Oatmeal face masks. Oatmeal for the face - proven recipes for the most effective masks Oatmeal face mask for dry skin

Probably, there is no need to talk about the beneficial nutritional properties of oatmeal, since every woman knows for sure that the secret to a slim body and perfect shape lies precisely in the use of this natural product in her diet. But, in addition to its excellent nutritional properties, oatmeal can be a chic, inexpensive and very effective remedy for facial skin care.


What are the benefits of oatmeal masks for facial skin?

Oatmeal is a unique “storehouse” of nutrients, minerals, micro- and macroelements, vitamins and amino acids. Thanks to the amino acid content, oat flakes increase the protective properties of the skin; vitamins and minerals saturate the skin, nourish and moisturize it; B vitamins eliminate peeling, accelerate cell regeneration, slow down the aging process; silicon and sulfur fight wrinkles and tone the skin; calcium, phosphorus, iron tighten the skin, make it more elastic, and improve complexion.
The benefits of oatmeal are undeniable, as they:

  • have an anti-inflammatory effect, help fight rashes, pimples and acne;
  • have a rejuvenating effect, reduce wrinkles, slow down aging;
  • suitable for any skin type, including very dry, sensitive, prone to irritation;
  • eliminate peeling, remove the keratinized layer of the epidermis, reduce pores, renew skin cells, make the complexion smooth and matte.

Homemade oatmeal face mask recipe

To prepare a mask with oatmeal at home, you will need regular fine-grained flakes or flakes crushed in a coffee grinder to a powder. The classic recipe for a face mask with oatmeal is done like this: take 2-3 tbsp. flakes and add a small amount of warm water. Let the mixture swell slightly and then apply to your face for 15-25 minutes (until it dries completely). Instead of water, you can take kefir, yogurt, milk or sour cream. Below we will describe in more detail several oatmeal recipes with the addition of different ingredients.

This traditional oatmeal face mask cleanses the skin well, eliminates oily shine, removes blackheads, tightens and tones it. You can use this product as a homemade wash gel.

Face mask with oatmeal and honey

For dry and flabby skin, enlarged pores, acne, pimples and flaking, a mask using oatmeal and honey is perfect. In addition, this product has a whitening and antiseptic effect. To prepare it you will need:
1 tsp Soak oatmeal in a small amount of warm water. Then add 2 tbsp. liquid slightly warm honey. Mix the ingredients and apply the mask to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. After 20 minutes, rinse off the product with cool water.

Oatmeal mask for dry skin

Another excellent method to moisturize the skin, get rid of peeling and irritation, while tightening and rejuvenating the face, is a mask of oatmeal and sour cream for. As a result of its use, the skin is saturated with moisture, nourished with beneficial vitamins and minerals, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, and the face becomes fresh and healthy.

To prepare such a mask, take: pour 2 tbsp. oatmeal with warm milk and let it brew. Add 2 tbsp to the swollen pulp. fat sour cream or cream. Apply the mask to the skin, including around the eyes. After 20-25 minutes, rinse with warm water.

You can also simply mix rolled oats with sour cream, and add 0.5 tsp to the resulting mixture. lemon juice. Apply the mask to the skin for 20 minutes, avoiding, in this case, the skin around the eyes. Rinse off with warm water. This recipe is perfect for very dry, sensitive and irritated skin.

Regular use of oatmeal for facial skin care at home helps to get rid of many problems that are undesirable for women, including wrinkles. It doesn’t matter what kind of wrinkles they are - facial or age-related, every representative of the fair sex is looking for a simple, inexpensive and effective method of dealing with them. And this way can be masks made from rolled oats flakes.

So, if you want to rejuvenate your skin, tighten it, get rid of or prevent wrinkles, then you will be interested in the following recipe:
1 tbsp. Pour warm milk or heavy cream over oatmeal to form a slurry-like mixture. Let the mixture swell a little, and then apply it to the skin, including the area around the eyes. After 20-25 minutes, when the mask dries, rinse with warm water. For a faster effect, this remedy can be alternated with compresses made from oat infusion. To do this, brew 1 tbsp. oatmeal with one glass of boiling water. As soon as the broth reaches a pleasant temperature, strain it, soak 5-6 layers of gauze in it and apply a compress to the skin. So lie down for 15-20 minutes, then wash with water or herbal infusion.

Oatmeal face mask for acne

Regular use of oatmeal on your face will help you get rid of pimples and acne. To do this, you need to mix the following products in a 1:1 ratio: oatmeal, honey, iodized salt and aloe juice. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply to skin. After 15-17 minutes, rinse with cool water. This oatmeal mask dries the skin, heals wounds, and eliminates pimples and blackheads. During its use, the skin becomes clean, soft, elastic, and a healthy glow appears on the face.

Oatmeal and baking soda mask recipe

To thoroughly cleanse the skin and get rid of acne and blackheads, you can use a mask of rolled oatmeal flakes and soda. This recipe is one of the simplest and most effective variations on the theme of home peeling. To prepare the product, take:
Crushed 2 tbsp. Mix oatmeal with 1 tbsp. baking soda, then add some warm water to the powder and leave for 5 minutes to thicken. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin and hold for 10-15 minutes. To achieve the desired effect, apply the mask regularly.

