How to refresh a leather sheepskin coat at home. How to clean natural sheepskin at home

Different types of sheepskin coats are cleaned in different ways, so today on the agenda is how to clean a sheepskin coat at home in relation to the material it is made from.

Cleaning a sheepskin coat yourself can be effective and inexpensive, since only improvised means will be used, but won’t this ruin the clothes?

If you follow all the cleaning rules, your sheepskin coat will very quickly become clean again, so read carefully how to clean natural suede, leather and artificial sheepskin coats, what is different about cleaning a light sheepskin coat, and how to clean the fur of a sheepskin coat.

How to care for a sheepskin coat so that it lasts for many years

No matter how much you strive to quickly learn how to clean a natural sheepskin coat at home, you must first find out that many problems with it would not have happened if you had properly cared for the sheepskin coat.

Check out these simple rules that will help you extend the life of your favorite clothes:

  • The sheepskin coat is designed to be worn in cold weather, not in slush. Rain, like any other moisture, is contraindicated for it.
  • If you get caught in the snow and the item gets wet, you should dry the sheepskin coat without using electrical appliances. Drying is carried out at room temperature, well spread out on hangers. Obviously, a wet sheepskin coat cannot be hung in a closed closet.
  • No matter how much you try to save money, once a year at the end of the season, such outerwear must be dry cleaned. Since there are different dry cleaners, you need to collect more reviews about the one you are going to contact.
  • In the summer, the sheepskin coat is stored on hangers in a special case made of natural fabric. After dry cleaning, the item is given out in a plastic bag; it is not breathable and therefore not suitable for long-term storage of clothes.
  • When purchasing a sheepskin coat, immediately purchase a special brush to care for it. Regularly brush the entire surface - this way you will comb out the dust and dirt accumulated on the pile.
  • If a stain has formed on a sheepskin coat, it should be cleaned as soon as possible. Old stains require a lot of force, which can lead to wear and tear.

Life hack for sheepskin coat owners! Keep the warranty card and all tags from the purchased item. Sheepskin coats are made in different ways, so different manufacturers may have different care requirements. Having information about your sheepskin coat will help dry cleaners carry out better processing and not spoil the item.

How to clean suede sheepskin coats at home

Suede is beautiful and pleasant to the touch, outerwear made from it is very warm, but still this material is quite capricious. When wearing suede sheepskin coats, many problems appear, and the main ones are that the suede becomes shiny and stains appear on it.

It will be problematic to properly clean a suede sheepskin coat at home if it has been cared for occasionally. In order for such clothes to maintain a good appearance for a long time, you must constantly ensure that a continuous greasy film does not form on it and that the fibers do not stick together.

The simplest preventive measures to prevent suede from becoming shiny is to literally treat its surface with a hair brush or a special rubber brush every other day during wear. If there is no brush, fine sandpaper will do, the main thing is that the movements are neat and directed in one direction.

What to do if the suede is already shiny?

At home, numerous “wet” and “dry” ways to clean a sheepskin coat using improvised means will help. What to choose? You will have to make a choice, depending on the degree of contamination and the availability of certain products at home.

Dry methods are a priority, choose:

  • Glossy areas on a suede sheepskin coat can be cleaned using a school eraser. Pellets will form, so they will need to be shaken out thoroughly. If you don’t have a rubber band, a bread crust from any type of bread will do.
  • You can try to roll out dirt or greasy stains on a sheepskin coat with regular bread crumbs. Not a single bread ball will be needed, as they will have to be replaced periodically before the area is completely clean. Upon completion of rolling out, you should also go over with a brush.
  • The most popular option is using semolina and a regular textile household glove. Pour a handful of cereal onto your gloved hand and rub it into the suede in a circle. The result is visible almost instantly - the semolina becomes dirty, you will have to replace it and continue cleaning in the same way until the semolina remains light. At the end, carefully shake off all remnants of semolina from your clothes.
  • A similar option as with semolina, but you need to take table salt. The method is good, but there is a high probability of ruining the suede surface if the movements are too intense.
  • Starch has also proven itself well. Pour it onto the greasy stain on the sheepskin coat and wait until the starch absorbs the fat. If necessary, the blackened starch is replaced with fresh one and the procedure is repeated.

