The birth of a child is the main family holiday. Newborn baby shower: how to organize? Celebration scenario for the birth of a baby

The emergence of new people is the most important event in the life of mankind. The birth of a baby is a huge holiday on which relatives, friends, and colleagues rush to congratulate the new mother. Firstly, all the people close to me really want to see the baby. Secondly, I can’t wait to congratulate my parents and give them a gift. However, going without an invitation to a house where a tiny person has just recently appeared is somehow awkward. And that’s right – there’s no need to rush.

Traditionally, in Rus' they tried not to show the child to anyone in the first 40 days after his birth. Of course, our great-grandmothers were guided primarily by superstitions, fearing damage and the evil eye. Well, we are modern people, not superstitious, but it is still better to wait these six weeks before showing the baby to relatives and friends.

You can invite several people close to you for a tea party, introducing them to your child. Not all mothers have helpers. Taking care of a child takes up all the time, and regularly work for mothers on maternity leave– no longer a surprise to anyone. While caring for a child and working part-time at the same time, a mother is unlikely to be able to gather a large number of guests and organize gatherings. But if you have assistants, and you don’t have to work on maternity leave, you can do it differently: arrange newborn baby shower and invite all relatives and friends at once.

Festive viewing of a newborn

Today newborn baby shower Increasingly, they represent a magnificent celebration in honor of the birth of a baby. If you have If you want to organize such a holiday, wait until the due date and plan the celebration in the second or third month after the birth of the baby. Firstly, in the first month, mom herself has no time for the holidays. Secondly, even short-term communication with several adults at once can be harmful for a child: the reason for this is the likelihood of infections (and newborns still have too weak an immune system) and stress from the smell, sight, voice of strangers.

Festive viewing of a newborn: organization

Place for viewing. First of all, decide where you would like to hold this event. Possible places: in your apartment/house, in the courtyard of a country house, in a park, in a cafe or restaurant. If you decide to hold a child's viewing in a cafe or restaurant, rent a whole room so that there are no strangers. If there are few guests, look for a cafe or restaurant with a small banquet hall.

Inviting guests. Next, create a guest list, taking into account how many people can fit in the chosen location. The next step is an invitation to the screening. If possible, it is better to send out invitations. They can be made in the form of a diaper or an unbuttoned vest. If you don’t have time to deal with invitations, call all the guests and invite them verbally.

Theme and style of the newborn baby show. It is advisable to think about the theme or style of the event. For example, if a boy was born, you can decorate the venue in blue, if a girl - in pink. Another decor theme is the baby zoo. When choosing this theme, they decorate the venue of the holiday with images and figurines of baby animals and chicks. You can use white and silver colors for decoration, using wings and angel figures for decoration. A common theme is environmental. They say, a child was born, and now parents need to lead a healthy lifestyle and take care of the planet on which their grandchildren will live. In this case, the venue for the wedding is decorated in green tones; mainly natural materials are used for decoration and serving: linen tablecloth and napkins, wicker dishes, compositions made of twigs, decorative nests, etc.

Cake in honor of a newborn girl (from

And this cake is in honor of the twins

Do not use balloons for decoration - if the balloon bursts and makes a loud sound, the baby may be very scared. If you are planning a fireworks display, then move it to the end of the event, when the mother (or grandmother, nanny, etc.) and the baby have already left the party.

The progress of the holiday “Newborn Baby Shower”. Start the event by showing off the hero of the occasion - let friends and relatives have a good look at the baby. Then you can invite the guests to say congratulatory words, but very quietly and gently so as not to scare the child. In principle, immediately after this the baby can be taken home. And so that guests don’t get bored without him, place small frames with photographs of the newborn on the tables. You can even, if possible, show the first film about him.

Prepare a memorial book - an album made using the scrapbooking technique is best. Let the guests write down their first impressions of meeting the baby and include the postcards they brought. Then you can play a little and even dance.

Plan a “gift” moment - guests will certainly want to give gifts to mom and dad. But you can also prepare memorable gifts for guests in small bonbonniere boxes. You can put chocolate drops, nuts, a magnet with a photo of your baby in them, and, for example, a candle in the shape of a bunny or a pacifier.

Bonbonnieres to the point

An alternative to viewing - baby shower

Not everyone has the opportunity to organize newborn baby shower . But what if you still want to celebrate the birth of your baby? You can arrange a holiday in advance - even before the birth of the child.

We can turn to the American tradition and organize baby shower. This is the name given to a festive event in honor of a newborn, most often an unborn one. That is, the holiday is organized for a pregnant expectant mother. Previously, in America, a baby shower was organized after the birth of a child, but over time the tradition has changed, since the mother of a newborn often has no time for the holidays.

Baby shower literally translates as “baby rain.” You need to understand the name this way: the expectant mother is showered with gifts for the baby who will soon be born. This custom is very old, but even today it is extremely popular. And not only in the states - the tradition was borrowed from many European countries.

According to the rules of the holiday baby shower should be organized by a friend or sister of the expectant mother, but in no case should the hero of the occasion herself. But we can change this tradition slightly - if desired, the expectant mother herself can organize a holiday in honor of the imminent birth of the baby.

Traditionally, only women are present at the baby shower, and those who have already had to go through pregnancy and childbirth must also be invited. Women communicate, treat themselves, play and, of course, shower the expectant mother with a shower of gifts. Today, however, men are also invited, but quite rarely.

Already during pregnancy, decide whether you can organize a viewing party or, perhaps, it is better to organize a baby shower - have fun, receive gifts, and after the birth of the child do not worry about the holiday.

To organize a baby shower The same recommendations that we gave above for organizing a viewing party may be useful to you: this also applies to the choice of location, invitations, thematic decor, etc.

Newborn and baby shower: games and competitions for guests

Of course, you need to provide a little entertainment for the guests who came to the holiday viewing or to the baby shower (baby shower). Let's borrow games popular among American mothers.

