Congratulations on Cable Industry Worker's Day. Congratulations on Cable Worker's Day (on Cable Industry Worker's Day) in prose

People who work in the cable industry do not create just the fiber that connects devices, but whole strong threads that unite humanity. This responsible and painstaking work is not always visible to the average person, but is undoubtedly worthy of respect and admiration. You, their loved ones and relatives always strive to please the people dear to you, and today, on the day of the cable industry worker, especially. Especially for today's celebration, we have selected exclusive congratulations on our website, which are filled with the warmest and positive wishes, built in the form of poetry or prose and are ideal for today's holiday. These sincere congratulations will undoubtedly please the heroes of the occasion and fill their souls with pleasant memories.

Congratulations in verse on Cable Industry Day

You are a genius with types of wires,
You can tell us everything without further ado.
After all, you are an attached worker,
Cable industry!
And on your Day there is no limit to happiness,
May you live brightly and skillfully! ©

It won't be a secret to anyone,
If we say this now,
That different people are important
We all need professions!
And the one who makes us cable,
Not an exception for fun!
And on the Day of those very masters,
Congratulations to those who are always ready,
And day and night, on any shift,
Always wind the cable for us.
Congratulations on their Day today,
And we wish them much happiness! ©

So that there are communications
So that people still get
Signals, currents, voltages,
What is important is your aspirations,
From the world's best masters,
What's in the cables "be healthy"!
And they understand perfectly
And their salary is not in vain!
Happy Employee's Day to you,
Industry and
Who is the cable guy in it?
Success and honor to that! ©

Congratulations on Cable Industry Worker's Day to colleagues

We are together at work,
We wind the wire as if on cue,
So that there are no problems later,
May the current still come to our house!
Colleagues - cable workers, you,
May all your dreams come true,
I congratulate you on your Day,
And I wish you the best! ©

Cool congratulations on Cable Industry Day from your wife (girlfriend)

I do not know why,
I love the cable so much!
Maybe it's because
This cable is very necessary!
Maybe it's because
Why else do I love you!
Happy Day to you, dear,
Much happiness dear!
Communication is simple in a nutshell,
You and the cable, just wow! ©

Signals, voltages, current,
Mass flow of all data,
They hand over your products,
Reliable, without losses and “mess”!
And thanks to you for your work,
And on holiday, festive fireworks,
From bright words, good speeches,
And only beautiful days to you!
Happy professional day to all cable workers,
May you be successful! ©

Congratulations on Cable Industry Worker's Day in prose

When we hear the word “cable,” a large number of associations come to mind, because this means of transmitting signals is used in almost everything that surrounds us. However, few people think about you - those professionals who create these very cables, significantly simplifying our lives, everyday life, and work. You are like magic fakirs, you charm snake wires into correct and long-term work, you are well versed in them and know all the intricacies of your profession. We wish you to constantly develop, create new, even more functional cables and strive to ensure that they are accessible to every person! ©

Congratulations on Cableman's Day in verse

The cable industry has arrived
Today is a long-awaited, good holiday,
I want you to find love
I found good, kind, different friends.
Have a wonderful day full of kindness
It illuminates you with special warmth,
Let your dreams come true easily,
And joy illuminates all roads!

Wires run around the world,
They bring warmth and light,
Unite cities
And they give you the Internet.

Let you on any Network
Life is good
After all, you will weave the cable
To spite all sorrows!

Rejected always work,
Do not know deceptions, troubles
And be strong in spirit!
I wish you many years!

Cable Guy's Day is a holiday!
October is the twenty-fifth
Congratulates you with the clear sunshine,
And I just want to congratulate you guys.
Let everything be better on this day,
What can you wish for yourself!
A gift of fate - not a coincidence,
You will only be happy today again!

How many holidays there are in the world,
There is always a reason to celebrate!
Today we congratulate those who are online
Weaves cables and wires!

Happy Cable Worker's Day, on this glorious holiday
I wish your dreams come true.
Let life always do everything your way,
And it will be just the way you want it!

Today is the holiday of those who pull cables,
Who lays it with zeal day and night.
Work beckons you briskly,
And we know that the connection will not be lost!
We wish cool specialists
Find a holiday in everyday work!
And on the day of the profession, become a little adventurer,
It's so much more fun to live this way!

What to say? Not sure if it's necessary:
The cascades of tracks would say better,
Under the ground carrying cables,
connecting the world and us -
It is no coincidence that in your life you have never
Don't resort to empty words!
Congratulations on your holiday!
Happiness, peace, health to you!

Congratulations on Cable Industry Day,
Respectable, decent and cost-effective,
We wish you brilliant success,
Life is bright and blooming, exciting,
Explosion of feelings, fire of love,
And in matters of cloudless stability,
More money earned
Live happily and as long as possible!

