What will help with nasal congestion during pregnancy? How to get rid of nasal congestion during pregnancy, how to treat it? Deviated nasal septum

There is probably no cell in a woman’s body that would not react to a pregnancy. All systems and organs adapt to the new status of the body: some begin to function differently, others, for example, increase in size. Very often, pregnant women complain about “troubles” in their nose function: their breathing is difficult, some experience or even. In addition, many women note a thickening of the nasal mucosa and even, in some cases, a change in its shape. Let's note the most common complaints of pregnant women and see what causes certain phenomena.


Hoc performs a variety of functions, the main ones being respiratory, protective, resonant and olfactory. The respiratory (or, as it is also called, respiratory) of them is the most important.

During pregnancy, an uninterrupted supply of oxygen is more important than ever, which is necessary not only for the mother, but also for the child. Because of this, during an “interesting situation”, the need for oxygen increases significantly. Blocked nasal passages, naturally, cannot fully cope with this task. On the one hand, for many during pregnancy, a stuffy nose is a common occurrence that goes away immediately after childbirth. On the other hand, you can help a pregnant woman. For example, try using a vaporizer or a humidifier - this will significantly alleviate the condition. In most cases, the signs that pregnant women describe with the phrase “clogged nose” indicate incipient sinusitis. This occurs as a result of swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose and nasal passages. At the same time, secretions do not flow out of the nasal sinuses, but stagnate and become an excellent environment for the development and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. If, in addition to congestion, you feel “fullness” in your sinuses, then follow these tips:

  • Rinse your nasal passages several times a day with a sea salt solution. These can be purchased at any pharmacy, or you can prepare them yourself. To do this, take one teaspoon of sea salt (or at least table salt) and dilute it in 0.5 liters of water.
  • Increase your fluid intake.
  • Do
  • Avoid staying in smoky rooms.
  • Do acupressure: massage the wings of your nose, forehead, areas under the eyes and from nose to ears with your fingers.

But, keep in mind, you can take any measures only after a visit to the doctor, because only he will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe competent treatment. As a rule, inflammatory processes in the sinuses are treated with the help of decongestants and antihistamines (if the cause of sinusitis is a household allergy) drugs. For example, an allergic reaction to dust or household chemicals can occur even if it has not been observed before.

Rhinitis (runny nose)

If a woman develops it, then this is a signal that there is a virus in the body or an allergic reaction has occurred. Since in her current condition a woman does not have access to the usual medications to treat a runny nose, she needs to know the following. First, again, go to the doctor. Secondly, drink a lot and take vitamin C (but don’t overdo it: large amounts of this vitamin are dangerous).

How exactly to deal with this unpleasant phenomenon during pregnancy can be read in the material “Runny nose in early pregnancy.”

Should I take vasoconstrictor drugs?

Not worth it. They affect not only the vessels of the nose, but also the placenta, disrupting placental blood circulation and adequate nutrition of the fetus. In this case, (oxygen starvation) and impaired fetal development may develop. Vasoconstrictor drops for a runny nose can only be used in case of urgent need. Buy drops intended for children or newborns. It is worth burying them before going to bed, because it is in a horizontal position that this problem becomes more noticeable. Try raising the head of the bed or placing a second pillow under you at night - this will help relieve the condition. Be aware that vasoconstrictors may make nosebleeds worse.

When there's nothing to worry about

If the cause of a stuffy or runny nose is a consequence of hormonal changes in the female body, then rest assured: everything will stop after childbirth. Also, a completely understandable reaction of the body to pregnancy can be called nosebleeds. More often they occur in the middle of pregnancy (although in some women - in the early stages) under the influence of large amounts of estrogen and progesterone.

Don't let the "potato nose" bother you either. As a rule, all this goes away when the baby is born. But, anyway, see a doctor: you may have severe swelling and need medical attention.

Especially for- Olga Pavlova

The hormone estrogen released during pregnancy increases the number of sensory nerve endings ( receptors) vascular wall. These endings react to a substance released during allergies - histamine ( that's why they are called histamine receptors). When histamine receptors are irritated, small blood vessels dilate, mucus secretion increases, and swelling of the mucous membrane occurs.

An allergic reaction in a pregnant woman does not cause an allergic reaction in the fetus, because immune particles do not pass through the placenta. The action of the allergen is limited to the nasal cavity. At the same time, allergic rhinitis is no less unpleasant for the baby, since he may not receive enough oxygen, and also experience the side effects of antiallergic drugs that are prescribed to the mother to relieve symptoms. In addition, after a week of pregnancy, the fetus may begin to produce antibodies ( immune particles), similar to those produced by the mother's body. If, after birth, the same allergic substance enters the baby’s body that caused allergic rhinitis in his mother during pregnancy, then the child has a 50% chance of developing the same allergic reaction.

Vasomotor ( hormone) rhinitis

The most common cause of nasal congestion in pregnant women is vasomotor rhinitis. Vasomotor rhinitis is the cause of almost constant nasal congestion in women during pregnancy, with no increase in body temperature or signs of an allergic reaction. The cause of vasomotor rhinitis is an inadequate vascular response ( vase - vessel, motor - movement) nasal mucosa, which, in turn, depends on the changes that occur in the body of a pregnant woman. Therefore, the second name for vasomotor rhinitis in pregnant women is hormonal rhinitis. When a woman inhales cold air or air saturated with the aromas of a certain substance, this also affects vascular tone, it changes dramatically. Rapid and sharp dilation of blood vessels causes swelling of the mucous membrane.