IMPORTANT! A mask with soda has an aggressive effect on the skin, so use it before bed so that the skin can recover before the morning. If your skin is too dry and sensitive, then it is better not to use this recipe.

Oatmeal and kefir mask

An oatmeal mask is suitable for those women who have oily skin with enlarged pores. With its systematic use, the skin becomes matte, oily shine disappears, pores narrow, acne dries out and the number of blackheads decreases. To prepare the mask, you will need:
1 tbsp. Combine oatmeal with a small amount of kefir or yogurt. Apply the mixture to your face and hold for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off the mask with warm water.
In addition, this home remedy perfectly cleanses the skin and whitens it slightly.

Oat flour– a very valuable natural beneficial product for the skin, which, with long-term use, can eliminate wrinkles, make the skin more toned, elastic, youthful, fresh. Also, when using it, you can get rid of such cosmetic problems as skin peeling, irritation, pigmentation, acne and pimples.

Oatmeal masks are contraindicated for those who have open wounds on the face, dermatological problems, or dilated blood vessels.
To prepare oat flour, you need to grind Hercules flakes in a blender or using a coffee grinder. If you want to make an anti-aging product from flour, you will need:
1 tsp mix oatmeal with 2 tbsp. strong rosehip tincture. Mix the ingredients well to make a thick paste. Apply the warm (!!) mixture to the skin, and rinse off after 15-20 minutes.
This mask is suitable for long-term use. It perfectly tightens the skin, accelerates the process of cell regeneration, fights wrinkles, removes age spots, and makes the skin fresher and healthier.

IMPORTANT! If you experience a burning sensation while using the mask, then wash the product off your face, as most likely it is not suitable for you.

Washing with oatmeal will help get rid of many cosmetic problems associated with skin imperfections. This procedure is an inexpensive and very effective method for cleansing, moisturizing, and tightening the skin at home. After the first use, you will notice that the skin has become softer, smoother, flaking has disappeared, redness has decreased, pores have narrowed, and the oily sheen has gone away.
For the procedure of washing with oatmeal, you need to: moisten a handful of oatmeal directly in your palm with warm water, then rub the mixture into the skin with gentle massaging movements. Spread the “white goo” all over the skin and let it dry for 4-6 minutes. Next, rinse off the product with cool water. Do these washes in a course: ten procedures every day, then repeat after 2-3 weeks.

Everyone has been told about the benefits of oatmeal since childhood, but few people know about the beneficial effects of oatmeal on the skin when used externally. This wonderful product can be compared in effectiveness to many salon procedures. The product perfectly cleanses, nourishes, fills cells with useful substances, helps get rid of acne and oily shine. Masks with oatmeal are an excellent solution for skin care at home.

Benefits of oatmeal face masks:

  1. Moisturize, nourish the skin, fill it with vitamins and minerals, and give tone.
  2. They help fight wrinkles; many anti-aging home remedies have been invented based on oatmeal.
  3. They treat acne, pimples, help normalize sebum secretion, and mattify.
  4. Eliminate peeling and remove dead cells.
  5. Increases the protective functions of the skin and helps resist the harmful effects of the environment.

Advice! If unfamiliar ingredients are added to oatmeal, it is advisable to conduct a mini-sensitivity test. To do this, lubricate the wrist or inner bend of the elbow with the new product, leave for 30 minutes, and monitor the reaction throughout the day.

Cereal selection and preparation

It is not advisable to use instant cereal for masks; it is better to take the simplest and cheapest oatmeal. It does not go through many stages of processing; everything valuable in the grain is preserved. The product for masks is usually crushed. You can use a coffee grinder or mortar and pestle for this purpose. If the recipe specifies oatmeal, then the grind should be fine; there is no need to sift anything.

General principles for preparing an oatmeal mask:

  1. Pour liquid at room temperature over oatmeal. Dairy products, herbal infusions or pure water are usually used.
  2. Additional ingredients should also not be cold. If oils or honey are provided, they are heated.
  3. Stir the ingredients until smooth. It is more convenient to first mix the dry ingredients in a bowl, then pour in liquids, oils, honey.
  4. It is better to apply the mixture in a thick layer to increase the exposure time. This can be done with a brush or your fingertips.
  5. Remove the mixture with a sponge or wash it off immediately. For oily types, it is better to use cool water. If the skin is dry, then remove the mask with warm liquid.
  6. After removing the product from the face, it is advisable to use a tonic, then apply a cream suitable for your skin type.

Dishes, brushes, sticks for stirring home remedies and hands should be clean. To dilute the flakes, you can use mineral water, melt water, or simply boiled water. If juices are used in the recipe, you need to make them yourself. Packaged products are not suitable for cosmetic purposes.

Video: Oatmeal mask for any skin type

Anti-inflammatory and cleansing masks

Recipes for homemade oatmeal face masks that will help eliminate excess oily skin, cleanse clogged pores, and reduce the number of blackheads and pimples. A common addition is baking soda, aspirin, lemon juice, or tea tree oil.

Important! If there are severe inflammations and pustules on the skin, then you should not rub these places and do a scrub, so as not to worsen the situation. The mask is applied carefully and removed the same way.

Recipe for a lightening mask for blackheads

Cleanses pores, removes dead scales, brightens the face. Not suitable for sensitive skin types.

Oatmeal – 1 tbsp. l.
Baking soda – 1 tsp.
Warm water or herbal decoction – 4-5 tbsp. l.

