Cranberries during pregnancy: beneficial properties and therapeutic effects. Can pregnant women eat cranberries?

Cranberries are a group of flowering plants growing in the marshy areas of the Northern Hemisphere, the fruits of which are berries that are actively used in cooking and the food industry. Also, the leaves of this shrub can be used in the form of decoctions and tea. Cranberries are one of the healthiest berries; they contain a large amount of vitamins and microelements.

It is known that cranberries are consumed not only for their taste. It has a good anti-inflammatory effect and helps the body cope with colds faster. This berry is an excellent medicine and preventative for many diseases that develop during pregnancy, so it is useful for expectant mothers to introduce it into their diet.

Composition of cranberry fruits

The beneficial properties of cranberries lie in its composition. This berry contains a large amount of vitamin C, not inferior to citrus fruits, which makes it an excellent remedy that improves immunity and regenerative processes. The fruits of the plant contain retinol and beta-keratin (forms of vitamin A), which contribute to the normal functioning of the epithelium, help fight infections, and have antioxidant properties.

Cranberries contain a whole set of B vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6, B9), they are involved in many biochemical processes in the body, without them the proper functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems is impossible. The fruits of the bush also contain vitamin K, which is necessary for normalizing the processes of blood clotting and bone tissue regeneration. Cranberries contain large amounts of elements such as iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium. All of them are part of cells and participate in the water-salt metabolism of the body and the transmission of nerve impulses.

The fruits of the plant contain rare minerals: selenium, manganese and copper. They are essential for many physiological processes in the body, especially the enzyme system and biochemical reactions of respiration. Cranberries contain lutein, a pigment that is an essential participant in the process of vision in humans.

Cranberries contain citric and malic acid, which are involved in the respiration of all cells in the body. The fruits of the plant contain substances such as betaine, anthocyanins, leukoanthocyanins, and catechins. They are metabolites of biochemical reactions and have antioxidant properties. Cranberries contain dietary fiber that helps the normal digestion process.

Benefits of cranberries during pregnancy

Cranberries during pregnancy are used in the treatment and prevention of 10 common diseases and symptoms:

Toxicosis. Eating cranberries in early pregnancy helps alleviate this condition. Berries improve appetite, help reduce nausea, and stimulate digestion. By taking a few berries for breakfast, many women get rid of discomfort for the whole day.

Edema. While carrying a child, especially before childbirth, the urinary system of the expectant mother reduces its efficiency and water begins to accumulate in the body. The berry has a diuretic effect, reducing the reabsorption of fluid in the kidney tubules, so cranberry is effective against edema during pregnancy.

Arterial hypertension. The pressure in the blood vessels is directly proportional to the amount of fluid in the body. With the systematic consumption of cranberry juice during pregnancy, the likelihood of maintaining blood pressure at a normal level increases due to the removal of excess water.

Cranberry is an excellent natural medicine and preventative against many diseases, therefore, without contraindications, it is useful for expectant mothers to include the fruits of this plant in their diet.

Preeclampsia. This syndrome develops after the 1st trimester and is a pathological form of toxicosis. Its main symptoms are increased blood pressure and swelling, therefore, due to the diuretic effect of cranberry during pregnancy, it helps to improve a woman’s well-being during gestosis.

Cold. Due to its composition, the fruits of the plant help strengthen the immune system, which prevents the development of infectious diseases. For colds, sore throat, bronchitis - cranberry stimulates rapid recovery, relieves headaches and reduces fever.

Bacterial diseases of the kidneys and bladder. The fruits of the bush have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects; the beneficial substances of the berries accumulate in the urine, so they can be used to treat and prevent urinary tract infections. Cranberry is effective for cystitis and pyelonephritis.

Phlebeurysm. During pregnancy, cranberry decoction stimulates the strengthening of the walls of blood vessels and increases their elasticity. Systematic consumption of this drink can prevent varicose veins, which are a common companion for expectant mothers.

Thrombosis. Due to their composition, cranberries thin the blood and prevent the formation of clots. This property of the plant is of particular importance for expectant mothers, since thrombosis of the placental arteries is a common cause of spontaneous miscarriage and intrauterine fetal death.