The cable stretches across the world,
To point “A” from point “Z”.
Encircled the entire planet,
There is no life without him.
So, basically, the cable guy
You are almost our god!
Let happiness and comfort
Your life will be fulfilled!

It is simply impossible to imagine modern life without cables of various types and purposes. However, the work of the people who produce and install these products remains beyond the attention of the vast majority of the population. Although people use cable industry products every day and repeatedly.

In the modern Russian Federation, over 350 enterprises are engaged in the production of cables, employing several tens of thousands of people, and at least the same number are engaged in the manufacture and supply of various components to these factories. It would be completely unfair if so many specialists performing a rather important role were left without their professional holiday.


Cable Industry Worker's Day owes its existence to an event that occurred in 1879 on October 25. It is this date that marks the certificate issued to Mr. Siemens, who represented the most famous German electrical company “Siemens & Halske” to this day. It allowed the launch of a plant built by the company that produced telegraph cables and insulated metal wire.

Thus, the age of the Russian cable industry has already exceeded 130 years. However, despite numerous requests, the holiday of cable industry workers has still not received official, state-approved status. Which does not prevent everyone involved from celebrating this Day on a grand scale.


Since Cable Worker's Day (as it is popularly called) has not yet acquired official status, each cable industry enterprise is developing its own traditions for celebrating the date.

However, there are some common ones:

  • all enterprises in the industry exchange congratulations on this day;
  • ceremonial meetings are organized at the factories themselves;
  • as in previous times, company management congratulates staff, notes the merits of production leaders, rewards those who distinguished themselves with bonuses, valuable gifts or other means.

Many factories also host large-scale corporate holiday events, which attract a large number of guests from industry workers, as well as members of their families.

Workers in the Russian cable industry celebrate their professional holiday.

IN Cable Industry Worker's Day workers, specialists, employees and managers of enterprises and organizations are awarded the “Honored Worker of the Cable Industry” badge for their significant contribution to the organization, development and improvement of the efficiency of cable production, as well as for the creation of competitive products, the introduction of new technologies and equipment.

Cable is a word we hear very often, but we never think about what this cable is and where it is used. Today it is appropriate to give a little information on this matter.

The word cable comes from the Dutch kabel (rope, cable) and means electrical, one or more insulated conductors enclosed in a hermetic sheath, on top of which protective covers are applied.

The cable is used to transmit electrical energy or signals over a distance (high-voltage power lines, power supply to industrial enterprises, transport and municipal facilities; trunk communication lines, city telephone network, radio communications and television; power supply to moving working machines; electrical equipment of ships, aircraft) . All these productions are established in Russia thanks to cable industry professionals.

The design of the cable significantly depends on the conditions of its installation and operation - underground, in water, in the air, in chemically active environments, at low or high temperatures, at high humidity.

The date of today's professional holiday is associated with an event that occurred on October 25, 1879. On this day, the engineer of the German electrical company Siemens & Halske, Mr. K. Siemens, was issued a certificate authorizing work at the plant built by the company for the production of insulated wire and telegraph cables in the Russian city of St. Petersburg. This day is considered the day of the formation of the cable industry in Russia, the history of which has thus continued for more than 130 years.

The beginning of the 20th century was marked in Russia by the intensive development of the domestic cable industry. Cable factories were launched in Moscow and Kolchugino. In 1916, cable products in the country were produced by four cable factories, which during the Great Patriotic War quickly reorganized their work in accordance with the needs of the front.

Currently, the cable industry in Russia has approximately 350 enterprises. The industry is developing dynamically and in this regard represents a profitable platform for investment.

Today cables are everywhere, around,
We can’t imagine our life without them,
Happy Cable Industry Day, friend!
Today we celebrate your holiday!

Your work is so important and necessary
In the age of technology, engineering, science,
We want to wish you happiness
And on this holiday we glorify your hands!

Happy Cable Guy Day! Wherever you stretch a tangle of cables, a stream of energy will flow to your destination! Your work literally feeds a large part of the country, and for this you receive sparkling thanks and best wishes!

Happy Cable Industry Worker's Day!
Long life to you, good health!
And let there be less pompousness in your life,
But more looks with warmth and love!
Let life's greatest difficulties
Will become successfully solved problems,
And so that there is money and opportunities,
In that combination that is called luck.
And although time leads to old age,
May your souls remain young
Let there be no regrets about anything,
Except that the days have become less noisy.

Congratulations to all cable industry workers on their professional day. We wish your life to be so varied and interesting that it takes you to all the exotic corners where a cable guy has never set foot before. Let your health amaze you with strength, your thoughts with unpredictability, and your heart with passion for life.

