Beautiful congratulations on the birthday of a woman. Beautiful poems for a woman happy birthday Warm congratulations on your birthday

Congratulate your beloved and dear women on their birthday by sending a free wish on a beautiful picture. You can download original postcards with poems on our website.

Animated photo of flowers, a bouquet of scarlet roses as a gift to a woman on her birthday! (Give better real ones)

Poetic wish: I sincerely wish you health, happiness, long years, and may fate give only joy, keeping your house from all troubles.

Picture with poems, gif - Happy birthday, woman 45-50 years old. Let beautiful bouquets make the holiday more beautiful, everything will be warmly warmed, on a wonderful and happy day! Kind words and gentle looks, cheerfulness and charm. And loved ones nearby, their care and attention! Let this moment fill your heart with trepidation and happiness. Life pleasantly surprises and brings only joy!

Flowers and a huge pile of money

Postcard - roses with animation

May understanding surround and bring joy to the holiday, may wishes come true and a lot of happiness awaits in life!

Picture with beautiful flowers, for a woman's birthday

Poem: Let life be formed from warm and sunny days, from kind smiles, friendly faces, the attention of relatives and friends with a bright mosaic! Let there be gifts, surprises, flowers, any dreams will become a reality!

Verse: From the bottom of our hearts we wish you that the sun played, that the birds sang serenades about love to you, and that you didn’t praise enough, you don’t need to be offended. We wish you success both in love and in the service, so that you keep respect and friendship in your families. Beauty and health to you for many years. May joy come to you, and adversity pass!

Love you, faith, hope, kindness! May everything that you want come true!

Happy birthday picture for woman - flowers

Bouquet of red roses

Let every moment delight, luck pleases, pleasantly surprises. The mood will always be wonderful and loved ones warm with love!

Happy birthday to a woman - let the mood be sunny, all events joyful, and life happy!

May the house be full of happiness, and there will be no doubt. Have a wonderful, bright, good day, your birthday!

Good luck, happiness, love and attention!

Flowers with a gift

I wish you happiness on your birthday, as big as the whole planet, I wish you to live without regret, so that everyone loves you!

I wish you to live beautifully, carelessly, joyfully, happily, easily, chic, carefree, pleasant, fabulous, at ease! I wish you bright entertainment and excellent impressions. Love, health and success, fun, cheerfulness and laughter!

A great reason to smile this morning, and in a greeting card I want to wish good, health, happiness, mood, love, spring, fun days! More money, respect, equal roads of life!

Original wish Happy birthday to a woman of 55 years

May your dreams come true and the years will not have power over you, and your life will be beautiful, like these wonderful flowers!

Happy birthday to a woman 30-40 years old

Photo of birthday flowers for a woman

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"Best birthday wishes for a woman"- one of the most popular queries in Internet search engines. Of course, you can convey the whole range of feelings to a person in your own words ... But it is much easier to download beautiful or funny, long or short “congratulations” from our website.

There are free original texts that you can dedicate to your mother or sister, girlfriend or boss, birthday greetings to a woman in prose and in verse.

As well as SMS, postcards and pictures that will come in handy on such a solemn day!

I wish on your birthday
Stopped so that the year!
And you are so young
Stayed forever!

We will all come, in twenty years
Congratulate you - both!
You are sitting, and you are seventeen,
As before you are fresh, young!

Congratulations and wish so that your life is like champagne - light, exciting, beautiful and overflowing.
I want pictures of life
Where is joy, beauty, bliss.
Let every stone on the way
The step will be to perfection.

Let the most fall at your feet beautiful flowers and the most chic fans!
After all, a woman like you deserves the best in the world!

I wish you happiness and a little sadness
I wish that friends do not forget.
So that in the middle of winter there was spring and summer,
So that there was a lot, a lot of light
And what you have planned - let it happen,
After all, it was worth being born for!

All the best for the beloved

Happy birthday to your beloved wife - this is a real song! Beautiful words, romantic poems, bright postcards and pictures, chic gifts - all these are necessary attributes of a festive day. You are like a magical, sweet dream,
I want it to last forever!
You are my angel, the keys to paradise,
Happy birthday dear!

You are not a girl, you are just a miracle!
And the whole world is at your feet.
On your birthday you are so beautiful
Like the first, spring flower!

May everything be fine with you
You are the only one in the world.
The sun is shining brightly for you
The moon is white in the sky.

Give the stars a necklace,
Write the word "I love" clouds.
And congratulations fly to heaven
To congratulate the rain from above!