Gastrointestinal diseases. The benefits of cranberries in the prevention and treatment of pathologies of the stomach and intestines are undeniable. Due to its antibacterial effect, it stimulates the death of harmful microorganisms in some forms of gastritis and colitis. The fruits of the plant can reduce stomach acidity and normalize digestion processes.

Depression. The vitamin composition of cranberries helps improve the transmission of nerve impulses and has an antioxidant and calming effect. The pregnancy period is characterized by mood swings, but consuming the fruits of the plant leads to normalization of the emotional background.

Contraindications and methods of consuming cranberries

Eating cranberries has virtually no contraindications, but people with certain diseases are prohibited from eating these fruits. Berries can be harmful to people who are allergic to them; it usually manifests itself in the form of a skin rash, in rare cases - bronchospasm, Quincke's edema.

The effects of cranberries, such as lowering blood pressure, thinning the blood and reducing stomach acidity, can lead to negative consequences in people with the following diseases:

  • arterial hypotension;
  • internal bleeding;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • gastritis with low stomach acidity.
The diseases listed above are a contraindication to consuming cranberry fruits.

It is best to eat cranberries raw, so the berries retain all their beneficial properties. The fruits can be frozen and stored in the freezer; this method will also not harm the composition of the product. Berries can be eaten separately from everything else, or added to salads, desserts and even soups. Fresh cranberry juice is also very useful; it is recommended to dilute this drink with water in a ratio of 1 to 1 to reduce its acidity.

Cranberries can be subjected to heat treatment, but it should be noted that with this method of preparation they lose vitamins and nutrients. You can make fruit juice, jelly or compote from the fruits of the bush; you need to try to reduce the time of exposure to hot temperature to a minimum. Tea and cranberry decoction are considered quite useful drinks during pregnancy. They are made from the leaves of the plant, which are not inferior to berries in their properties.

For a favorable pregnancy, the expectant mother should carefully plan her diet. In addition to including cranberries and cranberry drinks, do not forget about your diet. Pregnant women are recommended to eat as many protein foods as possible - chicken, lean meat, fish. It is worth increasing the amount of fresh vegetables and fruits; citrus fruits, spinach, celery, pomegranate, cherries, cabbage, parsley, and dill are considered the healthiest.

Expectant mothers are advised to include cereals (buckwheat, rice), dairy products and eggs in their diet. While expecting the birth of a child, a woman should limit her consumption of sweets, soda, and oils. Pregnant women should not drink alcohol, hot spices, or strong coffee.

A woman's pregnancy means a complete revision of her daily menu. At this time, the body needs foods with a high content of vitamins and minerals. One of the best in this regard is cranberry - a unique berry that is a natural antibiotic that can replace many medications. Let's look at what are the benefits of fruits and how to use them correctly during pregnancy.

Is it possible to have cranberries during pregnancy?

While carrying a child, a woman has to limit her menu, since not all foods are allowed to be eaten. Cranberry is not included in the list of prohibited foods; moreover, thanks to its rich chemical composition, it allows you to prevent and cure many ailments. Let's consider how the berry is useful for pregnant women.

The benefits and harms of fresh berries

Fresh berries contain 90% water, the rest are vitamins -,; minerals - copper, manganese, iron, ; dietary fiber, fiber, various acids and antioxidants.

Its benefits are extremely great, because it:

  • allows you to compensate for the lack of ascorbic acid, thereby strengthening the immune system, increasing the female body’s resistance to external negative factors, especially during colds;
  • relieves symptoms of toxicosis, eliminates nausea and dizziness;
  • relieves swelling;
  • makes it possible to reduce temperature without the use of medications;
  • improves blood circulation, normalizes blood pressure;
  • prevents the development of microorganisms in the oral cavity.
Meanwhile, fresh berries during pregnancy can cause harm to the female body. In particular, they should not be consumed in large quantities in the early stages, since due to the high content of ascorbic acid they can provoke uterine tone and, as a result, lead to miscarriage.

