At what week of pregnancy does the belly begin to grow? How the belly grows

Every woman knows that during pregnancy her body will change significantly. Your breasts will grow, your belly will become larger and rounder, your waistline will smooth out, and you will gain weight. Expectant mothers pay the most attention to their growing belly. How does a woman's figure change during pregnancy?

Belly enlargement rate

First of all, a pregnant woman should remember one simple thing: it is not the belly itself that grows, but the uterus along with the baby. Developing in the mother's womb, the child gradually gains weight and increases in height. The uterus is a muscular organ, and it stretches to accommodate the changing size of the fetus. Following the uterus, the muscles, ligaments and skin gradually stretch. From the outside, it seems that a woman’s belly is growing, although in fact her entire figure is changing: chest, waist, hips, buttocks and other parts of the body.

The rate of abdominal growth will be uneven at different stages of pregnancy:

I trimester

For up to 12 weeks, the uterus along with the embryo is in the pelvic cavity and does not extend beyond the pubic arch. At 4-5 weeks of gestation, the uterus reaches the size of a chicken egg, and at 8-9 weeks it resembles the size and shape of a goose egg. At about 12 weeks, the uterus reaches the edge of the womb.

At the end of the first trimester, no visible changes in the figure occur. Some women experience a slightly blurred waistline, rounded hips, and enlarged breasts. The stomach in most cases remains flat, invisible under ordinary clothing. There is a slight weight gain. With severe toxicosis, on the contrary, weight loss is possible.

II trimester

Starting from 16 weeks of pregnancy, an attentive observer may notice some changes in the figure of the expectant mother. The rate of growth of the abdomen will depend on the gradual enlargement of the uterus:

  • 16 weeks - the uterus is located in the middle of the distance between the pubis and the navel;
  • 20 weeks – the uterus is located 2 transverse fingers below the navel;
  • 24 weeks - the uterus reaches the navel.

After 16 weeks, the doctor begins regular measurements of the height of the uterine fundus (UFH) and abdominal circumference. Normally, the IMD should increase by 1 cm every week. An insufficient increase in VDM indicates a possible delay in fetal development. Too high a position of the uterus occurs with polyhydramnios.

Abdominal circumference is a fairly variable feature. There are no strict standards for measuring coolant. The transverse size of the abdomen will depend on the woman’s initial weight, her eating habits and physical activity during pregnancy. It is important that every week the coolant increases by several centimeters compared to the data of the previous examination.

At 16 weeks of gestation, the uterus is located above the pubic arch. The tummy protrudes slightly, and many women have to switch from tight clothes to loose-fitting blouses and dresses. At 20 weeks, the tummy becomes noticeable, and a clear roundness appears in the navel area. At 22-24 weeks of pregnancy, the stomach clearly protrudes forward. During this period, it will be possible to hide your growing belly only under very loose clothing.

III trimester

After 24 weeks, rapid growth of the uterus continues:

  • 28 weeks – the uterus is 2 transverse fingers above the navel;
  • 32 weeks – the uterus is located in the middle of the distance between the umbilical ring and the xiphoid process of the sternum;
  • 36 weeks - the uterus reaches the xiphoid process of the sternum.

Many women note that their belly grows unevenly. At up to 22-24 weeks it is barely visible, but then it grows and becomes clearly rounded in almost one or two weeks. Such changes are associated with a surge in fetal growth and rapid distension of the uterus during this period. Most women at this stage have to change their wardrobe and completely switch to loose-fitting clothes.

What determines the rate of abdominal growth?

The rate at which the abdomen grows will vary from woman to woman. The rate of change in the figure of the expectant mother is influenced by several factors:

  • number of previous pregnancies and births;
  • number of fruits;
  • fruit size;
  • fetal position;
  • volume of amniotic fluid;
  • eating habits;
  • physical activity during pregnancy;
  • individual metabolic characteristics;
  • initial height and weight;
  • condition of the muscular corset of the anterior abdominal wall.

During the first pregnancy The tummy grows more slowly. This is due to the fact that muscles and ligaments stretch gradually, getting used to changing conditions. In primigravida women, the belly becomes noticeable only after 24 weeks. During the second and subsequent pregnancies the belly becomes rounded and protrudes forward after 20 weeks.

