From dark to light brown without lightening. How to dye your hair from black to light brown? Four easy ways

The decision to change the image is often accompanied by a radical change in hairstyle, and yesterday’s brunette becomes a blonde. However, in order for this step to bring only positive moments to life and not become an unexpected problem, dyeing dark hair light should be taken seriously.

What are the dangers of radically lightening black hair?

There are many ways you can achieve light color on dark hair. However, the incorrect, thoughtless use of dyes greatly harms the hair and scalp: the hair becomes dull and lifeless, brittle ends appear, and strands resemble tufts of straw. To avoid such disastrous consequences, select a dye based on the condition of the hair, its type and structure, and also follow the lightening procedure.

There are quite aggressive lightening agents on sale that can turn a brunette into a blonde in one application and solve the problem of radically changing the image. But having decided on such a drastic transformation, you should know that in the end you can get not only blond hair, but also completely burnt strands. You can try using this option with caution when you want to lighten the very ends of dark hair. In this case, they can always be cut off.

How to lighten hair at home

If you have dark hair that is not a natural color, but obtained as a result of coloring, it is optimal to use a wash to achieve a light shade. Washing works on dark-colored hair and will cause less damage to the hair than bleaching, especially if done by a professional at a hair salon.

At home, you can wash off the dark color from your hair with a special product or use improvised options: kefir, beer. Use industrial remover from the store strictly according to the instructions; the remover quickly gives maximum effect in removing dark paint, but its active components are unsafe for hair. Folk remedies will have to be used longer to remove the dark color, but the hair becomes stronger and its structure improves. Rinse your hair with kefir or beer 1-2 hours before washing your hair. Depending on the type of dye on the hair, the dark color fades in 1-1.5 months.

You can also use the so-called grandmother’s recipe as a wash. Take 150 grams of chamomile, pour a glass of boiling water, strain after 2 hours and dilute the broth with 60 grams of glycerin. Apply the resulting mixture to your hair and keep under the film for 2 hours, then rinse and rinse your hair thoroughly. After finishing removing the dark dye, if you are not satisfied with the natural shade and want even lighter curls, proceed to dyeing your hair blonde.

A gentle hair lightening option

If you need to get a hair color that is 1-2 shades lighter than the natural strand, you can immediately dye it without prior bleaching. This option is safer for hair. Painting is performed repeatedly, once every 3 weeks. In this case, the hair is dyed a couple of shades lighter. Please note that the paint is the same palette as the desired color. The coloring result will be visible after 3 or 4 times, so the desired shade can be obtained after 3 or 4 months.

If you have highlights on dark hair, then you can become lighter by using folk remedies. To do this, after each wash, rinse your hair with a decoction of chamomile. Repeat this procedure regularly for 1-2 months. To achieve results faster, mix chamomile and nettle in equal proportions and prepare a decoction for rinsing. Using this method, dark hair does not lighten much or quickly, but the curls do not deteriorate, but rather become stronger, look healthy and shiny. Not only highlighted, but also light brown strands lighten up very well.

How to bleach black hair as safely as possible

If you want to lighten your hair by more than 1-2 tones, you will have to remove your natural pigment by bleaching your hair. Therefore, radically dyeing dark hair white will have to be done in two stages: first, the hair is bleached, and then it is dyed in the desired shade. It is also advisable to entrust this difficult procedure to professionals, so as not to end up with completely damaged curls or an undesirable hair shade.

If you can’t visit a hairdresser, you can transform from a brunette to a blonde on your own. Purchase paint of the desired color and brightener. Study the instructions for both products and strictly follow them during the repainting process. Protect your hands with rubber gloves, and lubricate the skin of your face at the hairline with Vaseline.

Apply the lightener prepared according to the instructions to your hair so that there are no unpainted areas left. Treat the roots first, then the ends. It is advisable to have someone help you. Leave the product for the prescribed time.

