What can you give to teachers for the New Year? What to give teachers for the New Year? What to give to a kindergarten teacher

It just so happened that on the eve of the New Year holidays it is customary to congratulate not only family and friends. Traditionally, New Year gifts are given to educators, school teachers and work colleagues. As a rule, the solution to this difficult task “falls on the shoulders” of parent committees, whose representatives have to annually “rack their brains” over how to surprise and please their favorite teacher or teacher.

In order to get out of this predicament gracefully and with dignity, it is necessary to take into account several important criteria, such as the age of the gift recipient, her character traits and the presence of certain taste preferences. At the same time, gifts to teachers for the New Year, as well as for other holidays, should not be too personal. It is better if they are quite restrained and neutral.

The most anticipated and common gifts for teachers and educators

In order to avoid unnecessary hassle and worry directly on the eve of the holiday, you should take care of purchasing a suitable present in advance, after consulting with other representatives of the “initiative parent group” on this matter.

Most often, for the New Year, teachers are given sets of sweets or perfumes and cosmetics. Well, these gifts can be called quite appropriate and suitable for this occasion. However, there is absolutely no originality or creativity in them; rather, presentations of this kind can be called expected and boring. So, if you want to impress your favorite teachers, you should immediately abandon these “familiar” options.

By the way, according to statistics, the most frequently given New Year's gifts are:

  • A bottle of champagne or other alcohol. About 10% of educators receive this gift for the New Year.
  • Money. About 8% of parents give them to their teachers.
  • Souvenirs in the form of figures that are symbols of the coming year. They are given by 4% of teachers.
  • Towels and tablecloths. The number of their recipients is about 3%.

And only 1% of parents show their ingenuity and imagination by giving their teachers unusual and original gifts for the New Year.

We take tradition as a basis

In principle, all of the above options have a right to exist. So, if you do not want to deviate from traditions, you can give the following New Year gifts to teachers:

  • Food baskets, including a standard set of “holiday” products: red caviar, a bottle of good wine, chocolate and other delicacies that are sure to take pride of place on the New Year’s table. Despite the fact that gifts of this type are the most expected and common, here you can surprise with the “good filling” of the basket. The only negative: good, high-quality products are not cheap.
  • As a New Year's gift, young teachers can be given a gift certificate for the purchase of cosmetics. An excellent alternative to standard perfume sets, which are usually given to school and kindergarten employees for various occasions. Now your teacher will be able to choose exactly what she wants and will certainly be pleased with your congratulations.
  • For older women who spend a lot of time at the stove, a good New Year's gift could be a set of baking molds and tools. You can complement this useful gift with a beautiful, well-illustrated book of culinary recipes.
  • Cozy and beautiful woolen blankets are very good gifts for teachers for the New Year, which will be useful in any home.
  • Festive packaged sets of tea or coffee, complemented by a beautiful teapot or mug, are very good options that can also be presented to your teachers for this wonderful celebration.

Show imagination and creativity

However, in order to please your teachers and make their favorite holiday a little brighter and more spectacular, you can give them something more extraordinary and unusual. For example:

We fit within a small budget

Each of the listed gifts is good in its own way, however, they are still quite expensive. Therefore, if your budget is limited to a small amount, you can congratulate your favorite teachers in a slightly different way.

“Budget” gift options include:

Cash gifts for teachers: pros and cons

A fairly common New Year gift for educators is money. This is understandable: why take risks and acquire something unnecessary, if, having received even a rather modest amount, a person can choose for himself what he needs most at the moment.

Considering the fact that the salaries of kindergarten workers leave much to be desired, this is understandable. However, despite all its simplicity and convenience, gifts in the form of banknotes do not look very nice.

So, if at a meeting of the parent committee you decide to congratulate your teachers in this way, it will be better if you present your gift in some original way. Here are some of the most successful options for such congratulations:

  • Place banknotes in a beautiful envelope with holiday symbols. Complete your gift with a bouquet of beautiful flowers or a box of chocolates.
  • Present them in a miniature box designed in the form of a book.
  • Place the money in a wallet or purse and give it as a gift to teachers.