This day is special for me, because on this day you were born- the one that I have been waiting for throughout my existence. Yes, yes, precisely existence, since only after meeting you did I begin to live. You are my long-awaited happiness, inspiration and my soul.

You gave me feelings that I could not even dream of before. You are the woman that fate gave me. Today I want to wish you well and good health. Do not lose your beauty and never forget that from now on you have your man who will do everything for your happiness!

Blush like a peach, slim like a birch,
Beautiful, like a delicate tea rose!
And lips are like poppies, and eyes are like the sea,
And drowning in them is not a grief at all!

I wish, dear, on your birthday
Good luck and happiness, love and luck,
I want lips to kiss me
And the little hands gently hugged me!

Today I'm especially smart
I'm clean-shaven, I look like a god
After all, it's my birthday
Beloved woman.
I couldn't look any different.
She deserves the best gift
My goddess, I am at your feet.

If you and the birthday girl are apart for the first half of it, do not forget to congratulate at least by phone or arrange your wishes in the form of a postcard. In addition, you can send beautiful SMS in verse to mentally "prepare" the lady of the heart for the evening celebration.

Remember that happy birthday greetings to your beloved woman must necessarily extol her beauty, charm and other “feminine” qualities. And short dry toasts are inappropriate in this matter!

Here's my wife!
Charming, gentle
Beauty and mind - five plus,
Stylish with great taste.
And he cooks like - trash!
I am happy to congratulate you
Happy birthday dear!
Do you know what I wish you?
Enjoy life with your husband.
And I will try.

May all your dreams come true
Let delicate flowers bloom in winter,
Let happiness walk as a faithful companion,
Let neither sadness nor sadness live in the heart.
And I wish you the very least -
Young live until old age!

Happy birthday, darling! I don’t even know who I want to congratulate more: you or myself with the fact that I have you. I wish for everyone to be the model of femininity and tenderness that you are for me. Walk on the rainbow more often, watching the world at your feet, and don't doubt my love for a minute. Congratulations!
Be beautiful like a mimosa
Smell sweet like a rose
Like a tulip in spring - bloom,
Like the sun - shine!

Bathe in happiness, joy,
Smile more beautifully.
You are my favorite!
Happy Birthday to You!

Dear, happy birthday!
You are the most precious thing in this world to me!
I can do anything to make you happy
Thank you for everything you do.

If you need to congratulate your beloved on her anniversary, look for poems in advance, learn by heart and read to the music. Make a poster with your own hands, where there will be funny pictures and short captions-wishes for them. And if you need to congratulate your beloved on her anniversary, remind her that she is always 18!

Easy relationship, easy congratulations

Happy birthday greetings to a young woman - girlfriend, classmate - should be light and fun. Funny comparisons and funny jokes in pictures addressed to your sister are only welcome! If you can’t pronounce them to your girlfriend or sister orally, you can send the text by e-mail or SMS. Always fresh like a spring day
And hot as summer heat.
And that's why your birthday
Always marked by warmth.

You are an optimist by nature.
Anyone can deal with adversity.
You've had more than enough
But you are not broken by fate.

Your soul is always open
Easy and fun with you.
You have such power,
What anyone would envy.

To you, friend, with admiration
I want to say a lot.
On the bright day of your birth
Let me have this wish:

May happiness be daily
Let love be like nectar
Let the soul remain unchanged
And the heart will be a rare gift.

I appreciate and respect you
My words are not flattery.
Praise be to the Creator who is near
You are with me, my friend.

If everything annoys around,
If you suddenly want to cry,
I will be your lifeline
Otherwise, why do you need a friend?
Happy birthday!

I don't know what to wish you... It is foolish to wish for beauty, the most beautiful girl. You do not need luck, because you can achieve everything yourself. Wish you happiness!? But what is happiness? I wish you what every person needs, what makes a person beautiful, what becomes for him the greatest luck and happiness ... I wish you to love and be infinitely loved! Happy birthday!

Thing is serious, Birthday!
Dream, circle, fly, bet...
My heartfelt congratulations.
More sweets, cakes, love!

To make your eyes shine more and more,
To blind with happiness
So that the cheeks blush with compliments,
So that not a day, then cooler annealed!

Let there be everything that is needed in life,
What is good about life:
Love, health, fidelity, friendship
And an eternally young soul.

And for greater effect, attach a photo where you are holding a chic bouquet of flowers in your hands, addressed to a friend or sister. Or use cool virtual postcards that are sure to cheer up the hero of the occasion.

Use short funny SMS for congratulations, which will definitely cheer up the girl. Comic birthday greetings to a woman are a great way to make your dear sister laugh and cheer up.