Combine ground oatmeal with baking soda, dilute the mixture with warm water to form a thin paste. Wet your face, apply the mixture, massage for a minute, paying special attention to areas with enlarged pores and blackheads. Leave for 10 minutes.

Anti-inflammatory mask for pimples

Relieves inflammation, has a bactericidal effect, suitable for oily and combination skin.

Ground flakes - 2 tbsp. l.
Tea tree oil – 3 drops

Pour ground oatmeal with water or low-fat kefir, stir, and leave for 10 minutes. Add oil and apply to cleansed face. Leave the mixture for 15 minutes, rinse the skin. In case of severe inflammatory processes, additionally treat problem areas with an antiseptic.

Purifying and mattifying oatmeal mask with lemon

Reduces skin oiliness, removes shine, lightens blackheads.

Cereals – 1 tbsp. l.
Lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.
Water – 3 tbsp. l.

Combine all ingredients according to the list, grind until smooth, lubricate your face with the prepared mixture, leave for 10 to 20 minutes, remove. Rinse the skin with cold water and wipe with tonic.

Mask with aspirin

Mattifies, brightens, cleanses, reduces inflammation. May cause slight redness of the skin.

Oatmeal – 2 tbsp. l.
Aspirin – 2 tablets
Aevit – 2 capsules
Chamomile or nettle decoction – 60 ml

This oatmeal mask is best prepared with regular aspirin tablets - acetylsalicylic acid. Mash, add to crushed flakes, squeeze out vitamins, stir and dilute with warm herbal decoction or plain water. Mix thoroughly and apply a thick layer to the face. Leave for 20 minutes.

Anti-aging oat masks

The main task of anti-aging masks with oatmeal is to restore elasticity to the facial skin. In addition, they moisturize, smooth out wrinkles, and improve facial contours. Additional ingredients usually include dairy products, eggs, honey, fruits and vegetables, and oils.

Recipe for a mask with honey and cream

Nourishes, fills cells with moisture, gives aging skin a well-groomed appearance. Suitable for normal and dry skin types.

Oatmeal – 1 tbsp. l.
Cream – 3 tbsp. l.
Honey – 1 tbsp. l.

Combine all ingredients with ground oatmeal, generously lubricate your face and neck with the resulting mass, leave for 30 minutes.

Recipe with milk and carrot juice

Improves color, fills the skin with vitamins, makes it velvety, and gives the face a rested look.

Cereals – 1 tbsp. l.
Carrot juice – 1 tbsp. l.
Milk – 3 tbsp. l.
Coconut oil – 1 tsp.

Add warm coconut oil to the ground oatmeal, add carrot juice and milk. If the mass turns out to be thick, you can dilute it further. Stir, lubricate clean face, leave. As soon as the mixture begins to dry, remove the mask with warm water.

Firming lifting mask with protein

Improves contours, restores elasticity, brightens. For all skin types.

Protein – 1 pc.
Oatmeal – 1 tsp.
Water – 3 tsp.

Beat the egg whites into a light foam, add water and flour-ground flakes, stir, apply the mixture to your face in a thin layer. After 5 minutes the skin will begin to tighten, it’s time to renew the mask. Leave the second layer for 5-7 minutes, then remove.

Oatmeal masks for different skin types

The main task of such oatmeal masks is to normalize the condition of the skin and improve its appearance. If the type is oily, then remove shine and mattify. For increased dryness, moisturize.

For oily type

Removes shine, refreshes, cleanses pores and prevents the appearance of blackheads.

Oatmeal – 1 tsp.
Cosmetic clay – 1 tsp.
Lemon juice – 1 tsp.
Nettle decoction – 30 ml

Mix the dry ingredients according to the recipe, add lemon juice, dilute the mixture with nettle decoction. Apply an oatmeal mask to your face, wait until it dries, remove with a sponge, and wash with cool water.

For dry type

Fills cells with moisture, smoothes, prevents aging and the appearance of wrinkles.

Oatmeal – 1 tbsp. l.
Aloe juice – 1 tbsp. l.
Cream – 3 tbsp. l.
Pharmacy glycerin – 0.5 tsp.

Combine the ingredients in a bowl, grind until smooth, apply to clean skin with a brush or fingertips. Leave the mask to absorb for 20 minutes, remove with warm water, lubricate the skin with a cream suitable for your type.

For combination skin

Nourishes, improves appearance, eliminates shine in the T-zone.

Ground oatmeal - 2 parts
Lemon juice – 1 part
Sour cream 15% – 2 parts

Add sour cream to half the oatmeal, stir, set aside. Pour a spoonful of water and lemon juice into the second part according to the recipe. Apply the first mixture to your cheeks. Apply the second mask to the T-zone (fatty areas: forehead, nose, chin). Leave the product on your face until the mixture begins to dry out.

Video: Recipe for a universal oatmeal mask

Nutritionists say that those who start their mornings with oatmeal are not only cheerful all day, they also remain more energetic into old age and live longer than those who do not like oatmeal.
How can one not use these magical properties of oatmeal in cosmetology? After all, oatmeal is useful not only when taken orally, it accelerates cell regeneration, and oatmeal masks will make the skin of the face and body more youthful and give it a radiant appearance. Regular use of oatmeal masks helps get rid of pimples and blackheads. How to properly make a mask from oatmeal?

