Birthday room decoration ideas. How to decorate a room (apartment) for a birthday

How to decorate a room for a birthday to please the birthday boy? We will talk about this and much more further. In modern society, creativity and a creative approach to any holiday are welcomed. One of the main events of the year for every person - his birthday - does not go unnoticed.

Both adults and children probably want to be in an individually decorated room. In this regard, on the eve of the holiday, family and friends are asking the question: how to decorate a room in order to surprise and please the hero of the occasion?

I must say that there are actually a lot of solutions. Decorating a room for a birthday is not such a complicated process. Firstly, stores offer a large selection of accessories, and secondly, by demonstrating basic needlework skills, you can make wonderful decorative items for the birthday boy’s room using available materials.

  • 1 For a girl
  • 2 For men
  • 3 Universal decorations
  • 4 Photo gallery

When decorating your home for a birthday, you should consider the gender of the birthday person. If this is a girl (woman), then it is appropriate to refresh the space of the hall with flowers: natural or artificial. Place vases with roses, lilies, gerberas, or maybe daisies around the perimeter of the room: the choice depends on the specific preferences of the birthday girl.

As for artificial compositions, we are talking about topiaries and candy bouquets. Today you don’t have to know how to do it yourself; many companies offer handmade products. Unlike living plants, which can deteriorate the very next day, such compositions are durable and will remind you of the holiday for several weeks.

For a mother, grandmother, friend or sister, it is appropriate to decorate the room with balloons. Decorating a birthday room with your own hands is more valuable than hiring the services of a decorator. Birthday balloons will allow you to create creative shapes. If you are not confident in your abilities, you don’t have to do it yourself: seek help from professionals. Place the balls or figures made from them throughout the space of the hall, randomly or in a certain order. Make an arch out of balloons and place it at the entrance to the room. This will immediately create an atmosphere of celebration and fun. Balloons can be purchased ready-made or inflated on site.

For a man

Festive decoration of a room for a man raises more questions than in the case of ladies. Dads, grandfathers, brothers are more picky. The room for their celebration should combine simplicity and severity. In this case, you can pay special attention to the decoration of the festive table. Use an elegant tablecloth, such as a red one. It is also appropriate to use candles in beautiful candlesticks and decorated glasses. It would seem that everything is simple, but the atmosphere thus created is simply fantastic. But balloons for a man’s birthday can be excluded.

Today there is a trend of decorating candles and glasses with satin ribbons. No doubt it's beautiful, but it's quite a fire hazard, so think twice before going for it.

Don’t forget about napkins, not just as a handy tool, but for decoration. Show off your origami skills by making figurines and placing them on the table next to the plates. Believe me, using such napkins is much more pleasant. Drape the chairs with tablecloth material. If there are a lot of guests, then you can highlight the place of the birthday boy in a special way. At the entrance to the room, install a wish tree on which each guest will hang a card intended for the hero of the occasion. True, invitees must be warned about this in advance.

Universal decorations

Birthday decorations at home can be done using lighting. Garlands for this day are accessories not only for the New Year, but also for any modern celebration. They are suitable for a hall in a large house. They are used at weddings and birthdays to create a festive atmosphere. It looks especially interesting in the evening with the lights off. Garlands are affordable, so you can take many meters of light bulbs and generously decorate a room or even an apartment with them.

Undeniable classics are sweets and chocolate. This handmade candy cake is suitable for decoration and as a gift to any member of the family. We follow the same scheme: cook it yourself or order it. This also includes mastic cakes, cupcakes and other goodies. Use a separate table and make it sweet and beautiful. He will delight the eyes of the hero of the occasion all evening. Order a chocolate fountain if the birthday person has a special sweet tooth.

All of the above takes place during a celebration with guests or a tete-a-tete evening. This is how you can decorate your apartment for your birthday.

In addition to the visual design of the room, it is necessary to pay attention to the sound. This means that some nice music on your birthday wouldn’t hurt. It’s good if it’s live: play it yourself if you know how, or use the services of professionals.

All this is appropriate for the holiday of both an adult family member and the youngest. In the second case, instead of flowers at a birthday party, balloons will look better. For children in the first years of life, toys, three-dimensional numbers and letters are chosen as decorations. You can also prepare themed treats in the form of your favorite cartoon characters. In this way you can decorate a room for a child’s birthday in an original way.

Such a birthday, no doubt, will be remembered for a long time, and pleasant memories of this holiday will delight for many years to come. If you want to capture a birthday, photos with details and details will imprint this moment in your photo album.