In general, gifts to beloved educators and teachers can be very different: expensive and modest, colorful and laconic, edible and functional. And, in order for them to bring real pleasure to their recipients and touch them to the depths of their souls, they must be truly kind and “warm”. Only in this case they will become a real decoration of the New Year's holiday and will make it even more pleasant and desirable..

New Year 2019 is just around the corner, and we are all looking forward to the arrival of this winter holiday. What can we say about our little children who are still going to kindergarten, where a large New Year tree has already been delivered and installed. Children are waiting for New Year's gifts from Santa Claus and the New Year's party in kindergarten, inventing and creating a festive outfit for it with their mother. The kids spent a whole year in kindergarten under the caring supervision of their favorite teacher, and I would like to emphasize my gratitude to him for this with some interesting souvenir. Such a small gift for the New Year is very appropriate, and believe me, it will not go unnoticed. But what can be presented to the teacher that is inexpensive and at the same time fashionable and modern? Our article provides you with the answer to the question - what to give the teacher for the New Year 2019 interesting and unusual.

If you want to receive the desired gift, write!

Top 15 gifts for a teacher for the New Year 2019

When you don’t have enough money to buy an expensive and valuable gift for the teacher for the New Year 2019, you should try to give an inexpensive but good gift that will be a reminder of you and how much you love him. Sometimes it is better for a teacher to buy an original gift for the New Year that will not only be useful, but will also surprise. Our top 15 gifts for a teacher for the New Year 2019 will help you quickly make your choice.

  • A bottle of champagne. Another symbol of the New Year is champagne. Buy a bottle of good champagne and decorate it with decoupage from photographs of children and funny wishes.
  • For the sweet life. Despite everything, sweets can be called one of the most popular gifts; for representatives of this profession, a box of delicious sweets or a small cake for the New Year will not be superfluous, especially if they have children. In addition, you can present a can of coffee or tea.

  • To decorate the holiday tree. What can’t you imagine the New Year without? Of course, without a holiday tree. Nowadays, in stores you can find many Christmas tree decorations that have an original design and decoration. Present a set of balloons, a garland and other decorations. A themed and useful gift for the New Year 2019.

  • We decorate the interior design. Such original gifts as a floor vase, an original figurine, ikebana, a painting or portrait, a clock, a houseplant, a tablecloth, a beautiful throw for a sofa or armchair, a lamp, a sconce or a table lamp can create a fashionable interior for any room. These things will certainly find their place in any home.

  • A gift for a long memory. More than one hundred children pass through the kind hands of kindergarten teachers, which is why it would be a good idea to present a memorable surprise for the New Year. You can make a calendar for 2019, which will have photographs of the entire group of children or a photo collage. First, of course, you will need to take photographs of the children and your favorite teacher. To do this, it is best to visit a kindergarten and capture how the children spend time with it.

  • For good health. Taking care of the health and well-being of your child’s teacher, you can present her with a universal massager, balm, electronic thermometer, tonometer, etc. These creative items will allow him to monitor and maintain his health.

  • We care about beauty. If she is a young girl, you can present her with a set of cosmetics for the New Year. Face cream, toner, lotion, shower gel will certainly come in handy. Also, a good option would be a set of cosmetics for hair care. Shampoo, conditioner and hair mask are a great New Year's gift that will help a girl take care of the health of her hair. However, even if your child’s teacher is an older woman, cosmetics are also a pretty good gift, but when choosing certain products, it is important to pay attention to age. An excellent option would be cream lifting. In order not to make a mistake, you can simply present a gift certificate for the purchase of cosmetics or perfumes in a store. Then she will be able to buy exactly what she needs.

  • For the hostess. What can you give to a real hostess? Kitchen utensils are definitely a good idea. A set of cutlery and pots is the first thing that comes to mind, but this is not all that can be presented for the New Year. A set of various spices, an apron, towels and oven mitts, a tablecloth, a yogurt maker, an ice cream maker, a waffle iron, an electronic kitchen scale, a universal blender, a mixer, a vegetable cutter, a food processor, a multicooker, a bread maker, etc. Any housewife will appreciate such a gift.