Game "Children's dowry". We take many (at least 20) items that are often used when caring for the baby and for entertaining him. This could be a pacifier, diaper, bottle with pacifier, teething ring, bib, rattle, bottle of baby oil, package of wet wipes, baby monitor, sleeping bag, booties, baby thermometer, oilcloth, etc.

We put it all in a fabric bag or pillowcase and tie it. The host of the game has a list of items in his hands, and he will also need a pen or pencil to cross out what was named. The presenter brings a bag to each participant and asks them to guess one children's item by touch. The one who guesses the last item wins a prize.

The second version of this game. We pass the bag around, giving each guest the opportunity to feel (again, by touch) what lies there. Don't give the guest more than 1 minute to identify the contents. Then everyone writes down on paper a list of what they found in the bag. Accordingly, you will need to hand out a piece of paper and a pen to the guests. The one who writes the most correct answers wins.

Third version of the game. We put many more items in the bag (at least 30) and do not tie it. We pass the bag around, giving each guest the opportunity to look into it and try to remember the contents. Each guest is given 0.5-1 minute for this. Then guests write what they remember from the contents of the bag. Whoever has the larger list wins.

Game "Supermom". You need to pull the rope at the same height as a clothesline is usually hung. You will also need a dozen children's things in a basket (from handkerchiefs and caps to rompers and dresses), a couple of dozen clothespins, a baby-sized doll and a mobile phone (an old non-working one or even a toy one). Task: the participant must hang clothes on a line as quickly as possible, holding a doll (“child”) in his hand and at the same time “talking” on a mobile phone. At the Leader’s sign, the time is noted, and the participant begins to hang out the laundry. The result is recorded on paper. Everyone is welcome to participate. The winner is the one who takes the least amount of time to hang up the children's laundry.

Guessing game "Sweet bottle". You will need a baby bottle. It needs to be filled with sweets: gummies, dragees, etc. You need to know the exact amount of sweets in the bottle. Guests are invited to guess how many sweets are in the bottle by giving an approximate number. Whoever names the number closest to the real one is declared the winner and receives a bottle of sweets as a gift.

Game "One diaper, two diapers." Take a small gift (for example, a figurine of an angel) and place it in a medium-sized box. Then the box must be wrapped in layers with a large amount of bright paper. Wrap the last paper the way you would swaddle a baby and tie it with ribbon.

The music turns on, the guests stand in a circle and dance, passing the “baby” (box) to each other. The music stops abruptly. The one who has the box in his hands at this moment must remove one diaper from it. Then the music turns on again, and “Kinder surprise in diapers” goes around in a circle again. As a result, the present gradually loses all its diapers. Whoever has a “naked” box in his hands when the music is turned off must take out the present and receive it as a gift as the winner of the game.

Other entertainment for holiday viewings or baby showers

Place a small plastic toy in the shape of a baby animal next to each guest's plate in advance. At the end of the show or baby shower, invite guests to turn the toy over. Whoever has a red mark on the bottom must imitate the sound made by this animal and receive a prize.

At the very beginning of the evening, ask each guest the day and month of his birth, write it down. The person whose date of birth is closest to the baby's date of birth can be given a gift or simply put on a bib that cannot be removed until the end of the holiday.

Dirty diaper. Bring as many cloth napkins as there are guests. Fold the napkins like diapers. Stain the inside of one of the napkins with mustard or chocolate. Place all the diapers in a decorated box. After guests have finished snacking, hand out diaper-shaped napkins. Whoever comes across a soiled “diaper” will receive an incentive prize.

All of these activities can be used if you cook a holiday in honor of the birth of a child or a gala event on the occasion of christening, the first anniversary of a child, etc.

Be sure to organize a party in honor of the baby. If you can't have a baby shower or a formal viewing of a newborn, gather guests for a christening party or to celebrate the appearance of the first tooth. You should definitely celebrate one of the biggest holidays in your life!

Script for my daughter's birthday!

Birthday Scenario!


1. A few days before the birthday, we make an invitation to the birthday party. (where we indicate the date, time, address and telephone number). You can specify the clothes (celebratory and for the game (T-shirt and shorts...))

2. Buy prizes (pens, erasers, pencils, stickers, notepads, etc.)

3.Print out the crossword puzzle, diplomas, recipe (preferably for each child)

4. Prepare props: a ball, a rope with candies, scissors, colored pencils (for writing in a crossword puzzle and drawing), toilet paper for playing the mummy, etc., depending on the games.

Children come and give gifts: the official part begins.

A sweet table is laid (cake with candles, fruits, sweets and tea), congratulations and wishes are heard (preferably from each child... And what can you wish for the birthday boy next year, life, etc.... Children blow out the candles, eat and take pictures...


Let's split into teams!!! Let’s say a team of girls and boys (don’t forget to name the teams)

Today we will play school, but this school is not simple, but magical. After graduation, everyone will become a real wizard and receive a personalized diploma from the school of wizards.

Wizard School:

Lesson 1. Practical magic

Game "Drawing" Take turns with your eyes closed draw a portrait of the hero of the occasion: one draws an oval face, another eyes, a third ears...

The child with his eyes closed must draw a portrait of the birthday boy. We draw - eyes (eyebrows and eyelashes), oval face (hair and ears), nose and cheeks, mouth and teeth. -They didn't.

Or draw a picture on a given topic... (fold the piece of paper several times, and each child draws - for example: the first one draws the head of a cow, the second one draws its front legs and part of the body, and the third one draws its hind legs and tail. After unfolding, you can compare the results) -It was fun….

Game “Candy with wishes...”

Hanging candies on a string. A blindfolded child is looking. The opposing team says the wrong direction of the search, and their own team gives the right advice.... After they find the candy, adult uses scissors to cut it off from the rope. Wishes need to be printed out in advance (You can say that it is the birthday boy who wishes his guests to be beautiful, strong or like Baba Yaga, or, on the contrary, what the guests wish is for the birthday boy).We had the first option.

