Sewing a gnome costume pattern. DIY gnome costume options

A gnome costume is an integral attribute of almost every boy's childhood. Various family photographs remind us of this. In kindergartens, children dress up as different characters, but the gnome costume will always remain universal.

It is advisable to approach the creation of a gnome costume more thoroughly. To do this, you need to read the fairy tale about Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and watch cartoons (Soviet and Disney). Discuss the characters and their costumes. If the child likes one of the characters, then you can add a distinctive element of the chosen gnome to the image.

Details of the gnome costume

Top of the suit. You can choose a colored plain shirt. Cut and sew the vest from an old checkered plaid.

Be sure to have a belt with a large buckle. You can take your grandmother’s brooch, or you can make it yourself from cardboard and foil. Then decorate with beads or buttons.

The cap can be sewn with a long flap, and cotton wool can be inserted into it. For versatility of the headdress, you can insert an elastic band into the edge. Choose fabric at home: from a flannelette T-shirt, knitted sweater. The main thing in a cap is color. You can decorate with artificial curls made of threads and a beard with an elastic band.

The nose is made of a piece of foam rubber with a thin elastic band.

Bottom of the suit. You don’t have to sew, but take any ready-made pants. Even a small size will look better if you decorate the bottom with a ribbon and bow.

Shoes. Any shoes, and fasten cardboard buckles on top, into which insert bows made of ribbons or crumpled paper.

A mandatory attribute of a gnome are striped knee socks.

Makeup. It is permissible for a little gnome to improve his costume by tinting his cheeks and nose with blush.

In their hands the gnomes carried a stick with a bundle. You can also do it yourself. First clean the stick, and form a knot from fabric and newspapers (cotton wool) in the middle.

DIY gnome costume Our son’s first costume was this one and he consciously put it on at the age of 2. And since the pattern was universal, the outfit was also useful for 3 years. As my son grew older, we created other costumes to help him play different characters.

How we made a gnome costume

1. The pattern for a gnome costume (for children 2-4 years old) was drawn according to this drawing.

Dwarf costume pattern

2. Calculated the fabric consumption. This is the length of the pants + 8cm (allowance) + vest length + 2cm (allowance) = 45+8+30+2= 85cm. Can be rounded to the nearest meter with a fabric width of 1.5 m.

To decorate the edges of the vest and cap, we chose strips of fur 4 cm wide (including allowance) and length 0.36 + 0.50 + 0.05 + 0.36 + 0.36 + 1.45 = 3.08 m ~ 3.2 m. If the width of the fur fabric is 1.5 m, then 12 cm will be required. It's better to buy a little more right away.

3. We chose the material: blue stretch velvet, white synthetic fur. I also needed a thin ribbon (0.5 m) for tying the vest and an elastic band.

4. When cutting, take into account the direction of the warp thread. It runs along the edge. In the drawing it is indicated by a double-sided arrow. Allowances along the contour of the parts are 1 cm. Only at the top and bottom of the pants - 4 cm (for elastic).

5. Sewed pants

(a) Fold each piece separately face to face and sweep away the trouser legs. We stitched, took out the basting and finished the edges.

(b) Fold the pieces face to face, placing one trouser leg inside the other. They swept along the seat line, stitched, took out the basting and processed the cuts.

(c) Finish the top and bottom of the trousers with a hem seam, leaving a 1.5-2cm wide “passage” for the elastic.

(d) Insert the elastic.

By the way, the pants came in handy in the future when creating a musketeer costume.

6. Sewed a vest

(a) Place the front of the vest over the back, matching the shoulder and side seams. They basted, stitched, took out the basting and processed the cuts.

(b) Sew on the ties.

(c) Trim along the contour of the vest and along the armhole line with fur strips.

Finishing the edge of the part with a strip of fur7. Sewing a cap

(a) Sew a tail from a small piece of fur onto the edge of the cap.

(b) Fold face down along the side seam. Baste, stitch, remove the basting and process the cuts.

(c) Finish the edge of the cap with a strip of fur (see sewing a vest).

8. Sewing mittens

(a) Place the pieces on the finger face to face. Sew along the contour. Turn out.

(b) Place your finger between two parts: top and bottom. Sew along the joining line, but not in the place of the finger (the finger won’t fit if you sew it together). You can hand sew finger parts to one part and to another.

(c) Place the mitten pieces face to face and sew along the outline. Process the cuts.

(d) Finish the edges of the mittens with strips of fur. There is also the option of finishing the edge with an elastic band or bias tape.