Some wet methods are not suitable if you are allergic. If there are no health problems, you can try the following:

  • Apply gasoline to a cotton pad and wipe all problem areas with it.
  • Instead of gasoline, we take kerosene and apply it to rags. We walk it over the contaminated surface. This method is ideal if the dirt is old, but is only suitable for dark types of suede.
  • A more smoky method is to use milk (take one glass) and baking soda (a teaspoon is enough). Mix the ingredients and apply the resulting solution to cotton pads and wipe away dirt with them. Upon completion of the work, it is necessary to treat the sheepskin coat with a vinegar solution (a teaspoon of table vinegar per 200 ml of water). The solution is applied to a dry cloth and used for finishing.
  • A mixture of 4 parts water and 1 part ammonia can help remove the most severe stains. After treating with alcohol, you should immediately go through the following solution, made from one tablespoon of vinegar per 500 ml of water.

Attention! All the wet and dry methods described above for cleaning a suede sheepskin coat must be used extremely carefully. Before large-scale cleaning of a sheepskin coat, you need to try the chosen method on an inconspicuous area and check the result.

Cleaning genuine leather sheepskin coats

If you need to clean a leather sheepskin coat, many housewives try to wash it at home, which is strictly forbidden to do, as the item may shrink and the elasticity of the leather will be impaired. Washing is prohibited, but you can try to carefully treat the contamination with a soap solution.

Please note that cleaning a leather sheepskin coat is done in such a way that the leather does not get too wet, so that water does not spread over the entire surface of the clothing. If it gets wet, you should dry the item naturally in a horizontal position and then rinse the leather to soften it.

How to refresh a light sheepskin coat and remove stains from it

A light sheepskin coat will remain like new for a long time if you make it a rule to clean it every day with a special brush for suede and nubuck. This should not be done immediately upon arrival from the street, but after a few hours, so that the item has time to dry. Thanks to such actions, all the dust will be shaken out and the light fibers will not fade for a long time. Instead of a brush, you can use a regular office eraser.

It is more practical to have such clothes professionally cleaned, but this takes time and money. What to do if you urgently need to clean a light sheepskin coat at home? We suggest trying to refresh your clothes in the following ways:

  • You will need a choice of tooth powder, chalk or semolina and a cotton household glove. The glove has pimples that would normally be on the palm, but now you need to put the glove on so that the pimples are on the outside. Pour the selected product into your gloved palm and begin to rub it into the contaminated pile. The contaminated powder is changed and the procedure is repeated until it remains white.
  • A small amount of tooth powder is diluted with ammonia to make a paste. The mixture is applied to the item using a rough brush and rubbed in to remove grease stains.
  • You can also make a solution of ammonia and water from equal parts. The resulting liquid is applied to a cotton swab and all contaminated areas of a light sheepskin coat are treated with it. Particular attention is paid to the cuffs, collar, pockets and areas around the buttons.

Attention! A white or light sheepskin coat at home can only be cleaned using a dry method, since the wet method can leave stains on the item and the damaged appearance cannot be corrected.

How to clean the fur of a sheepskin coat yourself

In recent years, sheepskin coats with Tuscan fur have become especially fashionable, which for many women brings many problems with quality cleaning. The fur trim should be combed regularly, and the owner should keep the fur clean.

While the fur is not yet very dirty, it is much easier to freshen it. You can clean the fur of a sheepskin coat at home by choosing one of the methods. In all methods, the cleanser is applied to the fur using cotton swabs, this can be:

  • 1 liter of water combined with 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide;
  • a small amount of gasoline;
  • 3 spoons of table salt and 1 spoon of ammonia;
  • regular vinegar;
  • a mixture of gasoline and starch;
  • regular soap solution.

If the fur has become hard, you can soften it with 500 ml of warm water, a spoon of Vaseline oil and one egg yolk. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and the mixture is gently rubbed into the fur.

How to clean faux sheepskin coat at home

Sheepskin coats made from artificial materials are most often cleaned with a small amount of soap solution. This is the easiest and most effective way to clean your faux sheepskin coat yourself. Washing powder or soap should be chosen without a bleaching effect.

The item is not washed, but all contaminated areas are simply treated with a soap solution. After such cleaning, the clothes must be blotted with a dry towel and completely dried in room conditions.