The following factors contribute to the development of vasomotor rhinitis during pregnancy:

  • Hormonal background. The hormone estrogen released during pregnancy causes an increase in acetylcholine. This is a transmitter substance ( mediator) nerve impulse. If there is a lot of acetylcholine, then many impulses enter the vessels, causing their muscle walls to relax - the vessels dilate.
  • Increased circulating blood volume. The volume of blood in the vascular bed after the second trimester increases by 1.5 - 2 liters. This means that the load on the circulatory networks of different organs increases. The more blood in the vascular bed, the greater the likelihood of congestion. Stagnation of blood in the nasal cavity leads to swelling of the mucous membrane and narrowing of the nasal passages.
  • Vasodilation. During pregnancy, especially in the early stages, there is a tendency for blood vessels to dilate. This is explained by the influence of the second female sex hormone progesterone. It acts on the muscle wall of blood vessels, relaxing it, resulting in an increase in the diameter of the blood vessels. Vasodilation or vasodilation is necessary so that organs can work in adaptation mode to pregnancy. However, the tendency to dilate the vessels of the nasal cavity negatively affects breathing, as it also contributes to swelling of the mucous membrane.

Chronic rhinitis

Chronic rhinitis is a long-term lesion of the nasal mucosa existing before pregnancy, and the form of chronic rhinitis can be allergic, vasomotor and infectious. Chronic rhinitis is characterized by exacerbations and periods when the woman’s symptoms do not bother her. Considering that during pregnancy a restructuring of the entire body occurs, any hormonal and immune shift can cause an exacerbation of chronic rhinitis in the expectant mother.


Sinusitis is an inflammatory disease of the paranasal sinuses. These sinuses are connected to the nasal cavity, so with sinusitis the nose may also “stop breathing.” This happens when the exchange of air between the nasal cavity and the paranasal sinuses is disrupted. This process is disrupted if the mucous membrane of the already narrow anastomosis between the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses swells due to hormonal changes during pregnancy. Against the background of reduced immunity during pregnancy, an infection that gets into the sinus can quickly cause purulent inflammation, so women suffer from sinusitis 6 times more often during pregnancy, compared to other periods of their life.

Tumors and pathological formations of the nasal cavity, nasopharynx and paranasal sinuses

Any pathological formation in the nasal cavity, nasopharynx or paranasal sinuses narrows the lumen of the upper respiratory tract. This means that the pregnant woman will constantly feel that her “nose is not breathing” or is stuffy. The pathological formation, in addition to a mechanical obstruction to the flow of air, also causes irritation of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, and in response to this, the membrane reacts with increased mucus production. The result is swelling of the mucous membrane and nasal congestion.

The following pathological formations of the upper respiratory tract can lead to nasal congestion in a pregnant woman:

  • adenoids– proliferation of lymphoid ( consisting of cells of the immune system, lymphocytes) tissues or “little tonsils” that can form in the nasopharynx, obstructing the flow of air;
  • polyps– these are growths of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity or paranasal sinuses, which hang on a thin stalk, also blocking the lumen of the nasal passages;
  • mucocele– mucous tumor ( fluid filled cyst), which is formed if the anastomosis or ducts between the nose and paranasal sinuses close;
  • hematoma of the nasal septum– this is blood that has accumulated under the cartilage or under the periosteum during injury;
  • nasal septum abscess- a cavity filled with pus.

Deviated nasal septum

A deviated nasal septum is a condition in which there is deformation and displacement towards the cartilage or bone that makes up the nasal septum. A pregnant woman may not always know that she has a deviated septum, since it is not always visible from the outside. A deviated nasal septum could occur due to injury or uneven growth of the facial bones, as well as due to chronic pathological formation in the area of ​​the nasal septum ( for example, an enlarged turbinate or tumor), which move the partition to the side.

Stuffy nose in early and late stages (1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters)

Conventionally, the periods of bearing a child are divided into early and late. Early term is pregnancy up to – weeks ( at this stage the woman begins to feel the movement of the fetus). However, the important period is 12 weeks - this is the first trimester. It is after this period that the placenta forms in the uterus ( children's place), which takes on the regulation of hormonal, immune and other functions of both the female body and the fetus. In the first trimester, the fetus is very fragile, hormonal levels are unstable, so any changes in the pregnant woman’s well-being during this period cause more concern than after.

In the early stages of pregnancy, allergic rhinitis practically does not bother a pregnant woman, even if it was observed before pregnancy. This is due to the fact that at the beginning of pregnancy a lot of histaminase substance is released, which neutralizes histamine ( allergy stimulant). This is a necessary measure. In the first trimester, a pregnant woman’s immunity is sharply suppressed so as not to cause rejection of the fertilized egg ( in response to fetal proteins, the mother’s body can begin to produce antibodies).

Thus, in the early stages of pregnancy, nasal congestion is associated more with ARVI than with other causes.

In later stages, the likelihood of developing allergic and vasomotor rhinitis is higher, since after the formation of the placenta, the hormonal levels are normalized, the amount of histaminase produced decreases, and the tendency to an allergic reaction ( if available) may appear. The same applies to vasomotor rhinitis, for which the most favorable conditions are created in the second trimester ( blood vessels dilate, the volume of circulating blood increases).

Another contributing factor to nasal congestion is gastroesophageal reflux ( reverse flow of food masses from the stomach into the esophagus). This phenomenon is especially characteristic of the 3rd trimester, when the uterus enlarges so much that it begins to put pressure on the diaphragm ( muscular organ between the chest and abdominal cavity). The esophagus, which has an opening in the diaphragm, also changes its position. This contributes to heartburn. Heartburn itself does not affect nasal congestion. But sometimes, when lying down, food masses fall into the pharynx when thrown, reaching the nasopharynx. Irritation of the mucous membrane causes swelling and often leads to nasal congestion.

In the second and third trimester, the following complications may occur with nasal congestion:

  • placental insufficiency ( processes necessary to maintain pregnancy are disrupted);
  • damage to the fetal nervous system;
  • the risk of premature birth or the risk of having a low birth weight baby.

In the later stages, the influenza virus also affects the fetus, but the consequences of the infection can affect the baby after birth. Children who have had the flu in utero experience weak immunity, speech defects, allergic reactions, and more.

