Number "7. Didactic material on mathematics

The number 7 is very unusual in the history of Russian culture. Fairy tales, proverbs, sayings, poems and riddles were written about her. Modern authors come up with new stories and even puzzles to make it more interesting for children to study this figure. Methods of teaching mathematics for a teacher who goes to class in 1st grade use a photo, a picture, a presentation. They can be downloaded from our website for free.

Photo pictures

Verbal aids

In lessons for children who are in 1st grade, you can use verbal aids to study mathematics. They can serve as proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters, poems, riddles where the number 7 is mentioned.

Proverbs, sayings and riddles

Proverbs, sayings, riddles are genres of oral folk art. The number 7 in them is an unusual number. It has always been associated with the motif of the harmony of the universe. For example, proverbs such as “Measure twice, cut once” indicate that the number 7 was revered as a self-sufficient number. Repeating an action seven times means achieving good luck in it. Riddles for the number 7 are mainly related to the days of the week: we also have seven of them. You can download the riddles on the website.

Of course, there is no time to devote a lot of time in mathematics lessons to the fact that the number 7 represents a certain ideal, and there is no time to delve into history. But raising children in the national spirit is simply necessary. To do this, use proverbs and sayings. These are edifying genres of folklore, containing all the folk wisdom. If you tell proverbs and sayings appropriately in your lessons, children will take it for granted, and then they themselves will begin to quote them. Proverbs and sayings dedicated to the number 7 will also be associated with the perception of this number as harmonious, expressing the agreement of man and the world around him. You can download proverbs and sayings on our website.


No matter what grade the child goes to, it will be useful for him to listen to poems about the number 7. This number is present in many modern authors, but the best can be called the poems of S. Marshak. Poems in a math lesson not only make children more interested. Poems in skillful hands develop children's memory, instill a love for their native word, and it is with the help of words that we turn to any science. A teacher who is preparing an open lesson for an elementary class can use poems about the number 7 to diversify the lesson and attract the attention of children and guests. In children's development centers you can learn simple poems about seven by heart with children. The more you offer to children, the more you will receive from them. You can download poems by modern authors about the number 7 on our website.

It will be interesting for children to solve puzzles. It is puzzles that develop logical thinking and ingenuity. Without developed intelligence, it will be difficult to solve the puzzles. Puzzles about the number 7 can contain an encrypted word or the appearance of the number itself. You can download interesting puzzles for children here.

An interesting question for children may also be: what does the number “seven” look like? Let's think about what the children might answer. She looks like a poker, an old woman, a hockey stick, etc. What would you, adults, answer? What does the number seven look like?

How to write a number correctly?

Visual and video aids

As a visual aid, no matter what grade the child goes to, photos with objects or animals, pictures where you need to count something or someone can be used. You can make a humorous photo of the number 7 using computer programs, combining the number with interesting objects or phenomena. You can invite each of the children to take a photo (or demonstrate existing ones) of those objects that are very similar to the number 7. See with what pleasure the children will accept this idea. The photo can also be used if a teacher who is going to a lesson in an elementary class is preparing a presentation. You can also download photos and presentation on the website.


  1. Proverbs, sayings, sayings and poems about

The presentation is simply necessary for a full-fledged lesson and the development of the children. Most children have a visual memory, and presentation promotes maximum learning. However, it must be built wisely. A presentation is not just a collection of slides: they must be structured methodically. This means that you must be able to explain your choice of slides at any time. To ensure that your presentation is successful, we suggest that you use a presentation dedicated to the number 7, which can be easily downloaded from our website.

Video materials

Coloring pages

Let's get acquainted with the number and number "7", we use various didactic materials to get acquainted.

Didactic material on mathematics.

Number "7"

Funny poems

Number seven - crane - Came to visit us. She took seven flowers with her,

A rainbow lit up in the sky.

Seven nights and days in a week.

We have seven things in our portfolio:

Blotter and notebook.

A pen to write with

And an elastic band to make stains

Cleaned it up carefully

And a pencil case and a pencil,

And the primer is our friend.

