What is the knitted scarf called? Scarf as a fashionable clothing accessory and its types

Everyone without exception knows what a scarf is. But few people can name at least a couple of its varieties. In the understanding of most, a scarf is a long, narrow cloth that should be worn wrapped around the neck so as not to catch a cold. Initially, everything was exactly like this. But in the world of modern fashion, so many types of scarves have appeared that only a knowledgeable person can understand them and their purpose, in addition to providing warmth.

A little history

And it all started in China. about five centuries ago. Ancient warriors had to conduct military operations in areas where it was cold and piercing winds blew. And in order to preserve precious warmth and not catch a cold, they came up with the idea of ​​wrapping a small piece of cloth around the neck. According to archaeological scientists, these were the very first scarves, from where they began their victorious march around the world.

A little later, the same scraps of material were found among ancient Roman soldiers under their armor. It would seem, why do people living in climates where there was no severe cold need scarves? It’s just that they often had to go to war in countries with a much harsher climate than in their homeland. So they figured out how to escape the cold.

When new fabrics began to appear, this wardrobe element partially lost its practical use and turned into a stylish accessory. The first to realize that scarves have a great future; the French are recognized trendsetters.

And now scarves not only provide warmth, but also decorate. And they are worn not only in the cold season, but also in the summer. They can be very massive, made from thick yarn, or light, made from the finest fabric.

For those who do not want to lag behind fashion, it would be nice to learn to understand the types of scarves and their names.

This endless snood

The most popular type is a snood, or round scarf. Everyone probably knows what it is called, but more simply it is also called a clamp, pipe or “endless scarf”, because it has neither beginning nor end. It is made in the form of a ring.

Pros of snood:

This accessory can be made of cotton, linen and even silk for summer, and also knitted from thick yarn for winter. There are also snoods made of fur.

Infinity scarves come in a variety of colors and sizes: short and long, narrow and wide:

  • a long, narrow accessory can be wrapped around the neck several times or tied in various knots;
  • a short wide one acts as a collar, it stretches well and fits tightly;
  • a wide, long snood allows your imagination to run wild; this particular type can be worn around the neck, on the head as a hood, on the shoulders, and even made into a vest.

Thicker and warmer scarves are combined with outerwear: coat, jacket, fur coat. Lightweight fabric varieties can be worn with a jacket, turtleneck, or dress. In this case, they will play rather a decorative role.

The snood on the head looks original. Just twist it into a figure eight and fold it in half and you can put it on. The “knot” is usually placed at the front and can be decorated with a brooch.

What is a stole

It has long been considered a classic. This is a wide rectangle at least one and a half meters long. The accessory is made from both lightweight and denser materials. There are also fur stoles.

The color of this item of clothing can be absolutely any: dark and light, plain and multi-colored. Canvases with transitions of tones from lighter to darker look impressive. Depending on the structure of the fabric, the scarf can be worn in winter and summer.

It is suitable for warmth and as a beautiful decoration. You can wear a stole as:

  • scarf;
  • instead of a hat, draped over it like a hood;
  • draped over your shoulders when it's cool.

Sometimes it is called that - a scarf for the head and neck. When putting on such an accessory, it is worth considering that the stole itself is a spectacular decoration. This means that basic clothing should be of a discreet cut and color.

East is a delicate matter

It was from Arab culture that the arafat scarf came into the world of fashion. At home, this is predominantly a male attribute of clothing. They cover the head with it, and put a ring on top. The main function of a scarf is to protect from the bright sun and heat. Therefore, the main color is white.

Often the arafatka can be decorated with black or red squares. Classic models have black and white colors. Dimensions range from 100 X 100 to 110 X 110 cm.

The color can be any, but there is always the presence of black or white. Some models are decorated with fringe.

The wearing method is simple:

  1. Fold the scarf in half diagonally.
  2. Place a wide triangle on your chest.
  3. Twist the ends behind your back and throw them forward.

This type of scarf goes perfectly with casual or country style.

Baktus - scarf or scarf

Or a scarf in the form of a scarf? In short, it is a knitted or fabric scarf of a triangular shape. The longest side can be from 1 to 2 meters. They wear it like an arafat. A triangle on the chest with an angle downwards, and the ends wrap around the neck and hang down at the sides. It can also be draped over your head or shoulders. Or tie it in a triangle back like a shawl to keep your back warm.

Like all other types of scarves, bactus can be performed both in summer and winter versions. It is decorated with buttons, beads, pompoms or tassels.