The idea for our costume was taken from purchased kits. Dressed for the holiday with white tights and a turtleneck. In this ensemble, the gnome costume looks more elegant.

Children love to dress up as various characters from films and cartoons. One of these characters is a gnome. But what to do if you buy ready-made suit problematic? In this case, you can sew a gnome costume with your own hands! For sewing any costume they can be used as a sample so as not to waste extra time on measurements.

The gnome costume is more suitable for boys, however, with the proper approach it can also be worn on girls looks good.

The complete suit consists of the following main parts:

  • shirt or jacket/T-shirt;
  • vest;
  • panties or shorts with knee socks/skirt with tights;
  • shoes;
  • cap;
  • belt and other accessories - optional.

You probably already have everyday items for your child in your wardrobe. . For sewing any costume they can be used as a sample so as not to waste extra time on measurements. The gnome pattern will be very useful if you have things that are a pity to throw away and are irrelevant to wear.

Gallery: DIY gnome costume (25 photos)

How to sew a shirt and vest

Any existing shirt is taken as a basis and applied to the fabric. Next, you need to lightly outline with chalk, adding 5–7 cm each, except for the bottom (it should be extended by 14–15 cm). To put a thing on a child without effort and hassle, the neck should be large. According to the same scheme the jacket is also made.

It is better to use the largest and brightest buttons. The pattern for a girl is made according to the same principle. But you can use any bright T-shirt for these purposes, and “fantastic” will be added by accessories.

Sewing a vest is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. If you make the size too large, the vest will sag or fall off. However, such a mistake is easily compensated for by bandages and laces. The pattern is made as for a shirt, but the fabric should be thicker. The parts are sewn together from the inside. On the overlocker, the cut edges are processed and stitched, first tucking them in 1-2 layers.

For boys, two options are more suitable: just pants or shorts with socks. The second option is preferable, because it will look more impressive. You also need to attach it to the fabric, trace it, add about 5 cm, cut out 2 such parts, sew and insert an elastic band.

Girls are better do not use a skirt with colored tights or knee socks. The option of using shorts with a skirt is also suitable.

Dwarven shoes

Shoes for the gnome costume are made from special thick fabric. Felt plays its role. When choosing a theme, by and large, it doesn’t matter what color the base of the shoe will be, be it a New Year’s shoe or a regular one. In both cases, red bells are added so that on New Year's Day the shoes look as good as for another holiday.

Here are two main options with photos and pattern diagrams:

Making a cap

The gnome's headdress is very easy to make: first, measure the head with a thread, fold it in half and apply it to the fabric. Next, you need to add a few centimeters to it turned out to be the base of the cap. Then two such triangles are cut out, sewn together and the cap is equipped with an elastic band. The bell at the tip of the cap can be made red so that it suits the New Year holidays.

Gnome accessories

Various decorations will give your child an unusual and fabulous look. These include:

  • beard;
  • belt;
  • a handbag on a belt or on a shoulder;
  • headbands, flowers, ribbons, etc.

Creating a costume is a creative endeavor, so don’t be afraid experiment and invent something of your own.

A beard can be made from thick white threads and equip it with an elastic band. The beard will also come in handy for the New Year's Santa Claus costume. A small handbag is often present in girls' wardrobes. It can be decorated with magical attributes, decorated with dragonflies, butterflies or flowers. The bag will become more magical if you put homemade jars of potions or gems in it. Girls can use wrist bracelets and bows.

The belt can be made in several versions, differing in the type of fastening: with buttons, simply tied, etc. There are other uses for the belt - tie it around a child in the shape of the letter “x”, having previously equipped the belt pockets for small items.

Felt gnome toy

To add atmosphere to the party, you can make a toy in the shape of a small gnome and place it in a prominent place. To make it you will need two basic materials - paper and felt, the rest can be used from improvised means.

First you need to make a cone out of paper, which will form the basis of the toy. Then trim it, this will be the main suit. The top will become a cap, so you can sew another small cone on it with or without protrusions along the edges. Then we make a beard, face, patterns as desired.

We sew handles separately. The hand is sewn from 2 parts in the form of an oval. Afterwards, you can proceed to such elements as buttons on the suit, eyes, nose, etc. For this, you can use the buttons themselves, beads or any suitable materials.

When creating shoes, you should remember that excessive freedom of the legs will only interfere with the child’s walking. This applies, first of all, to those shoes with a long toe. The caps and some attributes of the gnome do not have to be made of fabric. More practical materials are plastic, paper or cardboard, etc. They are suitable for making small items.