I can easily take it away

From seven and three and five.

But take it away from Sanka

I can't sled.

V. Lanzetti

Over the forests, over the river, the Seven-Color Bridge in an arc. If I could stand on the bridge,

I could reach the stars with my hand.

There are seven huts in the village,

Seven porches, seven old ladies,

Seven puppies, seven smokes,

Seven pugnacious roosters

They sit on seven fences,

They don't look at each other.

Seven tails spread.

Each tail is seven colors.

A. Stroilo

Seven is like a sharp scythe,

Mow, scythe, while there is dew.

G. Vieru

She has one leg

And even she without a boot!


They don’t drive you with a whip, They don’t feed you oats; When you plow -

Pulls seven plows.


What kind of birds fly, seven in each flock? They fly in a string,

They won't go back.

(Days of the week.)

The flock, seven rams, protects us from snowstorms.

(Fur coat.)

The sun ordered: “Stop,

The Seven Color Bridge is cool!”


Seven guys on a ladder

Songs started playing.


There are exactly seven of these brothers. You all know them. Every week around

Brothers walk after each other.

The last one will say goodbye -

The front one appears.

(Days of the week.)

Fun puzzles

The ants live together and don’t scurry around idle. Two carry a blade of grass,

Two carry a blade of grass,

Three carry needles.

How many are there under the tree?

Five crows sat on the roof,

Two more arrived to them.

Answer quickly, boldly,

How many of them arrived?

One evening to the bear

Neighbors came to the pie:

Hedgehog, badger, raccoon, oblique,

A wolf with a trickster fox.

But the bear couldn't

Divide the pie among everyone.

Help him quickly

Count all the animals.

An elephant, a mother elephant, two baby elephants walked in a crowd to a watering hole. And three tiger cubs met them

They walked home from the watering hole.

Count quickly

How many friends did you meet?

Uncle hedgehog entered the garden

I found ten ripe pears.

He gave three of them to the hedgehogs,

The rest are for bunnies.

(How many pears did he give to the bunnies?)

At the edge of the forest on a spring day

Under the curly leaves

To Snow White on her birthday

The forest people gathered:

Dwarf Quiet, Beardless,

Wise, Red and Grumpy,

Bully and Silent.

How many people were there?

V. Usacheva

  Our Masha got up early and counted all the dolls:

Two Matryoshka dolls on the window,

Two Arinkas on a feather bed,

Two Tanyas on the pillow,

And Parsley in a cap

On an oak chest.

(How many are there?)

Squirrel, hedgehog and raccoon,

Wolf, fox, baby mole

There were friendly neighbors.

They came to the bear for a pie.

You guys, don't yawn:

Count how many animals there are

  Mama squirrel for the kids Collected a dozen pine cones.

I didn’t give it all away right away,

She gave me one of everything.

For the eldest - spruce,

Middle - pine,

For the youngest - cedar.

(How many cones does the squirrel have left?)

To the teddy bear on his birthday

The forest people gathered:

Hedgehog, wolf, raccoon, badger,

A hare, a moose, a little fox - a friend.

Count quickly

How many guests were there?

  Grandma Mila loved animals,

Every morning she caressed and fed:

Cat, cow, sheep, pig,

How many animals does grandma have?

in the family?

Fishermen are sitting, guarding the floats.

Fisherman Korney caught three perch.

Fisherman Evsey - four crucian carp.

How many fish are fishermen

Dragged from the river?

  Grandmother Nadya lives in the village, has animals, but doesn’t keep score.

I'll call them guys,

A cow, a calf, two gray geese,

Sheep, pig and cat Katusya.

(How many animals does grandma have?)

V. Drozdova

A flock of black grouse was flying,

She sat down in a grove;

Two by two they will sit on a tree -

One tree too many.

They will sit down one by one -

One extra black grouse.

(Answer: 4 black grouse and 3 trees.)