Constantly stuffy nose during pregnancy

Some women note that nasal congestion does not go away, despite the fact that they do not have a runny nose. There are 2 options to consider here. The first option is that a pregnant woman has increased sensitivity to hormones, and the hormonal background of pregnancy is designed to dilate blood vessels, including small vessels in the nasal cavity. For this reason, the nose may be constantly stuffy throughout pregnancy. The second option is that the causative factor causing nasal congestion continues to operate. If a woman had chronic rhinitis and sinusitis before pregnancy, then these pathologies will periodically remind themselves during pregnancy. If a woman has an allergy and the irritant is constantly nearby ( pets, pollen and more), then nasal congestion will constantly bother the pregnant woman.

Nasal congestion at night and while lying down

If nasal congestion bothers a pregnant woman at night, then most likely the cause is vasomotor rhinitis. Vasomotor rhinitis is not so much an inflammation of the nasal mucosa as an altered vascular reaction, which leads to a sharp dilation of small blood vessels. The risk of sudden vasodilation increases at night, when the influences of the parasympathetic nervous system predominate. This department works through the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. As mentioned above, acetylcholine causes relaxation of the vascular muscles and leads to their dilation. The result is that the blood vessels of the nasal cavity expand sharply, the liquid portion of the blood passes through their wall into the intercellular space, and the mucous membrane swells and the nose becomes blocked. There is no sneezing ( maybe, but rarely), there is also no itching in the nose.

In the lying position, blood flow to the vessels increases, so it is during sleep that a pregnant woman often notices nasal congestion on one or both sides. Unilateral nasal congestion often means damage to the paranasal sinuses ( sinusitis), when a certain position covers the canal between the sinus and the nasal cavity, mucus fills there, which then enters the nose and “blocks” it.

Another reason that can cause nasal congestion at night is an allergy to down or other bedding materials. In such cases, however, in addition to congestion, symptoms such as itchy nose and sneezing are also observed.

What to do in this case?

The first thing to do when such a complaint appears is to consult a doctor. To begin treatment, you need to find out exactly the cause of nasal congestion, and for this the woman will have to undergo an examination.

The doctor will ask the pregnant woman the following questions to find out the cause of nasal congestion:

  • When did the symptoms begin?
  • How quickly did your nose stop breathing?
  • Is the pregnant woman allergic to anything?
  • Have you had contact with a patient suffering from acute or chronic respiratory disease?
  • Have you been vaccinated against influenza?
  • Does the pregnant woman have chronic respiratory diseases?
  • Did you have similar complaints before pregnancy?
  • What medications did the pregnant woman take before pregnancy?

Examination of a pregnant woman with nasal congestion includes the following studies:

  • PCR diagnostics ( analysis for identifying infectious agents);
  • immunogram ( blood test for indicators of immunity and susceptibility to allergies);
  • bacteriological method ( inoculating nasal swabs on a nutrient medium to identify the causative agent of infectious rhinitis);
  • pulse oximetry ( determination of blood oxygen saturation);
  • ultrasonography ( Ultrasound) paranasal sinuses, larynx and trachea, as well as the heart;
  • rhinoscopy ( examination of the nasal cavity).

How to treat when the nose cannot breathe during pregnancy?

Treatment of nasal congestion in women during pregnancy always requires an individual approach. If the expectant mother does not have an infection or allergic reaction, and her nose is stuffy due to hormonal changes, then various non-drug methods can be used to relieve symptoms. In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is not advisable to use any medications, as well as large amounts of honey or vitamins. Doctors recommend that if symptoms are not very pronounced in the first trimester, limit yourself to bed rest and drinking herbal tea. After week 12, doctors may use more products to combat nasal congestion.

To treat nasal congestion due to allergies and hormonal rhinitis, doctors recommend the following:

  • Stop contact with the substance that causes an allergic reaction. Dusty things should be removed from the room in which the pregnant woman sleeps ( carpets, curtains, toys and more). A woman with allergies should not clean the house, and animals should not live near her ( It is advisable for pets to live in another home during pregnancy). You must not be in a room where people smoke. It also contributes to rhinitis
  • Isolate yourself from the source of infection. A pregnant woman should not communicate with people who have a runny nose. If any of the people living in the same house as the pregnant woman are sick, they should wear masks.
  • Conduct a review of medications taken. Some of them may cause an allergic reaction.
  • Drink plenty of liquids. If there are no problems with the kidneys, then the woman should drink a lot of water, especially mineral water, or milk. The amount of fluid taken per day should be at least 1.5 - 2 liters.
  • If there is heartburn, eliminate it. Heartburn, caused by the backflow of gastric juice into the esophagus, can cause food masses to enter the nasopharynx, which causes irritation and swelling of the mucous membrane, ultimately leading to nasal congestion. To prevent such phenomena from occurring, measures should be taken in the last trimester of pregnancy to prevent the reflux of food into the esophagus from the stomach ( go to bed 2 hours after eating, elevate the head of the bed, do not drink coffee or other substances that increase the secretion of gastric juice).
  • Start taking vitamins. If a pregnant woman did not take vitamin complexes before conception ( usually in cases where the pregnancy was unplanned), then it is important that she starts drinking them already during pregnancy. For colds and nasal congestion, vitamin C is especially indicated ( however, its dose should be checked with a doctor, since an overdose is fraught with undesirable consequences for a pregnant woman).
  • Rinse the nasal cavity decoction of chamomile, calendula ( Inhalations can be carried out with the same herbs, but not for very long).
  • Place boiled eggs on your nose. Freshly cooked, still hot ( but not scalding) eggs can be applied to the nose if the nose is just beginning to become stuffy, especially if the symptom arose after hypothermia. This is a kind of way to “deceive” the body, which has already “decided to get sick.” Local heat will allow the vessels to restore their tone ( after hypothermia, they are sharply narrowed, and then sharply expand, which causes nasal congestion and mucus secretion) and make the mucus less thick, making it easier to release.
  • Reflex point massage. For a runny nose and nasal congestion, massage of points on the face is effective. These are paired points ( on both sides), which are located in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose, at the wings of the nose, in the area of ​​the cheeks under the eyes. When nasal congestion occurs, these points become sensitive, so they are easy to find. You need to massage each point on both sides for one minute. Repeat several times a day.