Oatmeal face mask

First, you need to note exactly what beneficial substances are contained in oatmeal. Oatmeal includes:

  • verntramid,
  • beta glucan,
  • active biological substances,
  • fatty acid,
  • minerals,
  • vitamins.

This is the “modest” list of ingredients that regular oatmeal has. Now we’ll tell you exactly how all these components can help. Take, for example, the first substances: ventramide and beta-glucan.

They are absolutely unique in their properties and have an antioxidant effect. An excellent proof of this fact is the information that the best cosmetic companies always add these substances to their products.

And do not forget that all drugs that help soften, moisturize and even rejuvenate the skin must include beta-glucan and ventramide.

Now let's move on to the beneficial vitamins that are also found in oatmeal. Vitamin E and silicon, which are part of oatmeal, have very important properties. Silicon in particular has a unique smoothing effect.

It can easily rid the skin of fine wrinkles and will help heal colloidal scars on the skin without any problems.

Oatmeal face masks recipes

Let's look at the most effective recipes.

Recipe 1 - Homemade oatmeal face mask for wrinkles - oatmeal - honey - olive oil - kefir (milk - cream)
Mix 1 tablespoon of oatmeal and 1 teaspoon each of honey, olive oil and kefir (milk or cream). Mix and apply to face for 10-15 minutes. Wash off the mask with a brewed chamomile tea bag. Then wash your face with the tea itself and let it dry on your face naturally.

Recipe 2 - Oatmeal mask for dry skin – oatmeal – yolk – cream
Grind 3 tablespoons of oatmeal in a coffee grinder, add 1 egg yolk and 2 teaspoons of cream. Apply to face for 10 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Recipe 3 - Mask for aging facial skin with oatmeal at home - oatmeal + honey + cream + carrot juice.
Pour 2 tablespoons of oatmeal with 4 tablespoons of warm, heavy cream, let the flakes swell. Add 1 tablespoon carrot juice and 1 teaspoon honey. Apply to face and décolleté for 15 minutes. Wash with warm water and lubricate the skin with nourishing cream.

Recipe 4 – Oatmeal face mask - for tired skin – oatmeal – honey – kefir – lemon juice
Pour 1 tablespoon of oatmeal with 3 tablespoons of kefir, let stand, add a quarter teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of honey. Mix everything and apply to face. Rinse off after 20 minutes with warm water. Wash with weak cold brewed green tea and do not get wet. This mask is also suitable for dry skin.

Recipe 5 – Folk oatmeal face mask with a tightening effect – oatmeal - salt (soda)
Pour 1 tablespoon of flakes with 4 tablespoons of boiling water, let stand, add a quarter teaspoon of salt. Stir well. Apply to skin for 10 minutes. Rinse with water at room temperature.
If you use this mask to get rid of acne, you need to add soda instead of salt.

Recipe 6 – Homemade oatmeal mask for normal to oily skin – oatmeal – cream – apple juice – orange juice – parsley
Pour 4 tablespoons of thick warm cream into 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, let it brew, add 1 tablespoon of fresh apple juice and 6 drops of orange juice, mix, apply the mask to the face for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm parsley decoction.

Recipe 7 - Oatmeal face mask for sensitive skin – oatmeal – olive oil – honey – essential oil
Pour 2 tablespoons of oatmeal with 2 tablespoons of boiling water, add 1 teaspoon of olive oil, half a teaspoon of honey, 1 drop of tea tree essential oil. Mix everything, apply the mask on your face for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Recipe 8 – Face mask with oatmeal - “For those over 30” - oatmeal + honey + grapefruit juice
Pour 2 tablespoons of oatmeal with 4 tablespoons of grapefruit juice, let it swell and add 1 teaspoon of honey. Wash off with chamomile tea after 15 minutes. For dry skin, grapefruit juice can be replaced with a decoction of linden blossom - 1 tablespoon per quarter cup of boiling water. Wash off this mask with a decoction of linden blossom.

Recipe 9 – Oatmeal mask to brighten facial skin
Pour 2 tablespoons of oatmeal with 4 tablespoons of hot water, crush after 10 minutes and apply to the face for 15 minutes. Rinse with water at room temperature.

Recipe 10 - Oatmeal mask for facial skin with a rejuvenating effect - oatmeal + aloe vera + olive oil
Grind 2 tablespoons of oatmeal in a coffee grinder, pour 2 tablespoons of boiling water over them, let them swell, add 2 tablespoons of aloe juice and 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Apply to face and neck for 10 minutes, rinse with warm water, and then wash with cool water.

The Best Oatmeal Face Masks

A mask with oatmeal and honey is a simple and inexpensive way to refresh and nourish your face at home. This mask will relieve inflammation, nourish the skin and make it smooth, and also promote facial skin regeneration. And all this thanks to the healing properties of the components of this simple mask:

  • Honey contains fatty acids and minerals, moisturizes and smoothes the skin. Honey also helps clean pores and is a good bactericide.
  • Oatmeal rich in proteins, fats and carbohydrates and contains a lot of useful elements - iron, calcium, iodine, phosphorus, zinc, silicon, vitamins E, B and fatty acids. Oatmeal also contains B vitamins biotin, which is good for the skin and prevents dermatitis and antioxidants giving youth.

