How to use hair oil: complete care at home. Hair oil, benefits, application Why do we need hair oils?

To keep your hair healthy and attractive, in addition to regular care, you need to use natural hair oils. They prevent hair loss, strengthen hair follicles, saturate them with vitamins and valuable substances, increasing their elasticity and firmness, giving a natural glow. In addition, oils can accelerate hair growth and get rid of dandruff.

Benefits of hair oil.
Natural vegetable oils can be called the most valuable find for hair. Due to their diverse composition, they exhibit strengthening, moisturizing, smoothing, restoring, and nourishing abilities. Their regular use gives elasticity to the strands, makes them more manageable, improves their appearance, and also restores and preserves their natural shine. When applied to the hair, the oil creates a kind of film that retains moisture deep in the hair shaft and protects against protein destruction, which occurs against the background of frequent thermal exposure (blow-drying, straightening, curling, etc.). Natural oils are also useful to use after coloring your hair; they will make the color brighter and more saturated, and prevent drying.

Hair oil, methods of use.
There are several ways to use the oil. The easiest way is to distribute hair oil through damp strands immediately after washing. This procedure will not only make combing easier, but will also act as thermal protection. To moisturize the strands and give a natural shine, apply the oil immediately after styling. It is also recommended to apply hair oil to the strands as a protective agent before going to the beach or pool. There is one nuance here: first you need to hold the oil a little on your palms, rub it between them, warming it, and then you can apply it to your hair. It is very good to add oils to ready-made skincare cosmetics, this increases their effectiveness several times. To restore damage, oil is rubbed into the roots and applied to the strands, paying special attention to the ends. The oil is preheated and applied warm. Carry out the procedure at night, wrap it with cotton cloth on top so as not to stain the bed linen. In the morning you need to wash your hair with shampoo. In the latter case, the oil can be combined with various essential oils, the choice of which is made taking into account the problem being solved and the expected effect.

The most effective hair oils.

Natural oils, namely their composition, contain a huge number of substances that are most beneficial for hair, including those that provide protection, nutrition and stimulate growth. Below is a list of the most popular and effective oils for hair care.

Argan oil.
This species is very rare, which is why it is so valuable and expensive. The tree from whose fruit this oil is extracted is found only in the southwestern part of Morocco. The benefits of argan oil for hair are simply invaluable. It is effective for any type, saturates the roots and hair follicles with the substances necessary for their full growth. The oil supplies the scalp with the necessary amount of moisture, has a strengthening and restorative effect, and activates intensive hair growth processes. Its regular use revitalizes strands, smoothes them, adds shine, volume and lightness without weighing them down, and eliminates dandruff. Argan oil will also benefit porous hair, restore colored hair, and also prevent hair loss. Thanks to its excellent soothing properties, the oil is able to eliminate inflammation and irritation from the scalp.

Marula oil.
This rather rare oil is rich in vitamin C. Suitable for caring for any hair type. Regular use as a stand-alone product and added to masks maintains the ideal level of hydration of the scalp, supplies the roots with essential nutrients, gives natural shine, and revives damaged hair. In addition, the oil exhibits high protective properties.

Castor oil.
It enjoys good popularity in the cosmetology field, and is a great help in solving problems of fragility and split sections of strands. Castor oil has a beneficial effect on the condition of the scalp, treats various diseases in this area, fights dandruff, can increase hair thickness, and most importantly, activates its growth and apparently improves its appearance. It is useful to make hair masks with it, combining it with natural oils and essential ingredients.

Burr oil.
It is one of the most widely used oils used in hair care. This oil contains quite a lot of active substances, minerals, proteins, tannins and amino acids, the latter increasing blood flow in the scalp and improving metabolic processes. Burdock oil has high nutritional value for hair roots and can accelerate growth processes. It also copes well with dandruff, relieves excessive dryness and terrible itching of the scalp against this background, and restores damaged hair structure. Used as a product for roots and ends, or mixed into mask compositions with strengthening, moisturizing and nourishing effects.

