Which countries celebrate Mother's Day? Mother's Day: history and traditions of celebration in different countries

The last Sunday in May is Mother's Day (la fête des Mères) in France. It is on this day that the French congratulate their beloved mothers, and not on the Eighth of March, as is customary in Russia. However, this holiday also exists in a number of other European countries, although the dates for its celebration are different. As is often the case, the custom of honoring mothers has its roots in the distant past, in Ancient Greece and Rome. But as a holiday in the modern sense, it originated in the USA, when one American woman, her loving daughter Ann Jarvis, having lost her mother, turned to the official authorities with a request that all mothers in the country receive their own memorable day, on which their children and loved ones will honor them. Ann managed to find like-minded people, and in 1910 the American government approved the official Mother's Day.

During the First World War, being away from their families for a long time, American soldiers began actively writing postcards to their mothers. The custom of congratulating mothers and giving them gifts was adopted by the allies, including France. In 1918, a celebration was held in Lyon in honor of mothers and wives who lost their sons and husbands in the war. The French themselves believe that the tradition of congratulating mothers comes from Napoleon - it was he who first put forward this idea in 1806. But initially it was more about attention to large families than specifically about the holiday of mothers.

The first official celebration of "Mother's Day" took place on April 20, 1926; its popularization occurs during the Second World War under the government of Pétain, who was concerned about the decrease in the population of the country affected by the war. And only in 1950 the exact date is fixed in the calendar - the fourth Sunday in May, and if this holiday coincides with Trinity (la Pen tec ôte ), then it is moved to the first Sunday in June.

Today this is one of the favorite holidays of the French unofficial calendar, for which it takes a very long time to prepare, since gifts are most often made with one’s own hands. After all, the main thing is not the gift itself, but the attention that all mothers deserve!

All over the world, Mother's Day is celebrated as a sign of gratitude for mothers' care for children. Moreover, as is clear from the traditions of different countries, not necessarily about their own children.

All over the world, this tradition falls on different dates, from February to December. In some countries, Mother's Day, like many other holidays, has become commercial in nature: companies make money by selling holiday-related attributes, like the pioneers in this field - the United States.

The tradition of celebrating Mother's Day is rooted in religion, but not always. We offer you an overview of how this date is celebrated in different countries of the world, where the reasons may be religious, historical or mythical.


Despite the fact that Russia traditionally celebrates International Women's Day on March 8, Mother's Day also exists, and according to federal legislation, since the late 1990s it has been celebrated on the last Sunday of November (in 2018 - November 25). As noted in the State Duma at the time of the establishment of this holiday, its goal is to support the traditions of caring for women, consolidate family foundations and especially note the importance in the life of every main person - the Mother. In this regard, the holiday has a narrower focus in contrast to Women's Day on March 8, when men express gratitude not only to their mothers, but also to wives, sisters, grandmothers, girlfriends, and just passers-by on the street.


In the Republic of Belarus, Mother's Day is celebrated on October 14. Like other former Soviet republics, Belarusians celebrate March 8th with traditional flowers and gifts. But at the state level, Mother's Day was officially established in 1996, although it has been celebrated since 1995. On the same day in October, believers celebrate the Feast of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Great Britain

Residents of Great Britain celebrate “Mothering Sunday” on the fourth Sunday of Lent (in 2018 it was March 11). The holiday was originally a church holiday: most historians believe that it arose from the Christian tradition of the 16th century, when it was customary to visit mothers on the fourth Sunday of Lent. The religious tradition gradually became a thing of the past, but thanks to the efforts of merchants who saw a great opportunity to make money from the holiday, it began to gain popularity again throughout the UK in the 1950s.


Until 1965, Día de la Madre was originally celebrated in Spain on Mary's Day - December 8th. Today, Mother's Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of May, a month that, according to the Catholic faith, is dedicated to the Virgin Mary. Día de la Madre remains a popular and commercially promoted holiday.


In Portugal, Dia da Mãe is an unofficial holiday held on the first Sunday in May. As in Spain, it was previously celebrated on December 8 - the day of the Catholic feast of the Immaculate Conception.


In Hungary, Mother's Day also falls on the first Sunday in May. It was first celebrated in 1925 by the Hungarian Red Cross youth.