It is very important to restore the patency of the upper nasal passages and relieve nasal congestion in a pregnant woman, even if she does not have an upper respiratory tract infection. Considering that the immune system is suppressed during pregnancy, impaired air circulation in the nose, nasopharynx and paranasal sinuses will contribute to infection ( these are those conditionally pathogenic bacteria that are normally present in all healthy people in these cavities) and the development of infectious rhinitis, which is much more difficult to treat.

For ARVI, treatment is carried out at home. A woman is hospitalized only if the infection is complicated by pneumonia, damage to the heart or the central nervous system. If an acute respiratory tract infection is suspected, the obstetrician-gynecologist leading the pregnant woman will refer the woman to an infectious disease specialist, since the obstetrician is responsible for the health of the fetus, and the infectious disease specialist is responsible for the health of the mother. Vaccination against influenza as a preventive measure is possible after the 12th week of pregnancy. In other cases, a pregnant woman can be consulted by specialists such as an ENT doctor ( otolaryngologist) and an allergist.

A pregnant woman is hospitalized if nasal congestion is combined with the following symptoms:

  • fever ( body temperature above 38ºC);
  • shortness of breath or severe respiratory distress ( difficulty inhaling or exhaling, breathing is hoarse);
  • coughing.

For women prone to nasal congestion, physical therapy is recommended. If prescribed by a doctor, you can use medicinal electrophoresis with calcium chloride and zinc, which has an anti-inflammatory and decongestant effect.

If a woman has a weak immune system, then anti-influenza immunoglobulin is additionally prescribed.

Drug treatment

Many pregnant women refuse to take medications because they can harm the fetus. However, it is very important to know that if there is an infection, lack of treatment can lead to serious purulent complications that can only be eliminated surgically. In the most severe cases, if the necessary drugs are not prescribed, blood poisoning may develop - sepsis.

Drugs that are used during pregnancy if the nose is stuffy

Group of drugs

When is it appointed?

Antiviral drugs

Antiviral drugs ( arbidol, tamiflu) are prescribed as early as possible after the diagnosis of ARVI. The purpose of their use is to prevent the virus from multiplying in cells. Many antiviral drugs cannot be used in the first trimester. After a week of pregnancy, it is allowed to use the drug Viferon.

Antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs

High body temperature adversely affects the fetus, especially in the first trimester, therefore, in order to reduce the risk of damage to the neural tube of the fetus, antipyretics are indicated for pregnant women. The choice of a specific drug depends on the trimester of pregnancy. Pregnant women are prescribed paracetamol, ibuprofen and celecoxib ( the last 2 are prohibited for use in the 3rd trimester).

Vitamin complexes

Must contain folic acid, which prevents the development of neural tube defects in the fetus. In general, vitamins C, B and A are indicated.


Prescribed only when the infection is complicated, if a bacterial infection is added to the viral infection ( for example, if rhinitis is complicated by sinusitis). For a common runny nose, there is no point in using antibiotics, since they have no effect on the virus. The mechanism of action of most antibiotics is based on their ability to destroy the dense wall of bacteria, while viruses do not have such a wall.


Antihistamines block histamine receptors on the vessels of the nasal cavity, as a result of which the vasodilating effect of this allergy mediator is not realized. During pregnancy, these drugs are used only in cases of severe allergies, because they still affect the fetus. It is allowed to use drugs such as chlorpheniramine, clemastine, diphenhydramine, cetirizine, loratadine ( last 2 starting from 2nd trimester) in the form of nasal drops. If the dose is exceeded, undesirable effects may occur, for example, uterine contractions.

Nasal corticosteroids

Nasal ( for instillation into the nose) corticosteroids ( synthetic analogues of adrenal hormones) have antiallergic and anti-inflammatory effects. It is believed that the cause of the tendency to allergies during pregnancy is a deficiency of cortisol ( adrenal hormone) in the blood of a pregnant woman. It is this substance that stabilizes the condition of an allergic reaction, inhibiting the production of mediators of allergy and inflammation. These nasal drops help relieve swelling caused by an allergic reaction. During pregnancy, the drugs beclomethasone and budesonide are allowed to be used. If a woman used new generation drugs before pregnancy, then after consultation with a doctor, some of them can continue to be instilled during pregnancy.


If purulent complications arise in the paranasal sinuses, then surgery may be required to get rid of nasal congestion and completely remove the purulent focus. It is carried out in cases where no other methods ( medicines) do not have an effect, and if left untreated, there is a risk of blood and fetal infection. The operations are performed by an ENT doctor under local anesthesia. After the procedure, the pregnant woman can return home within the next few hours ( no need for hospitalization unless there are serious signs of acute infection). In other cases, surgery to eliminate the cause of nasal congestion in a pregnant woman is prescribed after childbirth.

What nasal drops can pregnant women use (medicines, folk remedies)?

It is not recommended for pregnant women to use conventional vasoconstrictor nasal drops ( many of them are contraindicated), especially in the later stages and in the presence of late toxicosis of pregnant women ( increased blood pressure, renal dysfunction), since a drug injected into the nasal cavity can still enter the general bloodstream and cause vasoconstriction in other organs. Most often this leads to increased blood pressure and increased heart rate. Nasal corticosteroids, as mentioned above, can be used to restore nasal breathing, but if symptoms are not expressed, it is better not to resort to them.