The rate of abdominal growth is also affected by the woman’s initial body weight. For thin people For expectant mothers, the tummy becomes noticeable much earlier than in women who are prone to obesity. At the same time, the uterus grows equally quickly in both women. The difference lies only in the external perception of the figure. Changes in the size of the abdomen are noticed faster in thin women, while the rounded belly of overweight women becomes visible much later.

The visual perception of the size of the abdomen also depends on the woman’s height. Tall and quite thin For a long time, expectant mothers do not notice any special changes in their figure. Often the belly of such women seems small, which entails unnecessary worry for doctors and even leads to an incorrect diagnosis. On the contrary, in short women the stomach seems huge, especially with the large size of the growing fetus.

The shape and size of the abdomen is also affected by the condition of the muscular corset of the abdominal wall. In women who play sports, the abdominal muscles stretch quite slowly. Their belly becomes visible after 26-28 weeks, especially during the first pregnancy. For expectant mothers who lead a sedentary lifestyle, a rounded tummy appears much earlier.

The number of babies in the womb also affects the size of the abdomen. During a multiple pregnancy, the expectant mother's belly will be significantly larger than that of a woman expecting one child. The size of the fetus also affects the shape of the abdomen. With developmental delay and low fetal weight, the woman’s belly will be small (smaller than the required size at this stage). A large baby, on the contrary, will cause a woman’s belly to grow rapidly. An overly large belly also occurs with polyhydramnios (excess amniotic fluid).

The size and shape of the abdomen is also affected by the location of the baby in the uterus. If the baby is in a transverse or oblique position, the abdomen will increase predominantly in circumference, while the height of the uterine fundus will lag behind. The location of the fetus can be clarified by performing an ultrasound.

The mother's eating habits also affect the size of the abdomen. Addiction to flour, fried and fatty foods leads to rapid weight gain and a significant increase in the proportion of adipose tissue. In such women, the stomach will appear larger due to the rapid increase in subcutaneous fat.

Thus, big belly occurs in the following situations:

  • multiple pregnancy;
  • large fruit;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • excess body weight;
  • poor nutrition and low physical activity.

Small belly may indicate the following conditions:

  • low weight and height of the fetus, genetically determined;
  • delayed fetal development;
  • transverse or oblique position of the fetus in the uterus;
  • oligohydramnios;
  • woman's body weight deficiency.

The doctor will be able to find out the exact cause of possible deviations after examining the patient.

Having learned about their situation, many expectant mothers are interested in the question of when the belly begins to grow during pregnancy. Let's take a closer look at such a parameter as the circumference of the abdomen and find out what affects its size when carrying a baby, and how the appearance of the abdomen changes over the weeks of pregnancy.

What determines the size of the belly during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the belly grows gradually and for each pregnant woman this happens slightly differently. There are a number of factors that determine the pace of this process. Among them:

  1. Anatomical features of the mother's physique. It has been established that women who are thin, with narrow hips, often have a small belly, with a normal weight of the unborn baby.
  2. Diet and rate of weight gain. Weight gain during pregnancy is a physiological norm. However, the process itself can occur at different speeds. In addition, an improvement in appetite in pregnant women is also reflected in the size of the abdominal circumference - the increasing fat layer makes it visually larger.
  3. Location of the placenta. When the baby's place is attached to the back wall of the uterus, the expectant mother's belly is small. It looks much larger if it is attached to the anterior uterine wall.
  4. Amniotic fluid volume. Insufficient or excessive volume of amniotic fluid affects the size of the abdomen.
  5. Functional state of the abdominal muscles. In physically fit expectant mothers, the abdomen is smaller in size and looks toned, which is why it looks smaller in appearance.
  6. Number of pregnancies. In primiparous women, the uterus is smaller, which is why the belly is small. This is due to the condition of the muscular apparatus of the reproductive organ.

At what stage of pregnancy does the belly begin to grow?

Not a single gynecologist can definitely tell the expectant mother at what week of pregnancy the belly begins to grow. These features of the gestation process are strictly individual. For some ladies, it remains small throughout the entire period. In this case, there is an average indicator. It is equal to the time when the belly is already noticeable to the mother herself and those around her. However, it begins to grow a little earlier. An active increase in abdominal circumference begins at the end of the first trimester - from 12-13 weeks. By this time, all organs and systems are formed, their body growth begins.

When does the belly start to grow during the first pregnancy?