If you have a steam generator, then this will be the most ideal way to clean your leatherette sheepskin coat. You can also remove greasy stains if you sprinkle them with talcum powder and wait a few hours. Next, the clothes are vacuumed or the talc is cleaned with a brush.

Regardless of what material your sheepskin coat is made of, complete each cleaning of the item by treating it with water-repellent impregnation. A special product will protect against dirt and the formation of greasy stains, and during snow or rain it will not allow the sheepskin coat to get wet through. There is no way to skimp on water-repellent products!

Any winter outerwear needs regular and high-quality care. For example, in cleaning. The need to clean a sheepskin coat arises due to wearing it for a long time. Clothes lose their luster over time and stains can form on them. Sometimes such defects appear due to improper care of clothing.

In any case, you can’t do without cleaning. To prevent this procedure from further damaging the item, it is important to know how and with what means it is cleaned at home.

Features of the material

It is important to understand that not every class and type of clothing can be easily cleaned. Traditional, well-known velor clothing is cleaned taking into account the presence of an additional coating. Sheepskin coats that do not have such a coating are considered easily soiled. Uncoated clothing looks impressive and more expensive, but requires more and frequent care.

Sheepskin coats that have a coating are more practical and do not get dirty often. High-quality skins used for tailoring are treated with a special product (it contains natural resin). Natural resin protects against external pollutants. Therefore, it is easier to care for clothes. At the same time, the care process requires an individual approach.

Cleaning suede clothing

Cleaning suede clothing is carried out using special care products for things of this kind. Using this product will help refresh the color, especially if the clothes have been worn for a long time. And the sheepskin coat will be able to decorate your wardrobe again. Cleaning a suede item may involve the following steps:

  1. Drying the pile. To do this, use a rubber or brass brush.
  2. From time to time, suede clothes are vacuumed. For this purpose, special small nozzles are used.
  3. Elimination of worn areas. Worn areas on clothing are treated with fine-grained sandpaper. If you don't have one nearby, you can use a regular pencil eraser. The eraser is able to restore worn areas of sheepskin and return them to a more attractive appearance.

Here are some of the possible ways you can clean suede clothing at home:

  • In the first case, you will need a glass of milk. The milk must be thoroughly heated. Next, add a teaspoon of soda to it. Before using the resulting solution, the sheepskin coat must be vacuumed. After this, a piece of cotton wool is dipped into the solution and the sheepskin coat is wiped with it. However, the cleaning process does not end there.
  • You will need to prepare a vinegar solution. It is prepared by dissolving 5 ml of vinegar in a liter of water. The solution also takes part in cleaning and processing suede items. The final stage of cleaning is drying. The sheepskin coat should be dried at room temperature.
  • In addition to milk and vinegar solutions, ammonia solution is used when caring for sheepskin coats. It's easy to prepare. Alcohol is mixed with water. The resulting solution is used to wipe the clothing fabric. Then it should be washed with water and dried thoroughly.

Caring for a suede sheepskin coat does not take much time. As you can see, common household products will do.

How to clean an artificial product

Cleaning synthetic fabric clothes is easy. During cleaning, it is permissible to use the following means and methods:

Complete cleaning of artificial clothing is carried out using a regular soap solution. It's easy to prepare. The existing shampoo must be dissolved in warm water. Then dip a non-dying piece of fabric into the solution and walk over the entire surface of the sheepskin coat. This procedure is performed twice. The first time using a soap solution, and the second time the rag is soaked in clean water. Clothes, as in previous cases, should dry thoroughly after cleaning.

Methods for cleaning natural sheepskin

Now let's see what cleaning products and methods are used to care for clothes made from natural materials. Here are several ways to clean things made from natural materials at home:

A beautiful and warm sheepskin coat may lose its original appearance when worn under the influence of weather conditions. Roughness, greasy stains and dirt appear in certain places. It is not necessary to take it to the dry cleaner, because at home the product can be cleaned efficiently using proven means at hand. But they should be used carefully so as not to spoil an expensive item.

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    General cleaning rules

    Before you start dry cleaning a sheepskin coat at home, you should determine what material it is made of. Depending on the type of fabric, different cleaning methods are chosen:

    • a product with laser coating or made of genuine leather can easily be damaged if dirt has to be removed using a wet method;
    • a suede sheepskin coat is cleaned by dry cleaning;
    • Decorative fur parts are always cleaned separately.