The following drops are allowed for pregnant women to relieve nasal congestion:

  • Hypertonic sea salt solution ( aqua maris, marimer). This solution remains the safest and most effective for relieving the symptom of nasal congestion in pregnant women. The solution helps to thin the mucus in the nasal cavity and remove it. It can be used for any type of rhinitis. The number of injections is determined by the doctor.
  • Homeopathic medicines. The products are of plant origin, but despite this they can be harmful if the dosage is incorrect. For pregnant women, the doctor may recommend such remedies as edas 131, euphorbium compositum. The drugs have anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous and even anti-allergic effects. Women may notice increased nasal congestion when using these remedies in the first days, but this is the principle of homeopathic treatment - increase symptoms in order to get the opposite effect ( "wedge by wedge").
  • Folk remedies. Among everyday and natural remedies for nasal congestion, aloe juice can help pregnant women ( put in nose), garlic ( you need to inhale its “aroma”).
  • Essential oils. The pleasant scent of many essential oils can also relieve nasal congestion. A woman can use oils of coniferous trees, eucalyptus, and mint. When you inhale them, you feel freshness and a “cold” effect, and their direct effect causes the restoration of vascular tone, they contract, as a result, the nose begins to breathe.
  • Balm “Star”. This balm contains natural oils ( eucalyptus, cloves, mint), as well as camphor. A very good effect can be obtained if you massage reflex points with the application of this balm. Essential oils help ease breathing and also have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Vasoconstrictor drops. Pregnant women are allowed to use drops in small dosages, but not all. In this case, doctors carefully prescribe drops, the active ingredient of which has the least weak effect on the fetus ( all vasoconstrictor drops affect the fetus in one way or another). This approach is justified by the fact that if left untreated, the situation may worsen. During pregnancy, the doctor may prescribe nasal drops such as xymelin, tizin, vibrocil. In the first trimester of pregnancy, no vasoconstrictor nasal drops should be used.

The danger of all nasal drops is also that they are addictive. This means that with prolonged instillation, there is, firstly, a weakening of the effect ( increasingly higher doses have to be used), and secondly, when stopping drugs ( when the cause of congestion has already been eliminated, but the symptom remains) nasal congestion occurs as a side effect. Withdrawal syndrome occurs because the constant blockade of nerve endings by the drug increases the number of these nerve endings on the vessel. If the drug does not enter the body on time, the nerve endings react to other substances in the body ( with a vasodilatory effect, e.g. on acetylcholine) and, moreover, several times stronger than before using the drug. Withdrawal syndrome occurs if you use vasoconstrictor nasal drops for more than three days in a row.

To eliminate nasal congestion caused by the medications themselves, it takes time, the absence of the drug in the body, and other methods of restoring breathing. Gradually the number of nerve endings will decrease ( as they say, vascular sensitivity will be restored), and nasal congestion will go away.

Colds, flu and acute respiratory infections are very unpleasant phenomena in the lives of each of us. But if a person usually does not attach much importance to this (well, I’ll lie down for a couple of days and everything will pass), then a pregnant woman should definitely seek advice from a specialist. The most common complaint among women is when their nose gets stuffy during pregnancy. And it really is a problem. It is unclear what medications to take, and it is almost impossible to work normally and even sleep. Today we will talk in detail about the reasons for this phenomenon, as well as what can be done in such a situation.

Why does your nose get stuffy during pregnancy?

Let's figure it out together. This problem can occur for a variety of reasons. And in order to understand what to do and how to deal with this symptom, it is necessary to determine the root of the problem. We will analyze in detail the main reasons why the nose is stuffy during pregnancy.

The very first thing that comes to mind is rhinitis. That is, a common runny nose. In this case, we observe not only congestion, but also mucus secretion. Rhinitis can occur due to the development of a viral infection, as well as as a result of contact with allergenic substances. The first case is characterized by seasonality, when there is a peak in ARVI and influenza diseases. Allergic rhinitis in a pregnant woman occurs through contact with pets, inhalation of household dust and pollen.

The second problem is sinusitis

If your nose is stuffy during pregnancy, the mother’s body, and therefore the child’s, experiences an acute lack of oxygen. This has an extremely negative effect on the development of the fetus, which means that this phenomenon must be corrected. So, the second cause of congestion is sinusitis. This condition is characterized by swelling of the mucous membrane, which provokes stagnation of mucous secretion in the maxillary and frontal sinuses. We remember that during the period of bearing a baby, the immune system is suppressed. If your nose is stuffy during pregnancy, a bacterial infection may develop, causing a purulent-inflammatory process in the nasal cavity. Do not forget that this condition requires correction and specialized treatment.

Hormonal rhinitis in pregnant women

This is the most unpleasant, but not dangerous phenomenon that does not need correction. After giving birth, everything returns to normal, but for the entire nine months the mother has to sleep with her mouth open, since she practically cannot receive oxygen through her stuffy nose. Hormonal changes, which are accompanied by an increase or decrease in the level of certain hormones, are to blame for this. Because of this, swelling of the mucous membrane occurs, which accompanies the woman throughout the entire period of gestation.

Primary diagnosis

First we need to determine what is happening to your body. Is it a cold, the flu, or a normal phenomenon that will go away on its own? Of course, the best thing to do is go and see a doctor. After an examination, as well as studying the obtained tests, a specialist will be able to tell exactly what is happening to you now.

But in most cases, you can independently understand whether the body is functioning normally now, despite pregnancy. Snot, stuffy nose, headache, fever? This means that an infection is to blame, the nature of which must be identified, and the disease itself must be treated with medication or with the help of medicinal herbs. It also happens that you feel normal, but your nose can’t breathe at all. Then you will have to endure. Such a violation can only be slightly corrected by removing swelling of the mucous membrane.

Relief of condition

Sometimes expectant mothers manage to visit all the specialists in the area, visit therapists and ENT specialists, but from everyone they receive the same answer: they say, you don’t have any disease, everything will work out right after giving birth. And the woman remains perplexed. Okay, then everything will go back to normal, but what to do now? In fact, you can help yourself a little. To do this, it is recommended to lower the air temperature in the bedroom. The hotter it is, the more severe the symptoms of nasal congestion will be. The second option is to install a humidifier.

This might help too. Finally, doctors recommend doing a simple inhalation over a cup of warm water before going to bed. Breathe in chamomile and nettle, and then drop a drop of eucalyptus oil into each nostril. These are measures that will help make breathing more free. But drops for a runny nose, which constrict blood vessels, can only be used as a last resort. For example, to get a good night's sleep if the condition is so serious.