During the first pregnancy, the enlargement of the abdomen occurs more slowly. This is due to the fact that the uterus and abdominal muscles have not previously experienced strong stress and are in their physiological state. The muscle fibers of these organs are not stretched and have the correct tone. Over time, as the fetus grows, their lengthening is noted - the abdominal muscles are stretched under the pressure of the baby's body weight and amniotic fluid. The rate of growth of the abdomen directly depends on the values ​​of these parameters - they determine when the abdomen begins to grow during pregnancy.

Answering the question of pregnant women regarding at what month of pregnancy the belly begins to grow, gynecologists point to the 4th month from conception. However, this does not mean that every expectant mother notices this phenomenon immediately within the specified time frame. Everything is individual, and some women change in appearance even at the 3rd month of gestation. A small tummy is especially visible in thin women who are short in stature. Thick women with rounded shapes manage to “hide” their position from others longer.

When does the belly start to grow during the second pregnancy?

When talking about when the belly begins to grow during pregnancy with a second child, doctors note an earlier onset of this process. This is due to stretching of the uterine ligaments, which change their size after the first pregnancy. In addition, the muscles of the abdominal wall also relax - the stomach becomes saggy and loses its elasticity and flatness. Because of this, even a slight increase in its volume is outwardly noticeable. On average, changes in abdominal circumference associated with pregnancy are noticeable in multiparous women as early as 13-14 weeks.

When does the belly start to grow during multiple pregnancy?

Due to the increased growth of the uterus, during multiple pregnancies the abdomen enlarges somewhat earlier. So when the belly begins to grow during the current pregnancy, it is only 12 weeks of gestation. This exact period is indicated by gynecologists when answering the question regarding when the belly begins to grow during pregnancy with twins. Even close people can notice the changes taking place. At the same time, the belly itself is growing at a rapid pace - by the 17th week, some pregnant women experience inconvenience when sleeping and resting.

Where does the belly start to grow during pregnancy?

Wanting to control the changes that occur in the body while carrying a baby, women often ask doctors where the belly begins to grow during pregnancy. Its increase occurs first slightly above the pubis. This is due to the growth of the uterus in the area of ​​its fundus. This is where the first changes take place. This area can also be felt during palpation of the anterior abdominal wall, which is carried out for the first time when a pregnant woman is registered at 12 weeks.

Why doesn't the belly grow during pregnancy?

When the belly begins to actively grow during pregnancy, it is noticeable to everyone. But often women complain to doctors that their belly does not grow during pregnancy. This is observed in expectant mothers who have a dense physique and curvy figure. In such cases, a small increase in abdominal volume is not noticeable. When the increase in abdominal circumference does not occur in thin, short women, it is necessary to exclude pathology. A discrepancy between the size of the abdomen and the gestational age may indicate pregnancy complications such as:

  • hypotrophy - a violation of the processes of intrauterine development;
  • – discrepancy between the volume of amniotic fluid and the norm;
  • incorrect, transverse position of the fetus;
  • – attachment occurs outside the uterus, which is why the belly does not grow.

When a woman is preparing to become a mother, a lot of questions are spinning in her head at once. She begins to carefully listen to her body and the changes that are taking place, and also begins to pay attention to those things that previously did not interest her at all. But if this is the first pregnancy, then the woman is interested in everything! And, probably, the most important question on the long list will be: “When does the belly grow during pregnancy?”

Unfortunately, or vice versa - fortunately, no exact dates have been identified when the size of the fetus in the womb will begin to increase. Each organism is strictly individual, so it is impossible to guess anything in advance. According to medicine, the abdomen begins to acquire large sizes at about 10, but this can happen earlier or later. An enlarged abdomen during pregnancy indicates that the uterus is growing and is clearly beginning to be palpable in the lower abdomen, slightly above the pubis. As they increase, it rises higher and higher, and at the very end of the gestation process a reverse reaction occurs: when the body prepares for childbirth, the uterus tends to the pelvic area, that is, it sinks lower.

But regardless of this, as has already been proven in practice, during the entire time during which the mother carries the fetus, her body changes constantly. Thus, it is not difficult to guess how the belly grows during pregnancy. It happens that in the first month it begins to increase. It is very rare, but it happens that the fetus “manifests” itself in the seventh month or in the last trimester. There are also cases when pregnancy is defined as “hidden”, when the belly is not visible at all while the future person grows and develops in the body of his mother.