My beloved sister, I sincerely congratulate you. I want to wish you a lot of good and kind. Let your life path develop only the way you yourself want it. I wish you to be surrounded only by honest and open people. Be as beautiful and loved. I wish you not to know troubles and diseases. Sunny mood to you and more lucky days.
I wish you happiness and luck,
Solve your problems easily
Love, kindness and understanding,
Be the center of attention.

Laugh more happily...
Or at least smile!
More miracles and a little luck.
My sister, happy birthday!

Just know my dear
I am with you forever.
Happy birthday, congratulations
All problems are nonsense.

I wish to be happy
Never lose heart
And confident in life
All adversity to win.

Well, if something happens
Know that you have me.
After all, there is no one dearer,
Than a beloved sister.

Sister, happy birthday! I wish you health, joy, smiles, flowers, inspiration, optimism and good luck. May your every wish come true. Always remain as sweet, kind, attractive, charming and cheerful!

Leadership is serious!

What can be said to a friend or sister cannot be said to the boss! This golden rule must be remembered when choosing a text for a female director. Funny, funny, funny "congratulations" cannot be addressed to the boss, even if he belongs to the beautiful half of humanity.

Therefore, the leader needs to choose original, but full of solidity and respect words. Short SMS is also not the best option. However, if you still want to congratulate via SMS, select a message that is full of meaning.

We wish that all steps of your the ascents were successful, the goals were high, the victories were brilliant!
And your noble heart, may it always be warmed by love!

We wish you happiness and love,
So that all dreams and aspirations come true,
In a good mood so that you are nowhere
and never separated.

Health to you for a hundred good years,
And that's right, it's worth it!
Workers production victories,
In family life - peace and quiet!

So that always under a lucky star
Fate led you along the road,
In the house so that a full-flowing river
Life flowed calmly and peacefully.
May good luck visit your home
Bad weather bypasses
From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you well
Long life, health and happiness!

Wishes in prose are suitable for the director. In this case, you can wish the boss great success in his work, conquering new heights, financial well-being ... The boss will be pleased to hear such words!

If you need to find birthday greetings for a woman from a team, do not forget about a chic bouquet of flowers. Postcards to the head will also be appropriate - classic, with a noble expensive design. Funny pictures or cool photos in this situation will be redundant. You need to show the director how much respect you have for him.

You are an amazing woman
Sometimes, like the sky, changeable.
Still would! Roles three play:
Wife, leader, mother.

We wish you not to lose heart,
Keep the same fast pace.
Let warmth warm loved ones,
Let things be successful.

We wish you well and laughter,
And endless success.
Let dreams come true
And they will bring happiness.

Today the director will celebrate his birthday,
She is always located where the most important sector,
She bravely commands everything,
Always at the forefront of worries are waiting for important things ...

We wish you joy and easy work,
And so that he brings the delight of a worthy fruit,
And so that you strive in work to heaven,
But so that competitors do not go ahead of you.

We wish you happiness and love, family goodness,
In the soul of spring joy and eternal warmth,
Well-being, wisdom, and life without worries,
And by all means, and in everything you are big luck!

What luck in our stormy life
Work under your command.
The team to you on these birthdays
Wishing you happiness and mutual love.

Let on your life road
There will be no troubles, no worries,
May our business flourish
And let there be no grief.
And we will say to the envious in spite:
We are very lucky with you.

Dear Leader,
For us, as with the above patron!
We are a friendly team
We hasten to congratulate you!

Happy birthday!
Accept a gift from us:

Work and return to the full turn!
And wishes a pack, luck all year round!
You lead us - not with a visible hand,
And in gratitude we give you stability and peace!

How to congratulate the brother's wife?

So, we figured out what words can be addressed to the boss and girlfriend! And what if you need birthday wishes for your brother's wife? If the birthday girl is a congenial person, refer to her as a friend.

It can be short wishes in verses or pictures. However, do not forget that birthday greetings to your brother's wife completely exclude all frivolity. No SMS of personal content: only capacious, short.

Happy birthday greetings to a woman with humor are often accompanied by anecdotes that can be downloaded in large quantities from the Internet.
Humorous pictures will be useful - they can be printed or sent by e-mail.

The old legend says:
When a person is born
A star in the sky will light up
To shine on him forever.

So let it shine on you
At least a hundred years
And happiness guards your house,
And joy will always be in him.

Let everything be fine in life
Without grief and adversity
Let everything be light and clear
For many, many years to come!

Be strong and weak
Be wise and crafty
Be kind and sweet
But most importantly - HAPPY!

