When is furniture maker's day in the year? Furniture Maker Day in Russia

Holidays are constant companions of people's life. Holidays for us are an opportunity to bring joy to loved ones! And of course, a holiday is not a calendar concept, it happens where it is felt, where it is expected. A lot has changed in our lives in recent years, but people's craving for holidays remains an important phenomenon for any person.

Furniture Maker's Day is an unofficial professional holiday for all those whose work is in one way or another connected with furniture. It was established more than ten years ago. It is celebrated by all workers in the furniture industry of our country. The Furniture Maker's Day holiday falls on the second Saturday of June and is celebrated on the 8th in 2019.

Modern people have long been accustomed to a comfortable lifestyle. High quality furniture is one of the most important components of this comfort. We could no longer imagine our life without furniture; we use it every day at home, at work and on vacation.

Good furniture should not only be reliable and comfortable, but also beautiful. In our country today a huge variety of furniture is produced and sold. Anyone can choose furniture according to their taste and budget. The furniture industry is developing faster than many other Russian industries. Russian enterprises produce high-quality furniture, keeping up with their foreign colleagues. At various international exhibitions they traditionally take leading places and receive well-deserved awards. However, domestically produced furniture occupies a lower price segment.

It must be said that Russian furniture makers also have their own organization that unites them all - the Association of Furniture and Woodworking Industry Enterprises of Russia. It is a voluntary, public, non-profit organization. It was established in 1997. The Furniture Manufacturers Association is dedicated to protecting their rights. The profession of a furniture maker is important and difficult. Unfortunately, in the process of furniture production in our country, a fairly large number of accidents occur that are harmful to health. For this reason, workers in this industry need to protect their rights. This holiday allows you to attract public attention to the problems of this profession.

About the holiday Furniture Maker's Day

On Furniture Maker's Day, workers in this industry receive congratulations from their colleagues, friends and relatives. Some companies even organize various corporate events. Since the holiday is celebrated in the summer, picnics are often held in nature, and team sports and entertainment events are also held. The Furniture Maker's Day holiday is becoming increasingly popular every year.

Long gone are the days when every apartment had the same standard furniture. In addition, it was very difficult to buy even such furniture back then. Nowadays furniture is very diverse and in every city in our country there are many furniture stores.

Today, every apartment and house has a lot of furniture: beds and sofas, chairs and armchairs, tables, cabinets, kitchen sets, etc.

From the history

The Furniture Maker's Day holiday is a great opportunity to look into history. How it all began? The first furniture appeared during the times of primitive communities. This was especially true for those tribes that lived in cool climates and needed indoor spaces. These products were made from wood. It was this material that was most suitable for the manufacture of such items, because... it is strong, but lightweight and easy to work with. Initially, for this purpose, only those pieces of wood were taken that outwardly most resembled the shape of the object that needed to be made. At that time, furniture had only a functional meaning; no attention was paid to its appearance.

Changes in everyday life and the socio-economic system have led to the emergence of new types of furniture.

The first furniture that people created was hard and ugly, but multifunctional. The first pieces of furniture designed for sitting were created by the Egyptians. They made low benches and chairs. Only the pharaohs of Egypt had real chairs, which were decorated with carvings, as well as overlays made of ivory and gold.

The ancient Greeks were distinguished by their unpretentiousness in everyday life. They created lari. These pieces of furniture were a kind of chests on which one could also sit and lie.

The Ancient Romans had more luxurious furniture in their palaces; it was decorated with gilding, carvings, inlays, and colored enamel. The Romans were very fond of everything luxurious, so they began to strive to find new materials for the production of furniture. They began making benches and tables from bronze and colored marble. The furniture that was used in the countries of the East stands out quite strongly in appearance and functionality. There it was woven from strips of leather, reeds or ropes, and ebony was also used to make it. The Europeans were very unusual for their low ottomans, tables, and benches that were inserted into one another.

Furniture in Russia

Russian craftsmen made a significant contribution to the development of furniture making. Our furniture was distinguished by its special originality, in which national traditions were clearly visible. Our people have always lived in a harsh climate, their homes were heated by stoves, and their families were usually very large. In Ancient Rus', furniture was made by artisans.