So, ladies, the question of how it grows can be answered this way: it begins to grow when it pleases, or it will not appear at all. Still, there are several factors by which you can determine the time when the belly appears or at least becomes “noticeable”.

  1. What number is the child? How does the belly grow during pregnancy? The answer is simple. It grows more slowly in the first pregnancy than in the second and subsequent ones, since the abdominal muscles have never been so stretched.
  2. Anatomical features. The future baby is always more noticeable in the tummy of a short, small mother, while in the body of large women the fetus remains invisible for a long time. Although there are exceptions to the rules.
  3. Heredity.
  4. Weight gain during pregnancy.
  5. Fetal growth rate and size of the unborn baby.
  6. Presentation. If the fetus is located closer to the spine, the less noticeable the pregnancy will become. And vice versa.

What do doctors say about how the belly grows during pregnancy? At 7-8 weeks, the expectant mother can already register. And around this time, monitoring of the developing fetus begins. You should not undergo gynecological examinations frequently, since the size of the uterus is usually determined using a centimeter tape. The woman lies down on a flat couch in the doctor’s office, and he, in turn, measures the size of the uterus. If all is well, then the size of this organ corresponds to the number of weeks. For example, at 10 weeks, the uterus measures 10 centimeters. Therefore, it is clear that the belly will not be immediately visible.

Every mom dreams of a big belly. But is it good when pregnancy is noticeable already in the early stages? A large belly is a risk factor in terms of changes in the tone of the uterus. In addition, due to the rapid increase in stretch marks, stretch marks appear on the abdomen, so doctors recommend monitoring your weight, not overeating and wearing

From our article you will learn how the size of a woman’s abdomen changes during pregnancy.

Each woman's body is unique, and therefore reacts completely differently to the changes that occur inside the body during pregnancy. For this reason, in some representatives of the fair sex the stomach becomes rounded very early, while in others it begins to increase only in the third trimester. Very often, women whose belly began to grow very early mistakenly think that they have not one, but two embryos inside, and begin to panic very much.

Yes, this is also possible, but as practice shows, the size of the abdomen most often depends on what kind of pregnancy the girl has and, of course, on her physique. In our article we will try to figure out how the belly grows during the first and second pregnancies and where it begins to increase.

When, in what week, month does a pregnant woman’s belly begin to grow during her first pregnancy?

During the first pregnancy, the belly increases from 18-20 weeks
  • As a rule, during the first pregnancy, a woman manages to hide her interesting situation for a very long time. This is due to the fact that for the first time the muscle mass is still in good tone and is able to resist the enlargement of the uterus for a long time. And if you take into account that it begins to increase intensively from 18-20 weeks, then it is during this period that a woman’s belly can become clearly visible.
  • In addition, during the first pregnancy, the tummy remains small for a long time due to the fact that in a first-time woman, the fetus is ovoid. And this greatly helps to ensure that the muscle mass remains elastic for a longer period and does not relax. True, all this does not apply to fragile and thin women. Due to their physique, pregnancy becomes noticeable much earlier and most often this occurs around the 4th month.
  • But remember, the complete absence of a belly in the second trimester of pregnancy should alert you. If your figure has not changed at all, then be sure to consult a gynecologist and make sure that the baby is developing correctly.

When, in what week, month does a pregnant woman’s belly begin to grow during her second pregnancy?

During the second pregnancy, the belly may begin to grow as early as 8 weeks.
  • For most women, the belly increases more quickly during the second pregnancy than during the first. As a rule, the characteristic rounding can be seen for the second time at 8-10 weeks. This development of pregnancy is influenced by several factors. Most often, the earlier appearance of the belly is associated with the same muscle mass. Since her first pregnancy makes her weaker, she simply cannot cope with the enlargement of the uterus.
  • In addition, the size of the tummy is directly influenced by the fetus itself. As practice shows, during the second pregnancy his weight is always 400-700 g more than during the first. This means that from the first days after conception, his weight increases faster, thereby increasing the size of the uterus faster. Also, during the second pregnancy, the amount of amniotic fluid increases slightly and this immediately affects the woman’s appearance.
  • In this case, the belly of the fair sex may become more noticeable even before the end of the second month. True, you should not be upset by the fact that during the second pregnancy the belly becomes noticeable earlier. Once you reach the third trimester, your size will be closer to normal and before the baby is born you will look the same as the first time.

