Holidays and events in Belgium. Belgium holidays Brussels flower carpet

About 2,000 different holidays, festivals, festivities and processions are held. No other European country can boast such a variety of holiday celebrations. Among all the splendor of events, it is worth highlighting, of course, folklore and religious celebrations, since it is one of the zealously venerating Catholic countries and has a rich folk culture.

Holidays in Belgium are very colorful, bright, and unusual. You can witness festive processions and street celebrations, religious processions and colorful carnivals, plunge into the world of music and art from different countries, or watch the performances of huge folk puppets. The most impressive sights can be seen in February, March, May and August.

Main festivals of the country

Belgium Day

A national annual holiday celebrated on July 21. On this day, a military parade is organized on the main square of Brussels, after which folk festivities and performances by musicians begin here, and the holiday ends with a magnificent fireworks display. Some countries are completely free to enter.

It is the most popular among the mass celebrations of the Belgian people, and in the ranking of European festivals it is second only to the Venice Festival. The carnival takes place in the small provincial town of Binche, not far from, every year before the start of Lent and lasts three days.

The first day is dedicated to a theatrical performance with a procession through the city in carnival costumes. On the second day, young people dance in circles in the city center on the square, having previously divided into groups in accordance with their political views. At the end of the second day, colorful fireworks are released into the sky.

Finally, the third day of the carnival is the high point of the inhabitants. Carnival participants wear national costumes and cover their faces with wax masks. The procession heads to the city administration, scattering oranges along the way to spectators, which are considered good luck to catch.

Ommegang Festival

The second most popular holiday in Belgium. This is a folk festival that takes place from June 30 to July 2. Ommegang has been celebrated for a very long time, its history dates back to the mid-14th century. Then it was a religious procession, and over the centuries Ommegang acquired the status of a nationwide carnival celebration. becomes a medieval village, entry to which is only possible for persons dressed in 16th-century costume. More than a thousand carnival participants portray members of the imperial family, court servants, soldiers, townspeople, etc. The end of the holiday is a general procession of its participants and a grand concert.

Dudu holiday

Held on Trinity Day and throughout the following week. This holiday is celebrated in honor of the victory over the plague that struck the city in the middle of the 14th century. Then, in 1349, the first religious procession was organized, after which the plague subsided and the inhabitants of Mons were saved. In memory of their miraculous healing, people organize an annual Dudu festival, which is now a carefully organized and very spectacular theatrical performance.

Brussels flower carpet

It is one of the Belgian holidays held in the summer, in August. The festival takes place every two years in the central square of Brussels, the Grand Place. During the holiday, the square is a real carpet of begonias of the tuberose grandiflora variety, which are skillfully combined into a single whole with a system of fountains that maintain the freshness and fragrance of the flowers. You can look at all this splendor from the balcony of the Town Hall. The holiday ends with fireworks and a sound and light show.

Feast of the Holy Blood in Bruges

It is one of the religious holidays in Belgium and again has deep roots in the past. A huge procession of festival participants, numbering tens of thousands of people, dresses in costumes of knights and monks. And the procession of the characters itself is a reminder of the time of the first crusades, at the end of which the Flemish Count was awarded a jug with the blood of Christ.

If you are lucky enough to be in Belgium during the holidays, be sure to take the opportunity to see the whole celebration with your own eyes - you won’t regret it!

In terms of the number of festive events, Belgium is ahead of many European countries. Holidays in Belgium are rich in national traditions and customs, which have been carefully passed down from generation to generation for hundreds of years and are politely embodied in our time. In addition to the official dates that are accepted throughout the world, they honor their own, exclusively Belgian holidays.

The most important celebration falls on July 21, on this day the whole country celebrates the National Day. The traditions of the celebration go back to the 19th century. On this day in 1831, King Leopold I swore allegiance to the Constitution. Every year since then, a military parade is held on the main square of Brussels, Grand Platz, which ends with colorful, sparkling fireworks.

For more than eight centuries in a row, starting from the 14th century, the Belgians have organized carnivals. This is an important part of the country's culture. The oldest street carnival in Europe and the most popular in Belgium is the carnival, which is held annually in the city of Binche. The festival is on the UNESCO list of intangible cultural heritage and is considered the second largest after the Venice Carnival. Street festivities are organized in February, celebrating the farewell of winter and the welcoming of spring, the beginning of Lent.

