A gift for my father-in-law for the New Year. What to give your mother-in-law and father-in-law for the New Year

The discussion of mother-in-law gifts should begin with a short story that vividly describes the features of this relationship. After another holiday, a woman complained to her friend that her daughter-in-law had given her another useless thing - a porcelain owl, and she already had a whole collection of them, and there was nowhere to put them. This is the whole point of the problem: the daughter-in-law thought that her mother-in-law loved owls, because she already had several, so she decided to please with another exhibit. On the other hand, the mother-in-law, who first received an owl as a gift, placed it in a prominent place, which made it clear that she had sympathy for these birds.

One simple conversation could solve this problem once and for all, but no one came up with such an idea. To ensure that your gift does not become such a mistake and evokes positive emotions, you need very little - to have at least a rough idea of ​​​​the hobbies and tastes of your mother-in-law. An appropriate and relevant gift can mark the beginning of a healthy friendly relationship between you or reinforce an existing sympathy. You should always remember that your mother-in-law is your husband’s mother and this is her main merit.

An original gift for mother-in-law

The main thing with the originality of gift ideas is not to overdo it; you still need to be sure that they will be to your liking. In order not to make a mistake in your choice, you can consult with your husband, because he knows his mother better than anyone. The purpose of an original present for your mother-in-law is to pleasantly surprise her, not shock her. For example, a trip to a ski resort is unlikely to be greeted with enthusiasm by a person who does not tolerate the cold very well and is completely indifferent to skiing. At the same time, an active mother-in-law who leads a healthy lifestyle and is a sports fan does not need a timer for boiling eggs.

Thus, from the proposed list of original ideas, you should choose an option taking into account the characteristics of the temperament and personal preferences of the mother-in-law:

  • plant in a jar
  • New Year's photo crystal (souvenir with a transparent stone and an inserted photograph);
  • personalized glossy magazine;
  • “car slippers” with light;
  • ceramic Oscar figurine, Hollywood star;
  • “Have time to make a wish” set (includes two glasses, notepad, pen, matches);
  • personal calendar;
  • photo portrait on canvas;
  • newspaper "Pravda" with congratulations;
  • florarium;
  • personalized vase;
  • 3D figurine of a copy of the mother-in-law in miniature.

Also, unusual gifts include organizing a trip for the “winter holidays” - a vacation in a sanatorium with a health program, an excursion tour and a meeting of the mother-in-law with relatives or friends whom she has not seen for a long time.

What do mothers-in-law usually give for New Year?

The mother-in-law's gift does not have to be original and almost unique in its kind. Most, on the contrary, prefer practical gifts or cute trinkets. There are also collectors who will happily accept a new exhibit for their collection as a gift. Also, many people deny themselves something to please their children and grandchildren, so the New Year is a great opportunity to thank your mother-in-law for her care and attention by giving her some of these things.

1. Taking care of your health: a massage chair or cape, a warm blanket, an orthopedic pillow, a robe, a heated blanket, a rocking chair, a gift certificate for several massage sessions.
2. For beauty: a certificate for cosmetic procedures, a set of skin care products, a facial massager, and so on.
3. Dishes, kitchen utensils: tool sets, dinnerware, a set of good pots, a high-quality frying pan and others.
4. Household appliances: yogurt maker, bread maker, microwave, oven, vacuum cleaner, electric kettle, thermopot and so on.
5. Bed linen, textiles.
6. Accessories.
7. Costume jewelry, jewelry (earrings, pendant).
8. For hobby (yarn, canvas, microbeads, etc.).
9. Souvenir products.
10. Useful little things: candlesticks, table lamp, night light, wall clock and so on.

Also this holiday, a good gift for your mother-in-law would be a set of beautiful Christmas tree decorations or other New Year's decorations. A bouquet of fresh flowers is never superfluous, and in winter it gives a special mood, so you should not neglect them.