Proverbs and sayings

  • Seven troubles - one answer.
  • Seven do not wait for one.
  • Seven times measure cut once.
  • One with a bipod, seven with a spoon.
  • Seven Fridays a week.
  • Too many cooks spoil the broth.
  • Onion from seven ailments.

Tongue Twisters

  • Seven waxwings sat and whistled.
  • We sat in seven sleighs ourselves.
  • Stepan has sour cream, curdled milk and cottage cheese, seven kopecks - tuesok.

Physical education minute

How many green Christmas trees?

Let's perform so many bows (7).

How many circles do we have here?

We will do so many jumps (7).

How many knitted balls.

Let's clap so much (7).

Graphics tasks

Task 1. Divide the ducklings.

Seven ducklings in a pond quarrel all the time. How to divide them into three lines to stop quarrels?

Task 2. Find the circles.

Find 7 circles in each figure.

Task 3. Help Snow White find the way.

Snow White decided to give a treat to the seven dwarfs who were working in the forest. How to get to the gnomes without going to each one twice?


7 i

Family is a strange word
Although not foreign.
- How did the word come about?
It's not clear to us at all.
Well, “I” – we understand,
Why are there seven of them?

No need to think and guess,
All you have to do is count:
Two grandfathers
Two grandmothers,
Plus dad, mom, me.
Folded? That makes seven people

– What if there is a dog?
That makes eight “I”s?
- No, if there is a dog,
Out comes Vo! - family.
(M. Schwartz)

2. A toast to the house

Is the blizzard making noise outside the window,
Is the lush foliage playing -
Always our dear father's home
Receives with great cordiality.
And therefore we wish,
So that it never happens
There are troubles in the corners, winters in the hearts,
And everything in him breathed with joy.
Bloom and hello, good home,
We drink to you today!
(I. Yavorovskaya)

3. Family and home

Family and home are like light and bread.
The native hearth is earth and sky.
Given to you for salvation,
no matter what worries you are in.

Let life run hastily,
wherever the road leads,
in your changing fate
There is no more beautiful gift from God.

They always keep you safe
no matter how much you travel around the world,
like a guiding star,
and this shrine is not holy.

Your family's warmth and light -
This is the best joy for the soul.
There is no other happiness in the world,
There is no need for any other kind of happiness.
(I. Afonskaya)

4. Song about our family (motif "Songs about Bears")

Somewhere in this world our family lives,
He does not know grief and troubles, he is reputed to be friendly.
We read books together, we go to the cinema together,
On holidays we sing and dance, on weekdays we find something to do!

Mom washes clothes, son sweeps the floor,
Dad cooks dinner while listening to football.
Work is quick, everyone is used to work.
And we know how to relax, barbecue in the forest!
La-la-la... We are a friendly family!

5. Family

It's very important to me
I really need,
So that the whole family
I was getting ready for dinner!
Grandfather will lay it out
What I learned from the newspapers
Adjusting my glasses
What did you dry?
Sage bunches...
Father and mother -
About important work
Brother - about fishing,
Football, hiking...
And about the test
Today I...
It's evening outside,
And in the house there is FAMILY!
(V. Drobiz)

6. My home

Starlings live in a birdhouse,
Glasses live in the eyeglass case,
The fox lives in his hole,
Trees live on the mountain...
And I also have a house,
He is the best:
Mom is in it!
(M. Takhistova)

7. On Family Day!

Family joy
Happy faces!
I wish all families
Glow with love!

May families be cheerful
Children's laughter sounds
Kind and joyful
Holiday for everyone!

Love flourishes
Around the Earth!..
Peace to your home
And in every family!
(E. Morozova)

8. Home

The house, as everyone has known for a long time, -
This is not a wall, not a window,
These are not chairs with a table:
This is not a home.

Home is where you are ready
You come back again and again
Fierce, kind, gentle, evil,
Barely alive.

Home is where you will be understood
Where they hope and wait,
Where you forget about the bad, -
This is your home.
(E. Kumenko)

9. For Family Day

Life is warmer and much more interesting,
And you can stand in it more reliably,
When you walk through this life together.
And therefore - keep it up!