If signs of a cold appear

The worst thing is if your nose is stuffy during early pregnancy, and plus you feel very tired and have a headache. Additionally, cough, sore throat, and fever may occur. The first trimester is the time when all the organs and systems of the unborn baby are formed, so taking medications should be strictly regulated. But it is also impossible to do without treatment, since the infection itself can also penetrate to the fetus and cause harm to it.

What to do with a runny nose

Do not try to self-medicate. It is extremely important that a qualified doctor monitors the condition of the expectant mother. It is he who must decide what to treat and with what. Stuffy nose during pregnancy? In this case, it is best to use natural medicines. These are herbs, syrups, decoctions. But even these medications must be prescribed by your doctor. Don’t buy those pills that your friend recommended to you - now is not the time when you can experiment with your health.

If your nose is very stuffy and it’s difficult to breathe, be sure to rinse it with saline solution. This could be Aquamaris or a homemade sea salt solution. Local heating is very effective. With a runny nose, this procedure helps quite quickly. To do this, you can heat salt in a frying pan and pour it into a cotton sock. Place a mini heating pad on your nose and sit until it cools down. Another variation would be a boiled egg. Make sure it is warm enough, but not hot, to avoid getting burned. If you have a blue lamp at home, you can also use it with good results. Modern methods of physiotherapy, heating, salt mines - all this can be used according to the recommendations of a doctor.

If during pregnancy your nose is stuffy, your throat hurts, and the expectant mother herself feels weak, then you must be on bed rest. To make breathing easier, you can use the good old "asterisk". You can smear the wings of the nose with it, but not the mucous membrane itself, so as not to cause a burn. This will help relieve your headache as well.

Not everyone can tolerate the specific smell of these products. Then use alkaline inhalations with mineral water "Essentuki 17" without gas. You can add a little chamomile to it. This procedure will soften the inflamed nasopharynx and help relieve cough.

General state

If your nose and throat are blocked during pregnancy, then in addition to bed rest, you must immediately increase the amount of fluid you drink. This is important because flu and colds cause toxins to accumulate in the body that need to be eliminated. Use green tea, milk or rosehip infusion. If you are prone to swelling, your doctor will ask you to monitor the amount of fluid released. All drinks must be warm.

After consulting with your doctor, you can start rinsing. A decoction of sage and a solution of baking soda are best suited for these purposes. It can be instilled into the nose. Rinsing with sea salt is also quite effective. The concentration should not be too strong; 1 level teaspoon per glass of water is enough. You can alternate it with an infusion of oak bark, chamomile and calendula. To improve the general condition and discharge of sputum, doctors recommend a mixture with marshmallow root.

You can make a very good infusion from rose hips. Add viburnum or sage to it, and you will get a wonderful remedy for flu and colds. Between meals, you can suck honey or Faringosept if there are no contraindications. Relief can also be brought by menthol oil, which is dripped one drop into each nostril.

If a cough occurs

And again I would like to emphasize that without a doctor you cannot make a diagnosis, much less choose drugs for treatment. Syrups and decoctions of seemingly safe herbs can have different effects on the body. Some of them cannot be taken by expectant mothers at all, while others can only be taken during certain periods of pregnancy. For dry cough, it is allowed to take Stoptussin and Bronchicum throughout pregnancy. If the cough is dry and painful, then from the second trimester it is permissible to use Sinekod. If prescribed by a doctor, drugs such as Falimint and Coldrex are acceptable, although there is little data on their use. Each doctor focuses on his own experience and health status of the expectant mother.

In the treatment of wet cough

Such drugs as Glycodin, Tussin-plus, Codelac and Bronholitin are strictly prohibited. Treating a wet cough is an easier task. To do this, you can use licorice and marshmallow root syrups, "Mukaltin" and "Doctor Mom", "Gerbion", "Bronchicum", "Theraflu" and "Flavamed". However, the last two drugs are used with great caution in the first trimester. "Pertussin" and "ACC" are strictly prohibited for pregnant women.

In what cases should you call an ambulance?

If the malaise lasts more than three days and there is no improvement, then you can’t wait any longer. Going to the hospital and sitting in lines is not your option at all. Call an ambulance and follow the recommendations. Call 03 immediately if the temperature rises above 38 degrees or lasts more than two days. A similar recommendation can be given if:

  • there is nausea and vomiting, stool disturbance;
  • there are purulent plugs in the throat;
  • mucus from the nose has acquired a yellow-green color;
  • severe headache occurs;
  • The cough is accompanied by severe wheezing.

Instead of a conclusion

A runny nose during this difficult period can be either normal or a symptom of a serious illness. Seasonal viral infections complicated by bacterial microflora can be quite dangerous. Therefore, if your nose is very stuffy during pregnancy, it is extremely important not to wait until the condition worsens, but to immediately consult a doctor. At each antenatal clinic there is a therapist who will examine and make the necessary appointments. And laboratory tests will allow you to monitor the condition of all organs and systems.

The period of bearing a child is accompanied by a number of cardinal changes in the female body. Such a spontaneous manifestation as a stuffy nose during pregnancy is not uncommon, because the body of a young mother is very susceptible to various infections.

There is no clear reason for the appearance of this condition, since various factors can provoke this phenomenon. Effective treatment of nasal congestion during pregnancy is a very painstaking process that requires due attention and caution. To understand how to treat a stuffy nose during pregnancy, you need to familiarize yourself with the main causes of this condition.

This problem can occur for a number of reasons. In order to understand what to do if you have a stuffy nose during pregnancy, and how to effectively deal with such a symptom, you need to know the root of the problem. Below are the main causes of nasal congestion during pregnancy.


In simple terms, we are talking about a common runny nose. This explains the fact why the nose is stuffy during pregnancy during a cold. Rhinitis can occur due to inhalation of a viral infection, as well as as a result of contact with allergenic substances. Allergic rhinitis in a pregnant woman can occur through contact with a pet, or through inhalation of household dust and pollen from certain plants. Infectious rhinitis is characterized by seasonality, when there is a peak incidence of ARVI and influenza.