Before choosing a mask recipe suitable for your skin, we remind you that honey is a strong allergen and if you are allergic to this product, it is better not to risk it and look for other recipes for face masks at home.

Honey and oatmeal face mask recipe

Take a teaspoon of slightly warmed (to a liquid state) honey and a teaspoon of oatmeal. Mix the ingredients into a thick sticky mass and apply the honey and oatmeal mask to a thoroughly cleansed face for 10-15 minutes. Wash off the honey and oatmeal mask with warm water.

We also suggest you try other popular nourishing masks with oatmeal and honey that you can prepare at home:

Face mask made of oatmeal, honey and yolk

Pour boiling water over 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, grind the oatmeal into a soft paste and add 1 egg yolk and a teaspoon of honey. Mix thoroughly and apply for 10-15 minutes. This mask with egg yolk, honey and oatmeal is good for dry skin.

Homemade face mask with oatmeal, honey and milk

This mask whitens and nourishes the skin. To prepare the mask you will need 1 protein, a teaspoon each of milk, honey and lemon juice, as well as oatmeal. Beat the egg white, add milk, honey and lemon juice. Add oatmeal until a thick mixture is obtained. Apply the prepared mask of oatmeal, honey and milk to cleansed facial skin for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Oatmeal, honey and olive oil face mask

This mask will refresh and well moisturize your face. To prepare the mask, mix 1 tablespoon of oatmeal with 1 teaspoon of plain yogurt and grind to a medium consistency. Then add 1 teaspoon of liquid honey and a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil and mix thoroughly again. Apply the resulting mixture to your face for 15-20 minutes, rinse off the oatmeal-honey mask with water at room temperature.

Traditional face mask made from oatmeal

Now we will learn how to prepare the simplest basic oatmeal mask. Follow all the steps, and in just a couple of minutes your beauty mask will be ready.

Cooking method:

  1. Take 2 tablespoons of oatmeal.
  2. Boil water in a kettle.
  3. Pour boiling water over the required amount of flakes.
  4. We wait 3 minutes for the flakes to brew.

Our mask is ready!

So we were able to prepare a basic face mask from oatmeal without any problems in a couple of minutes. Now you can use it and see the amazing effect.

Using an oatmeal mask for acne

When the mask is ready, it can be applied to the skin of the face. Remember that you should only apply the mask to previously cleansed skin. Keep the mask on your face until it dries completely. After this, you can wash off the oatmeal mask.

Advice: For best results, rinse off the oatmeal mask with cool water.

How can a basic oatmeal mask help your skin? It will give you the opportunity to get rid of severe acne and annoying pimples.

The results are known that when no cosmetic product helped get rid of such an unpleasant problem, it was the oatmeal mask that helped. It is best to do this mask every other day, and you will very soon see amazing results on your face.

Quick effect of an oatmeal mask

If you don’t have time to make a mask regularly and you need a clean face without pimples and blackheads literally today, then oatmeal can also help you with this. There is a secret that will help make an oatmeal mask for acne fast-acting. To do this, you just need to add a teaspoon of soda to our basic mask and mix the resulting mixture.

In this option, you will see a clear result after the first wash off of the oatmeal and baking soda mask. What will happen to the face? After combining oatmeal and baking soda, the pores on your face will immediately shrink, redness will disappear, and your skin color will become as even and “alive” as possible.

After the first time, you will be able to see how the skin will become matte and the appearance of oily sheen will disappear. Pimples, of course, will not disappear the first time, but they will become almost invisible after the first use. Therefore, in emergency situations, you can use oatmeal to get rid of troubles on your face in this cunning way.

Nourish and cleanse facial skin

In order to completely cleanse the skin on your face, as well as enrich it with vitamins, you need to use a special cleansing mask made from oatmeal. To prepare it, you just need to mix the same 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, 1 teaspoon of heavy cream and 3 small strawberries.

Advice: The scrub mask is best applied with massage movements in a circle, rubbing it into the skin.

This mask should be kept on your face for about 10 minutes and then washed off with warm water. It is best to use a facial moisturizer after this procedure.

We enrich the skin with vitamins: add honey and kefir

If you want to arrange a holiday for your face and “feed” it with the healthiest vitamins, then let’s start preparing the most nutritious and healthy mask. To do this, you need to mix oatmeal, olive oil, liquid honey and kefir in equal proportions.

This face mask with oatmeal and honey will not take a lot of time and money, but it will bring a fantastic effect on the face. You need to use this mask of kefir and oatmeal once or twice a week.

It is best to keep this mask on for longer, about 20 minutes. Then the skin of the face will be provided with the most beneficial vitamins A and E, and will acquire an even color and a pleasant velvety feel. And you can completely forget about wrinkles!

The perfect oatmeal face mask

This cereal contains antioxidants that are important for skin health. These are aventramide and beta-glucans. The latter substances are involved in moisturizing the dermis, and therefore oatmeal for facial skin is widely used in cosmetology to create facial and hair care products. These include moisturizing, toning, rejuvenating and softening serums, creams, lotions, and mask compositions.

Oatmeal also contains biological additives that are vital to the dermis and have a high level of activity.

They form a successful “symbiosis” with vitamins B and E, various fatty acids, potassium, phosphorus, and silicon. Thanks to the latter, oatmeal for the face is very useful because it helps colloidal scars heal faster.