Congratulations! May every day be beautiful in its own way, and life full of love and happiness!
May the soul always be open to goodness,
heart is noble
appearance is beautiful
and the house is rich!

I wish you happiness - without looking back,
Work without fatigue
Health - no treatment,
And life - without grief!

I wish a beautiful woman
Love, so that without end and edge.
Surprise everyone with the radiance of the eyes,
And never be discouraged.

I wish you joy, good luck!
Doubly good health.
I wish you the biggest
great happiness on earth!

To an elderly person - with respect

There are often situations when happy birthday greetings are required for an elderly woman. You need to understand that an adult lady - especially a director - also needs “adult” texts, which can be downloaded on our website. Funny pictures in this case are optional. For respectable age -
Sea of ​​respect!
We congratulate you
Happy birthday.

Good health,
From friends of attention
And in the family of peace
You and understanding!

So that children, grandchildren
Visited more often
To about diseases
You didn't remember.

We wish you life
Long and happy
So that always and everyone
You were loved.

Happy Birthday. It is known that a woman is always 18, and anything can be indicated in her passport. That is why today's holiday is a celebration of eternal female beauty, seasoned with the wisdom of past years.
Today we congratulate you on your birthday,
We openly express our respect.
So much spiritual simplicity in you.
Years add beauty to you!

Let the love of relatives warm you,
Energy boils, does not fade away.
We wish you good health forever,
You are the best person in the world!

If we are talking about a close relative, for example, grandmother, - stop your choice on verses. A touching rhymed wish will become a manifestation of sincere feelings. And you don’t have to send it in the form of SMS: it’s better to say all the wishes, looking directly into the person’s eyes!

Why does grandma have hair like snow
Does grandma laugh the loudest?

Why does grandma have wrinkles on her face
And he will go into the forest - and carry baskets full of mushrooms?

And I'll go - as if in trouble,
I can only find one fungus!

Why does grandma have glasses on her nose
Will she tie my socks the fastest?

Either our grandmother is flying, or she is busy at the stove,
Her palms are hard, dry, like planks.

So why anyway. Tell me what's the secret?
Grandma will stroke me, softer palms No!

Dear grandmother, I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you good health, care and attention of loved ones, many bright and sunny days, good spirits and peace of mind. Be energetic, young. May everything be fine in life, and the most beloved ones are always with you!
Oh, how your bathrobe smells!
Like salad and chocolate

Smells like stuffed pike
And pickled cabbage!

It smells of dumplings and cracklings,
And Sunday gifts:

White plump marshmallow,
And sesame, and halva ...

In this native smell
Fits our whole house!

Happy birthday grandma
Let spring bloom in your soul.
Let the heart be young
And you health for years.

So that I have time, grandmother,
You have a great-grandchild.
And you helped me, dear,
Nurse and marry him.

Today the sun shines in a special way
And this is one big secret.
After all, Grandma celebrates her birthday,
There is no other like it on the planet!

I, your granddaughter, am the happiest,
Because I remember all your labors:
How at night she read long poems to me,
And in the morning you went for milk.

Dear, happy birthday!
Health, respect, kindness.
And know, grandma, the main and important:
What is most precious to me is you!

An elderly leader can be presented with commemorative postcards with an expensive gift. When it comes to congratulations on the anniversary, you should not focus on age. After all, sincere congratulations on a woman's birthday should not embarrass her and remind her of the years she has lived - no matter how many there are!

We wish you simple happiness
And the quiet joy of the earth.
Let you everyday bad weather
Always bypassed.

As always, take good care of
Beautiful features in the soul.
As before, generously give to everyone
Fire of warmth.

On your birthday I wish you live many more years in health and well-being, so that every day is filled with the love of loved ones, brings joy, smiles and pleasant moments. So that life is filled with interesting events, and you pass on the positive experience of the past years to your children and grandchildren.

Anniversaries require a special approach

By the way, “congratulations” on the anniversary is a story that deserves a separate discussion. You can say it in your own words, but it’s better to choose a chic wish - even a musical one. It is characteristic that a large number of them can be found on the Internet and downloaded for free.

Happy anniversary wishes are beautiful, original words spoken orally or inscribed on commemorative postcards. You can present such anniversary cards to women, regardless of their status. These can be texts in verse, whose touching content will reflect all the significance of the memorable date.

However, if we are talking about a sister or a close friend, kindly funny “congratulations” on the anniversary will not be superfluous. And solemn congratulations on the anniversary are suitable for the leader - it doesn’t matter, prose or poetry.

