How to wash oily hair. Oily hair: a special approach

Oily hair often leads women to despair and causes them a lot of inconvenience because it quickly becomes dirty and looks greasy and stale by the end of the day, even if it was washed in the morning. However, experts urge not to be upset and claim that caring for them is much easier than dry ones, which are also often brittle and weakened.

Moreover, oily hair, due to its increased fat content, has a huge advantage over dry hair, because it, like oily skin, is perfectly protected from adverse external influences with the help of natural lubricant.

Most often, oily hair is given to a person by nature, and nothing can be done about it. But this also has its advantages: oily skin ages much more slowly, and dry, brittle hair with split ends sometimes looks much worse than oily skin and is more difficult to care for. Oily hair is better supplied with nutrients, it is well protected from the aggressive external environment, so it splits much less and looks thicker.

There are many homemade masks and remedies that will help reduce oily hair, make it healthy and shiny. Oily hair responds very well to treatment, so every woman can provide her locks with suitable and gentle care.

You need to start caring for your hair as early as adolescence - during puberty, when due to hormonal changes, the oiliness of the skin and hair especially increases. If you don’t do this, then with age the situation can only worsen, and then it will be more difficult to deal with oily hair.

Causes of increased oily hair

The main reason for increased oiliness is that the sebaceous glands work too actively and produce much more sebum than necessary. Increased sebum secretion is often genetically determined, but may also indicate disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system.

In addition, antibiotics, poor nutrition, sudden temperature changes, severe stress and improper care increase the separation of fat. Experts are confident that proper care for oily hair will help you avoid many problems and ensure that it always looks beautiful and neat.

Why does hair become oily?

Sebum, which makes hair quickly become oily, is actually extremely necessary for hair. It is the secreted subcutaneous fat that saves hair from brittleness and dryness, gives it smoothness, radiance and beauty. Without fatty lubricant, which many people dream of getting rid of, hair becomes dull, begins to split, break and fall out.

The sebaceous film thinly envelops each hair, protects it and makes it elastic. Fat moisturizes hair and supplies it with nutrients.

But oily hair certainly has its downsides. Increased fat content is explained by improper functioning of the sebaceous glands, which for some reason begin to produce excessive amounts of subcutaneous sebum. Fat clogs the skin pores, and the skin stops breathing, water and oxygen stop flowing to the roots.

Lack of nutrition also affects the condition of the hair itself: it becomes thinner and begins to fall out rapidly, and dandruff appears. Dandruff is keratinized particles of skin that every person has, but if the sebaceous glands do not work properly, the keratinized skin becomes too much, it rolls into lumps and becomes very noticeable.

There may be several reasons why the glands produce too much sebum:

  • Poor nutrition - an excess of fatty and sweet foods contributes to the production of excess subcutaneous fat, which causes not only the hair, but also the skin on the face to become oily.
  • Hormonal changes - especially during puberty and in women during menopause.
  • Incorrectly selected hair care products - you need to select a shampoo that matches your hair type.
  • Too cold or hot water - cold water does not wash away accumulated oil from the hair, and excessively hot water activates the sebaceous glands.
  • Dysbacteriosis also causes hair to quickly become dirty, dull and thin.
  • Nervous stress, constant stress and long-term depression negatively affect both the condition of the hair and health in general.
  • Abundant and constant use of hair styling products, frequent coloring and perm, as well as daily use of a hot hair dryer.
  • Heredity is the only problem that is difficult to deal with. Unbalanced nutrition and aggressive environmental influences turn hereditary predisposition into a real problem. But even in this case, proper hair and scalp care will help your hair look healthy and well-groomed.

Not all of these reasons can be dealt with on your own - sometimes a more in-depth, complex treatment of concomitant diseases that cause increased sebum secretion of the skin is required. Treatment should be prescribed by a doctor after examination and tests.

How to care for oily hair

Caring for oily hair has many “don’ts”, for example, scalp massage and frequent combing are not recommended.

Washing oily hair

On the one hand, those with problem hair try to wash their hair as often as possible to get rid of oily shine. On the other hand, frequent washing will worsen the problem in the long run. Hair, like the scalp, gets used to being “dried” often and begins a “protection” program - fat is released more often and in larger quantities.