  • Functional gifts. There are many things that each of us simply cannot do without. Such items include a clothes dryer, umbrella, dish rack, steam cleaner, travel iron, bathroom rug, etc. Such gifts are not complicated and simple, however, they will certainly come in handy in the household.

  • The best gift is a book. The book is a source of knowledge and a faithful teacher. Why not buy a book on the upcoming sign for the New Year 2019? In modern bookstores you can find many interesting publications. For example: the secrets of traditional healers, the secrets of the deaths of great people, the prophecies of Nostradamus, the mysteries of the emergence of world civilizations, the prophecies of Tutankhamun, the Encyclopedia of Aphorisms and Thoughts, etc. These books contain educational information that everyone will be interested in learning about. You can also buy books on embroidery, knitting and needlework; they will probably also come in handy.

Top 10 DIY gifts for a teacher for the New Year 2019

Speaking about New Year's souvenirs, one cannot help but pay special attention to DIY gifts for the teacher for the New Year 2019. By making New Year's presents with your own hands, you will give memorable souvenirs. Don't forget to involve your child in making a New Year's present for the teacher.

  1. Candy bouquet of roses. Sweet tooth lovers will definitely appreciate this delicious gift. To create a candy masterpiece, you need to have candies in colorful wrappers, corrugated paper, and skewers. The candies must be wrapped in paper and attached to skewers previously wrapped in green paper. Wrap the flowers in a beautiful wrapper. Tasty and very beautiful.

  1. Florarium. This gift option will appeal to those who like to grow house plants. Depending on the plants and the frequency of caring for them, you can create a florarium “Tropical rain forests”, “Semi-desert”, “Mountains”, “Moss”. To make it you will need appropriate plants, soil, a glass container, tools, drainage, charcoal or activated carbon, decorative elements, and decorations.

  1. The most ordinary wooden board can be turned into a real masterpiece of art for a gift. To complete this you will need a board, dark and light acrylic paint, PVA glue, decoupage varnish, beautiful napkins with flowers, scissors, and a sponge. Cover the board with dark paint. After drying, coat the board with light paint. Cut out pictures from a napkin and place them on the board. Cover the top with a layer of PVA glue. Cover the entire board with several layers of decoupage varnish.

  1. Warm sweater slippers. An old unnecessary thing can be very useful in making a new practical thing. To make warm soft slippers you will need an old tightly knitted sweater, scissors, paper, pins, a skein of wool yarn, and a gypsy needle. Make a pattern and cut out the sole. Place the sweater sleeve on your leg and select the required length. Cut the sleeve slightly diagonally. Connect with a sole on which you can sew thin rubber, leather, silicone so that the slippers do not slip. Decorate the top with buttons and bows.

When choosing gifts for teachers for the New Year in kindergarten, the parent committee should first of all focus on the character of the teacher himself. For some, a salary increase presented in a beautiful New Year's envelope may seem almost insulting, but, for example, in distant regions, it can become the most desired gift.

SURVEY. According to a survey on our website, the most common gifts given to teachers for the New Year are:

1. Candies, chocolate, sweet gifts - 65%

2. A bottle of champagne - 10%

3. Cosmetic sets (shampoo, gels, etc.) - 8%

4. Money - 7%

5. Gift cards for cosmetics - 5%

6. Towel, toys, souvenirs for the coming year - 4%

7. Non-standard and original gifts for the New Year - 1%

Custom gifts for teachers for the New Year

Gifts for teachers for the New Year can be symbolic, but quite unusual and memorable. Such gifts for teachers for the New Year require the active participation of children, albeit indirectly. For example, a printing house will print a calendar according to your layout for the New Year. For an idea, you can take a fairy tale about 12 months - let each month be personified by a kid from the group or a couple of bosom friends, if the number in the group exceeds twelve.

The same can be done with a wall clock that will decorate a room in a group or in a teacher’s house, and on the dial there will be a collage of joint photographs.

You can continue this theme and make real gifts for teachers for the New Year - for example, Christmas tree decorations painted by children. Nowadays there are many plain-colored New Year's balls on sale, intended specifically for joint creativity.