The cable is a useful thing,
Everyone knows about this.
Happy holiday to cable workers!
Today they congratulate.
May the weather be clear
Happy at work
And they always end
The joy of caring.
Let the bosses not be stingy
Never at a prize
And when issuing salaries
He'll be in the mood.

You know everything about blue, green and red wiring, you lay them carefully and strictly according to plan, and if there is a power failure, you will fix everything instantly! Happy Cable Guy Day! Let your work be measured in many kilometers, and let your happiness in life be completely measured by nothing!

Like blood through veins - current through wires:
In every heart there is fire, in every light bulb there is light.
The cable is invisible, but we need it so much:
Cable TV, cable internet…
Cable world - billions of wires!
Some of them were created by your plant.
The body of progress has been created for many centuries,
And every cable guy took part in this not in passing!
That's why this toast is for you,
Your health and many more summers!
Happiness and strength, and may for you
Life smiles with bright light!

Happy Cable Industry Worker's Day! The wires stretched to all corners of our planet and providing its population with the necessary energy are counted in millions of kilometers. May your happiness and well-being in life be immeasurable!

Among the barbed and harsh wires
You are looking for happiness and your love.
Days and years flash by unnoticed at work,
Not an easy fate and a harsh fate.
Let the world around you change,
Let there be a lot of happiness suddenly.
We wish you endless joy
And we wish you eternal life.

The cable is a thin cord, but there is no way to get it through properly without you! Happy Cable Guy Day! Your services are worth a lot, because without energy, civilization simply plunges into a dark sleep... So let there always be enough of it for everyone, and let the wires you lay entangle the Earth even more!

Electricity and Internet -
Connects countries and gives light
Cable production is a responsible business,

Listen to music and watch movies,
Clean the apartment and warm some tea
The cable helps!
Cable production is a necessary business,
And for a cable guy - everyday work.
So let's raise our glasses to those
Who diligently and responsibly
Does such a necessary job!
Here's to you, dear cable guys!

You have something to be proud of, something to celebrate,
Where to never be late!
What to worry about, what to live for,
And the thing is, it’s worth loving!
We wish you health, activity,
Great productivity at work!
Appreciate the team, without a doubt
Always be his decoration!

Those who know how the cable works,
And how to connect it to the network,
Today we congratulate you on the holiday,
We want to wish them all happiness,
Let work not take away your strength,
And it always brings them joy,
Let them not know troubles and sorrows
And may they live for many years!

Happy Cable Industry Worker's Day! Multi-colored and different-sized cables are tangled all around! An ordinary person cannot tell them apart, but you know everything, even by touching it in the dark! Work easily, without mistakes and live happily!

There's a reason to celebrate
To those who gave the country a wire!
Day after day for several years now
The cable plant is working!
Days are intertwined into years -
The ground is covered with wires.
We thank the factory workers,
For the given months and years
Cable industry.
And we wish them a rich life
Happiness, success, love!
And, of course, more health.

Cable production is a task
What not everyone can do,
And from you there is a huge return,
Your work is so beautiful.
Even if it’s hard for you, that’s what we stand for
We’ll compose and voice congratulations,
All speech comes from the heart,
And the words flow like a brilliant shower.

You can't live without cables these days
Without them it is impossible to build a network
You can’t imagine an apartment or a house without them
Yards and entrances, and the whole world around.
We do not respect the cable industry
But if we look closely, we will feel
How cables help us in everything
We can’t live in the metropolis without them.
Today is a special holiday guys!
Everyone respects the cable industry worker.
Who makes all the cables?
We congratulate him with poems in response.
We wish you joy in cable work
That life was good, well, just “believe it”
Products to always be sold
May your wallet be filled with such work.

Wires, like veins, deliver energy for the life of the whole world. But only real masters can cope with them, and today we celebrate their professional holiday - Cable Worker's Day! Please accept our congratulations and best wishes for a long and prosperous life!

On Cable Industry Day
May your life be profitable
Let me wish you from the bottom of my heart,
So that the heart burns with grace.
May happiness never leave you
And your work will glorify the world,
Be richer in the feelings of your heart,
Blessings to you and good luck.

We settled into the house so habitually and comfortably
And they forgot that they should say thank you to:
To those who bring light into our home and bring warmth into it -
This stern cable guy laid the cable like a mole.
On this solemn day, we express our serious gratitude to you.
We understand all the responsibility of your work!
May your sweet home always await you, illuminated by light,
Let your beloved housewife meet you with bread and salt!

If you need to connect the power or restore it, you simply need to contact the cable specialists! They will lay a labyrinth of wires, fix what is out of order, and return the energy pulse to a healthy norm! Happy Cable Guy Day! May positive energy never run out in your life!

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