Try to set aside time in your schedule to “reset” your hair routine. Start washing your hair a little less often. At first, it will seem to you that your hair has become even more oily, but after a month you will be able to afford to reduce the number of procedures.

Drying and styling oily hair

When styling oily hair, you should not use very hot air. This will dry out the scalp and the curls themselves, but will not solve the problem of oiliness at all. And as a result, the need to restore hair due to fragility and dullness will be added to the main problem.

Using styling products for oily hair

Try to avoid using additional styling products, as oily hair is especially susceptible to their adverse effects. In addition, when you apply oil-containing products to your hair, you focus attention on the oily roots.

Combing oily hair

Doctors advise owners of oily hair to use a comb as little as possible, because such a massage stimulates the sebaceous glands and provokes excessive oil secretion. This means that it should be carried out only if necessary.

Oily hair care and treatment should be comprehensive: you need not only to perform cosmetic procedures, but also to follow a diet, take multivitamins, and choose the right shampoo.

First of all, you need to find out the cause of the increased sebum secretion and eliminate it. If this is a genetic feature of the body, then proper hair care will help restore shine and health to it.

Caring for “oily” hair

Of course, it is not the hair that can be “oily”, but only the scalp. It's all about increased activity of the sebaceous glands; usually those with “oily” hair also have oily or combination skin. And the main thing in this case is proper care and a competent choice of products.

Wash your hair as often as necessary. If necessary - every day. Frequent washing can make your hair “greasy” more only if you choose the wrong care products (that is, not suitable for your hair type) or overload it with styling.

Choose products labeled “for oily hair.” Shampoos with a neutral or slightly acidic pH (from 5.5 to 7-8) are more suitable for you; they do not irritate the scalp and, accordingly, do not increase the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Pay attention to the composition! Products for the care of oily hair contain tonic and sebum-regulating components (extracts of nettle, horsetail, burdock, brewer's yeast, essential oils, B vitamins, salicylic acid, etc.), as well as ingredients that absorb sebum (for example, kaolin, rice starch etc.).

It is advisable that the shampoo be marked “for frequent (daily) use.” The formula of such products is based on soft surfactants (surfactant-active detergents), for example from coconut oil amino acids. Such detergent components do not irritate the scalp and do not disrupt its protective hydro-lipid barrier; therefore, even with frequent use, they do not aggravate the problem of oily hair.

Caring for “oily” hair

Shampoo for oily hair "Balance", Logona with lemon balm extract. Shampoo for oily hair “White clay and jasmine”, Le Petit Marseillais with kaolin. Mask for colored hair Biolage Color Care Therapie Color Bloom Mask, Matrix free of silicones and parabens. Shampoo for deep hair cleansing Purifying Shampoo, Londa Professional with tea extract.

When applying conditioner, balm or hair mask, move away from the roots by a centimeter and a half - the hair will look “fresh” longer.

For “oily” fine hair that quickly loses volume, products without silicones are well suited. Excess silicones can “weight” the hair. In addition, silicone residues on the scalp can stimulate the activity of the sebaceous glands.

If your hair is oily at the roots and dry or damaged at the ends, it is better to use a special balancing shampoo, which, on the one hand, reduces the work of the sebaceous glands and does not overload the hair with nutritional components, and on the other, restores the damaged structure (many professional brands have similar products ). Apply all intensive care products closer to the ends, avoiding the root part.

Use deep cleansing shampoo once a week hair and scalp or a special peeling (soft scrub), for example based on fruit acids: such products also reduce excess oiliness in the hair. In addition, with oily skin, the process of renewal of epidermal cells is slowed down, and its dead scales, without having time to exfoliate, clog the sebaceous glands, forcing them to work even more actively. To break this vicious circle, systematic exfoliation is required.

For oily seborrhea (dandruff), alternate your regular shampoo with a medicated one. which contains antibacterial and antimicrobial components (zinc or sulfur compounds, tea tree essential oil, etc.).