With proper skill, you can make your own unique “2 in 1” costume, where by turning the clothes inside out, the child will receive a different color of the item. Other accessories can also be replaced with a different color - bells, headbands, etc. This approach will allow you to use the costume on summer and winter holidays. When choosing the color of the fabric, you can especially don't bother if the choice is small. After all, gnomes are fairy-tale creatures, which means they can dress however they want.

The gnome costume can be used several times, spending a little time and saving money. You can wear a suit for New Year, birthday and other fun holidays. With the right amount of imagination, a costume can also be made for adults to diversify family life. In this case, an additional Snow White costume will come in handy.

Preparing a child to participate in the New Year's party is a separate page in the life of parents. The need to create a carnival image is especially depressing. Use the recommendations and make an interesting New Year's costume for a boy with your own hands.

It’s not difficult to make New Year’s costumes for children yourself if you have an idea of ​​what kind of hero the child wants to be. Depending on this, parents select an ensemble.

Many mothers and grandmothers are frightened by the need to make New Year's costumes with their own hands. Therefore, we will try to dispel these fears by offering beautiful New Year costumes that are easy to make. At the same time, the outfit will look festive and original.

We present outfits that will suit boys of different age categories - from the youngest to preschool and primary school children. The beauty is that the proposed New Year's costumes are easy to make with your own hands:


Every mother sees a little gnome in her baby. Invite a 2-3 year old child to play this role.

To make your own gnome costume, use:

  • a bright colored shirt or striped sweatshirt;
  • bright breeches;
  • striped tights (it is desirable that the pattern repeats or harmonizes with the stripes on the shirt);
  • vest;
  • belt with wide buckle.

Cover the vest and breeches with New Year's rain or a voluminous garland. If there is no vest, then simply sew it from a bright plain fabric.

You will have to do the rest of the toilet parts yourself:

  1. The cap is from an old sports jacket:
  • choose the brightest color;
  • open the jacket at the seams;
  • make a pattern from the back of the jacket according to the proposed pattern;
  • sew a headdress;
  • Sew an elastic band from a jacket to the bottom of the cap. This way it will stay better on the baby’s head;
  • sew a pompom made from a voluminous New Year's garland to the tip of the cap;
  • cover the headdress with rain.
  1. Shoes. Try to make the baby's image bright. Use the tails or sleeves of a sports jacket. They can be contrasting or plain, but always catchy:
  • using the proposed diagram, make an individual pattern, focusing on the child’s foot (if you plan to put the shoe on shoes, then they will be the size guide);
  • sew;
  • decorate with beads and rain.

You can cover white shoes with rain. They will also look elegant, but not as impressive as the real shoes of a fairy-tale gnome.

Don't forget to paint the gnome's cheeks and put a few glitter freckles on his nose. Voila - the look is complete!


New Year's costumes for kids are easy to create, especially when they reflect the true nature of the little tomboy. Next in line is the image of a corsair and ruler of the seas. It is perfect for older boys - 4–5 years old. They will love wearing a sword or pirate cutlass - a must-have accessory. Children of this age will try to make sure that she does not disturb them during games.

It is very easy to make a pirate costume with your own hands. For this you will need:

  • White shirt;
  • black breeches;
  • black vest;
  • white socks or tights;
  • black shoes (Czech shoes).

You will have to work some magic on them to make them elegant, and make the rest of the accessories yourself.

To turn ordinary things into a pirate costume, follow these steps:

  1. Decorate the shirt with lace.

Sea wolves are passionate fashionistas. Their shirts were always decorated with frills and lace. To get closer to the original image of a corsair:

  • take an old white shirt (if the sleeves are short, then this is only a plus);
  • roll the collar inward, if it is not too hard, or better yet, open it;
  • measure double the length of the neck circumference from a skein of wide lace or cut a strip of this length from guipure (cut width - 20–25 cm);
  • gather the lace on a thread so that it is fluffy;
  • sew it to the neck;
  • Sew a white satin ribbon along the top of the seam. It will cover the joints and act as ties;
  • measure the circumference of the shirt cuffs and cut two such lengths from the lace;
  • string the lace onto a thread and sew it to or over the cuff.
  1. Work on your pants. They should be loose, just below the knee. At the bottom, gather them with an elastic band.
  2. Pick up a black vest and a wide red ribbon, which is used to tie the child’s belt twice. Be sure to tuck your saber and pistols into your belt.
  3. Choose black shoes. Decorate them with New Year's rain.
  4. Tie a themed bandana with a pirate symbol on your head.