By the way, you can make this oil yourself. For example, wash young burdock roots, chop finely, take two tablespoons. Then pour the “raw materials” with twenty tablespoons of sunflower oil. The mixture must be kept in a dark place for two weeks. After this, pour the oil into a clean bottle with a cap and store in a cool place. Instead of sunflower oil, you can use olive oil (if available) or almond oil. Only in this case, you need to take three parts of oil for one part of burdock (burdock) roots. Keep in a dark and cool place for three days. Then place the mixture on the fire, bring to a boil, let it cool, and then strain.

Sea buckthorn oil.
Sea buckthorn oil has excellent restorative or regenerating abilities. It moisturizes and nourishes hair well, preventing dryness. In addition, it reliably protects strands from damage during daily styling. It is an excellent hair growth stimulator. It is good to include it in mask compositions with a strengthening and growth-stimulating effect.

Olive oil.
It has excellent absorption and is recommended for the care of dry, colored and weakened hair. The composition contains a high percentage of vitamins and microelements, healthy fatty acids and amino acids. Systematic care with olive oil makes hair manageable and soft, gives natural shine and shine. It also serves as an excellent growth stimulator and does not weigh down the hair as a result of use. It has high moisturizing, soothing and strengthening abilities, and is an excellent means of combating dandruff and dry scalp. It can be successfully applied in its pure form, combined with other oils and used as masks.

Almond oil.
Mainly suitable for oily hair types, recommended as a means of stimulating hair growth. A large number of vitamins and active substances in almond oil provide complete nutrition and maintain strands in a healthy condition. It is perfectly absorbed, regulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands, has good anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties, and restores lost shine and elasticity to the hair.

Linseed oil.
It can be used effectively as a firming mask. However, the benefits of flaxseed oil will increase significantly when consumed internally on an empty stomach (one tablespoon). This unique natural product ensures intensive hair growth, improves cellular metabolism, prevents hair loss, and fights dandruff.

Avocado oil.
Recommended primarily for restoring brittle hair damaged by perming or dyeing. Basically, it should be added to mask compositions. Thanks to the content of almost the entire composition of fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins and active substances, avocado oil, with regular use, softens hair, fills it with vital energy, restores shine and elasticity.

Mustard oil.
Ideal for caring for any hair, it can accelerate blood flow to the hair follicles, stimulates hair growth processes, and is considered an excellent prevention of hair loss. In addition, the oil significantly reduces the increased activity of the sebaceous glands and is a natural antibiotic. It is used mainly in mask compositions with an accelerating hair growth effect.

Wheat germ oil.
Supplies hair with essential nutrients, vitaminizes it, and has a strengthening effect on hair follicles. Wheat germ oil contains a lot of antioxidants, protein, and stimulates metabolic processes. It also has good restorative ability, as a result of which it is mainly used in the composition of masks with a restorative effect.

Peach oil.
Aromatic peach oil is not only useful, but also pleasant to use. It is mostly recommended for the care of brittle, dry, weakened, colored and damaged hair. It has a moisturizing and highly nourishing effect, the strands become soft and manageable after use. It is also effective for increasing the thickness of strands.

Jojoba oil.
Recommended primarily as a protectant for damaged hair (conditioner). It supplies the hair roots with nutrients, moisturizes, without leaving an unpleasant greasy film that weighs down the curls. In addition, jojoba oil perfectly cleanses the scalp and hair, smoothes it, making it manageable, improves natural color and adds shine.

Coconut oil.
The use of this oil gives a lamination effect. This is due to the protective film that forms on the hair, which provides a beautiful and even shine. At the same time, the film protects the strands from the adverse effects of negative external factors. Coconut oil is perfectly absorbed, penetrating deeply into the tissue, moisturizing thinning, dry hair with signs of split ends. It is also recommended to add it to care shampoos when washing (as a preventive measure, once every two weeks is enough) to prevent protein from being washed out of the hair.

St. John's wort oil.
It is most often recommended for owners of oily hair, as well as for weakened and brittle hair, severe hair loss, to stimulate growth. It is often recommended for baldness. This oil gives an incredible effect when used on dark strands. They shimmer in a fabulous way and somewhat highlight the natural color of the hair.

Hemp oil.
Excellent in caring for damaged hair with signs of split ends, brittleness, dryness and dullness. It has a highly nourishing effect on capillaries, has a positive effect on the structure of the hair, returning it to its natural shine and former elasticity. The strands become more manageable, softer, and increase in volume. In addition, this oil has good protective ability against the negative effects of environmental factors. Its value also lies in its ability to retain moisture in the hair.