Tourists will also be interested in the Zinneke Parade, which is held on May 12-13. Both ordinary fans of costume processions and professional actors take part in the enchanting performance. The theme of the parade is different every year. In May there are also such holidays in Belgium like the fair in Mons, during which the city residents fight the terrifying dragon Dudu, the Maypole festival in Brussels, the carnival of the Holy Blood in Bruges - Ascension Day.

The oldest holiday in Belgium is Hanswijk, which is organized in Malin before Ascension Day. The historical religious procession was first celebrated in 1212 after the end of the plague epidemic.
Holidays in Belgium- these are noisy folk festivals, theatrical performances based on real traditions, walks along the canals with dances and songs.

Belgium has 12 official public holidays. Two of them always fall on Sunday.
New Year - January 1
Easter - changing
Maundy Monday - 1st Monday after Easter
Labor Day - May 1
Ascension of the Lord - 6th Thursday after Easter
Trinity Day - 7th Sunday after Easter
Holy Spirit Day - 8th Monday after Easter
National holiday - July 21 is Belgium Day, the main holiday of the country. It was on this day in 1831 that Leopold I took the oath of allegiance to the Belgian parliament. On this day, Brussels hosts a military parade on the Grand Place with fireworks on the roof of the Academy Palace, and Ghent hosts a major street festival of dance and music.
Ascension of Our Lady - August 15
All Saints Day - November 1st
Armistice Day - November 11
Christmas - December 25


Folklore is an integral part of Belgian culture. Your idea of ​​this country will be incomplete without festive processions and motorcades, giant folk dolls, street marches, festivals and, of course, carnivals. About 2,000 different holidays take place in Belgium every year. It is simply impossible to tell about everyone. We will mention only a few, the most famous and significant.

Saturday after the Feast of Epiphany. Bommel, or the Feast of Fools, in Rennes.
End of January - antiques fair (Brussels, Palace of Fine Arts)
End of January - international film festival (Brussels, Porte de Namur cinema complex).

The month of carnivals. February 15-21 - carnival week (across the country) Virtually all of Belgium turns into one big festive area. The carnival in each city has its own characteristics and lasts a different number of days.
In Eupen, on February 19, the so-called “Pink Monday Procession” takes place, in Malmedy
February 18 is a large costume parade, when passers-by are caught on the streets with giant wooden flares. In Aalst there is a parade of giants and a parade of men dressed as women.
In Binche, the peak of the carnival will be on February 20, and this carnival is considered one of the most colorful street processions in Europe.
First day of fasting. Celebration on the streets of Chevres. Performances on ancient themes are performed in front of each cafe. In the evening you can try a corresponding treat.
First Saturday of Lent. Dead Rat Ball in Ostend. First Sunday of Lent. Perhaps the most popular holiday in Belgium is the “Big Candle Flame”. At the end of the celebration there is a big fireworks display.

April 7 - International Folklore Festival (Leuven).
Fourth Sunday of Lent. Great carnival in Stavelot.
Latar Festival (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday). Carnival in La Louviere.
April 30 is the holiday of the eve of May Day (Hasselt). Burning an effigy of winter and the dance of the velmas. The holiday has its roots in the pagan past and coincides with Walpurgis Night.

May 10 - Holy Blood procession (Bruges). The bishop carries the holy relics out of the cathedral into the street and a costumed procession takes place.
Second Sunday in May. Street processions in Ypres, throwing cats (not real ones) from the bell tower.
Monday and Tuesday of Trinity. Procession of girls and street processions in Wasmes. Medieval games and entertainment.
Third Saturday and Sunday in May. March in honor of St. Roja in Tuna (Tournai). One of the oldest military holidays in Belgium.
Trinity Sunday (after Trinity Day). Procession in honor of St. Vaudru or procession of the "Golden Cart" and fair in Mons. This holiday was born 700 years ago. Procession in honor of the Mother of God or March of St. Trinity in Valkur.
Mid-May - Animation Festival (Knokke-Heist). Three days pass. Jazz marathon (Brussels). Street concerts in various squares of the Belgian capital, as well as performances by musicians in clubs, cafes and bars.

Second Sunday in June. Feast of the Four Corteges in Tournai.
The penultimate Saturday and Sunday in June. Shrimp Festival in Oosteduinkerke.
Last Saturday in June. A very picturesque Witches' Festival in Ellezelles.
First Saturday and Sunday after June 24th. Procession in honor of Our Lady of Wavre in Wavre.