Muttertag was created by the Association of German Florists and usually falls on the second Sunday in May. Germans celebrate this holiday with some restraint, as negative associations link it with the period of National Socialism, when Nazi leaders used any excuse to stimulate the birth rate.


Marianne Heinisch, founder of the Austrian women's movement, is considered the initiator and activist of Mother's Day celebrations since 1924. She found support for her idea in the scouting movement, which also supported the celebration of this day. As in Germany, in Austria the holiday falls on the second Sunday of May.


Swiss chefs, pastry chefs and florists, using the example of Germany, realized the enormous commercial potential of Mother's Day, and then imported the holiday into their country. This partly German-speaking country celebrates Muttertag on the second Sunday in May.

Greece and Cyprus

Mother's Day is celebrated in Greece and Cyprus - also on the second Sunday of May. The ancient Greeks usually held an annual spring festival to honor the goddess Rhea, the wife of Kronos, who had a large offspring.


The French celebrate Fête des Mères on the last Sunday in May, according to a law passed in 1950 - except in years when the feast of Pentecost falls on that day. In this case, Mother's Day is moved to the first Sunday in June. The law requires official tribute to be paid to French mothers.

As for the origins of the holiday, some cities in France began to celebrate la Journée des mères back in 1918, when mothers of large families began to be honored for their contribution to increasing the population of the Republic. During the Second World War, the popularity of the holiday increased thanks to the efforts of the pro-fascist Vichy regime. Later, after the liberation of France in 1944, the authorities continued to support Mothers' Day as part of efforts to increase the country's population.


In Israel, Mother's Day is celebrated on the 30th day of the month of Shevat according to the Jewish calendar, and the holiday falls on the dates from January 30 to March 1. The holiday was established in honor of the public figure of the first half of the twentieth century, Henrietta Szold, who passed away on February 13, 1945. Henrietta did not have her own children, but she herself saved many Jewish children from Nazi Germany during the war. In Israel, Szold is called the “mother” of all saved children, and therefore the annual day of remembrance has also become Mother’s Day. Today, the holiday is mainly celebrated in preschool institutions (kindergartens), where parents are also invited. The commercial content of the holiday is not cultivated in Israel.

Celebrated in Russia is already approaching, the editors of ProDetki decided to see how and where this beautiful day is celebrated in other parts of our world.

26 Russia

In Russia, Mother's Day has been officially celebrated since 1998 on the last Sunday of November. The purpose of the holiday is to take care of Mothers and express Love and Care for them. On this day, all mothers are congratulated and given small gifts, flowers and cards.

25 USA

In the USA, Americans celebrate this holiday with great enthusiasm and consider it one of the most important. Modern Mothers' Day (second Sunday in May) is one of the national holidays. On this day, all telephone lines are busy exclusively with congratulations to their beloved mothers. Shops and restaurants are being torn to pieces to fulfill the wishes of their guests.

24 UK

In the UK, people celebrate Mother's Day on the fourth Sunday of Lent (which falls on the first Sunday in March). The holiday is known as Mothering Sunday. On this day they give gifts, sweets and flowers to their mothers. The tradition of Mothering Sunday dates back to the 17th century.

23 France

In France, Mother's Day is celebrated to increase the country's birth rate and encourage women to become mothers. The holiday is celebrated on the last Sunday of May. Nowadays it is more commercial in nature and its tendency to celebrate is decreasing.

22 Australia

Australians celebrate Mother's Day on the second Sunday in May by giving their mothers flowers and cards. There is also a tradition of wearing carnations on this special day - a colored carnation signifies that the child's mother is full of life, while a white carnation is meant to commemorate departed mothers.

21 India

For India, the tradition of celebrating Mother's Day is relatively new and is gaining more popularity every year. Mother's Day in India is celebrated mainly in cities and urban areas according to the adopted American model and date of celebration.

20 Mexico

Mother's Day was brought to Mexico from the United States in 1922 and quickly became a very popular holiday. Mother's Day in Mexico is celebrated on June 10 and includes large family gatherings, singing, including the singing of the traditional song “Las Mananitas,” lavish celebrations, etc.