To be a reliable support for each other,
Kinder and more tolerant - three times...
God bless you from evil and from discord...
May there be eternal peace in your family!
(E. Grudanov)

10. About love

Mom looks at dad
Dad looks at mom
And the day is the most weekday,
Not a resurrection
And outside the window there is no sun,
And the blizzard
It's just how they do it
They're just
They love each other very much.
From this love
Both light and easy.
Me with my dad and mom
So lucky!
(O. Bundur)

11. Family

Family is a source of joy and happiness,
Love is an inexhaustible spring.
Both in clear weather and in bad weather
The family cherishes and appreciates the moment of life.

Family is the stronghold and strength of the state,
Keeping the traditions of centuries.
In a family, a child is the main wealth,
A ray of light is like a beacon for sailors.

The rays are growing, becoming brighter
And people are greedily drawn to the light.
The soul of the family becomes richer,
When love and advice reign in her.

When mutual understanding reigns,
Then the whole world lies at your feet.
Love in the family is the basis of the Universe.
So may God protect all our families!
(L. Gaykevich)

12. Okay

It's good to wait at home
When the bell rang they hurried to the door,
They opened, kissed,
Warmed your hands, right?

Good for tea
With pies and jam
Sorrows have moved away
Good talk, right?

It's good to be in the world
It smelled of snow, sun, willow,
So that children everywhere know
That there won't be a war, right?

It's good to be loved
Like the first snowdrop,
And then, then any
Not afraid of troubles, right?!
(M. Takhistova)

13. Family

Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family means trips to the country in the summer.
Family is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.

The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,
Dreams of good things, excitement and trepidation.
Family is work, caring for each other,
Family means a lot of housework.

Family is important!
Family is difficult!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!
Always be together, take care of love,
Drive away grievances and quarrels,
I want my friends to say about you:
How nice your family is!

14. A toast to our roots

This toast to our roots:
What is a tree without roots?
Let them live more spaciously,
Let them love you more!
(I. Yavorovskaya)


15. The roof of your house

We are all in a hurry for miracles,
But there is nothing more wonderful
Than that earth under the heavens,
Where is the roof of your house?

Instantly any grief
Every single one of them will disappear
Just remember the blue stars
Over the roof of your house.

And if suddenly you feel sad,
That sadness doesn't mean anything
When you know what's under the sun
There is a roof of your house.

The world is full of joy and happiness,
But the native land is miles away from everything...
And it's so wonderful to be back
Under the roof of your house!
(M. Plyatskovsky)

16. Fairy tale

Mom met dad -
This is the beginning of fairy tales.

She gave birth to a son for dad -
This will be the middle.

There is no happier father!
The fairy tale has no end!
(O. Bundur)


17. Family

In Rus' this has long been revered,
What's probably in our blood:
For a woman to follow a man
In trials, in wanderings, in love.
So that, recognizing its beginning,
All my worries are hidden inside me,
Still, I remembered the confession:
We are not just the two of us, we are a family.
To find wisdom in yourself,
Straightening up in front of his son's face,
Repeat with maternal strength:
“Consult, son, with your father!”
So that you can bear all your fears alone,
She said, exhausted, at the end:
“Hug your father, do you hear, daughter,
Our father is tired today..."
And I would look with obvious joy,
How your beloved's gaze warms,
When they sit down at the table next to each other,
Like today, for example, they are sitting...
We are united by love and faith,
We are united by land and labor.
And the doors are open to friendship
To our good, stable home.
(T. Kuzovleva)

18. Your support

Loved you for no special reason
Because you are a grandson,
Because you are a son,
Because baby
Because you are growing,
Because he looks like his dad and mom.
And this love until the end of your days
It will remain your secret support.
(V. Berestov)

19. Parental home

Parental home is a place from Paradise...
Where time stands still on the hands of the clock...
And mom, forgiving mistakes with all her heart,
Will give you warmth and love!

20. Dedicated to mom and dad

Both mom and dad
Both mom and dad
In my
From birth
They live.
Both mom and dad
Both mom and dad
And they cry with me
And they sing.