Pine nut oil.
Its use has great benefits for hair, but due to its high cost, it is used very rarely for these purposes. No other oil contains as many fatty acids, vitamins, antioxidants and active substances as cedar oil, which is why it is considered one of the most useful. It is often included in skin and hair care cosmetics. Great for eliminating dandruff (usually in mask formulations).

This list goes on and on; I would like to note the benefits of cocoa, apricot, cumin, and karite (shea) oils for hair.

Essential oils for hair.
Along with vegetable oils, essential oils also have benefits for hair. In this “tandem” they help get rid of dandruff, restore structure, restore shine, etc. (three drops of essential component per tablespoon of natural). They can also be included in ready-made hair care products (a few drops per serving). The following essential oils are considered the most suitable for hair: lavender, nutmeg, basil, ylang-ylang, frankincense, myrrh, petitgrain, pine, rosemary, grapefruit and clary sage.

From the list presented, I think everyone will find their own hair oil. Try the effects and natural benefits of these hair oils on your own strands. I assure you, if you have never used them, after a month of regular use you will achieve amazing results. Tested for yourself! The main thing is patience. Well, and finally, for a comprehensive effect, eat more fruits, vegetables, fish, herbs, and liver. A healthy and nutritious diet, coupled with additional care, will not keep you waiting for excellent results.

Today, almost every woman who is attentive to hair care understands that hair oil is like water for plants. It is based on the correct choice and rational use of natural oil that hair can be made beautiful and well-groomed.

Probably the first question that every woman has is how to use hair oil. But in fact, the most important thing is to choose the right oil, which has multifunctional properties. The most popular today are olive oil and burdock oil; many hair care cosmetics are based on the use of macadamia oil, argan oil, and avocado oil. In principle, almost any oil contains a unique complex of vitamins and minerals, as well as nutrients that make your hair beautiful, strong, and silky.

The oil is recommended for use by women who want to make their hair more well-groomed, smooth, silky, elastic and shiny. Of course, if you have oily hair, you shouldn’t get too carried away with oils, and oil masks should be done no more than once a week.

The oil, as it were, envelops the hair and does not allow the moisture to evaporate quickly enough, which allows you to get such a delightful and surprising effect. At the same time, the oil prevents the destruction of protein as a result of thermal effects, which prevents the occurrence of numerous difficulties. If you regularly color your hair, be sure to use an oil mask. This way you can keep your hair in perfect condition.

It should be noted that to obtain the desired result, you should learn how to use the oil correctly. Initially, the oil is used in small quantities, applied to the palms and then to the hair.

In principle, there are specialized hair masks based on oil, but if you want to initially get the best effect, try to use natural oil, which will become the basis for beautiful and healthy hair.

One of the most popular options for using oil is to apply it to damp hair. Use the oil after cleansing the head, that is, wash the hair with shampoo, then apply a small amount of oil and dry the hair. Today, lovers of natural cosmetics use oil as a universal styling product. A small amount of oil is rubbed in the palms, applied to the hair, after which the styling process is carried out with a hairdryer and other electrical appliances.

If you are looking to get a restorative effect, it is best to use an oil mask at night. Apply oil to hair and comb so that the oil is distributed along the entire length of the hair. You can wear a scarf on your head.

The oil can also be used before washing your hair. A few hours before washing, use a fairly significant amount of oil. Apply it to the hair roots and along the entire length, cover with plastic wrap and add insulation in the form of a hat or scarf. After the mask, your head should be thoroughly rinsed with warm water.

The most popular oils used in hair care are coconut and argan oils. Such oils can be used in their pure form. Palm kernel oil can be used in combination with neem or tea tree essential oil.

Olive oil is quite relevant, it has the necessary complex of effective effects, and also has an affordable price.

Despite the variety of professional cosmetics for skin, hair, eyelashes and nails, natural oils are gaining popularity. This is not surprising - natural compounds are absolutely safe, used fresh, and most importantly, they are truly effective. They contain the experience of a thousand years of history of female beauty; the power of nature is concentrated in oils. Today we’ll talk about coconut oil, which has simply shocked the beauty industry in recent years.