Don't try to keep the lightener on longer for greater effect, even if it seems that it will be better. You risk burning your hair. Similarly, you should not use too aggressive preparations that lighten 8 tones at once, the result will be unpredictable. For safe coloring, products that make curls 3-4 shades lighter are suitable. If this lightening is not enough, you will have to do this procedure again after 1-2 weeks.

After obtaining a sufficiently light background, it is time to apply paint. But before the next exposure to active chemicals, your hair and scalp need to rest again. Wait about 2 weeks to allow your scalp and hair structure to recover a bit. During this period, treat your head every day with special nourishing balms and masks.

Prepare the coloring composition strictly according to the instructions and apply it to your head using a brush and a rare wooden comb. Work your hair from the ends, moving towards the roots, as evenly as possible. Leave the product for the required time and wash your hair with restorative shampoo. Dry your hair with a towel and dry without a hairdryer. Bleached hair requires increased care. Nourish them regularly with masks, oils and balms, do without hair dryers, curling irons and other negatively impacting devices.

Comment on the article "How to dye dark hair blonde"

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If you are a hot brunette, but are planning to change your image, don’t rush. Repainting from such a dark color is not an easy and usually lengthy process. And yet, changing your image is quite possible if you use proven methods.

What color should I repaint?

First, decide what color you want to get in the end. There are several options:

  • Repainting in is the most common and easy to do option. This color will not require numerous and aggressive procedures, since it is enough to lighten black by 2-3 tones. And the yellowish tint, which many are so afraid of, is quite appropriate on a chocolate color, so no additional manipulations are needed to remove it. In addition, the tone suits almost everyone, regardless of appearance type.
  • . If black is your natural color, then becoming a redhead is a dream come true, since natural pigments contain reddish notes, and this will only benefit you. The color can vary from copper to bright red, and if you want to get an interesting and rich tone, you will have to try and contact a specialist.
  • Graphite is an original color that you should be careful with. It resembles wet asphalt or the lead of a simple pencil, and can be quite light or approaching black. But, firstly, with the wrong shade, there is a risk of adding several years to your actual age and looking old-fashioned. Secondly, getting truly beautiful graphite is not easy.
  • Light brown. As a rule, organic-looking light brown is a natural color, and its peculiarity is the almost complete absence of yellow pigments. But for dark-haired girls it is extremely difficult to switch to such a tone, and sometimes it is simply unrealistic. Even if you manage to make your hair lighter, the reddishness will be visible in it. It can be removed by tinting, but its effect does not last long.
  • - radical changes, but brave representatives of the fair sex decide on them, although stylists and hairdressers strongly do not recommend doing this, and there are several reasons. The first is a very aggressive effect on curls. They will have to be lightened by 7-9 tones, and this can greatly damage the hair structure. The second reason: it is not always possible to achieve the desired tone; it often turns out yellow. Platinum or ash is practically a pipe dream. The third reason: a girl who has been a brunette all her life may feel uncomfortable in the image of a blonde.


So, how can you change your hair color from black to lighter? It’s worth noting right away that you won’t be able to get the desired result quickly, especially if the dark shade is not natural, obtained after dyeing with pigmented black dyes.

The hair will be lightened in any case, and how much depends on the desired tone. So, to get chocolate or chestnut, black changes by 1-3 tones, for red - by 3-4, for light brown - by 5-6, and for blonde - by 6-9. The main methods of repainting are discussed below.


Washing or pickling is a relatively gentle method of lightening, which allows, due to a not very concentrated oxidizing agent with a small percentage of acid, to slightly open the scales of the hair shafts and partially neutralize the pigments. But natural pigment substances are not completely removed: the structure becomes more rarefied and susceptible to coloring, which contributes to a change in tone and its retention.

The wash is preferable for unnatural black colours. It is advisable that the procedure be carried out by an experienced professional, although kits and products for home pickling are available for sale. Typically, washing involves several stages:

  1. Wash with a specialized cleansing shampoo that removes dirt and opens keratin scales.
  2. Drying hair. But they remain slightly damp.
  3. The combination of a reducing agent and a catalyst in the required proportions (specified in the instructions).
  4. Apply the composition and leave for the time specified in the instructions.
  5. water.