There were no random objects in the hut setting - only all the essentials. Stools with square or round seats were called “stool” or “stolets”. They were used not only for sitting, but also for sleeping. There were two types of benches: fixed and portable.

Fixed benches were located along the walls of the room. The legs tapered towards the middle, which was decorated with a chiseled “apple”. Peasants often used such benches to store household utensils. But chests in the hut setting appeared much later.

A bench was a portable bench with 4 legs on which the seat was supported. With the help of a simple device, the backrests were thrown from one side of the seat to the other. They were used as a safe place for the baby to sleep. Such benches were called “saddle benches.” Benches and benches remained in great demand until the 19th century, especially in peasant life. Chairs and armchairs were rare items, so benches were the main furniture for sitting for a very long time.

We cordially congratulate everyone on the holiday, Happy Furniture Maker's Day!

Furniture is an indispensable item in the simplest interior, since in the room it performs not only decorative, but also the most practical functions: chairs and armchairs are used for sitting, cabinets and sideboards are used to put various things and objects there, beds and sofas - to sleep on. As a result, at home, in the office, and in public spaces, there is one or another amount of furniture, which, in turn, is the product of the labor of specialists in the furniture industry.

However, unlike representatives of other industries, these workers for a long time did not have their own professional holiday, which would be approved by law. At the same time, for example, professional holidays for workers in the forest industry, oil sector and other industries were approved back in the years of the Soviet Union, when Decree N 3018-X “On holidays and memorial days” was issued. However, neither this decree nor subsequent orders of the Russian government contained any mention of a professional holiday for furniture makers.

Industry workers decided to correct this unfair situation on their own. The initiative in this important matter was taken by the largest non-profit organization in the industry, which plays the role of a kind of trade union - the Association of Furniture and Woodworking Industry Enterprises of Russia, created in 1997. Over the course of several years, it expanded its ranks and strengthened its authority, and in the early 2000s it came up with a proposal to establish a professional holiday for furniture industry workers.

Furniture Maker's Day

Industry workers eagerly supported the Association's initiative, and as a result, a decision was made to establish Furniture Industry Worker's Day, which is often simply called Furniture Maker's Day. At the suggestion of the initiators, the date of the holiday was set to be floating - with the expectation that it would always fall on a weekend. As a result, since then, every second Saturday in June, furniture professionals become the center of attention of their colleagues, partners, clients and loved ones, who thus have a good reason to let them know how much they value their professionalism. For example, in 2014, Furniture Maker Day fell on June 14.

However, this date is still unofficial and is celebrated based on a friendly agreement between industry workers. There is no legislative act approving Furniture Maker's Day as a professional holiday yet.

Furniture Maker's Day is a professional holiday for furniture industry workers. Everyone involved in the industry takes part in the events, regardless of their affiliation with public or private companies. These include designers, engineers, designers, assemblers, assemblers, department heads, and support staff. The professional holiday is celebrated by teachers, students, and graduates of specialized educational institutions. Their friends, relatives, acquaintances and close people join the celebrations.

Furniture Maker's Day in Russia is celebrated on the second Saturday of June. In 2019, the event takes place on June 8. It is not a national holiday. The holiday is not officially included in the list of memorable dates in the Russian Federation.

The essence of the holiday: to honor the work of furniture makers.

Creative evenings, entertainment events, advanced training courses, team competitions, and exhibitions of equipment models are dedicated to Furniture Maker's Day. Distinguished employees are awarded certificates, bonuses, and promotions.

history of the holiday

Furniture Maker's Day originated more than ten years ago. The event has not yet received the official status of a memorable date, secured by the corresponding decree of the head of state. Representatives of the professional community came up with a proposal to establish a holiday that honors workers in the furniture industry. The initiative was met with approval. Every year the celebrations are gaining popularity. Today they unite thousands of workers across the country.

Holiday traditions

The custom is accompanied by festive feasts. The heroes of the occasion are addressed with wishes of health and success in their responsible work. Warm words and congratulations are spoken by colleagues, relatives, friends and acquaintances. At the end of the toasts, the clink of glasses is heard. Those gathered share their experience, discuss news and events from everyday life. During ceremonies, memorable gifts are presented. Among them are instruments, souvenirs and themed products.