If you wish, make a cocked hat from black fabric. Take a small piece of black cloth and gelatinize it: dissolve 2 tbsp in 500 ml of hot water. l. gelatin, leave it to swell, dip the fabric in it for 40 minutes, then dry and iron.

  • measure the child's head and add 2 cm of allowance to this number - this is the bottom of the hat;
  • cut a rectangular piece, the long part of which is the volume of the child’s head and 2 cm of allowance, and the short part is the desired depth of the headdress. This will be the crown;
  • make the margins: the circle in the middle is the volume of the head, the width of the margins is 10 cm.
  • sew all the details;
  • Sew the fields at the front and back to the crown;
  • Applique the pirate symbol in front.

The image is completed if you hang a telescope over your shoulder and draw a dapper mustache.


This image will appeal to boys over 4 years old. This comic book hero is as popular as Spider-Man and Superman.

It’s easy to make such a costume for a little hero. For this you will need:

  • black leggings;
  • black long sleeve T-shirt;
  • a small piece of black fabric (approximately 75 cm long and 1.5 m wide). Gather it on one side and trim it with black satin ribbon. This is a superhero cape.

The Batman symbol needs to be sewn or glued onto the cape and T-shirt. You can print it on a printer using yellow colored double-sided paper (take thicker paper), or make a pattern and cut it out of fabric.

The highlight of this New Year's look is the Batman mask. Choose one of the options for its manufacture:

1. Using the template, cut out a mask from felt. Print out the Batman symbol on a color printer, cut it out and glue it onto the mask. Thread the elastic band through both sides.

2. Make a 3D Batman mask. For this:

  • take the black carnival mask;
  • remove the decor from it;
  • make a template for Batman's ears, use it to create a pattern from fabric: 2 parts, and make one (the back) longer than the front so that it covers the top of the head and goes down to the back of the head;
  • to better hold the pointed ears, place two triangles cut out of cardboard, sew the two parts on top;
  • Glue the bottom of the short part to the top of the mask, and leave the second part free. A kind of cap will come out.

Your hero is ready for the carnival. This suit will be paired with chunky platform boots. Don't forget to equip the boy with a walkie-talkie, handcuffs and other attributes of a crime fighter.

New Year's costumes for children are easy to make. To do this, use available tools. Be creative, create the image of Spider-Man, a ninja, an Arab sheikh, Ali Baba and other famous characters. Don't forget to ask your child what he wants to be.

What other carnival costumes would you like to make yourself?

Happy celebration!

A gnome costume is a good solution for a child preparing for a matinee in kindergarten and school.

Stores and websites offer various options for both individual attributes and the complete image. But here problems arise: expensive, unoriginal, does not fit in size.

The best solution is to create your own costume. Any mother can afford this, if you figure it out a little.

We will tell you how to sew a gnome costume for a boy

Usually boys dress up as gnomes, girls prefer the roles of other magical creatures.

Costume details

This costume includes the following details:

  • shorts;
  • knee socks;
  • accessories.

These are the things that every child has in their wardrobe.

But for the gnome to look convincing and fabulous, elements must be made of bright materials. These will have to be sewn.

For this both regular patterns from the Internet or magazines and special ones are suitable, designed specifically for a gnome costume.

Advice. The easiest way is to use a child's things as a template. In this case, the size and parameters will already be taken into account, so there will be no need to make additional calculations.

It is advisable to select colors so that they are combined with each other, but at the same time they are different and bright.

Traditional colors of a gnome costume: red, green, brown.

How to sew a shirt

  • Need to take any child’s shirt and apply it to the fabric, intended for a suit.
  • After that outline with chalk or a piece of soap, adding a few centimeters on each side to the seams.
  • Cut elements. The lower part should be slightly longer.
  • Then both parts are sewn from the wrong side.
  • Since this is just a suit, and not an everyday thing, you shouldn’t waste energy on complex patterns that take into account the collar, cuffs, sleeve shape, and more.
  • The neck should be wide so that the shirt fits comfortably.
  • Buttons can be both functional and decorative. But the main thing is that they are large and bright.

How to sew a vest

The vest pattern is made according to the same principle as the shirt, but the fabric should be thicker.

Important! Try to get the size right so that it fits well over the shirt, but doesn't hang down like a bag.

Vest Can be made solid or with buttons. But it’s better to use buttons at least as a decorative element.

You can add lacing on the sides. It will add color to the image and allow you to adjust the width to fit the child’s body.

