it is difficult to navigate where exactly the coloring substance is applied, since I have little experience in such matters. I’d rather pay more money and turn to specialists, but I’ll get a quality result.”

Valentina:“I ordered a special marker for lip biotattoo through an online store, it cost almost 700 rubles, and the result disappeared on just the third day! I regret the money spent, but I decided to try a second experiment, this time using henna. The procedure, of course, was much more difficult for me, but the resulting effect still lasts and does not go away, and much less money was spent.”

Karina:“I did my own permanent lip makeup. I was pleased with the result, but it took a lot of time and nerves: I often missed and smeared excess henna, which I immediately had to wash off. I decided for myself that I would not repeat the procedure at home, I would rather overpay, but let the professionals do it.”

Tatiana:“I wanted to do permanent makeup at home, but after reading reviews on the Internet, I decided to go to the salon. Initially, I didn’t want to turn to specialists because I was afraid of the pain from the punctures, but the anesthesia turned out to be very good. Mild discomfort was felt for several days after the procedure, but everything was quite tolerable.”

Irina:“For me, permanent makeup became a real torture: after it, my lips became very swollen, an allergic reaction began, touching them was painful. For 1.5 weeks I was even embarrassed to leave the house and feared for further consequences, but all side effects soon passed. The final color was formed in about a month, and my appearance changed significantly, so I never regretted my pain.”

Margarita:“I have long wanted to do permanent makeup for myself, I decided to carry out the procedure exclusively at home, because I can’t stand the pain very well, and given the high sensitivity of my lips, I don’t know how I would even survive it. I read on the Internet that doing such a biotattoo is very difficult, especially the first time. I don’t know what difficulties might arise, but everything worked out for me, and I’m absolutely satisfied with the final result. The main thing in this matter is focus on results, caution and attentiveness.”

Maria: “At the beginning of this year I did permanent lip makeup at the salon, the result is simply amazing! Previously, my lips were faded and thin, even lipstick didn’t help, and I couldn’t imagine that they could look like they do now.”

Daria:“Permanent lip makeup is an excellent solution for me, allowing me to stop using lipstick. I went through this procedure in the salon twice, I will go again soon because the shade has become too faded. At the same time, the result remained stable for almost 3 years, which indicates the good work of the master.”

Lip tattooing is one of the modern ways to emphasize the beauty of the face and correct minor flaws in appearance. Most women believe that this procedure can only be performed in a salon. This opinion is outdated; many cosmetologists can come to the client themselves and perform lip tattooing at home. Moreover, there is 1 simple method of this procedure that every woman can carry out independently. We will talk about the types of lip tattooing and the stages of home tattooing in our article today.

In cosmetology, there are 7 types of lip tattooing. We will look at each technique in more detail.

The first 6 types of tattooing must be carried out by a specialist who has a certificate of completion of a training course in the field of “Tattooing”. These techniques are considered to be minor surgical interventions, because... the pigment is injected under the skin using a needle. Every girl who wants to emphasize or correct the shape of her lips can undergo biotattooing.

Lip biotattooing is a safe alternative to conventional tattooing. Its main advantage is the absence of injury to the surface of the lips. The procedure itself is quite simple; its successful implementation depends on how accurately you follow the instructions for preparing and applying the coloring composition.

To perform lip biotattoo you will need:

  • Henna powder.
  • Boiled hot water.
  • Bowl for the composition.
  • Thin brush or wooden/cotton swab (if you want to color only the lip contour).
  • Vaseline or fatty cream.
  • Alcohol lotion or tonic.
  • Soft cloth or paper napkin.
  • Soft (preferably homemade) scrub.
  • Lip pencil.

Now let's look at the instructions for performing lip biotattooing at home.