Can be worn by both women and men. The accessory suits many clothing styles: classic, casual, boho, sporty. It all depends on the quality of workmanship and style.

Bacti crocheted from thin, delicate yarn look very original and romantic.

Sketch - a fashionable novelty for warmth

It appeared relatively recently, but has already caught the taste of fashionistas and fashionistas. This is a scarf made of soft warm fabric. In the middle it is sewn like a stand-up collar with a zipper, Velcro or other fastener. Put on over the head. When buttoned, it fits tightly around the throat, which is very important in extreme cold. The long ends on the sides can be beautifully and effectively draped or tied together.

When entering the room, there is no need to completely unwind and remove the scarf; you can simply unfasten the scarf. Relevant for both adults and children over seven years old.

Good old boa

It originated in the Renaissance as a spectacular accessory to dresses made of silk and velvet. Material for production - fur. In ancient times, only natural expensive fur of sable, arctic fox, marten, and mink was used. The boa was not just a decoration, but also an attribute of luxury and wealth. The more expensive the accessory, the higher the status of its owner.

Nowadays this wardrobe element is not so common. It is made from both natural and artificial fur. It is small in size, covering only the neck, less often the shoulders. Pairs perfectly with dresses in a classic business style, giving them romance and mystery.

Timeless classic

What about scarves from childhood? Narrow rectangles, the length of which was only enough to tie behind the back. They still remain relevant. They are still worn by both women and men. And in children's fashion they have no equal. No matter how cute and interesting fashionable items may look on kids, it’s better to climb through snowdrifts and slide downhill with your throat tied the old fashioned way.

In addition, simplicity in detail has always been valued in business and strict styles. And it is unlikely that anything will change in the near future.

Snood, stole, arafatka, scarf-hat - what is the name of this or that scarf, and whatever accessory you like, the main thing is that you are comfortable in it and that it emphasizes beauty, hiding flaws. Therefore, you need to approach your choice very responsibly, and then the item will bring true joy.

Attention, TODAY only!

Ask any woman or man, or even a child, what a scarf is, and most of them will give the correct answer. But only a few will name at least a few of its species. Basically, everyone believes that this accessory is worn around the neck. It is tied to insulate the throat. In fact, there are now so many types of this wardrobe element that only those who know a lot about them can tell you about the varieties of this accessory. Let's try to find out more about scarves too.

In the recent past, it was about five centuries ago, Chinese warriors, in order to protect their necks from the piercing wind in the cold areas where they had to fight, wrapped them with small pieces of fabric. Archaeological scientists believe that these were the prototypes of the first scarves.

Subsequently, they were discovered among the ancient Romans under their armor. It seems strange why they needed them where they lived. After all, on the territory of the Roman Empire there was always above-zero temperatures. But the warlike Romans often went to conquer new lands where the climate was cold. It was possible to catch a cold during the campaigns of conquest in such countries. And the brave Roman soldiers, not accustomed to the cold, to avoid catching a cold, for example, in the throat, scarves made of warm fabric were wrapped around the neck.

With the advent of new fabrics, this accessory, in addition to practical use, has become a fashionable part of people's clothing, especially women. Recognized trendsetters, the French, quickly realized that a simple accessory would in the future be in great demand and would gain its rightful place on the human body. This is what happened in the 20th century. The scarf is still popular in our century.. Moreover, all its varieties are difficult to list and characterize. And yet, let’s try to remember the most stylish and beautiful of them.

Gallery: types of knitted scarves (25 photos)

Upper body accessory

With the advent of new species, the scarf gradually “migrated” from the neck to the head and shoulders. First of all, women's. They began to sew it not only from fabric, but also to knit it from threads. Mostly wool. What now serves as material for an amazing thing that allows you to look beautiful, elegant, attractive. This:

You can “make” a magnificent thing yourself from “available” materials. Remember Ellochka from the comedy film “12 Chairs”, based on the novel of the same name by Ilf and Petrov. She managed to sew outfits for herself from anything that came to hand. Any woman can do the same, having looked somewhere for what and how to sew a now popular accessory. Or fantasize yourself and make your fantasy come true.

There are always many things in the house that have not been worn for a long time. It’s a shame to throw them away, so they lie in the closet unused. For example, old sweaters, T-shirts, tulle and much more. But you can use them to make a scarf that your friends will envy . And he will look stylish and attractive.

Scarf lovers did not limit themselves to wearing them only around their necks. Now it is fashionable and practical to wear this accessory on your head and shoulders. Women especially like to do this.