The heads of companies make addresses to employees, which emphasize the significant role of each employee in the life of the organization. Many enterprises organize entertainment events in the form of team competitions that require dexterity and erudition. Their winners will receive valuable prizes.

Furniture Maker Day 2019 is marked by promotions and bonuses for the best workers. Diplomas and certificates of honor are awarded for outstanding results. It has become a tradition to conduct advanced training courses for employees. In cultural centers of factories and combines you can see exhibitions of equipment models and photographs from the life of institutions. Teams demonstrate creative performances.

Daily task

Look around your home. What corner is there, and what pieces of furniture remind you of relaxation, home comfort or family gatherings in the evenings?

  • The most ancient examples of furniture were found in Egypt, during excavations of the burials of pharaohs, priests and rich people. They date back to the 3rd century. BC e. The furniture found was made of ebony with ivory trim.
  • The largest bed was made in the 90s of the last century in the Netherlands. Its width was 3.81 meters and its length was 5.79 meters.
  • Historians attribute the invention of the wardrobe to Napoleon. He ordered sliding screens to be placed in officers’ small apartments. Uniforms were hidden behind them, which made it possible to keep uniforms in excellent condition and maintain order in the apartment.
  • The business cards of the Sicilian mafioso Al Capone said: “furniture dealer.” This activity served as his cover before the tax service. He didn't choose it by chance. Selling furniture was his first occupation and brought him his first income. Later, he opened several personal furniture stores and personally selected goods for sale.
  • In the apartment of musician John Lennon, all the furniture was white.
  • High bar counters and stools originated in the Wild West. The main function of the high counters was to protect the bar owner from bullets. Subsequently, they began to make high chairs so that visitors could view the range of alcohol in the bar and freely communicate with the bartender.


“It is impossible to imagine our homes without furniture. This means that your profession as a furniture maker is one of the most necessary and important. On your holiday, dear furniture makers, I would like to say: may work never be a burden to you, and may the results of your work bring joy to their owners!

“Furniture making is a wonderful profession that will always be needed. We wish that experienced craftsmen do not forget to pass on the secrets of their profession to the younger generation and learn from them determination and creativity. May your profession never be overtaken by a crisis!

“Congratulations on Furniture Maker’s Day! First of all, I would like to thank you for the comfortable, simply ideal environment, and secondly, I wish you more profitable orders and perfect knowledge of your work, down to every die and nail!


Professional tools. Professional tools will serve as an excellent gift idea for a furniture maker who creates furniture with his own hands. Before purchasing such a gift, you need to ask in advance what kind of tools the hero of the occasion would like to receive.

Graphics tablet. A graphics tablet is a gadget that will make the work of a furniture maker easier. It will allow you to create and edit drawings and keep a large amount of necessary information at hand.

Gifts based on hobbies. A gift that matches the hobbies will delight the hero of the occasion. The gardener will be grateful for specimens of rare plants, garden decorations or tools received as a gift. A lover of tourism, hunting or fishing can choose the appropriate equipment.


Colors of rainbow
This competition will help test your intelligence and reaction speed. The presenter, one by one, invites the competition participants to take up a color: red, yellow, purple, etc. Contestants must find the hidden color on themselves or in the hall and touch it with their hand. Whoever cannot find the color is out of the game.

Menu in alphabetical order
This competition can be held while sitting at a table. The host names the dish or drink. Guests must name the treats or their ingredients that are on the table in order, so that each new word begins with the last letter of the previous one. Anyone who cannot come up with a word is out of the game.

Words from matches
Participants in the competition are given a matchbox. The presenter names any letter of the alphabet. Participants must come up with a word starting with this letter and put it out of matches. The participant who completes the task the fastest wins.

About the profession

Specialists are engaged in the development, production of components and assembly of furniture. They determine the composition of structures and the required volume of materials. Furniture makers carry out strength calculations, compliance with state standards and ergonomics (convenience and safety of use). The activity is related to the use of advanced achievements in woodworking, computer technology for calculations and visualization.