Delicious gifts for mother-in-law

Another traditional gift option that is worth considering separately is delicious gifts. These can be prepared separately if you have the appropriate culinary or pastry skills. Use the service of custom-made cake products or buy a ready-made product. Today we offer the following options for delicious gifts:

  • chocolate card;
  • New Year themed cakes;
  • sets of chocolate figures;
  • candies in boxes;
  • basket with fruits and various sweets;
  • elite tea or coffee;
  • New Year's set of sweets and champagne;
  • oriental sweets;
  • a set of cakes in the shape of New Year's characters and symbols;
  • delicious desserts.

This list can be safely supplemented by booking a table in a good restaurant, including one with foreign cuisine. In addition, organizing a New Year's romantic dinner for the father-in-law and mother-in-law with delicious dishes in a cozy restaurant is also a good idea to congratulate the husband's parents on the upcoming or already arrived holiday.

Memorable gifts for mother-in-law

A separate category that also deserves special attention is memorable gifts. These include all gifts associated with family traditions and items that serve as reminders of certain events or people. Suitable options include:

  • photographic portrait;
  • photo postcard;
  • creating a video with photos and/or videos;
  • family tree;
  • all kinds of “diplomas” and “certificates of good fortune”;
  • dishes depicting portraits of all family members;
  • personalized watches, engraved jewelry;
  • portrait on canvas;
  • personal calendar;
  • photo album with restored old photographs.

Video: What to give your mother-in-law for New Year 2018?

New Year's holidays always resemble a series of bustle, worries and problems. In this stream, it is very easy to lose the charm of the holiday, turning the search for gifts into a routine. We will try to help you avoid such a fate by offering tips on choosing a gift for a very important person - your mother-in-law! When deciding what we can give our mother-in-law for the New Year 2020, we are often lost from lack of information, because not everyone has a close and trusting relationship with this woman. Therefore, when choosing a surprise, it is important to take into account a lot of nuances. When choosing a surprise for your mother-in-law, you need to invest your good attitude, desire to please, and ingenuity. Also, take into account the requests and tastes of the mother-in-law herself. It is no secret that if there is agreement between the daughter-in-law and the mother-in-law, then everyone only benefits from this. It’s not difficult to please her with a New Year’s gift; you just need to set your priorities correctly. Therefore, try and choose something worthy!

Important It’s not enough to congratulate your husband’s mother on the New Year 2020 not only with a gift, but also to supplement it with your own poems or sincere, warm wishes. Such pleasant little things will greatly help strengthen family relationships.

Practical and useful gifts for your beloved mother-in-law

Is your mother-in-law classified as a practical person? Does she value healthy and traditional things? Great, then choosing a New Year’s surprise won’t take a lot of time and effort. There are just so many options! A cool idea is to tie the future gift to the theme of the upcoming holiday, for example, choose an item that symbolizes the coming year. By the way, a little hint: the symbol of 2020 is the White Rat, so a cute rat piggy bank will be an excellent addition to the main practical gift. So, options for the best practical gifts for mother-in-law for the New Year 2020:

  • functional multicooker has wonderful capabilities. This multifunctional item is very convenient and easy to use. When choosing it, you should pay attention to the following points: the number of different programs, the delay timer, the power, the volume of the bowl, the heating of ready-made dishes. A good multi-cooker can stew, bake, cook, and can. Your mother-in-law will definitely like this gift;
  • various glass ceramic dishes. It meets modern environmental requirements and can be used for a very long time without damage. This material has a lot of obvious advantages: a high degree of resistance to scratches, chips and high temperatures, a very beautiful appearance, and the ability to retain heat for a long time. It can be used without problems in microwaves, freezers, ovens;
  • bread machine– this modern device will produce delicious and aromatic bread. In specialized stores you can find devices that quickly and efficiently perform all functions - from kneading dough to baking finished products. Some models have the function of preparing muffins, delicious jams, and various desserts. When choosing, take into account the available number of programs: baking butter dough, yeast dough, etc.;
  • non-stick frying pan with a special multi-layer bottom. For maximum convenience, it is equipped with a handle that does not heat up. The multi-layer bottom significantly reduces the cooking time of all dishes, thereby preserving vitamins. When choosing this gift, give preference to options from well-known brands (preferably with a Teflon layer);
  • special machine - French press. This is a cool thing for brewing aromatic coffee or tea, as well as drinks from healthy aromatic herbs. The press has three parts: a glass vessel, a lid and a piston with a filter. Modern French presses are distinguished by their stylish design and ergonomics. Material of manufacture – durable plastic or stainless steel;
  • holiday dishes. A chic set, a luxurious flower vase - all this will be useful in the household and will appeal to the taste of a true lady. It’s great if you manage to find out in advance what kind of dishes your mother-in-law likes and make your choice based on her preferences and tastes;
  • natural bed linen. Such a useful surprise would never hurt in any home. The ideal choice for the coming 2020 is a set of white color, reflecting the character of the White Rat;
  • original figurine, a beautiful lamp, wickerwork - all this will be useful to a lover of home comfort who devotes a lot of time to decorating her home;
  • stylish textiles- curtains, an elegant tablecloth, fluffy towels, sofa pillows - these are also practical and useful household items as a New Year's gift;
  • air ionizer- an incredibly useful thing for modern housing, allowing you to make the atmosphere in the house healthy and beneficial for the body. Your mother-in-law will be sincerely grateful to you for taking care of her health.

On a note Remember that a Christmas present simply must look the part. So be sure to wrap your gift beautifully in bright paper with Christmas tree symbols or a themed ornament. You can complement the present for your mother-in-law with traditional champagne or a beautiful Christmas tree ball.

Surprises for good health and beauty of the mother-in-law

Such gifts should be chosen taking into account the interests, well-being and age of the spouse’s mother. Among them are the following options for a New Year's surprise:

  • aromatic set of bath or shower products- here is the answer to the question of how to buy a useful gift for your mother-in-law for the New Year 2020, spending a minimum of money and bringing maximum joy. An extraordinary composition with handmade soap is a great idea for a New Year's surprise;

  • subscription to the pool, fitness, massage. After such useful procedures, your mother-in-law will definitely feel more cheerful, and you are guaranteed gratitude as a very caring daughter-in-law;
  • a certificate to a SPA salon will give you a lot of pleasant emotions to any representative of the fair sex. However, you should choose the ideal procedure specifically for your beloved mother-in-law;
  • voucher to a holiday home or specialized sanatorium. This New Year's surprise will definitely suit your mother-in-law's taste.

Advice When choosing a beauty or health gift for 2020, don't overdo it. That is, a woman of advanced age should not be given radical chemical peeling; it is not a fact that her husband’s mother will still risk undergoing this procedure. Have you decided to present a trip for two to a sanatorium? Then check in advance whether the mother-in-law and father-in-law will be able to leave the city on these dates. In general, be extremely careful!

Delicious New Year's surprises for dear mother-in-law

A cool New Year's gift doesn't have to be practical or useful; you can also present something very tasty. So, ideas for a worthy gift for your mother-in-law for the New Year 2020:

  • a set of your favorite tea and coffee. Having studied the tastes and preferences of your relative in advance, select a drink ahead of time: rich black tea, aromatic green tea, etc. If your spouse’s mother prefers coffee, you can safely give this exquisite drink;

  • large set of various spices. Does a woman love to cook and at the same time actively uses spices, emphasizing the aroma of dishes? This means that your gift will definitely please her;
  • various sweets: macarons, candied dates, gourmet dark chocolate, etc. Such a pleasant delicacy in an impressive package will make the best impression;
  • New Year's cake made by you. Well, what mother-in-law doesn’t want her son’s wife to be a true hostess and feed him well? A cake created by you personally will certainly make your second mother happy!