The natural black color can only be removed by bleaching. There are many bleaching agents, and professionals usually use powders: they quickly destroy pigments and penetrate the structure, speeding up the process to 20-30 minutes. But powders are not easy to use: only a specialist can achieve a uniform and attractive tone.

At home, cream paints are used. The action is more gentle, it is possible to use the products at home due to the convenient and uniform distribution. Professional creams lighten curls up to 7-8 tones, but it is recommended to split the process into two stages and lighten hair with gentle formulations with a break of two weeks.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies safely lighten dark hair, but the color will change by no more than 1-2 tones. But the curls will remain healthy and, perhaps, acquire an interesting shade.

  • . You can mix it with sea salt and apply it to your curls for half an hour twice a day until the desired shade is obtained.
  • Lemon juice. It is left on the hair for an hour and is used for rinsing after shampooing. Procedures are carried out daily.
  • Soda. Dissolve 10 tablespoons of powder in a glass of warm water, apply the mixture to your hair, wait an hour and wash your hair.

Coloring and toning

Tinting or dyeing is the final stage, that is, first, in any case, the hair will have to be bleached, since the dye will not take it or will not lie at all as desired.

When the base is prepared, you should proceed to choosing a coloring agent. The least aggressive shades are given by shampoos or tonics. But the effect of their use does not last long and disappears after 3-5 shampooing procedures.

The dyes are more durable, but it is advisable to choose gentle and ammonia-free ones, since your hair is probably not in the best condition after the preparation. And another important point is the right color. It is better to choose a product that is 1-2 shades lighter, since pigments penetrate deeper into bleached or washed hair, and the final shade is usually richer and darker.

The main question is how long should it take after preparation in the form of washing or bleaching? The curls need to be given time to recover so that the scales stick together and the structure returns to its normal state. The minimum period before staining is five or seven days.

Get rid of black color gradually and intelligently so that your hair remains attractive and healthy!

A modern woman can choose the hair color that she likes and with which she feels most attractive. At the same time, it is easier for owners of blond hair to change their image, while dark-haired women have to make a lot of effort to recolor their hair. How to change a dark color and not turn your curls into straw is a question that concerns many representatives of the fair sex.


  1. Try giving your dark hair some beautiful and trendy shades. This option is suitable for those who do not want to change the color of their hair to many tones, but simply want to update their image. Zamiac-free hair dyes perfectly refresh the color of dark curls and give them a dazzling shine.

    Tinted shampoos, balms and tonics are also used for these purposes. Tint products are washed off after a few washes, but they do not spoil the hair structure, because their coloring pigments are attached to the surface of the hair.

  2. If you decide to lighten your hair color a couple of shades, dye it with permanent dye. Using regular dye, you can only lighten the natural pigments of your hair.

    Therefore, the situation is more complicated with curls previously dyed dark. To make them lighter, you will need to bleach them first. This procedure mercilessly damages the hair structure, making it dry and brittle.

  3. To get rid of dark dye on your hair, have a color removal procedure done at your hairdresser. The remover can also be used at home, but it often requires more than one application of the composition to the hair to completely remove the dark color.

    The remover has a more gentle effect on the hair than hydrogen peroxide. It does not have a lightening effect and can only wash out artificial color from the hair. After rinsing, hair needs additional care and nutrition, since voids are formed inside it, previously filled with paint. Therefore, hair may appear thinner and weaker than before. With proper care they will recover quickly.

  4. If you want to radically change your dark hair color and become blonde, then you will need a pre-lightening procedure. If your color pigment is strong, you will have to bleach your hair twice, and only then tint it to the desired color.

    You should not experiment with such a complex chemical process at home. It is better to seek help from a professional hairdresser. By bleaching your hair at home, you risk being left without hair or getting a dirty yellow mop of dry, tow-like hair on your head.