The first Thursday in July (and the Tuesday preceding it). Ommegang, a unique performance taking place in Brussels.
Second Saturday and Sunday in July. Fairy tale festival in Shini. Storytellers can be heard both in the halls and right on the street. Legends, poems, folklore.
July 20 and 21. Makral Sabbath and blueberry festival in Velsalme. Very spectacular and beautiful.
Sunday closest to July 22nd. Processions and military parade in Jume. Pilgrim dances.
Last Saturday and Sunday of July. Procession of Penitents in Fournes/Verne. A colorful parade of carts with sinners. Medieval fair with folk festivities in Bouillon. Tournaments, markets, medieval entertainment.


The week after August 15th. From August 15 - festivities in Liege. folklore festival "Outre-Meuse". Music, dancing, theatrical performances. Fourth Saturday and Sunday in August. A large fair of second-hand items, which are brought not only by the Belgians, but also by residents of other European countries, to Temple. The largest flea market in Belgium. Fair, Goliath's Supper, procession of giant figures in Ata. This tradition dates back to the 15th century. Along with the Mons fair, it is the largest fair held in Belgium.
The first Thursday after the fourth Sunday in August. Procession of giant figures in Dendermond/Thurmond. The legend of the four sons of Eamon and the horse Bayard. Rock festival "Marktrock" (Leuven). Live performances in front of City Hall


September 3 - Liberation Parade (Brussels). Dedicated to the liberation of the country from the Germans in 1944. The statue of the Manneken Pis on the Grand Place is dressed in the uniform of the British Guards.
September 16 - procession of the Plague (Tournai). An autumn carnival with a slightly dark touch, dedicated to the epidemic of 1090.
First Saturday and Sunday of the month. Beer days in Brussels. In the central square, numerous shops and stalls offer a wide variety of beers.
On one weekend of the month there is a billiards tournament in Tournai. Rather, it is one of the varieties of billiards, traditional and very popular in Tours.
First Saturday in September. Medieval festivities in Lessina. More than 1,000 participants, dressed in period costumes, take part in the processions. Hunting and Nature Day is held in Saint-Hubert.
Second and third Saturday and Sunday in September. Walloon holiday in Namur. Participants of the procession in clothes of the 17th century. walking through the streets on stilts.
Second Saturday in September. "Strange" march in Elsel. Walking under the cover of night among amazing, incomprehensible and even frightening sculptures.
Third Saturday and Sunday in September. Walloon holiday in Liege. Folklore processions. Bruegel days in Brussels. Tribute to the memory of the artist Pieter Bruegel the son, a native of the Belgian capital. The celebrations take place in the Marol quarter. Folklore performances, motorcades.

First Saturday and Sunday in October. Folklore festival and puppet theater in Mouscron First Sunday after September 29th. Procession in honor of St. Gertrude in Nivelles. This magnificent holiday, half religious, half peasant, has been celebrated since 1276.

the 3rd of November. St. Day Hubert. Celebration in honor of the patron saint of the city in Saint-Hubert. Folklore performances accompanied by playing hunting horns. Gathering of local hunters, lots of entertainment.
November 15 is German National Day (only in regions inhabited by Germans).

Markets and fairs dedicated to Christmas are held everywhere. A magnificent Christmas market takes place in Brussels' central square during the two weeks leading up to the holiday.
The Saturday closest to December 6th. Celebration in Comines-Warneton associated with St. Nicholas (December 6). Processions, motorcades, burning of effigy, fireworks.
December 8 - hazelnut fair (Bastogne).
December 26. Valentine's Day in Virton, which comes from the Middle Ages. Noisy celebrations, in the center of which are giant dolls - favorites of folklore.
All December - Christmas market (Brussels, Grand Place).

An overview of events that will be of interest to tourists planning to visit Belgium in 2018.

May 10 – Bruges, Ascension, Procession of the Holy Blood. This is a street performance that attracts up to 100,000 spectators annually; the procession reenacts the historical moment of the discovery of the main shrine of the city - a vessel with a particle of the blood of Jesus Christ. Accompanied by the performance of scenes from the Old and New Testaments, a church choir and music.

May 12 – Brussels, Zinneck parade. It unites more than 1,500 participants who play live music without the use of technical means - sound amplification, soundtracks, etc., everyone moves around the parade without the use of motorized transport. This fun event aims to bring together the cultures of different communities and areas of Brussels.