And if you’ve already decided to give New Year’s sweets, be sure to complement them with a bottle of fine wine, cider or ale. This will make the atmosphere even more festive.

Interesting Present a delicious New Year's surprise in the form of a festive composition. You can make a beautiful tree out of sweets, and place spices in a basket decorated with New Year's garlands and fragrant spruce or pine branches.

Presents with care

With the help of a surprise you can demonstrate sincere care for a loved one. Following this principle, for the New Year 2020 you can give your mother-in-law:

  • comfortable orthopedic pillow, which makes it possible to forget about back pain;

  • soft natural cozy blanket guaranteeing a cozy and pleasant stay;
  • heating blanket, which will help you warm up while watching TV or reading your favorite book;
  • comfortable warm mittens. They will demonstrate how much you care about the well-being of your beloved and dear mother-in-law;
  • bathrobe worry about comfort after a bath or shower;
  • massage chair. This gift will help you relax and have a pleasant rest;
  • stylish handmade item(painted scarf, handkerchief) - how can such a gift not please a true woman?

Surprises for needlework

Does your mother-in-law really like to do needlework? Do you dream of surprising her with something from this area? Do you want to give your mother-in-law an interesting handicraft gift for New Year 2020? The choice is huge:

  • high-quality yarn for all types of knitting;
  • set of beads for weaving;
  • threads for hand embroidery;
  • a special set of satin ribbons of different shades and widths;
  • an exquisite box for various handicraft supplies;
  • high quality tailoring scissors.

Do not forget Choose something from our list, package it beautifully and attach a bright Christmas ball. The effect is guaranteed!

List of the best New Year's surprises for my husband's mother

Can't settle on anything specific? Then just check out the list of surprises below and choose the best option:

It’s not difficult to choose a really cool New Year’s gift for your mother-in-law; we’ve offered you a lot of good ideas! Choose a worthy item for your spouse’s mother and hand it over from the bottom of your heart with a feeling of gratitude! We also recommend buying, in addition to the gift for your mother-in-law for the New Year 2020, a box of chocolates and an elegant New Year's ball for the Christmas tree. These are already indispensable attributes of the New Year!

On the eve of the New Year holidays, everyone is preoccupied with choosing gifts for their loved ones and loved ones. A gift to your father-in-law and mother-in-law for the New Year should show respect and care, be pleasant and necessary. A souvenir with the symbol of 2017 - the Red Fire Rooster - will bring success in all areas of life, fill the house with vital energy, comfort and hard work.

Gifts for father-in-law and mother-in-law for the New Year

Christmas decorations. The New Year tree is an integral attribute of the winter holidays. Christmas tree decorations with the symbol of 2017 will bring good luck to your home. Cute toy cockerels or large balls with their image will look great on the Christmas tree.

New Year's wreath. On the eve of the New Year, it is traditional to hang a wreath of fir branches on the door of the house, decorated with ribbons, berries, and toys. Such a wreath will bring a special festive atmosphere to the home of loved ones.

Vacation package. The older generation often denies itself the joys of life for the benefit of loved ones. A trip to a ski resort, a sanatorium or an exciting excursion will delight your father-in-law and mother-in-law and bring them a wonderful vacation.

Consumer electronics. Every home has outdated electronics that need to be replaced with more modern and functional ones. A new model of washing machine, TV, vacuum cleaner, dishwasher or microwave oven will be a good gift idea.

Delicious surprise. When going to visit your father-in-law and mother-in-law, you can grab delicious gifts: oriental sweets, a birthday cake, a basket of exotic fruits, or a dish prepared by yourself. Such a surprise will be pleasant for loved ones and will serve as a wonderful treat for the table.

Painting. A large painting depicting a picturesque landscape, made in an interesting style, will be an excellent New Year's gift. It will decorate the interior of a bedroom or living room.