When carrying a baby, a pregnant woman's body experiences an urgent need for oxygen. If the nose is stuffy during pregnancy, there is a significant decrease in the amount of oxygen consumed, which equally negatively affects the body of the mother and the fetus.

One of the causes of congestion is sinusitis. This condition is characterized by swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, which provokes stagnation of mucous secretion in the maxillary and frontal sinuses. In case of nasal congestion during pregnancy, a bacterial infection may develop, causing a purulent-inflammatory process in the nasal cavity.

Any inflammatory disease can have a negative impact on the development of the fetus. If a pregnant woman has been given a similar diagnosis, then she needs specialized treatment.

Hormonal rhinitis

From the very moment of conceiving a child, various hormonal changes occur in the female body, accompanied by an increase or decrease in the level of certain hormones. Full or partial nasal congestion as a sign of pregnancy is a very common occurrence.

A runny nose caused by hormonal changes does not require outside intervention, as it goes away on its own after the birth of the child.

Nasal congestion during early pregnancy

This symptom often occurs at the beginning of pregnancy. If we take into account that during this period a woman experiences increased emotional stress and toxicosis, then difficulty in nasal breathing can cause severe discomfort.

If a pregnant woman cannot breathe fully through her nose, this causes poor sleep, increased irritability, dizziness and headaches. The problem of nasal congestion in early pregnancy should be approached with the utmost seriousness and caution. Independent use of vasoconstrictor drops and sprays can be fraught with serious consequences for the fetus.

The use of any medications must be previously agreed with a medical specialist.

From the point of view of danger, nasal congestion in the early stages of pregnancy is not a threatening condition, but only if the disease does not drag on for several months.

Nasal congestion during late pregnancy

The approach of childbirth is accompanied by an increase in the volume of circulating blood, which often causes a constantly stuffy nose during late pregnancy. Often, this condition begins to bother a woman immediately before giving birth. Hormonal runny nose in the later stages goes away on its own 1-2 weeks after the birth of the baby.

Particular attention should be paid to nasal congestion caused by a bacterial or viral infection. Such a runny nose is a threatening condition for the mother and child’s body. It is important to remember that any attempts at self-medication can have unpredictable consequences. Only a qualified specialist can tell you how to treat nasal congestion during pregnancy.


Nasal congestion during pregnancy can be treated using conservative methods, as well as alternative medicine methods.

Conservative methods

A mandatory procedure is to rinse the nasal passages and sinuses. This is necessary to ensure that the nasal cavity is promptly cleared of residual mucous and purulent contents, as well as dust particles and pathogens. For rinsing, it is recommended to use regular saline solution, a weak solution of table or sea salt, as well as special pharmaceutical solutions (Marimer, Dolphin). The frequency of washing is 3-4 times a day.

For antiseptic purposes, “Star” balm can be used, which should be applied to the wings of the nose. The use of such a product is permissible only after prior consultation with a doctor and in the absence of individual intolerance to the components of the balm.

If a pregnant woman suffers from allergic rhinitis, she is recommended to use Nazaval spray. The action of this drug is based on the creation of a barrier between the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and various allergens.

Treatment of viral and bacterial rhinitis is carried out under the strict guidance of a medical specialist. In this case, the pregnant woman may be recommended to take antibacterial and antiviral medications. Independent selection and use of such nasal decongestants for pregnant women is strictly prohibited.

If your nose is very stuffy during pregnancy, your doctor may prescribe short-term use of vasoconstrictor drops. The period of use of such funds should not exceed 2-3 days. Otherwise, addiction and a number of other serious consequences may develop. Nazol Baby is considered to be the safest remedy, used to treat nasal congestion in pregnant women and children of all ages.

An effective addition to drug therapy is physiotherapeutic effects on the sinus area. Unfortunately, such techniques are strictly contraindicated for use in pregnant women.

Folk remedies

Although folk remedies for nasal congestion during pregnancy cannot guarantee a 100% recovery result, however, these methods can serve as an effective addition to the overall conservative treatment plan.

The most common folk remedies for nasal congestion during pregnancy are:

  • Inhalations. To do this, a woman should inhale vapors of herbal infusions and boiled potatoes through her nose. To enhance the effect, you can add 1-2 drops of eucalyptus essential oil to the decoction.
  • To relieve inflammation and cleanse the nasal mucosa, it is recommended to instill freshly squeezed Kalanchoe or aloe juice daily, 2 drops into each nasal passage. This nasal decongestant for pregnant women is very effective. If the juice is too concentrated and causes a burning sensation, it can be diluted with a few drops of boiled water.
  • Every woman can prepare nasal drops on her own. To do this, you need to mix 25 ml of lemon juice, 40 ml of boiled water and ½ tsp. table salt. The resulting product must be instilled 2 drops into each nasal passage.
  • Thermal effects on the sinus area can be achieved by applying a boiled chicken egg wrapped in cotton cloth.
  • If the nose is stuffy during pregnancy, and the mucous membrane of the nasal passages dries out, it is recommended to lubricate it with natural honey mixed with vegetable or butter. This product has an anti-inflammatory and nutritional effect.

Self-treatment with folk remedies for nasal congestion during pregnancy should be previously agreed with a doctor.

To prevent nasal congestion in the early and late stages of pregnancy, expectant mothers should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Avoid close contact with people suffering from influenza and ARVI.
  2. Limit visiting crowded places.
  3. Take a regular course of vitamin therapy.
  4. Observe the work and rest schedule.
  5. If a woman is allergic, she is advised to completely limit contact with the potential allergen.
  6. If nasal congestion does appear, the woman should promptly consult a medical specialist.

If the expectant mother did not complain about her health before pregnancy, then in most cases her body will remain resistant to adverse factors. In the absence of chronic diseases, a runny nose and nasal congestion during pregnancy do not pose a danger to the expectant mother.