Gifts for teachers for the New Year may not be practical at all, but they are memorable. For example, a book made using the scrapbooking method, which contains the most striking events that happened in the group this year, with funny clippings from magazines and funny comments from parents.

If there is little time left and not all parents agree with “experimental” gifts, then you can stick to traditional ones.

SURVEY. How much did you spend on a gift for the teacher?

Alena, St. Petersburg:— They chipped in 100 rubles each. There are 28 children in the group, 2,800 rubles for a gift - a very good amount.

Yana Pavlova, Kaluga:- We will put it in an envelope for the teachers 1,000 rubles each, they also gave me a New Year's snowman and candy.

Margarita, Moscow:— Every month we donate to the needs of the group 2,000 rubles each. This amount also includes New Year gifts to anyone the parent committee wishes to give. I think the gift will be no more than 3,000 rubles. We have two teachers and a nanny and many other different employees and management.

Sergey, Moscow:- Let's chip in 250 rubles each. There are 21 children in the group.

Traditional gifts for teachers for the New Year

The set of traditional gifts is quite predictable from year to year. For example, food baskets that include a jar of caviar, champagne, and a box of chocolates are very popular. Such gifts certainly will not be lost. As a survey among educators showed, it is not the food basket consisting of delicacies that is remembered more, but the fruit basket - perhaps due to the brightness of the fruits, which carry a piece of the sun and summer.

Another option is to give a gift to teachers using a certificate to a cosmetics store for a certain amount. Such a gift does not oblige you to anything: the teacher can choose cosmetics to suit her taste.

All the teachers are mothers and wives, and therefore a good, expensive baking set, which Lyubov Ivanovna is unlikely to afford herself, will be a pleasant New Year's surprise. The set can be supplemented with a cookbook with illustrations - new recipes will find their place in the culinary “piggy bank”.

Congratulations to teachers in verse for the New Year in kindergarten

Gifts to teachers for the New Year should be prepared the old fashioned way - with a collective card containing wishes from all parents. Now you can buy ready-made versions with printed poems, but I want to say something of my own, not yet marked with printing ink and not replicated into millions of copies.

For example, this poetic congratulation to teachers:

We are happy to congratulate our teacher from the bottom of our hearts.
The kids love her caring hands so much.

Even though the snow is swirling outside the window, it’s always warm next to her.
She will tell interesting things about different things in a simple and light way.

He will feed you, calm you down with a fairy tale, and put you to bed.
And he will wait every minute for our new discoveries.

He will prepare a poem, select a perky dance,
He will decorate the Christmas tree right in the group and sing a good song.

And he won’t forget to smile and lightly hug you with his hand.
We want to wish our precious one so much today

– Health, joy, success, happy children’s voices,
So that misfortunes and bad weather are bolted.

May the sun laugh merrily!
So that the New Year is already in a hurry.

So that everything in the world works out!
And the day was filled with happiness!

SURVEY.What gifts did you give to teachers for the New Year?

Anna, Moscow:“I don’t remember what our parent committee gave to the teachers, it seems to me that it was nothing original - just candy and a New Year’s souvenir. Well, now any New Year's souvenir, and not the worst one, can be bought in a store for little money. I don’t think much about gifts, I just go to the store and buy whatever I like.

Valentina Ivanovna, kindergarten teacher:- What didn’t our parents give us for the New Year! They gave us a beautiful towel, gift cards for cosmetics at Rivgoche and Letual, candy bouquets, shower sets and much more. It was very nice to receive a handmade postcard from mom and son! Gifts that children and their parents themselves give are very dear to the heart of the teacher.

Margarita, Perm:— We always made do with sweets and champagne. They gave us a box of Raffaello and Russian champagne.

Alexey, Chelyabinsk:— For the New Year, we have prepared a gift certificate to the store, a bottle of champagne, a box of chocolates and a New Year’s set of chocolates for the teacher’s children! Everything is in triplicate (2 teachers and a nanny) Don’t forget about the nannies!