Caring for “oily” hair

Dry shampoo for oily hair, Syoss. Shampoo for oily hair, Melvita with extracts of nettle, burdock, adiantum, watercress and essential oils. Soft strengthening hair balm “Tender minerals” Dercos, Vichy free of silicones and parabens. Marine scrub for scalp and hair Nature's Rescue Refining Sea Polish, Redken.

Rinse your hair after washing cool or even cold water. You can add a little lemon juice or fruit vinegar to it: this will add shine to your hair and slightly reduce its oiliness.

Dry shampoo is a good way to freshen your hair. for hair: spray it on your hair, leave for a couple of minutes, then “massage” your hair with a towel and comb.

Remember that too frequent and active combing of hair and hot air from a hair dryer increase the secretion of sebum. Also, the sebaceous glands work more actively when we are stressed and eat a lot of spicy or fatty foods.

Oily curls are perceived by some people as a death sentence. And indeed, as soon as you wash your hair, by the evening your hair is no longer voluminous and seems dirty. In winter, you don’t want to take off your hat because the strands stick together under it. Special care for oily hair will help rid your life of such inconveniences. The main thing is to set a goal.

Causes of increased oiliness in strands

First of all, you need to pay attention to the scalp. A large amount of secretion is formed in the sebaceous glands. It spreads from the roots over the entire area of ​​the rods, on which a thin film is formed. It protects them from solar radiation, frost, and dust.

The appearance of your hair becomes unkempt, and you don’t want to touch the strands.

If your curls become prone to oiliness over time, perhaps the reason lies in a disruption of the endocrine system. It is necessary to restore health, and not get carried away with cosmetics that will only bring a temporary effect.

Other reasons:

  • pregnancy;
  • digestive problems;
  • stress;
  • unbalanced diet.

If your hair quickly becomes oily, it is most likely a genetic predisposition. This problem can only be solved by proper care of the skin and hair. Often people with hair that tends to quickly become covered with oil solve it by washing it every day. However, it only partially helps.

Caring for oily hair

Cosmetologists and hairdressers agree that it is easier to solve the issue of polishing strands than dry ones. Trichologists treat skin and hair. They are against frequent head washing. Instead, you need to use special tools.

Expert opinion

Catherine the Great

You cannot wash oily hair with detergents designed for other hair types. This will only increase the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

Hair care technique:

  • 1 hour before wet procedures, put on a shower cap and wrap a warm towel on top;
  • shampoo is poured into the hand, foamed and applied to the curls;
  • massage the roots well with your fingertips;
  • the rods do not need to be washed; the shampoo that flows down them is enough for them;
  • then the foam is thoroughly washed off with running warm water;
  • Rinse with boiled water or a specially prepared solution with vinegar.

Expert opinion

Catherine the Great

Dermatovenerologist, trichologist and cosmetologist

If the head is subjected to wet procedures with very hot water, the glands will secrete even more secretion. If necessary, you can wash it twice. The first time the dirt will be removed from the skin, the second time the layer of fat will be removed. When using conditioner, it is important to apply it only to the curls, without affecting the roots. Then the volume will last longer.

You need to take care of your oily mop regularly, but not every day. It is worth gradually breaking away from this habit. First, make a gap of one day, then two.

After washing, the strands should not be rubbed with a towel, just wrap the curls in it. If this condition is violated, they are injured. Caring for them will become even more difficult.

Styling oily hair

Most owners of oily hair complain about the lack of volume in their hairstyle, as their curls quickly become greasy. The following tips will help solve this hair condition:

  1. Drying – it is better to let the curls dry on their own. If necessary, you can use a hairdryer, but you should not blow on the roots. The fat that is located there will quickly fall on the curls due to the high temperature.
  2. Combing – you should touch your hair with your hands and comb it as little as possible. This stimulates fat production.
  3. Styling – you should choose styling products with a minimum amount of oils, since they are what make the curls oily.
  4. Curling – curly hair prevents fat from spreading along its length.

These simple tips will help you increase the interval between washing your hair.

Shampoos for oily curls

Shampoo companies are developing lines for oil strands. But not all of them give good results, so it’s worth familiarizing yourself with the rating of the best products.