A set of bed linen. A set of high-quality bed linen will be a practical and pleasant gift. The father-in-law and mother-in-law will be able to enjoy using the new set or save it for when guests arrive.

Family photos. Family photos in original frames will serve as an inexpensive and warm gift. Happy photos of your loved ones will decorate your home and bring back pleasant memories.

Gifts for mother-in-law

Kitchen accessories. Cooking is a favorite pastime for women. A new baking tray or baking dish, containers for ingredients, non-stick frying pans, beautiful bowls or plates will take their rightful place in the housewife’s kitchen. With functional and beautiful kitchen accessories, everyday cooking will be a pleasure.

Bathrobe. A soft terry robe will serve as a pleasant gift. It will help keep you warm and comfortable after swimming.

Jewelry decoration. The jewelry will delight your mother-in-law. Elegant earrings, bracelet, brooch or necklace with a pendant will become a kind of talisman and memory of a loved one.

Gift for father in law

Sweater. In the winter season, you especially want warmth and comfort. A knitted warm sweater with an interesting pattern or design will serve as a solid gift for your father-in-law and a sign of care for a loved one.

Tackle for fishing. Fishing is a favorite pastime of men. Spinning rod, float tackle, feeder, bait or fish feeders, a case with accessories for tackle will serve as a great gift for an avid fisherman. If the father-in-law likes to get out into nature for a few days, then folding furniture, a tent, and a kettle for fish soup will be useful to him.

Car accessories. The motorist will appreciate car accessories: seat covers, new floor mats, navigator, radio, video recorder. He will feel more comfortable and confident behind the wheel of a car.

When choosing gifts for your father-in-law and mother-in-law for the New Year, you need to take into account their needs, interests and hobbies. Bright wrapping paper or a box with a large bow will help create the effect of surprise and surprise.

When a woman gets married, she acquires not only a husband, but also many more relatives. Ideally, the husband's mother should become a second mother for the young wife - loving, wise, understanding. In practice, unfortunately, this does not always happen.

However, the New Year is a great occasion to forget all existing differences and have fun with your family. In order not to overshadow the holiday, you should think in advance about what to give your mother-in-law for the New Year so that your husband’s mother is happy.

Rules for choosing a gift

To choose a good gift for your mother-in-law for the New Year, you need to remember what interests her. It is clear that mothers-in-law are different, so there is no universal advice on choosing a gift.

Unfortunately, not every husband can help in choosing a gift. Men are often extremely inattentive and cannot say exactly what exactly can please their mother. Therefore, many daughters-in-law have to take the initiative into their own hands.

If the mother-in-law is a young and active woman

It is clear that to young girls all people who are over 40 years old seem elderly. However, the mother-in-law herself, even if she is over 50, may well consider herself young. And she's absolutely right! Receiving the status of “mother-in-law” and “grandmother” does not turn a woman into an old lady who has no interests other than baking pies and knitting socks for her grandchildren.

Therefore, if your husband’s mother is active and takes care of her appearance, then you can give your beloved mother-in-law for the New Year:

  • a subscription to a swimming pool or fitness center;
  • certificate for spa treatments;
  • a certificate to a cosmetics store (and if the daughter-in-law knows exactly what products her mother-in-law uses, then you can give cosmetics - creams, lotions, etc.).

Many women adore jewelry, and even if the mother-in-law is already 60 years old, the love for beautiful “things” is unlikely to go away with age. Therefore, if funds allow, you can buy your husband’s mother a pendant, bracelet, or earrings. You just need to know what style the gift recipient prefers.

An excellent gift option for your mother-in-law could be a trip to a good sanatorium or holiday home. If a young family lives with the husband’s parents, then such a gift will allow the relatives to take a break from each other, separating for a while.

If the mother-in-law has hobbies

Daughters-in-law often forget that the mother-in-law is also a person, and how all people can have their own hobbies. And these hobbies are not limited to just sitting with the grandchildren.