Scarf - headdress

Not everyone knows the head scarf, as it is called. Although it's not hard to guess. Here are some types of this wardrobe element, united by the word “snood”:

  • scarf-collar;
  • scarf-hood;
  • tube scarf;
  • scarf-hood.

The English word “snood” is translated into Russian in different ways, but in relation to scarves it means “pipe”. This most suits the shape of the accessory, which is a ring. Now we have an idea what a round scarf is and what it is called.

The collar, of course, does not sound quite decent for human clothing; the name is more suitable for horse “equipment”. But since the shape of the accessory resembles a clamp, it was given this name.

The material from which it is made is wool, the method is knitting. A knitted item is warm and beautiful. It can easily be given the desired shape, which is difficult to do with fur and fabric. In the cold season, it is convenient for women, especially young women, to wear a piece of clothing instead of a hat, which can serve as both a headdress and a scarf.

The hat can be a scarf-hood, a scarf-hood, or a scarf-pipe. They are put on over the head, one end is thrown over it, the other is placed on the shoulders. Indoors, outdoors, when it gets warmer, the upper part, used as a hat, is removed from the head to the shoulders. Convenient, practical, fashionable.

What scarves are worn on the neck and shoulders

Types of scarves and their names have appeared over many decades. The rapid growth of their “birth rate” occurred in the 20th century, but even in the current century, the demand for a popular wardrobe item is growing. Each person strives for individuality in clothing and does not want to be dressed like others. This also applies to scarves, so their production is growing. But there are many who knit them themselves, so that at least the color of their product, even if it is similar to existing models, stands out.

There are many names for scarves that insulate and decorate the neck and shoulders. The list is large, so we will present only the main wardrobe items that are most often used:

The classic look is a stole, which is a wide rectangular cape with fringe. You can wear it in different versions, numbering at least a dozen. Without any doubt, every woman has a stole in her wardrobe, lying not in the far corner of the closet, but in a visible place.

It is safe to say that the stole is the main type of scarf for men, because others are more suitable for women.

This type of scarf got its name “arafatka” in Arab countries. We will not remember the history of its appearance. It is worn mainly around the neck in a peculiar way by both women and men. The rectangular cloth of the scarf, shaped like a square, is folded in half to form a triangle. One of the corners is applied to the chest, the ends are crossed behind the back, and thrown forward, where they are tied with a knot, bow or other method.

The classic arafatka is painted black and white. However, now that this type of wardrobe element has become fashionable, it is painted in different combined colors. For example, black-violet, red-white, black-yellow, violet-white and others. By changing arafatkas of different colors, tying a knot in different ways, you can always look beautiful and extravagant.

Bactus is a triangular scarf, knitted from wool or sewn from fabric. It is tied in the same way as the arafatka.

Modernity and past

Some types of clothing items appeared in our wardrobe not so long ago, others came from past centuries. These are, for example:

  • sketch;
  • neckpiece;
  • shawl.

A long scarf made of soft fabric or knitted from wool, called a sketch, has appeared in the wardrobe of fashionistas and fashionistas quite recently. There is a slit in the middle where a zipper is sewn. By putting it over your head and fastening the zipper to the chin to the desired length, a person becomes warm and comfortable outside during the cold season. It is convenient to wear such an accessory indoors. If you don’t need to remove it, but just stay in it for a short time, just unfasten the zipper.

Not all fans of this popular wardrobe item remember the name of a short scarf made of fur, velvet, or silk. It only covers the neck. Less often they cover the neck and shoulders. This is a boa “born in the Renaissance.”

Without any doubt, the shawl is a classic scarf model, and one of the most exquisite ones. The shape of the shawl is similar to a scarf. It is usually worn on the shoulders, but is often used as a scarf wrapped around the neck. Women nowadays enjoy wearing them.

As you can see, of the types of scarves considered, it is difficult to classify them as men’s.

In the cold season, it is easy to emphasize your originality and originality in your image. Despite the rather dull and gloomy looks with outerwear, adding individuality and an interesting note to your appearance is not difficult due to the large selection of fashion accessories. And, of course, the most popular addition during the cold period has always been a scarf. This type of accessory will not only stylishly dilute your look, but will also provide comfort and warmth even in severe frosts. The big advantage of women's scarves on the modern market is the wide variety of original and stylish types of this accessory.