Mommy lives in me
With a kind word,
And dad lives - mischievous,
And mom - with love
To elegant updates,
And dad is up to tricks

I see in the mirror
I see in the mirror
Hello from mom and dad.
And so I approach them
Getting closer and closer
And you say they don’t exist...

And mom and dad
And mom and dad
In my
From birth
They live.
And mom and dad
And mom and dad
With me
This song
(N. Pikuleva)

21. What could be more valuable than family?

What could be more valuable than family?
The father's house greets me with warmth,
They are always waiting for you here with love,
And they send you off on your journey with kindness!
Father and mother and children together
Sitting at the festive table
And together they are not at all bored,
And it’s interesting for five of us.
The baby is like a pet to the elders,
Parents are wiser in everything
Beloved dad - friend, breadwinner,
And mom is closest to everyone, dearest.
Love it! And appreciate happiness!
It is born in a family
What could be more valuable than her?
On this fabulous land.

22. My family

Who comes home late
Who looks at things menacingly?
Who changes light bulbs? –
Well, of course - daddy!

Who is a squirrel from morning to night,
Washing, boiling, cutting finely?
Who flies like a swallow? –
Well, of course - mommy!

Who's ready to build a house?
Run, jump, neigh?
Who is our fidget? –
Well, of course - grandpa!

Who will tell you a bedtime story?
About Princess Goldilocks,
Will you bake pancakes? –
Well, of course - grandma!

Who will break what he built?
Who will help me with my sister?
Who is the naughty boy? –
Here he is - little brother!

Who is all in bows and dolls,
All in emotions and feelings?
Who sings like a bird? –
It's my sister!

Who, you ask me,
These sweet friends?
I will answer without hiding, -
This is all my FAMILY!
(V. Tunnikov)

23. Family tree

I have a wonderful tree.
It is my family
And it is my kin.
On this tree
Until old age
My great-grandfather nested
And also my grandfather.
My dad
I learned to fly on it
And I was able to become a real bird!
And, as in the cradle,
With me
Until morning
On this tree
The winds swayed.
And the leaves were ringing,
Like bells
When I have
Chicks have appeared...
(G. Dyadina)

24. Family Anthem

And the house, sanctified by prayer,
It stands open to all winds,
And the grandmother teaches her grandson
Words: “fatherland”, “mother”, “temple”.


Live in peace and harmony.

The love of Peter and Fevronia.

Family is a great kingdom of love.
It contains faith, righteousness and strength.
Family is the pillar of the state,
My country, my Russia.

Family is the original source,
Protected by heavenly angels.
And sadness, and joy, and sorrows -
One for all, inseparable.

Keep each other at all times,
Live in peace and harmony.
And let your life be sanctified
The love of Peter and Fevronia.

Let them be repeated in generations
Blessed days of life.
God bless the family hearth,
Protect the love of your loved ones.
(I. Reznik)

25. Holiday song "Happy Moscow Family"

When there is such cheerful air around,
Birds and chicks are dancing in the sky,
And forgetting about your advanced age,
Mothers and fathers dance with us.

Happy Moscow family –
And there is no one more friendly in the world!
Let's dance together Dad, Mom, Me -
And in the sky, dancing, the sun shines.

Smiles light up our faces -
How great it is to be a good father:
Sing and have fun with your children,
And present their mother with flowers.

What else, tell me, do mothers need?
To always say: “This is life!”
When husbands and children dance together:
Some are hip-hop, while others are twist!
(S. Osiashvili)

26. And family is everything

And family is home,
These are two and a third,
And maybe the fourth one,
And then the fifth.
These are warm lines
In the desired envelope,
If separation waves
A sad wing.

And family is light,
What is invisible and generous
Illuminates your whole life
And accompanies us.
This is creativity
Where there are neither last nor first,
Where is both joy and sorrow -
Always in half.