  1. How to properly apply an oatmeal face mask
  2. Before putting a face mask with oatmeal on the problem area, clean it with scrubs. Use a cotton swab to do this.
  3. For better absorption of the product by the skin, first apply a warm compress to it for 5 minutes. For this, use a terry cloth soaked in chamomile infusion or heated water.
  4. If the dermis is dry, it is recommended to lubricate it before the procedure with any cream with nourishing properties.
  5. Apply a face mask with oatmeal to the surface in a thin layer, rubbing further along the entire perimeter (excluding eyelids and lips). Do this gently, slowly, moving along the massage lines.
  1. To prevent the mixture from getting into your eyes, cover them with a tissue.

Important! If you choose between large and small flakes, it is better to give preference to the second option. These are the ones that are considered the most useful.


The oatmeal selected for the mask is medium-sized, clean, without black spots. It is measured with a tablespoon

This face mask with oatmeal and honey is prepared as follows: mix flakes (20 g), honey heated on the stove (1 teaspoon), kefir - 1 tbsp. l. Let the mixture cool, then lubricate problem areas with it. Wash off the mixture after 10 minutes. This product not only tightens well, but also gives the skin a natural glow.

Soak flakes (20 g) in warm kefir (50 ml), add 1 tbsp. l. cream. Wait until the raw material swells; it should become soft, without lumps. Mix it with 2-3 drops of carrot juice. Use oatmeal as a face mask to apply to problem areas, after 15 minutes, wash with water. It not only perfectly relieves irritation on the face, but also helps with redness, minor inflammation, and acne. Suitable for all skin types.


Option 1

Pour natural yoghurt without fruit over the oatmeal. The mixture should be quite thick. Add 1 tsp to it. linden honey of liquid consistency, the same amount of olive oil. Mix everything well and rub the mixture over the desired area. After 20 minutes, remove it with a damp cloth. This oatmeal face mask leaves your skin feeling fresh, moisturized and fresh.

Option 2

The composition of coarse wheat flour with Hercules flakes also cleanses the dermis quite well. Mix two ingredients (1 to 1), pour them with lemon juice, diluted in half. The liquid must completely cover the raw material. Take a little mass with your fingers, rub it into your face, follow the massage lines. Face masks with oatmeal made from this composition are left on the surface for several minutes, then removed using wet wipes. After washing, lubricate the treated areas with moisturizing cream. Over time, you will be able to whiten your face a little at home and make it cleaner.


Add 15 g of oatmeal to liquid sour cream (2 tbsp.), mix them. Pour 5 drops of lemon juice over the ingredients (fresh is needed). Apply the mass to the face using the pads of your fingers. Having done this, oatmeal face masks at home are left for a quarter of an hour. Afterwards, rinse with water. Prepared according to this recipe, it cleanses, tones and refreshes well.


Mix kefir with oatmeal in a container with a spoon. The consistency is medium thick, the mass does not spill on the face and dries well. Stir the mixture until there are no lumps

This remedy will help with acne on the face. Pour boiling water (3 tbsp) over oatmeal (1 tbsp). The mass should not be very thick and not too liquid. Let the mixture sit until it cools. Then apply it to the desired area. It is important to do this so that the oatmeal face mask for acne lies in one layer, evenly. Then sit like this for up to 10 minutes. Remove it when it hardens a little. To achieve the desired effect, it is recommended to use it once every other day.


Pour boiled black tea over oatmeal (1 to 2). Stir the resulting slurry, cover with a lid, and let it brew. After 10 minutes, add 5 drops of lemon or orange juice to the container and stir the mixture again. Place it on your face and let it sit for 10 minutes. Complete the procedure by washing with water (warm!). This oatmeal mask is suitable for dry and problematic skin that needs cleansing and toning. It helps it become smoother and more elastic.

Moisturizing + acne

Option 1

Mix all ingredients together. Apply an oatmeal face mask against acne using massage movements in a circle. After 20 minutes, rinse off the composition and use a moisturizing cream instead. This option is suitable for those with problematic, dry skin with acne.

Option 2

With a normal type of dermis, it is better to prepare such a remedy. Mix crushed walnuts (volume 50 ml) with olive oil (1 tsp), honey (1 tsp), pumpkin pulp (1 tablespoon) and flakes in an amount of 2 tsp. This composition is used three times a week as a peeling, a cleansing face mask of oatmeal and honey, and a moisturizer. It also helps get rid of unhealthy skin tone.


To care for oily skin, it is recommended to mix cucumber puree without peel and flakes in equal volume. If it is dry, then you can add a little wheat flour to these components. Then you need to beat the mass, take it with your fingertips and rub it into the desired areas for 2-3 minutes. After 15 minutes, wash it off.

Oatmeal used as a mask for the face allows, according to reviews of those who resort to it, to solve a lot of skin problems. With their help, you can whiten it, clean it, nourish it with valuable substances, restore it, improve elasticity, and much more. etc. At the same time, preparing such a product does not put a strain on the wallet and does not require much time.

Video: Oatmeal face mask

Oats and honey are real natural wealth, whose beneficial qualities have been known to mankind since ancient times. These foods are often included in the diet because they help saturate the body with many nutritional components. Another area of ​​their application is the production of natural cosmetics. Thus, a face mask made of honey and oatmeal helps cleanse the skin and smooth out wrinkles.