How the belly grows during pregnancy: diagram

Abdominal enlargement during pregnancy: diagram

I would like to say right away that a woman’s figure begins to change literally from the first weeks of pregnancy. At the initial stage, it may seem that the tummy is simply slightly swollen, but as the fetus grows, the size of the abdomen will change.

Previously, when medicine was not so well developed, it was by the size of the abdomen that they determined how correctly the fetus was developing. Modern doctors also consider this method to be effective, so they strictly monitor whether the body proportions of the fair sex are changing correctly.

Average rates of abdominal enlargement by trimester:

  • 1st trimester of pregnancy. From 1 to 12 weeks the tummy is not noticeable. Only women who are too thin can have it more than necessary. During this period, the uterus is the size of a goose egg.
  • 2nd trimester of pregnancy. Starting from the 12th week, the baby will begin to grow rapidly and this will lead to the fact that the fundus of the uterus rises slightly, thereby characteristically rounding the abdomen. Yes, and remember, the larger the baby, the more noticeable your pregnancy will be.
  • 3rd trimester of pregnancy. If the pregnancy proceeds normally, then at week 25 the belly will almost reach its maximum size. Yes, it will still increase a little, but this will have virtually no effect on the woman’s appearance. Approximately 2-3 weeks before giving birth, it will generally stop growing and will only change its shape.

You can see a more detailed diagram of abdominal enlargement during pregnancy in the picture that we posted a little higher.

When and at what stage does the belly begin to actively and rapidly grow during pregnancy?

During a normal pregnancy, the belly begins to grow rapidly starting from the 20th week.
  • Although it is believed that a woman’s belly begins to grow rapidly around the end of the second trimester, there are cases when it remains barely noticeable until childbirth. As a rule, this is how it looks in large women with a wide pelvis. In this case, the uterus can remain in its anatomical position for a longer period, thereby outwardly changing the woman practically in no way.
  • But still, most often, intensive growth of the abdomen begins closer to the 20th week. During this period, the fetus itself and the amount of amniotic fluid begin to rapidly increase in size. All these factors contribute to raising the fundus of the uterus and, as a result, increasing the volume of the abdomen. True, in this case there is one thing. If a woman’s belly is egg-shaped, then visually even after 20 weeks it will seem a little smaller than it should be.
  • If the tummy is round, it will begin to grow rapidly starting from the 16th week. Also remember that belly size can be influenced by heredity. Therefore, if your grandmother and mother’s belly began to grow almost from the first weeks, then it is likely that your body will behave in a similar way.

At what stage is the belly noticeable during pregnancy?

The belly becomes clearly visible by the end of the 5th month

From the moment the egg is fertilized until the baby is born, 9 months pass, and all this time the woman’s body changes its shape. In the first month, almost no changes are noticeable, but already approximately in the middle of the second month, the uterus begins to increase more intensively and this leads to a visual enlargement of the abdomen.

Outwardly, such changes are visible only in fragile women, but in more plump representatives of the fair sex, the stomach remains almost the same as before fertilization. But starting from the 14th week, the uterus begins to grow more intensively and towards the end of the 5th month the belly becomes noticeable in almost all pregnant women.

Why does the belly grow faster during the second pregnancy?

The reason for faster abdominal enlargement during the second pregnancy is physiological in nature.

As mentioned a little above, during the second pregnancy the belly almost always grows a little faster than during the first. The main reason for this modification is a slightly sagging belly, which can no longer hold the uterus in the correct position. That is why, as soon as the fertilized egg begins to enlarge, the fundus of the uterus immediately begins to rise.

This leads to the fact that a woman’s tummy begins to become rounder already at 5-7 weeks. In addition, this state of the fair sex can be influenced by weight. As you know, as a woman ages, the layer of fat in her waist begins to increase. In view of this, even minimal enlargement of the uterus will noticeably increase the abdominal circumference.

Where does the belly start to grow during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the stomach begins to increase from the bottom

Before answering this question, I would like to clarify that the growth of the abdomen during pregnancy is influenced by several factors at once - the size of the uterus, the size of the fetus, the amount of amniotic fluid and, of course, nutrition.

If you don’t eat exactly right, regularly overeat and eat only baked goods, then with a high probability we can say that your tummy will expand like a balloon, that is, there will be a slight bloating effect.

If you lead a correct lifestyle, then initially the belly will increase in the lower part and only closer to the 16th week will it begin to increase in the waist area. After the 20th week, when the baby begins to grow more rapidly, it will also increase under the breast.