    It is not recommended to immediately apply the cleaning agent to the entire surface of the product. First they try to remove the stain in a small area. If successful, processing continues. Do not use a washing machine to wash leather and suede items. As a result, the sheepskin coat loses its shape, decreases in size, and the material becomes less beautiful. If an item made of natural suede or velor gets wet in the rain, it should be hung on a hanger and not touched until the material is completely dry.

    How to clean a faux sheepskin coat?

    To quickly clean an artificial sheepskin coat, use a simple soap solution. Take a small amount of shampoo and mix with warm water. The product is placed on a flat surface and leveled well. Soak a soft cloth in the solution, wring it lightly and wipe the sheepskin coat.

    Excess foam is removed with a damp cloth. After cleaning, the product is blotted with a paper towel and hung indoors. It should dry naturally at room temperature.

    Made from genuine leather

    Greasy places and abrasions of natural sheepskin coats must be cleaned with a mixture of ammonia and tooth powder, taken in equal proportions. The product is applied to the dirt using a toothbrush. Instead of tooth powder, you can use talcum powder or baby powder.

    For sheepskin coats made of genuine leather, it is prohibited to use the wet method. If water does get on the product, dry the area well and rub it with your hands. Otherwise, the thing may become rough. Skin that has lost its shine can be wiped with glycerin.


    To clean a suede product at home, you need to follow the following recommendations:

    • for this material you should purchase special care products that refresh the color;
    • suede sheepskin coats need to be vacuumed from time to time using small nozzles;
    • periodically the pile needs to be fluffed up with a brass or rubber brush;
    • Treat worn areas with a regular pencil eraser or fine-grained sandpaper.

    To clean a suede sheepskin coat, mix four parts of ammonia with one part of water. The fabric is moistened in this solution and the product is wiped. Then quickly wash off the product and dry the product.

    Add a teaspoon of soda to a heated glass of milk. The sheepskin coat needs to be vacuumed well, moistened with a piece of cotton wool in the resulting product and wiped. Then dissolve 5 ml of vinegar in a liter of water, treat the product with it and dry it at room temperature.

    Laser coated

    Laser-coated sheepskin coats can be cleaned at home using the following means:

    • If the product is light, then take 1 tsp. hydrogen peroxide and ammonia and dilute in a glass of water. The solution is applied with a soft cloth to the contaminated areas until they lighten.
    • This method is used for products of all colors. Take a glass of warm water and add 5 ml of ammonia and 10 ml of any shampoo to it. Mix thoroughly and treat dirty areas on the sheepskin coat. Then half a liter of water is mixed with 15 ml of ammonia, 20 ml of glycerin and 5 ml of borax. Using this product, carefully treat the entire surface of the product.

    Effective ways to remove stains

    Even if you clean your sheepskin coat regularly, stubborn stains can still appear on it. In some cases, only special aerosols and sprays help, but most often improvised materials are used.

    For faux sheepskin coat:

    • Borax. A teaspoon of the substance is mixed with 10 ml of ammonia and glycerin and diluted with water. The stain is wiped with a napkin soaked in this product and dried well.
    • Ammonia. Add 8-10 drops of the product to warm soapy water, moisten a piece of cotton wool with it and treat the stain. Then wipe with foam rubber and blot with paper. This product is most often used for sheepskin coats in white or light colors.
    • Starch. Sprinkle it on the stain and leave it for 4-5 hours. Remove it with a brush or vacuum cleaner.

    For natural sheepskin coat:

    • A crust of white bread. Dry it and wipe the stain.
    • Potato starch and gasoline. These components are mixed in equal quantities, gently rub the product into the stain and wait until the gasoline evaporates. The starch is carefully brushed off. But this method is best used on products of dark colors (dark blue, black, brown).
    • Semolina. Apply it liberally to the stain and rub it with a rag mitten, moving from the edges to the middle. The grain is removed with a vacuum cleaner or brush. This method is used to clean black or red products.
    • Milk and tea soda. Pour 1 teaspoon of soda into a glass of milk, mix and apply to the stain in a circular motion. This must be done until the dirt is gone. Then the area is treated with a solution of vinegar, a teaspoon of which is mixed in a liter of water, wiped with a soft cloth and dried.