Honey is one of the most common means for the production of natural cosmetic preparations. The beekeeping product prevents skin aging, enhances epidermal regeneration, reduces inflammation and kills pathogenic microorganisms. That is why it is often used as the main ingredient in homemade cosmetics.

Oatmeal, which contains many micro- and macroelements, improves nutrition and skin protection. And since this component does not need to be thermally treated before use, the face will also feel the benefits of vitamin elements.

A face mask with oatmeal and honey is a universal cosmetic product suitable for the fair sex of all ages. For example, its use would not be out of place in the following cases:

  • teenage acne, acne, and other signs of problematic skin;
  • dry skin;
  • dull and “lifeless” skin;
  • symptoms of aging (wrinkles, loss of elasticity);
  • skin fatigue (saturates the epidermis with vitamins and minerals).

And if, instead of gentle application, you lightly massage your face with a mixture of honey and oatmeal, you can achieve a scrub effect and exfoliate dead cells of the upper layer of skin.

Cosmetics recipes

A mask with oatmeal and honey is a basic cosmetic product. By adding auxiliary ingredients, the capabilities of the drug are significantly expanded. There are many modifications of the honey-hercules mixture.

Read also: Recipes for a Chinese beauty mask made from honey, starch and salt

Classic mask of oatmeal and honey

To make the product you will need:

  • a teaspoon of honey;
  • a tablespoon of “Hercules”;
  • some water.

Oatmeal should be soaked in warm water and melted honey should be added to it. The mixture must be kept for a quarter of an hour, then rinsed off with cool mineral water. The product relieves inflammation, demonstrates whitening and anti-acne effects.

Honey-oat mask with olive oil

The recipe includes the following ingredients:

  • chicken egg yolk;
  • 3 tablespoons of Hercules cereal;
  • a teaspoon of honey;
  • a teaspoon of olive oil.

The yolk, butter and honey should be mixed in a small container, then oatmeal is added there and stirred again. This viscous mixture is kept on the face for no more than a quarter of an hour. The product made from flakes with oil helps to moisturize and soften aging skin.

Lifting mask with cream

To get the skin tightening effect, you need to take:

  • a tablespoon of honey;
  • 1.5 teaspoons of gelatin;
  • 100 ml heavy cream;
  • 2 tablespoons glycerin.

Gelatin is diluted in warm cream and waited for half an hour. Then honey and glycerin are added to the white viscous liquid. If the product has already cooled down, preheat it a little. Keep the mixture on the skin for half an hour. It perfectly rejuvenates and saturates the skin with vitamins.

Oatmeal is not only a valuable dietary and baby food product, but also an excellent component for the manufacture of cosmetics for skin care. The main advantage of oatmeal is its benefits for facial skin in various conditions, as well as the ability to solve many problems with oatmeal. In addition, oatmeal is as beneficial for the skin as treatments in a beauty salon, but homemade face masks are several times cheaper.

Washing your face with oatmeal and masks based on it have taken their rightful place in the arsenal of many girls who take care of their appearance and want to maintain attractiveness and youth for as long as possible.

Benefits of oatmeal for the face

The beneficial properties of oatmeal for the skin are explained by the unique composition of the product. Oatmeal contains valuable microelements that moisturize, nourish and regenerate the skin. When using home remedies based on oatmeal, the skin becomes elastic, firm, clean and velvety. Depending on the characteristics of the skin, you can prepare masks, scrubs and wash mixtures.

Oatmeal face scrub

Facial scrub with oatmeal is a universal remedy for cleansing and nourishing the skin. It is recommended for absolutely any skin, including even very sensitive skin. It is a universal source of fiber, which promotes restoration, regeneration and softening of the face. With regular use, a facial scrub normalizes metabolic processes, protects the skin from infections, smoothes and increases skin elasticity, solves the problem of age spots, and also reduces inflammatory processes.

Washing with oatmeal has an excellent cleansing effect, so it is recommended for skin prone to acne. It is extremely gentle even on super sensitive skin that cannot be cleaned with abrasive scrubs. Cleansing your face with oatmeal helps with acne, pimples and various skin irritations. The advantage of this product is its gentle effect on the skin, as well as its moisturizing effect. It reduces inflammation and does not dry out the skin.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

If we talk about cleansing facial skin, then we need to mention not only the beneficial properties, but also the fact that there are contraindications. In this case, we are talking about people who suffer from celiac disease or, more simply put, intolerance to cereals. Most often, harm can only be caused by consuming it as a food product. But in especially severe cases, negative reactions may also occur when using oatmeal as a component of cleansing masks.

There are no other contraindications to the use of oatmeal. Therefore, if allergic reactions or other problems occur as a result of using oatmeal masks, then most likely the reaction occurs to other components of the product.

Recipes for homemade face masks with oatmeal

You can make various products from it at home. Available components can be used. Let's look at 11 of the most effective folk mask recipes that you can make yourself.

Oatmeal mask for acne

If you need a high-quality mask for problematic facial skin, the best solution is to use a mixture of flakes and aspirin.


  • Oatmeal – 20 gr.
  • Aspirin – 5 tablets.
  • Vitamin E and A.
  • Milk – 10 ml.