Game “Pull out the rejuvenating apple”

An apple is placed in bowls of water, a child with tied hands tries to get the apple (who is faster); -We didn’t, I think we’ll have to wear scuba gear...

Game "Broken Phone" An adult pronounces a word in the ear of one of the children, who must pass it on to the other, and so on in the chain, the last child pronounces the word out loud.- They didn't.

Lesson 2. Item management.

Game "I know..."develops not only dexterity, but also erudition. And if “Ten” was played more by boys, then here there was an element of girls. Its meaning is very simple. The player begins to hit the ball with his hand on the ground, saying one word for each hit: “I know five names of girls: Masha - one, Ira - two...” And so on until five. Then different categories are used: names of boys, animals, flowers, trees, birds, names of cities, countries, rivers, etc. If someone gets knocked down or drops the ball, the turn goes to the next player. The one who completes the task first wins.- I liked it, my daughter played even after the guests left.

Lesson 3. Clairvoyance

Game "Ring". All players fold their palms into a boat shape. The leader holds a ring or any other small object (button, pebble) in his folded palms. Passing his hands between the palms of each player, the presenter quietly places a ring in someone's hands. Then he steps aside a little and says: “Ring-ring, go out onto the porch!” After these words, the task of the player with the ring is to quickly stand up, and the other participants are to keep him on the bench. I managed to jump up and became the leader. No - the presenter remains the same. -We started playing, and when we had to restrain the child who had a ring, we almost had a fight. Game for girls...

Game "Clothespins"
Material: clothespins, blindfolds, prize - clothespins.
Guests are divided into pairs. One participant from the pair is blindfolded, and a certain number of clothespins are hung on the other (for example, 7). Moreover, to the same places, so that everyone would be on equal terms. The number of clothespins is announced. The task of the participants with their eyes closed is to find and remove all the clothespins from their partner as quickly as possible. Whoever is faster wins.
. - Liked

Game "Touch"Blindfold the boy. It is necessary to recognize one of the 3 girls “by touch” (in the latter case, replace one girl with a boy).We combined this game with a game of clothespins, it was fun.

Lesson 4. Developing imagination and learning to cast magic. We buy clothes and various benefits….

Game "What do you want?"

Two leaders were chosen from all the players. They thought of a number from 1 to 100 (if everyone could count to this number). The other players took turns trying to guess the number, and the presenters helped them with the words “more” and “less.” When someone finally guessed the number, the hosts asked, “What do you want?” Initially, it was assumed that all players had nothing: no clothes, no housing. And usually, first of all, at least some clothes were required. Don't sit on the bench naked! The player ordered, for example, a dress, and the presenters left for a meeting. It should be clarified that even before the start of the game, a very important question was discussed: whether the proposed “products” would be “without defects, without humor” or, on the contrary, “with defects and with humor”. Without marriage it’s more pleasant, with marriage it’s more fun. Each of the presenters came up with his own style of dress, and both “products” were given to the player to choose from. If the “product” is without defects, then the dresses were the most “princess” and the most fashionable. If with marriage... Oh, here the flight of fantasy was not limited to anything! We came up with all sorts of clothes: made of paper, cellophane, moss, thorns, wire, iron, with holes in the most unimaginable places... Of the two proposed outfits, the player chose the one he liked best (he chose the lesser of two evils). And he left to guess the number together with the designer of his dress. And the second presenter took the place of the player on the bench. The game could continue indefinitely or until the players had nothing more to desire: everyone would receive incredible clothes, luxury houses, cars, yachts, and planes.They didn’t play, but played another game “Are you going to the ball?”: Conditions of the game: “White” “black” - do not wear, “yes”, “no” - do not say. A presenter was chosen and he asked each child questions successively: Will you go to the ball?, What color will your dress, shoes, etc. be? Will you have a carriage, a motorcycle, a limousine...? If the child named forbidden words, then he lost and was eliminated from the game. The smartest one remains and he becomes the leader…. It is advisable to receive detailed answers (I will go to the ball today, I will have a yellow dress, etc.), the presenter can prohibit different colors and words...

You can also play “team dressing”, each participant from one team comes up with a funny outfit for a participant from the other team, after the game the funniest and most ridiculous outfit is chosen. (for example: a skirt made of sausages, a blouse made of plasticine, a hat made of tin cans, shoes made of fountain pens, etc. your imagination is not limited)

Game "Continue the tale"

The first player starts and after the word “Stop” the other continues...The direction of the game can be changed, Let's say: The basis of the fairy tale about Cinderella, Cinderella is going to the ball, she dresses: The first child dresses her classically (lush dress, shoes, etc.) Stop: The second child puts Cinderella on a motorcycle, cuts off her dress and paints her nails in black, wait: the third child brings Cinderella not to the ball and to the disco, where she meets the prince (don’t forget to dress him up... Funnier) wait: they run away from the disco and go, say, to the forest where there are a lot of robbers, in general, you can develop topic... The presenter (adult) helps the children, after the words stop, he gives them direction - orders (dress Cinderella, put him on transport, send him to a disco, dress the prince, send him for a walk...)

Lesson 5. Lesson of attention

I will ask questions, and if you agree, answer:

“This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!” I liked it very much.
- How many of you keep your books, pens and notebooks in order?

How many of you come to class an hour late?

Which of you, so beautiful, is used to saying “thank you”?

Who is reputed to be ignorant and does not know polite words?

Who here wants to be healthy, cheerful, slim and cheerful?

Who is afraid of doctors and is always ready to cry?

Which of you, I want to know, loves to sing and dance?

Who walks to school every day in a cheerful troop?

Which of you kids walks around dirty from ear to ear?

Who completes their homework on time?

Which one of you, tell me out loud, catches flies in class?

Which of you, when you grow up, will become an astronaut?

Which of you, so good, wore galoshes to sunbathe?

How many of you walk on the pavement with your head upside down?