Stains on clothes can ruin anyone's mood, but don't be discouraged, because today there are many ways to solve this problem. In this article we will talk about how to clean a natural sheepskin coat at home and what products you will need for this.

How to clean a sheepskin coat yourself

Cleaning a sheepskin coat at home is quite difficult. For each material, a specific method should be selected. Sheepskin coats with unusual coatings require extra attention, so in order to remove stains from such products, you need to act very carefully.

  • light

In this case, the main problem is the need to maintain whiteness.
1. In order to do this, you need to use hydrogen peroxide, which must be diluted with water, as well as ammonia.
2. As a result, you will need 1 glass of water, as well as 1 spoon of alcohol and 1 spoon of hydrogen peroxide.

  • white

Many people don’t know how to clean white items. Most often, a damp cloth is chosen for this. This is easiest when it comes to small stains.

Particularly difficult problems arise with white fur.
1. In order to clean the fur from yellowness, you need to take the product out of the fur and wet it.
2. After this, you need to place the fur collar on any clean, flat surface. It should be noted that the product should be placed with the pile facing down.
3. Once this is done, you can vacuum the collar using suction mode. This should be enough to make the fur extremely clean.

  • black

The best tool for black sheepskin coats is a regular eraser. It is not capable of causing any harm to the material, but does an excellent job of removing any stains.

  • suede

In this case, you need milk, as well as baking soda.
1. To do this, mix a spoonful of soda and a glass of milk.
2. Then you need to take a cotton swab and soak it in milk.
3. When this is done, you need to wipe the surface as intensively as possible. During this procedure, the tampon will become increasingly dirty, so it needs to be changed periodically.
4. At the very end, the sheepskin coat should be washed with clean water and vinegar. Despite the fact that you need to use milk for the cleaning procedure, this process is traditional for those who urgently need to clean a suede sheepskin coat.

  • artificial

In this case, you will need to mix ammonia and glycerin (approximately the same proportions). Then you can wet a gauze swab and treat the contaminated area.

  • genuine leather

A brush made of natural bristles is excellent for cleaning products made of genuine leather. If we are talking about any stubborn stains, then you can use the cleaning methods listed below in the text. The brush is ideal for both leather products and specifically sheepskin.

  • laser

A laser-coated surface gets dirty much less than other types of coatings. Products with laser coating are best cleaned with regular warm water. To do this, you need to moisten a piece of cloth with water and then wipe the surface of the sheepskin coat with it.

How to refresh a fur collar on a sheepskin coat

Refreshing fur is much easier than doing a full cleaning.

A squeezed-out cotton swab should be used. It needs to be slightly moistened and then passed over the surface of the collar. You can also cover the collar with semolina, after which the semolina should be rubbed into the fur for at least 5 minutes. When this procedure is completed, it is necessary to remove the remaining semolina using a vacuum cleaner.

How to remove grease and dirt stains

It's best to use a regular eraser. The most effective option is a white eraser. They need to rub all the stains that are on the surface of the sheepskin coat.

Advice! The sheepskin coat should be as dry as possible, otherwise the eraser will be of no use.

Salamander spray is also perfect for treating sheepskin coats. Sellers of leather goods advise treating sheepskin coats with Salamander spray or one of its analogues several times a week. In this way, you can significantly improve the appearance of even an old sheepskin coat.

The best cleaning products for sheepskin coats

In some cases, simply washing the sheepskin coat will not be enough. What products are considered the best for cleaning sheepskin coats in the shortest possible time?

1. Cleaning with semolina.
A. At the very beginning, you need to sprinkle all contaminated areas with semolina.
B. After this, you need to rub the stain vigorously, and then treat the surface of the sheepskin coat with bristles.

2. Wet cleaning.
This method is only suitable for very dirty sheepskin coats.
A. For more effective cleaning, you need to take one teaspoon of shampoo, as well as a glass of water and a spoonful of ammonia.
B. After all the ingredients are mixed, you can moisten a napkin made of fabric with the resulting mixture.
B. Then you need to rub the stain and straighten the sheepskin coat.
D. The next stage is to leave the sheepskin coat to dry for at least a couple of days.