When considering various gift ideas for your mother-in-law for the New Year, it’s worth remembering what your husband’s mother is interested in.

If she likes to do handicrafts, then kits for her hobby would be an excellent gift option. You can present the certificate to a craft store. The last option is especially good if the daughter-in-law does not share her mother-in-law’s hobbies and does not understand those “things” that the needlewoman needs to realize her ideas.

Does your husband's mom like to cook? In this case, you can choose some useful “gadgets” for the kitchen. Of course, it’s better not to buy pots and pans, as this is not the most successful New Year’s gift. But a set of rare spices will most likely be received with gratitude.

You can also donate some household appliances. A woman who is passionate about cooking will gladly accept a bread maker or multicooker as a gift.

Often older women enjoy spending time at the dacha, digging in the beds and carefully caring for the garden. If your mother-in-law likes to work “on the ground,” then you can give her the seeds of some rare flowers or choose a device to make work easier.

If your mother-in-law is over 70 years old, then you can choose things as a gift for her that will help maintain her health. These can be salt or aromatic lamps, various massagers, a tonometer on the wrist so that you can constantly monitor your blood pressure. Older people often get cold, so gifts such as an electric foot warmer or a cozy blanket will come in handy.

What to choose as a gift for your mother-in-law if everything is in the house and you can’t surprise your husband’s mother with any new household appliances or cosmetics? In this case, you should pay attention to interior decoration items. For example, you can purchase a painting lined with rhinestones on velvet. This is a beautiful and unusual gift. You can choose an image of the symbol of the year to make the gift truly New Year's.

Another good gift option is pleasant emotions. Buy your mother-in-law tickets to the theater, to an exhibition, to the Philharmonic Hall (depending on her hobbies), she will be happy with such a gift.

If the mother-in-law is potential

What can you give your future mother-in-law for the New Year? Indeed, in this case, the girl is unlikely to know the tastes and preferences of her groom’s mother.

It is best, of course, to turn to the groom for help; he should know what his mother likes. But if the future husband cannot advise anything useful, it is worth giving a neutral gift.

For example, you can put together a basket with tea, coffee and sweets. This gift looks beautiful and is quite practical, since almost all people periodically eat chocolate and drink tea or coffee. It will be great if the groom can tell what brand of coffee and tea leaves his mother prefers.

Since the gift is being chosen for the New Year, it is quite appropriate to buy a bottle of good champagne or wine, and complement the gift with the most New Year's fruit - tangerines.

You can buy a nice New Year's tablecloth as a gift for your potential mother-in-law; this item can be immediately used when setting the festive table.

If the bride wants to demonstrate her talents, then she can give the groom’s mother a personally baked cake or pie, or make some unusual salad or aspic.

If your budget is small

On the eve of the New Year, there are a lot of expenses, you need to buy food for the feast, buy gifts for friends and relatives. The budget of a young family often finds it difficult to support such expenses, especially if a child has recently been born and the wife is on maternity leave.

If you don’t have a lot of money, you need to choose gifts especially carefully, especially if we are talking about a New Year’s gift for your mother-in-law. The gift can be inexpensive, but chosen with soul and taking into account the interests of the recipient.

Homemade gifts will be inexpensive, but the mother-in-law will be pleased to receive them, because it will be clear that the daughter-in-law was thinking about her husband’s mother and trying to please her.

If your daughter-in-law knows how to knit, then you can make cute mittens, a scarf or warm soft socks for your husband’s mother with your own hands. Are you into embroidery? You can embroider borders on kitchen towels or create a whole picture by placing the embroidery in a frame under glass.

If you have no talent in needlework, you can make memorable inexpensive gifts with family photos. If the mother-in-law adores her grandchildren, then as a gift you can prepare a calendar for the next year, the pages of which are decorated with photographs of the kids.

To choose a good gift for your husband’s mother, you need to take into account her interests. Don’t put off buying gifts until the last day; in the pre-holiday bustle it’s difficult to choose something worthwhile.