Photo gallery

Decorating a children's birthday party creates the necessary atmosphere and festive mood.

This is for your own adult holiday, you don’t have to spend money on decor and decorations, but you simply have to come up with something original for your child!

For you, we have collected ideas for decorating a children's birthday party - from balloons to paper garlands! Watch and be inspired!


Of course, when deciding how to decorate a child’s birthday, do not forget that balloons are one of children’s most favorite “toys.” That's why start decorating a children's birthday party at home by creating airy flowers, arches, garlands, figures and simply placing balloons throughout the house!

You can buy balloons here:

You can also put the name of the birthday person, date of birth or words of congratulations on the balloons!

Are you expecting a children's party with gifts? Tie balloons to guests' chairs, gift boxes, or table decorations!

If the party is themed, use balloons to create an authentic atmosphere.

Fairy lights

When deciding how to decorate a children's birthday party, do not forget about ordinary garlands. Flags are a decoration that has been used for many decades and which, despite its honorable age, always decorates any space!

Garlands can be made in the form of some kind of figures - hearts, clouds, cartoon characters, as well as in the form of letters.

An excellent solution would be to create a garland from colored pieces of fabric.

If the party is themed, make sure that the decor of the children's birthday party is made in accordance with the theme:).

By the way, on our website in the “” section you can watch master classes on making a wide variety of garlands and download templates for them.

Does your child love sweets? Then decorate your house with candies – both real and decorative!


The toy used for this game is a great decoration for your party! A large figure, empty inside, is made using the papier-mâché technique and filled with candies. The goal of the game is to break the toy while blindfolded :).

The piñata can be made in a holiday style, or in the form of a number, a favorite character, or an ordinary geometric figure.

You can also make small pinatas for all the kids present :).

Paper flowers, pompoms and balls

Paper is a great way to save money and make your children's birthday decoration ideas bright and unique! Use the paper as a base to create whimsical flowers and balls, lanterns and pompoms - anything bright, interesting and childish!

Satin ribbons

Ribbons are a wonderful, bright and inexpensive decor for a children's birthday. Decorating tables, walls, chairs, creating photo zones - all this is possible with such simple attributes!


A photo zone is a corner where everyone present at the celebration can take fun and original photos. You can decorate the area neutrally - lay out toys, put small chairs, or make everything more bright, thematic and original.

Children's Birthday: table decoration

Setting the table for a Children's birthday is an important task that can set the tone for the entire holiday! Therefore, take the decor seriously - prepare a bright tablecloth and dishes, cutlery, and napkins.

The brighter the design, the more children's toys and attributes you use, the more colorful and interesting the overall picture will look!

If you do not plan to seat the children at the table, but organize children’s leisure time with the opportunity to have a snack, then decorating the table for a child’s birthday can be replaced with a sweet surprise.

Place sweets, snacks, drinks on one table and decorate it with flags, ribbons and balloons. I am sure that such a table will be appreciated by all guests, regardless of age!

Don't forget about entertainment for the children's party and decent musical accompaniment!

We hope our tips will help you organize a bright and unforgettable holiday for your daughter or son!

The most long-awaited holidays in the life of every person, and especially children, are New Year and birthday, because it is on these days that the most cherished dreams come true (of course, if parents take care of this in advance).

And if the New Year is still a family holiday, when everyone considers it a little “theirs,” then a birthday is a personal holiday and a real event. On this day, all the closest relatives and friends come and bring their gifts and congratulations. There will be food, laughter and fun! Stop! We forgot about something... But what about such an important detail as decorating a room?

After all, how else can you convey the whole festive atmosphere? Will the guests and the birthday person feel the joy of the celebration if there is an everyday atmosphere around it?

How to decorate a room for a birthday? Where to begin?

Any person, regardless of age, cannot remain indifferent to balloons, especially children. And, truly, if you decorate a room with many bright multi-colored balls, and even different in shape, anyone, even the most notorious beech, will not be able to help but smile. Now in stores you can find balloons of various themes: with cartoon characters, animals, or even surprise balloons. Try to choose colors so that they go well with each other, then the room will “come to life” and be filled with light even on a cloudy day!

Who said that garlands and streamers are only for the New Year? Not at all, a variety of paper garlands will give everyone present an even more cheerful mood. In addition, they are easy to make yourself or purchase ready-made ones. Serpentine will help create the feeling of a fairy tale. You can hang a pre-prepared wall newspaper on the wall, where you can place the best and brightest photographs of the birthday boy. Moreover, it is not necessary to select them from birth; you can choose the most successful photos, say, over the past year, and accompany them with funny comments.