Video: How the belly grows during pregnancy! By week

One of the signs of pregnancy is a big belly. It is believed that the larger the baby becomes, the more this affects the size of the abdomen. However, not all so simple.

In some cases, it grows slowly, even in later stages. Why doesn't the belly become rounder during pregnancy?

When an expectant mother encounters a problem such as a small belly during pregnancy, she becomes upset and worried.

She worries about every little thing related to the health of the unborn child. However, is a small belly really a pathology?

In fact, its size in pregnant women is determined individually. For some girls, it is noticeably rounded by the second month of the term, while for others it remains small at 6 months.

If the belly has increased in early pregnancy

In fact, if in the second month of pregnancy a girl’s tummy is rounded, this does not mean that her baby has increased significantly in size.

During this time, he has not yet acquired a size that would be reflected in the appearance of his mother.

Why then does the belly grow in the second month of pregnancy? There are two explanations:

  1. The girl overeats due to increased appetite.
  2. She has excess gas in her intestines, which leads to flatulence, that is, bloating.

If a girl is pregnant for the first time, then her belly becomes rounded at 5-6 months of pregnancy. When she is expecting a child again, the roundness appears earlier.

If a woman has previously played sports and regularly exercised her abdominal muscles, her stomach will not be rounded enough. It also hardly grows if the woman is quite plump.

How the size of the uterus changes

A normal physiological phenomenon is an increase in uterine size throughout a woman’s pregnancy.

  1. During the first month of pregnancy, the female reproductive organ acquires the size of a chicken egg.
  2. Then the uterus grows and during the second month it acquires the size of a goose egg.
  3. By 12 weeks it is the size of a newborn's head.
  4. 16th week of pregnancy - the uterus changes its location. Now it is located between the pubis and the mother's navel.
  5. 20 weeks of pregnancy – the expectant mother’s tummy noticeably increases, the uterus becomes even wider.
  6. At week 24, the bottom of the girl’s reproductive organ is slightly above the navel.
  7. By the 32nd week of pregnancy, it descends to the urinary process.

In what cases does the size of a pregnant woman’s belly deviate from the norm?

The expectant mother's belly grows along with the uterus. Why might it not be rounded? This happens if a girl is sick with something during pregnancy.

During a normal pregnancy, the uterine size should correspond to the above parameters.

One of the serious deviations that a pregnant woman may encounter is an ectopic pregnancy. What is the main sign of pregnancy outside the uterus?

This is the inability to properly palpate it through the anterior abdominal wall. In this case, the fetus develops not in the uterus itself, but in the fallopian tube.

Also, normal uterine dimensions during pregnancy can be disrupted by a disease such as chorionepithelioma. What kind of disease is this?

Chorionepithelioma is the presence in the body of a tumor that develops from placental tissue. This tumor is a collection of small blisters.

The presence of such a tumor in the mother's body leads to the death of the fetus. The mother’s health is also at risk, therefore, if such a tumor is detected in her, therapeutic measures should be taken immediately.

Also, the abdomen may not grow during the period due to fetal malnutrition. What kind of illness is this? Fetal hypotrophy implies a delay in the development of the unborn child.

If a girl is diagnosed with this pathology, she can give birth in a timely manner. Since adaptation of the fetus to intrauterine life was difficult, its weight will not correspond to the norm - a maximum of 2200 grams.

There is another medical reason for this phenomenon – oligohydramnios. This complication may occur due to:

  • Inflammatory disease of the genital organs of a girl.
  • A pathogenic infection enters the body of the expectant mother.
  • Lesions of the fetal excretory system.
  • Placental insufficiency.
  • Hypertension.

Preeclampsia can also be a cause of oligohydramnios. This is one of the most dangerous complications that can occur during pregnancy.

Preeclampsia is characterized by generalized vasospasm. How does gestosis manifest?

  • Protein is found in the urine of the expectant mother.
  • She develops swelling.
  • Blood pressure increases.

When should the belly become round?

Doctors say that with normal development of the baby, the belly of expectant mothers grows in the 5th month of pregnancy. That is, at 20 weeks you can see it without any problems.

As for girls who are pregnant with twins, they acquire their “maternal forms” already in the first trimester of the term.

If the expectant mother is expecting twins, her uterus increases in size already at 4 weeks. As a result, a girl pregnant with twins begins to gain weight earlier.