No! The woman is not to blame
When this date comes
The calendar is to blame here.
And you, contrary to all dates,
Still young at heart
Slim, graceful and light.

We won't wish you much
Your advantages cannot be counted.
So stay, for God's sake,
Always the way it is!

And age is not a problem
We will live through all the anniversaries!
After all, the main thing in life is always
So that the soul does not grow old.

You left a trail of warmth and kindness
In the hearts of the people with whom I communicated,
Everything happened along the way,
Both pain and joy met side by side.

And we are now on the day of the anniversary,
Thank you very much
Live longer without getting old
We want to see you cheerful.

We wish you not to get sick, not to lose heart,
Get more rest, sleep better.
Little by little, to argue things.
So that fate kept, it was generous to you.

We say thank you very much
For honesty, rigor and kindness.
May you live happily, beautifully
Let the anniversary fulfill your dream!

The years are running, but you are getting younger,
In the eyes, the same bright light.
Even if you do not grow old at a hundred years,
After all, in your life there is only dawn.

Blossom and good, live and laugh,
Not knowing sadness, not knowing longing.
You love on the anniversary, believe and hope
After all, the best years are ahead!

May the anniversary bring only happiness
Not a drop of sadness, not a single tear,
Mental wealth and health
We wish with all our hearts.

We wish you great joy
Happy and beautiful days
So that your life is warmed
Caring for grandchildren and children.

Thus, the most important thing to remember: a woman is always a woman! Whether you choose to congratulate your beloved, grandmother or director, pay attention to the sincerity and beauty of the texts.

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Happy birthday to you!
Smile, it suits you.
Let happiness surround you
On this holiday, pleasant troubles.

Accept congratulations, gifts.
Let your dreams come true!
Stay beautiful and bright
You are kind, sweet, kind.

Easy life, serene love,
At your work - promotion.
Be happy, successful and tender.
Congratulations on your birthday!

I wish you on your birthday
Love, smiles, kindness!
And, of course, incarnations
Your most cherished dream!

Love, bloom and smile!
Try the taste of life slowly.
Go ahead and don't give up.
And be like a rose, good!

Happy birthday congratulations!
We wish you all earthly blessings,
To be as pretty
Kind, gentle and honest,
stunning, beautiful,
The cutest and happiest
Very kind and luxurious
With life easy and uncomplicated.
Be, of course, passionate
Somewhere, in moderation, even domineering,
cheerful, successful,
The most loving and gentle!

I congratulate you on your birthday!
Be charming, dear
Always worthy of admiration
Gentle, resourceful, smart.

Swim in a sea of ​​compliments
Shine, shine and surprise!
May wonderful life be full of moments
You never lose heart!

Happy birthday, congratulations
I wish you many years!
For everything to be great
And in his pocket - a pood of cash.

Be always so beautiful
Sweet, gentle and beloved.
So that only joy surrounds
Goodness didn't run away.

I wish you two tons of happiness
And health - three tons.
So that you are always cheerful
And very proud of myself!

Dear, happy birthday!
Lots of happiness and luck
And wishes of fulfillment
And always be in the mood.

Despite all the hardships
weather changes,
Stay the most fashionable
Cheerful and upbeat.
Fill your home with comfort
Warm with your warmth.

And of course, prosperity -
Spend money recklessly.
Just to have fun
Enjoy every moment.

Happy birthday and wish you with all my heart
And health, and luck, and love to you big.
Let the admiration of men accompany you,
And for joyful smiles, let there be a hundred reasons.

Be beautiful and successful. And always be happy!
Let confidence and wisdom give days, carry years.
May flowers bloom on all your paths,
Hopes, and whims, and dreams come true!

Happy birthday dear!
Here is what I wish you:
Happiness, joy, miracles,
Inspiration to heaven.

To smile more often
She had fun and laughed.
Guiding star
To shine forever.

Let it shine in your eyes
Bright, fiery flame.
Never runs dry
Your joy flow!

happy birthday congratulations
And I wish you
Sun, joy, fun
And luck in fate.

Years are rushing by without looking back,
But don't look at them.
You're just blooming
So don't even be sad.

All your loved ones are with you -
Relatives and friends
You are appreciated, adored
Will always help.

May in your wonderful life
There will be bright flowers.
And, of course, to come true
All cherished dreams.

I want to wish you on your birthday
Smiles, joy, health and warmth.
Let sorrows bypass
Your priceless happy years.

Let the gentle sun shine more often,
So that the mood gives every day.
Looked in your window
And so that laziness takes with it.

Let there be more in your life
Beautiful, bright, like you, flowers.
And let your eyes shine longer
Shiny, bright, clean lights!