NameDescriptionPrice per bottle (rubles)
Clear vita Abe Ultimate ControlThe main direction is the fight against dandruff, but it also solves the problem of excessive secretion. The effect is noticeable after 3 weeks of regular use225
Batiste OriginalAerosol shampoo for dry use. Eliminates fat in a couple of minutes. You need to spray your head, wait, comb your curls. The effect will last for several hours. Then you need to wash everything off400
"Blackcurrant and nettle" from Green MamaConsists of herbal ingredients, but contains sodium lauryl sulfate. There is no silicone, so the curls retain their fullness and volume.190
"7 Herbs" by ShaumaClears fat. Thanks to the hop and chamomile extracts included in its composition, the condition of the skin improves175
Kapous Professional TreatmentCreated on the basis of orange with vitamin A, B. It perfectly washes curls350
LOreal Professionnel Pure ResourceA professional care product that acts on the roots of dry hair. Contains vitamin E720
"Regulating" by Vichy DercosA pharmaceutical drug that gives good results, but after a while. Main active ingredients – salicylic, thermal water810
"Regulating" from "Clean Line"Contains many herbal ingredients, helps with hair oiliness problem90
"Fat Control" from Clear Vita ABE MenShampoo contains many chemicals that help improve the health of your hair. It was created for men255
Nivea Men "Extreme Freshness"The base includes citrus juices. They are supplemented with menthol, castor oil, and guarana. Effectively solves the problem of oily hair and dandruff160

Shampoos help get rid of the problem at home only temporarily. Many of them dry out the scalp.

DIY natural shampoo substitutes

It is better that the product for oily hair is completely natural based. Then the therapeutic effect will give a good result. There are many ways to cleanse without using an industrial product. Once upon a time, people used them everywhere.

Homemade shampoos:

  1. On kefir - salt a quarter of a glass of low-fat kefir and mix with the yolk. Apply to strands moistened with water and massage for several minutes.
  2. Rye - make a liquid slurry based on rye bread and boiling water. After 15 minutes, rub everything through a sieve. Apply the composition to water-moistened curls for 10 minutes. Massage the skin. Rinse until all crumbs are removed.
  3. Mustard with clay– 2-3 tbsp. l. Dissolve mustard in two tablespoons of warm water. You should get a thick paste, reminiscent of sour cream. Add blue clay to it. Apply to damp hair and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse with plenty of water to avoid burns.
  4. Chickpeas - you will need 4 tbsp. l. clay, 1 tablespoon of chickpea flour, the same amount of apple cider vinegar, a couple of drops of rosemary. Dilute all components with warm water. The mixture can be stored in a closed jar. It is applied to the curls for a few minutes.
  5. Pomegranate – add 3 tablespoons of pomegranate peels to 1 liter of water, boil, and keep on the stove for 15 minutes. Use the decoction for two months (3-4 times a week). Then you can rinse your hair with it once every 7 days.

Before using a folk remedy, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to any of the components.

See also: 5 tips on how to wash your hair less often (video)

Washing oily curls with baking soda

Baking soda has been used since ancient times to combat pollution. Due to its alkaline properties, it dissolves fat well and is non-toxic. It is recommended to add it to shampoo.

One tsp. Soda is poured into a few tablespoons of water. The solution is mixed with 1 tsp. shampoo The strands will creak, and the shine will please the owner of oily skin type.

You can do without an industrial detergent product. Wash your hair with this liquid, then rinse it with a mixture of apple cider vinegar (1 tsp) and water (1 l). The curls will sparkle and comb well.

The acid can be replaced with lemon juice. It is necessary to soften hard water. If you don't use it, your hair will become difficult to comb and become tangled.

You should not get carried away with this method, as it greatly dries out the skin. This can lead to flaking and dandruff.

Recipes for folk masks and infusions:

  1. Grind two yolks with two tablespoons of honey. Rub the mixture into the skin and leave overnight. Cover the top with a bag and a towel, and rinse with shampoo in the morning.
  2. Mix the egg yolk with alcohol and water (1 tsp each). Wash off after 10 minutes.
  3. Horsetail, peppermint, oak bark (2 tablespoons each) pour into 1 liter. boiling water for 40 minutes, strain. Apply to strands and after 3 minutes. rinse with balm.