The spouse's parents should be congratulated on the winter holidays not only with words or a postcard. Gifts for the New Year will help strengthen relationships and will be a pleasant surprise not only for the mother-in-law, father-in-law, but also for the wife’s husband, who takes care of his parents.

A little tip for women who are thinking about what to give their mother-in-law for New Year and Christmas. Ideas for worthy gifts for mother-in-law, father-in-law, as well as options for practical joint gifts for the parents-in-law.

What to give your mother-in-law for New Year 2016

A gift for New Year's Eve should leave a pleasant impression. Therefore, when choosing, you should take into account the preferences of the second mother, character, age, hobbies and interests. A gift for the husband's parents on New Year's Eve must be original.

  • Basket of sweets. If your mother-in-law has a sweet tooth, a small basket with various delicacies will come in handy. Show your imagination and decorate the gift in an original way, for example, by making an unusual bouquet of sweets. Such a gift would also be suitable for a future mother-in-law.
  • Analyze your mother-in-law’s preferences and lifestyle and choose a gift for New Year’s Eve depending on her interests and hobbies. For example, if your husband’s mother enjoys cooking, you can give him ceramic pots for baking. And for a mother-in-law who loves to embroider or knit, you can present an original box for storing threads, needles and other accessories.
  • If you want to give your mother-in-law a more expensive surprise, buy some household appliances: a bread maker, a steamer, a multicooker, an electric meat grinder, and so on.

When choosing a gift for your mother-in-law, it is important to show all your ingenuity, ingenuity, and also take into account the character, age and hobbies of your husband’s mother.

What to give your mother-in-law for New Year if your budget is limited

Many people, especially young people, are often concerned with the question of what to give their mother-in-law for the New Year if money is tight? Lack of funds is not an obstacle to giving your husband’s mother an original, useful gift:

  1. a modest bouquet of flowers with an original postcard attached;
  2. small home decoration items, exotic holiday themed souvenirs;
  3. cute women's trinkets: silk scarf, belt, wallet, cosmetic bag, lipstick;
  4. ticket to the theater, to an exhibition.

If it’s difficult to choose a gift for your mother-in-law on your own, you need to consult with your husband. He knows his mother’s tastes like no one else, so he can give practical advice on what to give to his parents on New Year’s Eve. The main rule is that the choice must be made with soul, then the gift will bring joy.

What to give your father-in-law for New Year 2016

It is much easier to choose a gift for your father-in-law if he drives a car. In this case, depending on the budget, one of the following gift options will be perfect:

  • a set of tools for the car;
  • seat covers;
  • vacuum cleaner for car;
  • organizer for all sorts of little things;
  • massage cape and more.

If your husband's father loves to fish, you can give fishing accessories, but this cannot be done without the help of your husband. A good gift would be a set for cutting fish or a thermos. A souvenir set of knives can be a good present for a hunter.

If your father-in-law likes to play board games, you can buy backgammon, checkers or chess. Men always use shaving products, so you can also buy a quality shaving kit.

General New Year gift for husband's parents

If you are in doubt about what to give your mother-in-law and father-in-law for the New Year, you can give an original shared gift.

The general presentation should be useful. Most likely, the husband’s parents are no longer young, so you can buy a massage mat for the bathroom and orthopedic pillows. If your husband's parents read, you can choose an original table lamp. Sleeping items, for example:

  • bedding set;
  • a warm blanket;
  • plaid.

If the husband's parents have a dacha, then the choice of gift is somewhat easier. As they say, sleighs are prepared in the summer, and dacha attributes are prepared in the winter. A good gift would be:

  • grill, barbecue, grill set;
  • a sun lounger and a hammock - the husband’s parents not only need to work on the site, but also relax.

A gift to the husband's parents should not be intimate. You cannot give underwear, tights, or a nightgown. You need to give neutral, useful and functional things, without a personal aspect.

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