  1. In order for the coloring composition to penetrate into the upper layer of the epidermis, you need to gently peel the skin of the lips. To do this, use scrubs with gentle exfoliating particles or prepare a home remedy from ground oatmeal or candied honey (read “How to make your own lip scrub”).
  2. Prepare henna according to the instructions on the package. To make the original shade lighter, dilute the henna in chamomile broth and add 3-5 g of turmeric. For the same purpose, you can mix white henna with chamomile decoction. To obtain a red tint, use Egyptian henna: it must be diluted with table vinegar and mixed with beetroot juice and madder powder. If you want to darken your lips, add black tea, green walnut shells or coffee. Note: the longer the henna infuses, the deeper and brighter its color will be.
  3. Degrease your lips with tonic or lotion.
  4. Outline the desired lip contour with a pencil, the line should be barely noticeable.
  5. Lubricate the skin around the lips with Vaseline or cream, this will protect the dermis from staining.
  6. Using a stick or brush, apply the prepared composition to the outline drawn with a pencil. Wipe off any excess that falls outside the contour immediately with a cloth or paper napkin.
  7. Leave the henna on for the right amount of time. For bright coloring, keep the composition for at least 40 minutes, for a dim but lasting effect you will need 25-30 minutes, for a trial procedure you need to leave the henna on your lips for 15 minutes.
  8. Remove the remaining henna with a napkin and rinse your lips with warm water.
  9. To prevent your lips from peeling and peeling, apply a balm to them.

After carrying out 1 biotattoo procedure, you will be able to independently determine the aging time of the coloring composition.

An alternative to the biotattoo procedure is tint marker for lips. It leaves no marks on fabrics or dishes, is applied like a regular gloss and remains on the lips for a long time. It is used as a regular lipstick, but after applying the composition, the lips look natural and become brighter and plumper. Tint markers can be purchased at any cosmetic store. They are produced by companies such as Lumene, Maybelline, The Saem, TonyMoly, A"PIEU, etc.

Henna on the lips will not last long. The pigment will be washed away due to daily procedures: washing, eating, applying gloss, lipsticks, balms, etc. To ensure that the result of biotattoo does not disappear after 2-4 days, try to avoid exposing your lips to high temperatures (solarium, sauna) and protect yourself from prolonged exposure to water, especially salty or chlorinated water.

Feedback after lip tattoo

If long-term permanent makeup and regular eyebrow dyeing are not suitable for you, biotattooing would be an excellent solution to highlight your eyebrows. Biotattooing has a number of advantages over other methods of eyebrow tinting. First of all, this method will appeal to those girls who like to change and take care of themselves.

What is biotattoo

Biotattooing is the coloring of eyebrows with special henna, which strengthens the hairs and gives the eyebrows the desired richness of tone after they have been properly dyed. This henna also heals the skin, making it possible to awaken dormant root follicles and tidy up thin and diseased hairs. When dyeing there is absolutely no discomfort, no allergies occur, and the hair and skin of the face are not injured.

Before and after eyebrow biotattoo

Today biotattooing can be done in beauty salons. The master will model the eyebrow shape that suits you, select the desired henna color and perform high-quality coloring.

Biotattoo may include the following range of services

  • selection of individual eyebrow shape;
  • hair removal using thread or tweezers;
  • henna dyeing;
  • spa treatment that enhances eyebrow growth;
  • Recommendations for eyebrow care.

Coloring stages

Before coloring begins, deep cleansing and exfoliation is done - this will help exfoliate dead skin cells. After which the eyebrows are degreased using alcohol-containing products (for example, tonic or hydrogen peroxide) - thanks to this, the henna will not be washed off for a long time after painting.

Before you start dyeing your eyebrows, do a test to check for allergic reactions to the henna composition. To do this, henna is applied to the elbow - the most sensitive place. If no rashes or redness are detected, the ready-made composition can be safely used.

The coloring composition is applied evenly: the color saturation of the eyebrows after painting them will directly depend on the thickness of the applied composition. A thicker layer of henna will give greater contrast.