To enhance the effect of the mask, it is advisable to use it warm.

Taking vitamin-mineral complexes

Complete hair care includes not only choosing an effective shampoo, but also taking vitamins. Vitamin B2 helps eliminate root oiliness. In the pharmacy it is found under the name riboflavin. There is a lot of it in meat, bread, and dairy products.

Vitamin B6, called pyridoxine, also improves the condition of the skin on the head. It is present in eggs, fish, potatoes, cabbage.

These drugs can be used separately, both internally and externally. For example, you can drip B2 into shampoo and wash your hair with it for two weeks.

There are many that strengthen curls and nourish them. Most often, they are designed to combat early hair loss, but they also help with excessive oiliness, making the strands look normal.

List of popular complexes:

  • "Revalid".
  • "Perfectil."
  • "Inneov Hair Density."
  • "Nutricap".
  • Merz Beauty.
  • “Fitoval.”
  • "Selencin."

Taking vitamins without medical supervision can lead to serious consequences. Sometimes it is enough to establish a balanced diet and the body will receive nutrients from regular food.

Caring for oily and thin hair initially requires the correct selection of shampoo that will not make it dry and dull.
Women of the European type often have thin hair. This can be attributed to the fact that there are no severe frosts or scorching heat on the Eurasian continent.

Thin hair cannot be called a 100% disadvantage, because it often looks silky and soft to the touch. Such strands are easy to style, they are manageable and fit perfectly in any hairstyle.

The real problem arises when such curls begin to quickly become dirty. This problem is familiar to many women - as soon as you wash your hair in the morning, towards the middle of the day your hair falls off and takes on an unkempt appearance.

Below we will tell you how to take care of oily and fine hair.

Skin or hair that requires more care

The condition of hair is genetically determined in our body. You cannot change the thickness of the hair or its color. You can't change straight strands into curly ones.
It is possible to influence the condition of the skin and reduce its oiliness.

With proper care for thin, oily hair at home, your curls will look much better. It is important to choose a harmonious care system.

Many people make the standard mistake of trying to wash their hair until it’s squeaky clean with aggressive shampoos for oily hair. You can't do this!

If the product completely removes all sebum, the glands begin to produce even more of it. This threatens to make your hair look greasy all the time.

Another problem is that you can end up with curls that resemble a broom. Sebum gives hair shine and smoothness, and if it is periodically cleaned aggressively, the hair shaft becomes rough and dry.

Dry hair is difficult to style; it lacks shine and is unpleasant to the touch.

You notice that you wash your hair more and more often. Excess sebum has a bad effect on the appearance of the hair and scalp. The sebaceous secretion clogs the pores and does not allow the skin to breathe.
This may cause dandruff.

The standard mistake girls make in such a situation is to take shampoo for oily hair from the supermarket shelf.

This product may cause another problem - oily roots and dry ends. Too aggressive a product can cause scalp allergies and other unpleasant symptoms.

Where to start caring for problematic hair

The first thing you need to start with is choosing the right shampoo. Don't buy a bottle that says it's for oily hair. It is quite suitable for normal people, the main thing is to read the ingredients. It should not contain components such as lanolin and silicones.

They make the hair look greasy and dull. It’s great if the product contains herbal extracts, for example, horsetail extract or oak bark. Recently, many companies have begun to produce shampoos for this type of hair.

The second important rule is to wash your hair properly. Many people don’t know how to do this correctly and rub their hair like laundry when washing. The shampoo should be applied only to the scalp, after diluting it with water in the palm of your hand.

It is absolutely unacceptable to pour product from a bottle onto your head. Wash your skin with gentle massage movements. There is no need to apply shampoo to the ends. The amount of product that gets on them when washed off is enough.

It is better to wash the ends with conditioner. Water can be pre-softened with soda.

Baking soda is added to shampoo to create an excellent deep cleanser.

Pour shampoo into your palm and add a tablespoon of soda.

The shampoo needs to be used 2 times - the first time the product washes away dust and dirt, and the second time the beneficial substances begin to act.

Rinse off the shampoo thoroughly, for at least a minute. Its remains on the scalp and hair can cause irritation and dandruff.