Which one of you, I want to know, has an “A” in diligence?

Who among you does not walk gloomily, loves sports and physical education?

How many of you are always ready to live your life without doctors?

Who doesn't want to be healthy, cheerful, slim and cheerful?

Who among you does not walk gloomily, loves sports and physical education?

Who is not afraid of frost and flies on skates like a bird?

Which of you will give up your seat to old people on a cramped tram?

How many of you go forward only where there is a transition?

Who flies ahead so fast that they don't see the traffic lights?

Does anyone know that a red light means there is no movement?

Well, who starts lunch with imported chewing gum and sweets?

Who loves tomatoes, fruits, vegetables, lemons?

Who has eaten and brushes their teeth twice a day every day?

Who does physical exercise according to the schedule?

Who, I want to know from you, loves to sing and dance?

Lesson 6. Learning to prepare magic potions

(making pizzas)

Search for a recipe:

You announce that in order for your magical abilities to manifest, you need to eat a magic potion. But first you need to cook it. And for this, find a recipe. And the clue where to look is hidden in the crossword puzzle. Solving a crossword puzzle from riddles
Whoever guesses the riddle first writes (your color).


1. Letters-icons, like soldiers in a parade,
Lined up in a strict order.
Everyone stands in the designated place
And it's called building...

2. Runs among the stones,
You can't keep up with her.
He grabbed the tail, but - ah!
She ran away with the tail in her hands.

3. I’m ready to blind the whole world -
House, car, two cats.
Today I am the ruler -
I have...

4. Five steps - ladder,
There is a song on the steps.
On five wires
A flock of birds is resting.

5. I carry a new house in my hand,
The door of the house is locked,
The residents here are made of paper,
All terribly important.

6. The white pebble melted,
He left marks on the board.

7. Black, crooked, all mute from birth.
They stand in a row and instantly start talking.

8. Glue together a ship, a soldier,
Steam locomotive, car, sword.
And it will help you guys

9. She speaks silently,
But it’s understandable and not boring.
You talk to her more often -
You will become four times smarter.

10. Kulik is not great, he tells a hundred guys:
Either sit down and study, then get up and go away.

11. Either I’m in a cage, then I’m in a line.
Be able to write about them!
You can also draw.
What am I?..

12. If you give her a job,
The pencil worked in vain.

13. Straight line, come on,
Draw it yourself!
It's complicated science!
Useful here...

14. If you sharpen it,
You can draw whatever you want!
Sun, sea, mountains, beach...
What is this?..

15. There is a cheerful, bright house,
There are a lot of agile guys in it
They write and count there,
Draw and read.

16. I look like a box
You put your hands on me.
Schoolboy, do you recognize me?
Well, of course I am...
(pencil case)

Ingredients(prepare in advance, place in pots (saucepans) and sign (glue printed inscriptions to the dishes with transparent tape):

Pizza Base - Frozen cow patties;

Ketchup - dragon's blood;

Mayonnaise - jellyfish mucus;

Seasoning - dried roots and venom of the brown horned viper;

Sausage - pig tails

Cheese - shavings from a raspberry bush

Olives are the eyes of a wild lizard.

Take frozen cow pats, place them in the center of the plates, pour in some dragon blood and jellyfish mucus, mix all this carefully 5 times to the right and 5 times to the left. Take the pig tails and place them on a cow pat, cover everything with shavings from a raspberry bush and add 3 pinches of dried roots and brown horned viper venom. Decorate with wild lizard eyes. Send the plates with the resulting dish into the mouth of a fire-breathing dragon.

I LIKED IT VERY MUCH, we also poured the juice, milk and sparkling water into decanters and also signed: Cherry juice - “Baba Yaga’s Tincture”; Tarragon - “Poison of the old toad”, Milk - “Drink of longevity and health”, Coca-Cola - “Water from under the hoof of brother Alyonushka”, Apple juice - “Molten gold”.

Everything looked very impressive.

While the pizza was cooking, the children played other games:

Game "Edible-Inedible"

All players line up in a row. The driver, from a distance of 2-4 meters, throws a ball to everyone in turn, naming some object. If it is something edible, you need to catch the ball; if not, you need to hit it (or simply not catch it). The player who reacts correctly takes a step forward; if he makes a mistake, he goes back a step. The most attentive one, who was the first to reach the driver, becomes the driver himself. He was not forbidden to confuse the players.For us, it went a little differently, the leader threw the ball and said something edible or inedible, and the child was caught, or vice versa, if he did something wrong, he himself became the leader.

Lesson 7. A lesson in ingenuity

Game "Pantomime"

Fairy tale wizards must also be very smart in order to find a way out of any difficult situation. Therefore, now we will have a lesson in ingenuity. Imagine that you are in a tall tower, and a handsome prince has come to save you. But the trouble is, an inaudibility spell has been cast on the tower, and you cannot shout to each other. Therefore, you will have to speak with gestures. Explain to your prince that:
1. the key to this tower is held by an evil fire-breathing dragon,
2. The prince must climb up the rope ladder to you and kiss you
3. The prince must arrive early in the morning, when the roosters crow three times, and then the tower will be destroyed.

And now you can play on your own - the first player thinks of a word and whispers in the ear of the second player - everyone else must guess.

Or I give out cards with the name of the item, and you have to guess who it is...

Each child is given one task and time to prepare; you can confer. We start as soon as the kids are ready.

Wonderful! You were not at a loss and helped the prince and played this game with pleasure.

The game is interesting, but we did it differently, the presenter handed out pieces of paper with the name of the item to each team, and one of the team players had to show the other team (pantomime) this item, the other team guessed... Afterwards everyone received prizes.. - I liked it.