It is worth noting that in expectant mothers who are expecting twins, the belly grows not only due to the growth of the uterus and the presence of two embryos in the womb. This may occur due to the large amount of amniotic fluid in her body.

Factors that affect belly growth

Thus, we found out that the size of the tummy at different stages of pregnancy is a purely individual issue. However, there are universal factors that influence its growth.

  1. Hereditary predisposition. Our biological nature is entirely dependent on our genes. To make a forecast of when her belly will grow, the expectant mother can ask her relatives, as well as her husband’s relatives. First of all, a girl preparing to become a mother is recommended to find out how her mother’s pregnancy proceeded.
  2. Anatomical features. The roundness of the tummy largely depends on the woman’s body type, that is, on her height, weight, specific build, etc.
    It may seem that thin girls' bellies round out earlier than fat ones. However, this is not quite true. The growth of the abdomen is the same, it is just more noticeable in thin mothers.
  3. Number of births. As noted above, during the first pregnancy the belly grows more slowly. This is due to the fact that the abdominal muscles have never been stretched to such a state.
  4. Weight gain. Sometimes girls, having listened to the advice of their relatives, begin to eat a lot, like for two. As a result, they quickly gain weight and their belly increases in size.
  5. Fruit size. The growth rate of a child is largely determined by the “roundness” of his mother. If doctors predict the birth of a large baby, then the pregnant girl’s belly will begin to grow faster and earlier.
  6. Position of the fetus. Doctors say that if the embryo is located next to the spine, the belly will become noticeable only in late pregnancy. And if it is located next to the anterior uterine wall, this means that the expectant mother will “round up” faster.

Belly shape

Its shape plays a huge role in the second trimester of pregnancy. With normal development of the fetus and its correct location in the womb, the abdomen will have an ovoid shape.

If the expectant mother is diagnosed with polyhydramnios, then it will be spherical, and if the fetus is transverse, the abdomen will take the shape of a transverse oval.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, maternal roundness changes. So, in mothers who have a narrow pelvis, the tummy becomes pointed, pointed upward, and in those who give birth repeatedly, it sags.

Using this form, doctors determine the characteristics of pregnancy. People believe that the gender of the unborn child can be determined by the shape of the abdomen. In fact, this is a myth, because such assumptions are not made on a scientific basis.

Regardless of the shape of the belly, the expectant mother should be attentive to her health, because the normal course of pregnancy depends on it.

If she begins to feel unwell or has symptoms of any disease, she must definitely consult a doctor, since any illness of the mother will certainly affect the health of the unborn child.

Do pregnant women get stretch marks?

This question worries many women, especially those who care about their figure. Some representatives of the fair sex even refuse motherhood, fearing the appearance of stretch marks on their bodies. But do they really occur during pregnancy?

As you know, the abdominal muscles of the expectant mother are stretched. This is normal. Stretch marks are local skin lesions that occur primarily on the abdomen. What determines their appearance?

There are three main factors that cause stretch marks to appear on a woman’s body:

  1. Increase in the volume of the uterus.
  2. Abdominal growth rate.
  3. Features of a woman's skin.

The likelihood of stretch marks appearing on the expectant mother’s body is high in cases where the fetus in her womb is quite large, as well as when she is rapidly gaining weight.

A sharp change in weight almost always leads to the appearance of stretch marks on a woman’s body, and we are talking not only about weight gain, but also about weight loss.

Also, the risk of stretch marks increases when a woman is diagnosed with polyhydramnios during pregnancy.

The question arises: how to prevent their occurrence? Unfortunately, there is no universal method for preventing the appearance of stretch marks on the body.

There is also no universal method for removing them. However, there are several ways to reduce the likelihood of their occurrence.

Since the belly grows faster in the third trimester, therefore, the risk of stretch marks (striae) increases, the expectant mother can use special skin care products.

Cosmetologists advise using gentle creams with extracts of medicinal herbs. Such creams should be applied to the most “problem” areas where stretch marks may appear.

There is a special cosmetic series for pregnant women, which includes such creams. They contain vitamins A and E.

Also, the use of such cosmetics can improve blood circulation in the body of a pregnant woman.

The use of moisturizing creams intended for expectant mothers is also useful because it prevents the skin from drying out.

Another effective method for preventing stretch marks is massage. Expectant mothers benefit from body massage as it improves blood circulation in their body.

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