Like a Goddess, you are beautiful!
And bloom day by day!
Much, much happiness to you
Joy, love, kindness!
Have fun walking through life
Be loved, be gentle!
Cry less and laugh more
Forget about adversity!

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
Keep the youth of the heart for people.
Illuminating with your gentle gaze,
Warm the soul with the atmosphere!
What you give to people will respond,
And not sink into distant distances,
Seven times, with love will return,
And pass any sorrow!

We wish you happiness and good
We wish you a full life
We wish you joy in the morning
Until late at night.

We wish you to do everything in life
And do not grow old, but younger,
Health, vivacity to keep
And live for many, many years.

Happy birthday greetings to a lovely woman

On my birthday I want to wish
So that happiness spills like honey!
In life, everything to be on the shoulder!
To be loved forever!
So that the native voices of friends
They were distributed more often in this house!
And so that in your eternal music
There were only happiness dawns!

Happy birthday, I congratulate you
You read my congratulations
From the bottom of my heart I wish you all
In a life of happiness, kindness and love!
Life brings you joy and happiness
Let them not pass without a trace
May your beauty, your tenderness
Years will never change!

With all our hearts we wish you laughter
Fun, joy, success,
Do not get sick, do not lose heart,
Eat well, sleep soundly
Never worry
Do not get angry, do not swear
Be healthy, smile!
Let your life flow like a river
Among the rocky shores
And may they always live with you
Hope, faith and love!

Warm congratulations on your birthday

How good you are today!
The soul shines with happiness!
The hands are ticking in the clock
Laughter rings in your eyes.
Let's drink for you today!
You are our joy and destiny!
On the road you go
Through the beautiful wine rain.
Candles, stars and moon.
Never be alone
Always be in your circle
To catch on the run
sun falling beam,
The night that came out from behind the clouds
The verse I read to you
Laughter that brought us happiness.
Wisdom, youth itself!
As impregnable as winter
Sweeter than spring itself.
Summers of paint are destined
And autumn fruits!
For the princess of beauty!

Sweet, kind, gentle, glorious!
How old is not the main thing.
In life we ​​want to be the happiest
Everyone's favorite, funny, beautiful.

Happy birthday to a woman and wishes

Let it be the way you want
Let expectations not be deceived
And all the beautiful dreams
Let it become reality!

We wish you to be happy
To be a beloved woman
Keep tenderness under the heart,
Children of their love.
Years do not age loyalty
Years do not age tenderness,
May the heat of the exalted soul
Will return to you again!

They say love is not verbose
Suffer, think, bite.
It's all conditional, I think.
We are people, we are not carp.
And if you really want
To make your head spin with happiness
Speak, speak, speak
The best words!

Be very cheerful and the happiest
Beloved and tender and most beautiful,
Be the most attentive, the most attractive,
Simple, charming, unique,
And kind, and strict, and weak, and strong,
Let the troubles go out of the way into impotence.
May everything that you yourself come true come true.
Love you, faith, hope, kindness!

Congratulations and wishes to the woman

Beautiful angel pure and holy -
You are a woman - the crown of the union.
Beautiful, who's to blame?
The poet's muse revived...
cherishing all love,
What was given to us from the world,
Keeper of hearths
You have been blessed from heaven.
Know how to be beautiful for good,
For people to open their mouths
I wish you today
Big and sweet love.

Dear, happy birthday!
We want mood
Only excellent always
And health for years
Let your eyes burn with happiness
And the path leads you
Despite any interference
Only to good luck and success.

Always sad and happy
Celebrate your birthday:
Years go by irrevocably
Just keep counting them.
But time seems to flow
Nothing can hold on.
Today is your birthday
We want to wish you happiness
Good luck, joy, success,
To be healthy, not to know troubles,
Obstacles in life and obstacles
Easy and quick to remove
More laughter, less sadness -
And never be discouraged.

Sweet, gentle, bright, pure,
May this day when you were born
Happiness will smile at you radiant,
Troubles and sorrows pass the attack.
May it never, never end
Your faith in the coming of spring
May all dreams and hopes come true
Fairy tales and dreams become reality...

Happy birthday for a woman

I wish you love and affection
So that dreams come true, like in a fairy tale,
So that there is no bad weather in life,
I wish you great happiness!
Be brave, cheerful, healthy, beautiful,
In a difficult life, be the happiest!
I wish you that with eyes burning with happiness,
You met the young dawn
To the joys of meetings flying
They flew into your house more often.
So that the separations were short-lived,
So that there was a moment of sadness,
To only happy sounds
The wave carried the songs.