Steam oatmeal with hot milk. Crush aspirin tablets and add to oatmeal. You should also add vitamin A and E capsules to the mask, which promote skin regeneration. Apply the resulting mixture to a previously cleansed face. Pay special attention to problem areas of the skin. Remove the mixture using cotton pads, rubbing along the massage lines. Oatmeal against acne is recommended at the first signs of acne, blackheads and other inflammatory processes.

Oatmeal and honey mask

The healthiest and most effective mask that can be made from oatmeal includes oatmeal and honey. These are two unique products that nourish, moisturize and improve metabolic processes in skin cells.


  • Honey – 30 ml.
  • Oatmeal – 20 gr.

Grind using a blender or coffee grinder. Heat honey and mix. Mix thoroughly and apply to the skin of the neck, décolleté and face. Wash off the mask after 10–15 minutes. To increase the effectiveness of the product, it is recommended to steam the skin with an infusion of medicinal herbs before using it.

Oatmeal mask for dry skin

Dry skin is in greatest need of nourishment and hydration. To prepare such a mask, it is recommended to use avocado, which helps moisturize the skin and prevent it from flaking.


  • Avocado – 50 gr.
  • Honey – 20 ml.
  • Oatmeal – 20 gr.
  • Olive oil – 10 ml.

Mix all ingredients and apply to skin with massage movements. Wash off after half an hour.

Oatmeal mask for oily skin

To refresh and rejuvenate oily and combination skin, it is recommended to use a mixture of oatmeal and lemon. You can also use oatmeal to cleanse your face and tone it.


  • Oatmeal – 30 gr.
  • Lemon juice – 20 ml.
  • Liquid honey – 20 ml.

Heat the honey in a water bath, add freshly squeezed lemon juice and oatmeal. Use the mask only on problem areas of the skin. It is recommended to steam your face before applying the mixture.

Oatmeal Purifying Mask

With its help, effective facial cleansing can be carried out. To do this, use a natural mask based on oatmeal and kefir.


  • Honey – 10 ml.
  • Oatmeal – 20 gr.
  • Kefir – 30 ml.

Mix all ingredients and apply to face, following massage lines. Leave the mixture on for a few minutes and then rinse off with cool water.

Oatmeal mask for wrinkles

An excellent rejuvenating and nourishing mask is prepared on the basis of oatmeal and grape juice. It perfectly tightens sagging skin and makes the face fresh and healthy.


  • Cereals – 20 gr.
  • Grapes – 100 gr.
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Lemon – ½ pc.

Squeeze the juice of half a lemon and a small bunch of grapes. Add egg and oatmeal. Use once a week to maintain youthful skin.

Oatmeal tightening mask

Oatmeal and egg are used to smooth, tighten and moisturize the skin.


  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Oatmeal – 30 gr.
  • Honey – 20 ml.
  • Olive oil – 10 ml.

Grind the flakes and heat the honey. Add the remaining ingredients and mix thoroughly. Use for regular care of aging skin.

Oatmeal and kefir mask

Oatmeal is widely used to moisturize and rejuvenate the face. A face mask based on it promotes skin regeneration and tightens its contour.


  • Honey – 20 ml.
  • Oatmeal – 40 gr.
  • Kefir – 50 ml.
  • Strawberries – 2 pcs.

Prepare strawberry puree. Add to it the flakes crushed in a coffee grinder, kefir and liquid honey. Facial care with this product should be performed at least once a week.

Oatmeal and sour cream mask

If you need a high-quality nourishing oatmeal mask, prepare it with sour cream and banana.


  • Banana – ½ pc.
  • Water – 10 ml.
  • Oatmeal – 30 gr.
  • Sour cream – 20 gr.

Prepare a thick paste from banana and sour cream. Steam the oatmeal with water. Combine both mixtures. Use as a nourishing mask 1-2 times a week.

Oatmeal and protein mask

If your skin has become flabby and dull, you can prepare a toning mask with your own hands. It will be a real salvation for aging skin.


  • Protein – 1 pc.
  • Oatmeal – 30 gr.
  • Corn oil – 10 ml.

Prepare a thick mixture of protein, cereal and vegetable oil. Apply with massage movements to neck and face. Use as a primary anti-aging treatment.

Oatmeal and milk mask

To prepare a natural scrub mask for problem skin, you can use a mixture of oatmeal, milk and cucumber.


  • Cucumber – ½ pc.
  • Milk – 20 ml.
  • Oatmeal – 30 gr.

Grind the cucumber using a fine grater. Add cereal steamed in milk. Use the finished mask as a scrub for problem skin.

Video recipe: Homemade oatmeal mask for any skin type

Oatmeal for the face: reviews of use

Alina, 33 years old

I regularly exfoliate my face using flakes and natural berries. This mixture carefully removes dead cells and makes the face fresh and velvety.

Tamara, 27 years old

To combat acne and inflammation on the face, I use it with baking soda. I just steam it with milk and add a little soda.

Natalya, 24 years old

My favorite skin tightening product is a mixture of oatmeal, which I grind thoroughly using a coffee grinder, and honey. I've been using it for over a year now and the results are obvious.

Video recipe: Washing with oatmeal + face mask at home

"Author of the article: Veronika Belova": Graduated with honors from the LOKON Academy of Beauty Industry. Mother of a beautiful child. I like to experiment, I constantly try different products, masks (including cooking with my own hands), techniques that can make us beautiful and healthy. I'm in

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