  5. You can turn into a blonde gradually, using such types of professional coloring as highlighting, coloring and balayage.

    When highlighting, individual strands are lightened, creating the effect of blonde hair. Coloring is dyeing hair in several close shades (from 2 to 5), thereby creating a soft transition from dark to light hair. Baloyage is the lightening of only the ends, while the roots remain a natural shade.

How to dye your hair at home: principles of the process

Sometimes we want to change our image so much that we go for risky dyeing, radically change the color of our hair, but the result does not always evoke positive emotions. In this article you will learn how to dye your hair from white to light brown, from dark to light, and we will also look at many other options for changing your look.

Precautionary measures

If you have never encountered color correction before, it is better not to take risks and entrust your hair to a specialist. But if you still want to experiment with your curls, you need to know after how many days you can dye your hair a different color and what is better not to do.

A few tips to help you avoid the worst mistakes:

  1. Do not immediately dye artificially bleached hair black.. Before turning from blonde to brunette, you need to dye your white strands red. The price of time saved is a green hairstyle as a result.

  1. Do not try to lighten hair that is too dark if you have never experienced this procedure.. Improper use of lightening agents can lead to burnt strands that become lifeless and brittle, while healthy curls will take a very long time to grow.
  2. It is very important to know after what time you can dye your hair so as not to spoil it. Therefore, let’s say that you should not dye your curls more than once a day; wait at least a few days before repeating the procedure. Experts recommend recoloring your curls after at least a week.

Repainting options

Depending on whether your hair is darker or lighter, you can achieve the desired result in one or several stages. After reading this article, you can dye your curls with your own hands in the desired color.

How to dye dark hair

Dyeing your hair from a dark to a light shade is a very complex and time-consuming procedure, because you cannot paint over such a color. Transforming from a brunette to a blonde will not happen instantly.

To achieve the desired result, you will need several stages of getting rid of dark pigment.

You can do this in the following ways:

  1. Picking- a softer option for getting rid of dark pigment, done using a special “paint remover”. In one procedure, the strands will become 3-4 tones lighter. After obtaining the desired color, paint is applied to the curls a tone lighter than the desired shade.

Note! The remover cannot be used on strands dyed with henna or basma. This product is not capable of washing out henna, and the only solution is to wait for the curls to grow completely.

  1. Lightening- This process can be done using home remedies, but it is better to use professional preparations. The home method involves using shampoo and hydrogen peroxide (20%). To do this, the ingredients are mixed in equal quantities and applied to the curls until the desired color is obtained, then the curls are washed with water.

To determine what color you can dye your brown hair, you need to start from the natural shade of your hair. If your curls are naturally black or dark brown, a great option would be to lighten your hair a few shades. If you are a natural blonde, light brown and honey shades will look perfect.

How to dye red and red hair

Red and red pigment is firmly fixed in the strands, so such curls can be recolored only after bleaching. There will be no problems only if you plan to repaint it black, which will completely neutralize bright pigments.

How to dye red hair:

  1. Buy a special wash. If you are planning to dye your hair blonde or light brown, take a bleaching remover. If you want to get a dark color, then choose an acidic one, because it is more gentle.
  2. Apply the mixture to dry curls, spread over the entire length and put on a polyethylene cap.
  3. Hold the drug for 20-25 minutes. Rinse off with warm water and shampoo.

Advice! Do not keep the product for more than the specified time, as your hair may lose its healthy appearance after rinsing.

  1. Apply conditioner for damaged hair.
  2. Dye the strands with paint, but at least a day after washing.

Instructions on how to properly apply the remover:

  • test the product on one strand before starting bleaching;
  • do not apply the product if there is irritation on the scalp;
  • In case of contact with eyes, rinse them well with plenty of water;
  • the procedure must be carried out in a ventilated area and always wear gloves;
  • use only high-quality drugs.

How to dye blonde hair

The easiest way to get rid of a light shade is because such strands do not need to be lightened. How to dye your white hair and look good?