Lesson 8. Trick questions... I didn’t like it, not all the children understood the question, and almost all of them found it difficult to answer... (I asked the easiest questions first, I didn’t even ask the difficult ones)

· The man was driving a large truck. The headlights were not on, there was no moon, and the lanterns along the road did not shine. The woman began to cross the road in front of the car, but the driver did not run her over. How did he manage to see her? (It was day)

· Why does a duck swim? (From the shore)

· What can you cook but can't eat? (Lessons)

· When a car is moving, which wheel does not spin? (Spare)

· Why is the dog running? (On the ground)

· Why is there a tongue in the mouth? (Behind the teeth)

· When a horse is bought, what kind of horse is it? (Wet)

· Why does the cow lie down? (Because he doesn't know how to sit down)

· Can it rain two days in a row? (No, because the night separates the days)

· When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into the house? (When the door is open)

· Which month is the shortest? (May - it only has three letters)

· Which river is the scariest? (Tigris River)

· Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, because he can't speak)

· What is between the window and the door? (Letter "i")

· What will happen to the green ball if it falls into the Yellow Sea? (He'll get wet)

· How many peas can fit into one glass? (Not at all. They don't know how to walk!)

· How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (Only one thing: after the first one you will no longer be on an empty stomach)

· What happens if you put a black handkerchief into the red sea? (gets wet)

· Which hand is better to stir tea? (It is better to stir the tea with a spoon)

· What question cannot be answered with “yes”? (Are you sleeping now?)

· What tree does a crow sit on when it rains? (On wet)

· What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from? (Out of empty)

· What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream)

· What are we eating for? (At the table)

· Why do you go to bed when you want to sleep? (By gender)

· Until when can you go into the forest? (Up to the middle - then you go out of the forest)

· When is a person a tree? (When he wakes up from sleep - “pine”)

· What disease has no one ever had on earth? (None, everyone has already been sick)

· When are hands pronouns? (When they are you-we-you)

· What notes can measure space? (Mi-la-mi)

· How to pick a branch without scaring away a bird? (We must wait until she flies away)

· The grandmother was carrying a hundred eggs to the market, and the bottom fell out. How many eggs are left in the basket? (Not a single one, because the bottom fell out)

· How to write "dry grass" in four letters? (hay)

There were 90 apples growing on a birch tree. A strong wind blew and 10 apples fell. How much is left? (Apples do not grow on birch trees).
What can you cook but can't eat? (Lessons)
What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream)
What has no length, depth, width, height, but can be measured? (Time, temperature)
How many months in a year have 28 days? (All months)
What gets bigger when you put it upside down? (Number 6)
What comb can you use to comb your head? (Petushin)
What can you easily pick up from the ground, but cannot throw far? (Pooh)
What are all the people on earth doing at the same time? (Getting older)

I'm small in stature
Thin and sharp.
I'm looking for a way with my nose,
I'm dragging my tail behind me.
(Needle and thread)

Small, round,
But you can't catch it by the tail.

Two ends, two rings, carnations in the middle.

The monster's emerald eye began to glow.
So, you can cross the street now.
(Traffic light)

There are four legs under the roof,
On the roof there is soup and spoons.

Whatever this eye looks at,
Everything will be transferred to the picture.

Lesson 9. Testing erudition. The idea is good, but everyone had already eaten pizza, and the children just wanted to play wildly, watch cartoons... In general, we didn’t manage to do it.

We didn’t play all three games…..

How much have you read over the summer/winter: fairy tales?

(Guess how many fairy tales these stories consist of.)

  • The Snow Queen went to bed on the pea, but could not sleep, because the Bremen Town Musicians played music under the window all night, and Puss in Boots danced with Cinderella, and Little Thumb and Little Red Riding Hood sang songs.
    (7 fairy tales: "The Snow Queen", "The Princess and the Pea", "Musicians of Bremen", "Puss in Boots", "Cinderella", "Tom Thumb", "Little Red Riding Hood".)
  • Little Red Riding Hood sat in a box with Mikhailo Potapych and went into the forest in winter to look for snowdrops for her stepmother, and in the clearing by the fire she met Snow White, Rapunzel and the Little Mermaid.
    (6 fairy tales: “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Masha and the Bear”, “12 Months”, “Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs”, “Rapunzel”, “The Little Mermaid”.)
  • Ivan Tsarevich sat down on the stove, harnessed the Little Humpbacked Horse, Sivka-Burka the prophetic cow, swan geese and went to visit the brothers Nif-nif, Naf-naf and Nuf-Nuf.
    (6 fairy tales: “Ivan Tsarevich”, “At the behest of the pike”, “The Little Humpbacked Horse”, “Sivka the Burka”, “Geese-Swans”, “The Three Little Pigs”.)

Game "Gawker".(I name the verb and list the nouns, children should raise their hand if the noun does not correspond to the verb in meaning: “flying - an airplane, a parrot, a COW ...”)

flies floats

Steamboat, briefcase, duck, swan, axe, crocodile, whale, cloud, stone, log, ice floe, giraffe, dolphin, fish, boat.


Hare, stone, river, horse, tree, dog, time, snake, leopard, deer, snail, athlete, fish, stream, cheetah.

Note In order for the competition to take place in a humorous atmosphere, I deliberately selected some combinations: “swim like an axe,” “go crazy,” “ride a stove.” Along the way, I explain these humorous phrases.

And this is my daughter after seeing off the guests, UV....

Scenario for celebrating a boy's first birthday

Mother: Dear guests! Today we have gathered you all here to celebrate first birthday our son VADIMA. Since our celebration today is dedicated Vadyusha's first birthday. Accordingly, let it look like a fairy tale. Let's forget about all everyday affairs and worries and surround ourselves with festive atmosphere!


“I swear on this day to have fun with all my heart,

don’t refuse so that they don’t offer me,

don't shout what kind of kindergarten or I don't play like that

In the name of pacifiers, rattles and delicious porridge."

Presenter: Whose day is it today? birth?

All: child’s name – 2 times!

Whose cake with jam can you tell me?

child's name – 2 times!

Who are we congratulating?

child's name – 2 times!

Who are we hugging?

child's name – 2 times!