How to sew pants

Shorts combined with knee socks are best for the look of a gnome.. Knee socks will suit any one in the child’s wardrobe.

The shorts are sewn from two identical parts on the same principle as a shirt with a vest. Existing shorts are applied to the fabric and outlined. The two pieces are then cut out and sewn together. Finally, you need to sew an elastic band into the waistband.

Making a cap

You need to measure the child's head, then draw two identical triangles on the fabric. They will become parts of the cap.

Their base should be half the size of the head circumference. But to this size you should add a couple of centimeters for the seam.

The parts are sewn together an elastic band is added inside so that the cap does not fly off the head.

To complete the look, you can sew a bell on top.

Advice. The cap can be made using colored cardboard. Then it will be fixed in one position

Dwarf Shoes

The easiest option is to take your child’s old shoes, cover them with fabric and colored paper, and add decorative elements.

But you can also create special shoes. You will need a durable fabric, such as felt.

on her a pattern is made of the sole and two sides in accordance with the size of the child’s foot. These parts are then sewn together and small bells are attached to the toe.

Then you can add various decorative elements.

Decorative elements and attributes for the costume

In addition to bright buttons and bells, additional details will help create the look.

This is, for example, beard, which will be a bunch of thick threads attached to an elastic band. You can weave ribbons, decorative butterflies, and flowers into the threads.

Bag gnome is optional. But just in case, it can also be made and used for its intended purpose. It should look like a bag tied with lace or ribbon, which can be decorated with applique.

Can be added to a suit belt which will complement the image. It can be simple, monochromatic. Or it may contain some stripes that imitate butterflies or pockets.

Thus, you will get an original festive gnome costume, taking into account the individual characteristics of the child and his wishes.

You will only have to spend money on fabric and decorations. But in general, it will be cheaper than buying a ready-made version, and at the same time more interesting.

Of course, you will have to devote time to work. But this will be a creative process together with the child, in which the whole family participates.

When New Year or another holiday approaches, when children love

change clothes, all of us, parents, think about a carnival costume for our kids. Of course, today stores offer a huge selection of clothes for such occasions. However, it will be much more interesting and exciting to make a costume yourself with the help of a child.

Invite your child to become a magical gnome for the holidays; he is unlikely to refuse! Moreover, it is not at all difficult to bring such an idea to life.

First, let's figure out what components a gnome should consist of. Usually these are depicted dressed in short pants, a vest, a cap, and knee socks. In addition, you should wear any shirt untucked. I think every boy has this item in his wardrobe. But you will have to work hard on the remaining elements.

First we'll make the pants. Look in your boy's closet. Surely there will be old trousers there that will be an ideal option for making a gnome costume. The main thing is that the top fits comfortably and does not restrict movement. First of all, to a length just below

Knee. We measure the circumference of the child's leg at the end of the legs, add a couple of centimeters and cut out the cuffs of the resulting length and sew them on.

Let's start sewing the vest. If the pants shortened at the previous stage are wide enough, then you can cut out the upper part of the suit from the cut-off flaps. Otherwise, you will have to choose a suitable fabric. It’s even easier to make a vest from an old jacket or sweater. When cutting, keep in mind that this element of the costume should be quite short. The edges can be processed. The vest included in the gnome carnival costume does not fasten, but you can sew strings with pom-poms along the bottom. To make them, we cut out a circle, stitch along the edge, insert synthetic padding and tighten it. By the way, the same pom-pom will be useful for a cap.

The gnome's headdress and knee socks can be made from any knitwear in two colors. Can

Take your mother's old dress or your father's thick T-shirt. The cap is cut in the shape of a triangle and sewn on both sides. A cuff made of contrasting fabric is sewn along the bottom. You can also attach artificial curls to it. Attach a pompom to the tip of the cap.

A gnome's costume would be incomplete without socks. To make them, we cut strips of contrasting colors. It is desirable that they be the same width. We combine them, alternating. We measure the circumference of your child's legs in several places and cut the socks so that they can be easily put on, but so that they do not dangle. If the fabric is elastic enough, you will definitely achieve this.

To make the look more impressive, it is advisable to complement the gnome costume with a belt with a buckle. You can decorate your baby's shoes with similar accessories. In addition, it would be nice to hand a wand with a knot into the hands of the newly made gnome. To make this prop, take any branch and carefully sand it to avoid possible splinters. The knot is sewn from any scrap into a small pattern and stuffed with foam rubber or newspapers.

The final touch is to take red lipstick and draw the cheeks and nose. Well, you can admire the fruit of your efforts, the gnome costume is ready!

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