It is also not recommended to eat raw cranberries for those who have problems with the genitourinary system, a tendency to allergic reactions, or problems with the digestive system - gastritis or stomach ulcers.

Video: when should you not eat cranberries during pregnancy?

Important! It is not allowed to consume fresh cranberries simultaneously with sulfo preparations.

Frozen and dried cranberries

Frozen and dried berries are no less useful for pregnant women. Although the latter contains a little less vitamins than fresh, it does contain an increased amount of antioxidants, which are designed to fight viral and bacterial infections and reduce the level of bad cholesterol.

It is also considered an excellent source of fiber and carbohydrates. The energy value per 100 g of product is 125 kcal.

Since fresh berries are not available in winter, frozen or dried will be an excellent alternative in this case. If we talk about whether it is possible to eat dry berries every day, then, of course, there should be a measure.
Pregnant women are allowed to consume 1/3 cup of this product daily, but not more than one month. Next you should take a break. It is recommended to prepare fruit drinks, compotes, and brew tea from frozen berries.

Did you know? Literally, “cranberry” is translated as “sour ball”: “oxis” - sour, “coccus” - spherical.

Cranberry juice

It is considered one of the best drinks for women in an “interesting” position. It is a storehouse of useful minerals and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on almost all body systems. The main rule for preparing healthy fruit juice is a minimum of heat treatment.

Such a “fresh” drink, when consumed regularly, will allow you to:

  • perfectly quench thirst;
  • remove swelling;
  • prevent colds, increase the body's resistance in winter;
  • relieve symptoms of toxicosis, relieve nausea and dizziness;
  • activate metabolic processes;
  • normalize blood pressure.

In addition to the fact that cranberry juice has an excellent taste, it has an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect, fights free radicals, and serves as an excellent prevention of the development of cancer diseases.


Based on cranberries, you can prepare not only a healthy fruit drink, but also a compote. Although it loses some of its vitamins and minerals during heat treatment, it remains beneficial for the health of the expectant mother.

Its regular consumption will activate brain activity, improve blood circulation, eliminate nausea and other symptoms, and help cope with edema.

The benefits of cranberry compote are significant, but it can cause harm in extreme cases, only if consumed excessively in large doses.

Contraindications are:

  • exacerbation of stomach ulcers or gastritis;
  • hypotension;
  • high sensitivity of tooth enamel;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • individual intolerance.

Is it possible to drink compote in later stages? It is better to check with your doctor. However, many experts recommend abstaining from cranberry products several weeks before the expected birth.

Cranberry tea is considered unique in its usefulness. First of all, it is a powerful antioxidant that prevents skin aging, removes harmful substances and toxins from the body, improves the functioning of the digestive system, and serves as a prevention of cancer.

In addition, this tonic drink allows you to:

  • due to the presence of a large number of flavonoids, strengthen the immune system and fight colds;
  • thanks to the high concentration of glucose, enrich the brain and improve its functioning;
  • fight cystitis, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increase the level of performance, give strength and vigor;
  • improve sleep, relieve fatigue and headaches;
  • reduce the temperature.

However, despite the beneficial properties, such a drink also has contraindications:
  • presence of cardiovascular diseases;
  • acute stage of stomach ulcer, gastritis, pancreatitis;
  • serious disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract.
After drinking the drink, it is necessary to rinse your mouth with clean water, since the acid, which is contained in large doses in tea, can destroy tooth enamel.

Important! Scientists have proven that taking cranberry tea in combination with antibiotics enhances the effect of the latter and makes them as effective as possible in the fight against the disease. This is especially important in the treatment of gynecological ailments.


Cranberry decoction is used as a tonic, anti-inflammatory and diuretic drink. Due to the high content of ascorbic acid, it has a general strengthening effect, increases the body's protective functions and helps resist colds.

The decoction is widely used to reduce fever during ARVI and influenza, and serves as an excellent remedy for preventing the formation of kidney stones. Due to the increased content of iron and phosphorus, the drink is used to prevent anemia, improve blood composition, and activate blood circulation.
However, this drink is not recommended for women with acute inflammation of the intestines, problems with the liver and kidneys, or disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract. It is also not recommended to drink more than one glass of decoction per day. After the 37th week of pregnancy, it is better to stop consuming cranberries in any form.