And family is everything.
It gets colder without her
Lonely thought
Lonely life.
Nothing happens
More dear in the world,
Nothing, no matter what you think
And no matter how brave you are...
(I. Yavorovskaya)

27. Who's whose

- Whose forest stream are you?
- Nobody's!
- But where are you from, stream?
- From the keys!
- Well, whose keys are they?
- Draws!
- Whose birch tree is by the stream?
- Draw!
-Are you a sweet girl?
– I am my mother’s, my father’s and my grandmother’s!
(O. Bedarev)

28. How did the word “family” appear?

Once upon a time the earth had not heard of him.
But Adam said to Eve before the wedding:
Now I will ask you seven questions:
Who will give birth to children for me, my goddess?
And Eve quietly answered: “I am.”
Whoever sews the dress will wash the linen.
Will he caress me and decorate my home?
Answer the question my friend..?
“I, I, I,” Eve said, “I.”
She said the famous seven “I”.
And so a family appeared on earth.

29. Family

Grandma will tell me a fairy tale
And make a sweet pie
And give me a little yarn,
So that I could run with the cat!

And my grandfather will give me a plane,
He will bring nails, a hammer,
And it will be ready early
We have a birdhouse and a scoop!

And dad will take you fishing,
He will tell you about forest herbs...
We're close, waddle a little
Let's go past the mushroom firs.

We'll pick mushrooms at the edge of the forest,
Let's find an intricate root,
In a forgotten forester's hut
We'll drink tea with raspberries...

And mom, bending over the crib,
He will sing a calm song,
On tiptoe he will go out furtively
And good dreams will come!

And the wind rushes through the windows,
I think I haven't slept for a long time:
Well, how can I answer this?
I just love them so much!
(M. Takhistova)


30. Happiness

Oh my God,
How right you are:
What happiness -
Husband and children;
Live without changing
To be happier
Everyone in the world!
(N. Samonii)

31. Dedication to parents

The quiet city of our childhood
At night I often dream about:
Like a tired traveler,
Beckons the house to bow.

Oh, how delightful they were
These are cloudless days!
Our parents gave us
Happiness to live in this world...

There are toy houses
Hidden in a sweet slumber,
Like fairy gnomes
They look into the river furtively.

In this sweet abode
Waiting for the children to arrive
Aged parents
What is more valuable than anything in the world.

Memory echoes with pain -
We unwittingly hurt our loved ones:
The rude word is broken
And then there’s a stone on my heart...

You will forgive me if I offended you
Inattentive children!
We would give everything, parents,
If only you could live in the world...

Lost in the depths of time
All earthly deeds
But they repeat themselves in their grandchildren
Your features are dear:

Guardians of your family
Let them walk on the planet!
How happy we are, parents,
What are you in this world!
(I. Krivitskaya-Druzhinina)

32. Hunting is prohibited

I remind you, friends,
What if someone didn’t hear
From now on, on parents
Hunting is prohibited!
And hiding under the bed,
And around the corner of the buffet,
You can't be your parents now
To fire a gun!
It is forbidden to lie in wait
In the kitchen and living room,
When they're at the watering hole
They walk along a long path.
Check your kindness
Will also be rewarded -
There are only one parents
And they might come in handy!
Tamer Tips:
To a wild parent
No need to stomp and shout
But you need to tame it with affection!
(M. Schwartz)

33. My family

My family was sent to me by fate.
She gives me warmth and participation.
It contains a son and a daughter, a mother, a brother and me,
And my dear granddaughter is my ray of happiness.

I simply cannot live without them!
They are with me - the house sparkles with joy.
I will always love life for this,
What a reward for me - their great love!

34. Love! Family! Loyalty!

We grow with love in our hearts,
If the family is full of it.
We feed our feelings with fidelity,
If you have true friends nearby.

For the sake of our loved ones, we are ready to do anything.
We don’t know any love for them higher than that!
We are ready for any sacrifice!
If only they were happy!

Families are different in life,
Unfortunately, it cannot be changed.
I believe that those who want have it!
Among them are you, my Friends!!!
(A. Maltsev)

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