The path to the profession begins after graduating from a specialized higher educational institution. It teaches basic and specialized subjects. The work comes with high responsibility. Errors may result in significant losses or inability to operate the products. Production is often associated with great harm to health. Many materials contain extremely harmful substances. Among them are compounds of phenol and formaldehyde.

Items made by human hands make everyday life easier, more practical, more convenient and comfortable. These products include furniture products. They surround us in everyday life, at work, in public institutions, performing not only direct functions, but also changing the environment. The presence of beautiful, expensive furniture indicates the impeccable taste and financial condition of the owner. To respect the work of specialists in this field, their professional holiday was introduced. The event has no official status. It is celebrated on the second Saturday in June.

history of the holiday

The holiday is young. The idea of ​​celebrating it appeared about ten years ago. The initiators of the event were active representatives of the profession. Their efforts resonated across the country. Every year more and more people join in the celebrations. The furniture industry in the Russian Federation is at an active stage of development.

Furniture Maker's Day is celebrated not only by designers and carpenters, but also by other representatives of the industry - designers, engineers, seamstresses, installers. Students who master the intricacies of a craft, employees of salons and shops, teachers, and self-taught craftsmen consider their holiday to be their holiday.

Russian enterprises also occupy not the least place among furniture manufacturers, producing high-quality furniture and receiving numerous awards at international exhibitions. And for more than 10 years now, the professionals whose hands create our comfort have been celebrating their holiday - Furniture Maker's Day - on the second weekend of June.

There are many items that make a person’s daily life comfortable. They not only perform the direct functions provided by the manufacturer, but are also carriers of the image and indicate the material status of the owner. A professional holiday is dedicated to the manufacturers of this group of products.

When is it celebrated?

Furniture Maker's Day in the Russian Federation is celebrated annually on the second Saturday of June. In 2017, the event takes place on June 10. It is not a national holiday. The holiday is not officially included in the list of memorable dates in the Russian Federation.

Who's celebrating

Everyone involved in the industry takes part in events in Russia, regardless of their affiliation with state or private companies. These include designers, engineers, designers, assemblers, assemblers, department heads, and support staff. The professional holiday is celebrated by teachers, students, and graduates of specialized educational institutions. Their friends, relatives, acquaintances and close people join the celebrations.

History and traditions of the holiday

Furniture Maker Day originated more than ten years ago. The event has not yet received the official status of a memorable date, secured by the corresponding decree of the head of state. Representatives of the professional community came up with a proposal to establish a holiday that honors workers in the furniture industry. The initiative was met with approval. Every year the celebrations are gaining popularity. Today they unite thousands of workers across the country.

The custom is accompanied by festive feasts. The heroes of the occasion are addressed with wishes of health and success in their responsible work. Warm words and congratulations are spoken by colleagues, relatives, friends and acquaintances. At the end of the toasts, the clink of glasses is heard. Those gathered share their experience, discuss news and events from everyday life. During ceremonies, memorable gifts are presented. Among them are instruments, souvenirs and themed products.

The heads of companies make addresses to employees, which emphasize the significant role of each employee in the life of the organization. Many enterprises organize entertainment events in the form of team competitions that require dexterity and erudition. Their winners will receive valuable prizes.

Furniture Maker Day 2017 is marked by promotions and bonuses for the best workers. Diplomas and certificates of honor are awarded for outstanding results. It has become a tradition to conduct advanced training courses for employees. In cultural centers of factories and combines you can see exhibitions of equipment models and photographs from the life of institutions. Teams demonstrate creative performances.

About the profession

Specialists are engaged in the development, production of components and assembly of furniture. They determine the composition of structures and the required volume of materials. Furniture makers carry out strength calculations, compliance with state standards and ergonomics (convenience and safety of use). The activity is related to the use of advanced achievements in woodworking, computer technology for calculations and visualization.

The path to the profession begins after graduating from a specialized higher educational institution. It teaches basic and specialized subjects. The work comes with high responsibility. Errors may result in significant losses or inability to operate the products. Production is often associated with great harm to health. Many materials contain extremely harmful substances. Among them are compounds of phenol and formaldehyde.

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