And who do we love dearly?

child's name – 2 times!

Let's kiss you dearly

child's name – 2 times!

With day baby's birth name!

I suggest now telling fortunes about the baby’s fate

I suggest you guess what he will choose

Item Meanings: money - will become a millionaire, banker, accountant, economist; comb - hairdresser, stylist, makeup artist; spoon - cook, owner of a restaurant business; tablets – medic, doctor; computer mouse - programmer; brush - famous artist; photograph - photographer; toy tank or pistol - military; matches - fireman; gavel - judge, lawyer, lawyer; glasses – scientist, teacher; dog figurine – veterinarian, dog handler; car – driver, car dealership owner; flashlight - policeman; telephone – manager; ring - a good family man; a mirror - a handsome man (a beauty, a model; a ball of thread - the baby will live a long time; a ball - a football player, a sports career.

This little one boy Today, January 11th, I turned 1 year old. Dear guests! Let's fill our glasses and drink to the health of the birthday boy! HOORAY!

Many famous people were born on January eleventh. The list of celebrities born on the eleventh of January looks like So:

Konstantin Khabensky

Albert Hofmann, the famous Swiss chemist who introduced the world to the delights of LSD, was born on January 11, 1906. He died in 2008, at the age of 102.

Alexander Hamilton, the famous American financier, one of the founding fathers of the United States, depicted on the 10 dollar bill, was born on January 11, 1755 or 1757.

John Macdonald (01/11/1815 [Glasgow] - 06/06/1891 [Ottawa]) - first Prime Minister of Canada;

Jason Connery (01/11/1963 [London])- British actor;

Presenter: During this evening, each of you, dear guests, will be given the floor.

A FIRST THE WORD IS GIVEN TO Vadim's older brother!

Presenter: Now I will ask our grandparents to rise.

1. Dear guests, let's fill the glasses.

How nice it is to have an older generation in the family.

Grandparents are a proud title.

Grandchildren are the most important event without a doubt.

They always bring joy and fun into the house.

They bring peace, tenderness and understanding into the home.

The floor is given to grandparents.

Presenter: Agree, how young and beautiful our grandparents are! Let's see what they can do! I ask you, dear guests, to support our grandparents.

Grandparents play music together "Let run clumsily." Naturally, the guests help them.

Competition for grandparents

Contest "Guess by taste". Participants are tightly blindfolded and offered to try baby food. Based on taste, they should determine the contents of 5-6 jars (vegetable, fruit, meat purees). Whoever gives the most correct answers wins

For baby food

2. We had fun playing the game "Fabulous assortment".

Who be the first to guess Which fairy tale does the phrase belong to?

Are you warm, girl, are you warm, beauty? ( "Morozko")

Well, we ate, now we can sleep( "Thumbelina")

I’ll sit on a tree stump and eat a pie... ( "Masha and the Bear")

The goat comes back, knocks on the door and starts singing( "The wolf and the seven Young goats")

I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather... ( "Kolobok")

Grandma, and grandma, why do you have such big ears? ( "Little Red Riding Hood")

I'm a little mouse. And who are you? ( "Teremok")

Eat my forest apple - I’ll tell you ( "Swan geese")

The mouse ran, waved its tail, the egg fell and broke. ( "Chicken Ryaba")

Don't drink, brother, you'll become a calf! ( "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka")

Who sat on my chair and broke it? ( "Three Bears")


The very loved ones who baptize the baby,

Promote development and growth slowly.

Godfather Andrey

According to the old custom that has been around for a long time,

First You can cut your godson's lock of hair!

First The baby's lock of hair is cut by his godfathers.

Presenter: Well, now let’s fill the glasses and accept congratulations from the godparents.

Attentiveness competition chamomile

What weight was the birthday boy born with?

How tall was he?

What does your baby like to eat?

What time did he get out? first tooth?

On what day of the week was he born?

When he did first step?

At what time was he born?

When was he baptized?

How many months did he start sitting?

What is your baby's favorite toy?

What is his zodiac sign?

What color are your eyes?

What affectionate name do parents call a child?

Who is it first friend?

How many teeth does he have now?

What is the birthday boy's favorite fairy tale?

What does he like more, drawing or dancing?

Presenter: Our aunts are like fairies

Both beautiful and smart

They won’t leave you without attention

They are awesome!

Let's fill our glasses and accept congratulations from our aunties.


Mom's girlfriends and dad's friends

We came to congratulate our hero

Although they rarely come,

We hope for their correction,

It’s just how it turns out for them, I guess.

We will also listen to their instructions.

Competition Competition "Whim of the day". Participants are given pacifiers, which they must spit out as far as possible. The winner will be given a prize (otherwise he will get upset and act up).

6. We played upside-down fairy tales.

You need to guess the name fairy tales:

Square (Kolobok)

Green slipper (Little Red Riding Hood)

Zharische (Morozko)

Hundred Meter (Thumbelina)

Beggar's old pants (The King's New Dress)

Castle (Teremok)

Tin animal (Gold fish)

Sunny servant (The Snow Queen)

Silver fox and 3 giants (Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs)

Goat and five wolf cubs (The wolf and the seven Young goats)

A saucepan of cabbage soup (Pot of porridge)

Radish (Turnip)

Slender mare (The Little Humpbacked Horse)

The cowardly shoemaker (Brave Little Tailor)

Chicken - silver foot (Cockerel - golden comb)

Dog without a hat (Puss in Boots)

How the cod wanted (At the command of a pike)

Ducks-cranes (Swan geese)


If our children had their own forum, what topics would it contain?

1. "Trying to feed me colored cabbage: how to react!"

2. “I haven’t pooped for only 2 days, how can I save myself from a tube, Duphalac, an enema, etc.?”

3. "Sos! Mom sleeps all night!"

4. “What do you think of the Chico-Polly chair?”

5. “They don’t let you tear up the wallpaper!”

6. "How to sneak up on a cat?"