Types of scarves and their names

What models of scarves are not offered by designers today? In addition to the wide range of styles themselves, fashion designers successfully experiment with the choice of material and shape of products. Of course, standard long and narrow accessories are always popular. However, you will agree that the image will be much more interesting if you decorate it, for example, with a scarf in the form of a collar or an asymmetrical model. However, today there is an established list of the most popular and stylish accessories, which are also universal for everyday wear, evening wear, and business. Let's take a look at the most fashionable types of scarves, shall we?

Shawl. A light, wide model in the form of a long cloth or scarf has always been considered the most feminine and sophisticated. As a rule, women's shawls are made from mohair yarn, silk, cashmere, cotton, and synthetic materials.

Stole. This amazing type of women's scarf, despite its sophistication, is considered a fairly everyday item. A stole is a wide rectangular piece. Designers offer such models made of wool, cashmere, and fur. Fringes, frills along the edges, tassels and other hanging decor have become popular decorations for stoles.

Snood. This model has become the most fashionable and popular in the last few seasons. Snood is also considered one of the most practical and comfortable types of scarves, which added to its everyday character. This product can be made of cotton, wool, fur, fleece and is a seamless or stitched ring. A similar scarf is also known as a pipe or clamp.

Bactus. The most original and unusual is considered a scarf with two long ends tied around the neck. Bacti, as a rule, belong to hand-made works. This product is knitted from end to end with a smooth flare in the middle. Bactus can have the shape of a triangle or a semicircle.

In modern fashion, various accessories play an important role, and a scarf is one of them. There are many varieties of this accessory depending on the type of material and colors, and each of them has its own name and is intended for a specific image. With the right choice of this accessory, you can emphasize your individuality.

Now let's look at the variety of models available. Let's determine which of them can be worn with what, and what are the features of each of them.


The round one is called a narrow snood or collar. This accessory has the shape of a pipe and is made of large knitting. The snood can be worn around the neck over outer clothing or tucked under it. The collar can be worn by both women and men; it is an original accessory that emphasizes your sophistication.


This is a wide knitted collar, which is a closed ring, having neither beginning nor end. It is worn as a hood, covering the head, and the lower part covers the neck. This accessory is preferable to wear in the cold season.


A long snood is considered large, which can be worn around the neck, wrapped in several layers. You can also use it to cover your head in the form of a hood, and lay out the rest of it in beautiful folds, or wrap it around your neck in several layers, thus making a voluminous accessory on top of a coat or jacket. This option can be knitted or made of thin material. If the long snood is made of thin material, then it is also worn over the dress.

Men's is the same snood or collar, which has the shape of a pipe and can be either long or wide. Only men's collars differ from women's in color; they can be checkered, plain, or have prints. In most cases, men do not use the snood as a headdress; it serves more as a voluminous scarf around the neck.

With ring

With a ring - this is a fabric clamp, which is made from light, thin fabrics. This elegant accessory is worn in the summer, worn over a dress, covering the shoulders, or draped with a brooch or pin.

A headscarf can dilute your look, adding brightness or tenderness. The scarf is simply tied around the neck, in a knot. Basically, such an accessory serves as a decoration in spring or summer. However, you can also find variations suitable for an autumn coat.

Worn on the head, it is called a snood in winter and a stole in summer. A stole is a rectangular wide cape that can be thrown over the shoulders or wrapped around the head with knots and bunches. And the snood is used as a hat in the cold season, covering the head with it.

On a note!

You can make a snood or clamp yourself. Take a regular scarf and sew its ends, thereby turning it into a ring.

A long snood, which has the shape of a ring, is called a pipe. It may vary in the type of fabric it is made from and color. If you purchased a fleece snood, it fits around your neck and fits tightly; made of fur is used in the form of a shawl; and a regular tube scarf is worn around the neck and laid in two layers.

A scarf-hat has several names: a collar or snood, a stole, a scarf-hood. It covers your head like a hat, but at the same time covers your neck. It can be worn not only as a headdress, but also as a voluminous accessory. They come in fur, mohair, fleece, wool, and cashmere.

The feather model is called a “boa”. This accessory is not worn in everyday life, it is perfect for stage life. This type has found its use in theatrical productions, cabarets, and catwalk shows.

Boas weigh up to 200 grams and are made from fur, ostrich feathers, and swan's down.. It can be worn in different ways: thrown over one shoulder, worn around the neck or thrown over two shoulders.

Models that are worn on the face are called a snood or a collar. They are made from lightweight fabrics and are designed to be worn in spring or autumn. This accessory is mainly popular among men, who use it to cover half of their face. Models worn on the face have taken root in sports, Athletes wear them during training in cool weather.