19 Israel

In Israel, Mother's Day is celebrated on Shevat 30 on the Jewish calendar, which falls between January 30 and March 1. Israel is one of the few countries where this tradition retains its original meaning without mass commercialization. This is not an official holiday.

18 Paraguay

Paraguay is the only country where Mother's Day is celebrated on May 15th, the country's Independence Day. Despite the popularity of Mother's Day, these two holidays still remain unseparated.

17 New Zealand

In New Zealand, Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May. Although the event is not considered a public holiday, Mother's Day is a big day for locals, who celebrate it by organizing picnics and giving gifts to mothers.

16 Ethiopia

Mother's Day is a big holiday in Ethiopia and is celebrated on the second Sunday of May. The celebration usually includes large family gatherings and get-togethers. Traditionally, daughters bring vegetables and cheese to their mother, and sons bring meat.

15 Canada

In Canada, Mother's Day is the third most popular holiday after Christmas and Valentine's Day. The celebration is very similar to that in the United States, but in Canada, Mother's Day is not a public holiday. Canadian moms receive cards, candy, flowers, jewelry and gift certificates.

14 China

Mother's Day is becoming increasingly popular in China. In this country, one of the main purposes of the holiday was to create a festive mood for poor mothers caring for their families in rural areas. With the exception of a few cities, Mother's Day is still an unofficial holiday in China.

13 Belgium

In Belgium, Mother's Day is celebrated on two different days. Most countries celebrate it on the second Sunday of May, but there are also many people who do it on August 15th. Known for its delicious chocolate, Belgium celebrates its mothers mainly with chocolate, pastries and other sweets.

12 Brazil

Although not an official holiday, Mother's Day is a well-known event in Brazil, second only to Christmas. In this South American country, people gather in churches where children perform for mothers and then celebrate with a massive barbecue for everyone.

11 Indonesia

Indonesia is the only country that celebrates Mother's Day on December 22nd. The original purpose of the festival was to celebrate the spirit of all Indonesian women, but these days the festival is dedicated only to mothers. They are presented with flowers and given a day off from household chores.

10 Germany

During World War II, on Mother's Day, German mothers were awarded medals (gold, silver or bronze, depending on the number of children saved). Now the holiday is very similar to the holiday in other Western countries. Personalized cards, flowers and holiday dishes are some of the most popular gifts for German mothers.

9 Philippines

In the Philippines, Mother's Day is officially celebrated every first Monday of December along with Father's Day. On this day, Filipino mothers are given time to take care of themselves, relax, go shopping, etc. All their responsibilities and affairs fall on the shoulders of their adult children or husbands.

8 Romania

Since 2010, Romania officially celebrates Mother's Day on the first Sunday in May. Previously, Mother's Day was celebrated on March 8 as part of International Women's Day (a relic of the communist era). Little children give their mothers handmade gifts, and adults buy them flowers and sweets.

7 Thailand

Mother's Day was brought to Thailand only recently and has not yet gained mass popularity like in Western countries. Thais celebrate it on August 12, the birthday of the Thai Queen Sirikit. Fathers' Day is celebrated in a similar way - on the birthday of kings.

6 Serbia

In Serbia, Mother's Day is part of an important holiday that takes place on three consecutive Sundays in December. Leading up to Children's Day and following Father's Day, Mother's Day includes a tradition in which moms are tied down until they give treats and small gifts for their children.

5 Japan

In Japan, Mother's Day has changed several times, but is currently celebrated on the second Sunday of May. Japan is one of the countries where people wear carnations to honor their mothers, but other than that, the holiday is the same as in the Western world.

4 Czech Republic

At the initiative of Alice Masaryk, daughter of the first Czechoslovak president, Mother's Day was first celebrated in 1923 in the former Czechoslovakia. On the Friday before the second Sunday in May, young children receive help from their teachers to make personalized cards and gifts for their mothers.

3 Argentina

Argentina is the only country that celebrates Mother's Day on the third Sunday in October. Initially, the holiday was celebrated on October 11, the day of the old liturgical celebration of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, but after the holiday was moved to January 1, Mother's Day was moved to the third Sunday in October according to popular tradition. Argentine mothers offer treats and flowers as a sign of caring for their children.