7. "A trip to the district clinic. It's boiling"

8. "Does not allow cat litter to be scattered. How to react?"

9. “He goes to bed at 9 pm. How to fight?”

10. “My bare-butt photos are on the Internet. How to deal with these?”

11. "Holidays abroad. Is it worth taking your parents with you?"

12. "Lip playing and other ways of creative expression"

13. “Why is a pack of napkins only enough for half the room and where does mom keep the second one?”

14. “What should a mother be able to do at 27 and a half years old?”

15. “Who tried Bepanten ointment? I really want to, but I haven’t succeeded yet.”

16. "Titya is separated from her mother - is this possible?"

17. “Do they kiss your butt?”

18. "Suggest a speech therapist for grandma"

19. “How many phones have you already sucked?”

20. Help! You put on your boots - how do you get up now?

21. How to learn to sleep without releasing your breasts? As soon as I fall asleep it falls out

22. Services: Artistic smearing of porridge on the face

23. Who has what mobile? We're already tired of our melodies, let's change

24. “Mom’s nose is not elastic at all. It’s Fine?"

25. "Help! My hair is growing!"

26. "I'm selling a set of clothes for my mother, size 46"

27. “What position to take in a dream so that everyone at home looks and is touched. Let’s share our experience.”

28. “Is mom just tapping her fingers on the keyboard or does it mean something?”

29. “I’m sharing my experience - which form is more convenient to write in”

30. “Who had it? Mom howls something out of tune and prevents you from falling asleep.”

31. To eat something like that and to poop purple?

32. "Masik. bunny, sunshine, lapulik, cat. how to find out your name?

33. "Mom like abnormal is happy about my poop - which specialist should I contact?”

34. “At 25, he can’t sing! Who should I turn to?”

35. “Dad’s bald spot isn’t growing back. Is it rickets?”

36. “I have carrot puree, I have chocolate. Where is the justice!”

37. “Where is the nose? Where are the eyes? Do they themselves not know?”

38. “Mom’s stomach is swollen. What’s wrong with her?”

39. CRY OF THE SOUL: The cat is fed better! And all attempts to establish justice are harshly suppressed! Why!

40. "Survey for babies: what would you like your mother to eat on New Year's Eve?

41. Poll: who tried indoor plants? Which ones taste better?

42. “I’m tired of mom’s boobs! I want dad’s! Has anyone come across this?”

43. How to get rid of hair on dad's chest? He reacts to being pulled out by screaming. Recommend a painless way!

44. Help, mom doesn’t fall asleep until I suck her tits for about 40 minutes.

45. "I'M FULL! How can I explain this to my parents?"

46. ​​“I really need your material support: We don't have salt and sugar. I eat empty porridge. Be sick"

47. “Okay, okay. The horned goat is coming. What is the creative potential of your parents?”

48. “Why does my sister stick her tongue out at me all the time and make faces. Low level of culture?”

49. Help! The new diaper makes me look fat! Please advise normal model!

50. Sucking tits and fingers at the same time. Maximalism?

51. They wash every day. Are there any others just as dirty?"


Unusual outfit competition.

Unusual outfit. To hold the competition, you will need to collect different things from your wardrobe; it is best to find large-sized clothes and accessories for them. We need to split the company into couples: child and one of the parents. Clothes are put into boxes according to the number of participating pairs. The child becomes a fashion stylist and dresses up the adult using the contents of the box. Then all the adults show off their outfits. Don't forget to take photos for memory.

Competitions for children and parents Guess the fairy-tale character

2-3 pairs mom and baby dad and baby

A mother who carried a child under her heart for many months, watched her diet, read books about pregnancy and proper child care, always looks forward to the hour when her beloved baby is born, whom she is ready to introduce into this big and wonderful world. Close people also eagerly and lovingly await the birth of a new baby and do their best to support the expectant mother, take care of her, monitor her health and the health of the unborn newborn.

And now the long-awaited moment comes! A ringing sound is heard in the maternity ward, a tired and gentle smile shines on the mother’s face, the doctors smile, and dad and grandparents know that a miracle has happened...

Mom will remain in the hospital for some time, but will be discharged very soon. Need something celebrate the birth of a child and do it in the best possible way.

Preparation for the holiday!

You definitely need to have a party in honor of the birth of your baby. Mom will be very glad that loved ones surround her and the baby with care and joy. But for this you need to prepare carefully. Firstly, the house into which the mother and baby will come must be cleaned to every centimeter; the child needs hygiene.

Secondly, do not forget that gifts are given on holidays. Therefore, you can make and pack them in gift paper, but always in gentle tones with unobtrusive designs. Beautifully packaged pacifiers, baby bottles, rompers, shirts, little hats and toys make great holiday gifts!

And finally, don't forget that celebrate the birth of a child needed at a small festive table. It is important to get low-calorie dessert recipes especially for mom, because such desserts are very tasty, and mom hasn’t eaten sweets for a long time, but at the same time, she already needs to monitor her figure and weight. A nourishing, tasty and low-calorie table will show that close people care about mom’s health, they monitor her nutrition and at the same time will not disrupt the entire celebration.

For the holiday, it is necessary to make a list of guests whom mother would be pleased to see within the walls of her home. And, of course, you need to decorate the house with balloons, perhaps decorations, posters with congratulations, and choose cheerful and gentle music. Don’t forget that you can’t make noise, because your baby needs silence for a good baby’s sleep.

How to meet a mother and baby?

Celebrate the birth of a child- this is not only to organize a home holiday, but also to meet a mother with a baby in her arms from the maternity hospital so that the joyful smile does not leave her face. To do this, it is best to write in advance. Let one person work on the script, and the others will add their own ideas or advise on how to adjust something. Joint efforts will only benefit the common good cause. In the script, each participant needs to be assigned a separate role. It will also be interesting if you fill the scene of the meeting between mother and baby with good jokes, a joint song, and even dress up as fairy-tale characters. Mom and everyone else will remember such a meeting for the rest of their lives.