What to give teachers for the New Year

When choosing a gift for educators, you need to consider several factors:

1. The gift can be from a group, from one parent.
2. The amount for which you plan to buy a gift.
3. If the gift is from a group, then it is necessary to give the same or similar gifts to both teachers (usually there are two per group) and do not forget about the nanny.
4. Possible preferences of teachers. Sometimes teachers are openly against any expensive gifts or, for example, for health reasons they cannot have alcohol or sweets; if this is known, then this fact must be taken into account.

Gifts for the New Year can be completely simple, traditional, and generally accepted. Such gifts include:

1. Sweets.
2. Any food sets.
3. Tea, coffee, alcohol.
4. Certificates.

You can also give something that you have made with your own hands. But provided that everything is done carefully, competently and competently. We will consider traditional, interesting, original and designer gifts in detail below.

Options for original gifts for a teacher

If you want to show off your originality and escape from generally accepted standards, then you can look at the list of original gift ideas for a teacher for the New Year, and choose something suitable for your situation:

1. Original accessories: scarves, brooches, sashes, belts. These can be classic products or those made by professional handmade craftswomen.

2. A flash drive in an interesting design: in the form of a totem animal for the coming year, a flower, a Christmas tree, and so on.

3. Diary and set of pens. You can purchase a notebook with an original handmade leather cover and use the pens to make a composition in the shape of a Christmas tree.

4. Massager for legs or back.

5. An umbrella with interesting symbols or with a design applied in a photo workshop.

6. A portrait of a teacher, made from a photograph or in the form of a template for embroidery or a design with rhinestones, if she is interested in needlework.

Before you choose an original gift, you need to be sure that your teachers will appreciate it. Such gifts are usually targeted and are given only to those whom they know well. There is no need to choose original gifts for those teachers to whom you take your children for the first year. In that case, opt for more traditional options.

Options for interesting gifts for teachers

You can deviate from general standards and choose an unusual, interesting gift. It would be good here if the teacher’s hobbies or preferences are known. So, for example, you can safely give enthusiastic people something related to their hobby:

1. Craft kits.
2. Sets for active recreation.
3. Books.
4. Culinary encyclopedias.
5. Invitations or tickets to the theater, concert or exhibition.

In this case, the gifts for the two group teachers and the nanny will be different.

What to give to the teacher from the group

A gift from a group can be large, interesting, and worth the amount allocated by the parents of the entire group to congratulate the teachers. It is necessary to give the same gifts to two teachers if there are two of them in the group. In addition, we cannot forget about the nanny in the group. For her, you can choose a gift that is a little cheaper or the same.

For the teacher from the group it is appropriate to give:

1. Sets of food or drinks. This can be beautifully packaged gastronomic sets, fruits, tea, coffee, sweets and alcohol.
2. Cosmetic kits. But here you need to be careful, since everyone’s skin is different and their preferences are also different. You need to choose the most neutral ingredients, for example, shower gel, bath foam, hand cream, washcloth, towel.
3. Festive tablecloths and napkins.
4. Sets of dishes: glasses, mugs, cutlery.
5. Certificates or money. If you choose a certificate, then focus on those stores that we visit in normal everyday life: grocery stores, dishware stores, home decor stores, supermarkets.

For the nanny, you can choose a similar gift, determine the same amount or a little less.

What to give a teacher from parents

In addition to the general gift from the group, each parent individually can congratulate the teachers and nanny. A gift from a parent can be completely inexpensive, simply symbolic, but tasteful. Here it is important to congratulate all the teachers in the group, without singling out your loved one, and the nanny.

Such a gift can be a classic set in the form of champagne and sweets, tea or coffee, as well as more interesting and unusual options:

1. Poinsettia or cypress in pots.
2. New Year's candles. These can be ordinary, beautifully stylized candles with or without a candlestick. Or handmade candles, made to order in your chosen color, shape and size.
3. Themed mugs or glasses with engraving or image.
4. Handmade soap. You can choose any form of soap in the villa Christmas tree, snowflake, tangerine, Christmas ball, gift and so on. In addition, you can order soap from the craftsmen with an image, inscription or photograph.

In addition, you can give homemade souvenirs. This is written in more detail below with a description of the manufacturing process.