Under no circumstances should you wash your hair with hot water! Only warm and cool rinse at the end.

Hot water makes the sebaceous glands work harder and makes them dull. Cool, on the other hand, perfectly reduces fat ducts and clogs open hair scales.

It is good to rinse oily hair with an acidified solution. You can use vinegar or lemon juice.

Take a liter of cool water and add a tablespoon of vinegar (apple, wine) or a teaspoon of lemon juice. This rinse perfectly shrinks pores and reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Frequent washing does not aggravate the situation at all, as our grandmothers like to say. It is much worse for a woman to walk around with a dirty, unkempt head.

It has been scientifically proven that proper hair washing has no effect on hair oiliness. Walking around with a greasy head is harmful. Dirt and sebum clog pores and promote the proliferation of various bacteria.

It is useful to rinse your hair with various herbal decoctions, for example, a decoction of burdock root, oak bark or sage.

Train yourself not to comb wet strands! This will lead to their injury.

It is better to comb them thoroughly before water procedures and gently wash the curls with massage movements. Be sure to use a light conditioner, it makes the hair smooth and shiny.

We should not forget about masks and leave-in care products. The mask will thicken the hair shaft and add volume to the hairstyle.

As for various fluids and serums that do not require rinsing, they protect hair from environmental influences and remove electrified hair. Leave-in hair oils prevent split ends.

It is important to comb your strands correctly.

You should start from the ends, carefully moving towards the roots. It is better to use a wooden comb with rounded teeth. The use of hair dryers, curling irons and straightening irons should be reduced.

Such manipulations only add problems to your hair. For example, to make your hair curly, you can wash your hair the night before and roll it while wet using curlers.

To straighten your hair, you can buy a comb in the form of a straightening iron. She needs to carefully comb her slightly damp strands, after applying a light styling product or oil to them.

It's no secret that the condition of your skin and hair largely depends on nutrition. To make your hair less greasy at the roots and silky at the ends, you should limit some foods or even completely remove them from your diet.

These include alcohol, smoked foods, fatty and fried foods, carbonated drinks, coffee and tea. The entire list provokes increased work of the sebaceous glands, and alcohol and coffee also dehydrate the body.

It is enough to follow all these rules and in a few weeks you will be able to see the difference in the condition of your hair. The main thing is to regularly follow the tips given above and your curls will only delight you.

Those who have been given weak and brittle hair since birth are destined to constantly limit all kinds of thermal treatments. And chemical Effects - it is important to take good hair care.

But don't despair, every problem has a solution. You just need to use more gentle paints without ammonia.

The use of herbal-based paints will give amazing results. Such paints, penetrating into the structure, nourish them, giving thickness and volume.

Frequent hair washing is contraindicated, and it is advisable to comb with a comb with sparsely spaced teeth. Try to choose a haircut that will effectively highlight the advantages of your face and hide the lack of thickness.

The important point is that it is necessary to dry only naturally.

Rinsing them with mineral water will significantly strengthen weakened hair.
This approach will give immediate results. Another interesting mask is made from sour milk.
Suitable for those who want to lighten their hair.
Well, or make them at least one tone lighter.
Try it.

The mask is also suitable for hair weakened by constant coloring.

Oily hair can greatly ruin your image. It happens that you just washed your hair in the morning, and by the evening of an important meeting they have already lost their freshness and volume, stick together and become shiny...

It is not very difficult to cure excessive oily hair; the main thing is to take the problem seriously and pay due attention to your hair.

Rinsing oily hair

Rinsing your hair will help effectively reduce oil production. apple cider vinegar . Dilute a tablespoon of vinegar in a liter of water and rinse your hair after washing. Hair will stay fresh longer and gain a healthy shine.

  • Apple cider vinegar for hair: beneficial properties, mask recipes

Lemon juice – a popular and effective remedy for reducing oily hair. Dilute 50 gr. Lemon juice in a liter of water and rinse washed hair. Another option: prepare a lotion from lemon juice to rub into your scalp every day. To do this, dilute the juice with water in a one-to-one ratio (you can add a little alcohol or cognac to the mixture) and rub into the hair roots every day for a week. Then - a week break.