2 Nepal

In Nepal, Mother's Day is called Mata Tirtha Aunsi (meaning "Pilgrimage of the New Moon Mothers"), and is celebrated on the last day of the month of Baishakh, which is in April or May. Traditionally, Nepalese give gifts to their living mothers, and to honor the memory of the dead, they go on pilgrimage.

1 Egypt

Like other Arab countries, Egypt celebrates Mother's Day on March 21, the first day of spring. Mother's Day is one of the most popular holidays in this North African country. Restaurants, shops and hotels operate in holiday mode, often offering special discounts on this day.

Mother's Day is a holiday that appeared in Russia not so long ago. He is very warm, sincere, with sincere congratulations and words of love to the dearest person - our mother.

This holiday came from abroad, so it has not yet become firmly established in our country, and certain traditions associated with it have not appeared. That is why it is very interesting to find out how it is celebrated in other countries - where it has existed for a very long time.

History of Mother's Day in Russia

and in the culture of other countries - 13 facts:

1. How is Mother's Day celebrated in the USA?

The States, as one of the youngest countries in the world, are not rich in old traditions. But Mother's Day is their holiday, first celebrated back in 1910. Then the American Anna Jervis, who lost her mother early, came up with a public initiative to set aside a special day when every family could say “thank you” to the women who gave birth to and raised them. Appeals to various legislative bodies were successful, and such a holiday appeared.

Virginia was the first state to recognize Mother's Day. In America, this day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May. It is the fifth most popular holiday after Christmas, Valentine's Day, Easter and Father's Day.

The tradition is simple: every child, especially a son, no matter how difficult his relationship with his mother may be, is obliged to come, congratulate her from the bottom of his heart and spend at least some time together.

2. Mother's Day in Canada - holiday features

The US's closest neighbor, Canada, also quickly adopted the initiative. The saying goes about the special attitude of this people towards motherhood: “There is no better academy than your mother’s lap.”

This day is also celebrated on the second Sunday of May, when everything is in bloom and spring is blooming outside. In fact, this is a more “advanced” version of our March 8th, only mothers are congratulated on this day. They are spoken with tender words, given gifts, and shown love and respect in every possible way. All family members, in order to surprise mother and please her, get up as early as possible and, trying not to make noise, set the festive table and prepare all sorts of surprises. Women are exempt from any labor - cleaning, washing dishes, and other household chores. On this day, all stores are filled with special holiday products - the very ones that can be useful to real housewives and simply beauties.

3. Traditions of celebrating Mother's Day in Australia

The day is still the same - the second Sunday in May, which is not surprising, because this country has adopted a lot from the USA and Canada. Mothers are told words of gratitude and are sure to give gifts, depending on what they want: adults - more serious, kids - simpler, made with their own hands, but that makes them even more valuable.

As in the USA, here they also wear a carnation flower in their buttonholes - a symbol of sincere love and reverence. There is one nuance in this tradition: a red flower means that the mother is alive and well, a white flower means that she is no longer there, but the person still remembers and honors.

Tradition rooted in Australia: children prepare a delicious breakfast for their loved one and serve it straight to bed. Of course, grandmothers, mothers-in-law, mothers-in-law - all those women who raise children, giving them their love and time - do not go unnoticed.

4. How is Mother's Day celebrated in China?

Let's now take a look at the East: how do they celebrate this wonderful day there, and is it celebrated at all?

China, an ancient country with a million amazing traditions and rituals, with a rich culture and a very respectful attitude towards parents, of course, could not ignore its mothers.

The holiday is also celebrated here on the second Sunday of May. , congratulations, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Some cities even organize special children's matinees, where an atmosphere of warmth and love reigns.

5. Mother's Day in Japan

The Japanese also did not ignore the tradition. They even have a national song dedicated to mother, which will definitely be sung in almost every family when the second Sunday in May comes.

True, this country began to celebrate the holiday even later than America - only in 1915. It was then that the Japanese, who were visited by foreign professor Aoyama Gukain, learned about the European custom. The tradition was warmly received, and the holiday quickly caught on.