How to decorate a room for a birthday? Table

However, when thinking about how to decorate a room for a birthday, don’t forget about the festive table. He needs to be given no less attention, because the guests who come will spend quite a lot of time watching him, treating himself to delicacies carefully prepared by the hostess of the house.

If you are celebrating a child's birthday, it is better to choose a tablecloth for the table with a non-boring pattern; it could be a plot from a cartoon or fairy tale, images of animals or game characters. As for serving, it is better to use disposable plates and glasses to avoid injury, especially if the children are preschoolers. Moreover, stores sell special dishes for holidays, in different colors and with different designs. And you don’t have to wash it, you can just throw it away.

You can also put small toys or homemade decorations on the table. For example, if children already know how to read, beautifully and cheerfully designed signs will help each guest find their place at the table. And, of course, don’t forget about the birthday cake - the main attribute of any birthday. It can be made in almost any shape and on any theme, but it is important to take into account the baby’s hobbies. For boys, a cake in the shape of a ball or a car will be suitable, and for girls, a fairytale house or something like that would be a good gift.

So that all guests have the opportunity not only to express their wishes orally, but also to leave a note as a keepsake (we are, of course, talking about older children), you can build a small corner for the birthday boy: a place where his drawings, photos and sheets will be paper for wishes, it can also be beautifully decorated.

If you are celebrating an adult's birthday, you should also think about how to beautifully decorate the room. First, you should work on the style of the room. For example, you can choose a snow-white tablecloth, dishes with butterflies, and napkins to match the decor of the room. You can put fresh flowers on the table and artificial butterflies on the curtains. It is very important that the components of the interior “echo” each other, both in color and “theme”. You can place bouquets of fresh flowers near each cutlery.

In addition to balloons and streamers, you can find decorations for the chandelier, make a wall newspaper, and invite guests to leave their wishes on it.

In any case, when preparing to receive guests, do not forget to add a festive touch to the atmosphere!


Have you invited a lot of guests and want the holiday to be remembered with vivid impressions? Set up a photo zone! It can be decorated with phantoms. These circular multi-colored fans are made of paper. Original compositions are created from multi-colored forfeits. Agree, the photos here will turn out to be much more fun and exclusive than the usual background in the form of wallpaper on the wall.

Words words…

You can order your name and initials at the workshop. The size of the letters ranges from 10 cm to a meter. Plastic and wood cake toppers are more popular. Toppers can be in the form of congratulations, a thematic word and the name of the birthday person.

Large stickers

In order not to spoil the walls, but to create a festive mood, you can buy large stickers. They can be removed without problems only on surfaces other than wallpaper. The stickers are reusable, so it’s best not to throw away the backing. Stickers can be from 10 cm to two meters high.

But the most important condition for a good holiday is a great mood! Make sure that the guests and the birthday boy receive pleasant surprises and gifts!

How to decorate a room for a birthday? Photo

A child's birthday is the most fun holiday of the year. And it can be made unforgettable with a little effort. Every child, regardless of age, expects something fabulous and unusual on this day, so give him these emotions in the morning by surprising him with a brightly decorated room.

With the right choice of decorations, this day will become a pleasant memory not only for your son or daughter, but also for the guests who are invited to the holiday. How to decorate a room for a birthday with your own hands? We invite you to look at some interesting ideas with photos of decorating a children's room for your child's birthday.

How to decorate a room for a birthday with your own hands, photo

The first, and perhaps one of the most important rules for planning holiday decor for a children's bedroom, is focusing on the age of your child. The youngest children (1, 2, 3 years old) will not be able to appreciate exquisite decorations, so for such a room you can come up with a “simpler” design.

Use a minimum of catchy and irritating colors that can affect the baby’s emotional state. It is better to give preference to delicate, pastel shades.

Decoration with balloons for birthday, photo

Important! The design of a nursery for a baby should not contain dangerous decorative objects. Even balloons, a standard holiday decoration, should be used with caution: if they burst, they can injure a child.

Festive interior design for older children should be brighter and more cheerful. In this case, themed decor would be an excellent solution.

If you know what your son or daughter is interested in, choosing a suitable topic will not be difficult. The further design process will depend on your imagination, since you can choose a maximum of different decorations in the chosen style.

Birthday balloon decoration, photo

For teenagers over 14 years old, a more restrained and laconic holiday decor is preferable. If you plan to stick to a specific topic, choose it from the category of sports, cinema, music, nature, fashion or technology.

There should be no “childish” decorations in such a room; even simple balloons are enough to maintain the feeling of celebration.