3. Cleaning with ammonia.
To do this, you need to prepare a composition of glycerin and ammonia. If it was not possible to remove the stain with this product, you should repeat the cleaning procedure several more times.

Is it possible to wash a sheepskin coat in an automatic washing machine?

Cleaning and washing a sheepskin coat in a washing machine is only allowed if the person follows all safety precautions. In particular, during washing you should use the most gentle detergents possible. They should be designed specifically for cleaning sheepskin coats. The washing mode should be as delicate as possible.

It is correct to wash the sheepskin coat yourself, because this way you can remove even the smallest stains. It happens that inside a sheepskin coat you can find some kind of dirt that can only be removed with some special means.

It is better to clean the inside of a sheepskin coat with a lint brush. You can purchase it at almost any large pet supply store.

How to clean with a steamer

Any sheepskin material can be treated with a steam cleaner. Steam treatment has the best effect on the quality of the material, so it is not at all surprising that many people prefer this particular material.

Important information! Steam allows you to get rid of insects once and for all, and will also prevent their appearance in the future. After the sheepskin coat has been steamed, you can use an eraser to remove small stains.

Video: cleaning sheepskin coats at home

A practical and warm sheepskin coat is considered an indispensable type of clothing in the cold winter season. Unfortunately, over time, a sheepskin coat loses its original appearance and can become covered with dirt and stains from prolonged wear and improper care. To return the sheepskin coat to its original freshness and cleanliness, it is necessary to properly clean it of various contaminants. This procedure is trusted to dry cleaning specialists or performed independently at home.

To perform high-quality cleaning of a sheepskin coat at home, first examine the label on the clothing, which will indicate the material from which the sheepskin coat is made. For different materials, cleaning methods and means are different:
  • The skin is cleaned wet and dry;
  • The wet cleaning method is used in products with laser coating;
  • Suede is cleaned dry.
Before you start cleaning clothes, be sure to test the “cleaning agent” on a small area of ​​the item. If the stain has been removed, you can treat the remaining contaminated surface of the sheepskin coat with it. It is prohibited to wash leather and suede products in washing machines. After washing this way, the sheepskin coat will shrink in size and lose its shape. The surface of the clothing will become hard and dull.

If a sheepskin coat gets caught in the rain, it should dry at room temperature on a hanger.

It is not recommended to put sheepskin coats in a bag for storage after the end of winter if it is made of artificial fabrics. It would be best to use a case made of cotton material for storage. Place a sprig of lavender inside the bag, or use a napkin soaked in lavender oil.

Dry cleaning

Clothing made from suede material always looks elegant and expensive. But this material is quite capricious and quickly becomes dirty. When buying a suede sheepskin coat, remember that this material requires dry regular cleaning and delicate care.

If the sheepskin coat is slightly dirty, then ordinary salt can be used to remove small stains and restore its original velvety quality. To do this, apply salt to the surface of the contaminated areas and gently rub them with your hands or a brush made of rubber. The main condition is not to overdo it, so as not to damage the fabric and prevent the suede from becoming “bald”. After the contamination disappears, use a dry sponge to remove any remaining salt from the surface of the sheepskin coat.

To remove grease stains and other serious contaminants, the following cleaning methods are recommended:

1 . Semolina. Dirty areas of the sheepskin coat should be sprinkled with semolina. After this, put on fabric gloves and rub the contaminated areas on the sheepskin coat. Your movements should start from the edge of the contamination and move towards the center. After the main stains have disappeared, do the same manipulations with the rest of the surface of the sheepskin coat, working with a hard-bristled brush or using fine-grained sandpaper. You can also replace semolina with starch.

2 . Petrol. Grease stains can be removed from the surface of a sheepskin coat using gasoline. For this procedure, take a piece of burlap and moisten it with gasoline. After this, rub the greasy stain thoroughly with it. For light sheepskin coats, cleaning with gasoline is not recommended.

3 . Dried bread crust. This method is the most gentle for clothes that have slight dirt. To carry out this procedure, you need several bread crusts. Rub them vigorously onto the stains. Use a soft-bristled brush to remove any crumbs.

4 . Dentifrice. It effectively copes with greasy places on sheepskin coats. This product must be applied with a rubber brush to contaminated areas.