May 13 – Ypres, Cat Parade “Kattenstoet”. This spectacular show has been held every year since 1955. It is dedicated to a local legend from the medieval period about how cats, which symbolized evil spirits, were thrown out from the central tower. Today, stuffed cats are thrown from the tower, participants wear cat costumes, and all the colorful props in the parade are dedicated to these cute animals.

May 20-21 – Barcelona, ​​Pentecost and Whit Monday (closing). This is a church holiday dedicated to Monday, which comes after Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples of Jesus Christ.

May 25-27 – Brussels, Jazz weekend. These days, throughout the city, jazz orchestras play for free in the open air, in concert halls and bars. The public can enjoy live jazz in all its forms, from swing to bebop, blues, rock and world music, depending on the improvisation of the musicians who give their best performances to make this festival unforgettable.

May 27 – Mons, Trinity festival “Ducasse of Mons”. This is a procession where a reconstruction of the battle between St. George and the dragon, whose length is more than 10 meters, takes place. The figure of the dragon is carried by men in white robes, while the dragon "attacks" the public, and people in turn try to pluck some hairs from its tail, which are believed to bring good luck throughout the year.

June 16-26 – Brussels Film Festival. This international film festival, which has been running since 1983, showcases films in the genres of fantasy, science fiction and thrillers. The main prize of the film festival is “Golden Raven”. As part of this festival, an international competition of body art and body painting is also taking place.

June 23-24 – Waterloo, Reconstruction of the Battle of Waterloo. This is a large-scale colorful spectacle reproducing the historical battle between Napoleon's army and the Allied forces. The magnificent sets and costumes of the participants will completely immerse the audience in a bygone era. Here you can find out all the bivouacs, weapons, equipment, as well as watch cooking, shoot, visit farms, exhibitions, and there is a children’s headquarters for children.

July 4 and 6 – Brussels, Ommegang Page. This impressive costume show on the Grand Place illustrates the richness of Belgian national folklore and involves approximately 1,400 participants. The public will be able to watch the work of artisans of that time, watch a knight's tournament with famous horse games and foot battles, and also taste Ommegang beer, the recipe of which was specially developed for this event.

July 5-8 – Leuven, grand festival of rock and pop music “Rock Werchter”. Held annually since 1976, the festival attracts up to 150,000 spectators. The public can stay overnight in a specially organized campsite, which extends within a 3 km radius. from the epicenter of events - several stages, including under the roofs of huge pavilions.

July 13-15 – Bruges, “Cactus Festival”. This is an open-air alternative music festival in Minnewater Park where you can enjoy a cocktail of rock, reggae, world music and dance. Despite its international fame, the festival has managed to maintain a homely and cozy atmosphere with numerous attractions for children.

July 13-22 – Ghent, music and theater festival Ghent Festival. This spectacular event has been held for 175 years and includes free concerts, street performers, a fair, a variety of entertainment, fireworks and a huge cake.

July 20-22 and June 27-29 – Boom, electronic music festival “Tomorrowland”. The grand event was first organized in 2005 and has since become one of the largest and most famous music festivals in the world, with tickets selling out within minutes of going on sale. More than 300,000 people visit it annually.

July 21 – the whole country, Belgian Independence Day. One of the country's 12 national holidays, celebrated annually since 1890. Independence Day is accompanied by numerous festive processions, parades, fireworks and mass celebrations.

July 26-29 – Antwerp, world music festival “Sfinks Mixed”. Now in its 42nd year, the free festival is known for its unique and adventurous artist performances and multicultural celebrations. The festival program includes dance music, lyrical intimate concerts, performances by the best DJs, as well as a children's festival in the Kidz village.

July 27 - August 9 – Bruges, Moods festival. This is a series of eclectic concerts, some of which are free, featuring world-class music from a variety of styles.

August 3-12 – Bruges, “Musica Antiqua Festival”. Festival of medieval music, founded in 1960. The program includes concerts, master classes, conferences, excursions around the region, exhibitions, a fair of musical instruments and an international competition in playing the organ, harpsichord, piano and other instruments of the Middle Ages

August 14-18 – Brussels, Summer Festival. This popular multicultural holiday event has been held since 2002 and attracts up to 100,000 spectators. The festival program includes performances by street performers and music concerts from rock music to hip-hop, jazz, pop music and world-class music. street performers.

August 15 – Bruges, church feast of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. Belgians, most of whom are Catholic, celebrate on this day that God accepted the Virgin Mary into heaven after her death. The celebration is accompanied by a crowded procession of believers.