Did you know? Some cranberry bushes can grow for up to hundreds of years.

How to cook cranberries

Traditional medicine presents many different cranberry recipes that allow you to avoid and also cure various ailments.

For edema

If swelling occurs, as well as if there are problems with the kidneys and urinary tract, it is recommended to consume berry juice.

Its preparation comes down to the following algorithm:

  • Wash 500 g of fruits thoroughly, pass through a meat grinder or blender;
  • Boil 2 glasses of water, cool to a temperature of 30–40 degrees;
  • pour water over cranberry puree.

When edema occurs, cranberry juice should be drunk warm. To eliminate swelling, you should drink up to 1.5 liters of the drink daily, for prevention - 1–2 glasses.

Important! Since the drink has a diuretic effect, it is not recommended to drink it immediately before bed.

For a cold

Cranberry juice with honey or juice will help increase the body's protective functions during colds, as well as reduce fever without medications.

To prepare fruit juice, you should:

  1. Rinse a glass of berries and crush them thoroughly.
  2. Boil 1 liter of water, let cool to a temperature of 40 degrees.
  3. Pour water over cranberry puree and add honey to taste.
This drink has a diaphoretic, antipyretic effect, allows you to quickly reduce your temperature and quench your thirst.

To prepare juice for colds you need: Wash 1 glass of cranberries and grind with 1 glass of honey. Take 1 tsp of juice for a sore throat or cough. several times a day.
Since honey is an allergenic product, it is not recommended for pregnant women prone to allergic reactions. In fruit drinks, it can be replaced with sugar. You can also brew tea from fresh berries to treat colds, adding both honey and sugar to taste.

For cystitis

Cranberry infusion will help relieve inflammation during cystitis.

Did you know? Cranberries that are picked in the spring have a more pleasant and rich taste than those picked in the fall. However, the latter have a richer vitamin and mineral composition.

It is prepared according to this recipe:

  1. Add 0.5 cup cranberries to the pan and crush a little.
  2. Add 1 cup of boiling water to the berries.
  3. Let the cranberries steep for a bit.
  4. If desired, add honey or sugar to the warm infusion to taste.
You need to take the infusion three times a day, 0.5 cups. The drink should be prepared immediately before consumption.
Cranberry is a berry unique in its healing properties, which will be an excellent helper for women during pregnancy. It can relieve many ailments and prevent their development, but its use cannot be a 100% guarantee of recovery. Pregnancy is a very important and responsible period in the life of every woman, so the use of even such a useful product should be agreed with a doctor.

Pregnancy places special demands on the safety and benefits of nutrition. Eating fruits and berries is an important part of a pregnant woman’s diet. Cranberries contain dozens of health-promoting compounds; their sour taste can alleviate toxicosis, and their medicinal qualities allow them to be used for various diseases. But won’t cranberries harm the body of the mother and fetus during pregnancy?

Cranberries are a fruit of the heather family, which also includes blueberries and lingonberries. These berries with a characteristic taste and aroma grow in marshy areas throughout the Northern Hemisphere, and in the USA, Canada, and Scandinavian countries, the large-fruited variety is grown on plantations as a valuable food product and medicine.

Fresh cranberries are almost 90% water, while dried cranberries are made up of carbohydrates and fiber. Carbohydrates are mainly sucrose, glucose, fructose. The rest of the fruit mass consists of insoluble dietary fiber: pectin, cellulose, hemicellulose, which pass through the intestines almost unchanged.

Cranberries also contain soluble fiber. For this reason, excessive consumption of fruits can cause digestive upset such as diarrhea.

In total, cranberries contain 18 useful compounds with various properties, among the most significant are the following:

Antioxidants and phytonutrients.