Arafatka or bactus - this is what the triangle model is called. Arafatka differs from bactus in the material from which it is made, but they are the same in shape. If the arafatka is made of thin fabric, then the bactus is knitted. Arafatka and bactus are laid out at an angle in front, and the edges are thrown over the neck and tied. They also have different colors.

This type is called pareo. With its help, owners of such a light and flying accessory can wear it on their head or tie it on their body, thereby protecting their body from the scorching sun or hiding figure flaws. The pareo can be tied in any way you like, on the hips, in the form of a dress, etc. There are many colors available, from which you can choose the color that matches your swimsuit.

A model that is worn over the head is called a snood. It has neither beginning nor end. It can be either knitted or thin fabric.

Why is a scarf called a rose?

A fan scarf is called a rose. This flower is the main element of every fan's paraphernalia. When watching football or hockey, you can see how fans stretch the fabric over their heads, so this is a rose or rosette. One of the versions of the formation of this name is its origin from the word rossete, which means a ribbon or scarf, painted in the color of a sports club. Fans also throw the fabric up, holding one end, which symbolizes a blooming rose. This is where the name came from.

Now you can easily choose a scarf for all occasions.

Stylish men's scarves are very popular today, are in great demand and are actively used in everyday life by many representatives of the stronger half of humanity. Unfortunately, some men still consider this rectangular piece of fabric to be an exclusively feminine accessory and wear a scarf only to football matches or in the winter to avoid catching a cold.

In fact, wearing a men's scarf can not only provide warmth, but also to highlight an individual look. After all, men don't have many accessories at their disposal to go beyond traditional dressing styles. And if a thing effectively performs several functions at the same time, that is, it protects the neck from the cold or scorching sun and gives the appearance elegance - this is doubly good.

Various types of men's scarves appeared more than two thousand years ago and became especially widespread among the Chinese military. Moreover, few people know that in Ancient Rome, scarves were originally used as a means of combating sweat on hot days. In those days, the accessory served as a kind of marker that made it easy to separate rich people from poor members of society.

Today, the market offers a huge number of fashionable men's scarves in all colors of the rainbow, made from different materials and complemented with all kinds of patterns. All these points need to be taken into account when choosing a men's scarf, but first you need to understand what types of this wardrobe element exist in principle.


Types of scarves familiar to almost every man since childhood. Worn during the cold winter months to protect the neck from the frosty wind. The fabric is quite thick. Wool, cashmere and alpaca are used in production. Typically, a winter scarf does not contain any patterns and is made in a single soft color, although there are different options. The item is used mainly for practical purposes and less often as a fashion accessory.

Fashionable summer scarves for men are mainly worn as a stylish accessory, and not for protection from snow or wind. At the same time, to some extent they help prevent dust or sun rays from coming into contact with the skin. They are made mainly from cotton, linen and silk. Perfect for both casual style and business suit. Summer scarves are made in various colors, have interesting designs and many beautiful textures on the fabric.

Well-known clothing manufacturers produce high-quality sports scarves especially for athletes and simply lovers of active winter recreation. The item is made from a special mixture of materials with frost-resistant properties. The scarf has a specific round shape that cannot be unraveled or over-tightened. In addition, the accessory does not wrap around the neck like a regular scarf, which minimizes the risk of injury. The convenient design allows you to cover your nose, mouth and even ears from the cold wind.

The most popular types of men's scarves, which are equally suitable for informal and business attire. Accessories are made from different materials and are worn both in winter and summer. For the warm season, cotton, linen, satin, and pashmina are used in production. For cold weather - cashmere, wool, alpaca. Very often the fabrics are mixed. A classic, stylish scarf is used by men as a fashion accessory and for protection against adverse weather conditions.

Some types of men's scarves are made specifically for attending official events, where there is a strict dress code. The accessory perfectly complements a tuxedo or tailcoat. Primary colors are white and black or a combination of both. Usually the scarf is not tied around the neck, but one part is simply thrown over the shoulder.

Double-sided (reversible) scarves

A distinctive feature of a reversible scarf is the presence of different designs (colors, patterns) on the inner and outer sides, which harmoniously complement each other. It looks very stylish and elegant. Pairs with a classic coat and suit.

Currently, a men's scarf is one of the most fashionable and sought-after wardrobe items. Therefore, you should not stop at just one type. The item is worn in different climatic conditions. Worn both for formal events and during regular walks down the street. Learn how to tie a men's scarf correctly, feel comfortable and be stylish.

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