Despite the ease of removing the white shade of curls, even they have several nuances in the dyeing process:

  • You can’t immediately dye bleached curls in dark colors;
  • the chosen color should be in harmony with the skin tone;
  • For a short haircut, monochromatic coloring is best;
  • Experts advise owners of long, curly or wavy strands to do coloring that will emphasize the lines of the hairstyle and add playfulness to the image;
  • blondes with pale skin can dye their curls in dark shades, because this will make the image mysterious and unusual;
  • be careful with the choice of paint shades, because all the colors on the white curls will be saturated and bright.


You now know how to recolor your hair at home, so you can safely dye your curls and enjoy their new color. Don't forget that dyed hair requires special care, and if you follow all the rules, your hairstyle will delight you not only with a chic shade, but also with a healthy shine.

The video in this article will help you find out more visual information.

How to dye your hair from black to light brown? Four easy ways

It is very difficult to find at least one woman who has never dyed her hair in her life. Almost every representative of the fair sex managed to try different colors until she found the most suitable one. However, sometimes there comes a time when the color scheme you’ve been wearing for years just gets boring. And the question arises about how to return your natural hair color. Not every girl has the patience to grow her hair naturally. There are several simple ways to change your color from black to light brown.

1 way. There are special preparations based on blondoran that allow you to remove color from your hair. With the help of just such means, you can gradually return to your natural color. Sometimes it will take more than one procedure for the color to completely disappear from the hair. However, it should be remembered that washing is a procedure quite harmful to the health of hair. After it, you need to regularly use masks and balms that restore the structure of your curls so that they look healthy and alive.

Method 2. It is suitable for those who are wondering how to dye their hair from dark to light. In this case, you again need to wash it off using a special decolorant, and then do highlighting. This way you will get a very beautiful light color, but your hair will still require treatment. So don't forget about using restorative balms and masks.

3 way. Another option for changing your hair color from black to light brown is to use a shampoo that deeply cleanses your hair. This is a special product that works on the principle of washing off from previous methods. It acts gradually, after several washing procedures the color will noticeably fade, after which you can apply paint that is as close as possible to the natural color. This shampoo can be used before washing at the hairdresser or on your own.

4 way. There is an opinion that you can wash off hair dye using laundry soap. And all this without the use of various artificial drugs. However, this folk remedy is not suitable for every skin and hair type. So before you dye your hair from black to light brown in such an unusual way, you need to test your scalp for allergies.

If you do the washing yourself, you need to follow some rules. The remover is applied starting from the ends of the hair, and not from the roots, as is usually done when dyeing.

Since it is almost impossible to get light brown from a dark color right away, before changing your color from black to light brown, it is better to first switch to red. Usually, after washing off any dark color, the hair itself acquires a copper tint.

To prevent your hair from becoming an undesirable green shade when transitioning from black to light brown, it is better to highlight it after washing. And after lightening, you can repaint it in the desired natural shade.

Girls love to change and surprise their surroundings. A new wardrobe, makeup, hairstyle - sometimes this seems not enough, and the girl decides to radically change her hair color. Changing your color from a light to a dark shade is not difficult, but what do you want if you want to lighten up and turn from a brunette to a blonde?

It is important to know

If a girl wants to figure out how to dye her hair from dark to light, she needs to understand that this cannot happen in just one go. Lightening is a rather complicated and time-consuming procedure. You can, of course, try to change your color quickly, but it’s worth considering that this will be a huge stress for your hair. In addition, after such acts, you can put your hair in order for a long time, trying to cure damaged strands. The average number of procedures for repainting a lighter shade is 3-5. It is better to entrust the process itself to a good hairdresser rather than carry out all the steps at home.


If a girl is looking for a way to dye her hair from dark to light, she needs to know that today there are two main procedures: highlighting and recoloring. Each of them has its own advantages, and may or may not be suitable for a particular person.