  • oligomeric proanthocyanidins - metabolic regulators;
  • anthocyanidin flavonoids give fruits a red color and protect body cells from the oxidizing effects of free radicals;
  • Cyanidin lowers blood sugar levels and helps maintain cholesterol levels;
  • peonidin improves blood composition;
  • quercetin has anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties, cranberries are one of the main fruit sources of this antioxidant;
  • Ursolic acid, concentrated in the peel, has a strong anti-inflammatory effect.

Fresh cranberries contain the largest amount of antioxidants, dried berries can be placed in 2nd place in terms of their content, cranberry juice is slightly behind. We are talking about 100% natural juice, not reconstituted or diluted juice containing sugar or preservatives.

Plant fibers.


100 grams of cranberries contain 15% of the daily value of vitamin C, 8% of vitamin E, and 6% of vitamin B5. The berry also contains vitamins A, K, B1, B2, B3, B6 and choline.

Trace elements and minerals.

Cranberries are a source of manganese and copper, their content is 16% and 7% of the daily value, respectively, per 100 grams of berries. Slightly less (2–3% of the daily value) calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc. Cranberries and cranberry juice contain organic oxalic acid, which is necessary for normal intestinal motility during pregnancy.

Benefits of cranberries during pregnancy

Numerous studies show the potential health benefits of cranberries during pregnancy.

In particular, it can help in the following cases:

  1. Urinary tract infections. Their treatment during pregnancy is complicated by the inability to use certain medications. Most often, the disease is caused by E. coli, which attaches to the inner surface of the bladder and urinary tract. Cranberries contain unique phytonutrients known as A-type proanthocyanidins (tannins). They prevent the attachment of E. coli to the mucous membrane of the urinary system, which makes the berry a preventative against urinary tract infections. It is worth keeping in mind that these substances beneficial during pregnancy are partially lost due to exposure to heat and light, so the less processed the cranberries, the healthier they are.

Berries are ineffective in treating infections; they only reduce the risk of their occurrence. For existing diseases, antibiotics and other methods recommended by the attending physician are used.

  1. Prevention of stomach and intestinal cancer. Infection with the bacterium Helicobacter Pylori, which initially causes gastritis, is considered one of the main causes of cancer and inflammation of the stomach, ulcers. As with E. coli, A-type proanthocyanidins prevent bacteria from attaching to the stomach lining. According to one American study of 189 men and women, 0.5 liters of cranberry juice per day significantly reduced the risk of Helicobacter Pylori infection, and drinking the juice daily for 3 weeks suppressed bacterial growth by about 17% in those infected.
  1. Cardiovascular diseases. During pregnancy, the volume of circulating blood increases, and the load on the cardiovascular system increases. Cranberries contain antioxidants that reduce the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases. These substances increase the level of “good” cholesterol and reduce “bad” cholesterol, especially in pregnant women with diabetes, reduce the stiffness of blood vessels, normalize blood pressure, reduce the level of homocysteine ​​in the blood, reducing the risk of inflammation in the blood vessels.
  1. Protection against brain development disorders in the fetus. Recent studies have shown that cranberries consumed during pregnancy protect baby's brain cells from free radical damage and subsequent developmental problems.
  1. Inflammation of the joints. Weight gain and hormonal changes during pregnancy can sometimes harm your joints. The anti-inflammatory effect of cranberries helps in the fight against joint pain.
  1. Weight gain and constipation. 100 grams of cranberries contain only 46 kcal and 20% of the daily dose of fiber. In addition, consuming dietary fiber is the first recommendation in the fight against diabetes, which affects many pregnant women. An increased content of oxalic acid will also cope with this problem.
  1. Teeth protection. It is no secret that during pregnancy, teeth are at risk due to changes in body biochemistry and redirection of microelements and vitamins to the fetus. Proanthocyanidins in cranberries prevent bacteria from attaching to the surface of teeth and protect them from caries.
  1. Edema. Cranberries can help during pregnancy due to their ability to regulate metabolic processes, and the potassium in the composition maintains electrolyte balance.
  1. Infections. The berries have an antibacterial effect and prevent the development of infectious diseases. Cranberry prevents the fixation of many microorganisms and increases immunity due to its rich composition, saving you from colds during pregnancy.