May this day that you meet
A happy date will enter your life,
And all the good things you dream about
Let it come true and let it come.
Let the doors open in happiness
And everything that will be lived is not in vain.
You know we believe in you
And we love you very much!

Everyone knows you sweet, gentle,
Although you can flare up.
I want to wish you
Only joy in fate.
So that not one dozen years
She brought warmth and light to others.
You take life easier.
Dream, work, have fun.

Bouquet of flowers - fragrant, fragrant,
An unexpected, wonderful gift,
And a compliment - refined, pleasant,
And the conversation is sincere, interesting ...
Smiles, beautiful sounds of music,
Exciting bright moments
And everything that can make life happier
Let this birthday give!

Happy birthday! You are wonderful
Both today and always.
Stay pretty
Be clean and young.

Let luck inspire
Let the world be at your feet
Let your loved one inspire
And God saves everywhere.

Let luck be easy
And heavy - a wallet,
To this birthday
Hundreds could repeat.

So that dreams always come true
Life's complex castles
Opened before you
Like flowers before a butterfly.

Happy birthday to you
And we wish women's happiness.
Health, joy, success,
More humor and laughter!

What else do you need to be happy?
Love, warmth and chocolate.
And your feminine beauty
Let anyone admire.

And finally, good luck to you
Good luck, long years,
In all your satisfaction -
And this is the whole secret of happiness.

Let the sun please with a smile
Let spring sing in your soul.
And let women's happiness be
Accompany you all year round.

May wishes come true
And problems will be forgotten
Good luck in your endeavors
Good change to you.

We wish you eternal beauty
Love to you and patience.
From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate
Happy birthday!

What to wish a beautiful lady -
Wife, girlfriend, mother-in-law, mother?
All the stars in the sky! All the laurels of the world!
So that the apartment is filled with happiness!

So that love does not leave
So that there were few sorrows.
Good health, prosperity,
So that life flows on a smooth road!

Let everything be always the way.
May the house be filled with joy
To live happily ever after.
Everything that was planned came true!

I wish this birthday
See wonderful moments
Get more flowers
And still be cute.

I wish you to live life like in a fairy tale,
After all, you deserve only affection.
Smiles, happiness and fun
I wish you a birthday.

I want to be loved
And for friends - irreplaceable.
And everyone was looking at you
After all, you are a beautiful star!

Be beautiful like a goddess
Proud like a princess
Be slim like a figurine
And desirable, like candy.

Be luxurious. In personal life
Be loved endlessly.
Under men's gasps
Get around the tricks of fate.

Let with a reliable companion
Everything in life will be possible.
And from friendly applause
Let your eyes sparkle.

I wish you not to be sad
Be loved and love forever.
I wish you clear days
And the cup is fuller of health.

And may luck be eternal
And fun - to the point of exhaustion.
I wish you beautiful love
Much joy lies ahead.

Our beauty, we congratulate you,
We wish you good luck, love, warmth,
We wish spring smiles and sun,
After all, our sun, of course, you!

Today let them say compliments
Let them give gifts, look - they can not be counted!
More pleasant moments in life
Thank you for being in the world!

We hasten to congratulate you on this holiday,
One of the best women in the world
May life give you happiness
Let your smile shine brighter.

Success, health and luck,
Let them follow through life side by side
Always be bright and beautiful
Such a woman is a reward!

Charming and gentle
I wish you always!
And to fly into the sky
Sadness and grief without a trace!

Flowers, champagne, sweets
Let them bring it on your birthday.
And the main ray of light
Let the sun be around.

Health, joy and luck,
Let love be given to you.
And maternal care
Let the meaning of life suddenly become!

Beautiful and irresistible
Mysterious, unique
I want immeasurable love
And reasons to be proud of yourself.

May life be bright in everything
The breeze always blows.
I wish you joy, fun and kindness,
You are like a rare and exquisite flower!

May all the minutes be happy
Tender words and smiles are full,
Life gives beautiful emotions,
And captivate the aroma of novelty!

Complements, flowers, admiration,
Fulfillment of dreams, new meetings,
Find inspiration in every day
And keep the warmth in your heart!

Be the most cheerful and the happiest
Good, and gentle, and the most beautiful
Be the most attentive, the most beloved,
Simple, charming, unique.

And kind, and strict, and weak, and strong,
Let the troubles go out of the way in impotence.
May everything that you want come true.
Love you, faith, hope, kindness!

You are so beautiful at this hour -
Dress to face, smile to face!
To the face and look of crafty eyes -
No wonder we love you so much!