Wet cleaning of sheepskin coats

Now let's discuss how to clean a sheepskin coat using a wet method at home. This method is well tolerated by leather products and coated clothing. This method is a rational way to clean heavy stains. For wet cleaning we offer the most effective of them:

1 . Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. This method is effective for white sheepskin coats. In order to prepare the bleaching mixture, you will need: a glass of warm water; ammonia and hydrogen peroxide - a teaspoon each. Mix all ingredients. This solution must be applied with a soft sponge to dirty areas of the sheepskin coat. Stains must be treated with a solution until the stains are removed and the color is completely restored.

2 . Ammonia. Dilute alcohol with water in a ratio of 1:4. Wipe dirt on clothing with a soft sponge soaked in the resulting solution. Then you need to quickly remove the remaining ammonia with a wet sponge, and then wipe the sheepskin coat with a dry cloth.

3 . Milk and soda. Before cleaning, dust must be removed from the sheepskin coat with a brush. After this, make a solution: per glass of warm milk - 10 grams of soda. Soak a cotton pad in this solution and apply it to greasy stains on your sheepskin coat. Replace dirty cotton pads with clean ones. Then, take a soft cloth, soak it in a weak solution of vinegar and wipe the surface of the sheepskin coat. At the end of the procedure, wipe the surface of the sheepskin coat with a dry sponge.

4 . Ammonia with soap solution. Dissolve 5 ml of ammonia and 10 ml of shampoo in one glass of warm water. Treat dirty areas on the sheepskin coat with a soft sponge soaked in the resulting solution. After the first treatment, you need to prepare the following mixture: 15 ml of ammonia, 20 ml of glycerin, 5 ml of borax, 500 ml of water. Mix all this and treat the entire product with the mixture. Then leave the sheepskin coat on hangers to dry.

How to clean fur on a sheepskin coat

To effectively clean fur on a sheepskin coat, use the following available products.

1 . Sand or wheat bran. To clean fur, you need to heat sand or bran in a frying pan, and then apply it to the contaminated pile with light “massaging” movements. Using a brush with stiff bristles, it is necessary to remove any remaining bran or sand from the pile.

2 . Shampoo for cats. You need to dilute the shampoo in warm water and whisk it until you get a thick foam. Apply foam to contaminated fur with a sponge and leave on the surface of the pile for several minutes. After this, you need to rinse off the remaining foam carefully so as not to wet the leather of the sheepskin coat.

3 . Vinegar and ethyl alcohol. Mix water, vinegar, alcohol in equal parts. Apply the solution to the fur with a sponge. After this, wipe the fur on the sheepskin coat with a clean cloth. Faux fur cannot be cleaned using this method.

4 . Lemon juice. Soak a soft sponge with lemon juice and apply the juice to the fur. After this procedure, carefully comb the fur with a comb.

5 . Gasoline and starch. You need to prepare a mixture of gasoline and starch, and then apply it to the fur that needs to be cleaned and leave until completely dry. Use a brush to remove any remaining mixture.

6 . Baby powder or crushed chalk. These products are good for removing greasy stains from the surface of fur. To do this, you need to apply powder or chalk to the contaminated areas, and remove any remaining product with a brush.

7 . Salt and ammonia. To remove contaminants, you need to prepare a solution consisting of: 500 ml of water, salt - 30 g, ammonia - 5 ml. Treat stains on the fur with the resulting solution, and then wipe the fur with a damp sponge.

After prolonged wear, the fur on a sheepskin coat loses its shine and becomes dull. In order for the fur to shine again, it is necessary to use the following mixture to clean it: laundry soap - 10g, animal fat - 100g, ammonia - 12 drops. Mix this mixture and dissolve in a liter of hot water. Apply the cooled solution with a sponge to the surface of the fur. Use a damp brush to remove any remaining mixture.

If the sheepskin coat has white fur, hydrogen peroxide will clean it. To do this, you will need 5 ml of hydrogen peroxide dissolved in a liter of water. Pour the resulting liquid into a spray bottle and spray on the surface of the fur. Then you need to hang the sheepskin coat out in the fresh air on hangers until the fur dries. After this, comb the fur with a stiff brush.

Currently, there are a large number of ways to clean sheepskin coats at home. If you wear a sheepskin coat carefully and clean it in a timely manner, it can serve you for a long time and will always look presentable.

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