Possible consequences of eating cranberries during pregnancy

In moderation, cranberries and products made from it are considered safe during pregnancy, but this is statistical observation data, since no scientific studies have been conducted on the effect of fruits on the gestation and development of a child.

Excessive consumption of cranberries can cause stomach upset and diarrhea.

In addition, there are several other undesirable consequences from excessive consumption of this berry:

  1. Cranberries may increase the risk of kidney stones in predisposed women. Stones form when minerals in the urine reach high concentrations. Most kidney stones are composed of calcium oxalate, and excess oxalate in the urine is a major risk factor. Cranberries, especially concentrated extracts, contain high levels of oxalates. For most people, eating cranberries does not contribute to the development of urolithiasis, but for pregnant women who are prone to kidney stones, it is advisable to limit or eliminate cranberries from the diet, as well as other foods containing oxalate.
  2. Cranberries may reduce blood clotting. This is worth keeping in mind when taking anticoagulant drugs (Warfarin, Heparin and others).
  3. Cranberries can cause allergic reactions in some people, so women who were susceptible to allergies before pregnancy should consume the berries with caution.

Recipes with cranberries

Cranberries are harvested in September and November, and sometimes the berries can be found even in early spring. The main criterion is ripeness, since unripe cranberries lose their beneficial properties.

The peculiarity of this berry is that it is stored for a very long time due to the content of benzoic acid. When frozen, cranberries also retain their taste and benefits. Juice is made from the berries, dried, and made into jelly and jam.

Many women are thirsty during pregnancy, and drinks based on sour berries are a great way to quench it. Of course, first of all, during pregnancy, cranberry juice is recommended, to which you can add lingonberries as a strong diuretic, but the diet can also be diversified with cocktails.

Antioxidant cocktail:

  • 2 cups fresh cranberries;
  • 6–8 medium pears;
  • 1 quince, but syrup from it is better.

Pass cranberries and pears through a juicer. Strain through a fine mesh sieve to remove the seeds and stir in the quince syrup. Add ice and garnish with fresh cranberries.

Ginger Cranberry:

  • 20-30 cranberries;
  • 2 slices of lemon;
  • 2 slices of lime;
  • about 30 ml ginger syrup;

For 30 grams of ginger, mix a glass of sugar and a glass of water, bring to a boil, cool and strain. Ginger syrup can be stored until later use.

Place the cranberries in a wide glass glass and cover with lemon and lime slices. Gently crush the fruit, leaving citrus slices as a covering for the berries. Add ginger syrup, ice and water. Stir lightly.


  • 10–15 cranberries;
  • 40–50 mg grapefruit juice;
  • 30 mg honey syrup;
  • sparkling water;
  • fresh mint for garnish.

Honey syrup: for one cup of honey, 2 cups of water, mix, bring to a boil, cool.

Place the cranberries in a glass and crush. Add grapefruit juice and honey syrup. Shake the drink and pass through a fine mesh sieve. Pour into a glass and add sparkling water. Garnish with mint.

Cranberries are one of the healthiest berries, especially during pregnancy. It can be frozen, dried, juiced, or eaten fresh—either a source of vitamins and minerals, antioxidants and phytonutrients, dietary fiber, and healthy carbohydrates. It is used as a prophylaxis against infections, stomach diseases, cardiovascular diseases, improves blood composition, and cranberry juice perfectly refreshes and quenches thirst. Cranberries are safe during pregnancy if consumed within reasonable limits.