Let your star burn
Star of love and inspiration
Never goes out in life
Doesn't fade even for a moment.

Take a look at the sky Where the milky way
You will see a great cluster of stars,
Take one of them and don't forget
What is your birthday today!

There is no woman more beautiful on earth
You decorate this world with yourself.
And all the flowers today are only for you,
And today I will not hide beautiful words.

You were born on this day
And the sun illuminated everything around.
I wish you many bright years
To give joy and a smile to everyone!

Congratulations again for you
From beautiful and sincere words.
We wish you a happy birthday
Fulfillment of fabulous dreams.

Fate always be your favorite
In men - the queen of hearts,
And to spite let the enemies and envious
You will have a crown of happiness!

Huge happiness, love and luck
I wish you from the bottom of my heart on your birthday.
Let there be gifts, flowers, compliments,
Let the fun moments be remembered for a long time!

I want recognition and a gentle look,
Let the music in your heart sound like a reward!
Let joy sparkle in the eyes of a wondrous light,
And the sun shines in winter, like in summer!

Today they give you all the compliments
Words of congratulations and a sea of ​​flowers.
Enthusiasm is heard in your address, sentiments,
You are surrounded by warmth and love.

May joy be with you forever
And let your happiness know no bounds.
May these moments last forever.
You are worthy of the honors of empresses!

Happy birthday, dear, bright,
The ideal of beauty, kindness,
All of you are warmed by sunlight,
Everyone misses your warmth!

We only wish you well
Near faithful, reliable people,
Be the same always cheerful,
Be in harmony with your life!

Beauty, open soul,
We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
From all sides you are a miracle, good -
There is not the slightest doubt about this.

And let it be like that for millions of days
Let love flow in your eyes
Be happier, be more cheerful
And may luck knock on your house.

Today is the birthday of the most beautiful of women.
And let fate not promise you an easy way,
On the road of life you go without losing heart.
Inaccessible to someone, well, to whom dear.

And I want to wish you sincerely now,
May joy come to your house exactly so many times,
How many smiles you gave to your relatives and friends.
Let them share everything in life with you in half.

Your holiday has come, decorating this day,
I want to say a hundred thousand warm words
About the magic of foreboding, about happiness,
What to give you in a box ready.

Let the smile of beautiful lips not leave,
I wish you luck with people
To spoil life with insane happiness,
And the sun is hot-summer heat.

The most feminine and seductive,
Gentle, affectionate, charming
I wish to be you, my dear.
You are always so beautiful!

Also I want more laughter
Joy, in all matters, success.
A million beautiful fragrant roses
So that your eyes do not know tears.

I congratulate you on a wonderful holiday -
On your birthday, you are beautiful as always!
Many words and compliments are very flattering ...
You sparkle like a star today!

I wish you spiritual joy
Lots of happiness and healthy long years!
The pleasures of life every day
And, of course, luck and victories!

May your birthday give you light
All the planets that exist around -
And in this light you will always be
For all sweet, beautiful and kind!

Let your life be like a dream
With wonderful events in it -
And every joyful plot in a dream
May it be fulfilled for 100 years!

Happy birthday! Sweet, bright
May your beauty be immortal!
I want to stay always young
Shining, bright, beautiful star!

I want to be ageless
Forget about all the shortcomings, problems,
And live, enjoying yourself and the moment,
With all my life, love and compliments!

Congratulations on your birthday!
On this day, so bright and bright,
I wish you much joy
Wishes, surprises, gifts!

Guess without a doubt what you want
Have fun, be beautiful, happy,
May all desires come true -
For you, dear birthday girl!

I want you to bloom like a rose
And always smell sweet with tenderness,
Let joyful thunderstorms feed you,
To always shine under the sun in the dew!

I wish you this birthday
Only the velvet of wonderful petals,
From happiness and delight of intoxication,
And shadows of tenderness from the caress of the clouds!

You are incredibly beautiful today
Well, as always,
You shine with bright, furious power,
Like a polar star in the sky.

On this day you were once born,
Giving the world its bright light,
Like a supernova suddenly appeared
On the celestial parade of planets.

Let adversity pass you by
Well, the house will be a full bowl,
Stay as beautiful
Happy birthday, our sun!

Like a princess - you are beautiful!
You make us happy every day!
We wish you a lot of happiness
Love, fun and kindness.

Have fun going through life
Always love and be gentle.
Take care of yourself and your loved ones
And forget about sorrows and hardships.

We all congratulate you today
And we give this little rhyme!
He's small but so funny
And this couple of lines gives joy!

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