Today, coconut oil is a “Must Have” for a modern girl. It should definitely be in your cosmetic bag, because the oil is truly universal. The composition perfectly cares for the skin, eliminates flaking, gives softness, smoothes out wrinkles, makes the epidermis moisturized and radiant. The oil is used to care for eyebrows and eyelashes - it gently nourishes the hair follicles, strengthening them in their socket and stimulating hair growth. The oil can remove makeup delicately and safely, without the “panda” effect after washing. Coconut oil perfectly softens and moisturizes the skin of the hands and feet; it can cope with even the toughest and oldest cracked heels. Coconut oil can be used instead of expensive sunscreen. If you lubricate the whitish areas of the body with it and then sunbathe, in just a few hours the tan will become monochromatic, the skin will acquire a seductive bronze tint. Coconut oil is widely used for internal consumption - it perfectly strengthens the immune system due to the large number of useful substances in its composition. Despite the many positive properties of coconut oil, it is most often used for hair care. This is a real elixir of restoration and nutrition for damaged, painful and dry hair.

Benefits of coconut oil for hair

Coconut contains more than 10 different fatty acids, which form the basis of its oily composition. In addition, coconut oil contains microelements, vitamins, and phytosterols. Unlike other cosmetic oils, coconut is perfectly absorbed, does not leave a greasy film on the skin, does not stain clothes, and does not clog pores. When properly rinsing off the oil, there is no greasy shine or “dirty hair” effect left on the hair. But how does coconut oil affect curls?

  1. Moisturizing and nutrition. Coconut oil is often used to restore and heal dry and parched hair. Masks with coconut are effective after aggressive coloring procedures - especially when lightening and bleaching strands. If your hair is sunburnt, if your curls have become stiff after a perm, you definitely need coconut oil.
  2. Protection. The large amount of thiamine and folic acid makes coconut oil indispensable for extreme conditions. Coconut oil creates a thin, weightless layer on the surface of the hair shaft; it protects strands from ultraviolet rays, chlorinated water, temperature changes and aggressive ecology. Coconut oil is a necessary condition for hair care for girls who live in big cities.
  3. Shine, smoothness and radiance. The oil contains nicotinic acid, which creates a thin, indelible layer on the surface of the hair. Due to this thin film, the hair scales are smoothed, visually the curls seem much more shiny and smooth. Coconut oil helps get rid of electrified hair, the strands stop frizz and look like a mirror. But girls with curly hair achieve a special effect; coconut oil allows you to create a style, making the curls softer and more manageable.
  4. Dandruff. Coconut oil contains special substances that have a powerful antiseptic and antifungal effect. The oil helps to cope with seborrhea, dandruff, and dermatitis. After the first application, inflammation on the skin noticeably decreases, and you can get rid of itchy scalp.
  5. Split ends. Since the oil perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the strands, it is actively used in the treatment of split ends. It is important to understand that it is no longer possible to reunite the split ends, but if you regularly lubricate them with coconut oil after cutting the ends, your hair will no longer split or split.
  6. Greasy hair. Most cosmetic oils should not be used on oily hair as it will make it even more greasy. But not coconut oil! It contains special fatty acids that enter the scalp, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and reduce secretion production. Due to this, the hair stops quickly becoming dirty and remains silky and crumbly for a long time.
  7. Against hair loss and for hair thickness. Coconut oil contains many useful substances that easily penetrate the hair follicle, nourish it with the necessary elements and strengthen the follicles in the hole. With regular use of masks with coconut oil, your hair will stop falling out and will become thicker and stronger.

Coconut oil is unique in that it is suitable for any hair type, does not cause an allergic reaction and has no side effects. But to get high-quality results in the form of healthy and strong hair, you need to choose coconut oil wisely.

To get real benefits from the product, you need to choose high-quality oil. First of all, pay attention to the method of obtaining it. Cold-pressed oil is much more useful; it has not been heated, which means that all the most valuable things have been preserved in it. You can find refined and unrefined oil on sale - the first one should be eaten, it is better purified. Unrefined oil is used in cosmetology because it retains more useful substances, because such oil is not filtered. Unrefined oil may be cloudy - this is normal. The consistency of the product depends on the storage method. If you keep butter at room temperature, it becomes liquid. If you store butter in the refrigerator, it hardens; this storage method is preferable. Try to buy oils from producers from countries where coconuts grow - Thailand, Indonesia, Dominican Republic, etc.