Birthday balloons, photo

Remember! The thematic design of a nursery for a boy's and a girl's birthday should be different, especially when it comes to older children (over 6 years old).

It is better to plan the subtleties of this interior design in advance, as well as the decoration time. The room should be transformed beyond recognition, and it will be a big surprise for your child if, when he wakes up, he already sees the prepared decorations. An older child can be involved in the process of decorating the room, then you can create a festive design that perfectly suits his tastes and preferences.

It is better to divide the interior of a nursery for a birthday into several zones. The first - the dining table area - will be used for a festive feast and some games.

It is better if you allocate a place for children to frolic and play active games: it is better to free such an area as much as possible from foreign objects. A children's hut or pillows are suitable for decoration.

How to decorate a room for a child’s birthday with your own hands, photo

It will be great if there is enough space in the nursery to create a bright photo zone. Here you can hang standard holiday decorations or choose more fun decorative elements, such as funny photos and toys.

If you are celebrating your daughter's birthday at home, build a podium and let her and her friends present themselves at a fashion show.

Knowing the preferences of your children, you can decorate the room in the best possible way, and the birthday will truly be remembered for a lifetime. Let's find out what standard and non-standard decorations can be used to turn this day into a fairy tale.

DIY table decoration for a birthday, photo

We decorate the wall and ceiling

The easiest and most budget-friendly way to decorate the walls and ceiling of a child’s room is to use multi-colored balloons.

Hang helium balloons from the ceiling, and use ordinary ones to create spectacular compositions on the walls. Use bright colors: red, yellow, purple, green, blue are ideal.

How to decorate a room for a children's birthday with your own hands, photo

Many companies provide services for creating arches, flowers and other compositions for their inflatable balloons - contact them if you cannot decide on the best decor for the free walls of your home.

Advice: You can make animals and people out of balloons and decorate different corners of the children's room. This design is especially relevant if you adhere to a certain theme (for example, airy and light fish are suitable for a marine style).

You can put sweet prizes in the balloons and arrange games and competitions for children. By the way, in addition to the wall and ceiling, chairs and a festive table are suitable for using these decorative elements. Tie helium balloons to the legs - and the children's dining area will immediately stand out from the general background.

Another way to decorate walls and ceilings is with garlands. You can make them yourself using paper, fabric, beads, candies and other bright details. If you are planning a celebration in the evening, decorate the room with electric garlands with different lanterns.

You can use garlands to lay out abstract compositions or create festive inscriptions on the walls. You can attach cheerful pom-poms made of thread or corrugated paper in bright colors to the ceiling.

Paper flowers and butterflies, bright wall stickers, and family photos are also suitable for decorating a nursery. Ready-made hanging inscriptions and numbers for celebrating children's birthdays are available for sale.

How to decorate a children's room for a birthday, photo

If you wish, you can leave space on the wall for children's art. This method allows children to get involved in creativity: here they can leave birthday greetings or simply draw.

If you hang whatman paper on the wall, you can also use it as paraphernalia for children's competitions.

Festive table decoration

At a children's party, you can't do without a table with different goodies. But it should not only be sweet, but also stylishly decorated, so use decorative elements in this area of ​​the children's room as well. First, decide on the color: there should not be a lot of bright and contradictory shades on the table.

When using flashy accent decorations, it is better to lay a tablecloth in a neutral color (white, beige, blue, etc.). If the main festive element on the table is a tablecloth with children's pictures or inscriptions, choose simple dishes. By the way, you can also find interesting tablecloths with children's puzzles, but they will have to be emptied as much as possible.

How to decorate a table for a child’s birthday, photo

Advice: If you are worried about the safety of the dishes after your son or daughter is actively visiting, use disposable plates and cups. There are many holiday sets on sale with fun designs.

The main principle of decorating a children's table is harmony. Harmony should be visible not only in shades, but also in textures and sizes of attributes used. In the photo you can see successful examples of serving.

How to decorate a children's party with your own hands, photo

To decorate the table, use small toys, flowers or paper stars, bows or funny cards with the names of the guests.

Edible decorations will be especially in demand: candies, cookies, cupcakes, fruits with chocolate glaze, salads with children's themes, cakes and pastries to order with festive compositions. And don’t forget about healthy food: fruits will not only be tasty, but also a bright addition to the children’s holiday table.

Other ideas

You can create interesting decorations for a children's party using improvised materials.