Medicinal herbs for oily hair

Rinsing your hair with a tincture of medicinal herbs will give amazing results after just a couple of weeks of use. The tincture is prepared with any of the herbs that have astringent properties: mint, nettle, plantain, burdock, calendula, oak bark, St. John's wort, green tea, rosemary, sage, rowan. Add a little alcohol to the medicinal decoction and you will get an excellent lotion for oily hair that can be rubbed into the scalp daily. Alcohol has a drying effect, dissolves fat, and regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Masks for oily hair

Oily hair needs regular treatment and nutrition with masks for oily hair.

Kefir mask or yogurt - an ideal product for caring for oily hair. Lubricate your head with kefir and leave for 20 minutes. Then wash with shampoo and rinse with lemon water. Make a mask before each wash, your hair will receive additional nutrition, restore its structure, and become fresh and shiny.

Egg mask with honey will help improve hair and scalp health, remove excess fat, and regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Mix the yolk, a tablespoon of honey and cognac. Apply to hair for 30 – 50 minutes. Wash off with shampoo.

Protein mask with chamomile . Beat the egg white, mix with chamomile infusion (2-3 tablespoons) and apply to hair for half an hour. Rinse thoroughly. The mask effectively cleanses the scalp and nourishes the hair.

Mustard mask . Dilute a teaspoon of dry mustard in a small amount of warm water, add a little kefir and apply to hair for 10 minutes. Mustard dries hair, regulates the secretion of subcutaneous sebum, and stimulates hair growth.

Starch mask will help cleanse skin pores from excess oil, make hair fresh and healthy. Mix 2 tablespoons of starch with a teaspoon of honey and a spoon of aloe juice. Apply to curls for 30 minutes.

Cosmetic clay effectively copes with the problem of oily hair. Take some clay and dilute it with mineral water or kefir to the consistency of a semi-liquid slurry. You can add a little mustard powder and 2-3 drops of any essential oil to the mask. Apply to hair roots for 20 minutes.

Colorless henna often used in masks for oily hair. It needs to be diluted in serum or mineral water to a thick sour cream and applied to the hair roots for half an hour.

Fresh vegetable juice (cucumber, zucchini, pumpkin, carrots) is very useful to rub into the scalp in case of increased oiliness. Skin pores are reduced and oily shine disappears.

  • Homemade masks for oily hair: a collection of the best recipes

Essential oils for oily hair

One of the simple and affordable ways to treat excess oily hair is the use of essential oils. For hair prone to oily hair, the following oils are best suited: tea tree, mint, cedar, eucalyptus, bergamot, cypress, juniper, pine, clary sage, oregano, mustard, thyme, frankincense, lavender, yarrow, rosemary, lemon, lime and orange

Essential rinses: For 1 liter of water add 2-3 drops of any of the above oils and a teaspoon of vinegar. Rinse hair after washing.

Aroma combing: Apply 1-2 drops of ether to a fine-toothed wooden comb and comb hair evenly from roots to ends for 10 minutes.

Shampoo with esters. Add a couple of drops of essential oil to a portion of shampoo when washing your hair.

Washing oily hair

Water for washing It should be soft, warm, pleasant to the touch, but in no case hot, so that the work of the sebaceous glands does not accelerate.

Shampoo be sure to choose one marked for “oily hair”, it will gently cleanse the scalp and remove excess oil.

Rinse It is recommended not to condition the hair, but to use a decoction of medicinal herbs; they will help reduce the production of excess fat, moisturize the hair, and make it stronger.

To dry hair After washing it is best to do it naturally, without using a hair dryer. Hot air irritates the scalp and can increase oil production.

Try to treat your hair more gently and carefully, use a comb as little as possible, avoid tight hairstyles, as massaging the scalp will once again stimulate the sebaceous glands and the hair will look dirty again.

Diet for oily hair

Very oily hair is the result of improper functioning of your body, dysfunction of some internal organs, for example, the thyroid gland.

Proper nutrition will help improve the condition of your hair, reduce oil production and improve its appearance. Try to eat as little fatty foods as possible, sweets, spicy foods, and starchy foods. The main diet should be vegetables, fruits, lean meat.

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