It is impossible not to notice that in Japan this day took on first political and then commercial shades. Pre-war Japan, which incredibly revered its emperor, moved the date of celebration to March, 6, because it was then that the autocrat’s wife came into the world. However, immediately after the military defeat, Mother's Day again moved to the second Sunday in May, and today it is already a magnificent, very lively folk festival, at the center of which are the guardians of family hearths. Mothers are carried in their arms, congratulated, and given gifts. On this day, enterprising Japanese triple their numerous sales, where goods with the appropriate symbols sell well.

6. Traditions of celebrating Mother's Day in Brazil

Traditionally, holidays in different parts of the world have many differences, but when it comes to Mother’s Day, West and East, North and South are united: this holiday is very important for residents of all parts of the world.

Brazil is a country of lush carnivals and noisy fun. Here, the tradition of celebrating Mother's Day dates back to 1918. And since almost all Brazilian families have large families (they have 3 or 4 children), this holiday has become a particularly favorite and truly family holiday for them.

In Brazil, Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May, and always in a close family circle, congratulating their mothers and grandmothers.

On the eve of the holiday, many children's institutions prepare themed concerts to please their beloved women. The event is also attended by various shopping centers and stores, which organize various promotions and offer attractive discounts - on this day, every son and every daughter has the opportunity to pamper their mothers.

7. How is Mother's Day celebrated in Germany?

Europe, and especially Germany, has always been distinguished by its worldview. But there are things and events that are received with a bang even by the most reserved Europeans. Such events include Mother's Day: since the Middle Ages, the Germans had a tradition in mid-spring to organize a day of honoring all relatives, and special attention was paid to the mother. That is why the holiday, which came from the USA, quickly took root in Germany: Here Mother's Day is celebrated every year on the second Sunday in May. It was first celebrated in 1923, and brought to the national level already in 1933.

And although it is also customary here to give gifts (both small and large), practical Germans for the most part still adhere to the opinion that attention is the main gift. Residents of Germany value their time very much, therefore, when they come to their mothers on this day (often without a gift - after all, choosing one requires spending a lot of time, which for the Germans is worth its weight in gold!), they only by this act show respect, honor, and as if They say: “We love you, we haven’t forgotten about you and we really appreciate you.”

8. Mother's Day in Italy: the whole world is for your loved ones!

Italians greatly honor and love their mothers, and Mother's Day in this country has deep historical roots: even in ancient times, the Romans, like the Greeks, greatly respected the goddess of fertility Ceres (Demeter), and honored her just in the spring, when nature came to life again.

Therefore, the second Sunday of May, which came from the USA, took root very quickly in Italy. The people, famous throughout the world for their ardor, showed it here too: on this holiday, Italians completely devote themselves to their women: flowers, kisses, tender words and a variety of gifts - everything that can be given to mothers will be given to them!

9. How is Mother's Day celebrated in Austria?

Austria celebrates Mother's Day on the second Sunday in May. Traditionally, children read poems to their mothers and give small bouquets. But there is another delicious tradition in this country - many confectionery factories bake themed cakes dedicated to this event.

10. Mother's Day in France - special holiday

Of course, France could not stay away, because the French, like no other, love and respect women. That's just The date of celebration of French Mother's Day falls on the last Sunday in May (when all women look forward to the coming summer!).

The French give their beloved women huge cakes resembling bouquets of flowers, and children work on creating sweet masterpieces.

One cannot do without a cozy family dinner, as well as gifts - not necessarily expensive and exquisite, but most importantly - given from the heart.

11. Attitudes towards Mother's Day in the UK

Great Britain is a prim country, rather reserved in expressing emotions. This is probably why Mother's Day here takes on a completely a unique shade: they thank women, kiss them, and express their affection for them in every possible way.

Mothers and grandmothers are given flowers, the most popular being fragile chrysanthemums, charming carnations and majestic roses. A family celebration always ends with a beautiful almond cake.

12. How is Mother's Day celebrated in Spain?

Spain stands somewhat apart from the rest of Europe. Here Mother's Day is celebrated on December 8th, and the holiday has a strong religious significance: Since the country is Catholic, very reverent of the Church, initially the celebration takes place in honor of the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God. And only then do the children congratulate their own mothers, bringing them bouquets, small gifts, most often sweets.