August 15-18 – Hasselt, Pukkelpop festival. The second largest open-air alternative music festival in Belgium after Rock Werchter, with an attendance figure of over 180,000 people. The program features a wide variety of alternative music, covering styles such as rock, pop, electronic and dance music, hip-hop, punk and heavy metal.

August 16-19 – Brussels, Flower Carpet Festival. Since 1971, on this day on the Grand Place, more than 100 volunteers spend 4 hours collecting a bright carpet of living begonias. The finished floral carpet is 75 m long and 24 m wide, with an area of ​​1,800 sq.m. Each square meter requires about 300 cut begonias. On this day, the air is filled with the aromas of magnificent flowers, and a musical concert takes place on the square.

August 25-26 – At, “La Ducasse” parade. This is an annual spectacular parade featuring giant dolls. Huge figures depicting Goliath, Samson and other allegorical characters are exhibited in the streets and with their help various performances are staged - for example, the wedding of Goliath and his famous battle with David.

Mid-October – Ghent International Film Festival. It has been held since 1974 and lasts 11 days. The festival specializes in the interaction of music and cinema. In parallel with the film competition, the event presents the World Soundtrack Awards, which have been awarded to composers since 2001.

December – Brussels, Christmas market “Winter Wonders”. Guarantees a whole range of vivid impressions; the city center is decorated with numerous decorations. The public is entertained by rides, sound and light shows, fireworks, street vending, music, an ice skating rink, a Ferris wheel, a Moon Museum and much more.

December 5-6 – Eve of St. Nicholas Day and St. Nicholas Day. Vibrant performances and processions are held throughout the city, with many competitions for children and gift distribution.

As a reminder, check the specific festival website or your local tourist information office for upcoming event dates before planning your trip. For more information on these and other events, visit the official Belgium information site.

Holidays and events in Belgium 2019: the most important festivals and highlights, national holidays and events in Belgium. Photos and videos, descriptions, reviews and timings.

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About two thousand holidays take place in Belgium every year, many of which carry integral features of folklore heritage. Bright festive processions, street festivals and musicians, huge folklore dolls and colorful carnivals remain in the memory of tourists for a long time.

About two thousand holidays take place in Belgium every year, many of which carry integral features of folklore heritage.

Perhaps the most grandiose festival - the carnival in Binche - attracts many tourists to Belgium in February. The first day of the holiday is reserved for costumed processions and performances on the streets of the city. On the second day, groups of young people, divided by political views, dance in circles in the square, and in the evening rainbow fireworks soar into the sky. On the third day, the Zhils walk through the streets of the city in national clothes and wax masks with round glasses and throw oranges at passers-by. The Belgians believe that catching an orange promises great luck.

The Feast of the Holy Blood in Bruges is a significant religious event that forms part of the country's cultural heritage and goes back centuries. Every year tens of thousands of people take part in the solemn procession, wearing the costumes of ancient knights and monks. The procession serves as a reminder of the first crusades, after which the Count of Flemish received a jug of Christ's blood as a reward.

The Senneke Festival in Brussels, celebrated every two years, has a new theme and scenario each time. For two days, the streets of the city become a platform for theatrical performances, where participants in the events show their ability to improvise.

On Trinity Day, Mons celebrates the Dudu festival, symbolizing the victory over the plague. The celebration has both a secular and religious direction. The holiday opens with a solemn procession through the entire city, whose participants are dressed in medieval costumes. The climax of the event is a recreated battle of St. George with the dragon.

From June 30 to July 2, Brussels hosts the ancient Ommegang holiday, which has long lost its religious significance, but is still bright and memorable. A medieval village is recreated in the city square; guests of the holiday dress up in 16th-century costumes. The holiday ends with a general procession, which turns into a grand concert.

The country's most important holiday, Belgium Day, is celebrated on July 21. On this day, the country became independent and every year a military parade takes place on the main square of Brussels, which is replaced by street celebrations with music and performances by artists, and the evening ends with a grand fireworks display. Some museums in the country open their doors to tourists completely free of charge on holiday.

A rather cruel holiday - the cat festival - takes place every three years. The event dates back to the deep Middle Ages, to the time of the Inquisition. Cats were considered witchcraft animals, and in the city of Ypres they were even thrown from bell towers. Similar actions were carried out on certain days with large crowds of people.

Since 1955, the cat festival in Belgium has been resumed. However, for humane reasons, live cats were replaced with plush ones.

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