Useful video about the benefits of cranberries

No wonder cranberries are called the miracle berry. It is not only tasty, but also extremely healthy. Therefore, during pregnancy, when the body weakens, hidden sores begin to appear, chronic diseases can worsen, a woman must include cranberries and drinks made from them in her diet. Benefits of cranberries during pregnancy Cranberries are famous for containing many vitamins, micro- and macroelements, as well as biologically active substances, the need for which increases during pregnancy. Therefore, pregnant women can use it to replenish these important substances and prevent hypovitaminosis. This is especially true in the first trimester, when embryonic organs are being laid. Cranberries, like lemons and strawberries, can be eaten to replenish vitamin C reserves. Among other things, it plays an important role in strengthening the immune system. That is, consuming cranberries during pregnancy is necessary to prevent colds. Along with this, when a cold occurs, the berry will have a general strengthening effect and quench thirst at elevated body temperatures. Cranberries are also effective against bacteria. Therefore, it will be useful not only for colds, but also for sore throat, bronchitis, tonsillitis. For toxicosis in the first half of pregnancy, when a woman is bothered by nausea, vomiting, cranberries can be used to improve appetite and digestion processes. And the diuretic effect of cranberries, like lingonberries, will help pregnant women with toxicosis in the second half of pregnancy (preeclampsia) and edema. Thanks to the anti-inflammatory effect, doctors prescribe cranberries to pregnant women for the prevention and treatment of kidney and urinary tract infections. For example, it is recommended for the treatment of pyelonephritis and cystitis. Eating cranberries during pregnancy prevents problems with the circulatory and hematopoietic systems. This berry strengthens blood vessels and increases their elasticity. It is these vessels that are not at risk of varicose veins, which often occurs in pregnant women. Cranberry also affects the properties of blood. It prevents the formation of blood clots. And during pregnancy, this is necessary for normal nutrition of the fetus, which occurs through the small blood vessels of the placenta. After all, blood clots lead to blockage, which is fraught with complications during pregnancy. The beneficial effect of cranberries on the circulatory system helps reduce high blood pressure. Thus, cranberry can be used as a natural cure for hypertension in pregnant women. This berry also has a sedative effect, which will be useful for women both during pregnancy and in the postpartum period. Cranberries can also be used by pregnant women for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, for the treatment of gastritis with low acidity, colitis. You can also use cranberries during pregnancy to protect against harmful environmental factors. In a woman’s body, it will not allow heavy metals to be absorbed and will help neutralize radioactive metals. The cleansing effect of cranberries also includes lowering cholesterol. Contraindications to eating cranberries during pregnancy Not every pregnant woman can eat cranberries, as this berry has contraindications. Cranberries can cause allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes or irritations. It contains organic acids. Therefore, if you have gastritis with high acidity, stomach or duodenal ulcers, it is better to avoid cranberries. And if a pregnant woman has heartburn, you should eat cranberries with caution so as not to increase the acidity in the stomach. Eating cranberries during pregnancy Pregnant women can eat cranberries fresh or add to tea , and also drink cranberry juice or fruit drink. Fresh berries Fresh cranberries are easy to preserve and eat throughout pregnancy. They can be frozen. Or you can store them in water, and the berries will remain as fresh as if they had just been picked from a bush. To store cranberries in water, you need to wash fresh berries, put them in a wooden container, fill them with water, cover with a lid with holes, and put them on top oppression and store in a cool, dark place. When consuming cranberries, pregnant women should remember that they should not be eaten on an empty stomach, so as not to injure the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract with acids. Cranberry juice Cranberry juice is often used to treat hypertension, headaches (make a compress), as a wound healing agent, for the prevention and treatment of kidney and urinary tract infections. It is advisable for pregnant women to dilute cranberry juice with water. And after drinking the juice, rinse your mouth with warm water to protect tooth enamel from destruction. Fruit juice During pregnancy, with kidney and urinary tract infections, with emotional instability and fatigue, doctors recommend that women drink cranberry juice. There are several options for preparing cranberry juice. Let's consider an option where you don't need to boil it, since boiling leads to loss of vitamins. So, here is the recipe for making fruit drink from fresh or frozen cranberries: Mash 1 cup of berries; Squeeze out the juice; Place the remaining pulp in a container and add 600 ml of water; Boil; Strain and rub the berry pulp through a sieve; Add previously squeezed juice. You can add sugar to the fruit drink for taste, but for greater benefits it is better to use honey. And to increase the tonic effect of cranberry juice, you can drink it together with rosehip infusion. It would seem that cranberry juice is a simple and harmless drink, but during pregnancy, its dosage and administration system, as well as cranberry juice, should be checked with a doctor.