13. Mother's Day in Russia

Russia relatively recently adopted the custom of celebrating Mother's Day. Our holiday falls on the last Sunday of November. Officially, this date was designated by B. N. Yeltsin, issuing a corresponding decree in January 1998. And even though no specific traditions have yet taken root in Russia, many institutions, both school and preschool, annually prepare various concerts, and children make gifts for their beloved mothers with their own hands. Special awards have also been established in the regions - medals, certificates, diplomas and thanks for the worthy education of the younger generation.

Many countries around the world celebrate Mother's Day, although at different times. Moreover, unlike International Women's Day on March 8, only mothers and pregnant women are honored on Mother's Day, and not all representatives of the fairer sex.

Mother's Day is celebrated in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated January 30, 1998 No. 120 “On Mother's Day” on the last Sunday in November. The initiative to establish this holiday belongs to the State Duma Committee on Women, Family and Youth Affairs.

According to some sources, the tradition of celebrating Mother's Day dates back to the women's mysteries of ancient Rome, intended to honor the Great Mother - the goddess, the mother of all gods. It is also known that in 15th-century England, the so-called “Mothering Sunday” was celebrated - the fourth Sunday of Lent, dedicated to honoring mothers throughout the country. Gradually, this holiday acquired a different meaning - they began to honor not mothers, but the “Mother Church,” so the holiday became partly a church holiday. On December 12, 1912, the International Mother's Day Association was formed to promote conscious celebration of this day.

Mother's Day is celebrated in different countries:
in Russia - on the last Sunday of November;
in Belarus - October 14;
in Ukraine - on the second Sunday of May;
in Estonia - on the second Sunday in May;
in the USA - on the second Sunday in May;
in Malta - on the second Sunday in May;
in Denmark - on the second Sunday in May;
in Finland - on the second Sunday in May;
in Italy - on the second Sunday in May;
in Turkey - on the second Sunday of May;
in Australia - on the second Sunday in May;
in Japan - on the second Sunday of May;
in Belgium - on the second Sunday in May;
in Greece - May 9;
in Norway on the second Sunday of February;
in Sweden - on the last Sunday in May;
in France - on the last Sunday in May;
in Lebanon - on the first day of spring;
in South Africa - on the first Sunday in May;
in Argentina - in October;
in India - in October;
in Spain - December 8th;
in Portugal - December 8th;
in Serbia - in December;
in Uzbekistan, March 8 is celebrated as Mother's Day;
In Armenia, Motherhood and Beauty Day is celebrated on April 7.

In the USA, Mother's Day was celebrated for the first time in 1872 on the initiative of Julia Ward Howe, but in meaning it was more like Peace Day. Mother's Day itself has been celebrated in the United States since 1907 annually on the second Sunday in May, and in 1914 President Woodrow Wilson made this holiday official.

Many countries celebrate their own Mother's Day at different times of the year. In Bahrain, Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, Mexico, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore and the United Arab Emirates, Mother's Day is celebrated on May 10th.
Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May in Malta, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Australia, Japan, Belgium, Ukraine, Estonia.

The Maltese have been celebrating Mother's Day since time immemorial. Historians believe that the tradition itself originates in the female mysteries of ancient Rome, intended to honor the Great Mother - the goddess, the mother of all gods.
In Greece, Mother's Day is celebrated on May 9th. The history of the holiday dates back to the times of ancient Greece, when the Greeks celebrated the day of the mother of all gods, Gaia, in the spring.

In Finland, Mother's Day has been officially celebrated since 1927 on the second Sunday of May. On this day, flags are hung, children prepare gifts for mothers, and fathers try their best in the kitchen on this day, each to the best of their abilities and capabilities. Grandmothers are also congratulated.

In Estonia, Mother's Day has been celebrated since 1992 on the second Sunday of May. On this day flags are hung. The day before, matinees are held in kindergartens, and concerts for mothers are held in schools; children give their mothers homemade cards and gifts.

In Ukraine, Mother's Day began to be celebrated back in 1929, in Galicia, but over time it was forgotten. Today this day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May, modestly, without celebrations.
In Russia, Mother's Day has been celebrated on the last Sunday of November since 1998 on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin.

On this day, traditionally, women who have achieved success in raising children, mothers of many children and single mothers are congratulated.

In Belarus, Mother's Day has been celebrated on October 14 since 1996 in accordance with the order of the President of the Republic.

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