Some ladies, doubting the quality of the finished product, prefer to make the oil themselves, especially since it is not at all difficult. To prepare the oil, you will need fresh and ripe coconut. The nut is cracked, coconut pulp is extracted from it, crushed in a blender and filled with water at room temperature. You need to stir and crush the whole mass with a mortar several times so that the oil from the coconut flakes comes out into the water. After this, the prepared porridge is placed in the refrigerator. In 6-8 hours, the chips will settle to the bottom of the jar, and the oil will rise to the surface. After hardening, it is easy to separate from the water, then the oil can be left at room temperature, so that later, for convenience, you can pour the composition into a jar of used cream. Store your own butter in the refrigerator.

How to Apply Coconut Oil to Hair

In the fight for beautiful, healthy and strong hair, it is important to know the subtleties and nuances of using coconut oil.

  1. To carry out the procedure, you will need coconut oil, a wide-tooth comb, a couple of towels, a sponge or sponge. You will also need a hairdresser's cap or just cling film to insulate the mask. In addition, you will need to wear an old T-shirt or sweater, since coconut oil stains leave greasy marks that are difficult to remove later.
  2. You can apply the oil to both clean and dirty hair. But remember that your hair must be dry, this will allow you to accurately treat every centimeter of hair with oil.
  3. If you take the oil out of the refrigerator, it will be solid; there is no need to heat it over an open fire - the product loses its beneficial properties at high temperatures. Simply hold the oil in your hands or leave it for half an hour at room temperature, it will become soft or liquid.
  4. You need to comb your hair and make several partings. Take a small sponge, soak it in oil and thoroughly scrub your scalp. After this, we make a second parting next to it and apply the oil to the skin again. So, step by step, step by step, you should treat every centimeter of the scalp. It is difficult to apply oil to yourself, so it is better to ask someone close to you about it.
  5. After thoroughly treating the scalp, the oil should be distributed over the entire length of the hair using a large comb; finally, be sure to soak the ends in the oil. This way the composition will be evenly distributed throughout the hair. If you have dandruff, you can treat only the roots; if you are struggling with split ends, soak only them in oil; there is no point in applying oil to your entire head.
  6. After application, you need to collect your hair in a bun, wrap it in film and wrap it with a towel so that the effect of the mask in the warmth increases. You can keep coconut oil on your head for several hours, the longer the better, but not less than an hour. The mask is quite comfortable - it doesn’t leak, doesn’t sting, doesn’t itch.
  7. After removing the towel and film, do not rush to expose your hair to running hot water. In a small ladle or cup, lather some water with shampoo, apply the mixture to your head, and try to lather oily hair. Then rinse your hair with water and shampoo several times. Thorough rinsing ensures no greasy, matted hair.
  8. After washing off the mask, allow your hair to dry on its own; do not use a hair dryer.

To strengthen and restore painful strands, the mask can be done twice a week. Within a month you will notice that your curls have become much more silky, crumbly and smooth. However, this is not the limit - you can enhance the effect of coconut oil with the help of additional components.

Coconut oil is a universal product for hair of any type, length and condition. Therefore, it is used in various cosmetic masks.