Useful video about nasal congestion during pregnancy

Pregnant women often have reduced immunity, which causes them to suffer from nasal congestion. Rhinitis manifests itself due to several factors. Unpleasant symptoms are caused by: colds, allergies, hormonal imbalance and associated drying out of the nasopharynx, swelling, etc. A runny nose during pregnancy can be either normal or pose a threat to the mother and baby, depending on its etiology. Nasal congestion must be dealt with carefully, and everything possible must be done so that the treatment does not harm the baby.

Causes of runny nose in pregnant women

It is very important to alleviate the condition of a pregnant woman, since due to nasal congestion, normal breathing is disrupted and the full saturation of the blood with oxygen ceases. This has negative consequences and has a negative impact on the well-being of the mother and the health of the fetus. Before you start taking medications and treatment, you need to determine the cause of the runny nose. A doctor can handle this task. He will explain how to treat a runny nose during pregnancy and prescribe gentle procedures, taking into account individual characteristics, the woman’s health status and age.

What types of nasal congestion occur during pregnancy?

Hormonal runny nose during pregnancy

It is almost impossible to get rid of nasal congestion caused by vasomotor rhinitis(runny nose during pregnancy). It occurs due to swelling caused by the hormones progesterone and estrogen. Swelling of the nasopharynx is a side effect that appears when their production increases during gestation. This type of runny nose most often begins in the last half of the term and stops after childbirth.

Allergic runny nose

The doctor will be able to identify the signs allergic rhinitis, will find out the causes and prescribe appropriate treatment. Symptoms indicating an allergic rhinitis: cough, itchy nose, sneezing and headaches.

Infectious runny nose

If a runny nose in a pregnant woman is accompanied by high fever, muscle spasms, cloudy yellow and green mucus from the nose, as well as a sore throat, then this indicates the presence of infectious disease. If the infection is started at an early stage, it can lead to sinusitis. Sinusitis and sinusitis are diseases that can infect a child. They can cause a miscarriage.

A visit to a specialist is especially necessary if, in addition to a runny nose, there are pains in the head, cough, discomfort in the throat, and a rise in temperature. These are signs of a viral infection, and it can seriously threaten the embryo, especially in the first half of the term.

How to cure a runny nose during pregnancy?

If a runny nose during pregnancy is caused by allergies, you will need to get rid of the factors that provoke its appearance. Based on the causes of congestion, it is necessary:

  • Remove items containing feathers and down, such as pillows. Replace them with hypoallergenic ones;
  • Introduce daily wet cleaning as a rule. Avoid accumulation of dust;
  • Provide access to fresh air in the room, especially before bedtime;
  • Reduce contact with pets and flowering plants;
  • Review the menu and get rid of foods that can trigger allergies.

Although hormonal runny nose during pregnancy it is almost impossible to cure and most often you need to wait for it to end after childbirth, there are several simple ways to relieve and improve the well-being of the expectant mother:

  • Raised head of the bed;
  • Humidification and cleanliness of air in the room;
  • Daily nasal rinsing with sea salt or inhalation of herbal infusions;
  • Warming up.

If nasal congestion occurs during pregnancy due to a cold, allergy or hormonal nature, the doctor may prescribe medication. As a rule, medications for pregnant women are characterized by an increased level of safety. They have a high degree of tolerability during long-term treatment, and also do not exhibit a toxic effect on the body of a pregnant woman.

Medicines and nasal drops during pregnancy

Vasoconstrictor drops and nasal agents (Naphthyzin, Tizin, Sanorin) are often used, which are allowed during pregnancy. They relieve unpleasant symptoms, and with their help, nasal congestion during pregnancy is removed and it becomes possible to breathe freely. The pharmacological market offers a wide selection of medicinal compounds. You just need to select and set the dosage of the drug correctly. Nasal drops that will help with a runny nose during pregnancy:

  • Drops based on hormones (Cromohexal);
  • Ready-made salt solutions (Aqualor, Aqua Maris, Dolphin, Alergol);
  • Antiviral agent (Bioparox);
  • Drops with antibiotic and antiseptic;
  • Oil-based drops (Pinosol, Pinovit);
  • Homeopathic remedies (Euphorbium, Edas).

However, you should not overuse vasoconstrictor drops. Whatever one may say, all medications have their side effects. You can also try using folk remedies for treating congestion, but it is better to coordinate your actions with your doctor.

Treatment of a runny nose with folk remedies

For intense discharge, it is better to wipe the nose several times in 24 hours with a cotton pad soaked in fresh Kalanchoe juice diluted with olive oil in a 1:1 ratio.

You can perform a warming procedure using chicken eggs. To do this, simply boil them and, without peeling the shell, use them as a warm compress.

You can warm up the swelling using fabric socks with heated filler (salt, sand or cereal) and place them on both sides of the nose. However, be careful not to overheat the filler - you can get burned. Thermal procedures promote blood flow to the inflamed mucous membrane and liquefy congestion in the nasal sinuses, which makes it possible to thoroughly clean the cavity.

Ginger tea during pregnancy can help relieve unpleasant symptoms without harm to the fetus. Here is a simple but effective recipe:


  • Ginger root or ground
  • Melissa
  1. Pour the sliced ​​ginger with water and put on fire for 10-12 minutes. Do not cover with lid.
  2. Ground ginger brews better, so when using it, add very little to the water.
  3. Pour the liquid into a jar or thermos, add mint, lemon balm and other herbs that you like. Allow the tea to cool until it is a nice warm temperature.
  4. If the tea is too concentrated, dilute it with water.

Almost everything that can be used to treat a runny nose during pregnancy has a local effect, since it is used at the site of inflammation. The most effective will be a combination of folk remedies with general treatment - taking various tinctures and medications prescribed by a doctor.

It is important to know!

  • Avoid hot inhalations. This is not recommended during pregnancy. With great care, you can use inhalations with essential oils. However, it is better to give preference to the simpler but more effective methods listed above.
  • Don't soar your feet. This procedure is prohibited during pregnancy.
  • Do not use mustard plasters and other “hot” compresses. All treatment actions must be agreed with a doctor.

If after treatment in any way you do not feel any improvement after 2-3 days, consult your doctor. He must change his treatment strategy.

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