DIY gifts for teachers for the New Year 2019

You can make a gift for teachers with your own hands in the form of:

1. Floral arrangement.
2. Tea or candy bouquet.
3. New Year's souvenir.

With such a gift you can complement the chosen option from the group or present it only on your own behalf. Let's look at how to do each option step by step.

A decorative arrangement in the form of a winter New Year's bouquet or a Christmas wreath, which can be used to decorate your home for the New Year, will be a good, appropriate gift. Let's look at the option with a bouquet and wreath separately.

There are many options for making a Christmas wreath, let’s look at the simplest and most effective one.

To work you need to prepare:

1. Wire, newspapers and paper tape for the base.
2. Artificial spruce branches, tinsel, small Christmas tree decorations, ribbons.
3. Hot glue in a gun.

We make the wreath as follows:

1. First you need to make a base. We bend the wire into a ring and apply newspaper, crumpled into a tube, around the entire circumference, thereby adding volume. Then we wrap it in a spiral with paper tape, without pressing too hard. We will get a ring of the size we need. You can paint it green or the color of the main decor. We immediately attach a rope to the base in the form of a loop, from which the wreath will be hung.

2. Now we decorate the wreath. First, we wrap it in a spiral with tinsel. We secure the edges of the tinsel with glue on the back of the wreath.

3. Now we glue the branches, placing their tips under the tinsel and attaching them to the glue. You need to fill the entire space of the base with branches.

4. Next we decorate with toys and ribbons. We glue the largest elements, for example, balls, first, and then arrange the other elements harmoniously around the entire circumference. At the very end, we tie a bow from the ribbon and attach it to the wreath.

The wreath is ready. You can change the decorative elements to those that you like, complement the decoration of the wreath with sweets, nuts, and so on.

Now let’s figure out how to make a beautiful arrangement. It can be made from artificial fir branches or natural ones. Real spruce or pine branches will add more color and New Year's mood to the composition due to their magical holiday aroma.

For the composition we need:

1. Glass vase.
2. Christmas tree decorations. It is better to choose balls or toys of different shapes and sizes, but in the same color scheme.
3. Fir branches.
4. Basis for floral arrangements with special impregnation.
5. Artificial snow in a can.

Let's get started:

1. Trim spruce or pine branches to the desired size. It should be such that half the length of the branch is immersed in the vase and the other half is on top.
2. We insert spruce branches into the base and place them in a vase.
3. Fill the space of the vase with toys and balls, masking the base.
4. Decorate the spruce branches with the prepared decor.
5. Spray artificial snow on the branches.

So we got a beautiful New Year's composition. You can supplement it with candies by attaching them to wooden skewers and inserting them into the base along with fir branches. Or make a composition of candies in the form of a Christmas tree or a New Year's bouquet.

You can safely give a Christmas tree made from coffee beans; this is an excellent stylish accessory. You can make it yourself or buy it from handmade masters. You can choose another souvenir made from coffee beans. For example, beautifully designed wall clocks for the kitchen, money trees, wall souvenirs in the form of horseshoes for good luck, floating bowls, candles, souvenirs for the kitchen.

In addition to coffee souvenirs, you can also choose textile ones. For the New Year, brownies will come with wishes of happiness and bags of money. Textile amulets with wishes for family well-being.

Top best New Year's gifts for teachers

Over the years and the experience of previous generations of parents and educators, the most acceptable gift ideas for the New Year have been developed for both parties. We will present the top 10 most win-win and convenient options and ideas:

1. First place will be given to sweets and a bottle of champagne. This is a universal and most New Year's gift. Not a single New Year's holiday is complete without these ingredients. Moreover, one cannot help but guess here. Even if the teacher himself does not eat chocolate or drink champagne, he will always be able to give this set to loved ones or the right people without spending money on buying it.

2. Next, a grocery or fruit basket walks along the podium. A set of products or fruits will always bring joy and will come in handy for the New Year's table. Products you can include in your cart: wine, cheese, cold cuts, red caviar, olives, capers. If you are collecting a set of fruits, then the best option would be: pineapple, tangerines, kumquats, pears, apples, kiwi, lemon.

3. In third place in our ranking is money. Although, according to statistics, this is the most desired gift for any holiday. Most people want to receive this particular gift. But among gifts for educators, they are second only to drinks and food. The amount of money determined by the parents can be placed in a special envelope decorated with a boutonniere.