Henna is kept on the eyebrows for an average of 30-40 minutes - this is exactly the time it takes for henna to convey all its beneficial properties.

While the henna is drying, if there is excessive discomfort, a small amount of euclyptus oil is applied to the eyebrows to avoid tightening the skin with henna.

Salon service cost

The cost of salon services varies in the price range from 500 to 2500 rubles, depending on what materials and biopigments will be used during biotattooing and how many services you choose from the list.

Benefits of biotattoo

The advantage of biotattooing is that henna is a natural dye that does not contain harmful chemical elements. All this has a beneficial effect on the growth and condition of the eyebrows: the hairs become noticeably thicker and more well-groomed, and the eyebrows acquire unprecedented volume, density and luxury.

Henna for biotattooing lasts for more than 6 weeks with proper care. As the contrast is gradually lost, to give new strength and richness to the hairs, a biotattoo correction is done, which is recommended every 2 weeks, and it is better to completely renew the eyebrows every month.

The history of biotattooing - where are its roots?

Bio tattooing is a tradition with a history of 5 thousand years, which came to us from North Africa and India.

In the East, painting with henna on the body is called mehendi and is a symbol of good luck for girls getting married. Usually, a girl’s hands (even palms and nails) and legs (ankles and feet) are painted with lace patterns.

Mehndi (Hindi मेहँदी, Urdu مہندی, also mehendi) - henna body painting

Henna is not only a safe organic dye: it also strengthens hair follicles, prevents hair loss, and makes their structure strong.

Drawing Mehendi

The art of mehendi has recently been gaining popularity in Russia, however, artists often move away from the symbolism of the design, simply painting different parts of the body. Despite its popularity, mehendi is still an exotic decoration.

The history of body decoration using a substance obtained from the leaves of non-thorny lavsonia dates back 5 thousand years. It originated in India and North Africa, where women put designs on their hands before the wedding. Later, beauties learned to use this dye to add expressiveness to their facial features by tinting their eyebrows. Today, natural makeup has become fashionable in Russia, and a new service for biotattooing lips with henna has appeared in beauty salons. To become better acquainted with the procedure, we recommend studying photos of the masters’ work.

Temporary make-up and its features

The paint that nature produces does not penetrate into the upper layers of the epidermis, which is typical for permanent cosmetic tattooing. Therefore, it is washed out from the eyebrow area in three weeks. It lasts even less in the mouth area, since there is constant moisture here.

But if you are afraid of pain, or have contraindications for long-term tattooing, then this coloring option is perfect for you.

It is very difficult to apply biotattoo to lips with simple Iranian henna. As a rule, the shade is barely noticeable or the pigment is not absorbed into the skin at all. A special marker has been developed for these purposes. This is a harmless way to create makeup. The variety of colors is amazing, there are as many of them as any lipstick. Every woman will be able to choose the right tone for herself. The holding time is several times longer than that of decorative cosmetics. In the photo this coloring looks beautiful.

A master can transform your natural shade, making the color more rich and sexy. There is also an excellent opportunity to create a 6d volume, in which the entire surface is covered with pigment. To work, several tones are used at once with smooth transitions between them. Using this technique you can create highlights and shades. Biotattoo on lips in 6d volume is recommended for women who naturally have a thin shape or an unclear contour.

Henna dyeing on this area of ​​the face should be done carefully.. Firstly, it is difficult to determine from a photo the exact color that will appear on the skin. You must first do a test on an inconspicuous area. It is especially important to do this for 6D drawings in order to know exactly which shades are best suited for the job. Secondly, the skin requires preliminary scrubbing, cleansing and preparation for good absorption of paint.

Why biotattooing with henna should be done by a master:

  1. Extensive experience working with natural dyes.
  2. Trained in special techniques for creating drawings.
  3. Knows the secrets of how to extend the life of makeup.
  4. There is a wide variety of colors in the arsenal.


Temporary makeup has many advantages over needle micropigmentation. This is a gentle procedure that can be performed even on people with serious illnesses.