  1. Butter, egg, honey, kefir. Mix honey melted in a water bath with egg yolk, add butter and kefir, mix the ingredients in equal proportions. Apply the resulting mixture to your hair or just to the ends. The mask perfectly nourishes, restores, eliminates dryness and fragility. This is a universal mask for revitalizing dry and parched hair.
  2. Coconut oil and red pepper. This mask is good against hair loss. For it, it is better to use not pure pepper, but its alcohol tincture. You can buy it at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself. To do this, crushed pepper is poured with vodka or alcohol, left for 2-3 weeks, after which the tincture is filtered and mixed in equal proportions with coconut oil. The resulting mask should be applied to the scalp, left for 20-30 minutes, and rinsed with warm water and shampoo. After just 5-6 procedures, you will notice that your hair will begin to grow much better, bald spots and bald spots will gradually heal.
  3. Coconut oil, nettle and aloe decoction. This mask should be used in the fight against dandruff and seborrhea. First you need to prepare a strong and concentrated nettle decoction - pour three tablespoons of crushed leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave for at least an hour. Aloe leaves need to be frozen, crushed and squeezed - after freezing, the juice is separated from the pulp much more easily. Mix nettle decoction, aloe juice and coconut oil in equal proportions, apply the mixture to the hair roots, leave the mask for an hour and a half. The result will be noticeable after the first procedure.
  4. Coconut oil, gelatin and glycerin. This mask is suitable for hair that needs extra shine and volume. Fill the gelatin with water; for a better effect, you can use milk instead of water. When the gelatin swells, it should be strained through a sieve so that there are no small dense pieces, otherwise they will get stuck in the hair. After this, add coconut oil and glycerin in equal parts to the gelatin, mix the composition and distribute it over the entire length. This is a wonderful mask, after which your hair will become vibrant, crumbly and shining.
  5. Coconut oil, egg white and lemon juice. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions and get an incredibly effective mask against oily hair. Citric acid suppresses the activity of the sebaceous glands, egg white gets rid of sebaceous fat, coconut oil nourishes the skin so that it does not need additional sebum production. However, such a mask must be washed thoroughly, 3-5 times with shampoo. After this, the curls will become crumbly and will remain clean longer.

Coconut oil goes well with all the ingredients in the masks, does not suppress their properties and retains its valuable vitamins.

Once in the Mediterranean resorts, do not forget to buy real, high-quality and natural coconut oil there. It can be used not only for cosmetic purposes - it is useful for treating the body; the oil is used in cooking to give dishes a milky and nutty taste and aroma. Use coconut oil to treat your hair and forget about cosmetic problems forever!

Video: 15 Ways to Use Coconut Oil

Having appeared a couple of years ago, hair oil has become a real find. Today, every self-respecting brand has released a treasured bottle of golden liquid. What are the benefits of hair oils, how often to use them, who needs them and why? Read about this and much more in our material.

The fashion for oils came to us from the East. Oil - argan, almond, avocado and many others - has long been used by local beauties to maintain youth and beauty. Including for the beauty of hair. In Europe, this method was less popularized - after all, most modern girls do not have time to indulge in beauty rituals for a long time and sit with oiled hair waiting for a miraculous effect. Several years ago, enterprising scientists decided to lighten the formula of conventional oils. Having worked hard, they broke a large molecule of oils into thousands of small ones and created a product that also took good care of the hair, but, unlike pure oil, did not weigh down or stick together the hair. This is why you should not confuse the oil you cook with with the one you should use exclusively for your hair. Who created the new product first (there is still debate on this topic) is no longer clear, but since then the popularity of hair oils has only grown, especially in the last two years, when hundreds of new products appeared on the beauty market.

How does the oil work?

The main task of the oil is to restore, moisturize, smooth, pacify, nourish, make elastic, and add shine to your hair. By enveloping the hair, the oil prevents moisture from evaporating from the hair shaft (cuticle), and also prevents the destruction of protein due to thermal effects (if you dry your hair with too hot air flow, and also regularly use straightening or curling irons). Therefore, oil is often used as a styling treatment and to protect the color of dyed hair.

How to use the oil?

There are several ways to use the oil. To begin with, the oil (a few drops) is applied to the palms, rubbed, warming it up, and applied to the hair.

  • The most popular method is to apply oil to damp hair after washing - it acts as a heat protectant and helps detangle the hair.
  • You can apply oil after styling - it will moisturize and add shine.
  • In addition, the oil can be used before going to the beach or pool - it will protect against the harmful effects of the sun, chlorinated or salt water.
  • In addition, the oil can be added to hair dye, shampoo or conditioner to enhance the effect of the product.
  • And apply the oil to your hair before going to bed, spreading it over the entire length to restore damaged hair.
  • You can also use the oil before washing your hair to smooth out tangled hair.

Which hair oil is best?

If we talk about the most popular oils in the composition, then argan oil certainly takes the lead. It remains one of the rarest and most expensive oils, as the tree grows exclusively in southwest Morocco. Argan species once grew throughout North Africa and are now endangered and protected by UNESCO. Marula oil is also highly valued (it contains 8 times more vitamin C than in). Popular in cosmetology are moringa tree oils (contains huge amounts of vitamin A), jojoba (softens and moisturizes), avocado, olive, cranberry, almond, and coconut oil.