4. New Year's souvenir or installation. Such gifts are sold during the New Year in almost any store. A good choice would be a beautiful arrangement purchased from a florist store. Moreover, it can be supplemented with sweets or tea bags.

5. Home textiles. This could be a festive New Year's tablecloth or just a beautiful tablecloth that is suitable for any celebration.

6. Dishes. Glasses, plates, and cutlery sets will make anyone happy, especially if you are planning a big feast for the New Year.

7. Printing. Photo albums, calendars, made to order, personalized. They can be purchased at a photo studio according to your sizes and requirements, with any images and inscriptions.

8. Caskets. These can be beautiful cabinets or boxes for storing jewelry; items stylized as antiques will also be good.

9. Certificates. This gift has its pros and cons. A certificate is not always given for a large amount, so you need to understand that you should not give a certificate with a face value of 1000 rubles to jewelry stores, since this will oblige the teacher to spend his own money on buying a gift. But today many grocery chain stores and supermarkets offer this form of payment and gift, so for a small amount you can purchase a certificate there.

10. Accessories for home and comfort. These could be clocks, panels, key holders, vases.
Any gift chosen from the list above is quite appropriate and will be appreciated by the teacher. All that remains is to decide on the amount.

As the New Year holidays approach, many begin to look for gifts for family and friends. The parent committees of kindergartens will not escape this fate either. Moreover, gifts will need to be chosen not only by all children, but by teachers and the head, and grabbing the first one that comes to hand is not the best option. It’s worth thinking through your budget in advance and deciding what to give. So, what is the best gift for kindergarten for the New Year? Such that both children and adults are satisfied.

Basic rules when choosing gifts

First of all, you need to set a budget and proceed from the amount collected. Do not forget also that you want to please the children, not the teachers. Therefore, most of the funds should be spent on them, and not on New Year gifts for kindergarten teachers.

When buying gifts, be guided by the kids’ tastes, not your own. A gift for children in kindergarten should, first of all, be of interest to them. What adults like, as a rule, brings little joy to a child.

Think about giving gifts yourself. Invite animators, Santa Claus, or dress up in New Year's costumes of fairy-tale characters yourself. Children look forward to this one the most because of the magical feeling of a fairy tale. Don't disappoint the kids. A bright and colorful performance will be remembered better than the most expensive gift to a kindergarten for the New Year.

“Dream” gift: to be or not to be

One of the parents may want to give the child what he has been asking for for a long time, rather than buying all sorts of “nonsense”. This is wonderful, but does not fit into the overall picture: the holiday is organized for all the children, and they will be offended if their gifts are worse or smaller. Therefore, it is better to save the “dream” for home celebrations.

Is it worth giving different things?

A surprise taken out of Santa Claus's bag can be more upsetting than pleasing if it is not the same as Vasya's or Katya's, and can cause tears and quarrels. Because your “look how beautiful it is” is not at all the same as someone else’s, which seems better. It is better to buy identical gifts with slight differences or divide them into categories “for boys” and “for girls”. But in general they should be similar.

What to give to the little ones

Gift ideas for kindergarten for the New Year do not give much room for imagination, especially when it comes to the nursery group. How can you please your little ones? Of course, with toys. But it is worth considering that not everyone will fit.

Pay attention to waterproof and tear-resistant books. They are bright, with colorful designs and well-known characters. In addition, they are difficult to spoil.

What other New Year's gift can you choose for children in kindergarten (nursery group)? Kids will love soft talking toys, various pyramids, large cubes or puzzle cubes. Musical toys would be a good option as gifts. For example, a variety of pipes and xylophones. Most kids love these things and can enthusiastically blow the whistle or hit the keys with a hammer for a long time.

Pay attention to the quality of toys, purchase them from reliable suppliers. Avoid toys with small parts and sharp edges.

What to give to children from the middle group

Choosing a gift for kindergarten for the New Year for 4-5 year old children is a little easier. At this age, children begin to explore the world and are interested in literally everything.