Coloring using this method is absolutely harmless to health. There is no risk of contracting viral infections.


  1. No swelling or recovery period, even after applying 6d makeup.
  2. The skin is not damaged, therefore, unlike permanent tattooing, there is no peeling, crusting or color change.
  3. You can continue to lead your usual lifestyle.
  4. Suitable for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as the substances do not enter the bloodstream.
  5. Looks absolutely natural even in photos and in good lighting.

Among the disadvantages, it should be noted that biotattooing remains on the skin for a short period of time and requires careful care. To preserve color, it is recommended to refrain from visiting the pool and sauna. Do not use scrubbing skin care products on this area or treat with lotions and creams. To extend service life you need use almond and olive oil daily.

The procedure for creating makeup with natural dyes is winning more and more fans every day. It helps you stay well-groomed at any time of the day and under any conditions. Biotattoo on the lips looks very natural and relaxed in the photo. And thanks to the 6D henna effect, you can give yourself a gift in the form of a plump, seductive outline.

Many of us are not averse to decorating our body with a beautiful design, but not everyone can decide on a permanent tattoo. It is for lovers of temporary patterns on the body that there is a henna tattoo, which is applied to the skin without pain and disappears after a week or two. Such a drawn image is called a mehendi tattoo, and it came to us from Ancient Egypt, although many mistakenly consider its homeland to be India.

Mehendi is a henna painting on the body using mainly brown and black paints (sometimes white), and the peculiarity of this design is that it does not spread or imprint on clothes.

In addition, if you wish, you can easily make mehendi at home. How to draw henna on skin? How to properly dilute the herbal composition? How long does mehendi last? We will consider these and other questions in the article.

If you want to make mehendi at home, then you first need to prepare a paste, for which you will need henna powder, two tablespoons of granulated sugar, half a lemon and 130 ml of tea leaves. How to dilute henna and how to properly make mehendi paste at home? Here is the simplest and most accessible recipe for everyone:

It's important to note that Ready-made henna for mehendi cannot be stored for a long time - no more than two days in the refrigerator, after this period it is no longer advisable to use such a coloring agent.

Therefore, if you have not exactly decided on the time for drawing on the body, you should not prepare the paste in advance - it is better immediately before application.

How to apply a henna tattoo

After you have chosen the image for the tattoo, you can start painting with henna at home. To ensure a long-lasting temporary tattoo, it is important to apply henna correctly. How to do mehendi? Follow these step-by-step instructions:

Helpful advice: Do not touch the tip of the cone to the skin, keep it suspended. And if the image contains very thin lines, then they can be easily applied using a toothpick. Just dip it in paint and immediately transfer it to the drawing.

How to make a tattoo stencil

If you want to get an original image, you can make stencils for henna tattoos yourself. To do this, use adhesive film - simply cut out the pattern you need, stick the resulting sketch tightly onto the body and draw your exclusive design on the skin, which you will definitely not see on anyone else.

If the role of an artist is not for you, then simply purchase ready-made pictures with henna tattoos at home. They are easy to use: secure the template to the leather with tape and apply paint on top, making sure that all the slots are filled.

Then carefully remove the stencil, rinse it with water, but do not throw it away, it can be used more than once.

What color pattern can you achieve?

Henna designs on the body can come out in different shades - it depends on three nuances: the time the paste is kept, the skin’s reaction to the dye, and the place where the image is applied.

Immediately after removing the paint, the ornament will turn out to be a pale orange color; after 4-5 hours it will darken and become bright orange, and then after 2-3 days its shade will smoothly turn into a red-beige color.

Depending on your skin type, the final result of mehendi at home can be either deep red or dark brown. The brightest images appear on dense areas of the body (arms and legs).