Let's figure out what might come in handy if you're planning to decorate a nursery for a birthday, and how to decorate the room:

If you plan to invite a lot of guests, set aside a place in the nursery for gifts. While the child is sleeping, put your holiday gifts there too. It will be much more interesting if your son or daughter solemnly opens them by the end of the holiday.

Interesting themes for nursery design

To make it easier for you to decide on the decor of your children’s bedroom for this holiday, study the current themes for decorating a children’s room:

DIY birthday party decoration at home, photo

As you can see, it is quite possible to make a hall or a children’s room in an apartment unrecognizable on this day, and for this it is not at all necessary to spend money on expensive home decorations: all you need are available materials and the desire to make beautiful decorations with your own hands - look at the video.

Photo gallery

If your son or daughter’s birthday is close, start planning this holiday now, relying on our recommendations, and of course, don’t forget about sweets. When preparing for the holiday, do not forget that the baby’s room should be decorated in accordance with the energy of this day: fun, bright and positive.

We also offer a selection of photos with ideas for decorating a children’s birthday party:

A birthday is a bright and anticipated event in the life of every child: it is on this day that all his cherished dreams come true. The main thing is that parents should take care in advance to make this holiday bright and unusual. If you are celebrating a child's birthday at home, then use these simple tips for decorating the room with your own hands.


The simplest and most win-win option for decorating a room on a child’s birthday is multi-colored balloons. You can randomly scatter the balloons around the room or let them float under the ceiling, filled with helium. You can complement the balloons with ribbons, serpentine and bright stickers. Flowers made from balloons look impressive: to do this, you need to connect balloons of the same size and color together to form petals, and decorate the middle with a smaller balloon of a different color.

Fairy lights

A variety of paper garlands look great at a children's party - they are easy to make yourself from colored or corrugated paper.

Bright and fluffy paper pom-poms will instantly give your holiday room an elegant look. Unlike balloons, these pompoms will never burst over your head, and they look quite stylish.

To create one pompom you will need:
8-9 sheets of thin colored paper (corrugated paper is ideal);
thin wire or strong thread;
regular thread to hang the pompom.

Fold the prepared sheets of paper into a neat pile, and then into an accordion. The width of the fold should be approximately 1.5-2 cm. Process the edges with sharp scissors (the edges are rounded in the picture below), then take the wire, bend it in half and insert the resulting “accordion” of paper into it. Tighten the wire exactly in the middle of the craft. Gently straighten the paper accordion, separating each leaf and forming a fluffy pompom.

In birthday decor, you can’t do without elegant numbers that correspond to the age of the birthday person. For example, you can make a number out of cardboard and decorate it with paper flowers. To do this, you need to take colored paper, cut a circle out of it and then cut a strip in a spiral. Then connect the resulting strips, twisting them into a bud, and glue the finished flowers onto the cardboard number. To make flowers look brighter, experiment with size and color.

Fanta or turntables

Multi-colored pinwheels and rosettes made of colored paper, called forfeits, are also perfect for creating a festive mood. Making them yourself is very simple. Moreover, the birthday boy himself can be involved in their creation.

To quickly learn how to create these multi-colored wall decor elements, watch the video master class:

Wall newspaper or photo collage

You can hang a pre-prepared wall newspaper or photo collage on the wall, where the best photographs of the child will be collected. You can take photographs, starting from birth, so that you can see how the child has grown and changed, or you can simply take the most successful photographs (for example, from the past year) and accompany them with funny comments or poems. On the wall newspaper, do not forget to leave some space for sincere wishes from guests.

Stretch inscriptions

You can buy banner inscriptions on the wall in a store, or you can make them yourself. Arm yourself with colored paper and markers, write the letters on separate pieces of paper, and then connect them and hang them on the wall using thread or fishing line. Let it be the name of the hero of the occasion, pleasant wishes for the holiday or welcoming words for guests.

Tablecloth decor

A festive children's table can be decorated with a homemade tablecloth. Making such a tablecloth is very simple (you don’t even have to sew it!): just glue bright flounce ribbons to the table using tape or a stapler.

Chair decor

When decorating the walls and ceiling of the room, do not forget about the furniture. For example, you can decorate chairs with a cover made of bright fabric or tie ribbons and paper flowers around the backs of chairs. Another interesting idea is to make a festive throne for the birthday boy, where he will open gifts and take pictures with friends and family.

Holiday table decor

The decor and setting of the festive table should be given no less attention than the room itself. For example, you can decorate cocktail straws, cutlery, and napkins. You can also place funny signs with the names of guests on the table or place a small toy near each device. Look at the simple and interesting ideas we found in the photo below. We wish you a flight of fancy and an unforgettable holiday!

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