Mom will be pleased if you meet her with flowers, balloons, a lot of congratulations and smiles. It’s better not to talk about the fact that there will be a holiday at home - let the mother and baby be surprised, it will be a surprise for them.

After the holiday, you need to organize it, for him it will be an event, because this is the first swim in his life. And the baby's first bath for the parents.

And now, when the holiday is over, everything has calmed down, a happy new life begins, in which there will be a new little person.

A person was born, or the first birthday in life

The birth of a child is a joy, a miracle. From this day begins a new life, full of worries, worries, sleepless nights and at the same time great happiness of being parents.

Dear dads, preparing for this holiday falls on your shoulders, and in order not to get confused, you need to first make a small list of necessary things, so that the holiday is a success.

1. Call close relatives and friends for help.

2. Set the festive table.

3. Decorate the room where the celebration will take place.

4. Meet a mother and newborn from the maternity hospital.

5. Have a holiday.

6. Clear the table and wash the dishes.

We have already said more than once that any holiday must be prepared. It is almost impossible for one person to organize everything and have time to do everything, so help is needed in the form of relatives and friends. It is better to distribute responsibilities, for example, someone draws posters, someone prepares an entertainment program, someone prepares refreshments, etc. The main organizer of the celebration (in this case, dad) controls everything and helps in everything to the best of his ability. .

The young father has the main honorable duty of welcoming his wife from the maternity hospital. Of course, the meeting should be beautiful and solemn. If you want to please and surprise your wife, then this can be done quite simply.

1. You can draw with chalk on the asphalt or trample on the snow (if it’s winter outside) in front of the windows of the room in which the woman in labor is located, the words “I love you.” The simplest words at such moments acquire extraordinary meaning.

2. You can hang a lot of colorful balloons on trees, poles, doors or other places near the maternity hospital. It’s good if the balls are in the shape of hearts. Here, of course, you cannot do without the help of friends and a certain amount of adventurism.

3. You can, with the support of relatives, greet the young mother by throwing flowers at her feet or showering her with pink petals.

The meeting must be quite solemn and romantic. Don't forget to bring a camera or video camera, as well as flowers and sweets.

As a rule, the closest people are invited to the first birthday celebration; the celebration is of a family nature and is not distinguished by noisy entertainment and loud music. Nevertheless, it is advisable to celebrate it (as well as other holidays).

By the time the young parents arrive, the room should already be decorated with balloons, flowers and posters, and the festive table should be set. Unlike other birthdays, on this day it is not the owners of the house who greet the guests, but the guests who greet the owners. Otherwise, everything is traditional: first congratulations and gifts, then a feast.

During the festive banquet, you can hold a win-win lottery for everyone present. To do this, before the start of the feast, place a cardboard circle with a number written on it on each plate. There may be another option: everyone present is asked to take turns calling numbers from one to the number corresponding to the number of guests. Numbers must not be repeated. Then, depending on the number named, the guest is given a small funny gift, for example:

1) we wish you not to lose heart and take your vitamins (carrots and apples);

2) a trifle, but nice (a handful of penny coins);

3) don’t be shy, grab a delightful necklace (“beads” made from several rolls of toilet paper);

4) things that never go out of fashion (laces);

5) so that the fire in your heart does not go out, accept it from us (a light bulb or a candle);

Gifts don't have to be expensive or serious. The main goal of the lottery is the good mood of all those present.

After the feast, when the most vivid impressions of the meeting have subsided a little, you can conduct a small test competition for the title of “Best Parents”. Not only young parents, but also several married couples present at the holiday should participate in the competition. These could be new grandparents.

Competition "Edible"

In each couple, the man plays the role of the child, and the woman plays the role of the mother who must feed her child. Men sit on chairs and hide their hands behind their backs. The women are holding plates with different “delicacies”. A couple of orange slices, a piece of herring, a cutlet, a piece of chicken, candy, a pickled cucumber (or other food at your discretion) can peacefully coexist on a plate. In addition, mothers hold bottles with nipples in their hands, in which soda or juice is poured. At the leader’s command, mothers begin to feed their children. The difficulty of the competition lies in the fact that every bite of food must be washed down from a bottle. The winner is the couple who ate and drank everything faster than others. Men don't help themselves with their hands!

Competition "The Smartest Parents"

Parents should not only feed the child, but also be an example to him in everything. Therefore, couples are asked to answer a few questions to determine the smartest pair of parents.


1. How to write “dry grass” in four letters? (hay)

2. When are 2 and 2 greater than four? (number 22)

3. The wheel is rolling. One corner is yellow, the other is red. When the wheel reaches the edge of the table, what color will its corner be? (the wheel has no corners)

4. How to catch a tiger in a cage? (no way, tigers only come in stripes)

5. What is the hare lying under? (under the ears)


1) leave the new washing machine (stay with nothing);

2) baldness - male disgrace (braid - maiden beauty);

3) because of courage the back of the head is small (fear has large eyes);

4) nailed down by the wind (blown away by the wind);

5) mouse in sandals (puss in boots);

6) blue cap (red cap);

7) a worm modestly crawls under a young marsh hummock (a petrel soars proudly over the gray plain of the sea);

8) think about weeks from below (don't think about seconds from above);

9) you forgot the terrible eternity (I remember a wonderful moment).

Questions are asked to each pair in turn. For each correct answer, the couple receives a bonus point.

Competition "The Funniest Parents"

The competition will require three cardboard boxes and five balloons for each of the three pairs.

Participants must, to the music and applause of the fans, try to “pop” the balloon by holding it with their stomachs. After the first ball bursts, the next ball is taken out of the cardboard box, and everything is repeated. The winner is the pair that manages to burst all five balloons faster than others.

You can end the holiday with a competition for the best wish for a newborn. The competition can be oral, or you can ask guests to write their wishes on a large, beautiful postcard.

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