As soon as a woman finds out that she is in an “interesting position,” her lifestyle changes. Either immediately or gradually, but everything undergoes changes: from the pace of movement to nutrition. Coffee is replaced with weak or even herbal tea, fast food is eliminated, and more fruits and vegetables appear on the menu. The expectant mother now thinks not only about her own well-being, but also about the health of the child. Of course, many pregnant women sometimes feel the need for some special food, and very rarely, but they can still afford something harmful like chips or a chocolate bar. However, if chocolates and sandwiches should become rare guests on the table of the expectant mother, then berries and fruits are mandatory components of the daily menu.

Cranberry and its beneficial properties

Let's talk about the benefits of berries during pregnancy, namely cranberries. Cranberries during pregnancy are an essential source of vitamins, glucose, and organic acids. Many doctors consider cranberries to be one of nature's best medicines. And this is not surprising, because cranberries, in addition to a huge amount of vitamins, citric, malic and other acids, contain iodine, sodium salts, carotene, etc. Cranberries are also a powerful antioxidant. In this regard, it has more beneficial properties than, for example, apples and green tea. Cranberry preserves youth and good health for many years, and cranberry juice during pregnancy and other drinks made from this berry help increase blood cholesterol levels. But not the one that we then try to get rid of with all our might in order to avoid plaques in the blood vessels, but the one that is necessary and beneficial to the body.

Can pregnant women eat cranberries?

Cranberry is a desirable part of the menu during pregnancy due to its beneficial properties listed above. But it’s not only the richness of vitamins that makes cranberries a special berry. Many pregnant women, especially in later stages, complain of swelling. What is edema? This is excess water in the body, which is poorly excreted through the urinary tract. This causes large numbers to appear on the scales and pinch the rings on your fingers. But these are only external manifestations of edema. Sometimes you can’t notice them, but what processes are taking place inside at that moment? Of course, the woman herself has little to do with the appearance of edema. The main “culprit” here is pregnancy itself, or rather the hormone progesterone, which promotes physiological changes in the functioning of the kidneys and bladder. In addition to this, every week the baby grows and literally squeezes the mother’s internal organs, including the ureters. And it is cranberries during pregnancy that help solve many problems associated with the process of removing fluid from the body.

Doctors often recommend that pregnant women suffering from edema reduce their water intake. However, this rule does not apply to cranberry juice during pregnancy. This miraculous drink can be prepared from both fresh and frozen berries. This is very simple to do: just crush the berries with a wooden mortar, squeeze out the juice, and pour the resulting pulp with warm water (4-5 glasses). For taste, you can add a couple of spoons of honey to the finished drink. The sweet and sour taste of fruit drink is quite pleasant. It is recommended to drink cranberry juice during pregnancy instead of tea and water, and swelling will be defeated in this battle for health.

In the early stages, many mothers ask the question: “Can pregnant women eat cranberries?” It is possible, but in moderation. As a rule, in the first trimester, swelling does not yet have time to attack the body, so a pregnant woman does not need a large amount of cranberry juice. Of course, cranberries are useful during pregnancy, but they contain a lot of vitamin C, which is not always good. There is an opinion that excess ascorbic acid can tone the uterus in the early stages of pregnancy. Therefore, caution should be exercised in this matter.

What else is cranberry good for during pregnancy?

We can talk about the benefits of cranberries for a very long time. For example, we must not forget that cranberries are the strongest weapon against colds and a faithful assistant in increasing immunity. Most expectant mothers try to avoid drug shelves in pharmacies, and many antiviral drugs are completely prohibited for pregnant women. Remember that cranberries during pregnancy cope with colds no worse than tablets and syrups, so they should always be in the freezer.

Problems such as bleeding gums or stomatitis are familiar firsthand to many women expecting a baby. Cranberries will help avoid these problems in the oral cavity. You can drink fruit juice or eat fresh fruits.

Another beneficial property of cranberries during pregnancy that cannot be ignored is the normalization of the nervous system and a calming effect. It has been noticed that regular consumption of cranberries contributes to the rapid restoration of not only physical, but also moral strength. And strong nerves and calmness are very important for a pregnant woman.

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