Hair oils are one of the best ways to improve their structure and make it healthier inside and out. We have already touched on the topic of hair oils. You can read about all the beneficial properties in the article. Now let's find out in more detail how to use hair oil.

Hair oil

Types of hair oils

First of all, of course, you need to choose the hair oil that you will use. To do this, let's find out the types of oils:

Fixed oils. They make hair heavier due to the fact that they have a very high molecular weight. You should know this because... If you have oily hair, then they are unlikely to suit you. The greasy state will not only not disappear, but will become even worse. But if you have very dry hair, then you can use this oil. After using it you will receive additional hydration. This type includes shea butter and castor butter.

Bold oils. They are much lighter than fat ones. This means that the hair will absorb it easily. These include avocado, sunflower and sweet almond oil.

Dry oils. This is the easiest type. They do not make the hair heavy and do not add excess grease. This type includes coconut and grape seed oil.

How to use hair oil: you can apply some oils directly to your hair as a mask, or you can add a few drops to your shampoo

Rules for using hair oils

Now let's look at the question of interest - how to use hair oil. Anyone who thinks that you can simply anoint your hair with it and that’s it is mistaken. It wasn't like that. There are a lot of subtleties and nuances. Let's talk about them in detail.

  1. Before using hair oil, massage your scalp. Many people only apply oil to the damaged ends. And this is the main mistake. There is no need to be afraid that oils will increase the oiliness of your curls.
  2. If you have thin hair, then you only need to oil the hair at the ends. Otherwise they will become very heavy. If you have thick or medium hair, then the oil is evenly distributed from the base to the ends.
  3. When using oil to treat hair, the principle will be completely different. Firstly, it is better to use a mixture of oils, and secondly, they need to be applied in the opposite direction: from the ends to their base. Then you should comb your hair. This must be done within 5 minutes. Thus, the oil penetrates deep into the scalp and hair. Then you should wait 10 minutes. This time will be enough to strengthen the damaged areas. The final stage is washing your hair with shampoo.
  4. If you need not only to strengthen your hair and give it extra shine, but also to get rid of dandruff, soothe itchy scalp and prevent hair loss, then before using hair oil, you should warm it up. Just be extremely careful. If you overheat it, you will get burned and instead of a pleasant procedure you will get a burn.
  5. If you have oily hair, you can use the oil only once a week. Otherwise, your hair will become heavy, quickly get dirty, and excess oil will appear. This will not happen immediately, but as the oil accumulates on the hair. So remember that less is better, but more useful.
  6. When purchasing oil, carefully study the composition. It should not contain impurities. If you add oil to your shampoo, then various additives are all the more unnecessary. The product in its pure form is always better.
  7. Choose an oil that smells to you rather than irritate you. Thus, you will not only undergo a beneficial hair treatment, but also undergo an aromatherapy session. This will help you relax, relieve tension and get rid of stress. The aroma of oils has the most beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  8. Here the rule applies only to those women who carry a child under their hearts. In this case, the use of nut oil is not only not recommended, but prohibited. The fact is that this product is most often obtained from peanuts or pine nuts. And they are known to cause severe allergies. This can have a negative impact on your baby. The same can be said for mothers during breastfeeding.

Now it has become clear how to use hair oil. Now let's find out how to wash it off correctly.

Rules for washing off oil from hair

Anyone who has used hair oils knows how difficult it is to wash them off later. But no one wants to walk around with a greasy head and the feeling that it is dirty. Therefore, you need to know not only how to use hair oil, but also how to wash it off correctly.

  1. If you use burdock for your hair, it is recommended to add a little coconut or olive oil to it. This way, you will reduce the greasiness of this product and be able to wash it out of your hair more easily using shampoo.
  2. If you add chicken yolk to your chosen hair oil, you can wash it off later without much difficulty.
  3. Also, before using hair oil, add some mustard to it. This way you will achieve a warming effect, and the oil will then be easily washed off.

Follow these rules and you will enjoy using hair oils, because they will bring many benefits, and you will not have any problems using them.

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