The first method of dyeing hair from dark to light color, used by qualified hairdressers, is gradual lightening. This method is considered quite harsh; it is categorically not recommended for girls with brittle and thin hair. Its essence is that in a couple of stages over the course of about several months (the gentle option), a girl will have a lightener applied to her hair, and then her hair will be painted over in the desired color. When using this method, it is better to take various types of gentle products; this is the only way to maintain the shine and health of your hair. If a young lady wants to do the procedure at home and is looking for something to lighten the hair on her head, you need to know that it is better to use only modern cosmetics. You shouldn't use it like our grandmothers did - you can irrevocably damage your hair.


If a girl wants to repaint her hair to a lighter shade, we can recommend gradual repainting. The essence of the procedure is that each subsequent time the client will be painted in a lighter shade until she reaches the desired color. On average, this procedure requires about 5 sessions. The advantage of this method is that, unlike highlighting, you can do it yourself, at home, especially since today there is an excellent, easy-to-use hair dye - mousse.

If a girl with sick, brittle or dry hair is looking for a way to dye her hair from dark to light, the only thing a good specialist can advise her is to wait until the hair grows back on its own. Alternatively, you can try cutting your hair, trying on short haircuts.

If you decide to simply return to your color, professionals may recommend that you use modern paint removers that perfectly remove pigments from artificial dyes. The disadvantage of this method is that sometimes natural pigments can be washed away, making individual strands of hair colorless and lifeless. The advantage of this method is the ability to independently use such products at home.

Can a brunette go lighter? Maybe. It should be said right away that to transition to a lighter shade you will have to use a lightening powder.

Paint doesn't lighten paint

Is it possible to go lighter without bleaching or washing? If you have colored hair, the answer is clear - no. Remember, paint does not lighten paint. And in order to apply a lighter dye to your hair, you first need to pull off the dark color.

This procedure must be done with a powder (if you want to be 2 or more shades lighter) or a wash (when you need to lighten your hair one tone).

Remember, lightening and tightening the color will not necessarily damage your hair. It all depends on the literacy of the chosen specialist. Of course, after the procedure they will become a little drier, but good care will quickly return them to their excellent condition.

How to go lighter

The scheme for transitioning to a lighter tone is always the same: first, they will apply lightening powder to you, then they will tint your hair to give it the desired shade. The procedure is not cheap, but it guarantees results.

Another option is highlighting. It is considered more gentle, since it does not affect all the hair, and is capable of blurring the color by 2 tones. Please note that after highlighting, the hair also needs to be tinted with dye, otherwise it will be damaged and look untidy.

Is it possible to lighten your hair at home?

Often girls try to get out of dark colors at home. This is absolutely not worth doing.

As practice shows, lightening hair evenly on your own is a difficult task. In addition, there are often cases when different solutions are used on different areas of the hair so that the dark color goes away evenly.

Important: It is best to transition from dark to light shades smoothly to allow the hair to rest and recover.

Editor's experience

In search of my image, I often experimented and tried to find the hair color that I liked. During the search process, of course, I had to lighten my hair.

My latest transformation was driven by a desire for spring and change. It sounds, of course, banal, but it is true. This is what I came to my master with.

Initial data: Porous, wavy hair that is easily damaged. Color - chestnut.

What I wanted: lighten your hair by 2 tones, giving it a warm natural shade of medium tones.

In order not to injure already brittle hair, my master decided that we would not lighten the hair completely, but would do highlighting. Highlighting was done with powder using 6% oxidizing agent for the length and 3% oxidizing agent for the root zone, where my natural hair had already grown back.

I will say right away that my hair lends itself well to lightening. Therefore, there were no difficulties with this stage.

Next, they dried my hair and let it rest for 20 minutes. After that comes the toning stage. To ensure that the color was uniform, the master dyed with different formulas of dyes on the roots and along the length, since dyed hair is rarely lightened evenly.


About hair condition: The hair remained in good condition, there were no broken ends or dryness. Therefore, I am 100 percent satisfied with the result.

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