How long does a henna tattoo last? It also depends on how your skin reacts and where you decide to draw the pattern. If we talk about the average period of time, then a henna tattoo on the stomach, on the back and under the chest lasts from three to seven days, and on the arms and legs - from one week to two. Then the paint gradually fades and disappears without leaving a trace on the skin.

What complications can there be?

Natural henna cannot cause any harm to healthy skin, since it is a plant material.

But in some cases (here we are talking about purchased paint) side effects may appear.

Complications arise if foreign dyes are added to a natural product, and then this can lead to allergic reactions. To avoid this, before using the purchased paste, you must carefully study the composition.

Complications can also make themselves felt if mehendi is painted on skin affected by psoriasis, eczema, seborrhea and other identical diseases.

In addition, side effects in the form of redness, peeling and even inflammation will sooner or later appear if you often apply a temporary henna tattoo to the same place - this is strictly forbidden, the skin should rest.

Mehendi painting on hand

Temporary henna tattoos on the hand are popular mainly among the fairer sex, since henna painting on the hands looks very gentle and feminine. Also, the fair half of humanity often prefers to draw henna tattoos on the palm and do mehendi on the wrist.

Moreover, special attention is paid to the meaning of the applied image. What henna tattoos on the hand are popular today? Let's highlight 4 of them.

  • Patterns. They mean luck on the personal front, love or romantic relationships.
  • Lotus. The flower of this beautiful plant is applied by those who need good luck in business.
  • Owl. A symbol of wisdom, it indicates the mental qualities of its owner.
  • Dream Catcher. It is believed that it protects against evil spirits and protects against damage and the evil eye.

White henna mehendi looks especially stylish; such patterns often attract girls and young ladies. Today, it is very fashionable for girls to make white henna designs on their hands; it symbolizes purity, which is why brides often use such patterns.

Mehendi painting on the leg

Henna tattoos on the leg are done not only by women, but also by men. Moreover, despite the fact that such designs are often hidden under clothing, special attention is also paid to the meaning of the applied ornaments.

In this case, it is not even the pattern itself that is important, but the area of ​​the leg on which it is applied, since it carries a certain meaning.

What do these places mean?

  • Left leg. An ornament on the left leg indicates that a person is looking for his place in life.
  • Right leg. The pattern on the right leg indicates confidence and determination.
  • Left foot. The pattern in this place indicates that the person lacks attention.
  • Right foot. The image in this area means selfish tendencies.

Mehendi painting on the body

You can draw mehendi not only on your hands and feet; henna inscriptions look beautiful on other parts of the body. For example, a henna tattoo on the neck looks very elegant, especially if it is not specific designs, but simple and at the same time stylish patterns.

Girls often choose small tattoos in Arabic or Indian style, where the emphasis is on floral motifs and flowing patterns. Sometimes white henna is used for these purposes for mehendi, but mainly for special occasions.

The back, stomach and chest area are also often painted, which looks very elegant. On the Internet you can find a large number of photos and videos with all kinds of sketches for temporary tattoos.

Mehendi painting for men

Representatives of the stronger sex are also not averse to decorating their bodies with original patterns and making mehendi at home. And if choosing a design for boys is not difficult, then for a guy choosing a suitable ornament is not so easy.

Men's henna designs should not be floral and sentimental - these are women's options. For example, if you need to draw a sleeve with henna, then it is better to choose an abstract composition with clear lines.

It is the hands that men most often choose to get a henna tattoo. Less often - legs, back, shoulders and forearms. Also, the stronger sex prefers to avoid small patterns, rightly believing that a man’s tattoo should be large in size.

We have looked at how to make mehendi, but in order for the design to remain clear and bright longer, it is necessary to properly care for it. And to extend the life of a temporary tattoo, it is important to follow certain rules.

Our advice will help you with this.

And finally: If you don’t want to prepare a paste for a temporary tattoo with your own hands or for some reason were unable to buy dry henna powder, just order ready-made paint on the Internet. One tube is enough for several patterns.

Video – Henna tattoo – Master class

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