Little fidgets will appreciate “smart” gifts - toys that can be disassembled and assembled, laid out, turned on and off. In addition, it will be useful: fine motor skills will develop. As an example: puzzles with a small number of parts, Lego constructors.

In addition, gifts can be both “boyish” and “girlish”. Based on this, what to give to kindergarten for the New Year? Girls will be delighted with beautiful dolls, and boys will be delighted with cars. You can give a flying fairy, and then a walking minion for the boys. Or choose your favorite cartoon characters: ponies, robots, superheroes (Spider-Man, Batman and others).

Always an appropriate and win-win option is coloring books and a set of colored pencils or felt-tip pens.

Gifts for the preparatory group

A New Year's gift for kindergarten for children in the preparatory group can be both entertaining and useful. The latter include books and creativity kits. If you give books, choose the same ones, with large print and bright illustrations. These could be children's encyclopedias, where they talk about animals or cities-countries in simple and intelligible language. Collections of fairy tales from different peoples of the world would be a good gift.

Do-it-yourself engravings, sets of modeling dough or unusual plasticine are suitable gifts. You can purchase sets of ceramic dishes (plate and cup), which you will need to paint yourself with paints.

Entertainment gifts are, of course, different types of toys. Girls will be delighted with dolls, a set of dishes or a doctor, boys - with repair tools, transformers. Instead of traditional bags, gifts can be placed in bright animal-shaped backpacks.

Sweet gifts: to give or not to give

Sweets are a traditional gift for and not only in kindergarten. However, some parents are categorically against it, citing diathesis and the harm of sugar to health. So is it worth buying them or not? If you purchase kilogram sets, then, of course, there will be no benefit. However, now many confectionery factories produce small packages of New Year's delicacies in a bright themed design. Any child will be more delighted with this set of “Kinders” or “Barney Bears” than with a book. Therefore, it makes sense to give a sweet New Year gift to children in kindergarten. But limit it to a small size, and attach a toy or something else (book, coloring book, puzzle) to it.

Should we congratulate the teachers?

Each group and kindergarten has its own traditions. But, as a rule, it is customary to congratulate the nannies and the music worker on the upcoming holidays. Then a logical question arises about what kind of New Year gifts should be given to kindergarten teachers. Many may offer to present money in an envelope. But it’s better to immediately reject this option: firstly, it’s unethical and can offend the teacher, and secondly, you can’t put too much into it - “inconvenient”, or too much. And not all parents will agree to donate money for a “salary increase.”

You can simply give nannies a box of chocolates. Teachers receive a chocolate set and a good package of tea or coffee. A pair of tea with the symbols of the coming year, an original set of spices, a bottle of decent champagne or liqueur in a gift box, and inexpensive fleece blankets are considered good gifts. What else can you give to kindergarten teachers for the New Year?

On the eve of the holidays, many will be delighted with the so-called, especially if it is beautifully decorated. To do this you will need a small plastic basket, a cute towel, packaging film and a bow for decoration. The basket is filled to your taste, usually a bottle of champagne or wine, a box of chocolates, a jar of caviar or pineapple.

Giving gift cards has become popular these days. It’s quick and convenient: you don’t need to figure out what to buy and pack, and the teacher will go for the certificate and buy what he wants himself. Cards can be issued either to perfumery and cosmetic chains (Letual, Rive Gauche) or to supermarkets such as O’Key.

In addition to edible gifts and certificates, you can choose an original gift for kindergarten for the New Year. Purely symbolic, but memorable and unusual. For example, buy “paint it yourself” sets of New Year’s balls in advance and give them to each child to sign. Or order a desk calendar from a printing house with photographs of children for each month of the year.

Choosing a gift for the manager

If it’s more or less clear with gifts for teachers, then what gift should the head of a kindergarten choose for the New Year? The budget of the parent committee is not flexible, and no one wants to donate additional money.

You can take the path of least resistance and give the same grocery basket. Or instead, fruit (champagne, tangerines, apples, a sprig of grapes and pineapple). Such a gift will never be superfluous.

If you don’t want to give fruit products as gifts, you can buy a high-quality pen and organizer, a good stationery set for your office desk, or a potted indoor plant.

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